
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
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apacheloggerRiddell: we also want http://gitorious.org/phonon/phonon/commit/56f731f9fd763fb8b371abab210fbe01b8cdcd2108:32
apacheloggerRiddell: also if we do not already do it, we want ot build with -DUSE_INSTALL_PLUGIN=true08:32
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hrwhi, I see that kde 4.6 beta arrives in natty - nice work09:44
apacheloggerafiestas: ping10:39
afiestasapachelogger: pong10:53
Riddellsnowy out11:28
nigelbRiddell: No photos? :(11:36
Riddellit's mostly white11:41
apacheloggerafiestas: how about using phonon in kamoso?12:08
afiestasapachelogger: I'm not sure if it is viable right now12:16
apacheloggerafiestas: well, we'd need a consumer to finish up the magic ;)12:17
apacheloggerafiestas: what do you need?12:17
Riddellapachelogger: possible phonon bug on kde-packager12:19
apacheloggerrdieter: didnt you fix that issue?12:20
afiestaswell, api-wise we need: take pictures, take videos, be able to hook functions between frames (so we can apply our own effects without a performance impact), be able to know what video effects the backend has (even this is not ideal, since we'd like to have a consistent set of features everywhere)12:20
afiestasah, and record audio+effects too (something we'll add for +2 version)12:21
afiestasbut well, I'm not a friend of using phonon in Kamoso, Phonon is a general wrapper above backends, and I'm not sure if we want that in the project12:22
apacheloggerafiestas: we have experiemtal support for capturing videos, processing each frame indivudally, processing audio data12:22
apacheloggerbackend video effects and hooking probably cannot be done right now12:23
afiestasI know, but we just move to QtGstreamer and we're committed to that project :/ and anyway I'm not sure if kamoso is a good consumer for Phonon12:23
apacheloggerafiestas: everything is a good consumer for phonon :P12:25
apacheloggeroh dear, websvn is the broken :(12:26
afiestasAfter the next version (which will be based on QtGstreamer by sure) I plan to add more than one backend, so we can create one  that uses Phonon12:26
afiestasbtw apachelogger is nice to see movement in Phonon :p I will try to help in the gst backend12:28
apacheloggerand help it needs, also more beautiful code ;)12:29
Riddellooh an abstraction of abstractions12:29
* apachelogger thinks that phonon needs a new design and less backendly behaviour12:30
apacheloggerone backend to rule them all12:30
afiestasapachelogger: piacentini and I are thinking about port it to QtGstreamer, or create a new backend based on it12:30
afiestasapachelogger: agreed12:30
apacheloggerafiestas: QtGstreamer and I agree that this would not be of much use12:31
apacheloggerprimarily because phonon and qtgstreamer do essentially the same (abstracting gstreamer)12:31
apacheloggeralso since phonon is part of Qt that would introduce a circular dep :S12:32
afiestaswell, QtGstreamer is designed to be used by projects like Phonon to do not have to deal with gst C api12:32
apacheloggerafiestas: there is nothing wrong with the C api :P12:32
apacheloggeralso I recon there is gstmm or what's its name12:32
apacheloggerwhich also adds a ++ to the C ^^12:33
NCommand1rScottK: any issues if we de-seed transmission on armel? KDE is still completely foobar due to implicate-its12:33
afiestasBut doesn't add Qtness12:33
NCommand1rand we have an annoying Qt bug which looks related to our NEON bug (I haven't dug into it yet)12:33
apacheloggerafiestas: yes, then again that is what phonon was/is supposed to do12:33
RiddellNCommand1r: what's transmission?12:35
NCommand1rRiddell: GTK BitTorrent client. It has a Qt/KDE frontend as well12:35
NCommand1rits currently FTBFS12:36
NCommand1rhoping ScottK has some idea why its in utter-breakage mode12:36
Riddellsince it's not used in kubuntu I doubt we'd care about it being removed from seeds12:40
Riddelland since everything is broken on arm qt wise don't we have bigger problems?12:40
ScottKNCommand1r: What Riddell said.12:48
NCommand1rRiddell: I'm looking at fixing qt itself ATM12:50
afiestasapachelogger: Phonon is not supposed to wrap the gst api, but to offer functionality abstracting it, they're not the same12:59
