
=== Martyn is now known as Guest84161
jacquesdptdhey guys04:29
jacquesdptdi don't know if you remind me, i came here to have info about the port i was trying to make of Ubuntu 10.10 mobile on my wits a81-e wich is a omap3 beagleboard like tablet with 256 ram04:30
jacquesdptdAnd some helped me and told me i had to find the kernel info (android 2.2 running on it) and then change the flash booting files, to boot ubuntu from sd card as said on the Official arm Ubuntu preinstalled page04:31
jacquesdptdwell, i think i found what i was needing04:31
jacquesdptdif anyone can confirm, if that are the right files, i'll try it in 5 hours cause i don't hve the time now04:32
jacquesdptdbut i would have liked just to have a sort of, "That's it man" thx04:33
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henry1No command deb in my Lucid for "deb https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/ToolChain/CrossCompilerOnLucid". "apt-get install deb" could not find it as weel.05:40
StevenKhenry1: add-apt-repository "    *05:43
StevenK      deb http://people.canonical.com/~hrw/ubuntu-lucid-armel-cross-compilers/ ./ "05:43
StevenKSigh, cut-n-paste fail05:43
StevenKadd-apt-repository "deb http://people.canonical.com/~hrw/ubuntu-lucid-armel-cross-compilers/ ./"05:44
henry1Got it. But get another error: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hrw/arm-cross-compiler05:47
henry1Error: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~hrw/+archive/arm-cross-compiler05:47
StevenKhenry1: That doesn't work because the PPA doesn't exist05:50
henry1what does PPA mean?05:50
StevenKhenry1: A PPA is an archive hosted by Launchpad, hrw's cross compiler is done seperately05:51
StevenKhenry1: Run the add-apt-repository as I typed it with a sudo in the front05:51
henry1what is a full command for  "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hrw/arm-cross-compiler"?05:57
StevenKhenry1: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://people.canonical.com/~hrw/ubuntu-lucid-armel-cross-compilers/ ./"05:57
henry1got error doing "sudo apt-get update":W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/hrw/arm-cross-compiler/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found06:05
henry1W: Failed to fetch https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/ToolChain/CrossCompilerOnLucid/./Packages.gz  The requested URL returned error: 40406:05
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hrwpeople - start *reading*08:02
hrwhttps://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/ToolChain/CrossCompilerOnLucid says exactly what sources.list line should look08:03
hrwand my PPA was removed and will not come back08:03
hrwppa:hrw/arm-cross-compiler was dropped - it will not be back. eot08:04
rbelemjacquesdptd, do you have the bootloader to boot from sd?11:50
NCommand1rogra: https://launchpad.net/bugs/675347 - source of Qt FTBS13:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 675347 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 32)" [High,Confirmed]13:16
NCommand1rogra_ac: did you see the above link?13:34
ogra_accan you repost13:36
NCommand1r08:17:29 < NCommand1r> ogra: https://launchpad.net/bugs/675347 - source of Qt FTBS13:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 675347 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 32)" [High,Confirmed]13:38
NCommand1r^- ogra_ac13:38
NCommand1rand now I am me13:39
ogra_acNCommand1r, yeah, i know that one13:39
NCommand1rogra_ac: right, so if/when that gets fixed, we get transmission + libproxy fvixed13:40
ogra_acdid you talk to doko ?13:40
ogra_acthe last comment indicates there is a fix/workaround13:41
ogra_acby revering a patch13:41
NCommand1rnot yet13:44
ogra_aci did on -devel13:44
ogra_aclets see what he says13:44
ogra_aci wouldnt like to miss A113:44
NCommand1rogra_ac: I'm pretty happy to unseed transmission, and whack libproxy on armel only13:48
NCommand1rthen revert after milestone13:48
ogra_acNCommand1r, i would like to avoid it if possible13:49
ogra_acand looking at the ftbfs list that wont be our only probs13:49
NCommand1rogra_ac: indeed, but if all ele fails ...13:49
dmartNCommand1r: do you know why understand which -fstrict-volatile-bitfields breaks this?13:49
