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cjwatsonlool: I've enabled bugs for launchpad.net/packages-arch-specific00:08
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robertzaccourhey yall00:20
robertzaccourdoes anyone know if unity is going to be improved upon enough so that it is a usable workstation before the release of natty?00:20
ari-tczewadmins, could you restart Merge-o-Matic?00:24
robertzaccourdoes anyone know if unity is going to be improved upon enough so that it is a usable workstation before the release of natty?00:28
RAOFThat's certainly the plan.00:28
RAOFAnd it's not unusable now; it's now the default.00:29
robertzaccouryou can't drag/drop files, you can't select multiple files and move around, not much in the theme customization, etc00:30
robertzaccourglad there's other options in case this stuff falls through00:31
robert_ancell@pilot out00:54
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
loolcjwatson: Thanks, added first bug task to p-a-s01:31
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TheMuso@pilot in02:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: TheMuso
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* achiang would like to get some guidance on bug #46937603:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 469376 in udev (Ubuntu) "USB device insertion causes total system lockup on Ubuntu 9.10" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46937603:29
achiangmy question is, does that bug qualify for SRU process?03:29
ebroderachiang: Almost certainly not a total backport03:30
achiangadmittedly, my fix was somewhat blunt trauma, involving an entire backport03:30
ebroderWe don't like blunt trauma for SRUs03:30
lifelessachiang: its all about risk.03:31
achianghm, maybe comment #18 has a clue. i could look in the upstream modem-manager logs to see if there's a fix for "ozerocdoff"03:31
achiangthat would probably be sufficient to cherry pick03:31
ebroderYeah, that would likely work03:32
ebroderAlternatively, try git-bisect :)03:32
achiangebroder: i mean... yeah, but. for each bisection run, i'd have to rebuild the package...03:33
achiangand i don't think the ubuntu package is setup for that03:33
achiangso that means grabbing upstream git repo, dropping in the debian/ directory, and then hoping it builds at random bisection points03:34
achiangnot to mention, how do i manage the package on my test system... although i guess i could just fake continuously increase the ubuntuX version number for each bisection run03:35
macoubuntuX~meY ?03:35
ebroderachiang: I would drop the debian directory in, assume that running through the bisection won't touch it, and leave the version number the same the whole time - dpkg -i will gladly install whatever .deb you give it, regardless of the version03:35
ebroderAnd you can tell git-bisect to skip a revision if it doesn't build03:36
achiangebroder: not a bad point...03:36
ebroderThe tricky part is because you're trying to bisect a fix, the meanings of git-bisect's "good" and "bad" are reversed03:36
achiangmaco: ah, thanks for the reminder. i always forget the ~ operator in version strings03:36
achiangebroder: yep, i'm familiar with that. :)03:36
macoachiang: well youd want + if youre using the old ubuntuX number and ~ if youre using the future one...03:36
achiangModemManager$ git log 07114d..be28089 --oneline | wc -l03:38
achiangmaybe a bisection run is what i want. that's a lot of commits to inspect manually...03:39
ebroderachiang: You know about the pickaxe? :)03:39
achiangebroder: hm, what should i be pickaxing for?03:39
achiangfirst, i need to figure out how to re-install lucid onto this netbook that lacks a cdrom drive. previous attempts with usb-creator on my maverick host system have turned out poorly03:41
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achiangshould i expect to turn the i386 desktop iso here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ and create a bootable USB image using usb-creator-gtk?04:07
achiangi keep getting "Unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot" and then "vesamenu.c32: not a COM32R image"04:08
achiangthis is with both a USB key and an SD card04:08
ebroderachiang: I think there's an issue with creating Lucid USB keys using Maverick's usb-creator and vice versa04:08
ebroderRelated to some changes in our syslinux packages04:09
ebroderbug #64581804:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645818 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Natty) "10.04.1 image created in Maverick does not boot in my Dell Mini9" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64581804:09
