
RAOFsmspillaz: Ping, re your -intel driver problems.03:58
ubot5Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/04:00
smspillazRAOF: pong04:06
RAOFsmspillaz: Just pinging again to check whether (a) your drivers are still broken, and (b) when you'd like to debug this.  Pre alpha-1 would be nice for me :)04:07
smspillazRAOF: let me update and check04:07
smspillazcompletely unrelated but do you know if there was a recent update that broke GIO?04:10
smspillazI'm getting these weird stack smashing bugs when using g_file_new_for_path04:11
RAOFHm, no I was not aware of that.04:18
RAOFIf we're trading bugs, do you know that compiz crashes when you enable or disable plugins? :)04:19
* RAOF is currently rebuilding unity to grab debugging symbols for the backtrace.04:19
smspillazRAOF: is this with unityshell enabled?04:20
smspillazRAOF: maybe unityshell is doing something stupid in it's destructor04:21
RAOFWhy would unityshell's destructor be called to enable an unrelated plugin?04:21
smspillazif a plugin wants to load before another, the entire plugin stack of plugins that need to load after that plugin need to be popped (So that we can handle WRAP/UNWRAP chains without asploding)04:21
RAOFOh, wow.  Fair enough.04:22
smspillazand unityshell has to load last in order to get the paint order stuff right04:22
RAOFHeh.  Such as painting over the cursor when ezoom is active!04:22
smspillazI'm going to fix that at some point really04:22
smspillazwell really, the thing is that unityshell just goes ahead and reset the entire opengl context, paints, and then restores it04:23
smspillazso naturally it wants to go on top of everything04:23
smspillazmaybe we should make ezoom load after unityshell04:23
RAOFI suspect you could also poke cnd; he's tasked at evaluating whether the input-redirection are worth pushing to Natty & upstream.04:23
smspillazeh, not at this point04:23
RAOFOf course, he's *also* tasked with making X's input stack work, so he might be a bit busy :)04:24
smspillazit's more of a wishlist thing, but the compiz stuff needs to be written properly04:24
smspillazRAOF: IMO if/when we start looking at wayland in about a year (did you know that kwin is already half ported to it?) we'll get input redirection for free there and it will be much less of a hack04:24
RAOFDo we actually get input redirection for free there?  I genuinely don't know; I thought wayland's input handling was one of the more WIP places.04:25
smspillazRAOF: compositor and server are the same thing, so we get all the input events before they got to clients04:26
RAOFAh.  Making that a whole lot easier.04:26
smspillazRAOF: indeed. the input redirection patches right now involve a lot of roundtrips with a lot of bandwidth04:26
RAOFYes, that's why IR was hard!04:26
smspillazRAOF: it's like, for every paint, you need to do a round-trip and send XComposite all of your transformation maps04:27
smspillazit well it was either one round trip per event (eg XeVIE which died very quickly) or one round trip per paint04:27
RAOFUrgh.  For every paint?  Ow.04:27
smspillazI guess you could cache input maps and only send changed ones04:27
smspillazone round trip per event is still more expensive though04:28
smspillazRAOF: I actually had input redirection working on my old install - it wasn't really *that* expensive04:28
smspillazstill more expensive than it would ever be with wayland04:29
smspillazthen again, we have round trips for all kinds of stupid things04:29
smspillazlike ConfigureRequest! (shudder)04:30
RAOFYeah.  X is totally awesome at network transparency :)04:30
RAOFAnyway, how's your graphics now?04:31
TheMusosmspillaz: If ezoom loaded after unityshell, would that solve the problem of the launcher and top panel not being included in the magnified image on screen, i.e you can't zoom in on the panel/launcher?04:31
smspillazthis netbook is SLOW04:31
chainsLOL did someone just say X is totally awesome at something and not mean it sarcastically?04:31
smspillazTheMuso: no it wouldn't04:32
TheMusoOh ok.04:32
smspillazTheMuso: the problem is that we reset the entire ogl context, then paint all of our nux widgets and then restore it04:33
RAOFchains: No, that was sarcasm.  X loves roundtrips, which makes network latency fun!04:35
smspillazthe envthe nvidia driver love being fantastically awful ?04:38
smspillaz*why does the04:39
* smspillaz growls04:39
TheMusoIts nvidia wanting to make less work for themselves by using the one binary blob for all *nix probably...04:40
smspillazTheMuso: actually it's the same code across windows, osx and linux04:40
smspillazyeeehaw another kernel oops04:40
TheMusoOh wow ok.04:40
smspillazand another one04:40
* smspillaz reboots before everything asplode04:41
* TheMuso is glad he switched to a card with open drivers for this cycle.04:41
TheMusoAlthough that won't help my laptop for the Dallas sprint.04:41
RAOFThere's always nouveau :). It might even have power management support by then.04:45
TheMusoBut that won't help with 3D...04:46
TheMusoOr will it?04:46
TheMusoI.e without me having to isntalle xtra bits.04:46
RAOFWell, you'll be able to install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental, and expect it to work.04:46
* smspillaz has nouveau running on arch, but uses nvidia on his ubuntu install04:47
TheMusoRAOF: Hrm ok that will be interesting.04:48
smspillazRAOF: I assume this means that holding my laptop will also not give me third degree burns?04:49
RAOFYou can do it on Maverick, too.  The main problem is lack of power management.04:49
RAOFsmspillaz: Once natty switches to 2.6.38, yeah.  As long as the power-management patches make it into 2.6.38, of course.  That seems a reasonable bet, though.04:49
smspillazRAOF: :p04:53
TheMusoHow much testing has sed aptches had so far?04:55
RAOFLots of testing on the developers' machine.04:58
RAOFNot so much elsewhere, as far as I can tell.04:58
RAOFMmm, debugging compiz from the same machine.  Yay!05:00
smspillazRAOF: did you get that bt?05:05
smspillazcan I haz it?05:07
smspillaz(ugh this glib bug is a stack smash, NOT FUN)05:07
RAOFbug #68255005:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 682550 in unity (Ubuntu) "Compiz crashes when enabling or disabling a plugin in ccsm (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68255005:07
smspillazoh wtf, this happens when the unityshell plugin is reloaded05:10
smspillazeg in the constructor05:10
smspillazRAOF: there's no line numbers in that bt :( could you build from source or add the -dbgsym packages?05:11
smspillazwell, no line numbers where I am interested anyways05:11
