
dmcgloneHi everyone02:05
Unit193Hey dmcglone02:05
dmcglonehow ya doing?02:06
Unit193Testing a distro of linux in VBox02:06
dmcglonewhich one?02:07
dmcgloneany good?02:07
Unit193I should be testing it on the faster comp....02:08
Unit193It's supposed to be very light and Ubuntu/Debian02:08
dmcgloneI see02:10
dmcgloneI'm running KDE02:10
dmcgloneit's pretty nice02:10
Unit193I use Kubuntu of the fast comp02:10
dmcgloneI can't get KDE to remember my dual monitor settings though02:11
Unit193I want dual monitors....02:11
dmcglonethey are nice02:11
Unit193I have used it... I also have used synergy02:12
dmcglonewas synergy any good?02:12
dmcgloneI changed my resolution and my monitor went crazy!02:15
Unit193What were you going for?02:15
dmcgloneon my laptop02:15
Unit193What do you use now?02:15
dmcgloneI was going to go a tad bit bigger to see if the fonts were bigger02:16
dmcglonethe fonts are kinda small on 144002:17
dmcglonedo you know how I can re-enable ctrl + alt + backspace to log out in kde?02:17
dmcgloneI can't stand not having that key combo anymore02:18
Unit193I think it's in the settings....02:18
dmcglonesounds like you've never used it02:18
Unit193Not that combo...02:18
dmcglonewhat do you use?02:20
Unit193Click -> Click02:21
dmcglonewell when my monitor just went crazy, I couldn't click->click so thats what reminded me of ctrl+alt+backspace02:22
dmcgloneI had to switch to a terminal and kill x02:22
Unit193Power button02:22
dmcgloneit still brings up a menu to click02:23
dmcglonectrl+alt+backspace just logs out no questions asked02:23
dmcgloneI found it02:26
dmcglonein the keyboard settings there's an option to enable it :-)02:27
dmcglonego to input devices-> advanced -> key sequence to kill X server and put a check mark by the key combo02:28
dmcglonenow I'm going to try to set the resolution again02:29
Unit193Good luck!02:29
dmcgloneworked that time02:30
dmcgloneit's somewhat better but not much02:30
Cheri703dmcglone: I couldn't get it to keep my monitor settings either, but I wrote a script with xrandr that I can just run when I plug in the external02:31
dmcgloneyou using gnome Cheri703?02:32
Cheri703yeah, but isn't x going to be x regardless?02:32
* Cheri703 doesn't know02:32
dmcgloneI'm not sure. on my laptop compiz is crappy with KDE but works great in gnome02:33
dmcgloneand on my desktop compiz works good in KDE but crappy in gnome02:33
Cheri703well, I'll pastebin the script I wrote and you could try it?02:34
dmcglonecool thanks02:34
Cheri703looks like xrandr works in kde02:35
dmcgloneI'm using openGL02:35
Cheri703first run "xrandr" in terminal and see what you get (should identify the "name" of the second monitor)02:35
Cheri703*shrug* dunno, worth a shot02:35
dmcgloneI can switch to XRender though, but I don't think it's the same as xrandr02:36
Cheri703just try typing xrandr into terminal, see if it gives you any output02:36
Cheri703ok, what 2 monitors do you see?02:38
dmcgloneI'm on my laptop at the moment02:38
dmcglonelemme check on my desktop02:39
dmcglonethey are both there02:40
dmcgloneone vga and one dvi02:40
Cheri703also, synergy is awesome if you wanted to link the desktop and the laptop like it's an external monitor...02:40
Cheri703ok, so which is which?02:40
dmcglonewhat do you mean?02:41
Cheri703which is primary monitor?02:41
dmcglonethe dvi is02:42
krabadorpaultag, are you here?02:42
Cheri703so in the display settings (or your equivalent) set the primary monitor settings to "correct"02:42
paultagkrabador, only just. What's up?02:42
dmcgloneI have02:43
Cheri703dmcglone: what resolution do you want for the secondary?02:43
krabadorpaultag, i #ubuntu-offtopic an user tell me you're a wiimote geek, it's true?02:43
paultagkrabador, how the hell did that get out. Yeah, what's up?02:43
* canthus13 ducks.02:43
krabadorpaultag, i'm interested to use wiimote on ubuntu02:44
deejoeno need to duck, I'm sure he always wears the wrist strap02:44
paultagkrabador, cool, what for?02:44
paultagdeejoe, hahahaha02:44
dmcglone1280x720 Cheri70302:44
krabadorpaultag, i want to know if non-official wii controllers are working well with ubuntu libraries02:45
paultagkrabador, yes, non official will work02:45
Cheri703dmcglone: what is the "proper" name of the vga monitor? VGA1 or?02:45
krabadorpaultag, great02:45
paultagkrabador, what are you looking to do with your libs?02:45
dmcgloneyes vga102:45
paultagkrabador, there are like 2 good ones, 3 if you work hard02:45