NCommand1rdmart: ECONTEXTNEEDED13:49
rsalvetimorning :-)13:49
ogra_acah, at least gnome-python-extras built13:49
NCommand1rwhy did I loose my nick again?13:50
ogra_acNCommand1r, i guess dmart means the bug above13:50
=== NCommand1r is now known as NCommander
dmart< NCommand1r> 08:17:29 < NCommand1r> ogra: https://launchpad.net/bugs/675347 - source of Qt FTBS13:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 675347 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 32)" [High,Confirmed]13:50
dmartSince _q_value isn't a bitfield in the example, I'm confused.13:50
dmartI also wonder whether using _q_value twice with different constraints is causing extra confusion?13:51
NCommanderogra_ac: doko said that he won't do a compiler upload until past A113:51
NCommanderdmart: I'm eyeing it now13:52
ogra_acNCommander, hmm, where did he say that ?13:52
ogra_ache didnt answer in -devel13:53
NCommanderogra_ac: comment on the bug13:53
NCommander"please no compiler upload before alpha-1 is out13:53
NCommanderon 11-23-201013:53
ogra_achrm, k13:54
ogra_acgnupnp is off the list too13:54
NCommanderogra_ac: nice, no-changes whacking is my favorite time of bug to squish13:55
NCommanderdmart: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2010-09/msg00155.html13:57
NCommanderI can't actually find an explaination of what the heck it does though13:57
dmartNCommander: my guess is that -fstrict-volatile-bitfields causes attempts to access a volatile bitfield (which is invalid C) to be treated as an error.14:06
NCommanderdmart: its an optimization14:07
NCommanderI found half a code comment in a diff14:07
NCommanderI just downloaded GCC to get the rest of said comment14:07
dmartThe patch you mention seems to be related to an optimisation where a bitfield is accessed with a normal access (say to access 8 nicely aligned bits within a word)14:07
NCommanderdmart: its in the documentation (which isn't on the website)14:08
NCommandergive me five minutes and I'll pastebin it14:08
NCommanderdmart: looks like it was deleted from the documentation14:18
NCommanderdmart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/537908/14:20
NCommanderCorrection, in SVN only14:20
NCommanderdmart: I get why this was enabled, but non-aligned access is supported for v6 and greater, right?14:21
Tscheesyrbelem: re - thx.. i guess you missunderstod me - uboot is installed - the nitdroid-Kernel you mentioned is my Problem.. i do not have a u-boot-Image from this Kernel ;)14:28
Tscheesyonly the source - but i can't compile it though no running Nitroid on n900 here14:29
rbelemTscheesy, are your n900 running pr1.3?14:29
Tscheesyu-boot works fine14:30
rbelemTscheesy, Tscheesy you can download the nitdroid kernel in binary form. let me check the link14:30
Tscheesyah - i read that Notdroid uses Multiboot - did you find a u-boot Binary? or is it the same?14:31
rbelemTscheesy, you can use the same binary14:32
rbelemTscheesy, you need to copy the modules to /lib/modules/<kernel-version>14:32
rbelemfrom nitdroid14:32
Tscheesythose fromm meego?14:32
Tscheesya k14:33
rbelemTscheesy, from the nitdroid rootfs14:33
Tscheesyok - the Kernel itself?14:33
Tscheesyalso then?14:34
Tscheesyi'll get a Nitroid rootfs then.. thx14:34
rbelemTscheesy, the kernel and the modules14:34
rbelemTscheesy, you can install nitdroid to the external sd, copy the needed files to the ubuntu rootfs14:35
Tscheesyok .. saw screenshot from kubuntu-mobile recently on kubuntu-twitter i guess14:35
Tscheesyi'll changeroot into nitdroid rootfs - should work though14:36
dmartNCommander: http://paste.ubuntu.com/537908/> thanks14:36
dmartI don't understand which this is biting us though - the _q_value field in the example attached to the bug is a naturally aligned int14:37
dmart-fstrict-volatile-bitfields (or the absence of it) should be irrelevant to this case ...?#14:38
NCommanderdmart: is it possible the compiler is generating a false positive and bombing out where it shouldn't?14:38
dmartI guess14:38
dmartThere are some possible oddities in the contraints for the inline asm--- I suggested some possible alternatives in the bug, but I'm not convinced it's wrong as-is or that my changes will improve matters...14:39
