
=== cs278| is now known as cs278
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=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
Elefanthi all01:03
=== undifined_ is now known as UndiFineD
hwrdhey does anyone know how to "bash" the cpu of a VPS? Can i still use programs like unix bench or do those not apply becuase of the virualisation?01:36
penguin42hwrd: It still works; not very friendly to the other guys on the host01:38
hwrdpenguin42: ok, thanks -- they all know i'm going to do it, so it shouldn't be a problem.01:44
Phineasi am back at this early hour08:15
Phineassuprengr,  hello and good morning08:38
suprengrhi Phineas08:38
Phineaswelcome all09:54
Phineaswell guys i gotta go seeya tomorrow afternoon10:09
=== OffTopicGuy is now known as MichealH
diploafternoon all12:06
WelshDragonAfternoon :)12:16
* WelshDragon yelps!12:27
kaushalis https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/ searchable ?12:31
diploIt's public so can just use google ? if you are looking for something specific ?12:33
diplosite: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/ <searchterm>12:33
* suprengr feels the need for a a fried egg sarny coming on12:34
WelshDragonsuprengr, with bacon!12:36
kaushaldiplo: It did not worked for me12:37
kaushalsite: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/ openvpn12:38
kaushalis that correct ?12:38
WelshDragonkaushal, Don't put a space after the "site:" :)12:39
diploHmm seems search query first and site after12:39
* suprengr takes WelshDragon's adviced & adds bacon to taste bud - yummmm12:41
WelshDragonYummy :)12:41
switchgirljacobw: any idea how to update my ip address to be correct in terms of goe id/ip13:20
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jacobwin word..13:22
jacobwno :p13:22
=== daubers_ is now known as daubers
switchgirlomg the police charged the crowd of peaceful protestors14:11
suprengrWow! they've never done *that* before....14:11
* suprengr grins wryfully14:12
switchgirli am 22 so... no they havent14:12
suprengr[i'm 22+... so yes they have]14:13
Ngswitchgirl: the peaceful protestors who also trashed a police van and threw stuff at the police? ;)14:15
suprengr[...& they also stand in front of *real* danger and out their lives at risk]14:15
switchgirlold model plates and equipment removed - odd huh?14:15
DJones!ot | switchgirl14:16
lubotu3switchgirl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:16
switchgirlDJones:  no one talks or answers questions when i ask on topic stuff14:17
DJonesThats possibly because there's nobody around, or doesn't know the answer at that time. Please keep offtopic "stuff" away from this channel14:18
suprengrswitchgirl: need any help while you're here?14:22
=== popey_ is now known as popey
switchgirli was asking about the geo ip fail14:27
jacobwprotests in this country don't achieve anything14:27
jacobwhi popey14:27
popeylo jacobw14:27
switchgirlthe goeip sems to think i am in dundee14:27
popeyswitchgirl: thats something only your isp and the geo/ip provider can fix14:28
jacobwmy new tomtom wants to be connected to tomtom home to start the 12 month trial of tomtom live services14:30
popeyyeah, annoying isnt it?14:30
popeythey don't make a linux client, but the device itself runs linux, and the windows client uses xulrunner!14:30
jacobwi don't understand why i can't just register the serial number through the website to start the trial of the live services14:30
jacobwha :(14:31
jacobwhave you got a tomtom then popey?14:31
popeyyou need a windows pc or a vm unfortunately14:31
jacobwwill it work in a vm? that is good news :)14:31
popeyshould do14:31
jacobwi suppose if i bridge the USB connection somehow..14:32
jacobwperhaps i should write my findings up on the ubuntu wiki to help similarly challenged people :)14:32
suprengrAnyone using the GetDeb repoisitory? Is it a 'safe' thing to do? I may want to upgrade Pidgin to clear msn certificate error (so need 2.7.7).  Using 10.04 and currently trying a fix recommended on WebUpd8 / GetDeb first.14:33
popeyi personally dont trust how-tos on webupd814:37
suprengrooops!  ;)14:44
kaushalsuprengr: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/14:45
suprengrpopey: thanks for that... you might just have saved me big pile of whotsiits!14:45
suprengrkaushal: just checking it now14:46
suprengrt'internet conxn playing up {at limit of distance from 'borrowed' router] -  reboot cures - back soon...14:53
ubuntuuk-planet[Martin Meredith] New VPS & Shameless Plug - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SourceGuru/~3/26403tDNsU0/15:23
jacobwits snowing heavily in Leeds now :)15:38
shaunoI did the same thing with bitfolk .. really is a handy process15:38