ebroderApparently it was release-noted04:09
achiangebroder: thanks. good to know it's not PEBCAK04:10
ebroderBut you should get a prompt where you can type "live" or "live-install", depending on what you're trying to do04:10
achiangnope, i get to neither... see above error message04:10
ebroderNot after the error?04:10
achiangoh hm04:10
* achiang reads the bug in more depth04:11
achiangok, some workarounds in there...04:11
achiangwow, the 'help' workaround actually helped.04:12
achiangebroder: thank you04:13
achiangboo. as expected, simply dropping debian/ into upstream ModemManager and trying a pbuild in a lucid chroot experiences a FTBFS. :-/04:43
RAOFQuick debugging question: Is there any way to get gdb to use symbolic names for #defines?  I know that the information no longer exists in the code, but it'd be really helpful to see “GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR” rather than “9987”05:14
achiangwhoo. git bisect going fast now.05:25
StevenKRAOF: I don't think gdb even has that information -- since the #defines are replaced by the C pre-processor05:26
RAOFIt *could* parse out the .h files and match values to #defines though.05:27
RAOFI mean, you'd false-positive quite often, but you could do it :)05:27
achiangshouldn't that just work though? does gdb know about your source directory?05:28
RAOF<Sarvatt> compile with -gdwarf-2 -g3 :)05:28
RAOFSarvatt: Really?  That keeps #define information?05:28
RAOFAnd if so, why don't we build *all* packages with that?05:29
StevenKProbably because it's massive05:30
RAOFI'd trade an order of magnitude bigger -dbgsym packages for #define information.05:30
TheMusoConsidering that dbgsym packages are only used for debugging, and live in a separate repo, I'd agree.05:32
* RAOF tries a test-build of mesa with -gdwarf-2 -g305:33
* RAOF is off for some exercise, and will be back on later.05:46
TheMuso@pilot out06:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
ebroderTheMuso: Something weird is up with your sbuild. I don't know where it's getting sysvinit from06:02
TheMusoebroder: Hrm ok, my maverick chroots may need a complete rebootstrap.06:03
TheMusoebroder: I am rather busy for the rest of the day, and don't have time to track this down. I'll fix up the bug and comment, leaving it free for the next pilot/another sponsor to pick up. SOrry about that.06:08
ebroderTheMuso: No worries. Thanks for pilotting06:08
lifelesskees: but its back on now06:09
pittiGood morning06:19
pittichrisccoulson: hm, I haven't worked with po2xpi so far, that was between Arne and Alex06:21
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dholbachgood morning!07:12
ssj6akshatgood morning dholbach07:12
dholbachhi ssj6akshat07:12
didrocksgood morning07:33
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spetreaany chance of getting my patches to vifm into the Ubuntu distro ?09:37
spetreavifm is 0.4 in Ubuntu right now09:37
spetreaand I'm working on some new things for it here https://github.com/wsdookadr/vifm09:37
tumbleweedspetrea: your best bet is to talk to the debian maintainer for vifm, it looks like he should package up 0.5 as well. We are currently carrying a few patches to it, so some more won't hurt (if they are important)09:56
ari-tczewcjwatson: could you restart Merge-o-Matic?09:59
spetreatumbleweed: are you familiar with vifm , can I describe to you my patches ?10:11
pittihm, it seems natty's kvm has some serious trouble booting the desktop CDs (also maverick's)10:26
pittioh, seems it's the tablet emulation that breaks it10:34
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sebnerdidrocks: good that we have mutter, wondering if compiz ever will be unb0rken ^_^11:13
hyperairsebner: mutter is hellspawn that should just die11:19
sebnerhyperair: it works at least :P11:20
hyperairsebner: compiz 0.9 works here11:20
hyperairsebner: your machine's screwed ^_^11:20
sebnerhyperair: compiz is screwed since ~1 week xD11:20
hyperairsebner: probably because compiz++ was uploaded then?11:20
hyperairit's a rewrite. it's bound to be broken.11:21
hyperairsebner: and go complain to smspillaz on #ayatana or #compiz-dev. ;-)11:21
sebnerhyperair: wonderful, I updated mutter and that segfaults now too xD11:21
hyperairsebner: i filed a steady stream of bugs until this thing was usable for me.11:21
hyperairsebner: oh lol. =p11:21
sebnerhyperair: mutter+gtk3 = b0rken. downgrading both fixes mutter at least. debugging compiz now11:28