NCommanderit clear though the correct solution isn't to back out this change14:44
ScottKNCommander: It depends.  How long are you going to leave the toolchain broken?14:45
NCommanderScottK: not sure, still reading.14:46
NCommanderScottK: the change in GCC is correct because the ARM ABI says that you shouldn't to unaligned accesses (you can on newer harder, but the current ABI predates that)14:46
ScottKNCommander: Reverting to gcc-4.5 4.5.1-9ubuntu1 would solve my problem very nicely.14:49
NCommanderScottK: and mine, but its the wrong fix unfortunately, and doko has said no toolchain uploads for A114:50
ScottKExcept of course for the one he did after he said that.14:50
NCommanderScottK: file a bug on doko then14:51
ScottKNCommander: I know it won't get fixed for Alpha 1.  I'd just like it fixed eventually (where eventually is early enough in the cycle we can still do something useful)14:51
ogra_acNCommander, i still dont see wheer he said that, its not on the bug14:53
NCommanderogra_ac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gcc-linaro/+bug/675347/comments/2014:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 675347 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 32)" [High,Confirmed]14:55
ogra_acoh, thats ages ago14:56
TscheesyHi - as i understand the nitroid installation has no Kernel itself and the multiboot-Kernel is installed on maemo? - i do use u-boot (wan't to install kubuntu-mobile) and just need the kernel and the modules ( /lib/modules/<kernel-version> )15:06
Tscheesyups - wrong chan15:06
Tscheesythis goes to #nitdroid15:06
bercoogra_ac: do you have the kernel from -proposed running? if yes, what do you have in /proc/asound/cards?15:42
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ograberco, ogra@panda:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards16:24
ogra 0 [Panda          ]: OMAP4 - Panda16:24
ogra                      TI OMAP4 Board16:24
ograalsactl matches for Panda or Blaze now16:24
bercoogra: looks like in our most recent kernel we miss the OMAP4 name16:28
rsalvetihm, not that sure16:29
rsalvetiberco: latest on maverick's main is 2.6.35-903.17, that contains the audio patches already16:31
rsalvetior am I missing something?16:31
bercoogra: rsalveti: I think I understand my pb. I lend my board and the guy changed my kernel. I don't have the pb on my panda, only on blaze16:32
rsalvetiproposed is 2.6.35-903.19, and just has 2 unrelated fixes16:32
bercowhich I lend16:32
rsalvetioh, ok16:32
bercorsalveti: ogra: updating alsa-utils from 1.0.23-2ubuntu3 to 1.0.23-2ubuntu3.416:37
bercostill gives me errors with the right kernel16:37
bercoI have the following 3 lines16:38
bercosudo bash -c "sudo echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"16:38
rsalvetihm, the error was expected only with the released kernel16:38
bercooops sorry, wrong copy/paste16:38
bercoNo protocol specified16:38
bercoxcb_connection_has_error() returned true16:38
bercoHome directory /home/ubuntu not ours.16:38
rsalvetiberco: and are you trying this on blaze or panda?16:38
bercorsalveti: I'm on panda right now16:38
rsalvetiberco: what error are you getting? post inst fail?16:39
rsalvetiif so, the problem is the alsactl init16:39
rsalvetithat should happen only with the older kernel16:39
bercorsalveti: posinst is failing for me b'cos of the alsactl init16:39
rsalvetiberco: what is your kernel version?16:40
bercorsalveti: if I remove the call to alsactl init I don't see the issue16:40
bercorsalveti: 2.6.35-980-omap4 #1release316:40
rsalvetiberco: yeah, I also got that some time ago, ogra_ac was looking for the proper fix16:40
rsalvetiand the 3.4 got on main wrongly16:40
rsalvetihm, your own kernel16:41
bercowell, TI internal kernel16:41
rsalvetiproc/asound/cards matches with what oliver got?16:41
bercobut I verified, we do have the changes and it matches ogra's output for proc/asound/cards16:42
rsalvetiberco: what is your error message?16:42
bercorsalveti: here is my output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/537969/16:43
rsalvetiberco: your alsa-utils is not complaining about the lack of a proper machine name16:47
rsalvetibut is giving 3 error messages I never saw16:48