Cheri703dmcglone: do you want it to the left or to the right (or above/below) the primary monitor02:46
krabadorpaultag, have the wiimote some kind of lag?02:46
paultagkrabador, no02:46
paultagkrabador, I was using it for realtime human interface research work02:47
dmcglonepaultag: trying to do mind control with wii remote ;-)02:47
Cheri703dmcglone: what is the proper name of the dvi monitor?02:47
paultagdmcglone, :)02:48
dmcglonebe careful krabador, don't let paultag get ahold of you02:48
krabadori would use it completely, as pointer, and mediacenter remote. it's too much?02:48
dmcglonedvi1 Cheri70302:48
paultagkrabador, not at all, you actually don't have to program for that02:48
paultagkrabador, there's something in the repos to let you use it as a mouse / keyboard02:48
paultagkrabador, I was using it so you can get access to the hardware in C, but you don't need that kruft02:49
paultagkrabador, look up cwiid02:49
paultagkrabador, that has a binary in the repos iirc02:49
krabadorpaultag, cwiid02:49
paultagkrabador, it works over bluetooth, just btw02:50
paultagin case no one told you02:50
krabadorpaultag, for staff like xbmc, i must use it as mouse , or i can customize something02:50
paultagyes krabador02:50
paultagkrabador, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=535659  <-- look at the code block that starts with "#IR pointer "02:50
paultagkrabador, that will let you set up how it interacts as a HID02:51
Cheri703dmcglone: run this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/537704/02:51
Cheri703that should do it for you02:51
Cheri703in theory02:51
krabadorpaultag, it's the reason i asked if unofficials are working too02:52
paultagkrabador, you should be good to go02:52
paultagkrabador, they idet the same way via the bluez serial socket02:52
paultagdoes not matter who's hardware it is, cwiid does not check02:53
krabadorpaultag, great. Are you happy of the wiimote's usability02:53
paultagkrabador, yes, I am. I don't use cwiid, so I can't talk about how well it works, but they talk great.02:53
krabadorpaultag, do you think something can be improved?02:54
paultagkrabador, yes, lots :)02:54
canthus13Aww. Leslie Nielson died.02:54
paultagkrabador, but it works, very well02:54
krabadorpaultag, nobody is working on it?02:55
paultagkrabador, it's very stable02:55
dmcgloneThank you Cheri703 I've saved the script and I'll give it a shot in the morning02:55
krabadorpaultag, yes i'm looking, but it's very sad if nobody are working on improvements...02:56
Cheri703ok, awesome02:56
paultagkrabador, send in patches :)02:56
dmcgloneI'm getting ready to shutdown the laptop and move this party upstairs lol02:56
* dmcglone is finishing his pepsi02:57
krabadorpaultag, all this stuff seems really great, tomorrow i buy a non-official wiimote (half of the original's price...) and i'll coming to use it . A wireless mouse sucks batteries too :)02:58
paultagkrabador, :)02:58
paultagkrabador, there's tons to hack at02:58
paultagkrabador, it's very easy to program for as well, so be sure to stock up on AAs :)02:58
paultagI ended up doing some cool stuff with Marble + Wiimotes02:59
paultagalso my swarm sims and stuff02:59
canthus13meh. get rechargables. :)03:00
krabadori don't understand why only few person, like you, are working on it03:01
krabadorpaultag, have you seen about kinetic on pc?03:01
paultagkrabador, it's pretty rad03:02
canthus13MS is already ranting about people making drivers for it...03:02
paultaghehehe it's great03:02
paultagcanthus13, on NPR the project lead said they would not harrass anyone03:02
* deejoe tried kinect this holiday at the in-law's03:03
canthus13The project lead has no say.03:03
canthus13That's like our janitor giving official price breaks.03:03
paultagtrue canthus1303:04
canthus13MS wasn't making threats, just saying that they would do what they had to to keep people from using it for something useful.03:04
krabadormicrosoft will take advantage of it on win803:06
krabadordeejoe, have you tried kinetic on pc, or xbox360?03:07
krabadorkinetic can be the next parental control standard.03:08
deejoethe picture-taking creeps me out03:08
canthus13deejoe: don't dance naked in front of it.03:09
* paultag coughs03:16
* paultag shifts in his chair03:17
* Cheri703 thinks paultag has been messing with that lightsaber mod in the context of the previous statement03:17
paultagCheri703, I wish :)03:17
canthus13You danced nekked in front of a kinetic...?03:17