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tumbleweedspetrea: no, although I've touched it in the past11:45
sebneranyone an idea what dbg package I have to install for 0x00000001 in ?? () at /usr/include/c++/4.5/bits/vector.tcc:295 ? I already tried gcc4.5-dbg and libstdc++6-4.5-dbg (libstdc-dev seems to include this file) but didn't work11:55
loolcjwatson, pitti: Hey there; would you mind NEW-ing three new kernel sources in natty?  linux-linaro-{mx51,vexpress,omap} are the source package names; these are going to go through binary NEW afterwards as well12:12
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pittilool: hey (sorry, had a long phone call)13:15
pittilool: hm, we already build -omap from the main linux source?13:16
pittilool: and also from linux-linaro13:17
loolpitti: linux-linaro will go away13:18
loolpitti: Main linux source > I think the omap flavor is going away too13:18
loolpitti: In any case, the Linaro kernels are different; they are used in the Linaro images and have different config policies and patches etc.13:19
loolpitti: In fact, if you look at latest linux source package, it didn't build omap on armel anymore13:19
loolSo I think linux-linaro-omap is the only remaining one for OMAP313:20
lool(considering linux-linaro is going away)13:20
pittilool: (it's a shame, though)13:20
loolpitti: Which part?13:20
pittiI thought the various flavours would be united in one source, not that the one source would be split further13:21
loolpitti: It's all generated from a single git tree, but build time was getting an issue13:21
loolpitti: But we are working on limiting the number of flavors13:21
pittioh, this is just to work around buildd time, it's actually one source?13:21
loolpitti: For instance our omap flavors supports OMAP3 and OMAP413:21
loolpitti: Yes, the main reason for the split is build time13:22
loolbuildd time13:22
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loolpitti: thanks13:27
pittilool: de rien13:27
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dokoScottK: are these expected? http://paste.ubuntu.com/538284/13:40
dokoRiddell: ^^^13:40
ScottKdoko: I think so, but I'm not certain.13:42
mterryjames_w, heyo about pkgme: is 'description' supposed to spit out a debian/control formatted description?  with a shortline and then indented paragraphs?13:44
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james_wmterry, currently yes, but I'm open to changing it if you would like14:02
dholbachjames_w, can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.4/+merge/42169 as "rejected" or "superseded" or something please?14:03
james_whey dholbach14:03
dholbachjames_w, or should the branch itself be marked as merged, abandoned or something?14:03
dholbachhey james_w - how are you doing? :)14:04
james_wdholbach, good thanks how are you?14:04
james_wdholbach, marked as rejected for you14:04
dholbachgood - it's just just gotten a bit cold over here :)14:05
mterryjames_w, I'm not partial...  for autotools, there's no well-formatted source for a description.  I could gobble up README if it exists, but not guaranteed to have nice summary line or anything.  And it would be a pain for each backend to implement the 'make it indented with blank lines being " ."' logic.  Maybe pkgme could mangle output of description to the right format?  Still doesn't help with not having a good summary l14:05
* dholbach hugs james_w14:05
dholbachjames_w, thanks muchly14:05
james_wmterry, yeah, I agree14:05
mdzpitti: hi14:05
pittihello mdz14:06
mdzpitti: your notes from the previous TB meeting say that sabdfl is supposed to chair this one, but I see he has declined the calendar invite14:06
mterryjames_w, so I'm inclined for vala to not ship a 'description'.  'maintainer' is interesting.  There are sources for that information (MAINTAINERS and AUTHORS), but looks like I would need to pull out one email address to use right?   Or can that field have commas?14:06
james_wmterry, I'm not sure about that actually14:06
pittimdz: ah, ok; he was the designated chair last time, so I took over and carried over Mark, I didn't actually ask him TBH14:07
james_wmterry, it does point out the need for some way for the user to give info that the backend can't/won't provide14:07
mterryjames_w, exactly14:07
mterryjames_w, the autotools backend could do a 'dumb' implementation of MAINTAINERS and only provide output if it's exactly one line14:08
mterryjames_w, that way the user could at least enter something.  Doesn't fix README though14:08
james_wmaybe we should have a pkgme.info file that is read or something?14:08
