
nigelbMorning all!01:38
nigelbpaultag: you around?02:07
paultagnigelb, can I ping you after I'm done with this quick thing?02:07
nigelbpaultag: sure :-)02:08
nigelbMorning czajkowski :-)06:28
kim0Morning everyone o/07:54
nigelbMorning dholbach, kim007:55
kim0hey nigelb07:55
kim0morning dholbach07:55
nisshhtrying to learn GNU emacs is like repeatedly whacking myself in the head :)07:55
nigelbnisshh: Learn vim, get rid of the evil emacs :p07:56
dholbachgood morning!07:56
dholbachhi nigelb, hey kim007:56
nisshhnigelb, i know vim, but i thought i would try emacs, try emacs == bad idea :)07:56
nigelbnisshh: definitely07:57
nigelbMorning ara07:57
aragood morning nigelb, all07:57
kim0morning ara07:59
dpmgood morning everyone!08:15
nigelbMorning dpm08:15
dpmhey nigelb!08:15
dholbachhey dpm08:15
dpmheya dholbach08:16
kim0dpm: howdy man08:19
dpmmorning kim0 :)08:21
kim0hey :)08:21
duanedesign'lo all08:27
nigelbMorning duanedesign08:27
dpmhy duanedesign08:27
nigelboh no, new server has a confusing timezone08:27
duanedesignmorning all08:27
nigelbOh, right UTC, okay :D08:28
duanedesignboy I got absolutely nothing accomlished this wweekend. Kinda nice :)08:29
nigelbduanedesign: well rest is an accomplishment too08:30
duanedesignfor sure08:33
czajkowskiduanedesign: sometimes you just need a weekend like that10:27
czajkowskihmm there are 61 approved teams and only about 26 approved teams have requested and sent in their details for the canonical gift10:29
jussiczajkowski: hrr10:34
jussihas it been well advertised?10:34
czajkowskijussi: yes for weeks10:35
jussiis the gift awesome? :D10:35
czajkowskibut I suspect many people are not on the loco contacts list and passing information on10:35
jussiahh yes10:35
jussiperhaps grabbing people individually on irc? (about 40 people, no?)10:36
czajkowskijussi: well there is that, but that's rather time consuming and they should be filtering the information correctly. :s10:37
jussiczajkowski: yes, but still, you would find out why it isnt getting to people10:37
jussiI can help out if needed - just give me a list of irc nicks10:38
czajkowskijussi: it's ok will deal with it later this week thanks. will spread it over the LC10:38
jussiczajkowski: no probs, if you need a hand, just shout10:39
popeyI'd let it fail tbh10:57
popeythe people who really want/need stuff will be subscribed to the relavent rss feeds / lists10:58
popeyif they aren't then what does that say about their involvement?10:58
popeythere's method in my madness10:58
popeyso lets suppose some of the teams that get the gift blog about it, or announce somehow what they got10:59
czajkowskithere has to be a first I suspose :p10:59
popeythen someone who was eligible and didnt get one (because they didnt know) sees it10:59
popeywe can figure out _what_ communication channel(s) are being used ineffectively10:59
popeyif someone says "Hey! That's not fair, I didnt get one!".. "Did you apply?" "no" "Why not" "I didnt know", "Are you on loco-contacts" "no" Bingo!11:00
czajkowskiwell we should have the loco contacts mailing list resolved soon tbh11:00
czajkowskiwhere we mail the teams directly11:01
popeythat helps :)11:01
czajkowskiCharlie from IS ROCKS!11:04
popeyhe does?11:07
popeyOh, I mean, he does!11:07
kim0jturek: Hey man, ping me once you're up11:21
czajkowskiwell that was an ordeal and a half to get my NI interview part II done13:27
* nigelb hugs czajkowski :-)13:32
Pendulumczajkowski: at least it's done?13:34
czajkowskiI think so13:35
czajkowskiwill know in 4 weeks time13:36
nigelbczajkowski: What interview is it?13:36
nigelboh, insurance, google ftw13:37
popeyNational Insurance13:38
popeyUK equiv of Social Security in the USA13:38
popey\o/ Health Service13:38
Pendulumpopey: more useful since it does automatically get you health care :P13:40
czajkowskibut just such a PITA over A) me having a british passport years ago, but being on file, and then my signatiures not matching13:41
nigelbsignatures not matching is such PITA13:46
nigelbOne tends to forget signatures over the years13:47
nigelbI cry seeing my signature on the passport; if I have to change that, I have to now apply for another passport :/13:47