bercorsalveti: no. This was the issue I had with my wrong kernel running on my blaze. Sorry about this confusion.16:48
bercorsalveti: I tried "sudo alsactl init" -> it gives me similar error. If I run without "sudo" no issue.16:49
Tscheesyhm .. damaged Superblock on my install of the preinstalled-kubuntu-mobile port für omap3 ?? so then.. once again..16:50
Tscheesy(but zcat didnot work here - i had to dd the image on the sd-card - which could have caused that)16:57
rsalvetiberco: so if you just update it, it's not going to use sudo, then you're fine16:58
hrwhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/682742 looks like duplicate of bug 67534716:59
ubot2hrw: Bug 675347 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/675347 is private16:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 682742 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "volatile int causes inline assembly build failure (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 32)" [High,Confirmed]16:59
* hrw out17:00
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
bercorsalveti: I'm not sure I understand the procedure. How do you update alsa-utils?17:03
ograTscheesy, why/how did zcat not work ?17:03
ograberco, update-manager runs as root17:04
rsalvetior even apt-get upgrade17:04
bercorsalveti: ogra: ok. So you mean if I go through update-manager, it will work? When I do apt-get upgrade, it asks me for root privileges...17:05
ograthats fine17:05
Kamondeliousis the uvc driver not available for ubuntu-arm?17:10
bercoogra: rsalveti: going through update-manager worked. So for people like me who use apt-get install, it won't17:12
Kamondelioussorry, i'm behind myself17:12
rsalvetiberco: apt-get should work the same way17:13
rsalvetias it runs as root17:13
ograberco, if it doesnt, file a bug17:13
ogra(a new one)17:13
bercoogra: ok. I use "sudo apt-get install alsa-utils" it shows me those 3 lines of error. Updating via update-manager, it also asks for "root" password but I don't see any error in the UI or in /var/log/dpkg.log17:14
ograberco, might be an issue with sudo or some such17:15
ogrause ubuntu-bug sudo to file it and see, there might be one already17:15
rsalvetimaybe you changed your sudo settings  or something like that17:16
rsalvetitry apt-get after getting a root session with sudo su -17:17
tmzt_g2rootis there a good graphical installer for arm devices using X?17:17
ogratmzt_g2root, its preinstalled on our omap/omap4 images17:17
ograwe use it by default17:17
tmzt_g2rootI'm building something like wubi for android phones and I would rather start with an existing framework17:19
tmzt_g2rootah, ok. what packages would I see to do that?17:19
Tscheesyogra: zcat then sync - sd-card was still empty (unmounted state..)17:19
ograTscheesy, and you had the quoting right for the sudo command ?17:20
ograthats critical and i can imagine that people get it wrong17:20
Tscheesyi'll give it another try :)17:20
Tscheesyfirst i wrote a few devices :D17:21
Tscheesybut >/dev/mmcblk0 should work imO17:23
bercorsalveti: sudo su -; apt-get install alsa-utils17:24
bercorsalveti: same error17:24
bercorsalveti: well, almost. I don't see the /home/ubuntu is not ours ... message17:25
bercoonly first 2 lines of errors in this configuration17:25
rsalvetiweird, don't know why you're getting an error message from xcb17:28
rsalvetitry to trace it, to see where it uses xcb and when you're getting these errors17:28
ograi dont really get where it gets the /home/ubuntu from17:29
ograthat looks like boarkage with our image17:29
rsalvetiseems the sudo configuration is broken somehow17:29
bercorsalveti: ogra: I haven't changed my sudo config. Are you not seeing this error?17:30
ograwell, that still doesnt explain why it looks for 7home7ubuntu17:30
ograsuch users shouldnt exist on our images17:30
ogralooks somewhat like a live image17:30
bercoogra: I created ubuntu user at install time17:30
bercowhen you first run the setup it will prompt you for a user name. I always call it "ubuntu" :)17:31
rsalvetiberco: I'm not having this issue here17:31
* ogra neither17:31
bercousing apt-get install?17:32
ograi wonder if teher is something messing with that username in oem-config17:32
ograsince that name is usually the live user17:32