mterryjames_w, maybe that would be easiest...  or a doap file?  That would be nice and standard.  Not sure it has fields like we expect, let me check14:09
mterryXML isn't the friendliest...14:09
mdzmvo: have you had a chance to consider my brainstorm request?14:10
james_wmterry, hmm, doap would be cool actually, but I've never used it14:12
mvomdz: not yet, sorry. but I push it higher in my todo list14:15
mdzmvo: if you can't make the time for it, it's OK to suggest someone else who you think could do it14:16
mvomdz: thanks, I can create answer from my POV by tomorrow I think and will probably ask mpt to answer on the design questions/ideas14:18
mterryjames_w, well, doap seems like it has several things we want: homepage, maintainer, shortdesc, description.  Surprisingly does not appear to have a 'package_name' equivalent (only allows you to specify user-readable name).   Not sure that's necessarily worth its complexity?  I guess it depends on whether we think using the standard format would make it easier for UIs to generate the file?14:20
mdzmvo: the text is due in the next week or so; I'm just looking for confirmation that you will be able to do it by the deadline14:21
mdzmvo: can I put you down as 'confirmed' then?14:21
james_wmterry, perhaps if the information is there we should make use of it. However, if it doesn't cover all our needs we would need a pkgme.info as well?14:22
mterryjames_w, well, for the autotools case, it would cover all the missing gaps (maintainer, shortdesc, and description)14:22
mvomdz: yes14:22
mterryjames_w, I don't know about other buildsystems14:22
james_wmterry, right14:23
james_wmterry, this points to another need for layering backends?14:23
mdzmvo: great, thanks14:23
mterryjames_w, or really probably just providing a library of buildsystem helpers.  A vala backend might support both autotools and buildj and cmake, so simple inheritance may not be helpful.14:24
james_wmterry, hmm, good point14:25
ogra_acpitti, about the QT bug14:25
mvomdz: yw :)14:25
mterryjames_w, and maybe fake layering by falling back to a default helper for the currently specified 'buildsystem' if the backend doesn't provide it.  That way vala backend wouldn't have to specify a stub if it wouldn't add anything14:26
ScottKpitti: About the Qt SRU, I understand it's going to go through, but please don't force the same change into Natty.  Let's give upstream some time to work on it first (also due to gcc-4.5 breakage we can't build Qt in Natty right now anyway).14:26
ogra_acpitti, could you just accept the SRU into -updates, QT in maverick wont build atm14:26
ScottKogra_ac: maverick/natty14:26
ogra_acerr, yes14:26
pittiScottK: I wasn't going to; the task is open14:27
ogra_acpitti, for natty we would like to leave upstream the opportunity to fix it properly during the cycle ... if that doesnt work we can still apply the same change and have a NEON PPA14:27
pittiyes, I totally agree14:27
ogra_acpitti, we would like to have the STU done14:27
ogra_acbut you make that depend on a natty upload14:27
ScottKogra_ac: I think a Neon PPA for Qt for Natty is not an acceptable solution.  The runtime detection has to be fixed.14:28
mdzcjwatson: sabdfl will not be attending TB today, but is scheduled to chair. you're next in the rotation; would you be willing to fill in for him?14:28
ogra_acScottK, i agree14:29
pittiScottK, ogra_ac: marking as RC for natty beta, to keep it on the radar14:29
ogra_acScottK, but if its not fixed we need a fallback14:29
ogra_acScottK, static NEON isnt an option either14:29
ScottKogra_ac: Then put the no-NEON version in the PPA.14:29
ogra_acso the PPA is a fallback if upstream doesnt manage14:29
ogra_acScottK, not an option14:30
ogra_acuserspace needs to support all armv7 platforms14:30
rsalvetiwe should never put neon by default, unless it's able to do the runtime detection14:30
ScottKogra_ac: What supported hardware is it a problem for?14:30
ogra_acScottK, the two options lool noted in the bug are fine14:30
ogra_acScottK, this is not about supported/unsupported HW14:31
ogra_acthis is about a commitment for our default userspace14:31
rsalvetithere are people who build community images on top of our archive, and they need no neon by default14:31
rsalvetiand we said that we would not put neon by default, publicly14:32
ogra_aceither have proper runtime detection or have a NEON PPA or build QT twice and have two binaries are the options we have14:32
ScottKrsalveti: Who is the "we"?14:32
rsalveticanonical arm team14:32
ScottKOK.  Not my problem then.14:32
