
zacharynwebI'm making these two files00:00
IrishWristwatchdo you know how to use nano?00:00
IrishWristwatchNano is good beginner command line text editor00:00
IrishWristwatchI assume you do, since you've edited some files already.00:01
zacharynwebI used wget to download the .txt file from that link00:01
zacharynwebcp to rename it from the .txt file00:03
IrishWristwatchthere is an easier way you can do it over putty00:04
IrishWristwatchjust do00:04
IrishWristwatchsudo nano /etc/default/deluge-daemon00:04
IrishWristwatchwith putty, you just right-click to paste00:04
IrishWristwatchthen ctrl+o to save, ctrl+x to exit00:04
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: I haven't been able to right click to paste.. I've tried.00:06
zacharynwebrather not bother you with my stupidity there if it does work00:06
zacharynwebeither way, files are there00:06
zacharynwebdeluge-daemon started00:06
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch:   Awesome, I now have a web UI.00:07
IrishWristwatchwith putty, there should be an option then, honestly I don't know why you can't00:07
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: ...wtf00:08
IrishWristwatchpassword is deluge00:08
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch:  Right clicking at all in putty just pasted everything.00:08
IrishWristwatchlol yeah00:08
IrishWristwatchyou are supposed to copy the text from the website, then rightclick into nano00:08
IrishWristwatchbut whatever00:08
zacharynwebcould of sworn I'd tried to copy paste already, and it didn't work, and ctrl + v didn't work either00:09
zacharynwebI even tried going to the upper left and clicking "file, edit... no paste...?"00:09
zacharynweb lol00:09
zacharynweblogged into webui00:09
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch:  do you have any tips about usint the deluge client?00:12
IrishWristwatchthe webui is technically the client00:14
IrishWristwatchbut, if you mean the gui client you download, it's pretty much a great replacement for utorrent00:14
IrishWristwatchAs for the webui, just go to the options and specify the directory you want the files to download to00:15
IrishWristwatchand make sure those directories are owned by the user deluge is running under00:15
IrishWristwatchAlso, make an autoadd directory, then make sure that directory is shared over a samba/nfs share00:16
IrishWristwatchthat way you can easily add torrents just by saving them into that directory00:16
IrishWristwatchif you have windows, you can even set up a drive map (which is basically giving a network share/ samba share a drive letter)00:17
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
IrishWristwatchSo that way you can just access that drive letter, and you'll be at your Samba share.00:17
zacharynwebI don't have that working yet00:17
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: Are you feeling patient enough to tell me about that?00:18
IrishWristwatchHave you set up Samba yet?00:18
zacharynwebdefinitely not00:20
IrishWristwatchok well00:20
zacharynwebI discovered linux a couple weeks ago.00:20
IrishWristwatchI can tell you how to setup a simple share, but I won't go into too much detail about the entire range of stuff you can do with samba00:20
IrishWristwatchsince there are like a bajillion things00:21
draven_solis there a reason that apt-get upgrade is holding back my kernel on 10.04 server?00:21
zacharynwebhave accessible network drive storage from windows?00:21
zacharynwebthat sounds awesome.00:22
IrishWristwatchSamba is tailored towards windows00:22
IrishWristwatchNFS is tailored towards unix00:22
IrishWristwatchand ubuntu can do both so take your pick00:22
IrishWristwatchIf you're one windows, do Samba shares00:23
zacharynwebsounds good00:23
zacharynwebwhat would you suggest?00:23
zacharynwebyou can tell me to use google00:24
zacharynwebif you'd like.00:24
IrishWristwatchAre you using windows or ubuntu as your main desktop?00:24
draven_solzacharynweb, for a *nix to *nix share i use NFS00:24
zacharynwebwindows as my main computer00:24
draven_solzacharynweb, to share to windows pc's i use samba00:24
IrishWristwatchThen use Samba shares00:24
IrishWristwatchyeah what draven_sol said00:25
zacharynwebI'll look it up00:25
IrishWristwatchzacharynweb, are you using server 10.04 or 10.10>?00:25
IrishWristwatchJust curious.00:26
smoserjiboumans, sorry, i'm out now. i'll maybe be back in sometime tonight, failing that, tomorrow00:26
zacharynwebthe latest one I think00:26
zacharynwebthis is weeks old00:26
jiboumanssmoser: sure thing. also, note that one of the mirrors is having checksum errors (see paste above)00:26
jiboumanscatch you later/tomorrow00:26
IrishWristwatchAh, you should use 10.04 LTS in the future.00:27
IrishWristwatchSimply because Canonical will support it until 201500:27
IrishWristwatchWhereas 10.10 will only has an 18-month support lifetime.00:27
smoserjiboumans, we're hoping thats in the progress of being fixed...00:27
zacharynwebYeah, 10.1000:27
smoserper canonical IS ticket00:28
zacharynwebhuh what?00:28
jiboumanssmoser: ta... cloud-config chokes on that btw and aborts =/00:28
smoserjiboumans, which region ?00:28
jiboumanssmoser: ^00:28
IrishWristwatchyeah zacharynweb, just something to remember in the future00:28
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: what do you mean support?00:28
smoseryeah, thanks.00:28
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: remember what?  What's the problem?00:28
IrishWristwatchSupport, meaning, security updates and package updates00:28
IrishWristwatchPatches, fixes, etc00:29
IrishWristwatchRead this, zacharynweb https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS00:30
zacharynwebah, so I should keep to the LTS00:31
IrishWristwatchfor servers, I would.00:31
zacharynwebmore support00:31
IrishWristwatchJust for the convenience of not having to upgrade00:31
zacharynwebI will in the future00:31
IrishWristwatchhowever, there are sometimes benefits of having a later version of Ubuntu, like 10.10 or other future release, simply because they might have features that aren't on the LTS00:32
IrishWristwatchso you should research it before you install00:32
twbIMO the rule of thumb is "if this host is mission critical, it should run LTS"00:32
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: I undestand, I'll kep that in mind for the future.00:36
SpamapSIrishWristwatch: backports are a way to have the best of both worlds in that case.00:37
wqapolHow aboutmanually updating to the latest version while keeping up ith LTS?00:37
IrishWristwatchI'm wary of backports.00:37
SpamapSwqapol: that can get ugly because libraries might have to be upgraded.00:37
wqapolI mean manually updating only the packages deemed necessary.00:37
wqapolSpamapS: Libraries in the sense?00:38
SpamapSIrishWristwatch: you should be. But its a way to introduce only a little bit of the newer, less-tested releases into an LTS.00:38
IrishWristwatchlinux programs use system libraries00:38
IrishWristwatchif you have a newer program, but an old library, it can cause unexpected results00:38
IrishWristwatchis basically the gist of it00:39
wqapolHmm I see.00:39
IrishWristwatchThis is kind of less common if you use apt-get, since it will tell you if you have a missing or outdated dependency, but yeah00:40
IrishWristwatchSkaag: interesting.00:40
Skaagwhat is?00:40
IrishWristwatchThe backports.00:40
SkaagI just arrived here...00:40
Skaagyou sure you mean me?00:41
IrishWristwatchOh, I meant SpamapS00:41
Skaaghaha :)00:41
IrishWristwatchWhoops.  :P00:41
SkaagI'm trying to find out if the LSI2008 SAS Controller is supported in Ubuntu Server. I read somewhere in Google an old post from 2009 about it being supported in Ubuntu Desktop but not in Ubuntu Server.00:41
SkaagBut that's probably just outdated, and from before the Lucid times... how do I find out for sure?00:42
SkaagPersonally, I see no logic in it being supported in Desktop, but not in Server...00:42
IrishWristwatchIf it works on Desktop, chances are it works on Server00:43
Skaagthat's what I thought, too00:44
SkaagI guess worse case, I'll use them JBOD00:44
IrishWristwatchAre you doing RAID 0, 1, or other?00:44
Skaagand then either try to compile a kernel with a port of the driver from Redhat or SuSE (those are officially supported), or wait for someone else to do it ;-)00:45
SkaagRaid 5 I guess00:45
IrishWristwatchPlus, I think Ubuntu Server might be able to do a software raid 500:46
IrishWristwatchbut don't quote me on that.00:46
Skaagof course it can00:46
SkaagI did that many times00:46
IrishWristwatchWell alright then :P00:47
=== squishy is now known as rbniknej
nickmoeckConsidering that it has a RHEL 5 driver, I see no reason that it wouldn't work in Ubuntu. Might have to prod the manufacturer for the driver source or a .deb package for Ubuntu00:47
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch:  If you'd like to see some of what I'm doing with my server...00:48
SkaagI will write them back with that response00:48
IrishWristwatchzacharynweb, do you need help with something?00:48
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch:   http://beyond-sight.com/photography/    http://beyond-sight.com     etc00:48