RAOFRight, in libunityshell.05:11
RAOFI think that's because cmake isn't actually generating debugging information; that was an unstripped build.05:12
smspillazRAOF: did you build in Debug or Release mode?05:12
* RAOF throws faeces at the wall of cmake05:12
RAOFWhy is there a Debug mode?!05:12
smspillazThere is Debug and Release mode?05:13
smspillazit's basically just a string you can specify which automatically passes the right options to gcc05:13
smspillazbut you can specify them too manually05:13
smspillazhit 't' in ccmake and you can see all the flags05:14
RAOFI mean, why isn't it always built with debugging symbols?05:14
smspillazit should be05:14
smspillazmaybe someone changed the cmake file so that it wasn't *shrug*05:14
smspillazalso this gio bug is a massive wtf05:14
smspillazg_file_new_for_path ("/home/unity/foo"); == stack smash05:14
smspillazARGH wth!05:16
smspillazlike anywhere I use that function I get a stack smash05:16
* smspillaz adds this to the incredibly long list of reasons he hates glib05:16
* smspillaz hurls a brick at gnome05:18
smspillazsomeone mark this blocker for A105:24
smspillazunless I'm using glib completely incorrectly05:25
smspillazint main (void)05:25
smspillaz{ GFile *file = g_file_new_for_path ("/home/unity/Downloads");05:25
smspillazreturn -1;05:25
smspillazTHAT should not segfault05:25
RAOFDon't you need to do the various glib init dances?05:28
smspillazI might need to05:29
smspillazthat's what I was thinking of05:29
* smspillaz shoots the person whoever's idea it was to try and do OO in C05:29
smspillazthis is just _bizzare_ since it worked perfectly beforehand05:29
RAOFI'd suspect that might be trying to call a lock function that hasn't yet been initialised by g_thread_init() ?05:29
smspillazit was doing something weird05:30
smspillazlike a jump to non code location05:30
RAOFThat could be it.05:30
smspillazyeah that gets me past that crash at least05:35
smspillazargh I still hate this05:35
RAOFOk.  I pointed you at g_thread_init, could you point me at how to get damn debugging symbols out of cmake?05:37
smspillazRAOF: ccmake, press "t" and in CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_FLAGS (or whatever it is) make sure that "-g" is in every single one05:38
RAOFHm.  What, if anything, calls CMAKE_STRIP?05:38
smspillazmaybe there is something in the cmakelists.txt ?05:39
smspillazit shouldn't do that though05:39
RAOFHm.  Grep comes up silent.05:40
smspillazRAOF: did you try adding "-g" to everything?05:41
RAOFJust trying again.05:42
bratschesmspillaz: What's the problem with g_file_new_for_path?05:44
bratscheIt works for me.05:44
smspillazbratsche: it was dying on a jump to non code location, but that was due to us somewhere along the line not calling g_type_init ()05:44
bratscheYeah, you need to call g_type_init()05:45
* bratsche fears that code which is jumping around the init fu05:46
smspillazI wonder who had the idea of writing an object system in C05:46
smspillaznow we all have to deal with it05:46
bratscheWell, I think we didn't have good C++ compilers back when the idea first came up. :)05:48
* smspillaz figured05:48
bratscheAnd C++ kind of blows anyway.  Although so does an object system in C.05:48
RAOFModern C++ is actually quite new.05:48
RAOFYounger than gobject :)05:48
bratscheAnd gobject isn't really where the C object system started.  Before that was the original GtkObject, which wasn't as advanced but was basically still an OO system in C.05:56
bratscheAnd I'm sure there were things before that.05:56
RAOFAnd C++ *still* has ABI problems.05:57
bratscheC++ is a horrible language.  I'm amazed that any new project would choose it.05:57
bratscheExcept for a Qt-based app.  It would choose C++ simply because Qt is a good toolkit, and that makes sense.05:58
bratscheI kind of liked C++ for a couple years when I was using it.  But I got over it. :)05:58
RAOFThere's a lot of fun stuff :)05:59
RAOFIncidentally, why can't you build unity in the source directory?06:10
TheMusoThats a cmake thing afaik...06:11
=== kvalo_ is now known as kvalo
RAOFsmspillaz: bug #682550 updated.  You're looking for /home/chris/Temp/unity-3.2.0/src/unity.cpp:35206:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 682550 in unity (Ubuntu) "Compiz crashes when enabling or disabling a plugin in ccsm (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68255006:32
hyperairsmspillaz: you could try using glibmm properly.06:35
RAOFHeh.  libunityshell.so probably doesn't need -Wl,-rpath,:::::::::::::::06:38
hyperairsmspillaz: did you remember to call g_type_init()?06:41
hyperairhttp://paste.debian.net/101001/ <-- this works fine, but if you didn't do g_type_init, it segfaults06:42
RAOFYeah, that got resolved with a quick g_type_init06:42
smspillazRAOF: ok07:10
RAOFAlso, I think I've fixed the unity build to actually generate debug symbols!  Woot!07:11
RAOFUnity's not maintained in bzr at all?07:25
smspillazRAOF: lp:unity ?07:25
RAOFThat's not the packaging though, is it?07:26
smspillazit's the source07:26
smspillaznot sure where the packaging happens07:26
RAOFWell, I want to commit or propose a merge for the packaging, so that other people can just apt-get instal unity-dbgsym rather than futz around with cmake and local builds.07:27
smspillaztalk to didrocks about it07:27
RAOFdidrocks will be here soon, so I can prod him.07:27
RAOFHeh.  Yeah.07:27
smspillazyeah I need to poke him too07:27
smspillazre my transition patch which doesn't crash07:27
RAOFOh, yeah.  One of the python transitions things seems to be backtracing.  I should file that :)07:28
smspillazI just fixed it now07:28
smspillazthat was the whole g_type_init () fail07:29
smspillazI was only doing testing using ccsm (since ccsm uses lcc) except that I forgot that ccsm will call g_type_init () implicitly (eg gtk.main ());07:30
RAOFAh, well.  I'm talking about a different bug then.07:31
smspillazit's probably the same one07:32
RAOFThis looks like a python traceback07:32
smspillazoh right07:32
smspillazthat's probably because ccsm uses some deprecated gtk fun somewhere07:32
RAOFI don't think so.07:34
smspillazwhat it actually crashes?07:35
smspillazoh that's didrocks fault07:35
smspillazRAOF: also I hate my life because he got to write his transition module in python and due to gconfengine not having working pythong bindings I had to write it in C++ :(07:36
RAOFOooh, harsh.07:36
RAOFHow does gconfengine not have working python bindings?07:36
smspillazyeah, now 1000 lines longer!07:36
smspillazRAOF: I printed the object info in python and it has like one method07:37