ogra_acthere are people using ubuntu on non NEON devices14:32
ScottKogra_ac: As long as I can build an Ubuntu ISO with NEON in Natty, I'm happy.14:33
ScottKIt sounds like there are options that support that.14:33
ogra_acScottK, make upstream fix runtime detection is your best bet then14:33
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ScottKSo we can move on and fall back to one of them if upstream doesn't get the runtime detection sorted.14:33
ScottKogra_ac: I agree that's best.14:33
ogra_acwe dont want to block you, dont take it personal14:33
ScottKogra_ac: I'm extremely frustrated that Canonical is making requirements on Ubuntu that aren't communicated to the community.14:34
ogra_acthe NEON settings are communicated since several releases14:34
ogra_acthat decision was made during januty iirc14:35
ScottKogra_ac: Where is this documented?14:35
rsalvetiprobably also over uds and etc14:35
persiarsalveti, That's not really documentation, as such.  Someone needs to turn that into something else to be proper docs.14:35
ogra_acthere must be mails from lool to ubuntu-devel from that time iirc and meeting logs as well14:35
ogra_acthere were also specs to research it14:36
ogra_acand the outcome is documented somewhere14:36
ogra_aciirc also in mails to -devel14:36
ogra_aciirc NCommander did speed tests and researched vfp and neon during jaunty or jaunty+114:37
ScottK"I think there's some email from two years ago" isn't much in the way of documentation.14:38
bilalakhtardholbach:  What is the procedure of adding a datasource to hall-of-fame.ubuntu.com ?14:39
NCommanderogra_ac: just VFP14:43
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janimodidrocks: hello, I am looking at NUX FTBFS on ARM15:23
didrocksjanimo: yes?15:24
janimodidrocks: shall I provide bugreports to NUX in LP directly or to you?15:24
janimoand patches15:24
didrocksjanimo: just post patches against nux and the dx team or I will review/integrate in nux upstream15:25
didrocks(so bug report against nux)15:25
janimook, thanks15:25
didrocksyw :)15:25
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dholbachdidrocks, merge proposal!15:28
didrocksdholbach: well, we are good upstream and we look at patch in any form, merge proposal or others :)15:28
ogra_acdholbach, pffft, all that progressive stuff15:28
dholbachogra_ac, grandpa... here's your cup of tea15:29
geserhmm, a hot cup of tea at this weather is pretty nice15:30
dholbachgeser, you're right :)15:31
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persiawendar, Two packages to look at for some reference are menu-xdg and ubuntustudio-menu.  Neither is precisely what you want, but both use conffiles to modify the menu structure, or add new entries.  All conforming XDG menu systems (like those in GNOME and KDE) are able to use these files in a sane way, and most of the various menu systems and launchers in the archive work with it (excepting those that use the Debian menu system).16:09
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wendarpersia: great, we'll see if we can use that in the ARB packages for maverick16:20
Riddelldoko: yes those missing files are fine16:20
dokoRiddell: thanks16:20
persiawendar, Bug me after taking a look at those, and I'm more than happy to help find a working conffile that extras users ought install.  It's probably worth reading the menu spec also, but it's not very rich.16:21
wendarpersia: will do, thanks16:23
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zyga-bedmvo, hi, should do-release-upgrade work on lucid ppc to upgrade to maverick?16:52
zyga-bedmvo, I'm getting "No new release found"16:53
ogra_acit probably knows that you are ill and wants to make sure you dont work while you shouldnt ;)16:54
mvozyga-bed: make sure you have /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades set to normal (instead of lts)16:54
zyga-bedogra, hehe16:54
mvo(to ogra)16:54
zyga-bedmvo, thanks :-)16:54
zyga-bedogra, I feel horrible doing nothing16:54
* ogra_ac knows how that feels16:55
zyga-bedworking on atom while being used to work on core i7 is also horrible :D16:56
mvozyga-bed: get well16:56
zyga-bedmvo, thanks, I took medicaments, got a big bowl of warm tee16:56
zyga-bedthe fever is slowly going away but I still have 37,716:57
zyga-bed(funny how most locales use . for decimal point while pl uses ,)16:57
ari-tczewwhat the hell is going on with MoM?17:00
zyga-bedari-tczew, hi17:00
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ari-tczewhi zyga-bed17:00
smoseranyone know how to get the current virtual terminal ?17:07
