
TheMusoScottL: I see nobody has sponsored the studio meta upload, so I'll make sure to take a look today some times.01:03
ScottLTheMuso, thank you!  that would be fantastic, please let me know if there is anything i can assist you with01:04
paultagyo there ScottL 01:15
ScottLhi paultag :)01:31
TheMusoScottL: THis diff for the studio has a few things. I'll update it, show you the corrected diff, and explain what the problems were.03:05
ScottLTheMuso, thank you, i look forward to understanding better03:40
TheMusoNo problem.03:40
TheMusoScottL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/537735/ is the diff, with some corrections.04:28
TheMusoI am going to upload now so we can get it in by Alpha 1.04:29
ScottLTheMuso, holy smokes, that is one big diff!  i'll try to explore it tomorrow and during the week04:56
TheMusoScottL: Right, you can ignore all the *-amd64/i386/armel/powerpc stuff04:56
TheMusoI should have filtered that actually. Let me do that now.04:57
holsteinpaultag: im around now04:58
holsteinScottL: youll be able to facilitate the meeting right?04:59
paultagholstein, what's up05:01
holsteinnot much05:02
holsteinyou mind if a /q you for a sec?05:02
paultagholstein, go for it05:02
TheMusoScottL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/537749/ is the filtered diff.05:02
ScottLholstein, i thought the meeting was on wednesday for us, at 7:00 am?11:55
ScottLbut i'll check the time again later this morning11:56
ScottLthis week will be very busy for me during the morning11:56
ScottLon wednesday i can make 7:00 am but i will _only_ have thirty minutes though11:57
ScottLTheMuso, thank you11:57
scott-workack, holstein, i think i'm an idiot13:14
scott-workit looks like i was wrong earlier (a few days ago) when i said your schedule for the website meeting was off13:15
scott-workthis puts my local time a 7:00pm :)13:15
scott-workTheMuso: it didn't look like too much change between my version and yours13:15
scott-work+  * Remove lpia and ubuntustudio-audio package list files13:15
scott-workthis was the only major thing i saw13:15
scott-workgranted i quickly scan through it all13:16
holsteinscott-work: morning :)13:51
holsteini just wanted to make sure you were either going to be there13:51
holsteinOR if you could get me links and whatever needs to be covered13:52
scott-workholstein: since i know now that it is tomorrow night it shouldn't be a problem to attend :)13:55
holsteinscott-work: COOL13:59
scott-workpersia: yay!  + [apw] write a skeleton document for outside consumers to reference for migrating from older versions/flavours:DONE14:37
scott-workpersia: doh, sorry, that wasn't what i thought it was :( 14:45
* scott-work is trying to do WAY too much concurrently this morning14:45
TheMusoscott-work: No there weren't, but there were a few important bits that need fixing. I also suggest you take a look at the bzr branch for the seeds.21:26
scott-workTheMuso:  to be clear, you also made changes to the seeds?21:27
scott-workah, i see the revision21:28
scott-worki'll dig into that tonight or tomorrow21:28
TheMusoOk cool.21:28
scott-workokay, i looked right now :P21:29
scott-worki see that adding the task-seeds line takes care of something per.sia had mentioned before21:29
scott-worki thought that was taking care of during the STRUCTURE file21:30
scott-workwhere it mentioned "generation: audio-common"21:30
scott-workTheMuso: i also see the changes for boot and desktop-common...wow21:31
TheMusoNo its not. The structure file lays out how things are built on each other, it doesn't say that the contents of one seed should be included in another.21:32
scott-workTheMuso: when we offer the -lowlatency kernel will we need to reimplement these21:32
TheMusoscott-work: Yeah, until we ship our own different kernel again, we don't need those hanging around.21:32
TheMusoYes for low latency, we will need those again.21:32
scott-workhaha, i think that answers myq uestion21:32
scott-workokay, i don't feel too bad about those changes then  :)21:33
TheMusoOk cool.21:33
scott-workof course i'm going to go through other seeds and see if i can find other instances of the task-seeds line21:33
scott-worki'm excited about having the changes made, we should see all these implemented in tomorrows build, yes?21:36
TheMusoYes, but there is one more change that needs to be made, I just need to send Colin a patch for the build scripts to know about the new tasks.22:02
TheMusoThe patch in question is against the version of debian-cd used to build all Ubuntu disks.22:02
TheMusoOk, patch made and a merge proposal sent to Colin.22:34
scott-workTheMuso: i talked to colin almost a week ago and he said he had a script that updates the tasks and even told me when it was compelte22:34
TheMusoscott-work: This is different.22:34
scott-workTheMuso: ah, okay :)22:34
scott-workapparently unity is now turned on in the natty daily builds22:36
scott-worki wonder how this will affect ubuntustudio22:36
holsteini was wondering about that22:36
holsteinscott-work: the ubuntustudio-desktop shouldnt be effected right?22:36
scott-workand i am looking forward to downloading a vanilla ubuntu daily build and seeing it from a live cd22:36
scott-workholstein: i haven't a clue to be honest22:37
holsteingnome is about to get some cool stuff i hear22:37
holsteinsome funding22:37
holsteinim sure there will be gubuntu22:37
scott-workholstein: i would defer to TheMuso or persia about how unity being turned on by default will effect ubuntu studio, or i'll just download a new ubuntu studio daily tomorrow :)22:37
TheMusoStudio won't get unity, as its not in the seeds.22:38
holsteini was worried about it22:38
holsteinbut i think we should just roll on with gnome22:38
* scott-work is going home, ciao22:38
quadrisproScottL, mda-lv2 has joined Debian unstable23:03
ScottLquadrispro, super sweet!  i've been researching mda a bit23:19
ScottLit looks like we are beginning to have quite a stable of plugins23:20
ScottLi wonder if we (i.e. ubuntustudio-devs) parse through them at some point and be more selective about which ones we ship23:20
ScottLquadrispro, also:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Backports23:20
ScottLit's not done, but it's got a lot to it23:21
ScottLquadrispro, how did you get mda into unstable?  shouldn't it reside in debian-new until release?23:23
quadrisprono, ftp-masters (slowly) process packages in NEW23:23
quadrisproBTW, they will not enter squeeze23:24

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