smspillazwhich tracebacks when you call it07:37
smspillazIt's just like *facepalm*07:37
RAOFThat certainly *sounds* like not working bindings :)07:37
smspillazwhatever. it forced me to learn stuff so at least it was a good use of my time07:40
smspillazlike I had to learn GIO because someone decided that they hated boost and moved most of it to universe07:41
RAOFHm.  You skillfully diverted me on to unity bugs.  What about your intel graphics? :)07:45
RAOFYo yo didrocks!07:47
didrockshey RAOF!07:47
RAOFGood weekend?07:48
didrocksyeah, very resting with a lot of snow here :) you?07:48
RAOFHad a board game day and a fine breakfast with my brother.07:49
RAOFAnd it's been plesantly mild.07:49
didrocksnice :)07:49
smspillazdidrocks: hi08:11
smspillazdidrocks: I've fixed that crash that some people were having, just going to mail the updated transition stuff to you now08:11
didrockssmspillaz: hey. oh nice! what was the cause?08:12
kamstrupsmspillaz, didrocks, kvalo: morning08:12
smspillazsometimes g_type_init wasn't called08:12
didrocksdid the metadata was enough for you to debug?08:12
didrockshum, and glib doesn't like that at all :p08:12
didrocksgood morning kamstrup!08:12
didrockskamstrup: completly fine after a week-end?08:13
kamstrupdidrocks: more or less... we celebrated my daughters 5 year birthday all weekend, so it's nice with a "break" from it :-)08:13
kvalokamstrup: good monday morning :)08:13
kamstrupdidrocks: how about you?08:13
kvalokamstrup: daddy having hangover from all that sugar? ;)08:14
didrockskamstrup: very nice week-end there, still a lot of snow (and still snowing :))08:14
kvalodidrocks: nice!08:14
didrockshey kvalo, how are you?08:14
kamstrupdidrocks: here too08:14
kvalodidrocks: I'm good, thanks. a bit chilly though,  car showed -25 C!08:15
didrockskvalo: ok, so having -2 C here is like the tropic for you :)08:15
kvalodidrocks: when can I move? ;)08:15
didrockskvalo: hehe :-)08:16
kvalodidrocks: how are you?08:16
didrockskvalo: I'm fine thanks, ready for an "alpha week" :)08:17
kvalobusy week then08:17
RAOFdidrocks: Thinking of alpha week, can I point you at bug #682574 - it'd be nice to have debugging symbols available :)08:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 682574 in unity (Ubuntu) "Doesn't build with debugging information (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68257408:18
didrocksyeah, but now that unity is the default, it should be smoother ;)08:18
RAOF(There's a debdiff attached there)08:18
didrocksRAOF: hum, RelWithDbgSym != Release then?08:20
* didrocks still hates cmake :)08:20
RAOFRelease == no -g flag.08:20
didrocksok, then, I think that the fix should be in Compiz CMake rather08:20
didrocks-> should set the flag to RelWithDbgSym08:20
didrocks(as I guess, we have the same issue with compiz plugins)08:21
smspillazdidrocks: wouldn't you want package to have no debug syms?08:21
RAOFWe do indeed.08:21
RAOFsmspillaz: No, we automatically strip the debug syms out into a separate -dbgsym package08:21
didrockssmspillaz: well, in fact, there are stripped when built08:21
smspillazyeah, but building them in the first place makes no sense08:21
smspillazI suppose08:22
RAOFsmspillaz: So normal people get unity, and people (or, say, the apport retracer) get to install the -dbgsym package and have debug symbols.08:22
didrocksdepends as -DCOMPIZ_PLUGIN_INSTALL_TYPE=package is for packages and not release, I would have thought it complies with packaging requirements :)08:22
didrocksRAOF: yeah, I've already done the dbgsym discussion last Saturday :)08:22
didrocksRAOF: RelWithDebInfo -> -O2 & -g, right?08:23
RAOFdidrocks: Yes.08:24
RAOFThat's what it defaults to, at least.08:24
didrocksRAOF: ok, at least, I'll have a look at the compiz CMake files to make the package flags doing that08:24
didrocksas I don't want for every compiz package that we need to do it :)08:24
RAOFdidrocks: That's a better idea than mine.  I see you're more familiar with CMake :)08:24
didrocksRAOF: *hem*hem*, I was ***forced*** to :)08:24
* RAOF just wanted to get some debug symbols to throw at smspillaz 08:25
dbarthRAOF: hi Chris08:26
dbarthi just wanted to mention that i've had my first call with victorp last week08:27
dbarthto plan for you guys getting access to the unity test results we want to get from their HW lab08:27
dbarthie, I did not forget, it's just taking some time08:27
didrocksRAOF: confirmed, patching the cmake file is working wonderfully well :) you'll soon be able to spam sam :)08:34
MacSlowhey everybody08:34
didrockshey MacSlow08:34
MacSlowsalut didrocks :)08:35
MacSlowhey jo08:35
RAOFdbarth: Thanks.  We'll also get access to the test-suite itself, to run locally, right?08:42
didrocksRAOF: reporting compiz bugs against unity? :)08:45
didrocksdbarth: can you answer on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/682499 ? I'm not quite sure what to tell about "non default" plugins + unity08:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 682499 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity (and Compiz with it) won't start with Desktop Cube enabled (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]08:46
dbarthRAOF: yes (sorry was interrupted), that's still the plan08:47
dbarthdidrocks: on it08:48
didrocksthanks :)08:48
RAOFdidrocks: Oh, um... yes.  Whoops :)09:00
didrocksRAOF: can you kindly retarget? :p09:01
didrocksin any case, the apport scripts are the same, no worry :)09:01
RAOFBut of courset.09:01
dbarthdidrocks: so i've asked for a core, because i'm testing the plugin here, and it doesn't crash09:04
didrocksdbarth: oh, you're a cube user? :)09:04
dbartheven if we don't want to be compatible with all of them, we shouldn't crash09:04
dbarthnah, just tested when jcastro was mentioning the old panel was still there on the cube09:05
didrocksok :)09:05
smspillazdidrocks: could you make a distro patch to remove the glib plugin from core too?09:12
smspillazdidrocks: also patches mailed09:12
didrockssmspillaz: right, doing the same in one upload09:13
didrockssmspillaz: thanks :)09:13
didrocksand then, rebuild every plugins to get debug info09:13
didrockshum, can someone on natty (with latest unity) can just try to launch:09:15
didrocksgsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorite-migration09:15
htorque(if unity 3.2.0-0ubuntu3 is the latest one)09:17
htorquedbarth, i can reproduce the cube crash, how do i get a core dump?09:17
TheMusodidrocks: What are you expecting to get? I get ''09:19
TheMusoi.e nothing09:19
njpatelTheMuso, hey09:20
njpatelhey smspillaz09:20
