
stilia-johnyhi... is any alive here?00:02
zkriesseI am stilia-johny00:03
stilia-johnyi need help with packaging !00:03
stilia-johnycan u?00:03
* stilia-johny ?00:05
zkriesseOne sec00:05
zkriessehttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/11/23/%23ubuntu-classroom.html#t14:01 log of a session my good buddy bilal did00:06
zkriesseIt's on packaging00:06
Ddorda‎was a great session00:06
Ddorda‎i so liked that session that i mailed him a hot mail about how good it wad00:06
stilia-johnybasicaly i have problem with my makefile..00:07
Ddorda‎so simple, so informative00:07
zkriesseohai Ddorda haven't seen ya in a while00:07
Ddorda‎zkriesse: sup00:07
zkriessenot much00:07
Ddorda‎hm.. maybe it's cause i left the youth chan?00:07
zkriessegot a job interview this wed00:08
zkriesseyeah why did you00:08
Ddorda‎zkriesse: well, the channels take a lot of place in my too-small-screen that i have00:08
zkriesseDdorda: ah ok00:08
Ddorda‎so i don't sit in channels i don't take part in really00:08
zkriesseDdorda: just wondering....no pressure to hang out in there00:08
Ddorda‎i swear that if i had something other than this netbook i was sitting there all day long :P00:09
stilia-johnyi cant understand ..00:09
stilia-johnyi upload my source in my ppa and lanchpad build it and i take an error that cp command has no premision!00:10
Ddorda‎maybe you need a sudo?00:11
stilia-johnysudo in makefile?00:11
Ddorda‎erm.. not sure actually, never done this before, but i guess that in the cp part?00:12
stilia-johnyin my makefile i use Prefix=/usr and at cp commands i give cp file.txt $(prefix)/bin00:12
stilia-johnyand get that premision denied00:13
Ddorda‎stilia-johny: maybe you need another / in the end?00:15
Ddorda‎(still guessing)00:16
stilia-johnyno because whith make install it works fine.00:16
Ddorda‎hmm.. i really have no idea00:16
Ddorda‎did you try using sudo makefile?00:16
stilia-johnynow i try!00:17
stilia-johnydoesnt work.00:22
Ddorda‎stilia-johny: sorry, i'm out of ideas now =\00:33
stilia-johnyhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/538164/ thats is my makefile is it corrent?00:34
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grey_sterhello the room from ubuntu noob20:05
grey_sternite all20:07
grey_sterHave to get some help with all this xchat thingy20:58
grey_sterThink i'll stick with Skype is easier lol21:00
=== DarkJuju is now known as jinkerlina

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