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coz_is there a natty wallpaper already chosen?11:36
thorwilcoz_: while i have not much of a clue what happens inside canonical, that's very unlikely11:54
coz_thorwil,   ok11:55
thorwilwallpaper decisions tend to come late11:55
coz_thorwil,  I have a few old  wallpapers that until now really didnt fit with colour scheme11:55
coz_thorwil,  I also noticed that xubuntu  is not specifying palettes since apparenlty they want to change the look and feel I guess11:56
thorwilcoz_: well, you can always add them to the flickr pool11:56
coz_thorwil,  ok11:57
l3onHi all.. does someone of you know where I can find this accessibility icon? → http://pricklytech.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/ubuntu-boot-01.png11:57
thorwilcoz_: for xubuntu only if it makes regarding the "performance" theme11:57
coz_l3on,  you mean the keyboard and person in circle thingy?11:57
l3onperson in circle, yes11:58
coz_looks easy enough to make11:58
coz_let me check online11:58
l3onthank you coz_11:59
thorwilmaybe part of the ubuntu-mono dark/light theme, found in /usr/share/icons?11:59
thorwilmaybe hidden in some gdm specific place12:00
* thorwil goes for a walk12:00
coz_l3on,  looks like this icon done in greyscale    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/icon-help.svg12:03
coz_l3on,  did you want that in black and white?12:03
coz_l3on,  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/accessibility.svg12:06
l3oncoz_: thank you so much :))))12:20
coz_good day al13:33
coz_darkmatter,  I tried that thing for firefox from git for global menu but..it keeps reverting back :(16:23
coz_global menu does strange things to gnome panel here16:24
coz_darkmatter,  with global menu ,,,here at least...when I right click to move an applet on the panel...it disappears16:24
coz_darkmatter,  but if I remove global menu from the system all is right :(16:24
coz_I dont like mac like things anyway16:24
coz_darkmatter,   yeah ...global menu never worked right for me16:25
coz_darkmatter,  no biggie   :)16:25
coz_darkmatter,  however...the way the google page looked on that screenshot was very very nice :)16:26
darkmattercoz_: the only reason I use it is because I don't like menus, as odd as it sounds (using a menu to get rid of menus. lol), but there really isn't any other way to universally ditch them without coding a crapload of replacement apps ;)16:28
coz_darkmatter,  for sure and I understand16:28
coz_darkmatter,  maybe you will like   compiz/unity16:28
darkmatterprobably. as long as it's not gnome-shell. that thing is horrid (not so much the design, although I have issues with it, but performance)16:29
coz_darkmatter,  it isnt gnome shell...canonical has decided to drop mutter and replace it with compiz for 11.04  which apparenltyh is going to have the netbook inerface as default16:30
coz_darkmatter,  not gnome interface16:30
coz_darkmatter,  how did you get the "Google"   to be grey scale?16:30
darkmatterI can run vista/7 (not super grat, have to force compositing, but fairly snappy for an 'unsupported' card). gnome shell runs (pretty much literally) at approx 1000x slower xD16:31
coz_darkmatter,  I sure hope gnome-shell falls by the way side16:31
coz_it sucks so far16:31
darkmattercoz_: I know it's clutter free silly. I said its *not* the shell, which is why I'll likely accept it16:31
coz_darkmatter,  oh I imisunderstood16:32
darkmattercoz_: and the main reason it sucks is clutter. I used to go into long winded rants about clutter (long before the shell came along), but then I ran out of breath :P16:33
coz_darkmatter, :)16:33
darkmattercoz_: oh, and about the greyscale google. that's a fully customized start-page (local), it just queries google (or bing, wikipedia, whatever is selected (can be changed) for the results. it's a mod of Infinise Go16:43
darkmattercoz_: http://go.infinise.com/ click the "i" in the lower right corner, has a link to the source16:43
coz_darkmatter,  oh thanks16:44
coz_oooo nice16:44
darkmatterhover over the logo to select an engine16:44
coz_darkmatter,  ok how to change the "google" logo colour?16:44
coz_I will try to figure it out :)16:45
darkmattercoz_: look in the sources (after downloading) the ingine banners are just images ;D16:45
coz_oo cool16:45
darkmattercombo images/css. fairly straight forward to work with16:46
coz_darkmatter,  very nice :")16:46
darkmattercoz_: yup. I'm going to do something really different though (when I have the time)with some js fun. I'm going to make a start page that just isint the web that'll replace the normal menu crap on the panel \o/16:49
coz_darkmatter,  cool :)  let me know  :)16:49
darkmattercoz_: either by imbedding webkit or gecko or just using tricks to hide the browser ui for the page. but places and favs and searches etc (start of an experiment before coding actual "centers" for stuff16:51
coz_darkmatter,  sounds cool...16:52
coz_ darkmatter  I really like this google thingy... very very nice,,, I really appreciate it pointing this out to me :)  of course this is usual procedure between you and me :)17:02
darkmattercoz_: and later today I'm beginning work on the basis for it all. a neo-retro semi-minimal theme (I'm pretty sure I talked about my design ideas before) that incorporates thing I miss about old-school OS's but updated and reimagined to go with all the crazy code I'll be working on17:02
coz_darkmatter,  yes you have talked about it17:02
coz_darkmatter,   I always like your ideas17:03
coz_darkmatter,  so I am sure you will do it  and I will use it :)17:03
darkmattercoz_: like "real" window management ala beos, amiga, next, etc17:04
coz_darkmatter,  we had discussion about ...ooo may 10 months ago in #compiz about creating a new window decorator...I brought up BeOs tabbed windows with moveable tabs...othe broght up moveable title bars17:05
coz_darkmatter,  it started out well but then died off :(17:05
darkmattercoz_: one of the design influences is fictional though (well, semi fictional), lol. it's the SolarOS from Tron/Tron: Legacy :P17:05
darkmattercoz_: http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5247/5211533815_f21c117b40_b.jpg <-- take that for starters :P17:09
darkmatterthen toss in be, have shelves (ala the app level shelves in next's workspace) and other similar OS's. toss in centralized access for related activities and data (the centers I was talking about. doesn't matter where stuff is (local and online included), just matters "what" it is, etc etc. but a nice modern skinning. sudo techy, yet friendly and modern. I think you get the general idea17:13
coz_:)  yes I always understand your visuals :)17:13
coz_darkmatter,   I have to break here...family stuff...excuse me...I will be back in a bit17:14
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