TheMusonjpatel: Good morning.09:23
dbarthTheMuso: hey Luke09:25
dbarthTheMuso: good point in your email about the loader09:25
TheMusodbarth: Good morning.09:25
dbarthsounds like we already have what it takes to have atk in compiz09:26
TheMusoWell, at least when unity is loaded.09:26
smspillaznjpatel: hi09:26
smspillazI'll be out for 2 hours (and then back again afterwards) see you all :)09:26
smspillaznjpatel: I'm working on metacity now09:26
dbarthi've chatted a bit with smspillaz this morning btw, to clarify why the switcher was already accessible, while there is no atk/a11y code in compiz09:26
njpatelsmspillaz, for the decorations right?09:26
smspillaznjpatel: yes09:26
njpateldbarth, yep09:27
dbarthsmspillaz explained that it's because the gtk decorator is helping render the switcher, and that's why orca is seeing it09:27
smspillazI'm going to try and get a theme parser for those properties working today and then plug that into the decorator tomorrow ish09:27
TheMusoRight, that was my conclusion as well.09:27
didrocksTheMuso: yeah, bu you get something09:28
didrocksthanks htorque and TheMuso09:28
dbarthhtorque: hi, er, you should get one already with apport09:28
didrocksnot sure why some doesn't have gsettings CLI installed as it's part of -bin09:28
dbarthhtorque: ie, it should be in /var/crash something; let me check09:28
dbarthyes. in /var/crash you should find a file that contains the compiz crash09:29
dbarthhtorque: you may have to unpack it, ie use apport-unpack09:30
njpatelTheMuso, re: your email, menus opening inside windows: This is what I meant, Orca can't see the panel at all right now09:31
htorquedbarth, should it be compiz-gnome.0.crash?09:32
TheMusonjpatel: To my mind, this seems like 2 separate pieces, since using the F10 key triggers something inside GTK/Compiz's window manager to open menus. So... I suspect we need to grab that and make that happen in the panel instead.09:33
* TheMuso knows what he is talking about in his head, but is finding it hard to put it into words.09:34
htorquedbarth, hm, no that's an old one. i don't get anything in /var/crash when i crash compiz/unity09:34
njpatelTheMuso, we could most likely do that09:35
TheMusoEither way, I don't see this as something needing atk work. Everything is accessible given focus, we just need to tie it together at the keyboard level.09:36
TheMusoFocus as in, once the menu has focus.09:36
TheMusoOn another note, I have been looking into identifying menus like indicators via the framework. The issue is essentially that the menu is only identified with an image, and no text, so nothing gets presented as a description for that menu.09:38
TheMusobbs, gonna grab some dinner and will be back.09:38
htorquedbarth, apport isn't yet enabled by default :-) attached CoreDump to the bug report09:42
htorquedidrocks, about gsettings - should libglib2.0-bin installed by default? IIRC i manually installed it... (and when trying to remove it, only dev packages are marked for removal)09:47
didrockshtorque: I think it is, let me check09:49
seb128htorque, you can enable apport to catch crashes09:50
htorquedbarth, whew, i missed that CoreDump has 90+ MB, still want it?09:50
seb128don't add dump manually to bug09:50
seb128they can't be retraced09:50
htorqueseb128, thanks, already did :-)09:50
htorqueseb128, so what to do?09:50
didrockshtorque: you're right, it's not, I have to add it as a dep of unity :/09:51
didrocksor rewrite the transition plugin in C…09:52
seb128htorque, use apport to send the bug?09:53
* TheMuso is back09:58
htorqueseb128, there's already one. dbarth asked for a coredump. can i attach a backtrace instead of a 90+MB file? :-)09:58
seb128you can09:59
seb128you probably want to retrace it locally to get debug infos though09:59
htorqueseb128, thanks, will do :-)10:00
njpatelTheMuso, (for when your back) through the panel, we are able to get a little more info about the indicators ("soundmenu", "datetime" etc, so we could even store some strings in Unity for translation for specific indicators)10:03
TheMusonjpatel: The issue is that the menus themselves are GTK, and thereby handled accessibility wise already, but since we only use images to identify the menus, there is no text for say orca to speak when moving to a new menu. I don't yet know enough about how GTK menus work to know whether we can slip in extra text for atk to present, without that text being visible.10:04
njpatelTheMuso, right, but as Unity knows that the user switched to the next/prev menu, could we announce something to orca?10:06
njpatelTheMuso, it could be done from the same gtk program (unity-panel-service) that actually shows the menus, so the same atk connection (or whatever it's called)10:06
TheMusonjpatel: I am not sure, and from what I understand so far, I don't think so.10:07
TheMusoIt doesn't really help that I don't understand how much customization is possible with gtk menus + atk.10:08
TheMusoThe only menus where this will be a problem is the indicators. This problem needs to be addressed for general GNOME/gnome-panel users, so I will do some digging tomorrow to see what I can discover about atk and menus.10:11
dbarthhtorque: a backtrace is better, yes ;)10:17
dbarthhtorque: the thing is that i'd like to see if it's an easy fix or not; ie avoid crashing at least10:19
dbarthknowing that the rotating cube is probably *not* a plugin we will recommend with unity; the interface was not designed to work with it, the user experience is "different"10:21
dbarthgord: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/537833/10:39
gordnjpatel, your tests are breaking my tests again!10:39
gordnjpatel, ^^10:39
njpateldbarth, can't deal with it now, can fix after fixing what I'm working on10:40
njpatelhave I said I hate CMake yet?10:41
TheMusoWhat code is actually responsible for creating the indicator menus and making them visible?10:43
njpatelTheMuso, the code in the indicator-* packages, which install .so files into /usr/lib/indicators/4/10:44
TheMusonjpatel: Yes but they go via dbusmenu right, so what actually does the rendering with gtk et al?10:44
njpatelTheMuso, unity-panel-service (unity/services/) is responsible for loading them10:45
TheMusoAnd in gnome-panel's case, indicator-applet, ok thanks.10:45
njpatelTheMuso, no, those files provide GtkMenus to the panel-service, internally they may use dbusmenu to share a menu between the .so and it's service, but we dont' see that10:45
njpatelTheMuso, yep, indicator-applet in the panels' case10:45
TheMusonjpatel: Ok so what I am interested in here is the gtk menu setup itself.10:46
