
=== asac_ is now known as asac
dpmchriscoulson, ok, I've changed the Lucid, Maverick and Natty Firefox translation template names from 'firefox-3.6' to 'firefox'11:58
fta2dpm, http://paste.ubuntu.com/538267/ :(12:15
fta2so i guess i have to add a test for that in my translator (that was one of the 2 points i mentioned yesterday)12:16
dpmfta2, hmm :(, yeah, I believe so. Them not being in any format known to gettext, they cannot be tested in LP, so I guess yes, better to have an external test12:17
fta2dpm, just curious, when do you plan to send the announcement?13:01
dpmfta2, sorry, I wanted to do it today, but I'm not sure I'll get round to do it. Would tomorrow be ok?13:01
fta2dpm, whenever you're ready, but the sooner the better. i worked hard to get the thing in place for the 1st day of UDS, but we keep pushing it away :(13:04
dpmfta2, I'm sorry, I've tried to help in all I could and chase people around when there were blockers. I also want to announce this as soon as possible, but today I've got quite a full plate already :(13:07
fta2dpm, no problem, i'm not blaming you, i'm just saying we're now past the 1st natty milestone and i think it's time to start collecting stuff as the system is now in place13:11
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fta2dpm, found 3 errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538297/14:24
dpmfta2, oh, is that your new checker?14:24
fta2dpm, yes14:25
fta2dpm, http://paste.ubuntu.com/538300/14:32
dpmfta2, cool14:49
ftacyphermox, it failed: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59883877/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.network-manager_0.8.3~git.20101124t163149.5afc555-0ubuntu1~nmt1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:32
cyphermoxfta, yup, saw it, I'll fix those a little later16:33
cyphermoxfta, but now, it actually works, in terms of actually pushing updates to the ppa :D16:33
ftacyphermox, btw, is n-m changing /etc/hosts?16:33
ftacyphermox, i have a problem on my ubuntu boxes doing smtp. something insists on adding my hostname to, totally breaking sendmail16:35
ftabut i can't find which package does that16:35
cyphermoxyeah, it is, but it should also be adding your hostname to whatever network-addressable IP you get from DHCP or statically16:35
cyphermoxthat's actually two bugs: sendmail needs to get fixed, but I'll also stop NM from updating /etc/hosts unconditionally16:37
cyphermoxfta, patch is started, in progress.16:37
ftacyphermox, those boxes have a static ip, unmanaged by n-m16:37
cyphermoxah, probably why NM only updates dang.16:38
ftaany way to make it stop in this case?16:38
cyphermoxand it might also not quite be unmanaged, due to another bug :/16:38
cyphermoxnot sure...16:39
cyphermoxdo you currently have your networked IP set with the hostname?16:39
cyphermoxI think you might be able to coerce sendmail in some way to deal with it properly, but I don't know16:40
cyphermoxI'm definitely going to fix this, just had to work on other things for now16:40
ftacyphermox, yes. i have " localhost" and "  foo foo.mydomain.org"16:41
ftathat's at work16:42
ftabut even at home (adsl), i do that, static ip, presumably unmanaged by n-m16:43
ftamaverick and natty16:43
ftaand lucid too16:43
ftai keep my servers with lucid16:43
cyphermoxbut where you get that error?16:43
ftadesktops with maverick, and dev boxes with natty16:44
ftai usually notice when i stop getting emails16:44
ftalogcheck used to inform me, but those emails are now blocked by sendmail claiming the localhost thing is invalid16:45
cyphermoxwell, there's a couple of things at play there, but I'm already aware of them and I'm working on them already (just not done)16:46
ftasendmail reports: (reason: 553 5.3.5 system config error)16:46
cyphermoxdid you open a bug about it, just so I can close it in changelog and document it's fixed?16:46
ftahmm, i think i did 2 cycles ago16:46
ftai have to check16:46
ftacan't find it17:01
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ftauh.. another unity update21:49
ftachrisccoulson, sftp fixed in nautilus \o/22:40
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, i've not tried it for a few days22:41
chrisccoulsonthat's good though22:41
ftadamn, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/translated-inspector.png22:42
ftahalf spanish, half english :(22:43

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