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bdrungi have some issue with the daily build: Unable to load plugin 'builder' from '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins' https://launchpadlibrarian.net/59824676/buildlog.txt.gz00:21
wgrantsoren: We've just fixed that build. But it failed to upload because a newer one finished already.00:28
wgrantsoren: So everything looks OK now.00:28
wallyworldbdrung: looking now00:29
wallyworldbdrung: it appears there's a config problem on Canonical's end, which is being looked at. I'll ping you when I have some more information00:45
bdrungwallyworld: thanks00:56
wallyworldbdrung: np. the person i am waiting for input on may not be able to respond straight away. want me to email you any status update?00:58
wallyworldbdrung: you still there? do you have a link to the actual build in addition to the log you posted?01:34
wallyworldbdrung: seems like an issue with just the one server. you could try building again and it should work, fingers crossed01:48
thumperwallyworld: it could be 10 builders... it seems that several new builders were added02:22
thumperwallyworld: we should check with bigjools later02:22
wallyworldthumper: ok, i'll send him an email. i've already mailed james_w and lamont02:38
lamontwallyworld: thanks for the email, fixing that machine now :(02:58
lamontthere may still be a machine or two, I'd love to hear about any similar ones02:58
wallyworldlamont: np. thanks for looking at it so promptly :-) would it be wise to check the other newly added machines too?02:59
lamontit's actually the ones that were new sometime (specific) last week. :(02:59
lamontand checking them is problematic03:00
wallyworldlamont: i only know about that one case so far - i'll be sure to tell you if any more come by way :-)03:00
lamontor at least annoyiung03:00
lamontshould be a quantity approximating zero.03:00
wallyworldhere's hoping :-)03:00
lamontwallyworld: and the build url is much more helpful to me than the buildlog, should a similar occasion arise.. (I can get from the url -> log, but not the other way without pain)03:02
wallyworldlamont: np. i think i included the url in the email? i only got the log from the user who reported the problem but got help from aaron to get the url03:03
lamontyou did included it (and you clearly understand the pain I feel when they give me just the log)03:05
wallyworldwell, aaron does, and i'm starting to :-)03:05
lamontto be fair, I've thus far gotten away with "give me a url if you want me to check on that, kthx"03:06
wgrantlamont: Are they not running the latest lp-buildd?03:06
lamontwgrant: there were a few, it seems, that got missed03:06
wgrantlamont: It seems like buildd-manager should disable them.03:07
lamonton the bright side, I can now actually log in and check these things03:07
lamontbuild-manager can't even query them to find out what version they're running03:07
wgrantWell, it *should* be able to.03:07
wgrantAnd then we have FFs or something specifying the allowable versions.03:08
wgrantAnd anything else gets disabled.03:08
matthewg42Hi.  I have a local bzr repository with a bound copy of the trunk of my project (lp:stellarium).  It's quite a big project and my pipe is not so fat.  I branched a local feature branch, which i wish to upload to launchpad.  How can I do this efficiently?  I did this before, but it uploaded the whole thing and took forever.  Is there a way I can branch from lp:stellarium on the lp servers without havin to upload every05:51
matthewg42If figure if I can do the main branch on the lp servers directly (and fast), I can then merge in my local branch to that to sync them up.  This means I don't have to download or upload the whole repo...  Is this a sane expectation?05:54
exarkunI don't understand https://edge.launchpad.net/twisted/main/+addrelease05:59
exarkunCan I skip the milestone part?05:59
wgrantexarkun: A release is a special case of a milestone. So you need to select an existing milestone or create a new one.06:02
lifelessexarkun: you can automate it06:03
lifelessexarkun: but not skip it06:03
lifelessexarkun: there are a few scripts around already that automate it06:03
exarkunmaybe someday I'll want to use one of those06:04
exarkunright now, it only takes about 2 clicks to create a milestone, so I'm not extremely concerned with the manual labor06:04
matthewg42maybe my question is better suited to #bzr eh?06:04
exarkunit's mostly a problem because I have no idea what a milestone is, or what any of its attributes might be06:05
wgrantmatthewg42: Which version of bzr are you using?06:05
wgrantmatthewg42: Where'd you push the branch to?06:05