TheMusoOk cool, thats enough to go on.10:46
njpatelTheMuso, that will happen in the .so's, so any indicator-* package10:46
TheMusoI *think* I may have a solution for labeling the indicators.10:46
TheMusoBasically involves getting the atk object associated with the menu widget, and shoving some text into the atk object to identify it to the framework.10:47
TheMusoSo far as I understand things anyway, hopefully I am right.10:48
didrockssmspillaz: is it wanted that libcompizconfig include CompizPlugin.cmake and not compizconfig-backend-gconf?11:09
didrocks(well, it's the ccp plugin, but that make libcompizconfig supporting COMPIZ_PLUGIN_INSTALL_TYPE=package with build type, but not compizconfig-backend-gconf)11:10
njpateldbarth, can you try lp:~unity-team/unity/fix-panel-service-finalize please?12:03
njpateldbarth, if it works, I'll merge-propose12:03
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kvalokamstrup: hi. what's the proper way to disgracefully check if gvariant type isn't as expected?12:19
kamstrupkvalo: g_variant_get_type_string()12:22
kamstrupkvalo:  the question is if the type string is interned so you can do == on it, ,or if you need to g_strcmp0 it12:22
kvalokamstrup: interned?12:23
njpatelkvalo, you can do a pointer match if it's always a static string12:24
kamstrupkvalo: sorry, it's my Java background. Interned == "managed in an internal string pool so variants share the type strings"12:24
njpatelthe same string*12:25
kvalonjpatel, kamstrup: ah, got it now. thanks :)12:25
kamstrupnjpatel: do you get :12:26
kamstrupERROR:valasemanticanalyzer.c:2953:vala_semantic_analyzer_get_actual_type: assertion failed: (instance_type != NULL)12:26
kamstrupon https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/enable-vala-tests/+merge/42094 ?12:26
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
njpatelkamstrup, woah, no :/12:26
njpatelkamstrup, i'm on natty12:27
njpatelkamstrup, I don't think I touched the code much....12:27
kamstrupnjpatel: odd, I am using valac from git master, so should be ~same12:27
njpatellet me do a clean compile12:28
njpatelkamstrup, builds fine with a fresh checkout of that branch12:32
njpatelkamstrup, you have gremlins in your system ;)12:32
kamstrupnjpatel: what's your valac --version?12:41
njpatel valac --version12:43
njpatelVala 0.11.212:43
njpatelkamstrup, ^12:43
kamstrupnjpatel: hmmm, odd, I'm only a few revisions ahead of that12:45
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kamstrupnjpatel: !13:57
kamstrupnjpatel: quick Dee API question13:57
kamstrupright now we have dee_model_get (model, iter, colN, &valN, colM, &valM, ..., -1)13:58
kamstrupthis is nice because it's close to GtkTreeModel13:58
kamstrupin the new GVariant world it might be more natural to simply do:13:58
kamstrupdee_model_get (model, iter, &val1, &val2, ...) totally equivalent to g_variant_get() except we don't need the type string for the columns because the model knows that13:59
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk
kvalokamstrup: what about the poor programme, how can he remember that? ;)14:10
kvalokamstrup: a question about g_simple_async_result_set_error(). I want to have my own error message in ui-proxy and was planning to use that function. but what should I use as GQuark?14:12
lamalexbon matin tout le monde14:15
kvalogood morning, lamalex and bratsche14:16
njpatelkamstrup, but dee_model_get (model, iter, 3, &val0, 6, &val9, -1); wouldn't work, right? You would only be able to get all of them or none?14:16
tedgkvalo, I don't think you need the quark, but people usually have a function to create a custom quark for their lib/process so that you can identify it.14:17
njpatelhey tedg14:17
tedgMorning njpatel14:17
kvalotedg: good morning14:18
kvalotedg: but I got this error: g_simple_async_result_set_error: assertion `domain != 0' failed14:19
kvalotedg: any easy way to go around it?14:20
tedgkvalo, Ah, they must require it.  Just do this: "GQuark myquark (void) {statick GQuark quark = 0; if (quark == 0) quark = g_quark_from_static_string("myapp"); return quark; }" and then call that function to get the quark.14:20
kvalotedg, bratsche: btw, I arrive to dallas already on saturday. if you have any tips for a good steak restaurant, I'm happy to hear them :)14:21
tedgkvalo, One? ;)14:21
=== MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow
tedgI think you're going to have a long week if you're only willing to eat steak once.14:22
kvalotedg: hehe, good point :) I need several of them14:22
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bratscheToo bad the best restaurant in Dallas just closed last week. :/14:22
bratscheAfter 10 years.14:22
tedgbratsche, Which one?14:23
bratscheYork Street14:23
tedgAh, shucks.  I hadn't been there -- it was on my TODO list :(14:23
tedgApparently too many people had it on their TODO list as well :)14:23
bratscheNo, that wasn't the issue.14:23
bratscheThey had managed to maintain a good business even now.14:24
kvalotedg: thanks for the quark tip, I'll do that14:24
bratscheThere's a really good taco place in Deep Ellum, just east of downtown.14:24
tedgbratsche, Hmm, I might have to get that from you... love good tacos.14:25
tedgbratsche, Do you know if the light rail is on schedule?  The DART page still says the stop by the hotel is "opening Dec. 2010" but no more info.14:25
bratscheI have no idea at all. :/14:26
bratschetedg: The taco place is at 2801 Commerce Street14:26
tedgbratsche, Looks like Dec. 6th is the date: http://www.dart.org/about/expansion/otherprojects.asp14:27
bratscheOr maybe that's fine14:28
bratschetedg: When is the sprint here?14:28
tedgbratsche, Should be fine, that's next week.  So they can be a month late :)14:29
tedgbratsche, Beginning of Jan14:29
bratscheOh, awesome.14:29
bratscheThen Dec 6 works out just fine. :)14:29
tedgI'm more excited about Orange line to DFW in 2012...14:29
tedgI'll have to see if stopping in Plano and just taking that makes sense for me or not.14:29
tedgI wish Allen and McKinney would get on board with DART :-/14:30
bratschekvalo: I'm confused.. you're arriving to Dallas when?  This Saturday?14:30
bratschetedg: I'm not surprised that Allen won't.14:30
tedgbratsche, I'm hoping all those retailers in the outlet malls and the other stuff there will push them into it.  Just to drive business.14:31
kvalobratsche: sorry, I was "a bit" early. I will arrive on january14:33
bratschekvalo: hehe.. okay cool. :)14:33
kvalobratsche: just dreaming of a proper steak restaurant already now...14:33
bratschekvalo: I'll help you find one.14:34