suprengrjacobw: Sunday at 07:00 GMT: clear sky. -11°C (12°F) and on turning on the cold tap the water went green!  hmm...15:39
suprengr..but no snow ;)15:39
shaunonot looking forward to walking home .. we've had a sub-zero mist all day.  looks pretty, freezes as soon as it hits you.  ick.15:41
suprengrshauno: wrap up warm, find somewhere warm & comforting on the way... a pub15:43
shaunoI just make sure to bring a scarf with me.  pub isn't much of a refuge; still got a scar from when last time I popped in to see what the local was like15:44
domjohnsonHi - I accidentally removed a few things from the top panel - the volume control and also the system tray - how do I get them back?15:50
jacobwright click -> add to panel -> volume control / notification area15:51
heeedor try indicator applet  for the volume control....strange name to have15:52
domjohnsonThanks :)15:53
JLove_Hi, I'm having trouble acccessing ##java, can anybody help (xchat)16:20
DJonesJLove_: WEha16:25
DJonesWhat error message do you get?16:25
czajkowskidanfish: watch the rugby did you :D16:25
dogmatic69hi all, im looking for a way to do chroot for my server, any one know of some links for this?16:49
lubotu3debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information17:05
penguin42debootstrap is wonderful17:06
dogmatic69jpds: thanks, is that the type of thing resellers do?17:11
dogmatic69for hosting17:12
jpdsdogmatic69: Not sure, sorry.17:12
AlanBelldogmatic69: what is your server serving?17:13
AlanBelldo you want to run an application like apache in a chroot or do you want to do virtual machines?17:14
dogmatic69AlanBell: i would like to set it up so that each "vhost" has a user, that can only access that area of the server, atm if someone has access they have access to pretty much everything17:17
dogmatic69ubuntu10.10 x64 on slicehost is what i have17:18
AlanBelldogmatic69: http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=22917:22
dogmatic69AlanBell: cool, thanks that looks good17:23
dogmatic69should i be making apache run as that user.. eg 'joe' or is www-data fine?17:24
dogmatic69because if the php scripts create stuff running as www-data joe will not be able to delete/view/edit them17:24
AlanBellan interesting question17:25
AlanBellpersonally I am a bit alergic to having multiple customers on the same VM17:25
dogmatic69well its only my stuff17:26
dogmatic69its just that i have opensource apps that im busy with and need to make it a bit more secure, eg: one of the apps has a filemanager and it was possible to view /17:27
AlanBellah, I see17:28
dogmatic69having that running as a demo on the site is a problem17:28
AlanBellin that case I think you need to run the app itself in a chroot, or apache in a chroot17:28
dogmatic69cool, im pretty new to linux so i dont know if im thinking the correct way17:28
dogmatic69so no need for the chroot users, just the app17:29
dogmatic69ok cool, ill see what google can dig up17:41
dogmatic69AlanBell: im thinking that this should be something in the vhost setup? its hard finding this stuff as google just gives links to people selling hosting17:48
Azelphurhttp://www.linux.fm/ rofl :D17:49
AzelphurIt reads you the source code for a random file from the kernel, haha17:50
penguin42hmm - it should do something better than reading asterisk asterisk17:51
penguin42switch to a different voice for comments or something17:51
WelshDragondogmatic69, you'll still want to chroot the user. Also have a google for suEXEC about running PHP (or any other CGI apps) as the user. Wish i could offer more help but it's been a fair few years since i've ran a webserver. Memory is rusty :(18:01
dogmatic69WelshDragon: thanks, i think im slowly getting there18:01
dogmatic69at least yours is rusty, mines non-existent :P18:02
dogmatic69im used to windows and reseller accounts. only been using ubuntu for 3 months or so18:02
mgdmI believe the current 'state of the art' for PHP is mod_fastcgi, PHP with FPM, and mod_suexec18:03
mgdmif you're on apache, that is. I don't know the details though, I've not set it up - there are howtos though18:03
dogmatic69ye, running apache18:03
dogmatic69i will look into this18:03
dogmatic69im going to start with ip-tables18:03
dogmatic69server has been going 3 days and there is already a million attempted logins :/18:04
jpdsdogmatic69: You have locked it down to just SSH key based logins right?18:14
dogmatic69jpds: im not sure, followed some tutorials on slicehost when i joined18:15
dogmatic69how can i check?18:15
jpdsdogmatic69: ssh -v $YOURSERVER18:15
jpdsAnd look for a line like: debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey18:16
dogmatic69 can anyone run that command?18:17
dogmatic69like i can ssh -v random ip address?18:17
dogmatic69is that info not a little bit telling18:18