jcastromorning dholbach14:04
jcastrodholbach: don't reset the line yet please, I think jono is going to add me more tasks14:05
dholbachjcastro, I just set it to a new point in the upper left corner14:05
jcastrooh ok14:05
dholbachthat's what I meant14:05
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
czajkowskihttps://twitter.com/#!/alketii/statuses/9236742662000640 sooo true!14:27
popeybug 16290414:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 162904 in gnome-utils (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu not listed in dictionary (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16290414:28
czajkowskipopey: dynf14:28
czajkowskiso if the bug is invalid how does one get it rectified14:30
popeyits not a bug14:32
popeyif it's "invalid"14:32
PiciGet it listed in one of the databased that dict.org uses.  freedoc may be a good place.14:32
czajkowskipopey: non feature14:33
Picifoldoc, sorry, not freedoc.14:33
popeyWell, its debateable14:34
popeyBritish English dictionary OED says "not a word"14:34
popeyso why would you add it to one?14:34
popeyit would be like adding 'costa' to the dictionary because someone types Costa Coffee14:35
popeywhilst we might all thing Ubuntu _should_ be in the dictionary because _we_ use it a lot, not sure that means it should be.14:35
AlanBellMicrosoft is in the jargon file, but newer stuff like "iphone" isn't14:36
popeyMicrosoft isn't in the dictionary either, last time I looked.14:37
PiciSome of dict.org's databases have more encyclopedic type entries.14:38
czajkowskiahh but in open office if you type microsoft it corrects it to Microsfot14:39
czajkowskiit gives the squiggle underline for ubuntu14:39
PiciWhat about for 'squiggle' ?14:40
czajkowskiPici: no issue14:42
PiciWell thats unacceptable :P14:42
jcastropopey: I thought youtube was doing all new uploads into webm, do you know how to force it here for example: http://www.youtube.com/ubuntudevelopers15:08
popeynot off the top of my head jcastro15:11
popeyI convert all mine to webm myself ;)15:11
jonohey all15:53
cjohnstonmornin jono15:54
jonohey cjohnston15:56
kim0jono: Morning o/15:56
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
jonohey kim015:59
jonoabout ready?15:59
kim0jono: Yep16:00
jonokim0, cool, will be one min16:00
czajkowskipopey: you're missing from council channel16:03
sensegood afternoon16:30
dpmheya sense16:32
sensehi dpm16:33
akgranerjono just bcc'd you on an email  - when you get a chance can you review and offer me some feedback  - thanks!16:38
jonoakgraner, will do16:47
czajkowskiakgraner: oi oi16:48
jonokim0, watching the screencast now16:53
jonokim0, this is awesome :)16:55
jonokim0, release this for sure :)16:56
kim0oh cool !16:58
jonokim0, this should definitely be the first vid on the new YouTube chan :-)17:00
popey_another_ youtube channel!?17:00
jonopopey, there is only one other17:01
popeythere's 317:01
jonowell, I didn't set the others up :)17:01
popeyah, NIH :)17:01
jonoI think if it is on ubuntuscreencasts thats cool17:01
jonopopey, do you have access to that?17:01
* popey pokes duanedesign 17:01
popeyduanedesign does :)17:02
jonokim0, ok talk to duanedesign and get access to ubuntuscreencasts and put it there17:02
jonokim0, did you see http://www.muktware.com/a/3/2/29/2010/53117:04
kim0jono: interesting reading that17:07
* czajkowski hugs jcastro 17:07
Pendulumpaultag: ping17:08
jonokim0, can you write a blog post about how Ubuntu is leading in the EC2 space?17:20
dholbachjono, 6m?17:24
jonodholbach, yup17:24
jonodholbach, we can start now if you like17:24
dholbachjust a esc17:25
dholbachjono, I assume mumble still is not fixed for you?17:25
jonodholbach, screw mumble17:25
jonoit doesn't work for me17:25
dholbachno, screw skype17:25
nigelbjono: that's a friendly attittude :p17:25
jonoscrew mumble :-)17:25
dholbachmaybe at the sprint you can have somebody have a look at it17:26
jonodholbach, the issue is the server17:26
jononot my connection17:26
jonoas skype always works perfectly17:26
dholbachlet's discuss in skype17:26