smoserie, to save so that i can 'chvt X' back to it17:07
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ogra_acdidrocks, bah, could you what the ayatana team from me for explicitly using x86 assembler in their code ?17:17
didrocksogra_ac: just go on #ayatana :)17:18
ogra_acthe current nux build looked so good17:18
SpamapSpitti: where did the configs move for the WI tracker since they're not in the trunk now?17:18
pittiSpamapS: lillypilly (aka people.c.c); sudo -u platform -i17:19
pittiSpamapS: then edit them in work-items-tracker/config/17:19
pittiSpamapS: I dropped it from bzr since they break using the WI tracker for other projects (at least the all-projects script)17:20
SpamapSpitti: ahh.. ok, I will have to finally figure out how to get on that box. ;)17:21
zyga-bedpitti, hi, how many other similar reports are generated?17:23
zyga-bedpitti, apart from the work item tracker17:24
pittizyga-bed: I don't know, but I heard from at least two other people that they are using this for their projects17:24
pitti(non-Canonical/Ubuntu, I mean)17:24
zyga-bedpitti, but are they using the work item data or something entirely separate?17:25
pittijust the code and scripts, not our data of course17:25
ogra_acthe ubuntu-armel report is a community report17:25
pittibut I don't want to see the entire world's configuration files in upstream trunk17:25
pittiif we want this stuff in bzr, it shold be in a separate tree17:25
pittiif anyone wants to set that up, feel free17:25
zyga-bedpitti, I'm asking because of different context17:26
* pitti waves good night17:27
zyga-bedpitti, I wrote django-reports and after the first demo report I'm adding an example report that taps into the data from the work item tracker17:27
zyga-bedpitti, good night :-)17:27
pittizyga-bed: if you actually want to use the Ubuntu data, the .db files are available there as well17:27
zyga-bedpitti, yeah but for the moment using JSON is better for me _unless_ I can open your database file locally17:28
zyga-bedpitti, and doing the former makes me more likely to implement proper asynchronous tasks into the system17:28
zyga-bedpitti, anyway, I'll show you what I have once I get better and finish it17:28
zyga-bedpitti, the upside to static reports is that it's a live application17:29
zyga-bedpitti, and that all data it can show on the html page can be accessed via xml-rpc17:29
bdmurray@pilot in17:45
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: bdmurray
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sebnerdidrocks: I filed a bug about the latest mutter crash, should I subscribe anyone specific?18:34
didrockssebner: on natty or maverick?18:40
sebnerdidrocks: natty of course18:40
didrockssebner: nobody then, we dropped our specific patch and I'm not sure who is following mutter on natty18:41
didrockssebner: I have enough to do with compiz TBH :)18:41
didrockssebner: I wonder if we should sync from debian as well. Will have a look at the specific patch we still have18:42
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sebnerdidrocks: uhh, that's bad. hmm, You can look at my compiz bug then :P I'm just using mutter (downgraded) because compiz is b0rken :P18:45
didrockssebner: compiz broken on natty? yeah, fire the number then :)18:46
sebnerdidrocks: bug #683081 , I already subscribed our compiz hero. Not sure how to improve the backtrace though18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683081 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Compiz segfaults on start-up" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68308118:47
charlie-tcaknown issue?  after fresh install today, run updates, no top panel, no dock when restarting18:47
sebnercharlie-tca: might be compiz related ^^18:47
charlie-tcaWant a bug, then?18:48
didrockscharlie-tca: nvidia card?18:48
charlie-tcaati radeon 980018:48
didrockshum, no acceleration support?18:48
charlie-tcaI don't know18:48
didrockscharlie-tca: it seems not, you should logout and choose the "gnome classic session"18:49
charlie-tcagot a desktop, just nothing else.18:49
didrocksseems you don't have acceleration support, that will be an alpha1 release note18:49
charlie-tcalogout? got nothing.18:49
didrockscharlie-tca: ctrl + alt + t18:49
didrocksand then logout :)18:50
charlie-tcawell, I'll be. It worked18:50
didrockscharlie-tca: but your issue isn't a bug, just a consequence of no fallback support yet18:50
didrocks(when unity can't run)18:51
didrockswill come with alpha218:51
charlie-tcabut it runs until I update18:51