rsalvetiI usually use ubuntu for every user here :-)17:32
rsalvetiand it works fine17:32
rsalvetias does GrueMaster_17:32
bercoI can try with a different user as I also created a "berco" one :)17:32
ograi never use ubuntu nor admin as names :)17:32
naveensr89i'm having problems with installing ubuntu on beagleboard.17:34
naveensr89while installing its giving migration assistant error 141.17:35
naveensr89need help.17:36
GrueMaster_rsalveti: I heard my name.  what's up?17:39
rsalvetiGrueMaster_: hey, berco is having issues with his sudo and apt-get17:40
rsalvetiwe were thinking if using the user as ubuntu could lead to the error17:40
rsalvetibut I also use it here and I believe you also use it while testing the images17:40
rsalvetiuser = user name17:41
GrueMaster_Looking at the command he posted in scrollback, he has a ; between sudo and apt-get, so apt-get is not running as superuser.17:41
tmzt_g2rootogra: anything that supports debian-installer tasks, parted, etc. I need to manage loop images, not so much the user name17:42
GrueMaster_And the password should be the user password.  There is no root password.17:42
ogratmzt_g2root, well, then ubiquity17:42
tmzt_g2rootI can run that fullscreen without launching a desktop?17:43
tmzt_g2rootwow #ubuntu-installer17:43
ograif you have "only-ubiquity" on the cmdline17:44
tmzt_g2rootcommand line? will upstart even run in a chroot?17:44
tmzt_g2rootah, what did you say in these slides about images expanding on first boot? is that using an initrd?17:48
tmzt_g2rootslides: omap_talk.ppt17:48
bercoGrueMaster_: rsalveti: I just created a new user and I still experience the same issue.17:48
rsalvetiprobably an issue with your system17:49
rsalvetiberco: can you trace it to see when you're getting these errors?17:49
GrueMaster_Creating a new user does not automatically enable them as a sudoer.17:50
GrueMaster_Try using the original account that was first created.17:50
bercoGrueMaster_: Shall I add this user to "sudo" group?17:51
bercoMy "ubuntu" user is not in "sudo" group either as far as I can see17:51
GrueMaster_Type "groups" to see what groups it is in.  It needs to have the admin group.17:53
bercoMy new user is called "ob1" and groups command:17:53
bercoob1 adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape dip video plugdev fuse17:53
GrueMaster_What user account did you use to create the new user with?  That action can only be done by an admin.17:54
bercoGrueMaster_: so I used my "ubuntu" user which has been created during the install in order to create the "ob1" user17:55
GrueMaster_Ok, so log in as ubuntu and see what groups it has.17:56
bercofor "ubuntu" user, groups are:17:56
=== GrueMaster_ is now known as GrueMaster
bercochipsets adm dialout cdrom sudo plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare chipset ubuntu psir omapuntu omapa17:57
bercowell, I just added ubuntu to sudo group17:57
GrueMasterYou shouldn't need to.  The default in /etc/sudoers includes:17:58
GrueMaster# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges17:58
GrueMaster%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL17:58
bercoGrueMaster: yep, I have this in my /etc/sudoers file17:58
GrueMasterSo, typing "sudo apt-get install <package>" as ubuntu user should work.  The password is the ubuntu user's password.17:58
bercoGrueMaster: yes, it works except when I update to alsa-utils version 1.0.23-2ubuntu3.4 from 1.0.23-2ubuntu3 version17:59
bercoGrueMaster: error I'm getting http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/537969/18:00
GrueMasterI'll check into that soon.  What is the error you are getting?18:00
GrueMasterAh.  checking.18:00
GrueMasterberco: I need a little time to reorg from the holiday week.  What TZ are you?18:04
GrueMasterHmm.  I see it is after 7pm there.  Will you still be online in ~30 minutes?18:05
bercoGrueMaster: Adding ubuntu to the sudo group didn't help18:05
ograsudo group ?18:05
ograyou mean admin group, right ?18:06
bercoGrueMaster: was planning to go but can try to be online in ~30 min from home18:06
bercoogra: no there's both admin and sudo groups18:06
ograsudo isnt used18:06
ograubuntu uses admin only18:06