paultagCheri703, I actually have not tried playing with the kinetic03:17
paultagcanthus13, nawww. I would have03:17
Cheri703have you seen the lightsaber thing?03:18
paultagBRB, hulu's back03:18
paultagCheri703, hell yeah03:18
krabadorpaultag, it's possble configure the zoom, with cwiid?03:19
Cheri703OMG I'm so fed up with my boss03:31
* Cheri703 is actually hoping they refuse the contract she puts forth next month03:31
Unit193That bad?03:35
Cheri703yeah...got a text tonight "bring <item she'd given me> tomorrow and email me the excel spreadsheets" "uhm, what spreadsheets?" "the ones you made with the info I'd given you" (this info had been given with NO instructions whatsoever, just handed to me) "also, did you complete the elearning?" (received NO info about elearning needing to be completed in any capacity)  All of this after getting a text at 9:40pm to be at her house at03:37
Cheri7038:30 for a meeting since we didn't have one friday (since she was out of town) >.<03:37
Cheri703(this may seem like a small thing, but on top of everything else, it's ridiculous)03:38
Unit193Are you the only underling?03:39
Cheri703and I get paid VERY little03:39
Unit193lucky you...03:39
Cheri703oh yes03:40
Unit193What is your job again?03:42
canthus13Cheri703: Can't be much worse than what I've been making...03:43
Cheri703my job is a little bit of a lot of things, but primarily setup and training on xerox copiers03:43
Cheri703canthus13: I seriously doubt that03:43
* canthus13 makes just under 16 bucks an hour. :(03:43
Cheri703yeah, I'm worse03:44
* Cheri703 makes $300/week and is supposed to take her own taxes out of it, and is expected to work at least 40 hours per week and her delusional boss thinks she should work even more than that...for those who don't want to do the math, at 40 hours / week, that comes out to $7.50/hour >.<03:44
canthus13Want a job?03:45
Cheri703but I'm in mansfield and if/when I leave this job I'll not have a car :/03:45
canthus13AH. that sucks. :(03:45
Cheri703could I telecommute? :)03:45
Cheri703they provide my vehicle03:45
Cheri703I would KILL to make $16/hour03:45
Cheri703my husband is on unemployment right now, together we bring in $531/week...which is juuuuuust barely enough, and nothing for extras :(03:46
canthus13They start part time where I work...03:46
* Cheri703 is po'03:46
canthus1314.05/hr, benefits.03:46
* Cheri703 is drooling over here03:47
canthus13If you decide you wanna jump ship and move to Toledo, lemme know, and I'll put in a word for ya.03:47
canthus13We seem to hire new people every 2-3 months.03:47
Cheri703my lease is up in april03:48
Cheri703we'll see at that point03:48
Cheri703we're hoping to stay around here if possible, but...if no jobs, then we'll go :/03:48
canthus13And if you can deal with people who have trouble with pushing buttons on a copier, you should be able to handle phone support. :)03:48
Cheri703I don't want to, we like our landlord03:48
Cheri703ha, yeah03:48
canthus13If nothing else, you don't have to *smell* the people you're dealing with. :)03:48
Cheri703heh, definitely03:49
Cheri703if I could telecommute, I'd take it in a heartbeat03:49
canthus13So would I. :)03:49
* Cheri703 would love to have a telecommuting job03:49
canthus13There's a company in TX that does telecommute support, advertises all the time... but you have to live somewhere in TX.03:49
* canthus13 may end up down there working for Hostgator someday.. they hire a LOT of linux admins and support people... and I know a few people working there.03:50
* Cheri703 has considered san antonio in the past03:51
Cheri703is there a part of tx that isn't stupid hot in the summer?03:51
canthus13I spend 6 years of my childhood in San Antonio.03:51
deejoeI bet if you dig deep enough down, you could find someplace ;-)03:51
canthus13You get used to the heat, though... And the hill country (around New Braunfels) isn't quite as bad...03:52
Cheri703yeah, kind of how scottsdale az is MUCH nicer than phoenix03:52
* Cheri703 could deal with scottsdale, not so much with phoenix03:52
canthus13Not that much better.. just a little less humid.03:52
Cheri703ugh, I just want something low stress...my last job was menial, but high stress due to drama hungry manager, then thought this one would be good, and the bosses are psycho/delusional/greedy/liars/taking advantage of me... >.<03:54
Cheri703Ideally it'd be IT related, but honestly, if it paid more than $9/hour, then I'd take it at this point :( at least for a while03:55
