
dpmgood morning everyone!07:42
andrejzmorning dpm!07:42
andrejzand everyone else07:42
dpmhey andrejz :)07:42
andrejzI have a question for you :)07:43
andrejzIn PiTiVi we have 2 untranslated strings07:43
andrejz"show clips as a list" and "show clips as an icon"07:44
andrejzthe problem is PiTiVi is fully translated in launchpad07:44
andrejzand i cannot find these strings anywhere to fix them07:44
dpmandrejz, is it maybe a bug in the program?07:45
dpmI haven't got much time today, but let me see if I can find something out quickly07:45
andrejzi checked upstream, it's not in that .pot either07:46
andrejzso it must be a bug07:46
dpmandrejz, are you sure that's the exact text? I cannot find it in the sources07:56
andrejzyes it is07:56
andrejzi found the bug07:56
andrejzit's in pitivi07:56
andrejzthey haven't exported the strings to pot07:56
andrejzbeen reported a month ago, but still not firex07:57
andrejzI have another one. In update manager, when the packages are downloading, the string "Downloading" is not translated08:06
andrejzBut if i click on more details it's translated in there08:07
andrejzI am not sure which package this belongs to, but i cannot find it using search ubuntu translation script08:07
artnayandrejz: which script?08:17
dpmandrejz, I think it's aptdaemon. There is a bug about it, IIRC we talked about this some days ago (but perhaps re: another string)08:18
andrejzYes, but that one was fixed08:18
dpmI don't recall it was08:18
andrejzIT was fixed - at least for slovenian and hungarian08:18
andrejzbut not for chinesed08:19
andrejzso a seperate bug was open for that08:19
dpmandrejz, are you sure we're talking about the same bug? I believe you are talking about the one where aptdaemon strings were not exported, whereas I'm talking about the one where the "Downloading..." and such strings are not translated08:22
andrejzoh, sorry, yes I forgot about it08:23
andrejzit's been reported already08:23
andrejzdpm, i cannot find that bug - is this the bug we are talking about - https://bugs.launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+bug/66315008:28
ubot4`Launchpad bug 663150 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Specify the gettext domain in .policy files to load translations at runtime (affects: 1) (heat: 89)" [Medium,In progress]08:28
andrejzi know it was something about .policy files08:28
dpmandrejz, no, it's bug 64126208:29
ubot4`Launchpad bug 641262 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "Status strings during update do not show up translated (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 65)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64126208:29

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