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: Nothing else more so far.   Thank you so much for helping me so far.00:49
IrishWristwatchthis is being hosted from your server?00:49
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: Yes.00:49
IrishWristwatchSkaag, what is the full model name of that card?00:50
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IrishWristwatchzacharynweb, looks good.  :]00:51
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: currently  http://beyond-sight.com is down00:51
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch:  That was my very first webpage, however, I poorly programmeed the php, so the paths need to be rewritten to work with linux paths and directories00:52
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch:  it looks much nicer00:52
SkaagIrishWristwatch: I don't know yet... didn't buy the machine00:53
Skaagall I know is that the chip is: LSI2008 chip00:53
IrishWristwatchQuestion Skaag , what's a pretty reputable brand of RAID controllers for Linux/Ubuntu00:54
Skaag3Ware and MPT, I guess?00:55
SkaagMPT comes with IBM Hardware00:55
Skaagand 3Ware is a pretty decent raid controller00:55
eriksson25Hi, anyone using rtorrent and know how you make it to create folders with diffrent permissons.00:56
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: Samba looks like a doozy to configure.  No questions yet though, our linux god-tier hero, you. lol00:57
IrishWristwatchoh please.00:57
SpamapSI had an 8 port 3ware SATA card that I used to run a giant (for the time) RAID 5+000:57
IrishWristwatchSkaag, I've always wanted to make a RAID config00:57
IrishWristwatchbut I'm always too damn cheap to buy 4 hard drives00:57
Skaagwell, a good raid config can give you a serious performance boost or reading data very quickly.00:58
IrishWristwatchYeah I bet00:58
IrishWristwatchsince it's all parallel access00:58
Skaagand the controller does much of the work, if the driver is well written.00:59
Skaagand 3Ware adapters have a memory module that can be upgraded00:59
IrishWristwatchzacharynweb, it can be pretty crazy at first01:00
IrishWristwatchbut if you want to setup a simple share and skip all of the other stuff for later01:00
IrishWristwatchthen it's pretty easy01:00
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: How would I do that?01:00
IrishWristwatcheh, I guess I'll just PM you the commands01:00
zacharynwebIrishWristwatch: and truthfully I consider myself a technician with windows01:01
zacharynwebbut anything server wise or outside windows, I'm a newb01:02
IrishWristwatchdon't worry01:02
IrishWristwatchLinux is easier to learn than windows.01:02
datzYea, it's all just point click :P01:22
datzhaving joins,parts,quits ignored really messes up my sense of passed time01:23
UndiFineDdatz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31526201:33
datzhumm, well.. I'm not using gnome, or xchat, and my joins,parts,quits are already hidden. :P01:34
datzbut not I know. ;)01:34
datzIt's easier to leave leave your irc client up all the time and follow what's going on if there isn't semi useless join/part spam. :)01:36
datzirssi ftw btw01:36
Patrickdkheh, you need useless join/part spam, to break up the conversations01:36
datzit does serve to do that. But I if you can distinguish one conversation from another, you'll be fine too.01:37
twbIn dhclient.conf, is this an ubuntuism?  send host-name "<hostname>";02:18
twbBecause it works on my lucid hosts but not my squeeze hosts02:18
twbIf I replace <hostname> with a literal hostname, it works on both02:18
twbApparently it IS a tiny ubuntu-specific patch02:34
twbDunno why it wasn't pushed upstream...02:35
IrishWristwatchzacharynweb, how'd it go?02:37
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laxa8831can i set a folder within a samba share to read only when the entire share it r/w?04:14
laxa8831i have a folder withing a drive id like to protect, but maintain r/w access to the rest of the drive04:14
UndiFineDlaxa8831, you could: chmod 755 the directory04:21
UndiFineDonly owner would have rwx capabilities04:21
laxa8831can the owner be multiple people, or would i have to set up a group04:22
UndiFineDyou set a group for that04:23
UndiFineD<ubottu> An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:24
laxa8831and system permissions take precendence over samba, correct?04:25
laxa8831im having a bit of trouble with this04:33
laxa8831ive set the owner of the test folder to ABCD04:34
laxa8831and chmod to 755, but still everyone on network can create and delete files in that folder04:34
UndiFineDmaybe samba is running as ABCD04:43
UndiFineDand therefore has all the right on that directory04:43
laxa8831im using ls -l04:44
laxa8831and can see the rights on the folders04:44
laxa8831but i cant change them from drwxrwxrwx04:45
laxa8831ive made a folder called test to play with04:45
laxa8831ie, sudo chmod 755 test04:47
laxa8831and the permissions dont change04:47
laxa8831the owner is root04:49
laxa8831cant seem to change that either04:49
laxa8831ok, this is interesting04:49
laxa8831when i created a folder from a network share, it appears to be owned by root04:49
laxa8831is that supposed to happen?04:50
laxa8831is there something im missing for chmod directory functions?04:55
laxa8831this is a real head scratcher lol04:57
laxa8831feel a bit like homer simpson...04:57
laxa8831and when i try ls -l /test05:00
laxa8831it cant find the directory05:00
draven_sollaxa8831, are you locally on the machine?05:06
draven_sollaxa8831, the command to change owner is: chown <user> <group> <filename>05:06
draven_sollaxa8831, to change the owner of a file which is owned by root you'll need to use: sudo chown ...05:07
laxa8831ok, i dont think ive set up groups yet, just individual users05:18
UndiFineDubottu does not know05:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:21
KB1JWQI promise I'm not trolling-- but why would I use ubuntu server over debian?05:51
twbKB1JWQ: predictable release dates, better security05:52
twbKB1JWQ: also, my customers know of Ubuntu, so they sometimes ask for it.05:53
KB1JWQtwb: Security is something of a nebulous concept; how're you measuring it?05:53
twbKB1JWQ: default options in GCC is the most obvious one05:53
twbKB1JWQ: ubuntu also ships with some apparmor profiles enforced by default05:53
twbKB1JWQ: there was an LWN article recently about the former, and Debian was pretty much the worst of the five-or-so distros profiled.05:54
twbKB1JWQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features05:54
KB1JWQI do find Upstart to be annoying.05:54
twbMe too05:55
twbKB1JWQ: try #ubuntu-hardened if you want to discuss security more05:55
KB1JWQPast the obnoxious startup magic, it seems almost like they'd handle roughly the same way?05:56
twbWell, they're closer to one another than they are to, say, RHEL or Solaris05:57
KB1JWQI can do RHEL, CentOS, or Debian in my sleep.06:01
KB1JWQUbuntu's still something of a strange animal.06:01
twbFor most purposes you can treat Ubuntu as Debian06:01
cappicardhey folks. i'm trying to get bridged networking working, but i'm seeing DHCP packet received on vnet0 which has no address06:05
cappicardthis is kvm06:06
cappicardxp running inside kvm.06:06
twbcappicard: on the host, pastebin "ip l; ip a; ip r; brctl show"06:08
twbAlso pastebin the kvm command you're running, or the libvirt config file if you're using libvirt.06:08
twbWell the first problem is that you don't have any VM ifaces attached to your bridges06:10
veovis_muaddibI'm running Ubuntu server 10.04 as a multi-purpose home server, how would I go about getting it to go into a low power mode when unused, and wake again when I need it.  I enabled WoL in my BIOS, but neither my computer nor my phone seem to be able to wake it with magic packets06:14
veovis_muaddibWhoops, period instead of question mark06:14
KB1JWQveovis_muaddib: Onboard NIC?06:15
veovis_muaddibKB1JWQ: Yeah, I'm using the onboard NIC, I don't have a PCI NIC in there06:15
twbveovis_muaddib: install sleepd or similar06:16
twbveovis_muaddib: note that the magic packets usually need to originate on the same ethernet segment06:16
twbveovis_muaddib: i.e. no wireless06:16
veovis_muaddibtwb: trying now.06:16
twbsleepd just makes it go to sleep, not wake up06:16
veovis_muaddibtwb: I can't send a magic packet FROM wireless?  That could kill it for me06:16
twbveovis_muaddib: I don't think so06:17
veovis_muaddibtwb: crap.06:17
twbveovis_muaddib: you could ssh into your WRT and have IT send the actual frame, I guess06:17
twbI started looking into that but lost interest when dinner arrived or something06:17
veovis_muaddibtwb: lol.06:18
KB1JWQFrames actually will traverse wireless.06:18
KB1JWQSo it shouldn't be an issue provided that the originating point can SEND a wake packet.06:18
twbIf you say so06:19
veovis_muaddibKB1JWQ: If they will go over wireless, then I wonder what my problem is....  I've sent magic packets from Wake for iOS and WakeUp for OS X.  Come morning I can test from a Windows 7 or Arch Linux machine, but they're not always available06:29
veovis_muaddibtwb: The sleepd man page says nothing about waking from anything other than keyboard and mouse, and Google's failing me.  Do you know if it can, or even better, how to do it?06:32
