[00:42] folks, want to test Unity in Natty? http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/11/30/testing-natty-and-unity-safely-with-a-usb-stick/ [00:46] * popey retweets [00:47] * popey hugs jono for making him open spotify and play Tusk. [00:47] popey, hehe [00:47] :-) [00:47] :) [00:47] such an awesome song [00:47] yeah [00:48] never even struck me that it might pre-date the ewok song lol [00:48] :) [00:48] Sad as it sounds, I'm now listening to Jolene by Dolly Parton :) [00:49] hah [01:10] I have a good mashup of Jolene [01:16] * nigelb waves to teh JFo [01:16] * JFo waves to nigelb [01:16] JFo: Had a good holiday :)? [01:28] heya doctormo [01:40] jcastro - you worked on UWN in the early days right? [01:40] like 5 years ago maybe? [01:42] awesome - if I send you a link could you take a look at and give some feedback? (not tonight but before Thursday 2300 UTC) [01:44] I'm not doing anything now [01:44] send er over! [01:44] also, how's things? [01:44] I see you're ignoring my advice and working on Ubuntu. :p [01:45] going well :-) I am not working on much Ubuntu stuff (just the news team stuff getting it ready to hand over to various rotating publishing editors :D) [01:45] haha [01:50] nigelb, I am afraid to ask what the "haha" means :-P [01:50] akgraner: that was in response to jcastro's "I see you're ignoring my advice and working on Ubuntu. :p" [01:52] :-) [02:03] 59 [02:05] nhandler: 42! 42! [02:06] :) [02:06] I hate it when I miss the ctrl g [02:06] cjohnston: It is just a missed / for me ;) [02:06] nhandler: that's exactly what cjwatson told me when I typd some number in a channel :p [02:07] oo.. just a /# [02:07] cjohnston: Yeah [02:07] I have to ctrl g.. !fail [02:07] cjohnston: What client? [02:07] nigelb: At leat my typo is better than dholbach's from UDW (which I just saw today in Rhonda's signature) [02:08] whats that? [02:08] yeah, what was that? [02:08] maco: He said irc.feenode.net and Rhonda responsed with, "Are they fundraising again?" [02:09] haha [02:09] haha [02:09] nhandler: signature? on a mail? [02:09] wikifeedia? [02:09] irssi [02:09] nigelb: Yeah. I saw it on her 'Debian WWW Spring, Dec 17th to 19th' email [02:10] feenode is bugging me to reup my donation [02:10] or paypal ios for them [02:10] cjohnston: /script exec foreach (1..500) { Irssi::command("alias $_ window $_"); } [02:11] http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/2010/11/msg00187.html [02:11] HAAHAHA [02:11] that makes it to where if i do /50 it goes to window 50? [02:12] cjohnston: Yep. Up to /500 [02:12] hmm [02:13] ooo [02:13] very cool [02:16] now i have to relearn myself [02:17] cjohnston: It is rather useful, especially when on weird terminals connecting over ssh where certain keyboard shortcuts don't work [02:18] ya [02:18] hey jcastro, sorry for the delay, laundry [02:19] no worries [02:19] How's your day? [02:19] I was just going to point out: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15228/why-wont-samba-let-me-delete-a-file/15310#15310 [02:19] since people don't seem to get the editing bit, when you ask someone a question in a comment, can you remind them to just edit their question? [02:19] sure thing [02:20] something like "Are you using the tmp directory? Please update your answer blah blah" [02:20] I ran into a disaster question [02:20] let me find it, it's funny [02:23] Sounds interesting [02:28] * cjohnston thinks jcastro works on ask ubuntu 24/7 [02:29] cjohnston: nah, till he reaches 200 points [02:29] that's not true, I am just a quick typer [02:29] jcastro: Relax, jono isn't here :p [02:29] hahaah [02:29] you guys are just jealous of my epic answers: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15418/how-can-i-change-the-default-program-for-viewing-pictures-and-photos/15434#15434 [02:29] btw, Shutter is the greatest tool ever [02:29] it took me about 15 seconds to take all those [02:30] I need easy questions to answer.. like bitesize bugs [02:30] lol [02:30] jcastro: I just use the normal screenshot tool [02:30] cjohnston: try stackoverflow [02:30] it took me like 3 months to 150+! [02:30] nhandler: oh man, try shutter, it's epic [02:31] cjohnston: you can get lots of rep just by asking good questions [02:31] yeah, like I reached 98 :p [02:31] jcastro: I think that is on my to-try list from some blog post I read a while ago [02:31] I dont have good questions to ask [02:31] lol [02:31] cjohnston: Do what I do, find old questions and give good answers. That way, you don't need to "race" other people [02:32] lol [02:33] * nhandler almost has some more time to go back to askubuntu again, just a few more college apps to go ;) [02:35] http://odata.stackexchange.com/ubuntu/s/664/power-askers?MinimumReputation=400&MinimumPercentage=50&MinimumQuestions=5 [02:35] there's some power askers right there [02:37] jcastro: which was the funny answer? [02:37] rather the 'disaster question' [02:37] oh crap, I forgot to keep looking for it [02:37] one sec [02:38] heh [02:40] man, I was just on it today [02:41] but like, every page on that site is in my browser history! [02:41] lol [02:45] ok next time I find it [02:45] I will bring it up [02:45] haha, search fail [02:45] http://askubuntu.com/questions/14261/not-able-to-install-vlc-1-1 [02:45] aha! [02:45] click the comments at the bottom [02:45] to expand them [02:47] jcastro: hahaha [02:47] that's like a whole irc conv right there [02:48] and the guy didn't event seelct it as the rigth answer after all the trobule [02:49] Well I was going to go in and edit the whole thing [02:49] but then I realized that they were just in a loop of confusion [02:49] heh [02:49] I feel askubuntu.com easy [02:50] stackoverflow is /really/ hard! [02:50] And a lost of questions are answered in like seconds O_O [02:50] yeah [02:50] reading the front page of SO makes no sense, you gotta go tag-specific or you are doomed [02:51] I read front page :D [02:51] (and tags too) [02:52] what we need help with on AU is the asking of good questions tbh [02:52] and voting [02:52] not enough high quality voting going on [02:52] http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/740/how-can-we-motivate-the-community-to-vote-more [02:52] any help here would be appreciated [02:58] I seem to have set my computer to sepia tone thanks to ask ubuntu :-/ [02:58] hah, redshift [02:58] been there [03:01] Do you know how to reset it? or should I askubuntu ;-) [06:16] aloha [06:17] Mornin czajkowski [06:21] nigelb: hi [06:22] czajkowski: How has your morning been? :-) [06:30] just out of bed [06:31] seen snow :( [06:31] snow \o/ [06:31] * nigelb spys on popey's webcam [06:31] No, its not light yet [07:12] good morning! [07:12] Morning... [07:39] morning dholbach [07:39] hey popey, hey nigelb [07:41] good morning everyone! [07:42] hey dpm [07:42] Morning dpm :) [07:42] heya popey, hey nigelb :) [07:45] hola dpm [07:46] morgen dholbach ;) [08:01] Morning [08:01] Morning kim0 [08:01] Heya ara :) [08:01] nigelb: hey :) [09:08] morning kim0 [09:13] hey kim0 [09:23] dholbach: seen mail from Caspar Clemens Mierau? [09:27] popey, yes [09:27] opinion? [09:27] he's still doing great work in the Berlin team - seems like he really just missed the mail because of something weird with his mail server [09:28] ok, I'll re-add him [09:29] sweet [09:30] thanks [09:44] dpm: dholbach hey folks [09:53] good morning all [09:59] kim0, how was the elections ? [10:11] daker: the usual crap :) [10:11] daker, AIUI 25% of people voted, Mubarak's party got more seats than they had before [10:12] daker: violence and cheating [10:16] dholbach, i don't trust media ツ [10:17] kim0, :s [10:17] من سيء إلى أسوء [10:17] yeah .. [10:17] the only hope is for the b*** to die :) [10:20] and wikileaks adds more oil to the fire [10:22] gah why isn't googlecl in lucid [10:23] * nigelb waits for kim0 to enter the magical world of packaging [10:25] yeah indeed [10:27] kim0, did the IS removed the portal from the staging server ? [10:29] kim0, there is only the apache default page [10:29] daker: no one really mentioned anything .. it's apache for me too [10:31] \o/ [11:02] kim0, i am mading a good progress, the next portal is on the road [11:03] daker: woohoo :) [11:03] daker: rock on [11:03] daker: when it is in some demo'able state .. let me know man [11:04] kim0, ok [11:04] kim0, share the ami app with me [11:05] daker: lp:~kim0/+junk/cloudubuntu [11:05] ok [11:09] kim0, i don't think we will use any mirrorring app [11:09] s/mirrorring/mirroring [11:10] daker: explain some more ? [11:10] since every think we be centralized [11:11] ok [11:11] kim0, before we used a mirroring app that grab the content from the wiki [11:11] specially the UEC book [11:13] kim0, do you think we still need a mirroring app ? [11:14] daker: Yeah I still think we do .. the idea being we keep the editable content in one place and view it from multiple [11:14] daker: for a quick demo .. you can not bother with that though [11:15] ok [11:30] morning all [11:35] kim0, do you think we need a wiki or a cms ? [11:37] daker: do we need to decide now ? I