
bdrungari-tczew: the "-b XXXXXXX -b XXXXXX" method is easy to implement. if you want a different behaviour, file a bug and describe how it should behave.00:13
MTecknologyI just want to get an opinion..... Application has a line "include path/*" which includes backup files created by those incredibly annoying editors. Application fails to start because multiple files with the same contents exist. Should it be the user or the application that needs to make up for the short coming of the editor?00:21
ebroderMTecknology: Having the application deal with it is ideal, but there are plenty of applications that don't00:22
Laneyit would be a valid upstream bug imo00:23
RAOFIt sounds like the application is loading code from a user-writable directory?  That's always going to be fragile.00:24
TheMusoari-tczew: Please remember to include debian changelog entries when uploading a merge.00:50
ari-tczewTheMuso: example?00:50
MTecknologyRAOF: no - /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*00:52
ari-tczewTheMuso: pull sources on hard disk.00:52
MTecknologyRAOF: and /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf00:52
ari-tczewTheMuso: there are changelog including Debian changes. that LP handle incorrect merges.00:52
RAOFMTecknology: Ah.  More excusable :)00:53
ari-tczewTheMuso: please check it right now and give back to me00:53
TheMusoari-tczew: I am not talking about the source package, I am talking about when you create the changes file for upload.00:53
micahgari-tczew: he's referring to using -v when uploading00:53
MTecknologyRAOF: especially since the defaults imply you should edit the site in sites-available/ and symlink in sites-enabled/00:53
Laneyari-tczew: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/natty-changes/2010-November/002091.html00:53
ari-tczewmicahg: -v to which command?00:54
Laneyyou should see the -v option to debuild/dpkg-buildpackage00:54
MTecknologyRAOF: I'm just wondering whether or not it's worth dealing with and marking wishlist to never actually get to unless someone else does or say that they should edit files correctly.00:55
ari-tczewaha, now I have debuild -S -sa00:55
Laney-v<previous ubuntu version>00:55
ari-tczewLaney: in this case, debuild -S -sa -v0.9.2-0ubuntu1 ?00:56
Laneysounds right00:57
Laneycat *_source.changes to see if the debian changelog is in there too00:57
ari-tczewLaney: I prefer to use graphical editors.00:58
ari-tczewlike gedit00:58
micahgari-tczew: it's not for editing00:58
ari-tczewmicahg: OMG... editing/reading00:58
micahgari-tczew: there's a risk, that's why tools like cat/less are nice00:59
LaneyI wish more wasn't in my muscle memory :(00:59
ari-tczewmicahg: I'm careful00:59
Laneyit's pgp signed anyway so you can't break it accidently01:00
ari-tczew+1 ^01:00
ari-tczewTheMuso: otherwise, do you have any another questions about this upload?01:01
micahgLaney: one can't get into the archive accidentally, but one can certainly create more work for oneself accidentally01:02
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/New is where -v is documented btw01:04
ari-tczewLaney: heh, my first time to see this one01:06
ebroderAlso in Mom's REPORT01:06
* ari-tczew is off to bed, good night.01:06
MTecknology!info nginx natty01:11
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, but very powerful and efficient web server and mail proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.53-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 336 kB, installed size 968 kB01:11
MTecknologyso there's two changes being made from debian going into -1ubuntu1; the problem I'm having is that these issues were actually addressed already01:12
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RAOFHm.  Why can't I upload tracker to universe?02:56
StevenKWhat's the error?02:56
RAOFLack of permissions.  Let me roust up the email.02:57
ajmitch_it's not magically exclusive to a packageset, is it?02:57
RAOFAre there packages which are exclusive to a packageset?02:57
