
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
cprofittitnet7: or anyone else...01:18
cprofittin building a loco-testing team I think I should create an LP team for that... thoughts?01:18
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
=== Guest81825 is now known as nigelb
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osacar2007hi 12:51
osacar2007how r u ?12:51
osacar2007hi 12:52
osacar2007how r u ?12:52
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== popey_ is now known as popey
Ddorda‎good afternoon everybody :)14:44
paultagheyya Ddorda 14:44
Ddorda‎paultag: sup my man?14:44
paultagDdorda: Nada, buddy. Just at the airport, flying back home14:44
paultagI really have to go to the bathroom, but my phone's charging14:44
paultagSooo that's where I'm at14:45
Ddorda‎paultag: well, wait for the plane :P14:45
Ddorda‎is there anyone over here from the Italian LoCo?14:48
paultagDdorda: I just sent an email to one of the fur l10n guys14:49
paultagDdorda: persia is from IT14:49
paultagDdorda: but he's not in here right now, I don't think14:49
Ddorda‎Italy is awesome and i'm sorry i'm part of the Israeli LoCo and not the Italian one :(14:49
paultagDdorda: IT is great, but IL is doing great! You've done a fantastic job turning it around, and I'd not trade that for anything :)14:50
paultagDdorda: being on a big fancy team is great and all, but nothing beats running your own team. You have your own particular fingerprint on it.14:51
paultagDdorda: It may be a smaller team, but by god, it's your team, you know?14:51
Ddorda‎paultag: sure, but i miss my country. nothing about Ubuntu :P14:51
paultagDdorda: :)14:51
Ddorda‎paultag: anyway, what with our Flux users team?14:52
paultagDdorda: I love it. Start it up, I'll join14:52
paultagDdorda: got to fly, I'll BRB ( pun intended 014:52
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
kairoHi, i need some help with my Microphone Driver for the Asus eee 1005PX18:29
kairoAnyone there who can help, i tried this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules18:31
kairoBut the Mic still not work18:31
Ddorda‎paultag: ping20:05
paultagDdorda, pong22:04
Ddorda‎paultag: still here?22:38
paultagDdorda, yes22:38
Ddorda‎you're more than invited: https://launchpad.net/~fluxbox-users22:39
Ddorda‎(which means that i don't ask you, you must register it!)22:39
paultagDdorda, already done :)22:39
paultagDdorda, I had fluxbox-maintainers join it22:39
Ddorda‎paultag: awesome :)22:40
Ddorda‎oh, and 22:40
Ddorda‎now i see your msg in #fluxbox22:41
paultagDdorda, :)22:41
cjohnstonmhall119: I replied23:04
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
Ddorda‎gn people23:54

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