matthewg42I didn't push anywhere yet.  My question is essentially...  push takes too long because it sends then entire local repository branch over the network, when 99% of the data already exists in the trunk branch in lp.06:06
wgrantmatthewg42: Branches should automatically stack on lp:stellarium -- that is, they will only upload new data.06:06
matthewg42I /will/ push to lp:~matthew-porpoisehead/stellarium/nightmode06:06
wgrantYour '06:06
wgrantYour 'satellites' branch stacked.06:07
matthewg42hmm.  didn't last time06:07
wgrantYour 'deltat' branch did not.06:07
wgrantNot sure why.06:07
matthewg42yeah, I created satellites before I started using a local repo06:07
wgrantYou should see a message about stacking when you push up your next one.06:07
matthewg42so originally my local satellites was a full checkout of lp:stellarium06:07
wgrantmatthewg42: So, just push it up. It should work.06:08
matthewg42since then I did bzr init-repo, checked out lp:stellarium into a branch called "trunk" locally, and made deltat as a local branch of that.  then when I pushed deltat, lp didn't figure out that it was a branch of lp:stellarium06:09
wgrantYou didn't terminate the first push then push again?06:10
wgrantOr create the branch through the UI first?06:10
matthewg42what do you mean "create the branch through the UI first"?06:10
matthewg42via the web site?06:10
wgrantSorry, the web UI, yes.06:10
matthewg42I was working from the bzr docs which talk about doing stuff on the lp site.06:10
matthewg42how do I do that?06:10
wgrantThere is a (pointless) link there to create a branch.06:10
wgrantYou don't want to use it.06:10
wgrantJust wondering if you did last time.06:11
matthewg42sorry... new to distributed vcs!06:11
matthewg42I don't think I used the GUI06:11
wgrantSo, try pushing to lp:~matthew-porpoisehead/stellarium/nightmode. It should tell you at the start that it's stacking on lp:stellarium or similar.06:11
wgrantIf not, we will debug.06:12
matthewg42"Using default stacking branch /~stellarium/stellarium/trunk at lp-67423056:///~matthew-porpoisehead/stellarium"06:13
matthewg42looks like it's working.  :D06:13
wgrantStacked on:06:13
matthewg42thanks.  don't know what I did the delta-t branch!06:13
matthewg42must have done something differently.06:13
matthewg42I have no clue what.  OK, well that makes me feel a lot better about making feature branches in this way now.06:15
matthewg42Well thank you for your help.06:15
wgrantmatthewg42: If you work out what you did different with the other one, I'd be interested to know.06:15
matthewg42me too06:16
matthewg42and I'd like to fix it if possible.  I assume the deltat branch is taking up a lot of unnecessary disk space on lp's servers06:17
matthewg42wgrant: I see a difference when I do bzr info...06:18
matthewg42deltat has one additional line of output: submit branch: /media/loop/stellarium/trunk06:18
matthewg42hang on, I'll pastebin the whole thing for you06:18
matthewg42wgrant: http://pastebin.ca/200654206:19
matthewg42what sets this submit branch?06:19
wgrantThat's probably unimportant. It was something different about the way you pushed.06:19
matthewg42the command I pushed with just now (successfully) is: bzr push lp:~matthew-porpoisehead/stellarium/night06:20
matthewg42Perhaps...  I had uncommitted changes in my local trunk when I pushed deltat... would that do it?06:20
matthewg42I don't generally have uncommitted changes in my local trunk, but it is possible.06:22
wgrantI doubt it. The most common cause is that you start a push, terminate it before it finishes, then repush.06:23
matthewg42That is also possible.  I'm control-C happy.06:24
matthewg42Is there anything I can check to see what I might have done?06:24
wgrant~/.bzr.log should have timestamps for each command.06:25
matthewg42I think you're right:  bzr arguments: [u'push', u'--remember', u'lp:~matthew-porpoisehead/stellarium/deltat'] .... KeyboardInterrupt06:27
matthewg42It appears I remembered that I should check to see if there were any changes to merge from lp:stellarium because the next thing I did was:06:27
wgrantThere's apparently a bug for that. But I can't find it.06:28
matthewg42bzr arguments: [u'commit', u'-m', u'merge from trunk']06:28
matthewg42then I pushed again06:28
wgrantYeah, so you should try to avoid Ctrl+C'ing the initial push.06:28
matthewg42OK, noted.06:28
matthewg42I don't want to clog up lp's servers with full branches06:29
matthewg42if I remove the branch on lp now, and push again my deltat will it create a stakced branch ok?06:29
matthewg42(I just want to check that removing the branch on lp actually removes it and clears state, and doesn't do some "clever" stuff just making it as removed until I try to push again)06:30