RAOF“The signer of this package is lacking the upload rights for the source package, component or package set in question.”02:58
ajmitch_I thought the kernel packages may have been, but not for any others02:58
ajmitch_I haven't kept up on the confusing permissions02:58
ajmitch_it doesn't appear to be in any packageset for natty03:01
StevenKLooks like only -desktop got rights to it for karmic only03:04
micahgRAOF: MOTU should be able to upload according to the ACL03:04
micahgStevenK: was in main then03:05
RAOFHow does one inspect the ACL, incidentally?03:05
micahgRAOF: ubuntu-archive-tools03:05
* ajmitch_ was using edit_acl.py from ubuntu-archive-tools03:05
ajmitch_I get the feeling that I'm killing LP from how slow this is :P03:07
RAOFgpg says the changes are signed with the key that launchpad has, so it shouldn't be that.03:08
ajmitch_you haven't expired from the uploading team recently, have you?03:09
RAOFlaunchpad.net/~raof says I'm still a member of ~ubuntu-dev, which IIRC is the appropriate team.03:11
ajmitch_I think ~motu is the necessary team still03:11
ajmitch_but the team listing no longer shows expired members03:11
micahgRAOF: you're no longer a member of MOTU03:11
RAOFAh.  That would be it.  I thought ~motu was deprecated, and had been for ~a year?03:12
ajmitch_I don't think ubuntu-dev membership grants upload rights, everyone including per-package uploaders are members of it03:12
micahgRAOF: no, MOTU will transition into Masters of the Unseeded when the reorg happens03:12
RAOFWell, that's why I can't upload tracker, clearly :)03:13
micahgRAOF: you still have cli-mono packageset upload rights ATM03:13
ajmitch_time to bug the DMB!03:13
ajmitch_& apply for core-dev while you're at it03:13
StevenKWhat ajmitch_ said03:14
lifelessajmitch_: is it timing out03:14
ajmitch_lifeless: no, it just took ~50 seconds to get the information for one package03:15
lifelessajmitch_: grag.03:15
ajmitch_I haven't seen what it's doing in the code, but that seems like a long time03:15
lifelessthats fucked03:15
lifelesscheck the api code is sane, and if it is, file a bug on lp03:15
micahgRAOF: I'm happy to sponsor for you while you await reactivation03:16
RAOFmicahg: Ta.03:16
ajmitch_it seems to loop over a few things, but doesn't appear to be too insane03:17
lifelessajmitch_: still, file bugs.03:23
ajmitch_will do03:25
RAOFmicahg: http://cooperteam.net/Packages/tracker_0.8.17-1ubuntu1_source.changes with associated debdiff http://cooperteam.net/Packages/tracker.debdiff .  Thanks.03:32
micahgRAOF: in progress03:37
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micahgRAOF: done04:01
RAOFmicahg: Thanks muchly!04:01
micahgRAOF: np04:02
micahgwhat's the proper way to not update timestamps on PO files if any (or do I have to go edit the debian.tar.gz)?04:24
micahgwhat's the proper way to attribute when you take half a patch someone makes04:49
RAOFThank them in the changelog, I think.04:50
RAOF“Based on a patch by $FOO”04:50
micahgRAOF: ok, what about DEP-3 for Origin/Author?04:50
micahgI added a thanks in teh changelog and have origin as the debian revision, but no author04:50
RAOFThat'd fly.04:51
micahgin the patch that's straight from Debian, I added author and origin with the package revision04:51
micahgRAOF: do you know how to not update PO creation times on source package creation?05:31
RAOFNot off the top of my head, no, sorry.05:32
RAOFWhy is it updating the creation times, though?05:32
micahgRAOF: debian/clean they get updated05:35
micahgoops d/rules clean05:36
micahgRAOF: tracker regressed on PowerPC06:16
RAOFWell, not so much regressed as *still* FTBFS :).  I'll take a look.06:17
micahgRAOF: according to the logs it built fine before for 0.8.17-106:17
RAOFYeah, it did.06:17
RAOFThen we uploaded e-d-s 2.32, and it wouldn't have built against that.06:17
micahgRAOF: ah, It's a dependency issue06:18
bilalakhtarMeh, another careless merge by Bhavani. Looks like he merged nginx in a hurry, the package is now broken.06:31