mean it depends on how the community will be able to interact with the site .. Can we have a basic demo first .. then see how we can take this forward [11:37] sure [11:38] daker: thanks man :) [11:38] hello kim0 [11:38] duanedesign: hey o/ [11:38] duanedesign: how's it going [11:38] kim0: word on the street is you have a video [11:38] duanedesign: lol .. indeed [11:39] duanedesign: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYJLIfVuSMY [11:39] kim0: I would love to help distribute it by putting it on the screencast team resources [11:39] kim0: :) [11:39] duanedesign: please do [11:39] duanedesign: You can get the orig by >> wget http://ubuntuone.com/p/RBH/ -O cloudcast1.mov [11:40] excellent [11:41] duanedesign: thanks :) [11:41] I have some questions about the Leadership Code of Conduct [11:41] Can I ask them here? [11:45] RawChid: sure [11:46] Great, it's about Conflicts of Interest. I quote: "They realize that perceived conflicts of interest are as important as real conflicts of interest and are cognizant of perceptions; they understand that their actions are as tainted by perceived conflicts as by real ones." [11:46] Can you explain to me the difference between perceived conflicts and real conflicts? [11:47] gosh that is a lot of long words in there! [11:47] let me think of an example [11:48] Hehe, I've translated it, and I 'think' I know what it means. But I get a lot of questions about it, so I want to be sure :) [11:52] kim0, interesting [11:53] That is one interesting sentence! [11:53] huh :) [11:53] err, I meant the one about conflict of interest . . . [11:53] i meant the screencast [11:54] basically it means if other people think you have a conflict of interest then you should do something about it other than just deny that it is in fact a conflict of interest [11:55] daker: cool .. blogging it [11:55] lol, now its more confusing :p [11:55] AlanBell, thnx [11:55] kim0, i don't have a blog but i'll share it [11:55] daker: If you're on FB .. www.facebook.com/ubuntucloud [11:58] kim0, done!! [11:58] cool [14:28] ugh [14:36] * popey tickles jcastro [14:46] why does no one tickle popey ! popey is always the tickler (does such a word exist?) ;p [14:46] yes [14:47] hehe, popey, The Tickler! :D [14:55] :) [15:00] Popey, The Knight Ticklar === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [15:46] hey dholbach [15:46] do you have a recording of your ustream? [15:47] jcastro, yes, it's on my page there [15:47] hang on [15:47] hey kim0 [15:47] jcastro: hey [15:47] do you have the recordings of your Q+A? [15:47] ah, now that jono is here [15:47] jcastro, http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/11079901 - are you one of the "I want to see the dog" fanatics too? :-P [15:47] I noticed that kim0 has a seperate cloud youtube account [15:47] hey all [15:47] why not have those all consolidated into the youtube developer channel? [15:47] jono: howdy [15:47] it's not like we're exactly swamped in content [15:48] jcastro, why would cloud users be interested in ubuntu development? [15:48] * kim0 nods [15:48] well the developer channel is where we put like all our stuff, I am thinking audience size [15:48] they should be! think of how many ubuntu developers we'd have! :) [15:48] sure, but developer channel doesnt make sense as a channel name for everything [15:48] maybe a general ubuntu channel sure, but not the dev channel [15:49] sure, so how about the occasional cloud one in the developer channel as well? If it's related [15:49] Can we have like a master Ubuntu channel that aggregates them all [15:49] kim0: yeah that's kind of been what the developer channel has been, other than the "developer channel" name [15:50] I don't mind throwing the video everywhere :) [15:50] hmmm [15:50] there has to be a slicker way to throw ustream archives into the developer channel [15:54] kim0, checkout my version http://paste.ubuntu.com/538316/ [15:54] jcastro, if I subscribed to an ubuntu dev channel and started getting lot sof non dev stuff I would be pretty narked off [15:54] :-) [15:55] well, I think it's been more "stuff FROM the ubuntu developers" [15:57] jcastro, not really [15:58] it was originally set up for packaging tutorials [15:58] true [15:58] jcastro: with that reasoning .. we should have a single FB page, a single twitter account ... etc ?! [15:58] kim0: I was thinking of it more of like a "planet" for all the video feeds [15:58] fine fine, don't tase me bros! [15:59] jcastro: I wouldn't mind a planet style one .. it just shouldn't have "developers" in