veovis_muaddib*I'm probably failing to supply Google with the right keywords, but still.....06:32
twbveovis_muaddib: sleepd has ONE JOB -- when it decides the system is idle, it runs a command -- usually pm-suspend, which places the system in suspend-to-ram state.06:37
twbWAKING from that state is not something sleepd is involved in06:37
veovis_muaddibtwb: Ah, yeah, now I remember you saying that earlier...  Sorry06:37
twbFor a desktop, you have something like gnome-power-manager instead of sleepd06:38
veovis_muaddibSo I have sleepd installed, and am working on configuring it.  Do you know if it will wake on ssh or smb activity?06:39
twbIt doesn't "wake"06:39
twbBut you can tell it not to sleep when there is network activity, IIRC06:40
KB1JWQI'm weird; I like my servers to be "up."06:40
twbRe ssh, -w If set, sleepd will also check idletime based on utmp. This will prevent the system from sleeping while remote connections are active. It uses the time limit from -u.06:40
KB1JWQYou can quiesce the disks, you can turn off peripherals, but I want to be able to hit it.06:40
twbKB1JWQ: you would freak out when you saw the crazy stuff in Apple's current NICs06:41
veovis_muaddibKB1JWQ: I'm at a friend's house with it, and they're demanding that it be in low power mode when not in use06:41
KB1JWQtwb: I'm experiencing those issues now.  I assure you I know. :-)06:41
twbKB1JWQ: it'll power down the whole device, except for the NIC, which will respond to a different MAC and handle the start of, I don't know, the TCP handshake -- and then it'll start up the "real" machine to deal with the actual request06:41
twbI read about that and went ".... GTFO"06:42
veovis_muaddibtwb: What?06:42
veovis_muaddibtwb: That's nuts06:42
KB1JWQtwb: That's insane.06:42
veovis_muaddibtwb: Mostly the change MAC part06:42
veovis_muaddibI'd be troubleshooting that for days06:42
veovis_muaddibGlad my mac is my client and not my server.  I'd give up on getting that working06:43
twbI think it was mostly their embedded gank, not workstations06:44
cappicardis kvm capable of doing remote sound or is RDP to the guest the only way?06:49
cappicardkvm is living on my headless server06:49
twbcappicard: kvm is not a remove framebuffer protocol06:49
twbI imagine you could arrange something using pulseaudio or nas, but I've never tried it.  Neither X11 nor RFB (VNC) support remote audio.06:50
veovis_muaddibcappicard: I have yet to find anything that will allow remote audio in any way.  If you find something, I'd appreciate a link.06:51
veovis_muaddiblooking at pulse and nas now though06:51
twbIn theory you could even just tunnel /dev/dsp over ssh or something06:52
UndiFineDveovis_muaddib, how about a phone ? :P06:53
veovis_muaddibUndiFineD: lol06:53
veovis_muaddibUndiFineD: Though, on that topic, that is a device I'd like to pipe audio to...06:54
syn-ackveovis_muaddib, Pulse Audio does.06:55
veovis_muaddibsyn-ack: Yeah, twb mentioned it, so I'm looking at it now.  All Google is showing are people having problems with it06:55
syn-ackI've never used it in such a fashion, myself, so...06:56
twbI saw it done once with asterisk, I think06:56
syn-ackI never even thought about doing that with Asterisk.06:56
twbI don't mean using asterisk to tunnel the noises06:57
twbI mean he used pulseaudio to tunnel noises asterisk made/received/something06:57
syn-ackNo, the hold music, right?06:57
syn-acktwb, That's still an interesting take on it, though...06:57
UndiFineDo/ nigelb06:59
alcyanyone deploying a mysql cluster on 10.04 around here ? can't seem to find the right way to setup 'em up. don't want to use mysql binary packages, but ubuntu's are not reliable either.07:00
twbDefine "not reliable"07:00
alcy...not not reliable per se, but its broke...there are open bugs with high priority but the maintainer hasnt replied.07:01
alcythis is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-cluster-7.0/+bug/576528 ... but it doesn't seem serious functionality wise.07:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 576528 in mysql-cluster-7.0 "auto-install-tester can not install/remove this package:  trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/my_print_defaults', which is also in package mysql-server-core-5.1 0:5.1.41-3ubuntu12" [High,Confirmed]07:05
alcyhence, the important query. :) is anyone deploying them on 10.04 ? if yes, are they using the repo packages ?07:05
SpamapSalcy: who is the "maintainer" ?07:06
SpamapSalcy: looks like that package does need some love. ;)07:07
alcySpamapS: zul07:07
SpamapSalcy: how is zul the maintainer of mysql-cluster-7.0 ?07:07
alcy"Original Maintainer: Chuck Short <zulcss@ubuntu.com>" ...zul on irc :)07:09
SpamapSalcy: but thats not really "the maintainer" ;) MOTU is as much responsible as anyone else07:09
SpamapSalcy: that High confirmed bug seems like a duplicate of another one..07:10
SpamapSalcy: anyway, I would agree with you that it needs some love.07:13
alcySpamapS: meanwhile, at my machine installation "hangs" at this "/etc/init.d/mysql: line 116: /etc/mysql/debian-start: No such file or directory invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed." there's a defunct mysql process. got a clue ?07:14
alcyactually not a mysql process, its apt only.07:16
SpamapSalcy: weird07:17
alcyanyway, i am copy-pasting that file from another machine07:17
SpamapSalcy: I'm getting close to pass-out level of exhaustion.. so I'm not feeling all that clever right now07:17
alcySpamapS: heh, thanks for the help anyway :)07:18
Psi-JackIs there no package in Ubuntu 10.04.1 that has dlm_controld.pcmk for pacemaker's dlm?07:20
twbapt-file will tell you07:21
Psi-JackI used apt-file to search for it, with no results, which seems a little odd to me.07:21
SpamapSPsi-Jack: Psi-Jack what is the file?07:22
SpamapSPsi-Jack: cman has /usr/sbin/dlm_controld07:22
SpamapSI have no idea what a pcmk is07:22
Psi-Jackcman's dlm_controld is compatible with RHCS, where dlm_controld.pcmk is compiled for pacemaker.07:23
TeTeTwasn't there a PPA for all of the high availability stuff? That might contain working packages07:30
Psi-JackHmmm.. A testing PPA, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ha/lucid-cluster/ubuntu lucid main07:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #683007 in openvswitch (universe) "openvswitch-datapath-dkms binary package contains object files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68300708:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #683008 in openvswitch (universe) "debian/patches/debian-changes-1.1.0~pre2-5ubuntu3 is unnecessary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68300808:46
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ttxzul: late pong10:35
[diablo]anyone recommend the best clustering FS to use for the following please:10:55
[diablo]I have 2 x machines running Ubuntu Server 10.10, with KVM/libvirt10:55
[diablo]for storage I have an iSCSI LUN made available to (currently) one machine10:56
[diablo]the KVM machine slices the LUN (/dev/sdb) into partitions with LVM10:56
[diablo]so each guest is on a physical partition10:57
[diablo]well, lvm partition I should say10:57
[diablo]I am looking for a method to migrate a guest from one machine to the other... seems clustering is needed10:58
faleI'm looking for the meta package ubuntu-server, but I can't find it :( any suggestions about where I can find it?11:01
joschifale: what does this package provide in your opinion?11:41
falejoschi: the list of the packages that is needed to be installed to have the ubuntu-server cd ;)11:43
joschifale: try ubuntu-standard11:43
falejoschi: are you sure that is the server list?11:43
joschifale: no, but that's the package installed. of course there's also the task list 'server', but that's no single package ;)11:44
joschifale: `man tasksel`11:44
falejoschi: that's interesting :) I'll look into it, thanks :)11:46
alcywonder why mysql is ignoring some settings in my.cnf. can't get around debugging this, any clue ?11:47
alcyafaik, the configuration directives are under the right sections11:48
alcyto be specific, the master-host dire3ctive for implementing replication is not getting changed.11:48
falejoschi: I wonder why some things are made with meta-package (like ubuntu-desktop...) and other with tasksel :/11:48
intheloopbackDoes somebody has experience with backuping a VM? Do you backup a stopped or running VM? Which method do you use?11:55
Error404NotFoundhow can i force a specific PHP version to be used for a vhost? I have compiled php5.2.14, enabled fastcgi and my vhost configuration is at http://pastebin.com/jB0AbK7Z but for some reason if i don't use php5 module, php5.3.3 is used. I want to use php5.3.3 for all other stuff while php5.2.14 only for this vhost.11:59
Error404NotFoundintheloopback, if vm is hosted on a lvm volume, you can take snapshot while vm is running, i believe.11:59
jussiis this still the correct way to install lamp (10.04)  "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" - the docs on h.u.c are very old (talk about 7.04)12:05
Error404NotFoundjussi, thats correct way as long as tasksel is present on system :)12:05
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pmatulisintheloopback: it depends what you want to back up12:57