dogmatic69debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password18:18
dogmatic69so that is a #fail18:18
jpdsdogmatic69: Security by obsurity isn't the answer. :)18:19
jpdsdogmatic69: /etc/ssh/sshd_config → PasswordAuthentication no - if you want to disable passwords.18:19
dogmatic69so i set up the ssh stuff but i dont think it works18:20
dogmatic69i made a alias on my local, like slice = 'user@server' or something and it asks for the pw18:20
dogmatic69i copied something, i think it was .ssh/id_rsa.pub to the server18:22
dogmatic69this tutorial -> http://articles.slicehost.com/2010/10/18/ubuntu-maverick-setup-part-118:23
dogmatic69how do i login with no password?18:59
dogmatic69ive added the .pub file to the server and it still asks for a pw18:59
danfishdogmatic69: you didn't set a password when you generated a keypair right?19:03
dogmatic69danfish: i believe i did19:04
danfishfrom the client, the easiest way to put the key on the server is with ssh-copy-id username@remoteserver19:04
dogmatic69i did scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub demo@
dogmatic69with the correct user/ip19:05
dogmatic69then moved it to ~me/.ssh/authorized_keys19:05
dogmatic69chown -R demo:demo ~demo/.ssh19:05
dogmatic69chmod 700 ~demo/.ssh19:06
dogmatic69chmod 600 ~demo/.ssh/authorized_keys19:06
dogmatic69where demo is my user19:06
danfishhmm - should work. I would probably 'start again' and 1) regenerate a passwordless local key pair 2) delete the authorized_keys file remotely and 3) ssh-copy-id username@remoteserver19:08
dogmatic69why pwless19:08
dogmatic69i like pw's besides local will remember it so its not needed all the time19:09
danfishI thought you wanted passwordless login?19:09
dogmatic69i want the public key login stuff19:09
dogmatic69so this sshd_config should have PasswordAuthentication no19:10
dogmatic69which i changed now, but still says Authentications that can continue: publickey,password and asks for a pw to log in19:10
dogmatic69do you have to restart something after changing /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:11
dogmatic69ah found it /etc/init.d/ssh reload19:12
dogmatic69now it says Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key19:12
nucc1_can one use postfix as an smtp server for one domain, and as a secondary forwarding mail server for a second domain on a single machine?20:02
mgdmnucc1_: yeah20:06
nucc1_mgdm, ok, i'll try to find out how that is done.20:06
* daubers dislikes writing documentation20:10
WelshDragonWriting documentation soothes the soul20:10
=== denny_ is now known as denny
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
dogmatic69ok i have finally got ssh login working, but it does not like my .pub key20:27
dogmatic69server is saying Permission denied (publickey).20:27
daubersdogmatic69: Try and login with ssh -vv to get a more detailed explaination20:29
mgdmusually it means the permissions on /home/user/.ssh or /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys are too permissive20:31
dogmatic69mgdm: what should they be?20:31
dogmatic69its chown'ed to the user login in20:32
dogmatic69and 700 chmod on .ssh20:32
dogmatic69600 on .ssh/authorized_keys20:32
mgdmthat should be correct20:33
mgdmit's often that; not always, though20:34
dogmatic69i used my .pub file that i use on github20:34
dogmatic69is that ok?20:34
daubersBlasted OOo20:46
AlanBelldaubers: my eldest learned today the importance of save early, save often20:48
daubersHah, hooray for unofficial mirrors20:48
daubersAlanBell: Apparently OOo doesn't work with the latest JRE for OSX, and they've taken down the RC that fixes it20:48
AlanBelldid they do that for a good reason? i.e. does the unofficial mirror version you are looking to install actually kill kittens?20:50
daubersAlanBell:No, the new RC is out shortly20:50
daubersDid you manage to recover his document?20:50
AlanBellhers, but no20:50
daubersAh. not in the backup folder?20:50
daubersOr is backup not on?20:50
AlanBellshe now knows what "discard changes" means20:51
daubers(I only discovered that OOo _can_ automatically backup the other day)20:51
dogmatic69danfish: thanks for the ssh-copy-id that worked20:54
daubersAlanBell: How goes wooshy whizzy GL slideshows?21:00
AlanBellnot done much with it yet daubers21:02
daubersAh. I have an out of date copy of the OpenGL Redbook somewhere..... probably useless by now21:03
daubersOnly thing I did with it was make a 3D solar system with teapots instead of planets21:03
* dutchie will remember to ask daubers for it if he ever ends up in a teapot universe21:05
=== Richie_ is now known as WelshDragon
AlanBellfirst task is to change the red ball into a bitmap of some description21:06
AlanBelltext would appear to be quite a lot harder than I would have expected21:06