micahgbilalakhtar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/547267/comments/12 <-- this is not an appropriate comment in a bug06:35
micahgbilalakhtar: also, we don't reopen bugs that have been fixed, but file new ones and reference the old one06:36
bilalakhtarmicahg: No, its like this:06:36
bilalakhtarThe directory is referenced twice06:36
bilalakhtarand hence dpkg gives an error, and the result is the same as it was earlier: no default site06:37
micahgbilalakhtar: I agree with MTecknology, the Debian way is more appropriate for a default site06:37
bilalakhtarmicahg: that's what I am doing06:38
micahgbilalakhtar: oh, ok, I got the impression you disagreed with him from your comment06:38
bilalakhtarmicahg: In the old debian package no default site existed, but there was an explanation in debian/README.Debian06:38
bilalakhtarRoAkSoAx went ahead with a direct fix by putting the site in /var/www/nginx/06:39
bilalakhtarbut that was against the D-p06:39
bilalakhtarso I did what apache2 does06:39
bilalakhtarbut the debian way is even better06:39
bilalakhtarAlso, if I had done the merge, it would have been a sync instead06:40
bilalakhtarall the changes had been accepted06:40
MTecknologyoh- bilalakhtar that was a crap ton of my changes going into debian btw06:40
bilalakhtarbut now a new change has been added: - Add support for html5 codecs06:40
MTecknologykartik did the html5 addition06:41
bilalakhtarand another thing:06:42
bilalakhtarThe UFW profile is being added twice06:42
bilalakhtarwith different file names06:42
bilalakhtarsuch a head-breaking merge...06:43
MTecknologyIs there anything even in the ubuntu version at this point that isn't in the debian version?06:43
micahgbilalakhtar: BTW, if it should be a sync and the package is broke, you can reverse the Ubuntu changes with an appropriate changelog note and reupload06:43
bilalakhtarmicahg: No, the sync isn't possible now, bhavani added another Ubuntu change: - Add support for html5 codecs06:44
bilalakhtarI am dropping the rest and uploading06:44
micahgdidn't MTecknology just say the Debian maintainer added that?06:44
MTecknologymicahg: that's not in the uploaded package jsut yet - but it is in the branch06:45
bilalakhtarso I will closely watch the package, when its added then I'll sync06:45
MTecknologygive me a minute..06:45
micahgah, right, he just upstreamed it, but w/out a patch :(06:47
MTecknologymicahg: there were about 10 different merges from the branch i popped off - I'll do better next time06:48
bilalakhtardone, just test-building before uploading06:49
bilalakhtar(though the build should run fine)06:49
bilalakhtarIt was like a whole merge re-done06:49
MTecknologybilalakhtar: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nginx/nginx/debian/revision/10206:50
bilalakhtarMTecknology: good!06:50
MTecknologybilalakhtar: from now on anythign that breaks - yell at me :D06:52
bilalakhtarMTecknology: it won't06:52
MTecknologywell... i'm an upstream maintainer now so.... ya.....06:52
MTecknologywe'll hope so :P06:52
micahgMTecknology: that's great, we need more people working with both Distros06:53
MTecknologymicahg: I'm trying- I'm enjoying it enough06:55
bilalakhtarI think this must be the highest number of uploads I did for a single package: nginx06:56
bilalakhtar3rd one in the way06:56
bilalakhtarMTecknology, micahg: uploaded06:57
MTecknologymicahg: So far- I think the most confusing thing is policy; not difference but trying to understand them and hwo they go together06:58
micahgMTecknology: yep, that's an important thing06:58
bilalakhtarmicahg: using natty?07:03
micahgbilalakhtar: not yet07:03
bilalakhtarhmm, I would move right now if I had the daily build in my hands07:03
MTecknologyI should upgrade....07:03
MTecknologyI upgraded to an SSD too- that's been amazing07:05
MTecknologytruely the american way, buying stuff I can't afford07:05
MTecknologyand a reboot - if I come back - I'm on natty07:12
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dholbachgood morning!07:56