its name [15:59] The Ubuntu channel sounds fine :) [15:59] I would rather not create a new one. [15:59] status quo then? [15:59] * jcastro wanders off before he has to make a new portal [16:00] hehe [16:00] dpm, one sec, wrapping a convo [16:02] ok, no worries [16:03] convo sounds yummy [16:04] haha [16:04] dpm, ok logging onto skype now [16:06] dholbach: I think you should make a graph of all the videos in all our channels [16:06] * jcastro plays with fire this morning [16:08] jcastro, yeah? you think so? I think you should .. ... .... ....... :-P [16:08] hehehee [16:11] brb :) === kim0_ is now known as kim0 [16:37] alright my friends [16:37] I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! [16:37] see you dholbach [16:37] :) [16:37] pleia2, posting those photos on that email thread to my blog :) [16:37] see you JFo [16:38] have a great evening! [16:39] you too [17:02] oh thank god [17:02] https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/681500 [17:02] now I can unity fulltime! [17:02] Launchpad bug 681500 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Quicklist default items + Keep/remove favorite (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Fix released] [17:09] <---- lunching [17:35] aloha === jcastro_ is now known as jcastro [18:14] off for lunch [18:14] JFo: yo [18:14] jcastro, dude :) [18:14] Just saying hi [18:15] man, I cooked some mean rice and chili just now [18:15] hey buddy [18:15] oh man, that sounds good [18:15] * JFo plans chili [18:15] jcastro, oh far out, your making my mouth water and im *really* hungry as it is! :) [19:10] jono: good unity update [19:10] you can now remove and add things to the launcher [19:10] just need the quicklists! [19:31] jcastro, nice! [19:53] hello everyone [19:53] hi huats [19:53] long time no see! [19:53] jcastro, hi my friend ! [19:53] indeed ... [19:53] I am really busy lately [19:53] (work, baby...) [19:53] but it should be the last week with such work load :) [19:54] jcastro, how are you ? [19:54] (and the last week that I spend in a client building without internet access too...) [20:01] good [20:01] congrats on the child process! [20:03] :) [20:20] jono: when you have about 10 minutes to spare I'd like a quick skype [20:21] jcastro, well the child is growing fast (already 10 months !!!) and I have to admit that I can't see the time passing by :) [20:22] huats: if he takes after you that means he must be about 3 feet tall by now [20:22] jcastro, not already 3 feet... but let's say that we need to wear him with 24 months old clothes :) [20:26] jcastro, can't chat for a bit, can we talk in an hour or so? [21:06] jcastro, quick call? [21:06] jcastro, will call your cell [21:13] jono: ok, so instead of the emailing part of the process [21:13] here's what I think v2 should kind of look like [21:13] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5720/arb.png [21:14] clicking submit takes the data and then files the bug for the ARB [21:16] jcastro, oh yeah we discussed this in the past, we just need someone to do the work :) [21:17] right, because as I was reading the app process I was like "why is it asking me the URL for the PPA, launchpad knows all this already" [21:17] etc. [21:17] jcastro, totally, if there is a hacker to write this, then it would be awesome :-) [21:17] and afaik this is happening with a dev portal [21:17] which I believe ISD are working on [21:17] I am not sure of the specifics though [21:18] ah ok [21:18] is there an arb-esque mailing list? [21:18] I just need a place to file the idea [21:18] jcastro, no, no list [21:18] consider it filed :-) [21:18] I will mention it to Rick [21:18] like I say, it was already in the plan anyway [21:19] ok cool, I just needed the mental validation [21:19] * jcastro whistles [21:19] lol [21:23] jono: any luck on wp access? [21:23] jcastro, nothing yet [21:23] let me ping again [21:59] jono: anyway to ping IS some more :) [22:00] kim0, your ticket is being worked on [22:00] ah cool :) [22:33] is there a special hashtag to use for Ubuntu translations? [22:59] Morning all [23:01] jcastro: your mr. unity man, who runs unity.ubuntu.com [23:03] hmm.. would that be a good question for askubuntu.. lol [23:38] cjohnston: me [23:38] but I don't have the access yet [23:38] to fix all the errors people are reporting [23:38] soon though, hopefully tomorrowish [23:39] ok.. there are some bugs filed under the ubuntu-website project for it.. are you in charge of uds.u.c also? [23:39] yes [23:39] just assign them to me please [23:40] ok