afiestasPhonon is an abstraction, QtGst is a  "binding"13:00
afiestasthey're not the same13:00
steveire_Riddell: I'm not sure what  bug 601662 is about?13:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 601662 in grantlee (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libgrantlee-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60166213:08
steveire_inclusion in main?13:08
ScottKNCommand1r: The fix for Qt is in GCC.13:08
ScottKsteveire_: Yes.13:08
Riddellsteveire_: yes, means it's moving to our supported archive, it should get reviewed by people who might have questions, nothing you need to care about unless they find some security issue or the like13:10
steveire_Ok so. No problem.13:11
steveire_I presume they'll know how ot find me?13:11
NCommand1rScottK: I think its a different FTBFS13:12
ScottKNCommand1r: I've built Qt 4.7.1 on armel with gcc-4.5 n-1 version.13:13
ScottKWhat are you fixing?13:13
NCommand1rno error with data addresses13:13
NCommand1r../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_armv6.h: In function 'QThreadStorage<QUnifiedTimer*>* unifiedTimer()':13:13
NCommand1r../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_armv6.h:215:35: error: output number 1 not directly addressable13:13
NCommand1r../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_armv6.h:215:35: warning: use of memory input without lvalue in asm operand 5 is deprecated13:13
ScottKThat's a gcc bug.13:14
ScottKBug #67534713:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 675347 in Linaro GCC "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67534713:14
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apacheloggerafiestas: sure, from an architecture POV they are different, but phonon still wraps around the api, just in limited fashion13:42
apacheloggerideally from a consumer POV they would be almost the same (in that phonon should provide flexibility to go beyond the regular limitations - like say allowing consumers to enhance the indivdual backends themselfs to allow more specific edge use cases)13:43
apacheloggerthen again the whole swap your backend as you wish business is standing a bit in the way, and I personally dislike it at every level since it just splits available work time among all backends and the phonon core, as well as enforces that phonon is always limited by the capabilities of the weakest multimedia framework support13:45
apacheloggerat the same time one could not just provide features in one backend, as the user might use another one rendering an application that uses such a feature useless unless the supported backend is in use13:46
apacheloggerhence my desire to break up the phonon design to be less flexible WRT backends but more with consumers13:48
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apacheloggerin the end one can only use one backend at a time, and that backend might as well be called the only supported one and phonon's feature set could base on the features of the underlying framework rather than the weakest of all supported frameworks13:50
eMylleri'm willing to develop a web graphics design app (like Adobe's Fireworks), and been wondering what to use for the canvas area13:58
eMyllercairo? pure qt? any suggestions?13:58
RiddelleMyller: QGraphicsView or Qt Quick13:58
RiddelleMyller: but development questions are best on #kde-devel13:58
eMyllerRiddell: did on there as well; just wanted your opinion too :)13:59
yofelbug 682467 - how do we decide which files to put into which package? some files are in kscreensaver-xsavers.install AND kscreensaver-xsavers-extras.install14:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 682467 in kdeartwork (Ubuntu) "kscreensaver-xsavers 4:4.5.80-0ubuntu1 package fails to install" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68246714:11
Riddellyofel: that should match the contents of the xscreensavers and xscreensavers-extras packages14:12
Riddellit may well be out of date14:12
yofelI'll check those then14:12
afiestasapachelogger: don't take me wrong, but with that new design you will end up having QtMultimedia14:27