kvalobratsche: cool! :)14:34
bratscheIt won't be as good as York Street, but I'm sure we can find something good. :)14:34
* kvalo expecting a different experience compared to uds at brussels14:34
tedgkvalo, No you should expect Texas is exactly the same as Brussels.  Europe in general is basically a mini-Texas.14:49
kvalotedg: hehe :)14:51
dbarthlamalex: good morning as well14:56
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dbarthlamalex: smspillaz is proposing a short call on perf. counters14:57
lamalexdbarth, sounds good tome14:57
lamalexto me, also14:57
dbarthlamalex: do you have 30 min (i can't stay longer, but feel free to continue with sam if needed)14:57
lamalexyeah for sure, i have hours ;)14:58
htorquehello everyone, how can i set the position of a new indicator? i cloned indicator-datetime (i'll abuse it as my hello world), renamed everything and now it gets loaded as the first indicator and therefore sits left to the appmenu - not what i want.15:04
lamalexnjpatel, if I remove the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX completely, will it install to standard prefix? /usr/local?15:07
tedghtorque, The order is set in indicator-applet, there's no other control for it currently.15:07
njpatellamalex, dude, no idea....it's cmake. I'm assuming so15:08
lamalexill just set it :P15:08
tedghtorque, If you've got an app indicator you can set the position by setting the ordering_index15:10
tedghtorque, and njpatel has promised me all the app indicator ordering will work in Unity for Natty ;)15:10
htorquetedg, thanks, so it's always <any other indicator>, appmenu, application, sound, messaging, datetime, session?15:11
njpatelit already does!15:11
njpateloh wait15:11
njpatelyou mean for "other" indicators15:11
tedghtorque, Basically, except between datetime and session there is "me"15:11
htorquetedg, oh yeah, i uninstalled that one15:12
njpateltedg, it would be appmenu, <foo indicator>, application, sound, message, datetime, me session, no?15:12
tedgnjpatel, No for application indicators, so they end up in the right order.  In Maverick they ordering wasn't honored.15:12
njpateltedg, oh, that's fixed (or should be)15:12
njpatelwhat's a good way to test?15:12
tedgnjpatel, Probably should be, but we haven't really talked about what to do with other indicators -- figuring everyone would use app indicator if they wanted to extend things.15:13
tedgnjpatel, Is your GNOME Power Manger next to your sound?15:13
njpatelyes! :)15:14
njpateltedg, can we fix the indicator that prints "gtk_menu_detach()" warnings please? :)15:15
tedgnjpatel, ?  Hmm, that must be indicator-appmenu... we detach them or GTK gets upset when we reattach, but I didn't think that was generating a warning...15:16
njpateloh, there are tons of warnings from that15:17
njpateleverytime you switch windows15:17
tedgnjpatel, Then stop switching windows!15:17
* njpatel fullscreens gnome-terminal15:18
jcastrodbarth: we need a place to put API docs, who is working on that?15:25
jcastrowe need like unity.ubuntu.com/API or something15:25
jcastrobecause the tbird guys are asking us about appmenu APIs and we have no place to put them15:25
jcastroditto places, etc.15:25
jcastroand the appindicator api docs are living on people.canonical.com/~ted15:26
jcastroso something like api.ubuntu.com/10.0415:30
jcastroand then we import GTK docs and all that and have it generating them so they all hyperlink15:31
tedgjcastro, api.ubuntu.com/{distro release}/{source package name}/index.html15:31
njpatelgord, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/fix-panel-service-finalize/+merge/4212415:31
njpateltedg, ooh, +115:32
gordnjpatel, \o/ thanks. but dbarth could you test that? as the tests were passing here anyway so it was something on your system tripping it up15:32
didrockshtorque: just looking at bugs, yeah enabling/disabling plugin in compiz crashes (when unity is enabled)15:33
tedgjcastro, What might be interesting is if we used the "natty vs. 11.04" names and changed them at release just to invalidate the Google links to the unstable docs.  i.e. Google would have to reindex.15:33
jcastrotedg: whatever works, I would be happy with "oh yeah we should do that" :)15:34
htorquedidrocks, but they seem to work when starting compiz and they are enabled15:35
didrockshtorque: yeah, changing the plugin list dynamically is the issue15:35
didrocksnot sure why, but can live with that for an alpha1 :)15:36
htorquesure :)15:36
njpateldidrocks, we don't like changing environments. We creatures of stability.15:42
didrocksnjpatel: well, you push the latest possible crack in the world and you tell "We creatures of stability", kidding? :)15:42
* didrocks keeps that argument for next "one liner fix" :-)15:42
njpateldidrocks, it was a tongue-in-cheek comment :)15:43
didrocksnjpatel: I know dude, kidding as well :-)15:43
didrocksnjpatel: btw, there is a pending merge request of mine for this evening releas :)15:43
njpateldidrocks, okay, about to merge-propose the "show nautilus" stuff home button15:44
njpateldidrocks, tomorrow morning release ;)15:44
njpateldidrocks, will review it after proposing mine15:44
didrockswhat what?15:44
didrocksit sounds like we agree :-)15:44
njpateldidrocks, all branches will be ready by US end of day, will roll tomorrow morning first thing, sound good?15:44
didrocksnjpatel: if there is no respin tomorrow, there will be no new "unity alpha1" :)15:45
njpateldidrocks, ah, nice15:45
didrocksnjpatel: of course, you can argue it's time to break gnome-session or whatever to get a respin tomorrow :)15:45
njpateldidrocks, so what time today do you need it?15:45
didrocksnjpatel: more seriously, sounds good :)15:45
didrocksnjpatel: I think we will have some respin with maybe the indicator-nm15:45
njpatelah, sweet15:46
didrocksnjpatel: it's just fun to annoy you :)15:46
jcastrodidrocks: njpatel I need bitesize bugs, please mark them as you see them15:47
njpateljcastro, as soon as we're done with A1, yep15:47
jcastronjpatel: when does the milestone end for you?15:47
didrocksjcastro: ok, for alpha1 version?15:47
njpateljcastro, tomorrow morning15:47
jcastroah perfect15:47
jcastroI want announce thursdayish15:47
didrocksI have some on my list :)15:48
didrockswill get them to you15:48
jcastroalong with the release so people know what to work on15:48
njpateljcastro, then i can go through all the bugs with a massive clean up and also to start marking things out as bitesize15:48
jcastrodidrocks: I am watching the lp tag, just tag them bitesize15:48
njpatelso then we're all set for thursday15:48
