
=== crashsystems_ is now known as crashsystems
=== ShawnR__ is now known as ShawnR
andrew_nobody knows02:23
andrew_hi folks02:25
zushello everyone,... been a while04:41
maxolasersquadSome irc humor to start the morning.  http://www.toothpastefordinner.com/112710/ice-cream-anti-social.gif12:52
DammitJimman, is everyone just online shopping or something?14:23
maxolasersquadProbably still recovering from post-Turkey naps.14:24
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
reya276Morning Everyone16:30
reya276is there a way I can start SMBD service16:33
reya276I keep getting this msg16:33
reya276'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused. Maybe smbd is not running.16:33
reya276I'm trying to share a folder and give everyone access to create and modify files16:34
mhall119sudo service samba start16:34
mhall119or sudo service smbd start16:34
mhall119I don't recall what the service name is16:34
reya276but should this not start automatically when the system turns on?16:34
mhall119it sounds like maybe authentication is failing though16:34
mhall119it usually is set to auto-start16:35
mhall119like I said, it sounds like an auth problem16:35
mhall119it's probably running16:35
reya276smbd start/running, process 406816:35
reya276does that mean it is running16:35
reya276ok Now I was able to Share the folder16:36
reya276how can I make sure that it starts when the system is restarted16:37
reya276it is weird as it was working that way before this mornings update16:38
reya276let restart the system and see what happens16:38
reya276seems like it started automatically now16:45
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
reya276everyone is out on vacation?19:01
itnet7no... just at work atm19:02
DammitJimeveryone is on vacation19:07
reya276DammitJim. hey damn it19:12
DammitJimsup dude?19:12
reya276LOL, I love your nickname man19:12
reya276that is funny dude19:12
DammitJimreya276, actually yours sounds like raya19:12
reya276it can go with everything19:12
DammitJimyou mean like the exclamation point?19:13
reya276yeah...not very good I admit19:13
reya276but your rocks19:13
dorganok hopefully someone in here can help me19:42
dorganhow would I go about getting how much memory apache is currently using?19:42
maxolasersquaddorgan: If you have a GUI system-montior should be able to give you that.19:51
chattrdorgan: in terminal ' ps -e -orss=,args= | grep [a]pache '20:08
dorganchattr: that isnt giving me memory usage20:20
dorganits just listing all the apache processes20:20
chattrdorgan: you don't get a number as the first field?  the first field should be memory20:22
dorganoh ok20:22
dorgani thought that was a processid20:22
dorganchattr: is there a way to add all those up?20:22
chattrdorgan: awk could probably do it20:28
dorgani've never used awk20:29
dorgani am so not really a scripting guy....other than php20:29
dorganchattr: does this make sense?   ps -e -orss=,args= | grep [a]pache | awk '{x += $1} END{ print x}'20:38
chattrdorgan: one moment.  ' ps o "%z" Ovs -C apache|tail -n1 ' might give you the total.  let me look at oyurs20:39
dorganthats literally just giving me back   VSZ20:40
dorgani believe my awk statement is working20:41
chattrone things is: there are so many ways to measure memory usage20:42
chattrnot running any apache here, but with 10 xterms open, ' ps o "%z" Ovs -C xterm|tail -n1 ' returns 23476 (which is probably in kB)20:45
chattrthe process there is apache or apache2?  when I do the ps ... on a box running apache2, I get VSZ, but if I do ' ps o "%z" Ovs -C apaches|tail -n1 ' I get 3296020:47
chattrback later20:55

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