bercomy user was already in admin and added it to sudo too18:06
bercoso it makes sense the behavior hasn't changed18:06
* berco ok disconnecting and reconnecting from home in ~30min18:07
tmzt_g2rootogra: what did you mean about the iamge resizing on first boot, is that done in an initrd?18:07
tmzt_g2rootis there a way to set the size?18:07
GrueMasterThe error you are seeing has nothing to do with permissions that I can see.  It looks like a post-install script error.18:08
ograits a cairo error18:08
ograi dont get how that could have anything to do with alsa18:08
ograwell, an X error at least18:09
ogranot actually cairo18:09
ogratmzt_g2root, no, jasper-initramfs (the tool that does the resizing) just expands to the full free space on the SD card18:10
tmzt_g2rootso I need a hybrid of some kind18:10
ograanyway, time to leave for the day18:11
* ogra might be online later again18:11
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JohnKillerhi guys, i've got a IGEPv2 arm board, with ubuntu 10.10 on a 4GB sd card. Kernel version is (created with rootstock). Everything is fine, except for wifi. iwconfig shows only loopback and ethernet. On the official wiki they say to upgrade my kernel, but how??? thanks19:10
berco-macGrueMaster: have you been able to find anything?19:35
GrueMasterNot yet.  Just getting set up.  Thought I had an existing image but all my SD cards are currently in Natty debug mode.19:35
GrueMasterShould have one ready soon.19:36
berco-maccan you email me if you find anything?19:36
GrueMasterI have a 4G SD resizing now.  as soon as I get oem-config finished, I'll be ready.  15 minutes?19:37
berco-macok. I wait 15min :)19:37
tmzt_g2rootrootstock is tiny :)19:55
tmzt_g2rootcan you leave out the user password until oem-config runs?19:56
GrueMasterberco-mac: Ok, updating package lists now.19:58
berco-macGrueMaster: almost at the point where I was...19:59
GrueMasterOk, first upgrading the kernel.20:03
GrueMasterGah.  No video with new kernel on my new HDMI monitor.20:14
tmzt_g2roothow does this work?20:14
tmzt_g2root# using fakeroot so we're able to create the base rootfs as user20:14
tmzt_g2root    LANG=C fakeroot debootstrap $DEFOPTS $EXTRAOPTS $DIST $ROOTFS $DMIRROR >$DBFIFO 2>&1 &20:14
tmzt_g2rootwhat does the result look like, it has to be fixed up later? or this only works with fuseext220:14
rsalvetiGrueMaster: nothing?20:14
rsalvetithat's weird20:15
berco-macGrueMaster: are you able to enter console mode and exit "alt+F1" then "alt+F7" ?20:15
rsalvetiyeah, could be a fifo underflow issue20:15
berco-macGrueMaster: we have a known issue with this kernel20:15
GrueMasterGive me a second.  I had to buy a new monitor last weekend and this is the first time I have booted with it.20:15
GrueMasterrsalveti: looks like an edid issue.  The monitor is a Dell SR2220L LED 21" 1080P.20:18
topfs2rsalveti, just wanted to ping you regarding https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-arm-n-set-top-box We will be adding binary addons for xbmc in eden (next stable after the one that will be out any day). With the binary addons we will probably move codecs to addons and as such adding gstreamer for decoding will be possible20:18
GrueMasterSwapping back to my 1280x1024 monitor.20:18
topfs2We do use openmax currently though so not forced to use our ffmpeg. (Haven't had time to fix openmax for panda yet)20:19
rsalvetiGrueMaster: were you able to get anything on your screen?20:19
rsalvetiusually it should be just a resolution problem20:19
rsalvetibut need to debug it further20:19
topfs2I have also looked into gstreamer overall and might be the one adding it as a decode part20:20
rsalvetitopfs2: awesome20:20
GrueMasterLooks like a kernel issue.  Image works, but after adding -proposed and updating to latest kernel, no vid.  Not even on my old monitor.20:20
topfs2So if you have any questions during the evaluation I'll be idling here also :)20:20
rsalvetiGrueMaster: AFAIK there was no video related change between release and proposed20:21
rsalvetitopfs2: nice, will ping you back then :-)20:21
GrueMasterrsalveti: I'm staring at a blank screen.  Activity leds are flickering indicating activity on the SD.  Will enable console and see what I can see.20:22
rsalvetiGrueMaster: okey20:22