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pooliequick question: is it correct that packages in main can't have build-dependencies on things in universe?08:41
macoyes, i believe so08:41
micahgpoolie: yes08:41
micahgpoolie: if you need something, you can file an MIR if it's worth it08:45
pooliethe context is https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2010q4/071019.html08:46
pooliei think we will file a MIR for natty08:46
micahgpoolie: I think you can get away with it in a PPA though if it's not native08:47
pooliewhat do you mean?08:48
micahgpoolie: build-dep on universe08:48
micahgpoolie: I'm just wondering why you would add something like that on a stable branch?08:49
pooliewe didn't add it08:49
micahgoh, hmm, so what changed that the microreleaseexception was broken?08:50
poolieall of 2.2.0 has had this run-time requirement to run the test suite08:50
pooliewhen 2.2.0 was uploaded to maverick, it didn't run the test suite as the package was built08:50
pooliefor SRUs, they want to change the build rules to run the test suite08:50
pooliewhich sounds pretty reasonable, but because of this snag apparently won't work08:51
micahgpoolie: ah, ok, I would suggest uploading to a PPA to run the test suite and include a link to the logs in the SRU08:51
pooliethat's what we'll do08:51
pooliei hope08:51
pooliewell, we will do that and will i hope the sru  will be accepted08:52
spaceboyindex help10:10
spaceboyindex HELP10:10
spaceboyINDEX HELP10:10
Rhondaspaceboy: erm, … yes?10:11
spaceboyHi, was just trying to use the commands in the list10:11
RhondaYou can query ubottu if you like to play with it, it doesn't need to be in the channel, you know. :)10:12
spaceboyOh, ok, I don't really know much about IRC, thanks10:13
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andolSeems to be some missunderstandings going on in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libssh2/+bug/68142311:38
andolPerhaps someone suitable could write a few wise words?11:38
Riddellandol: I don't think I have any more to add11:59
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AnAntHello, is natty still auto-importing from Debian ?14:02
AnAntor should I sync manually ?14:02
jpdsAnAnt: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/11/29/%23ubuntu-devel.html#t13:4014:03
AnAntah, alpha-1 should be out this week ?14:04
RhondaAnAnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule14:05
RhondaDebian Import Freeze is on December 30th14:05
AnAntRhonda: thanks14:05
RhondaBut jpds is right of course, at this very moment it's not autosyncing14:06
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bdrungbilalakhtar: around?14:35
bilalakhtarbdrung: yup14:35
bdrungbilalakhtar: audacious joined the pkg-multimedia group in debian. join pkg-multimedia to get access to the git repository.14:36
bilalakhtarbdrung: :o okay14:37
bdrungbilalakhtar: audacious-plugins need a license review (both 2.3 and 2.4.1)14:38
* bilalakhtar logs into alioth14:39
bilalakhtarbdrung: sent request14:42
RenatoSilvaI have a patch for a new feature on a specific project, but I'm lazy to create an account on their tracker and I think they don't care too much about it. Is it worth reporting a wishlist bug in Launchpad for keeping a patched version of the project in Ubuntu?15:56
cody-somervilleudienz, Saying 'Please use ppa' is not satisfactory rationale to mark a Ubuntu bug as Fix Released.15:58
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udienzcody-somerville: so a bugs switch to new again?16:02
ScottKRenatoSilva: Unless it's a package that sees a lot of Ubuntu specific development probably not.16:06
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ari-tczewBlackZ: say thanks to zul due to merging nagios-plugins21:16
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stilia-johnyhi is any alive?23:50
micahgstilia-johny: you might want to try #ubuntu-app-devel for Makefile help if it's not part of the packaging23:52

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