matthewg42OK, I'll do that.06:30
wgrantYou'll probably have to reasociate the blueprint, but apart from that it'll work fine.06:30
matthewg42wgrant: thank you for your help.  most useful.06:30
matthewg42Are there plans to implemented a "feature request" system?  I find the wishlist bug status to be unsatisfying.07:01
lifelessmatthewg42: not that I'm aware of07:04
fta2hi. is there a problem with the ppa publishing task?07:04
fta2https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1379136/+listing-archive-extra  says "i386 - Pending publication", but https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa/+build/2070063 says it "Finished 1 hour ago"07:05
fta2isn't it supposed to be 15min?07:06
wallyworldfta2: not sure, i'll have a look07:21
fta2wallyworld, thanks07:22
wallyworldwgrant: ^^^^^^ any ideas?07:25
wallyworldfta2: i am trying to find a packaging person to help with your issue; i'll email or irc once we know something07:33
wgrantfta2: It's meant to be every 5 minutes, but it was down to every 20 earlier this morning. I'm not sure what's happening now.07:52
sorenwgrant: Yes, it eventually failed because a newer one landed before it. It still took hours for it to upload.08:06
wgrantsoren: It was hit by a race condition which knocked it out of the incoming queue. We manually moved it back in, and a minute later it was processed (and rejected) as expected.08:07
wgrantWe believe that the race is fixed, but the fix is not yet deployed.08:07
sorenwgrant: Ah, ok. Cool, thanks.08:09
wallyworldwgrant: with the above issue, the amd64 build got published fine, it's just the i386 build that's busted08:15
wgrantwallyworld: The i386 build finished half an hour later.08:16
wallyworldwgrant: yes, but it's *still* pending publication all this time later?08:17
wgrantRight, something must have broken in that half-hour interval.08:17
wallyworldwgrant: i've been called for dinner. is there something that needs to be poked to fix it?08:19
wgrantwallyworld: Julian should be around soonish, so you can probably eat.08:20
wallyworldwgrant: thanks :-) i'll ping him after dinner08:20
wgrantfta2: Should all be good now.08:46
wallyworld_wgrant: you fix something?09:10
wgrantwallyworld_: No -- see #launchpad-dev.09:11
wallyworld_wgrant: ok. thanks09:12
ali1234i just noticed a bug i reported on bugs.meego.com in my launchpad page and i was wondering why...10:14
ali1234this is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rpm/+bug/63549110:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 635491 in RPM "rpm-python.spec refers to non-existing rpm.spec (affected: 1, heat: 5)" [Low,Triaged]10:15
ali1234is someone automatically pulling in all bugs from BMO or something?10:15
nigelbThere is a remote watch enabled10:16
nigelbIs launchpad.net/~n3npq you?10:16
ali1234the original description of the bug is verbatim copy of what i wrote on meego bugzilla10:16
ali1234and accredited to me10:17
ali1234so it's not like someone independantly reported it and then set up the watch10:17
nigelbIts the other way around I guess10:17
ali1234sorry, i don't understand10:18
nigelbIf you notice in the oringal description10:18
nigelbIt says "In Meego #5546, Alistair Buxton wrote on 2010-08-18"10:18
ali1234yes, that's me10:18
nigelbSo, its pulling from the meego bug tracker into lp10:18
nigelbAnd because you use the same email id on the meego bugzilla and your lp account, lp accredited it to you10:18
nigelb(yes, lp does remote bug watches, but I'm not sure how far, perhaps somone from the lp team will answer that)10:19
ali1234yeah i am familiar with remote watches, but normally they don't look like this10:19
* nigelb pokes wallyworld_ 10:19
ali1234anyway i was just curious :)10:20
wallyworld_nigelb: hi10:20
nigelbOh, great :)10:20
nigelbwallyworld_: Can clear up ali1234's query (you're the CHR :D )10:20
wallyworld_nigelb: let me read the previous context :-)10:20
nigelbI think this has something to do with remote bug tracker importing that we enabled some time back :-)10:21
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wallyworld_nigelb: i just finished dinner :-)10:21
nigelbwallyworld_: I was afraid it was EOD and was just typing "he probably is at EOD.." when you said Hi ;)10:21
wallyworld_nigelb: np. i'll see what i can do to help10:21
* nigelb hugs wallyworld_ 10:22
wallyworld_nigelb: ali1234: i'm not an launchpad expert (yet) so let me look into it a bit. if i can't resolve it now, i'll pass it on and ensure someone can follow up10:24
wallyworld_ali1234: you want the remote watch removed? or just an explanation?10:24