berco-macGrueMaster: have you tried this: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Known_Issues#Screen_Blanking ?20:28
berco-macGrueMaster: from my exprience it resolves the issue temporarly20:29
GrueMasterberco-mac: I am not seeing the same issue.20:30
berco-macokay. it'll be interesting you send us the EDID info once you get some time20:31
GrueMasterI think we may have a race condition with the SDP4430.20:32
GrueMasterI'm seeing a ton of messages with "asoc: no valid backend routes for PCM: SDP4430 Media".20:32
GrueMasterScreen is now light green pastel (ick).  switching to console and back has no effect on display output.20:33
GrueMasterNeed to add serial console login.  One sec.20:34
berco-macafter updating the kernel package, you did the "flash-kernel" right?20:34
GrueMasterThat's an auto.20:34
rsalvetiGrueMaster: that message is normal with the released kernel20:34
rsalvetiafter updating it, it should be fine20:35
GrueMasterFor logging purposes, this is kernel 2.6.35-903.19.20:37
berco-macsorry guys, I'll need to leave you 'till tomorrow.20:38
berco-macgetting late here20:38
GrueMasterberco-mac: Sorry I couldn't get to your issue.  I'll keep plugging away.  It is only 1pm here.20:38
berco-macGrueMaster: thanks20:39
GrueMasterrsalveti: I have a serial tty up.  xrandr -d :0 looks normal.  Nothing in Xorg.0.log stands out.20:47
GrueMasterNothing in dmesg either.20:47
rsalvetiGrueMaster: try booting with omapdss.debug=120:48
rsalvetito see what the kernel says about your monitor20:49
GrueMasterI did.  Nothing there I can see looks wrong.20:49
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rsalvetican you paste me the boot log?20:49
GrueMasterdamn window focus.20:49
GrueMasterOnly if I can type.  :P20:49
* GrueMaster is back to 5 monitors, and semi-confused at times.20:50
GrueMasterI was able to get video on the new monitor with a fresh image prior to updating.20:52
GrueMasterI am currently back to the 1280x1024 DVI monitor I used during Maverick test cycle.20:53
rsalvetiGrueMaster: weird, it finds the correct resolution from the edid (1280x1024@60Hz), then suspend, resume, probe edid again and gets the correct resolution one more time21:00
rsalvetiwithout any other message21:01
rsalvetiafter a while it did suspend again, but probably because of lack of activity21:01
GrueMasterI installed parse-edid and it looks correct reading /sys/device/omapdss/display0/edid.21:02
GrueMasterI'm switching back to original kernel.21:02
rsalveticould be a racing condition for some unknown reason21:03
GrueMasterNo problem with old kernel21:03
GrueMasterAnd it was the only package I upgraded.21:04
rsalvetitry rebooting at least some 3 times, to see if it works every time21:04
rsalvetiand get the boot log too, if possible21:04
rsalvetito compare21:04
GrueMasterI did with the new kernel.21:04
GrueMasterI'll have to mod the boot part to reenable the new kernel again.21:05
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topfs2rsalveti, if you have any questions regarding xbmc and I'm not here feel free to ping TheUni . I'll force him to idle here aswell ;)21:22
rsalvetitopfs2: np, thanks a lot21:24
TheUnirsalveti: i do the business/consumer relations stuff for xbmc.. i've seen the blueprint and i'm quite interested. would love to have a chat.21:24
TheUniif there's anything to chat about, that is :)21:24
jo-erlend_heh... On Ubuntu-devel today, there was an announcement of an IRC meeting regarding ARM... It sais Tuesday 2010-29-11 at 13:00 UTC. <-- Does that mean it has been held or that it will be held tomorrow?21:29
TheUnirsalveti: out of curiosity, is Natty+1 the target?21:30
rsalvetijo-erlend_: hehe, NCommander :-)21:31
rsalvetiit should be tomorrow21:31
jo-erlend_rsalveti, NCommander? :)21:31
rsalvetiTheUni: we'd like to have a solution for natty21:31
rsalvetijo-erlend_: he is the one who sent the announcement, probably21:31
TheUniwow, ok21:31
jo-erlend_oh, it's a nick. I get it. :)21:31
rsalvetiTheUni: but we're ok to change that for natty + 121:32
TheUnirsalveti: yea, for us to be an option, i'm afraid that's what it would have to be21:32
TheUnithough we should be in very good shape by then21:32