didrocksjcastro: ok, will maybe go with njpatel on the list15:48
didrocksnjpatel: need for a thursday release btw? I would say no…15:48
jcastrotry not to make them all boring either, nice little feature implementations would be great15:48
didrocksjcastro: oh I got this "rewrite using fluxbox", doesn't fit? :)15:49
jcastrodidrocks: we need unity-xeyes15:51
didrocksjcastro: heh, awesome! the xeyes indicator :)15:51
njpatelI'm sure ted will love that15:52
jcastroit needs to be 60fps too!15:52
jcastronjpatel: I was wondering, since it's probably low priority for you ... what do you think about a an alt-f2/launcher place?15:53
njpatelSo you'll be DOS-ing Unity from the panel service? :)15:53
jcastroor someone perhaps placeifying gnome do15:53
njpateljcastro, doesn't really need to be a place, we had an idea to just show the search bar of the places for Alt+F2 and let you launch apps15:53
jcastrooh ok15:53
didrocksjcastro: it's more stripping the code from gnome-panel right now and build in an executable15:53
jcastrois that bitesizeable?15:54
didrocksI have a WI for that :)15:54
jcastrooh ok15:54
jcastronm then15:54
njpateldidrocks, well, don't do that just yet15:54
didrocksnjpatel: oh? you finally changed your plan?15:54
cyphermoxhmmm placeifying gnome-do15:54
jcastrocyphermox: I know right? Brilliant15:54
didrocksnjpatel: ok, no worry dude, as long as you tell me to do less work, I won't complain :)15:54
njpateldidrocks, yeah, so it looks nice. the gnome-panel one is if we cant' do anything else15:54
didrocksnjpatel: just keep me in touch before feature freeze :)15:55
njpatelhah, sure :)15:55
kvalokenvandine: hi. we are extending the indicator-network settings window and it's written in pygtk. as python and autotools don't work together so well, we are wondering if we should create a separate package for the settings window. what do you think?16:00
kenvandineit would certainly be much simpler16:02
kenvandinebut, it is extra release overhead16:02
kvalokenvandine: how much extra work a new package will create?16:02
kenvandinesince, at least for a while, you'll probably need to do releases for both at the same time16:02
kvalokenvandine: yeah, the overhead is my worry as well.16:02
kenvandinefrom my side it isn't much16:02
lamalexdidrocks, how do ddebs get update? the -dbgsym packages are broken as of your compiz update16:02
lamalexbroken meaning conflicting with compiz16:03
kvalokenvandine: ok, thanks for the answers. I'll try to have just one package, but I'll keep creating a separate package as plan b.16:04
kenvandinekvalo, i know it is painful16:04
kvalodidrocks: do you have time tomorrow for a quick python+autotools session16:05
kenvandinekvalo, dobey might have some pointers16:05
didrockslamalex: you mean, you don't have latest version?16:07
lamalexdidrocks, I just tried to update and they conflict16:07
didrockslamalex: well, did ou check what version is it?16:07
didrocksddeb generation can take some time16:07
didrockskvalo: sure16:07
lamalexthere don't appear to be dbgsym packages for 0ubuntu216:08
kvalodidrocks: nice. I'll ping you tomorrow and see if you have time16:08
kvalokenvandine: thanks, all pointers are welcome :)16:09
didrockslamalex: so, you have your answer, just wait for a couple of hours and they should be there :)16:09
didrockskvalo: should be good once unity is released and uploaded16:09
lamalexdidrocks, ok cool. i was just asking how they got updated ;)16:10
kenvandinedidrocks, i am interested in how you make autotools and python play well together as well16:13
didrockskenvandine: ok, so you're not interested :)16:14
didrocks(I read "play well" :))16:14
kenvandinei briefly tried to do that years ago and gave up pretty quickly16:15
didrockslamalex: yeah, it's automated… can take some time16:15
lamalexdbarth, did QA want to be able to pass coordinates to unity and get state of the item at those coords, or just be able to see coords in state output16:15
didrockswell, it's possible without a lot of headache, but it's not optimal16:15
tedgnjpatel, DBO, you know instead of having these present hacks around, we should just have BAMF do it once.  That way when we fix Compiz we have one place to undo the crap.16:16
tedgI'm thinking perhaps more libbamf than BAMF itself.  But, we should isolate it.16:16
kenvandinedidrocks, it would be nice to put the new gwibber vala client in the gwibber sources16:17
kenvandineso i have a new found interest in making it work :)16:17
njpatelAgreed, but then everything would need to link to libbamf, even things that don't need it16:17
njpateltedg, ^16:17
njpateltedg, i would have it once in libbamf and once in libindicate (rhythmbox never raises for me)16:17
tedgnjpatel, Well, where everything is a pretty small set of things :)16:17
njpateltedg, true, true16:18
kenvandinetedg, so for appindicator, adding gtk3 builds, do you think I need to keep the python bindings around for gtk2?16:18
tedgI'd rather have it in libbamf and then link libbamf to libindicate.16:18
didrockskenvandine: oh, yeah, understood :)16:18
tedgkenvandine, Probably, as the GIR ones will be a slightly different API, no?16:18
tedgkenvandine, Is there a way to do that conversion seamlessly?16:18
kenvandinei don't think so16:18
kenvandinepeople will just depend on the older python-appindicator...16:19
kenvandineand they won't get updated...16:19
njpateltedg, makes sense16:19
kenvandineunless they port to the gir API16:19
tedgkenvandine, I consider that a distro question -- and I'll drop all the binding $%#$% as soon as you'll let me ;)16:19
kenvandinewow.. no seb128...16:20
kenvandinedidrocks, what do you think about that question?16:20
* tedg 's worried about the state of space-time with no seb12816:20
didrockshum, let me scrollback :)16:21
kenvandinetedg, do you plan to make big changes to appindicator for natty?16:22
kenvandineAPI that is?16:22
tedgkenvandine, We plan on adding a couple things, but it should all be backwards compatible.16:22
kenvandinejust wonder if people using the python bindings will lose out much by not getting updated16:22
tedgkenvandine, I'd like to break Vala though as I think we can get it generated with the constructors correctly...16:22
tedgkenvandine, Not a lot, but some little things.16:23
didrockskenvandine: yeah, yo uneed the python bindings16:23
tedgkenvandine, But, it'll loose out a lot if they try to bring in gtk2 and gtk3 into the same process :)16:23
didrockskenvandine: for instance, gtkrecordmydesktop is not going to gtk3…16:23
kenvandinedidrocks, yeah, but it will depend on the older python-appindicator16:23