afiestasand as I said, don't take me wrong, I support Phonon since it is a KDE project, and I always will14:27
apacheloggerI did not say hardcode one backend :P14:27
afiestasapachelogger: QtMultimedia has backends, is not using gst only afaik14:28
afiestasit does have backends for mac/win iirc14:28
apacheloggerafiestas: it has backends in a cross os way14:28
apacheloggerthough you have a point there14:28
apacheloggermaybe should just merge with qtmultimediakit anyway14:29
afiestashaving the community of Phonon and the manpower of QtMultimedia could be awesome, but everybody knows how friendly the QtMultimedia people are14:29
afiestasso maybe is impossible xd14:29
apacheloggerit certainly would resolve the confusing about when to use phonon and when to use multimediakit14:30
afiestasthey already have some low level working api14:30
apacheloggerafiestas: well, we just have to get fregl to distribute grumpyness so that brisbane gets pulled off mm development and we get a team to work with ;)14:31
afiestasin kamoso we've choosed QtGstreamer above QtMultimedia because it is a KDE project14:31
apacheloggerafiestas: yeah, if the two were to merge we would end up with low and top level apis14:31
apacheloggernot the worst thing that could happen14:31
* apachelogger notes that qtmm's code design is also sorta horrible14:32
apacheloggerit is incredibly difficult to get the multimedia stuff right :S14:33
afiestasfirst of all apachelogger we should focus on fix once for all the sound support in KDE14:33
Quintasanoh crap14:34
apacheloggerafiestas: is it broken? ... what needs fixing?14:34
afiestaslibvlc is kinda working, gstreamer has weird behaviors (at least with PA) etc 14:34
apacheloggergst works pretty well here with PA14:34
yofelQuintasan: what happened? ^^14:34
apacheloggerI guess the primary question is what to focu energy on ... gst or vlc14:34
Quintasanyofel: well, update kinda broke my kde14:35
apacheloggerfrom a synergy POV gst would be the choice there14:35
Quintasanand ate quasell settings as well14:35
Quintasanyofel: can you send me the connection info?14:35
yofelwhat connection info?14:35
Quintasanto quassel core14:35
yofelQuintasan: you mean to mine?14:36
apacheloggerSput: ping14:49
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* fregl keeps away from multimedia frameworks... it only sounds like trouble...14:55
yofelRiddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdeartwork/lp-682467/+merge/4212115:20
Riddellyofel: thanks15:43
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Tscheesythe kde-partitionmanager is so bad :/16:00
skfinIs it? I have never used it.16:01
Tscheesyno ext4 - no sd card - for example16:01
ScottKTscheesy: Do you mean the package we have as partitionmanager?16:04
ScottKIIRC I've formatted an SD card with it.16:04
Tscheesyhm. 1.0.3 is in maverick.. kde-partition-manager16:05
ScottKI think I used it for an SD card.16:06
Tscheesykpackagekit is not helpy..16:07
Tscheesycould it be only "partitionmanager"16:08
Tscheesyyes.. 1.0.316:08
Tscheesyperhaps i damaged my sd-card.. ill try another one16:08
Tscheesynope - no sd-card here16:10
Tscheesyneither one works with kde-partitionmanager16:12
yofelyou're right, it ignores the sd card /dev/mmcblk0 here too, gparted works fine...16:15
* Tscheesy has not gtk+ yet on his Laptop :/16:15
Tscheesyso then.. console16:16
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Mamarokis there some ETA for the 4.6 beta packages?17:46
RiddellMamarok: maverick packages currently stuck on a soyuz bug17:48
RiddellI'd told that will take half an hour to fix17:48
Riddellthen there's another couple of builds17:48
Riddellthen I copy over to staging17:48
Riddellthen we test17:48
MamarokRiddell: OK, thanks :)17:48
Riddellthen I copy over to beta17:48
Riddellthen announce17:48
Riddellso a few hours yet17:48
* ScottK eyes Riddell suspicously17:49
ScottKkdebase-workspace got through binary New pretty fast.17:50
* ScottK was just about to look at it.17:50
ScottKRiddell: Did you get a chance to talk to cjwatson about germinate/seed splitting for mobile?17:50
ScottKRiddell: or padams about Kolab?17:51
Riddellno, my schedule went funny when the release team meeting didn't happen17:51
Riddellpadams I did17:51
Riddellwill e-mail shortly17:51
