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MakereAfter rebooting the NC, I get no route to host when trying to connect the instances?12:52
Makerewhat I'm doing wrong12:52
Makereor is this expected?12:52
TeTeTMakere: it's expected, the instances would be all dead if you reboot all your nodes14:14
[diablo]afternoon all15:53
[diablo]I am totally new to the idea of cloud implementations .... I am interested in doing some tests15:53
[diablo]basically I thought I would start with a private cloud15:54
[diablo]I have a box with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 8GB of RAM, 1TB SATA-II drive, plus an iSCSI box with 8TB available15:55
[diablo]do I need additional physical machines, or can a private cloud be ran on just the one please?15:56
mhall119I think you need a minimum of 2 machines16:00
[diablo]hi mhall11916:00
mhall119course, you can run 2 VMs on that one machine, and install your cloud controller and node controller on them16:00
mhall119then you have a virtual cloud of virtual machines16:01
[diablo]sorry, 2 mins, getting called away... will read what you write in a moment16:01
kim0[diablo]: For a supported configuration, you need at least 2 physical boxes. You may install the NC as a VM and choose qemu non accelerated virtualization as the hypervisor, but then things become not very straightforward16:03
[diablo]OK I have a load of non VT supported Power Edge boxes16:14
[diablo]I want to use the i7 for "guests"16:18
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zoopster[diablo]: you need vt for the guests...it can be run on a single box, but it's not recommended16:39
zoopster[diablo]: see the UEC live iso that kirkland made - http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2010/06/cloud-in-your-pocket-uec-liveiso.html16:39
smoserkim0, i just saw http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/11/ubuntu-server-in-ec2-cloud-easy.html16:40
smoserthat is really nice16:40
kim0smoser: like it :)16:40
kim0smoser: sweet .. gimme a list of things we need to showcase16:40
smoseryou need to get your blog onto http://cloud.ubuntu.com/16:40
smoserask nijaba16:40
kim0ah ok ..16:40
kim0that was supposed to go away soon ..16:41
* kim0 kicks IS :)16:41
[diablo]hi, back now16:41
[diablo]OK if I ideally need 2 x boxes... do both need to be of equal power?16:42
mhall119I don't think so16:43
mhall119the cloud controller itself I don't think needs to be very powerful, since it won't be running VMs16:44
[diablo]ah ok16:44
mhall119but take everything I say with a grain of salt, I don't actually have experience16:44
[diablo]I have jack too16:44
kim0dizz|away: +1 on what mhall119 just said16:46
kim0dizz|away: oops nvm16:46
kim0[diablo]: +1 on what mhall119 just said16:46
kim0[diablo]: NC mostly needs VT CPU extensions for KVM, and some good RAM16:47
[diablo]well, I am atm totally lost with all the terminology16:47
[diablo]would not mind so much, but I am a Linux sys admin for many years now too ... but this is the first time I am touching on cloud stuff16:48
kim0[diablo]: feel free to ask any question :)16:52
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