tedgDon't know how Python protects from that stuff -- but there are some *critical* imports that should conflict.16:23
didrockskenvandine: well, you mean removing the binding, so the python-appindicator support for gtk2?16:24
kenvandinedidrocks, i mean removing the python bindings from the source and the package...16:24
didrocksI think if it's backward compatible, do not touch anything this cycle16:24
didrockswe have already enough to figure with GNOME3 without adding additional work that can be avoided :)16:25
kenvandinebut apps would still be able to depend on the latest version of python-appindicator16:25
kenvandinetedg, lets make it a priority to get rid of that next cycle :)16:26
tedgkenvandine, k16:26
kvalokamstrup: again a long one, but pretty simple: https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/libconnman-backend-2/+merge/4213116:38
jonodidrocks, hey, is Unity now switched on by default in the natty daily ISOs?16:50
didrocksjono: yeah, it is :)16:51
didrocksjono: of course, should be check, but on upgrade or in the ISO, it should be the default16:52
jonodidrocks, sweet :-)16:52
jonoI can upgrade then :-)16:52
didrockshehe, nice :)16:53
jonodidrocks, is it pretty reliable?16:54
didrocksjono: I got no crash today, so I would say yeah :)16:55
didrocksjono: the migration compiz 0.8 -> 0.9 is the less tested part though16:55
didrocksso I'm interested in data there :)16:55
jonodidrocks, cool :)16:55
njpateldidrocks, see, R-E-L-I-A-B-L-E. It's what we're all about.17:12
didrocksnjpatel: hehe, let's see after A1 the number of bug reports :p17:12
albyrock87ping MacSlow17:23
MacSlowalbyrock87, what's up?17:23
albyrock87MacSlow, I wrote you an email weeks ago, can you help me with one thing? Is there a way to have the subpixel antialias in an ImageSurface while drawing Pango layouts?17:24
MacSlowalbyrock87, I replied to that, didn't I?17:25
albyrock87mh nope..17:25
albyrock87I didn't recive any email..17:27
MacSlowalbyrock87, best example would be to check out notify-osd (bzr branch lp:notify-osd), cd notify-osd/tests, read through render_text_to_surface() at line 57 of test-scroll-text.c17:28
MacSlowalbyrock87, that'll give you a nice example of a stand-alone code-sample doing what you're looking for.17:29
albyrock87MacSlow, ok thanks, I'm going to look at it right now :)17:29
MacSlowalbyrock87, the "magic" line being 116 -> pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (pango_layout_get_context (layout), font_opts);17:29
albyrock87MacSlow, I already do this, using the font_opts from get_default_screen ().. But the rendering still have the GREY_ANTIALIAS17:30
MacSlowalbyrock87, font-options is what you should care about17:30
albyrock87are you rendering into an ImageSurface right?17:31
MacSlowalbyrock87, yup17:31
MacSlowalbyrock87, maybe your system-settings don't use subpixel aa17:31
MacSlowalbyrock87, you can set it explicitly by defining your own font-options... no need to take the one from the system17:32
albyrock87MacSlow, it uses subpixel, in fact, if I draw directly into the widget.window it works..17:32
MacSlowalbyrock87, is your image-surface perhaps only A8?17:32
dbarthDBO: something for bamf or the launcher: http://imagebin.org/12532817:32
MacSlowalbyrock87, you need a RGB24 at least17:32
dbarthDBO: may be it should say "(Unknown)" or something like that instead of an empty list17:33
albyrock87MacSlow, it's ARGB32,,17:33
dbartha launcher thing actually, bamf should just report the empty string17:33
MacSlowalbyrock87, hm... then I don't know17:33
DBOdbarth, will fix, thank you17:33
MacSlowalbyrock87, see if the test-scroll-text.c works on your system and work from there17:33
albyrock87MacSlow, ok, now I try, thanks17:34
MacSlowalbyrock87, good luck!17:34
dbarthdidrocks: on natty, should i dist-upgrade today to get the latest packages, or is upgrade just fine?17:39
didrocksdbarth: upgrade should be fine17:39
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dbarthk, thanks17:48
dbarthDBO: same issue, as a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/682787 (for your karma score ;)17:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 682787 in Unity "Tooltip shouldn't be empty (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed]17:54
DBOdbarth, but I cant trade in Karma for music yet on Ubuntu One17:54
senseWhen will the menu items in the launcher's right click menu get labels again?17:55
senseproper lables17:55
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jcastrotedg: can you check out bug #682786?18:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 682786 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "indicator-application leak *may* have been found through nm-applet (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68278618:17
* tedg clicks18:18
tedgbratsche, Looks like an appmenu-gtk thing? ^18:19
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lamalexhey guys, is it possible to manually start the panel service?19:30
lamalextedg, ^ DBO ^19:32
lamalexoh man the order is all fucked now19:39
jonoDBO, hey man, tried Unity in Natty, looking good19:44
jonoany idea when the places and dash is due to land?19:45
DBOgood to hear19:45
jonowill it be in for A1?19:45
DBOI think design was slated to be semi-final by A119:45
DBOso I guess that means A219:45
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jonocyphermox, great work on the network indicator20:21
jonoI just tried it in natty, worked flawlessly :-)20:21
cyphermoxjono, aha, check your memory usage anyway ;)20:21
cyphermoxbut thanks :)20:22
jonocyphermox, lol20:23
jonoit's a great start, that's for sure :-)20:23
cyphermoxhehe yeah20:23
jonounity is going to be *so* awesome in Natty :-)20:23
cyphermoxit already started!20:23
jonoyes indeed :-)20:23
kenvandineyay... NetworkManager in the indicator!20:32
kenvandinei am finally free to go work at the coffee shop again :-D20:32
mterryIf compiz crashes, but doesn't give me a apport dialog or leave a file in /var/crash, how best should I file a bug?20:43
mterry(in natty)20:45
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sensemterry: I've gathered information by running 'compiz --display :0' in tty1.20:49
senseThe recent crashes often generate output there.20:50
mterrysense, will try next time20:50
jamaltasense is gone now, but i was going to ask about running compiz from tty1.. it seems to crash for me after a few seconds because of dbus21:57
jamaltadoes dbus create a separate user session when you login from tty1 vs logging in through gdm?21:57

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