ScottKOK.  Great.17:51
ScottKThe cjwatson conversation should probably wait for after Alpha 1 is out then.17:51
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timhi, are there any plans to backport kdevelop-4.1.1 to the kubuntu beta backports ppa?18:08
yofelRiddell: tried to backport the kdegraphics ubuntu2 package to maverick, fails with a gensymbols error in libkexiv2-9.symbols.amd64 http://paste.ubuntu.com/538029/18:09
Riddellyofel: I did kdegraphics by just removing the .symbols files in maverick18:14
Riddellnot pretty but I lost patience18:14
yofelheh :)18:14
Riddellyofel: I've done it properly in natty though, you could backport that if you care18:14
Riddelltim: hmm, we seem to have failed to package that18:18
yofelRiddell: that's what I tried (using the new ubuntu2 package), but that still fails for some reason so I'll leave it18:20
Riddellyofel: fancy doing kdevelop instead?18:26
yofelsure, I'll probably need some help though18:28
yofelpoint release should be easy though I hope18:28
Riddellit's just an update from 4.1.0 to 4.1.118:29
Riddellstart with kdevplatform18:30
Riddellin natty18:30
hungerRiddell: Wasen't there some blog post about kde 4.6 working with kdevelop 4.2 only? I might be mixing something up there though.18:30
hungerRiddell: http://milianw.de/blog/kdevelop-and-kate-advancements-over-the-last-weeks last paragraph there.18:32
hungeryofel: ^^18:32
hungeryofel: Watch out if you have kate 4.6beta already:-)18:33
yofelthat would mean 4.1.1 for maverick for now and get some 4.2 snapshot for natty I think18:33
hungeryofel: No idea... just did not want you to waste your time.18:34
dantti_workRiddell: is there any ETA in aptcc fixed in updates? the bug reports are increasing :P18:46
Riddelldantti_work: it needs someone to test the built packages and confirm they work without problems18:50
Riddellconfirm on bug 63300818:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633008 in packagekit (Ubuntu Maverick) "[Maverick] kpackagekit won't honor apt proxy setings" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63300818:50
RiddellI don't have a proxy so I can't do it18:50
yofelRiddell: where should I put 18:50
yofel... kdevelop later18:50
Riddellyofel: well if hunger it right there's no point doing it for natty18:51
dantti_workRiddell: well I tested with a proxy and it worked, can I test the built package again and confirm that?18:52
dantti_workcause the crash it fixes is the most annoying part18:52
yofelRiddell: should I do it for maverick anyway?18:53
dantti_workRiddell: to test with a proxy is damm simple btw, you can just install squid and point kde configs to localhost:312818:53
Riddellyofel: yes it can be done for maverick and put into kubuntu-ppa/backports https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+index?start=75&batch=75 has 4.1.018:54
Riddelldantti_work: yes you can test with the built package by enabling maverick-proposed in source.list then reporting on the bug18:54
dantti_workRiddell: k, I'm going home now so later I'll check it again.18:55
* hunger is waiting for the next few bits of kde 4.6 to arrive in natty.19:20
Riddellhunger: how's it working so far?19:23
hungerRiddell: The usual... some forcing for moved files and such.19:23
* ScottK hopes hunger is keeping track of them.19:23
hungerRiddell: Akonadi server is currently causing aptitude to uninstall a lot of stuff I want.19:23
hungerRiddell: So I am waiting for that to arrive.19:24
bulldog98Riddell: I had to force the override of an kde2.desktop from kwin19:24
bulldog98hunger: I can confirm that behavior19:24
ScottKRiddell: IIRC that moved to -artwork.19:24
hungerbulldog98: It is nothing serious... just some stuff that is not build yet (I think).19:25
bulldog98hunger: I know19:25
hungerbulldog98: Build or synced to the download server I use.19:25
ScottKRiddell (and apachelogger): Apparently we need libphononexperimental4 in Main - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59805068/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.kdepim_4:4.4.7-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:32
RiddellScottK: oh hmm right, I'll move it19:35
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.19:35