didrockssebner: yeah, the stactrakce is small18:51
didrockscharlie-tca: yeah, but we got unity + gnome-panel for normal case18:51
didrockscharlie-tca: which leads to a lot of other issues :)18:51
didrocksyw :)18:51
didrockssebner: is apport activated for you?18:51
sebnerdidrocks: howto check?18:52
didrockssebner: you should report the bug with it18:52
didrockssebner: /etc/default/apport18:52
* sebner tests18:52
sebnerdidrocks: disabled18:52
didrockssebner: ok, so enable it, reboot or launch apport service and make compiz crash18:53
didrocksthen, report the bug :)18:53
sebnerdidrocks: mind invaliding the old bug meanwhile?18:54
didrockssebner: sure18:54
sebnerdidrocks:  bug# 68329319:00
sebnerbug #68329319:00
ubottuBug 683293 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/683293 is private19:00
didrockssebner: can you mark it as not private if you have no private data?19:01
didrocksotherwise I'll add sam19:01
didrocksthanks :)19:01
didrocksok, let's wait apport to retrace it19:01
sebnerdidrocks: oh, didn't notice. Is it uploading furthers logs in the background?19:02
didrockssebner: yeah, but it's ok :) apport will run against it on launchpad and get a nice backtrace with debug symbols19:03
didrocksthen, we will have a look at it :)19:03
sebnerdidrocks: heh, thanks to you too. Pretty nice to have a contact person =)19:04
bilalakhtarCompiz is nonresponsive on shutdown. Known issue?19:04
* didrocks runs…19:04
sebnerbilalakhtar: /here too19:04
didrocksbilalakhtar: yes19:04
bilalakhtarso /me is not the only person facing it..19:04
* bilalakhtar could help19:04
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lifelesskees: ok, its all working and stable now19:14
lifelesskees: I'd expect nice fast responses, consistently.19:14
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charlie-tcadidrocks, nvidia 6200 with hardware driver installed gives blank desktop too19:44
didrockscharlie-tca: hum, you have acceleration support? that's weird? I have a nvidia card there working well19:44
didrockscharlie-tca: glxinfo returns "hardware accelerated" or "software rendered"?19:45
didrocks(have to popout quickly, it's getting late there19:45
charlie-tcastarting it again.19:45
charlie-tcait is an encrypted install, if it makes a difference19:45
charlie-tcatoday's updates did remove "ubuntu-desktop", but that should not have removed everything.19:46
didrockscharlie-tca: do you have compiz and unity installed?19:47
charlie-tcaI did dnot remove them19:47
charlie-tcaAll I did is install from today's alternate image, then run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"19:48
charlie-tcathen I restarted19:48
didrockscharlie-tca: you should get it, and for the glxinfo?19:48
didrocks(really need to go…)19:49
charlie-tcadirct rendering yes19:49
didrocksand server glx vendor string ?19:49
didrockscharlie-tca: if it's not "software rendered", please report a bug against unity with a compiz --replace stacktrace please :)19:51
charlie-tcawill do19:51
charlie-tcaserver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation19:52
charlie-tcaserver glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation19:52
bdmurray@pilot out19:56
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
SpamapShmm... I have a dpkg process from inside a schroot just sitting there stuck in D+ stat...20:12
SpamapSgetting the "process blocked for more than 120 seconds" message ....20:13
SpamapSand I'd swear the disk is churning but I have no HDD light on my mac to prove it.. I just hear ticking.20:13
SpamapSiotop doesn't show any IO though20:13
* SpamapS is pondering a reboot.. but ugh20:15
SpamapSah.. it finally died20:18
kirklandwhat setting (or lack of setting) in setup.py causes libraries to get installed into /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ ?20:19
* kirkland is trying to fix some packaging20:19
SpamapSkirkland: IIRC, the dh python helpers call setup.py with the appropriate args to install things in the right place20:20
ebroderIt's something like passing --install-layout=deb, I thought20:20
* xnox nods in agreement with ebroder20:21
kirklandSpamapS: hmm, it ain't apparently20:23
didrockscharlie-tca: thinking about it, did you have the "desktop effects enabled"?20:27
kirklandebroder: xnox: to dh_python, or dh_pysupport?20:28
xnoxkirkland to setup.py =)20:28
didrockscharlie-tca: can you please ensure you have gnomewm or compiz to gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager ?20:28
xnoxdo not use dh_python. dh_pysupport and dh_python[2|3] do it automatically20:28
xnoxkirkland, what's the package?20:29