jonoand mumble has caused lots of other folks issues on the cals17:27
* popey tickles dholbach 17:34
akgranerjono, seems like there is some issues with meeting times after the time change - can you remind mangers to double check their meeting times on the Fridge Calendar and if something needs updating just send me an email and I'll get that fixed for them17:39
duanedesignpopey: hello17:42
duanedesignpopey: ok read the scrollback. I will get in touch with kim017:44
* kim0 afk17:48
dholbachalright, I call it a day18:08
dholbachsee you all tomorrow!18:08
jonojcastro, installing natty on my usb keyring now :-)18:13
jonowhile listening to Judas Priest of course :-)18:13
jcastroI can't stop listening to this new Black Eyed Peas song18:14
duanedesignjcastro: its bansee score must be quite high now :)18:20
jcastroon my TV actually18:20
jcastroI wouldn't dare have it show up on my last.fm!18:20
duanedesignquilty pleasure is it18:21
paultagPendulum, yo18:21
jonoakgraner, will remind them18:23
dpmok everyone, see you all tomorrow!18:55
jcastrojono: remember me? :)19:25
jonojcastro, yeah, sorry19:29
jonowill be ready soon19:30
jonojcastro, can we defer for an hour or so?19:30
jcastrono worries, dial whenever19:30
jonojcastro, let's go now19:43
czajkowskihmm in need of food19:43
czajkowskihow is there no dominios here!19:44
jcastrojono: sorry I was in the bathroom!19:45
jcastrojono: all set now19:45
czajkowskiwhoo pizza ordered20:18
jonoczajkowski, :-)20:21
popey\o/ pizza20:22
czajkowskinow just need it to get here soon coming from popey neck of the woods20:22
popeyI just made the most awesome sausage and mash with cauliflour cheese :)20:22
czajkowskiit has cauliflour and cheese both of which make it fail20:23
czajkowskihello pot this is the kettle calling20:23
popeyOh hi!20:23
* czajkowski makes a mental note to only visit popey when he's cooking lasagne 20:24
unimatrix9hello there20:24
unimatrix9theres is good commercial video for ubuntu just before the keynote of mark shuttleworth20:24
unimatrix9is there any place one can download this video ?20:24
unimatrix9here is the keynote, the commercial ubuntu is the one that starts20:25
unimatrix9just before the speech20:25
jonounimatrix9, http://design.canonical.com/2010/10/introducing-ubuntu-the-movie/20:25
popeythat one20:25
popey\o/ I win20:25
jonono you don't popey :-)20:25
unimatrix9yeah great thanks20:25
jono<jono> unimatrix9, http://design.canonical.com/2010/10/introducing-ubuntu-the-movie/20:25
jono<popey> http://design.canonical.com/2010/10/introducing-ubuntu-the-movie/20:25
popey20:25:17 < popey> http://design.canonical.com/2010/10/introducing-ubuntu-the-movie/20:25
jono<--- winner :-)20:25
popey20:25:17 < jono> unimatrix9, http://design.canonical.com/2010/10/introducing-ubuntu-the-movie/20:25
* popey gets out the millisecond logs20:25
czajkowskinow now boys, :)20:26
unimatrix9wich one is the best ... lol20:26
jussipopey: first here :D20:26
czajkowskihmm need to work out how to get to stansted airport20:26
* czajkowski goes to maps. 20:26
popeystanstead is horrid to get to from here czajkowski20:26
popeyit's exactly the opposite side of london20:26
popeyso you either go through or round20:27
popeyboth sub-optimal20:27
czajkowskioh and a train strike20:27
jussiczajkowski: 1. hail cab 2. say "stanstead airport please" 3. wait 4. pay money 5 you are there20:27
czajkowskijussi: not from here...20:27
popeyahhh the old irish joke...20:27
sensetrain strike until when?20:27
czajkowskistill flight isn't till 8pm so not bad on the sunday20:27
czajkowskisense: 24hrs liek yesterday/todays one20:28
senseI need to take the train from Stansted 7 December.20:28
senseczajkowski: Do you expect more actions?20:28
czajkowskino idea20:29
popeythey are threatening20:30
czajkowskinews to me. I just listen to the annoucements at the station20:30
senseI'll keep an eye on the announcements.20:30
czajkowskisense: what are you doing over here?20:36
senseczajkowski: Application interviews at King's College in Cambridge at 8 December. :)20:37
senseComputer Science, of course.20:37
senseExciting and uncertain. 7 out of 10 get an invitation for an interview, but only 1 out of 5 get an offer for a place.20:38