dutchieis there not a higher level wrapper?21:07
mgdmthere are a few21:07
AlanBellFTGL seems to be the most appropriate21:08
AlanBellbut the python wrappers for that are not packaged21:08
ali1234opengl slideshow you say? i've coded many of those...21:09
ali1234doing text in opengl is tricky, there is no real font support built in21:10
mgdmlast time I looked it involved FreeType and pain21:11
ali1234i like to use webkit to render to a texture, then display that21:11
mgdmand most of my interactions with FreeType have had pain21:11
ali1234but uploading the texture can be slow21:11
AlanBellhttp://prezi.com/laeej1m7xjji/overview-zoomy-presentation-stuff-with-opengl/ this too21:12
ali1234spec is somewhat vague...21:17
AlanBellit is21:17
AlanBellbut only because I don't know what I am doing21:17
ali1234when i need to do something like this i just take out my basic framework and code up the specifics each time21:18
ali1234because coding an app and a gui to make it would take forever21:18
AlanBellwhat framework?21:20
ali1234well the latest version is Qt based21:20
ali1234it displays a series of html snippets over an animated opengl backdrop, with fading21:20
ali1234the snippets are in a SQL database but the animation is hard coded because it's just easier21:21
gordif you want to do text on opengl, honestly, use clutter. its text rendering is very good21:26
gordbasically does it as well as you should do it21:26
AlanBellisn't clutter the toolkit that ran out of steam for unity?21:33
gordsure, but we do crazy things. unity pushes a lot of boundries and stuff starts breaking when you push those boundries. that does not mean that clutter is a bad toolkit though, its pretty great21:35
gordit just doesn't suit the needs of unity21:36
* TheOpenSourcerer has just been more cunning than the fox at mozilla...21:45
dogmatic69how do i tell what network interface is being used on the server?21:51
BigRedS__dogmatic69: what do you mean? is only one of them plugged in and you're wondering what that's called?22:17
BigRedS__ifconfig will show all configured interfaces, ones with 'RUNNING' in the summary have a link up22:17
dogmatic69BigRedS__: its cool, figured it out. just reading some stuff and it said make sure about the eth022:18
dogmatic69adding rules to iptables22:18
* AlanBell plays with some cunningness TheOpenSourcerer made22:19
mgdmIf I want an ffmpeg that can encode MP3s, do I need to compile it myself?22:23
* AlanBell declares TheOpenSourcerer to be more cunning than a fox who is professor of cunning at Oxford university22:23
lubotu3For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar22:24
* bigcalm tapes a slug to AlanBell's upper lip22:24
AlanBellI think you can record to mp322:24
=== nucc1_ is now known as nucc1
* TheOpenSourcerer decides, with that compliment from AlanBell, to retire before the cunningness gets too much.22:25
mgdmSound Juicer is irrelevant, it uses gstreamer22:25
TheOpenSourcerermgdm: I have never had to compile one.22:25
AlanBellmgdm: yeah I was just getting to the links22:25
TheOpenSourcererI think it's in the ugly or really ugly package.22:26
AlanBelllooks like liblame is the mp3 encoding method in the documentation22:26
TheOpenSourcerer"I have never had to compile one." that's not quite true, but not on Ubuntu you understand.22:27
AlanBelland it looks like your options are uninstall ffmpeg and reinstall from medibuntu or compile it22:27
mgdmhow inconvenient22:28
AlanBellsilly Americans and their patent system22:28
mgdms/Americans and their/22:28
TheOpenSourcerer"Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and decoding, support for various other audio formats (GStreamer plug-ins), Microsoft fonts, Java runtime environment, Flash plug-in, LAME (to create compressed audio files), and DVD playback."22:29
mgdmaye, still won't replace ffmpeg though22:33
mgdmI got around it via lame, though :)22:33
TheOpenSourcererlame works fine. But of course just for learning and experimentation ;-)22:33
bigcalmI was going to say. Why not just use lame22:33
mgdmbigcalm: because if ffmpeg worked, I could do the entire transcode thing in one shot, rather than having to use intermediate files22:34
bigcalmFair enough22:34
bigcalmYou may continue22:35
mgdmI will recompile it later, just can't be bothered right now22:35
bigcalmSounds like you need a minecraft break22:36
mgdmI don't have minecraft, and only barely know what it is22:37
bigcalmYou should chat with popey ;)22:37
mgdmit's a game, I doubt I'll be interested22:37
nucc1erm, wrong channel.23:16
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] Barcamp Southampton - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2010/11/28/barcamp-southampton/23:24

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