kirklandxnox: cobbler20:29
kirklandxnox: i'm creating the packaging20:29
xnox   dh $@ --with pysupport20:29
xnoxshould be enough =)20:29
xnoxas the starting point.20:30
xnoxlet me file a bug. And I'll look into cobbler in a sec20:30
kirklandxnox: thanks20:30
xnoxsorry I'm wrong kirkland20:31
xnoxit's --with python-support20:31
xnoxfor the old-style python packaging.20:31
kirklandxnox: okay;  lp:~kirkland/+junk/cobbler if you're interested20:32
xnoxIf you are ready for both python2 and python3. You should be using --with python2[,python3]20:32
xnox=))) branching20:32
ScottKkirkland: For new stuff dh_python2 is preferred.  It should be trivial to switch.20:32
kirklandScottK: that seemed to do it.  thanks.20:34
bdmurray@pilot in20:35
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: bdmurray
charlie-tcadidrocks, did not enable anything myself. Did not disable anything myself, either20:41
didrockscharlie-tca: sure, but some defaults can change, especially with the nvidia card20:41
didrockscharlie-tca: hence the output pour gconftool-2 -g /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager can be useful20:41
charlie-tcaokay. I am not very good with this, let me look20:42
charlie-tcathat says gnome-wm20:43
didrocksok, should be fine then :/20:43
charlie-tcaI fail miserably getting the stacktrace20:44
didrockscharlie-tca: let's apport catching it20:44
didrockscharlie-tca: enables apport and report the bug20:44
charlie-tcaI tried. bug 68334920:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683349 in unity (Ubuntu) "desktop is blank after updates on fresh natty installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68334920:44
didrocksyeah, it's not enough :)20:45
charlie-tcaenhable it? I will go back and do that and attach the missing things, then20:45
didrockscharlie-tca: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#How to enable apport20:46
charlie-tcaThank you20:46
didrocksthat should help you :) setting it as incomplete waiting for the additional info :)20:46
didrocksthank you :)20:46
charlie-tcaNo problem. I am persistent, even if a bit slow sometimes20:47
xnoxkirkland I have something that at least builds a little bit.20:53
kirklandxnox: i have it going now20:53
kirklandxnox: thanks20:53
kirklandxnox: on to the next suite of problems20:53
xnoxkirkland, well make sure you do $ echo "2.6" > debian/pyversions && bzr add debian/pyversions20:54
xnoxcause there is no python-yaml with 2.7 in natty =)20:54
ScottKxnox: That's just because we didn't rebuild it yet.20:55
ScottKFixing that is a better solution.20:55
xnoxkirkland, my branch is here: lp:~dmitrij.ledkov/+junk/cobbler20:55
xnoxthis is my debian/rules20:56
xnox#!/usr/bin/make -f20:56
xnox# -*- makefile -*-20:56
xnoxdh $@ --with python2 -Spython_distutils20:56
xnox 20:56
xnoxworks like a charm =) for the most part20:56
xnoxnow it needs to be made policy compliant =)20:56
xnoxAnyone wants to look at bug #683347 ? It might be toolchain/as-needed, binutils, lintian or simple packaging bug.20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683347 in xiphos (Ubuntu) "Lintian fails over xipho-dbg with "objdump-info failed"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68334720:58
ScottKxnox: Also I think it's generally better to use XS-Python-Version than debian/pyversions since all Python helpers support XS-P-V.20:59
xnoxScottK true =) except that piotr won't sponsor that =)21:00
ScottKxnox: He will.  He won't sponsor pycentral.21:00
ScottKDebian Python Policy also prefers it.21:00
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xnoxGood to know. Will do that then.21:08
highvoltage /win 1621:16
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bdmurray@pilot out21:46
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
ScottKpitti: I'm looking at removing HAL from Kubuntu as we have upstream support in KDE for that now.  From your work on this for Ubuntu Desktop, do you recall if it's a problem for HAL to remain installed (do I have to ensure it gets removed on upgrade)?22:09
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bdrung\o/ 42 sponsor requests!22:16
achiangcan someone refresh my memory? does update-manager call out critical vs. non-critical updates?23:05
ebroderachiang: It separates security from non-security. We don't have a distinction between "critical" vs. "non-critical" SRUs (we don't use the priority field in debian/changelog)23:27
achiangebroder: ah, ok. that's good enough for me, thank you23:27

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