yofelRiddell: kdevplatform 1.1.1 removed the fr locale and they added de back, also I've got some new files http://paste.ubuntu.com/538088/ - I think most goes into debian/kdevplatform1-libs.install, but I don't know where to put the icons20:08
yofelhm, kdevplatform1-libs.install has 2 icons too, so should I put everything in there?20:10
Riddellyofel: actually I really don't like those separate -l10n binary packages20:12
Riddellthey end up empty in the main archive anyway20:12
yofelwell, that's just a ppa package, we can change that for kdevelop 4.2, for now I just enabled de again and commented fr out20:13
yofelor should I really remove the l10n packages? 20:14
Riddellnaw that's fine as you've done20:14
Riddellyofel: put the icons in kdevplatform2-libs.install I guess20:15
Riddellthere's already others in ther20:15
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rbelemkde 4.6a in kubuntu-ninjas ppa \o/20:49
* rbelem can start working in kubuntu-mobile20:49
bulldog98rbelem: you can join me with kdepim-mobile if I have the first version finished20:50
hrwnice work on kde 4.6 packaging20:51
rbelemsweet :-)20:51
rbelembulldog98, are you working on the latest version?20:52
bulldog98rbelem: I’m working on 4.6 beta120:54
rbelemcool :-)20:54
* hrw waits to tomorrow with system update - now 64 to be removed according to aptitude20:55
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apacheloggerplease let me get wasted 21:08
ScottKRiddell: Does http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59807444/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.kdeutils_4:4.5.80-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz look familiar to you?21:09
apacheloggerScottK: I'll look at the phonon foo later21:09
apacheloggerif it is phonon foo21:09
apacheloggerforget already21:09
apacheloggerNightrose: how is the n900 coming along? :D21:09
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks.  I think it's gcc-4.5 screwing with you on amd64.21:10
RiddellScottK: probably needs pkg-config added21:10
* ScottK tries.21:10
apacheloggerRiddell: ping21:15
apacheloggerRiddell: how much is a kilt in scotland?21:16
ScottKYep.  That's it.21:21
Riddellapachelogger: depends where you buy it but cheapo ones were 100quid last time I looked (10 years ago) and decent ones 400quid plus 21:48
Riddellapachelogger: if you want one in Debian tartan ask padams21:48
* bulldog98 needs to handle with some missing libs in kdepim 4.6 beta, but he is to tiered to do it this evening, so he is going to do that tomorrow evening21:51
macowas gonna say "goodness, your kilts cost same as a wedding dress" but then again, at least you wear it more than once21:51
Nightroseapachelogger: sorry :( i suck - i will go to the post office tomorrow morning - promissed21:53
ScottKRiddell: I think we're fully built on i386.  Nowhere so happy anywhere else.22:08
ScottKAlthough the fact the kde4libs on powerpc worked is quite promising.22:08
hungerkdepim failed to build last time round. Still no akonadi server update possible for me:-(22:12
sheytanHey yo hello etc :D22:12
sheytanapachelogger you want me to blog in english, right? :D22:13
ScottKhunger: It's just finished22:13
hungerScottK: Great.22:13
sheytanapachelogger special for you: http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2010/11/przeglad-prac-nad-strona-kubuntu-sneak.html22:14
ScottKhunger: It should hit archive.ubuntu.com in ~30 minutes.22:14
ScottK(this is i386 - amd64 is still borked)22:14
hungerScottK: I'll go to bed then. Stuff will be sorted out tomorrow morning I am sure.22:15
ScottKFor amd64, not sure.22:15
ScottKi386 is sorted, now it's just waiting for the archive to roll stuff out.22:15
apacheloggerNightrose: :*22:38
apacheloggerRiddell: cheers22:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes, english bloggingwould be nice :D22:38
yofelRiddell: finished https://edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=kde&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=maverick22:53
yofeladded libqjson-dev as build-dep to kdevplatform, the other packages just needed l10n adjustments. I testbulit them against kde 4.5.322:53
yofelah, and kdevelop-php needed a backport of kdevelop-pg-qt22:54