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intheloopbackpmatulis: ideally the entire vm from the host systems, but I think that this can produce an inconsistent copy. But at least I need to backup home directories, web server and a MySQL database13:20
pmatulisintheloopback: so shut down the guest and copy it's file image (or lvm volume) somewhere13:23
mdlueckWe have been having difficulties attaching USB HDD's to our servers since upgrading to 10.04 LTS. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/645211  Using the work-arounds to get the drives to show up connects them as if at USB 1.1 speed which is unacceptable. Suggestions?13:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 645211 in linux "USB HDD and Flash Drives no longer recognized" [Undecided,New]13:26
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Slybootsim curious; anyone able to suggest a decent web-based system manager for Ubuntu server? Right now I have to ssh in and do everything via the CLI.. but since Im building a NAS server its preferable to have control over a web-interface13:36
Psi-JackSlyboots: Webmin13:37
SlybootsI thought that was incomptable with Ubuntu13:37
Psi-JackPersonally I've found OpenSUSE makes a better NAS server than Ubuntu.13:37
Psi-JackSlyboots: No, #ubuntu doesn't support it. Webmin supports Ubuntu, however.13:37
l3dxPsi-Jack: why do you prefer opensuse?13:44
Psi-Jackl3dx: Simplified, secure, yast2 can configure... practically almost anything from GUI, TUI, and cli.13:47
pmatulishas anyone used the phoronix test suite with lucid?  i've found that their tests don't build at all14:07
TheNetunohola como esta too aka?14:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #673654 in clamav (main) "Upcoming clamav release with security fixes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67365414:52
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kirklandsmoser: hey15:53
kirklandsmoser: I'm trying to launch a desktop image from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/desktop/natty/current/15:54
kirklandsmoser: first, I note that the "current" symlink is pointing to 11/2615:54
kirklandsmoser: but second...15:55
kirklandkirkland@x201:~$ ec2-run-instances ami-a7a650ce --instance-type t1.micro --region us-east-1 --key ec2-keypair15:55
kirklandClient.AuthFailure: Not authorized for images: [ami-a7a650ce15:55
smoser1129 is failed build15:55
kirklandsmoser: 'sup with that?15:55
kirklandsmoser: okay ... and my failure?15:55
smoserkirkland, i'll look at it in a bit. "that should'nt happen" :)15:56
kirklandsmoser: k15:56
hggdhisn't there a meeting now?16:03
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Davieyhggdh: yes, previous overunning16:05
hggdhoh, OK16:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #683198 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql 2.4.4-1ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68319816:16
smoserkirkland, i have no idea what went wrong there.16:22
smoserthose ids do exist, they just have no attributes16:23
phretorthe logrotate process was <defunct> on one of my systems, so I just `sudo logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf` to see if it restarted. Now it disappeared from the proc table: how can I check if logrotate is in a sane status?16:23
kirklandsmoser: okay16:23
kirklandsmoser: i was able to start a maverick instance and try x2go16:23
smoserit seems to me it has to be an issue on the amazon side16:23
smosernote, that you cant boot an i386 natty instance anyway (bug 669496)16:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 669496 in linux "natty fails ec2 boot on i386 or t1.micro" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66949616:24
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b0gatyrmorning, can someone explain to me how or in what way having multiple DNS 'A' records that point to a  single IP can help a webserver?16:27
patdk-wkif one of your webservers is down16:27
c0nv1ctb0gatyr, so it works with www.domain.com as well as domain.com?16:30
smoserkirkland, i swear that is ec2 failure16:31
smoserthe us-west-1 amis for that build are good16:31
smoserbut other regions disappeared.16:31
kirklandsmoser: okay16:31
smoserits not like my scripts make up numbers.16:31
smoserthey register, and check exit codes of 'ec2-register' and the like. i've never seen this before.16:31
phretorany idea about my logrotate question?16:36
ikoniaphretor: what was the question, I missed it16:36
phretorikonia: the logrotate process was <defunct> on one of my systems, so I just `sudo logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf` to see if it restarted. Now it disappeared from the proc table: how can I check if logrotate is in a sane status?16:37
b0gatyrc0nv1ct: well not sure, but if you do a 'dig' on wikileaks.org for example the query returns multiple A records pointing at the same IP16:37
ikoniaphretor: if it's defunct it's probably dead/zombied16:37
ikoniaphretor: if it's not showing that state, it's probably running fine (at a basic level)16:38
c0nv1ctb0gatyr, oh, in that case i have no idea how that is useful16:38
ikoniaphretor: on ubuntu logrotate is launched from cron I think so it shouldn't be running all the time16:38
ikonianot %100 certain though16:38
phretorikonia: I see, so it might be running fine. I will check tomorrow if rotate logs exist.16:38
b0gatyrc0nv1ct: the IPs do resolve to amazon EC2 .. maybe using elastic IPs?16:39
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smoserJamesPage, i would like to get some of your time at some point... i'd like to have our ec2 tests into hudson, but really have no idea what that would mean.16:49
JamesPagesmoser: no problem; I'm intending spending some time this week on test automation16:50
zacharynewbhi guys16:55
zacharynewbcan someone help me set up a samba share?16:55
T3CHKOMMIEhey guy, need help finding an old bash command i forgot.16:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #683222 in php5 "php-fpm children constantly exiting (immediately)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68322216:57
T3CHKOMMIEthe command runs a dos-like gui tool on ubuntu server that lets you select server roles and such16:57
T3CHKOMMIEits much like when you install the server you can hit space bar and select ldap server lamp server printer server... etc16:58
TeTeTT3CHKOMMIE: tasksel maybe16:59
zacharynewb_Hhi guys16:59
zacharynewb_can someone help me setup a samba share?16:59
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T3CHKOMMIETeTeT, thanks i think thats it lemme give it a shot.16:59
TeTeTzacharynewb_: probably this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html17:00
zacharynewb_thanks, I'll look17:02
T3CHKOMMIEzacharynewb_, samba is pretty simple i can help you if you get stuck.17:02
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE: I appreciate it.17:03
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE: I followed those instructions17:13
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE: and I can see that there's a "share" and now my server is showing up on the windows network, but my login is being rejected17:13
T3CHKOMMIEhave you messed with the config file?17:14
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE: Yes, I did. I figured it out though17:14
slybootsHello again :)17:14
aljosai have a big folder (~75GB) filled with 1kb files and i need to delete folder or everything inside. rm -rf big_folder would take a long time and occupy cpu, any suggestions on howto remove big_folder fast?17:14
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE: When I first installed Samba, it said "enter new samba password"17:14
T3CHKOMMIEzacharynewb_, great. thats about all you need17:14
zacharynewb_and I gave it a password17:15
zacharynewb_It's not using my login password for my user account on the server17:15
T3CHKOMMIEoh, interesting. never had a set up a smb password17:15
slybootsThis might be rather simple; but it has me puzzled.. "Got Ubuntu setup as a NAS with several services downloading files for me and placeing them into folders and whatnot.. What I want to have happen is when it create files in certain folders for thsoe files to inheret certain permissions17:15
T3CHKOMMIEare you running ubuntu server?17:15
zacharynewb_yeah, the guy who told me about it said it was weird too17:15
slybootsMainly Group Read/Write17:15
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE: Yes, GUIless Ubuntu 10.1017:15
slybootsI think this can eb done by Umask? Im just not sure how17:15
T3CHKOMMIEhow did you install samba?17:16
zacharynewb_slyboots:   sudo chmod g+s  or something like that, it makes it so anything new created in the folder inherits that parent folders' permissions.17:16
slybootsAnd thats a permanent effect?17:17
slybootsMm.. (s) Set user/Group ID on execution17:18
zacharynewb_slyboots: So I've read.17:20
slybootsSounds perfect17:20
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE: I installed with "sudo apt-get install samba"17:20
zacharynewb_slyboots: Please do go check it first, I'm new to linux, but I had to address that same issue17:20
zacharynewb_slyboots: I was having issues where the folder, that belonged to the user, wasn't letting them write to it, turns out the child files/folders didn't have the same permissions17:21