czajkowskidear housemates get off my internet you are slowing it down20:42
czajkowskiwhy college in the UK ?20:42
czajkowskisense: it was because of the LoCo wasn't it :)20:43
senseczajkowski: :P They scared me away!20:43
senseBecause I want to improve my spoken English, because the institution has such a good name, because I want to study in a place where academic excellence is important and because I do not trust our government to assure the quality of our education in the future.20:43
czajkowskiwhat day do you go back ?20:43
senseczajkowski: I arrive at 7, have the interviews at 8 and leave the same evening.20:44
senseI will hear in January whether I will get a place or not.20:44
senseWhich is about the start of the Dutch university hunting season, so I will know the results for certain in time.20:44
czajkowskibest of luck20:44
senseDutch universities are generally reasonably good (there isn't much difference between them in general), but be careful with what calls itself a university. The word 'universiteit' is protected by law, but the word 'university' is not.20:47
senseThe result is that some schools that would call themselves 'hogeschool' (literally high school, but that is an incorrect translation) in Dutch call them 'university' in English. You would call it polytechnic school, I guess. It's the step below university, comparable to the lesser American unis.20:48
senseI think Tilburg is a real one.20:48
unimatrix9i think so too...20:49
unimatrix9its just around the corner , from my house , and looks real ...20:49
senseczajkowski: Ubuntu NL is becoming less scary over time, though. I've almost finished a report (of course I write a report, I'm Dutch!) of a proposal for a new organisational structure.20:51
unimatrix9i am still scary ...20:53
senseSure you are! But I can live with that. ;)20:53
unimatrix9pssss, just dont mention me in your report, then you ll be okey20:54
jussiunimatrix9: sense is scarier though - Ive met him :D20:54
unimatrix9oh, that a relief20:54
senseMe? Scary?20:56
jussivery :D20:56
unimatrix9bye all, have a nice night21:01
duanedesignafternoon friends21:18
jcastroI can't believe people still are writing this21:21
macowhy do people bother making posts A) days after everyone else has B) days after everyone else has been refuted?21:24
jcastromust be the ad money21:24
macoLike, if you're posting it days after everyone else has, you don't matter21:24
macoNobody gives a crap once they've read it 15 other place21:25
* Joeb454 makes generic comment against rolling release21:32
TechnovikingIt is my turn to start the next internet Ubuntu rumor22:03
jonomaco, always the ad money22:03
jonopays per click22:03
maco5 days after everyone else posted? not gonna get clicks...22:04
jonoit will do22:06
PendulumTechnoviking: so what's the rumour?22:07
TechnovikingI think button in the middle of screen or changing name Unitybuntu22:07
macoubuntu's switching to being based on fedora22:07
Technovikingmaco: better yet, SLED:)22:08
macohahah yes22:09
macocanonical is buying SLED from Novell22:09
Technovikingin partnership with Microsoft22:11
JFowith a codeshare agreement :-)22:12
* JFo takes it there22:13
Technovikinghow about all Ubuntu system sound to be recorded by Severed Fifth:)22:14
JFothe startup sound is jono screaming something :)22:15
TechnovikingJFo: Jono rowling COMMUNITY!!!22:16
macooh oh oh this is an april release! excellent!22:16
macojono: can you please record that for april fools lulz?22:16
JFoeither that or he will be saying "That is one TASTY cupcake!" Followed by elmo laughing22:16
JFoI rather like that idea ^22:17
macoelmo the sesame street character or elmo the sysadmin?22:17
JFoelmo the sysadmin22:17
JFowhich reminds me22:17
* JFo goes to buy a good field recorder22:17
TechnovikingI need to dub over video of Elmo from Seseme street saying "For F*#k Sakes"22:18
Technovikinglater all22:21
JFosee ya Technoviking22:21
* JFo takes off as well22:21
Technovikinggot in at work at 6am today, time to head home22:21

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