ali1234just an explanation10:24
ali1234afaik to make a remote watch there needs to be an existing bug in launchpad, but that doesn't seem to be the case here10:25
wgrantali1234: Ah, there's a bit of a bug here.10:25
ali1234so looks like the bug was imported some other way, and that got me interested10:25
wgrantali1234: We now import comments from remote bugs.10:25
wgrantali1234: And Launchpad assumes that the earliest comment in a bug is the original description.10:25
wallyworld_ali1234: hmmm. i have a poke around and see what i can find. what's your launchpad nick?10:26
wgrantali1234: One of the imported comments predates the Launchpad bug, so Launchpad thinks it's the original description.10:26
ali1234wgrant: that would make sense, but shouldn't there be a comment somewhere like "bug watch added by ..."10:27
nigelbwgrant: So, this is like some kind of race case and a bug in lp?10:27
ali1234ah, full activity log...10:27
wgrantIs it just me, or have all the sprites vanished?10:27
ali1234ok thanks everyone, i think i understand what is going on now :)10:28
wallyworld_wgrant: thanks again for helping :-)10:28
nigelbwgrant: sprites?10:29
wgrantnigelb: Icons.10:29
nigelbI got that bit, but I can figure out which ones are missing.10:29
wgrantHm, no, just Chromium being stupid.10:29
nigelbI see all the icons I should see except the ones I got used to with the greasemonkey plugin10:30
tseliotbigjools: are you there?10:31
bigjoolstseliot: yep10:31
bdrungwallyworld_: here's the link: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~audacity-team/+recipe/daily.karmic11:20
wallyworld_bdrung: thanks. we figured it out :-) there was an issue on a build server which should now be fixed11:20
bdrungwallyworld_: thanks. now even natty works!11:22
bdrungwallyworld_: but karmic still fails: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~audacity-team/+recipe/daily.karmic/+build/953711:25
wallyworld_bdrung: ok. that's a different server. may be a problem on that one too :-( wanna try building again? i'll take a closer look at the logs11:27
bdrungwallyworld_: should i trigger it again?11:29
wallyworld_bdrung: give it a go - it will hopefully pick a different server to run on. in the meantime i'll see what can be found11:31
wallyworld_bdrung: confirmed - it appears to be another server with the same config issue. getting a sys admin onto it11:36
wallyworld_bdrung: sys admin tells me that server is now fixed. hopefully last one, but....11:40
bdrungwallyworld_: this time it works. so at least radium is fixed. ;)11:42
wallyworld_bdrung: cool :-)11:42
bdrungwallyworld_: how do i get rid of the "Failed to build" item at the top of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~videolan/+recipe/master-daily11:44
wallyworld_bdrung: not sure. i can ask the guy who did a lot of that work when he comes online11:46
bdrungwallyworld_: thanks11:47
wallyworld_bdrung: np. he may well just say that it will disappear in time when more builds are done but i'm not sure11:47
bdrungwallyworld_: last question: where can i subscribe for build failures (recipe and ppa)?11:47
bdrungwallyworld_: this item has no value in the time column11:48
wallyworld_bdrung: you should be notified of your own recipe builds, no?11:48
bdrungwallyworld_: yes, but i am not notified for the team recipe builds11:48
wallyworld_bdrung: the time column will be the last successfult build, but there's also a "started" time too11:49
wallyworld_bdrung: ah ok. i would have thought you would be. i'll check that too11:49
wallyworld_bdrung: i know recipes are still a bit of work in progress so that notification bit may still be being worked on11:50
bdrungwallyworld_: the strange is that i get notifications for the audacity team, but not for the videolan team11:50
bdrungtherefore i have to manually check if the daily vlc builds were successful11:51
wallyworld_bdrung: do you have access to the videolan team settings you can look at?11:54
bdrungwallyworld_: i am administrator in the videolan team11:57
wallyworld_bdrung: but you are the owner of the audaciity team so maybe there's an issue there.11:57
wallyworld_bdrung: i will look into it11:58
bdrungwallyworld_: yes11:58
wallyworld_bdrung: i'm told that the videolan team has a contact address set, hence notifications will go there, no tto team members12:05
bdrungwallyworld_: and there is no way for a user to subscribe to the notifications?12:06
wallyworld_bdrung: don't believe so :-(12:08
wallyworld_bdrung: but will double check12:08
wallyworld_bdrung: sorry, it appears there's no way around it12:11
bdrungwallyworld_: is there a whishlist bug for it?12:12