zacharynewb_sudo chmod made it so they inherit automatically, but like I said, new to linux.  I'm a computer technician with windows and hardware, but not linux and mac17:22
zacharynewb_T3CHKOMMIE:  I can't create files or folders using the samba share17:23
zacharynewb_I can view the files in the shared folder with a password17:24
zacharynewb_but I can't write17:24
slybootsYea thats not working anyway17:24
T3CHKOMMIEits a permissions issue.17:24
slybootsNew files inside the folder dont inherent the permissions17:24
T3CHKOMMIEyou can chmod your folders17:24
T3CHKOMMIEor you can change your smb.conf file to allow read/write17:25
zacharynewb_slyboots: New files that are created inherit permissions automatically, from what I read.17:25
qman__by default, new files that are created get permissions based on the user that created them17:26
zacharynewb_slyboots: There was another seperate command, to recursively go through the folders and sub folders and files to change all their permissions to match the parent, but I forget it17:26
slybootsYea chmod -R17:26
qman__if you want to set other permissions, see the "create mask" "force user" and "force group" directives17:26
slybootsBut I want this to happen automatically..17:26
qman__slyboots, ^17:27
* slyboots blinks17:27
Psi-JackAnd it's directories. Not folders. :p17:33
Psi-JackHow is a graphical icon similar to a directory containing files?17:33
Psi-Jackman ls, what's "NAME" say about it?17:34
Psi-Jackls - list directory contents17:34
zacharynewb_damn it17:35
Psi-JackShow me 1, just 1 manpage that refers to directories as "folders", and I will pay you $20 for it.17:35
zacharynewb_The folders are owned by "zacharyguest" to limit privleges17:35
zacharynewb_slyboots: What's the command to manually take ownership everything in a folder?17:37
slybootschown user:group -R foldername will do it17:37
Psi-Jackd, i, r, e, c, t, o, r, y, simple.17:38
zacharynewb_not as simple as "folder"17:38
slybootsWhy is it so complicated to have inheretered permissions17:38
Psi-JackAs I said, show me 1 single manpage that talks about directories as if "folders", $20.17:38
zacharynewb_directory uses more awkward keys and more of them, thus, more complicated.17:38
Psi-JackShorthand is dir.17:38
Psi-JackWanna talk complicated, you.17:39
zacharynewb_I'm a windows user17:39
zacharynewb_You should see my battlestation.17:39
slybootsOr like.. having two groups with two differet permissions.. that seems to be actually impossible17:40
* Psi-Jack holds back his laughter, only for a second.17:40
Psi-JackOkay, guys, wanna learn something?17:40
slybootsACL's are *not* fun17:40
Psi-Jackyes, Linux has them for every native filesystem.17:40
slybootsI'ave already tried that17:40
Psi-JackHell, even nautilus and dolphin have support for gui-enabled ACL editing.17:41
zacharynewb_OMG IT WORKS17:41
zacharynewb_I LOVE ALL OF YOU17:41
datzeven me?17:42
zacharynewb_YES, EVEY YOU, SMALLS17:42
* datz got a free ride17:42
zacharynewb_my beautiful server17:42
zacharynewb_and the printers are showing too17:42
zacharynewb_I love you linux17:42
Psi-Jackzacharynewb_: Now, try setting up two servers with DRBD drive replication, iSCSI exporting multiple lvm logical volumes with pacemaker's cluster stack. clvm, dlm, and iscsi-tgtd or iet.17:43
zacharynewb_what do you guys think about wikileaks?17:43
zacharynewb_Psi-Jack: WTF are you saying?17:43
Psi-JackOh, and a VIP for the active one of the replication.17:43
zacharynewb_Psi-Jack: SPEAKEH ENGLISH, mother tucker17:43
zacharynewb_Psi-Jack: what is drbd drive replication?17:43
Psi-JackIt's perfect English. Just wayyyy over your head, folder-speaking varmint.17:44
zacharynewb_Psi-Jack:  yes, advanced linux work is indeed over my head17:44
slybootsGood to see the rude linux guru is alive and well :P17:44
zacharynewb_Psi-Jack: html, php, batch, basic TIBASIC, javascript, java, VB, are not over my head. :D17:44
Psi-Jackzacharynewb_: DRBD is where you have a two physically different systems replicating the same device, partition, or volume.17:44
Psi-JackOver the network.17:45
Psi-JackLike Raid1 over the wire.17:45
zacharynewb_Psi-Jack: sharing the same device between both of them?17:45
zacharynewb_Psi-Jack:  that doesn't sound too hard17:45
* Psi-Jack chuckles.17:45
* zacharynewb_ can chuckle too17:45
Psi-JackAnd no, not sharing the same device.17:45
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Psi-JackTwo seperate devices sharing the /exact/ same content.17:45
Jon__dumb question, where can i find a trustworthy ubuntu 10.10 aws ami with < 10gb file size17:46
linuxnewbseriously doesn't sound hard.17:46
Psi-JackJon__: aws ami?17:46
Jon__ami for amazons ec2 free tier17:46
Jon__they only let u use 10gb for free17:46
Jon__and ubuntu only does 15gb ami's17:46
linuxnewbPsi-Jack:   Btw, do you by chance know the 72 character long key for the latest wikileaks file?17:46
Psi-JackNo clue. Don't use Amazon EC2,.17:46
Psi-JackI run my own equivalent of EC2, out of my home.17:47
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Jon__your own equivelent being vmware or what17:47
Psi-Jackkvm, of course.17:47
Psi-JackVmware by itself sucks.17:47
zacharynewbPsi-Jack: Can I share a samba share over the internet using my domain name/17:47
Psi-JackAnd it's extremely too hardware dependant.17:47
Jon__yeah im on comcast so to host games im using vps's and amazon right now17:47
Psi-JackI'm on Brighthouse, yet, I have business class service for only $8 more a month than normal.17:48
Psi-JackWith 5 IPs.17:48
Jon__geez, nice deal17:48
zacharynewbActually, one reason I was setting up my server is so that other people coule use it17:48
Psi-JackI'm about to upgrade to their Lightning service, which is 40 MBit down, 5 MBit up.17:48
zacharynewbI'm on verizon fios, decent 3 MB/s connection with low ping17:48
Jon__fios = comcast at basic package17:49
Psi-JackWhich even beats Fios.17:49
Jon__yeah that lightning service would be nice17:49
zacharynewbComcast fucking sucks17:49
Psi-Jackzacharynewb: LANGUAGE!17:49
Jon__Comcast is actually pretty good in my opinion17:49
* Psi-Jack gets his wooden stick out, ready.17:49
Dereki'm having trouble setting up a KVM of lucid that i can just SSH into as soon as it's created17:49
Jon__and its speeds are exactly the same as fios at the basic package17:49
Jon__if you pay extra then yes fios will be faster17:49
zacharynewbusing comcast, we were throttled, they blocked torrent traffic, iffy connections, customer suppoer was terrible17:50
zacharynewbhigh ping17:50
Jon__verzion doesnt?17:50
zacharynewbNot that I've noticed17:50
zacharynewbor not enough that I've cared to notice17:50
Jon__i try to stay under my 250gb cap with comcast17:50
Jon__thats the only downside17:50
Psi-JackBlocked torrent traffic to known obvious illegal sites, you mean.17:50
Jon__yeah comcast isnt blocking my private trackers at all17:51
Jon__and when i was hosting games they wernt blocking all the random connections to my house17:51
zacharynewbJon__:  Psi-Jack  When I was room mating last year, we had two fios connections into our house17:51
Jon__although technically i am break tos when i use it to host my website or games17:51
Psi-JackDoesn't block legit trackers, either, like the one OpenOffice used to be on, before Oracle owned them.17:51
zacharynewbPsi-Jack:  Jon__   We ran servers on one, a room mate was a security clearance web administrator, had his own setup as well17:52
Jon__nice zach17:52
Psi-Jackzacharynewb: Uh huh.. Not impressive at all.17:52
zacharynewbon the other fios connection, we gamed, netflix, movies, PS3, Xboxs, hosting things. Pretty awesome17:52
smoserkirkland, ping17:52
zacharynewbPsi-Jack: Hey, our setup was prety awesome17:52
Psi-JackI doubt it.17:52
kirklandsmoser: pong17:52
smoseri just put a "package" of my bug 625364 hack together17:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 625364 in pm-utils "lenovo/thinkpad T400[s]/T500/W500/X60 suspend fails" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62536417:52
smosershould i put a link to that in the bug ? or does that ultimately not useful17:53
Psi-JackOh dang, I thought this was ##Linux for some reason. ;)17:53
* Psi-Jack chuckles.17:53
kirklandsmoser: i don't see a pm-utils build in that ppa17:53
smoserno pm-utils17:53
smoserlp-625364-hack - 0.117:53
Psi-JackBut still.17:53
Derekanyone know how to KVM of lucid that i can just SSH into as soon as it's created, i've tried the --addpkg and --ssh-key builder options and neither lets me ssh in once done17:53
kirklandsmoser: wow, that's the name of the package?17:54
kirklandsmoser: well, that's not how I would have done it :-)  but okay...17:54
smoserwhy not ?17:55
zacharynewbPsi-Jack:  Why do you doubt me?17:55
smoserif i build a pm-utils package, then pm-utils gets reved and my package removed, and your thinkpad overheats17:55
Psi-Jackzacharynewb: 2 servers, hardware Raid10 6-drive setups running DRBD replication, exporting iSCSI volumes for kvm servers and shared storage for clustered virtual kvm webservers, including replicated LDAP servers for centralized authentication. 4 physical servers, 2 of which running the actual active-passive failover routing of the network, also the host systems running multiple kvm servers,17:55
kirklandsmoser: yeah, agree with that17:56