jo-erlend_NCommander, it is quite impossible for me (or anyone else) to attend the ARM IRC meeting on Tuesday 2010-29-11 at 13:00 UTC. <-- Perhaps you could reschedule? :)21:33
rsalvetiTheUni: ok, we can probably push it to the repository, if it's not the default at least21:35
rsalvetithen for natty +1 that can change again21:35
TheUniwe're working hard to target natty to get all the Ubuntu nits cleaned up21:35
GrueMasterjo-erlend_: I believe persia is actively seeking a better time for the meeting.  You should also ping him.21:35
jo-erlend_GrueMaster, well for me, any date that actually exists would be a better time. :)21:36
rsalvetiTheUni: got it, nice21:36
GrueMasterjo-erlend_: Heh.  I see what you are referring to.  It is actually scheduled for 20101130.21:37
TheUnirsalveti: so for Natty, we should be a good candidate for the repo, arm included. Then we could do focus on remaining needed changes for the default if interested21:37
rsalvetiTheUni: sure, that can work :-)21:37
GrueMasterBut we are looking to move it in the near future.21:37
NCommanderjo-erlend_: its being discussed int he meeting. I'm not very happy about that time myself, but its been that way for ages. The ARM meeting is what the Mobile meeting was (the name of the meeting was something of an artifact)21:38
TheUnirsalveti: I'm subscribed to the blueprint (Cory Fields). Feel free to ping me. I'd like to make it a top priority for us, as it obviously would mean good things for us as well.21:38
jo-erlend_NCommander, well. In your email, you said _Tuesday_ 29th. That's either today or tomorrow. Perhaps a new email would be in order, just to avoid confusion?21:39
NCommanderjo-erlend_: *groan*21:39
NCommanderI'll send a followup (its tomorrow in any case)21:39
rsalvetiTheUni: yeah, would be nice to have it working on arm nicely :-)21:39
TheUnirsalveti: topfs2 can tell you more about the status. but we're currently working fine on beagle and a few other platforms, panda should be a much nicer target21:42
rsalvetiTheUni: yeah, that's what we're targeting21:42
TheUnirsalveti: may i suggest a minimum/reference platform?21:42
rsalvetiTheUni: sure21:42
TheUniah, ok21:42
rsalvetiwe're targeting panda because the hardware is nice, cheap, and we'll soon have the bamboo box around21:43
rsalvetithen panda can be easily used as a set-up box21:43
prpplaguersalveti: hopefully around the 15th of jan21:43
TheUnirsalveti: i mean.. i suggest that you specify your target/reference21:43
rsalvetiand can decode in full hd and etc21:43
TheUniyup, same page then21:43
rsalvetiprpplague: nice :-)21:43
prpplaguersalveti: i added a circuit on the ft2232 so you can have the ft2232 reset the pandaboard21:44
TheUnirsalveti: problem we've had with arm is that it's such a segmented world. The main platforms we've seen so far have been beagle/tegra2/panda21:44
TheUnibeagle had cpu limitations, tegra2 was missing ion and involved intimate dealings with nvidia, panda seems real-world achievable. so we'll be using that as reference as well.21:45
jo-erlend_IGEPv2 has been confirmed as working with the new kernel from linaro?21:45
TheUnis/missing ion/missing neon/21:45
rsalvetiprpplague: nice21:45
rsalvetiTheUni: yeah, and panda is already around, working nicely with ubuntu21:45
jo-erlend_I really like the pandaboard, except that it's too tall for me.21:45
jo-erlend_I'm curious about the new marvell ARM server chips.21:47
topfs2And I've compiled and run xbmc perfectly on panda21:47
topfs2haven't tried any real resolution yet though but considering the GPU it should probably do 1080p21:47
topfs2Atleast it would be possible to achieve in the near future21:47
topfs2(our gui is rather hefty to render)21:47
prpplaguejo-erlend_: headers can easily be desoldered on the board21:48
prpplaguejo-erlend_: http://www.elinux.org/Panda_Bamboo21:49
topfs2for a second there I thoght you had gone for bamboo for real21:50
tmzt_g2rootwhat is the 2d netbook package on maverick?22:34
tmzt_g2rootubuntu-netbook and ubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings ?22:35
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jacquesdupontdsorry i was testing my phone 3g unlimited tethering under ubuntu23:48

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