canthus13Tech support can be high stress if you take the callers too personally.. but once you realize they're just a bunch of angry sheeple that can't operate a doorknob without close supervision, it gets easy.03:57
Cheri703there's a call center in town that says "support" but I think it's non-technical stuff03:58
canthus13Ooo.. Toaster support. :)03:58
Cheri703I guess03:59
* Cheri703 has helped people with things like that though03:59
Unit193You can deal with computer idiots at home?04:04
Unit193At work they can be a pain, but they only have to do a set thing...04:06
Cheri703freaking chase bank04:07
Cheri703their website has been down a ton lately04:07
Cheri703it's pissing me off04:07
Cheri703Unit193: I deal with idiots EVERYWHERE04:09
Cheri703but yeah, I go to people's homes to help them with stuff04:09
canthus13Unit193: Oh. idiots in their own homes.. Only via phone. :)04:09
Unit193canthus13: That is not a job I want... IS for a hospital or company04:13
Unit193Can't deal with people....04:13
canthus13Unit193: I had a hard time at first...It's easy now, though.  Even though we don't work from scripts/flowcharts (We're expected to know our shit, and be able to research on the fly when necessary), I've worked up my own standard routine in my head and work the common issues on autopilot.04:16
* Cheri703 is trying to buckle down and read in her comptia network+ book...04:56
Cheri703and I'm having difficulty focusing :(04:56
Unit193Can't help there..... I can make it harder :)04:57
Cheri703well, I have 3 big things I'm trying to work on in the next few weeks: prep my resume, prep the contract to present to bosses, try to study for comptia04:58
Cheri703and thursday (after ubuntu hour) I'm going to meet with someone about my resume, I've got some calls in to people about the contract, so this is the only one that I can work on in "spare" time04:58
Cheri703but I have difficulty focusing on it04:58
Unit193I still think I can make it to UH....04:59
Unit193Trying to stay in town?05:00
Cheri703awesome Unit19305:00
Cheri703stay in town for? job?05:00
Cheri703yeah, ideally. we have til april on our lease, but we like the house and the landlords, so if we can find work, we'll stay05:01
Cheri703if not, then we'll have to go05:01
Unit193I'm not going to be reloco,.... ;)05:02
Unit193joking... your reloco lead...05:05
Cheri703ah, ok05:06
* Cheri703 is all over the place tonight05:06
Cheri703stress = bleh05:06
Unit193I don't think I can help with that...05:08
Cheri703it's ok :)05:08
Cheri703I was just setting some stuff in my router :)05:09
Cheri703assigning static ip via mac address05:09
Unit193How is the web server going?05:10
Cheri703sort of is, sort of isn't05:11
Cheri703I'm gradually learning how to set things up05:11
Cheri703atm I have apache and an outward facing folder, and all kinds of ssh crap set up, and remote access junk, but it's a slow process05:11
Unit193What type of remote access do you use?05:13
Unit193Do any SSH tunneling?05:13
Cheri703I have been doing most of my stuff via ssh -X or ssh -Y -C05:13
* canthus13 cuddles ssh.05:14
* Unit193 Has even setup SSH in windows :)05:15
Cheri703I'd like to mess with it in windows05:15
Cheri703at christmas, my parents are coming and bringing ALL of their computers and their router so I can set up some networky goodness for them05:15
* canthus13 uses PuTTY in windows.05:15
canthus13Heh. sounds fun.05:15
Cheri703should be interesting05:16
Cheri703I'll also be setting up my mom's new laptop (lenovo black friday deal)05:16
Cheri703hopefully putting ubuntu on it05:16
Unit193Is there anyway to have Ubuntu with dvd support and stuff like that out of the agovx?05:17
Cheri703ubuntu customization kit perhaps?05:18
Cheri703you can make a custom iso05:18
Cheri703ok boys, I'm off to bed. have a good night.05:20
Unit193You too!05:20
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
=== Unit1931 is now known as Unit193
deejoepaultag: trying to follow along: what's "LD"?18:31
paultagdeejoe, LoCo Directory -- loco.ubuntu.com18:31
canthus13 19:15
canthus13 19:15
canthus13 19:15
deejoehow insightful19:16
canthus13screen decided to freak out when I recovered.19:16
canthus13Woo. yay for liveCDs. :)22:31
BiosElementYay haha22:31
canthus13friggin' windows self-destructed on my test machine here at work.  blue screens constantly.22:32
* canthus13 just happened to have a Backtrack3 LiveCD in his desk. :)22:32

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