Psi-Jackclustered and live-migratable between any 4 physical servers, on demand, manually, or on failover.17:56
Psi-Jack2 Physical systems running dedicated mysql, replicating with active-failover.17:56
kirklandsmoser: i'd probably just a) put your script in people.canonical.com/~smoser17:56
Psi-Jack2 physical systems running dedicated postgresql, also replicating with active warm standby for failover.17:56
kirklandsmoser: and put the 1-line needed to sudo wget that script to the right location17:56
zacharynewbPsi-Jack:   See, individual systems is my thing, I have little experience with anything outside a basic network17:57
Psi-Jackzacharynewb: And that's just the start of what I have, at home, live. ;)17:57
zacharynewbPsi-Jack: I bet you can't hack my server17:57
* Psi-Jack just shakes his head. "Grow up, moron."17:57
smoserkirkland, meh... this way i can actually deliver an update with a fix.17:58
smoserbut the point is the same.17:58
Psi-JackI can program, as in hack, all day long, perfectly good interfaces for management of such things.. Which ironically, I am. ;)17:58
smoseris it even helpful to make it easier for people to get a hack, not a real fix.17:58
kirklandsmoser: as could you re-upload to people.canonical.com17:58
smoseryes, but then someone would have to know they should go get it17:58
smoserwe have this network aware archive management thingy17:58
smosercalled 'apt' and it runs and pulls down packages and installs them.17:59
smoserits really nice17:59
kirklandsmoser: hmm, yeah, but I'm not going to leave your ppa in my sources.list17:59
Psi-Jacksmoser: Like, Bacula?17:59
kirklandsmoser: i have no idea what kind of crack you're putting in there17:59
Psi-JackOh, no. LOL17:59
smoseroh, i have lots of crack there.17:59
kirklandsmoser: and if i add your ppa, i've essentially given you root on my box17:59
smosermost of it just waiting to root kirkland's machine.17:59
Psi-Jackkirkland: But hey, at least it's all GPG signed.18:00
kirkland$ grep smoser /etc/apt/sources.list; echo $?18:00
smoserif grep kirkland /etc/passwd; then sudo -Hu kirkland ssh-import-id smoser && email smoser ip-address; done18:00
Jon__im very proud of myself18:00
Jon__i can download via console with wget now18:01
kirklandsmoser: heh18:01
zacharynewbPsi-Jack: I made my server to serve me, to do things, and to learn18:01
zacharynewbPsi-Jack: If someone can hack my server, I'd like to learn about it.18:01
kirklandcat /etc/hosts.deny18:01
kirklandALL: PARANOID18:01
kirklandsmoser: :-)18:01
smoseryeah, i could have dropped the 'sudo'18:02
zacharynewbif learning about it takes someone screwing with my server, awesome. :D18:02
smoseras it runs as a post script, so as root anyway18:02
kirklandsmoser: okay, so the fact that you packaged your fix is "nice", but i'm just saying not necessary18:02
Jon__ive been lucky no1's tryed to mess with mine18:02
smoserbut my question remains.18:02
zacharynewbJon__: thats no fun18:02
Jon__it is when ure learning like me18:03
kirklandsmoser: which is... should you drop a link to it in that bug?18:03
smoserdoes it "help" anything, or does it actually hurt it.18:03
zacharynewbJon__: learning through harsh hilarious examples is fun18:03
Jon__lol true18:04
Jon__so in the interest of securing my servers and not running as root18:04
Jon__i created a user and gave him a pass18:04
zacharynewbyou get to see how water drowns your base and all of your workers18:04
Jon__then logged in as him18:04
zacharynewbJon__:  Ever played Dwarf Fortress?  Dying is called "fun"18:04
zacharynewbor how a golbin squad comes in and kills you18:04
Jon__however when i try to use sudo he isnt in the sudo list18:04
Jon__how do i do that18:04
Jon__i tryed df i couldnt get into it, people i play with on minecraft love talking about df18:04
kirklandsmoser: meh, i don't think it hurts; but i don't think it necessarily helps either18:05
kirklandsmoser: sorry to be non-committal18:05
zacharynewbJon__:  Dwarf fortress has a crappy user interface18:05
smoserwell, i tihnk it does help. since i split up the fix into 2 comments...18:05
zacharynewbJon__:  but it's a lot of fun18:05
smoserie, one that has the fix, and one that says "oh that didn't work, put it in a different location" :)18:05
jiboumanssmoser: hi18:05
smoseri have other things to do. that package is there.18:05
kirklandsmoser: that's fair18:05
smoserjiboumans, hey18:06
zacharynewbJon__:  Also, you HAVE to have a graphics pack, or you'll be stuck with the original crappy ascii art pictures18:06
jiboumanssmoser: got a moment to look into this cloud-init business?18:06
Jon__yeah i had no graphics pack18:06
Jon__and it all looked identical18:06
jiboumanssmoser: awesome. i have an instance running that exhibits the problem and i can reproduce it18:06
kirklandsmoser: the one thing I would do, though, if you do point to a package in that bug is create a new ppa under your name just for this hack18:06
jiboumansit looks like the 'runcmd' sections make it onto the instance jsut fine and if i run it manually it does what i expect, but i can't see any evidence of it being run by cloud-init18:06
jiboumanssmoser: what info do you want/need to debug it?18:07
zacharynewbJon__: Dwarf fortress is like minecraft, except MUCH larger, you have other fortresses working against you, and you're god controlling a bunch of miners under you to build an entire economy18:07
kirklandsmoser: so that people adding your ppa to get the package get only this package, and not all of your other crack18:07
smoserwhat is "it" ?. do you have a user-data file ?18:07
=== Jon__ is now known as Jon-afk
smoseryou should have something in /var/lib/cloud/data/scripts called 'runcmd' (i think thats its name)18:07
jiboumanssmoser: it's sent as data as part of a boto call to launch instances18:07
jiboumanssmoser: yup, i have that18:08
smoseri'm guessing this is 10.04 ?18:08
zacharynewbI seriously want that key to wikileaks18:08
jiboumanssmoser: you got it :)18:08
smoserif you have that runcmd script, then i would surely think that it does get run18:08
smoserwhats the ami ?18:08
=== Jon-afk is now known as Jmainguy
jiboumanssmoser: it's not being run as far as i can tell. is there an artifact in the logs that shows me that it ran?18:09
jiboumanssmoser: ami-0e1bec6718:09
smoserjiboumans, testing a script here really quick to make sure it "works for me"18:10
smoseryou do know, though, that that is a daily, and might jsut be deleted tomorrow, right ?18:11
jiboumanssmoser: eh.. no18:11
jiboumansdamn it, did i look at the wrong list?18:11
jiboumansi wanted latest updated release by you18:12
smoserbut, with better machine formated at http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query/18:12
smoserspecifically http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/query/lucid/server/released.current.txt18:13
smoserok, but on to your problem...18:13
jiboumanssmoser: thanks for catching that18:14
* jiboumans updates his scripts18:14
smoser  /var/lib/cloud/data/scripts/runcmd is written by cloud-init (/etc/init/cloud-config-misc.conf)18:15
smoser and is executed by /etc/init/cloud-run-user-script.conf18:15
jiboumanshttp://nopaste.snit.ch/26298 # this is mine18:15
smoserits output will go to the ec2 console18:15
jiboumansi'm not seeing the 'hello world', there's no /etc/hostname.userdata and the hostname is set to the ec2 default18:16
jiboumansso none of those 3 seem to have actually run18:16
jiboumansis there something in the losg that tells me that cloud-run-user-script has run?18:16
smoserso if you run: sudo cloud-init-run-module once-per-instance user-scripts execute run-parts --regex '.*' /var/lib/cloud/data/scripts18:17
zacharynewbI've set up a samba share, can I access it over the internet via my domain name?18:17
smoserwhat do you see (that is taken from cloud-run-user-script)18:17
zacharynewbif I can, what ports does it need, and what security issues should I worry about?18:18
jiboumanssmoser: privmsg'ing output18:18
smoserok, given "already run" indicates it already ran18:19
smoseryou probably have a marker file in /var/lib/cloud/sem/user-scripts.i-*18:19
smoserwhich is what is written when it runs18:19
smoserremove that and try above again18:19
jiboumanssmoser: after running it (even though it said 'already ran'), the /etc/hostname file is updated *and* the /etc/hostname.userdata file exists with the new hostname18:20
patdk-wkheh, it's not all about being able to access >2-3gigs of cache ram? :)18:21
patdk-wkoh opps18:21
smoserhm.. it doesn't seem likely... you're sure that wasn't the case before ? you can look at the code path in /usr/bin/cloud-init-run-module18:22
smoserit doesn't seem likely to me that it would run that and also say that it already ran18:22
smoser    if cloud.sem_has_run(semname,freq):18:22
smoser        sys.stderr.write("%s already ran %s\n" % (semname,freq))18:22
smoser        sys.exit(0)18:22
jiboumanssmoser: i can fire up another instance and just give you access if you like18:23
jiboumanssmoser: yes, i'm sure, i checked both files before18:23
jiboumansi didn't check the marker files18:23
smoserjiboumans, sure18:24
jiboumanssmoser: http://nopaste.snit.ch/2630018:24
smoseror, if you dont have anything private in user-data, you can just give me what you had there.18:24