wallyworld_bdrung: i wouldn't be surpised if there were but you could create one and see if any dups are shown12:13
bdrungwallyworld_: against which project should i file the bug?12:14
wallyworld_bdrung: launchpad-foundations12:14
bigjoolsthere's already a soyuz bug12:14
bigjoolsit's not a foundations bug12:14
bigjoolswallyworld_, bdrung: ^12:15
wallyworld_bigjools: oh sorry, i assummed that notification infrastructure was foundatrions. oops12:16
bdrungbigjools: do you have the bug number?12:16
bigjoolswallyworld_: what notification infrastructure? :)12:16
bigjoolsnot at hand, one sec12:16
bigjoolshttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/341973 and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/40827812:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 341973 in Soyuz "PPA build notifications go to entire team (affected: 0, heat: 0)" [Medium,Triaged]12:17
wgrantIt's Soyuz/Code/Registry/Foundations.12:18
bdrungbigjools: these two bugs are about the opposite - i want the mails, the bug reporter don't want them12:20
bigjoolsbdrung: see the latter bug.  It's all connected, I might dupe them.12:20
bigjoolswe need a configurable system12:21
bdrungbigjools: yes, something like the system for bzr branches12:21
maxbActually I find the behaviour complained against in bug 341973 to be intensely helpful for checking up on breakage by other people in team PPAs :-)12:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 341973 in Soyuz "PPA build notifications go to entire team (affected: 1, heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34197312:23
bigjoolsif you do a search for "notification" in the soyuz bugs, there's plenty of opinions :)12:24
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geekosopherI am getting this error when I try to visit http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~duanedesign/clicompanion/trunk/files since last 10 mins... 'Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.'12:41
geekosopherstill the same error12:51
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* CardinalFang reports Bug #683129.14:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 683129 in Launchpad itself "importing subversion branch causes empty error message (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68312914:15
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abentleyjml: I would like there to be a PPA with the latest testtools crack for Maverick.  Do you want to set it up, or should I?16:10
jmlabentley: launchpad.net/~testing-cabal/+archive/archive16:10
jmlabentley: that's builds of trunk16:10
abentleyjml: great, thanks.16:11
abentleyjml: we really need to make PPAs more discoverable.16:11
jmlabentley: heck yes16:11
bigjoolsjml: we discussed that once before, didn't we have some ideas?16:12
bigjoolsthere's a search page but nobody seems to use it16:12
jmlbigjools: we might have, I don't remember.16:14
jmlI want to get project archives sometime very soon, if I can.16:14
_Groo_hi/2 all16:14
jmland that will help16:14
_Groo_could anyone take a look at the kubuntu-ninjas ppa? we have a publish upload stuck since yesterday16:14
abentleyjml: I want PPAs listed right under the download tarball.  No, dammit, *above* the download tarball.16:15
bigjools_Groo_: I can help, what's the build URL?16:16
bigjoolsPM me if you want, that's a private archive16:16
jmlabentley: yeah. something like that would be good.16:17
abentleyjml: In the meantime, a link to the PPA in the project description would be helpful.16:38
jmlabentley: yeah. we probably want that even if we have project archives16:39
jmlespecially highlighting ppas that we know contain daily builds of trunk or other series branches16:39
abentleybigjools: I clicked the "all packages" link on the project page, and I didn't find any of the testing-cabal packages.  Which made me assume there was none.16:41
ftadpm, do you know if it's possible to link to a particular string in lp (for my converter logs html page)16:49
askhlfta: what do you mean by particular string?  It's possible to link to a "particular string" until the string numbering in the template changes16:53
ftaaskhl, in http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/translations/trunk/converter-output.html  i want to link the errors to lp16:53
ftaaskhl, as i have 3k strings, a direct link to the faulty translations would be nice to have16:55
fta3k x 50 langs16:55
dpmfta, you can have a direct link, but only if you know the string number within the template, e.g. https://translations.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/translations/+pots/webkit-strings/ca/2/+translate16:57