rbelembulldog98, around?22:58
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: we should have libphononexperimental-dev to resolve that buildep23:10
apacheloggerno need to have phononexperimental in main really23:11
apacheloggeralso I am drunk, so I might be wrong23:11
ScottKapachelogger: I think that's reasonable.23:11
apacheloggeralso this keybord here is funny23:11
ScottKIt would probably work better if you were wearing your Disney mouse princess hat.23:11
apacheloggertrue, I should have taken my wizard hat with me actually, would be very appropriate23:12
aakshayRiddell: hi.. can we please start packaging further for kdetoys?23:12
apacheloggerbecause I am ruling the wii :D23:12
apacheloggerRiddell: a friend of mine is visiting edinburgh in january, do you think you could help him get a kilt?23:13
Riddellaakshay: can do23:15
Riddellapachelogger: yes I expect so23:15
aakshayRiddell: thankyou.. so lets start. i need your remote acess for natty.23:16
Riddellaakshay: give me two minutes23:16
aakshayya please23:16
apacheloggerRiddell: splendid, I'll poke you later this year then :)23:16
Riddellaakshay: ssh ubuntu@ec2-204-236-220-166.compute-1.amazonaws.com23:18
Riddellaakshay: screen -x23:18
yofelRiddell: can I copy the packages to backports or do you want to review them first? If latter I'll have to do it tomorrow since I really need some sleep23:18
Riddellyofel: which packages?23:18
yofelRiddell: kdevelop*23:19
Riddellyofel: oh, let me test them first23:19
yofelRiddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=kde&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=maverick23:19
Riddellalways needs a tester before making public23:19
Riddellthanks a lot yofel, get yourself some sleep23:19
yofelyeah, It starts fine, but I didn't test anything more, good night23:20
aakshayRiddell: Riddell: done23:20
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Riddellaakshay: you're in?23:20
Riddellaakshay: type something23:20
Riddellaakshay: great23:20
aakshayRiddell: yep!!23:20
Riddellaakshay: so we had it all ready to build except it needed the new kdebase-workspace package built first23:21
Riddellthat should now be done23:21
Riddellso you can cd into the kdetoys source directory23:21
aakshayRiddell: yes..23:21
Riddelland run  debuild  to start the compile23:22
aakshayRiddell: failed!!23:22
Riddellaakshay: try and install those packages23:23
Riddelldpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: kde-sc-dev-latest (>= 4:4.5.2) kdebase-workspace-dev (>= 4:4.5) libxrandr-dev libqimageblitz-dev23:24
Riddellaakshay: those are the ones needing installed ^^23:24
Riddellaakshay: you need to remove the version number bits23:25
Riddellaakshay: groovy, try debuild again23:26
aakshayRiddell: working now23:26
aakshayRiddell: working23:27
Riddellit's compiling!23:27
aakshayRiddell: yes!!23:27
Riddellit compiled, now it's building the packages23:27
Riddellaakshay: it's done!23:28
Riddellaakshay: do   ls ..   to look in the directory above23:28
Riddellthere should be a bunch of  .deb files23:28
Riddell"ls .."23:28
Riddelllooks good23:29
aakshayRiddell: Riddell: yess....23:29
Riddellyou can install them with   dpkg --install *deb23:29
Riddellaakshay: that -dbg needs some other packages installed, you can tell apt to sort that out with   apt-get -f install23:30
aakshayRiddell: showed error for "kde dpg"23:30
aakshayRiddell: working23:32
Riddellaakshay: great, so all the packages installed23:33
aakshayRiddell: nice.. now how can we check thar the package is packaged right>23:34
Riddellaakshay: go back into the sources directory23:34
aakshayRiddell: yes. then?23:35
Riddellaakshay: run  dh_install --list-missing23:35
Riddellthat checks for new files23:35
Riddellaakshay: no space23:36
Riddellgood, so there are no new files23:36
Riddellin the directory above where the .deb files are you can run  lintian <package>.deb23:36
aakshayRiddell: ok..23:36
Riddellfor each of the .deb package files23:37
Riddellaakshay: umm, I'm not sure what is wrong there23:38
aakshayRiddell: its showing error of  Info file23:38
Riddelltry another package23:38
aakshayRiddell: ok23:38
Riddellgood, no problems there23:39
aakshayRiddell: yes. will run in home directory23:39