smoserand i can launch my own18:24
jiboumanslet me double check18:25
smoserjiboumans, i suspect that something is blocking run-user from running18:26
smoserand it always would have run, just very late in the game and you were always looking before it did run18:27
jiboumanssmoser: the only private section is our puppet section18:27
jiboumansi'm removing that, but i'm not sure if it would affect anything, so i'm letting you know18:27
smoserwell, that should be unrelated. you can just remove it. yeah.18:27
smoserthat is it18:27
smoserthat user script will now block on the puppet portion being consumed18:28
smoserit wont run until puppet stuff is finished18:28
jiboumanswhat is 'finished'?18:28
zacharynewbWhat ports do I need enabled to access my samba share?18:28
jiboumanssmoser: just until /etc/init.d/puppet start has returned?18:29
smoser /etc/init/cloud-run-user-script.conf has 'start on (stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345] ... and stopped cloud-config-puppet ... )'18:29
smoserlook in /usr/share/pyshared/cloudinit/CloudConfig.py for what puppet does. but i suspect that htat is what is blocking..18:30
smosermaybe we're running down a rathole, but try removing the puppet section and running it.18:30
smoseri think you'll get your runcmd stuff run18:30
jiboumansi'll give that a go... and puppet does take some time to set up18:31
smoserthen, add it back in, and i thikn that when you ssh in, you'll see a process 'cloud-init-cfg config-puppet' running18:31
smoserthis would explain why that change magically happened even though it was "already run"18:32
smoser(ie, the timing was just right)18:32
jiboumansthat would make sense18:32
jiboumanslet me go give that a try18:32
jiboumanssmoser: indeed, upon login the cloud config for puppet is running18:36
jiboumanslet's see what happens when that's done18:37
jiboumanssmoser: there's a few minutes between when the puppet timestamp and the runcmd timestamp are put in place though:18:41
jiboumans-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   13 2010-11-30 18:40 user-scripts.i-efda928218:41
jiboumans-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   13 2010-11-30 18:36 config-puppet.i-efda928218:41
jiboumansand from the ps output during that time, nothing cloud-config/init related appears to be running18:41
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smoserwell its waiting on *something*18:42
smoserit could be waiting on "stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]"18:43
jiboumans*nods* so it introduces a few minutes of lag but it does all run18:44
jiboumanslooks like about 6'ish from the timestamps18:44
jiboumanssmoser: thanks for looking into it with me though18:46
smoseryou can try each of those dependencies in turn18:46
smoseri wonder if puppet ens up causing 'rc' to hang18:47
smosers/ens up/ends up/18:47
smoserjiboumans, note, that you can 'rm -Rf /var/lib/cloud' and reboot, and it will think its first boot (other than your non-local stuff)18:47
smoserso do that, edit the dependencies in that upstart job, and try rebooting18:48
jiboumanssmoser: i'm happy to know what's going on and the only fix on my side is to delay monitoring by a few mins18:52
jiboumanssmoser: if it's helpful to trace this down i'm happy to share my userdata of course18:52
smoseri'm not sure what would be delaying the output of that job.18:54
smoserone thing you could do18:54
smoserlaunch an instance18:54
smoserssh in18:54
smoserthen run something like18:54
newbcould someone help me a bit with accessing a samba share over the internet?18:54
smoserujobs=$(cd /etc/init && ls | sed -n 's,.conf$,,p') ; while sleep 2; do for j in ${ujobs}; do status ${j}; done > status-$(date +%s).log 2>&1; date; done18:59
smoserthat would, very hackily, watch that status of upstart jobs, then diffing them over time you could see what is taking so long18:59
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Derekdo you have to have a gui to do a first sign into a kvm linux?19:17
zulkirkland: where is mathias diagram again?19:23
kirklandzul: in the spec19:23
toddnineHi guys.  I'm trying to create a runit file for a plain java program and not having a lot of luck.  https://gist.github.com/3d9524579fdb41306351  I need to change directories then execute the java program.  This works in a bash script but not runit19:48
smosercjwatson, around ?19:50
newbishhey, could someone help me?19:52
aetaric!ask | newbish19:53
ubottunewbish: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:53
newbishI have installed deluge, and ufw seems to be blocking torrents19:53
newbishhow would I add a rule to ufw allowing deluge to download?19:54
newbishI've already tried sudo ufw allow deluge19:54
newbishand deluged19:54
jdstrandnewbish: if this is the client, then do:19:55
jdstrandsudo ufw allow 6881:6891/tcp19:56
newbishthis is the daemon on the server19:56
newbishjdstrand:  ^19:56
jdstrandI don't know offhand what port it listens on19:56
newbishisn't there a way to set ufw just to allow the program deluge to connect to the internet?19:57
newbishit's easy to allow ports19:58
newbishand I'm sure I can set specific ports19:58
newbishfor deluge19:58
jdstrandnewbish: no, it doesn't work like that. you need to either know the port/protocol, the service name as in /etc/services or use an application profile. in the case of deluge (eg sudo ufw allow OpenSSH), there isn't an application profile19:58
jdstrandat least that I am aware of19:59
jdstrand'sudo ufw app list' will give you a list of application profiles19:59
jdstrandthat are on your system19:59
newbishjdstrand: I might be able to find the service name20:01
jdstrandhttp://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Faq#WhichportsshouldIuse has some info20:01
newbishHow would I access my samba share over the internet?20:11
RoyKnewbish: it's possible, using the ip address given the needed ports are open, but I wouldn't recommend it - the SMB protocol sucks rather badly over a high-latent link20:17
qman__newbish, it's also a Very Bad Idea (TM) from a security standpoint, and many ISPs block it on this basis20:18
newbishqman__: RoyK  I was thinking about it, but you're probably right20:19
qman__for simple file transfer, SFTP is an easy and secure way20:20
RoyKnewbish: if not considering security, the SMB protocol is extremely chattery, so each request will make a bunch of hi, ho, yes, no, sure?, well, really?, dunno, well - check, can I?.........20:20
qman__if you need the functionality of samba, go for a VPN instead20:20
* slyboots brain melts into goo trying to figure out the firewall20:20
RoyKqman__: the chatting will still be a problem if not on a low-latency link20:20
slybootsUsing ufw.. does this ruleset make sense for the following case: Allow machines on the local network access port 53; and deny everyone else20:21
slyboots127.0.0.1 53               ALLOW 5320:21
slyboots53                         DENY        Anywhere20:21
slybootsThats To / Action / From20:22
qman__machines on the local network will not contact
qman__they will contact your interface's IP20:22
slybootsSo I have to give the servers IP address20:22
slybootsOkay; so if I fix that.. that ruleset works?20:22
slybootsIts all NAT'ed off anyway.. but it doesnt hurt20:22
qman__get rid of the second rule20:22
RoyKslyboots: you'll soon find out if you try20:22
qman__and just change to a default drop20:22
slybootsRoyK: That seems like a *terrible* way to test20:23
robbiewsmoser: am I right to assume bug 669496 only affects ec2 images, not the ISOs?20:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 669496 in linux "natty fails ec2 boot on i386 or t1.micro" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66949620:23
jdstrandslyboots: you can a) not give anything at all and just use 'from', b) give the server's address for 'to' or c) specify the interface20:23
newbishwhere can I view the system log?20:23
RoyKslyboots: only way to test20:23
smoserrobbiew, correct. only i386 and t1.micro. the isos should boot.20:23
RoyKnewbish: dmesg or /var/log/*20:23
slybootsRoyK: I prefer the "Ask about to see if it make sense before lowering it into the pit of lions"20:23
RoyKslyboots: you can't really get to the lions with that sort of stuff20:24
robbiewsmoser: thnx... skaet_ was freaking me out there for a minute :P20:24
slybootsSo if I just say allow all from $localnet/53 without stating a to.. that'll work also?20:24
RoyKslyboots: remove the DENY rule, that's implicit by default20:24
qman__slyboots, the second rule will probably prevent your server from making DNS requests20:24
jdstrandslyboots: assuming you have a default deny policy (the default in Ubuntu, and can be seen with 'sudo ufw status verbose'), then only one rule is required20:24
RoyKqman__: not really, those rules are in the INPUT table20:25
slybootsWell currently I have it set to allow all at the moment20:25
jdstrandwell, probably not-- all is allowed on loopback and these are incoming rules20:25
slybootsBut thats so it wont kill my SSH :P20:25
smoserwell, she should freak out, and kick those kernel developer bums in the rear20:25
slybootsIts a hour's drive away so that would be.. annoying20:25
RoyKslyboots: you'll have to add an explicit rule to deny ssh to kill it20:25
jdstrandslyboots: sudo ufw allow OpenSSH20:25