askhlfta: to me it looks like a job for direct po-file processing, something that wouldn't be possible in LP until there's a full interface in launchpadlib16:57
ftahm, i don't16:57
askhlAlthough one can of course construct an URL which results in a string search.  But that sort of thing is probably not so great for the servers in the long run16:58
askhli.e. the URL https://translations.launchpad.net/jmol/trunk/+pots/jmol/da/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=hydrogen16:59
askhlBut it wouldn't work because the search doesn't support regexes, so you can't make sure to only get the exact string :)17:00
ftaok, too bad17:01
askhlfta: which programme are you using to generate those error messages?17:02
askhlis it the translate toolkit?17:02
ftaaskhl, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/chromium-translations-tools.head17:03
ftaaskhl, something like that: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/chromium-translations.png17:04
askhlAh, interesting17:06
ftaaskhl, and i use that to improve the upstream translations of 4 channels: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/translations/17:08
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bdmurray@pilot in17:44
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mounirIs there a way to subscribe to all blueprints under a project, without subscribing to each blueprint?18:17
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shadeslayerhi, i wish to rename this branch https://launchpad.net/kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts18:50
shadeslayerthe new name is supposed to be kubuntu-web-shortcuts18:50
shadeslayerhow do i proceed?18:50
micahgshadeslayer: that's a project, not a branch18:56
shadeslayermicahg: right the project also has a branch, so is it possible to rename the whole thing?18:56
shadeslayer( the whole project )18:56
maxbIIUC, only launchpad administrators can rename project ids19:01
maxbIt's a measure to prevent that being gratuitously done, since it will cause major upset for people used to the old name19:02
shadeslayerhmm.. so do i have to post it on launchpad answers etc?19:02
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cjohnstonjamesh: ping19:11
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zanoii'm trying to import a SVN branch into launchpad but it fails with: bzrlib.errors.NotBranchError: Not a branch: "/trunk/playground/network/videocatcher".19:40
zanoiany ideas why?19:40
maxbzanoi: What is the full source URL?19:47
maxbshadeslayer: Yes, post a question19:47
zanoimaxb: svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/network/videocatcher19:49
maxbzanoi: bzr-svn has "special" handling embedded in it for the KDE repository. This handling is quite often wrong.19:50
zanoimaxb: so how can i get it to work?19:50
maxbYou would have to import it locally, or work to get the issue fixed in bzr-svn and launchpad19:51
jelmermaxb: Unfortunately it's /always/ wrong without the special handling..19:51
zanoimaxb: ok, thx :/19:52
yshavitHi all, I'm trying to reach staging.launchpad.net and it's been down for a while. Any idea when it'll be back up?19:57
yshavitAnd in general, is it the appropriate place to create a test sandbox? My company is considering moving to launchpad, and we want to first make sure we like the VCS19:58
thumperyshavit: yes staging is the correct place20:00
thumperyshavit: I believe it is in the middle of a db restore20:00
thumperyshavit: the staging database gets reset periodically20:00
yshavitthumper: alright, thanks. So I'll just try again later.20:00
jasonlifeI'm trying to upload a custom kernel to my ppa.. After I ran "debuild -S -sa", I noticed that .dsc and .diff.gz doesn't have the suffix I added in the changelog file.. Is this normal?20:23
maxbjasonlife: Show us the line with the suffix from your changelog file20:35
joeyleonardr: around?20:40
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joeyleonardr: do you know of any way to speed this loop up? http://paste.ubuntu.com/538414/20:41
joeycody-somerville: ^^ that's the big time killer in lp-scanner20:44
cody-somervillejoey, assign bug_task.bug to a local variable20:44
komsashello, I'm searching how to export launchpad translations with suggessions, till now I could'nt find any solution, someone know how to do this? Thanks.20:45
jasonlifemaxb: linux (2.6.32-26.48ppa1) lucid; urgency=low20:45
joeycody-somerville: I think it's the .searchTasks in the for loop which is the slow down but am not sure20:46
maxbjasonlife: So, I'd expect a linux_2.6.32-26.48ppa1.dsc from that, what did you actually get?20:46