aakshaydo we use chmake also to check?23:40
Riddellaakshay: what is chmake?23:40
aakshayRiddell: its the command to compile the source23:40
Riddellaakshay: that all got run during the build when we ran debuild23:41
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Riddellaakshay: if there were problems it would have stopped with an error23:41
Riddellbut it finished so it's all good23:41
aakshayRiddell: ok..feeling great!! now we have to upload it somewhere.. where and how to upload?23:42
Riddellyes, let's do that 23:42
Riddellaakshay: go back into the source directory23:42
Riddelledit debian/changelog23:42
Riddellthe bit that says "root <root@ip-10-102-75-81.ec2.internal>"23:43
Riddellyou need to change that to your name and e-mail23:43
Riddellaakshay: needs to be a full name with capital letters23:44
aakshayRiddell: done23:45
Riddellaakshay: good, exit and save23:45
aakshayRiddell:how to save?23:45
* rbelem now on kde 4.6 beta :-)23:45
Riddellrbelem: on maverick or natty?23:45
Riddellaakshay: control-x23:45
rbelemRiddell, maverick23:46
Riddellrbelem: working well?23:46
rbelemRiddell, not at all23:46
Riddellrbelem: oh :(23:46
rbelemRiddell, some packages install conflict files23:46
rbelemand kdepim-runtime is not on nijas repos23:46
aakshayRiddell:  done!!23:47
rbelemi packaged it and force-all the conflicting ones23:47
Riddellaakshay: to make the source package run   debuild -S23:47
rbelemit is much faster than the previous23:48
Riddellaakshay: hmm, the changelog file didn't save23:48
Riddellaakshay: edit debian/changelog again and make sure it saves23:48
Riddellaakshay: you can use vi if you're more used to that23:48
aakshayRiddell: its saved in other file named "changeloges"23:48
Riddellaakshay: oh then  mv it to debian/changelog23:48
aakshayRiddell: let me do it again23:49
Riddellaakshay: you need to learn to use tab completion :)23:49
aakshayRiddell: what is tab completion?23:50
aakshayRiddell: ;)23:50
rbelemRiddell, do you know if someone is working on kdepim-runtime packaging?23:50
Riddellaakshay: mv chan<tab>23:51
Riddellit will complete the filename based on what files are in the directory23:51
aakshayRiddell: ok... its done.. files moved23:51
Riddellrbelem: there is a kdepim-runtime in there which should be rebuilt for the new akonadi23:52
Riddellaakshay: exit23:52
Riddellbuild the source package23:52
Riddellaakshay: eek no!23:52
aakshayRiddell: sorry23:52
aakshayRiddell: then?23:52
Riddellaakshay: ok I got us back23:52
Riddellaakshay: build the source package23:53
Riddellrbelem: I'll take a look in a bit23:53
aakshayRiddell: using debuild?23:53
Riddellaakshay: yes with -S23:53
rbelemthx Riddell :-)23:53
aakshayRiddell: why aare we building it again?23:54
Riddellaakshay: this time we are building it as a source package rather than binary packages23:54
Riddellaakshay: we want to upload source to the ubuntu archive which will build the binary .deb packages23:55
aakshayRiddell: ok..  it showing error 23:55
Riddellaakshay: if you look in the directory above it has a .debian.tar.gz and .dsc file, that's our source package23:55
Riddellaakshay: that's fine, the error is that it can't pgp sign the package, I'll do that with my key since your key wouldn't be allowed to upload source23:56
Riddellaakshay: so our source is the kdetoys_4.5.80.orig.tar.bz2  from upstream, the kdetoys_4.5.80-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz and the kdetoys_4.5.80-0ubuntu1.dsc 23:56
aakshayRiddell: woow!!.... ok.. you use your key23:56
aakshayRiddell: ok23:56
Riddellaakshay: done, it's ready to go!23:56
aakshayRiddell: yes..23:57
Riddellaakshay: you can upload with   dput ubuntu kdetoys_4.5.80-0ubuntu1_source.changes23:57
aakshayRiddell: i think its done?23:57
Riddellaakshay: yes, that's it done23:58
Riddellaakshay: it will appear shortly at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdetoys23:58
Riddellaakshay: you can watch that page to see if it builds correctly23:58
aakshayRiddell:yeee!! .... now where will you use your key?23:58
Riddellaakshay: I already did, see the top of the screen "debsign -kjriddell@ubuntu.com kdetoys_4.5.80-0ubuntu1_source.changes"23:59

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