slybootsI want to keep SSH going lol20:25
RoyKjdstrand: allow ssh20:25
slybootsOkay.. give me a sec20:25
jdstrandslyboots: do that before enabling the firewall and you should be fine20:25
cjwatsonsmoser: on holiday, but SMS me (number in directory) if I'm urgently needed20:25
RoyKnot OpenSSH20:25
smosercjwatson, not quite that urgent. :)20:26
smoseri'll open you a bug for your reading20:26
jdstrandRoyK: ssh will work, but there is an application rule for sshd (see ufw app list)20:26
newbishI can't figure out what's keeping deluge from downloading20:26
RoyKjdstrand: and what does that include that /etc/services doesn't?20:26
jdstrandRoyK: also, /etc/services has both udp and tcp listed for ssh, which is less precise than required20:26
newbishit's showing a large number of seeders and peers20:27
* slyboots grrs20:27
slybootsThe Syntax on ufw is.. so weird -.-20:27
RoyKjdstrand: well, indeed, but who listens to 22/udp anyway :P20:27
jdstrandRoyK: in the case of OpenSSH, it will do ssh/tcp20:27
RoyKslyboots: try manual iptables syntax :)20:27
newbishbut it's giving me an error in downloading20:27
slybootsRoyK: I actaully did a course in linux networking.. but that was years ago and I've pretty much forgot it all20:27
RoyKufw is a frontend to iptables - it simplifies stuff and adds a truckload of rules you wouldn't have thought of20:28
newbishRoyK:  I've just looked in the download folder for deluge.  There aren't any files or folders, so I suspect that deluge isn't being allowed to create the file to download to.20:28
jdstrandslyboots: see the ufw man page. there is a simple syntax (ufw allow foo) and an extended syntax based on BSD's PF (ufw allow in on eth0 from to any port 22 proto tcp)20:28
slybootsOkay; so teh new rule is now.. Anywhere                   ALLOW 5320:29
newbishRoyK: I have it set so that deluge is run as my username20:29
cjwatsonsmoser: ok20:29
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RoyKnewbish: can that user write to the given directory?20:29
slybootsThat should be OK?20:29
newbishRoyK: I think so,  I also chowned it.20:29
jdstrandslyboots: no, you are allowing from port 5320:29
jdstrandslyboots: you want:20:29
RoyKnewbish: test it20:29
newbishsudo chown zachary -R /folder/20:30
jdstrandsudo ufw allow from to any port 5320:30
newbishit's still not downloading20:30
jdstrandslyboots: please see the man page. it should help make everything clear20:30
newbishoh what do you know20:30
newbishRoyK: It started just now20:30
slybootsOkay okay; so.. 53  ALLOW
slybootsthink I'm getting it now20:31
jdstrandslyboots: the basic idea is there is a 'to' clause and a 'from' clause20:31
slybootsI've the man page on another screen; its just not making a hell of a lot of sense.. But I think I have it now20:31
jdstrandeither can be omitted depending on the rule...20:31
slybootsThe new rule allows any trafic from the local LAN on port 53; to port 53 on the server only20:31
jdstrandslyboots: I wouldn't word it that way20:32
slybootsAs apposed to allowing said trafic to ANY port on the server.. as long as it was over port 53?20:32
slyboots*source port was 5320:32
jdstrandslyboots: it allows hosts in the local LAN to connect to this host on port 5320:32
jdstrandslyboots: well, I am not sure what rule we are talking about any more :)20:33
jdstrand(I described '53  ALLOW')20:33
slybootsYes; Thats the rule I have now20:33
jdstrandhosts in the network are allowed to connect to port 53 on the machine you added the rule on20:34
qman__that's effectively enough provided everything else is working20:37
qman__there are some spoofing attacks under certain cirumstances where that would allow more than you want20:37
qman__but if your DNS server is not your gateway/router, you don't have to worry about it20:37
jdstrandfyi, the default Ubuntu kernel uses rp_filter for source address verification20:40
RoyK10Gbps network, check, 10Gbps NICs, check, SAS 6gbps controllers, check, but no mapping between physical location of drive and the device name :(20:40
slybootsIm tstarting to think just using iptables woudl be simpler20:40
jdstrandactually, that is overstated. the kernel doesn't, but a default Ubuntu install sets that in /etc/sysctl.d/10-network-security.conf20:41
jdstrandslyboots: if you are going to set it up yourself, you might want to check out all the stuff ufw is doign behind the scenes in /etc/ufw so that you have everything you need20:42
jdstrandand by 'it', I mean 'just use iptables'20:42
MuShjdstrand, why ufw is inactive at system startup?20:44
MuShi have used sudo ufw enable and i tryed  sudo sysv-rc-conf ufw on20:45
MuShbut it's inactive at system startup...why?20:45
jdstrandMuSh: sudo ufw enable is enough to both start it now and enable it on boot. When it doesn't start on boot it is almost always because there is another firewall program or script that runs after it and flushes ufw20:46
slybootssound.. fun :)20:47
qman__I'm fairly impressed with UFW20:47
qman__it provides 90% of the functionality in an easy to use way20:48
jdstrandqman__: glad to hear. I would like to add qos and FORWARD support, but haven't been able to get to it yet20:48
qman__good to know20:49
jdstrandit would also be fun to have network-manager integration and firewall profiles so that when say you are at home the firewall is more open and when you are on the road very closed20:50
jdstrand(obviously configurable)20:51
qman__yeah, definitely a good idea20:51
MuShjdstrand, for example? i haven't idea20:51
jdstrandMuSh: well, you could start with 'dpkg -l|grep -i fire' and see if anything jumps out at you20:52
qman__yeah, and if you've done any other firewall-related configuration on it, look there20:53
qman__such as iptables-save20:53
jdstrandMuSh: beyond that, a 'grep -r iptables /etc' might give details20:53
jdstrandMuSh: is this perchance on a virtualized hosted server?20:55
MuShwith "dpkg -l|grep -i fire" the output is  "ii  ufw 0.30.0-1ubuntu2 "20:55
MuShjdstrand, no20:56
lithprhello.  When installing 10.10 server, i am prompted as to whether i want to install a LAMP stack bundle.  In the server guide, i see info on installing each of these seperately.  Where can i learn more about the bundle it is offering to install?20:57
qman__lithpr, it installs just the basic LAMP, apache httpd, php5 as an apache module, and mysql20:58
MuShjdstrand, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/538423/20:58
lithprokay, thanks.  i'll give it a try.20:59
qman__effectively the same as installing apache2, libapache2-mod-php5, and mysql-server20:59
lithprexcellent, thanks guys!21:00
jdstrandMuSh: based on your version of ufw, it looks like you are running ubuntu 10.1021:00
jdstrandMuSh: ufw in 10.10 uses upstart, and so the sysv-rc-conf command is not needed21:01
jdstrandMuSh: what are the contents of /etc/init/ufw.conf?21:02
MuShjdstrand, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/538428/21:03
jdstrandthat looks fine21:03
jdstrandMuSh: can you give the output of:21:04
jdstrandsudo /lib/ufw/ufw-init stop21:04
jdstrandsudo /lib/ufw/ufw-init start21:04
jdstrandMuSh: can you paste your /etc/ufw/before.rules file? if you don't want it public, feel free to privmsg me21:05
jdstrandbut based on that, it looks like something in there has a bad netmask21:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #682593 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.37-1ubuntu5.5 failed to install/upgrade: subproces installed post-installation script gaf een foutwaarde 1 terug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68259321:13
ScottKSpamapS: Would you be able to prepare an SRU for Hardy for Bug 551655?  I'd be glad to upload it.21:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 551655 in spamassassin "open-whois.org is cybersquatted and its rules should be removed from Spamassassin" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55165521:19
RoyKLEGO ftw! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LHdGIBSq9s21:27
SpamapSScottK: re spamassassin bug, I'd be happy to. Who can accept it for Hardy?21:53
ScottKSpamapS: It'll be ~ubuntu-sru, but I can upload it to the queue.21:53
SpamapSScottK: as of right now I can't assign it to myself.21:53
SpamapSI mean I can assign the main task, but it has not been accepted for hardy yet.21:53
ScottKI can do that.21:54
ScottKSpamapS: All approved and pointed at you now.21:55
SpamapSScottK: sweet.. building a hardy chroot now, but probably won't have it done till tomorrow or Thursday.21:56
SpamapSIf my wife would let me work on ubuntu all 18 hours a day that I'd need to to keep up with the SRU load.. things would be different. ;)21:57
ScottKRight. I'm married too, so I won't question that prioritization.21:57
GCSHi all!22:08
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Callum__okay, my print server can print anything, but jobs that have Japanese characters in them23:32
Callum__seriously, anything thats completely in English is fine, and even Arabic and Chinese work fine23:32
Callum__but Japanese, makes my printers freeze up and the job doesn't get done23:32
Callum__I'm thinking its font related, any ideas? I have the ttf-msttcorefonts packages installed on the computers that I am printing from23:33
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