jasonlifeI got "linux_2.6.32-26.48.dsc"20:47
jasonlifeand after I ran debuild -S -sa, the changes I made in changelog has also gone..20:47
maxberm. wtf20:47
jasonlifeactually I did the same thing for normal package, and everything worked as expected..20:48
cody-somervillejoey, do a time before you make my change and then a time afterwards and see if it makes a difference20:48
jasonlifebut, kernel seems different..20:48
joeycody-somerville: no appreciable change (I called the local variable "boog" :-)20:51
cody-somervillejoey, did you use boog instead of calling bug_task.bug.blah a bunch of times?20:52
joeycody-somerville: yeah I just made the assignment at the top and used boog everywhere else20:52
jasonlifeI'm wondering there is a special way to upload custom kernel..  Since kernel modules depend on kernel version, I assumed uploading kernel to ppa is different than normal package..20:52
cody-somervillejoey, odd. that trick usually speeds things up for me. maybe launchpadlib is better at caching things now.20:54
yofeljasonlife: kernel is a bit more complicated, there is a second changelog file you need to update20:54
jasonlifeyofel: where is the second changelog?20:57
yofeljasonlife: just looked at it, debian/changelog and debian.master/changelog need to be the same20:57
joeycody-somerville: I just did this and it helped a little. Let me add your caching trick too:  for bug_task in [m for m in project.searchTasks(order_by='id')]:20:58
yofelthe *right* procedure is probably different, but I only bothered with custom kernel packages once a while ago20:58
yofelthat's how I did it20:58
yofeland there was something else...20:58
jasonlifeoh.. I see..20:58
jasonlifeyofel: thanks.. I will try again..20:59
yofelyou also need to update the contents debian.master/abi/20:59
yofelthere was a script for that in the package, let me look20:59
jasonlifeyofel: once I change the version, then how can I handle the kernel module like nvidia kernel module?  Do I have to build that too?21:01
yofelif you use the package it should trigger a dkms build21:02
jasonlifegood.. than I don't need to worry about some special kernel modules then..21:02
yofeljasonlife: for the abis you need to run debian/scripts/misc/getabis, but I forgot how to actually use that :/21:04
yofeljasonlife: you can ask in #ubuntu-kernel for the proper procedure too, if they're in the mood to help21:05
jasonlifeok.. thank you very much..21:06
yofelah, remembered it, for natty it would be './debian/scripts/misc/getabis 2.6.37 7.18' and move the abi files to debian.master/abi you'll probably need to use '2.6.32 26.48 ' as arguments21:07
jasonlifeoh.. thanks..21:08
yofelneeds quite a bit of bandwidth :/21:08
jasonlifeIs it?21:08
jasonlifeI've setup a free ppa.. Is it enough?21:09
yofelfor uploading and building the package? yes, I used one of my ppas back then too21:09
maxbDisabling the abi checking entirely is often more what you want to do for PPA builds21:10
maxbDepends on the target audience of the PPA21:10
yofelmaxb: how to do that?21:10
maxbAnd the magnitude of the changes you are making21:10
maxbyofel: not sure off hand, but there's definitely a toggle in there somewhere21:10
joeycody-somerville: well it looks like after doing more timings it's the IF that's slow21:11
joeycody-somerville: I can change up the for loop in many ways but it really doesn't make much difference21:12
joeycody-somerville: I've stripped out the if and that loop just cranks21:14
joeycody-somerville: so that's what I need to optimize21:14
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wgrantjoey: It's somewhere between very difficult and impossible to optimise that sort of thing right now.21:22
wgrantjoey: But there's a new API design in progress which will make it possible and simple.21:22
* joey nods.21:22
joeywgrant: I've made a little progress but it's not great21:22
joeywgrant: it checks about 2 bugs a second instead of like 200 :-)21:23
wgrantjoey: Right, at the moment you'll be making at least one request for each bug.21:24
joeywgrant: ah exactly.21:25
joeywgrant: I split the IF so it's only 1 request at a time21:25
joeywgrant: 99.9% don't pass the first condition in the IF so I split it out into a nested if21:26
wgrantjoey: Ah.21:29
wgrantjoey: So, in the new API design you'll be able to tell it to retrieve a collection of bugs and some of their attributes, all in one request.21:29
wgrantWhich should make this sort of thing far less slow.21:30
joeywgrant: oh absolutely!21:30
MTecknologyI forgot... how to you mark that a bug has been filed upstream?22:28
MTecknologyah.. there we are22:29

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