
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Testing Natty and Unity Safely With a USB Stick - http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/11/30/testing-natty-and-unity-safely-with-a-usb-stick/01:27
screen-xmonring early people :)06:35
UndiFineDI cheated06:36
UndiFineDdid not sleep06:36
screen-xI'm at work!06:36
screen-x (2010-11-29 20:22:49) Darael: (if (check-for-snow) (celebrate with-fire) (be-slightly-warmer-but-sad))06:49
screen-xThat's a very moving lisp poem, but why would you be sad when you have snow and fire?06:50
screen-xahh I misread it, its an else clause06:51
UndiFineDsnow is a good insulator, keeps you warmer06:56
dogmatic69UndiFineD: i also cheated :P06:57
nigelbthis is so confusing06:59
nigelbso many channels, so many common people06:59
* nigelb waves to dogmatic69 06:59
dogmatic69you are in the uk?06:59
nigelbYou know I'm not, but I've got plenty of friends here (in the channel) :-)06:59
dogmatic69might have established this, but lack of sleep == brain 40407:00
jacobwmorning campers07:00
dogmatic69had about 1" of snow \o/07:00
nigelbdogmatic69: heh07:00
nigelbhttp://popey.com/webcam/ \o/07:00
nigelbAll hail popey07:00
dogmatic69your place/07:00
UndiFineDpopey want pizza07:00
nigelbdogmatic69: That's popey's place07:01
lubotu3popey is the UK alternative to elvis.07:01
dogmatic69trying to install nginx07:01
dogmatic69got it displaying my php files :/07:01
jacobw-1 here in Leeds :(07:02
dogmatic690 in burms07:02
nigelbno .htaccess, which is a relief, but getting thngs to work is a bit worse07:02
dogmatic69you run it?07:02
nigelbno, I've heard of people claiming its awesome07:02
nigelbBut even though I hate mod_rewrite and apache, I like .htaccess files07:02
screen-xI'd prefer to have all the config in one file, preferrably in /etc/apache2/sites-available07:03
dogmatic69not any more07:03
nigelbOh, neat07:04
dogmatic69"Stop using .htaccess. It's horrible for performance. "07:04
nigelbdogmatic69: Will you be blogging about the fun with nginx?07:08
dogmatic69when i figure it out07:08
dogmatic69doing local, then slice, then blog07:08
nigelbfind mtechnology or something his nickname is, in #ubuntu-server07:08
nigelbHe always tells me about nginx07:08
nigelbHe could probably help if you're stuck07:08
AlanBellmorning all07:13
AlanBelllight dusting of snow here07:13
nigelbMorning AlanBell07:13
nigelbpopey: Cam was very good idea :)07:13
nigelbpopey: What are you using to do that?07:14
danfish\o/ popeycam back online07:29
popey!info webcam | nigelb07:32
lubotu3nigelb: webcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 37 kB, installed size 116 kB07:33
popeypopey.com/~alan/.webcamrc <- a config file that looks a bit like that07:33
danfishoh - happy St.Andrew's day y'all07:34
popeynigelb: and it's a logitech pro 9000 cam at full resolution (960x720)07:37
nigelbpopey: wow, neat!07:37
popeythe 'business' edition does 1280x720 i think07:37
* nigelb should try that for flowers07:37
screen-xpopey: is it mounted on a garage?07:37
popeyi am storing the images locally too, so i can make a time lapse video with mencoder07:37
nigelbpopey: great idea!07:37
popeyalan@wopr:~/webcam/archive$ find | wc -l07:37
popeyin 8 hours07:38
nigelbpopey: did you get that video on release day done?07:38
nigelbthe bot you were running . . .07:38
popeyyeah, but it wasnt very good in the end07:38
nigelboh, ok07:38
popeyi.e. not very compelling viewing07:38
popeyi blame the sunday release07:38
popeythere's a ton more people on line on a thursday than sunday07:39
danfishlo daubers07:51
TheOpenSourcerermorning earthlings from a cold and slightly white Farnham07:51
nigelbMorning Alien, err Alan ;)07:52
daubersApparently we had more snow here  than popey did07:52
TheOpenSourcererHi Nigel, I suspect you do not have snow.07:52
nigelbNo, bright shining sun today. 24 degrees :-)07:53
nigelbIts been a while since we've had a good display of the sun :p07:53
* nigelb is evil07:53
TheOpenSourcererNice. Lassi weather. (Salt or Sugar?)07:53
MooDoomorning all07:56
TheOpenSourcererpopey: Venturing to Uxbridge today?07:56
MooDooawww bless07:59
jacobwvan deiced :)08:05
DJonesMorning all08:27
* DJones does the safety dance with coat, hat, gloves & shoes with good grip in the snow08:30
Garymorning, Colchester finally has teh snow08:32
MooDooyay 0/08:33
Garynot enough to make snow penises yet tho :'(08:33
Garysnow men, I mean!08:33
DJonesYay, last day in work before starting a new job08:37
MooDooDJones, awesome, what you going to be doing now?08:38
DJonessimilar thing - Accounts, but working for one company doing their own accounts rather than going out to multiple clients checking their figures08:38
MooDooDJones, congrats and last day?  what you got planned, down the put at 9am08:39
DJonesMooDoo: I doubt it, trying to get out of place as quick as I can :)08:40
GaryDJones: does this mean I canhaz the dog?08:41
gordlorra lorra snow today :)08:41
Garyalright cilla08:42
MooDooDJones, boooooo :)08:42
DJonesGary: Still a _NO_ on that one, I might even get to take the dog to work some days08:42
Garythats cool, I've worked at a place which allowed dogs, which was great - meetings were so much more fun08:43
gordsee, the great think about working from home is that i can steal all the snow and make an epic snow army before the kids get home from school and ruin it all with their rather amateur creations09:13
czajkowskigord you big kid09:14
MooDoogord, you rock :)09:16
MooDooczajkowski, good morning :D09:16
j0nrargh. no fricking wireless again!! am getting sick of not knowing whether it will be working next time i boot09:19
finelytunedmorning all09:19
popeyj0nr: what make/model of computer is it?09:21
j0nrpopey: samsung N13009:23
popeyj0nr: what does it do/no-do?09:24
j0nrit must be to do with changes during updates as it goes thru periods of working no problem09:24
j0nr10,04 was fine09:24
popeylooks like a realtek wireless chip09:24
j0nrgot a wifi symbol with red !09:24
gordred doesn't sound good =\09:25
j0nrlspci finds it but no mention of wlan in ifconfig09:25
j0nr\wg 1509:25
popeymay be useful?09:25
popeyothers claim it works09:26
kazademorning all09:29
MooDoomoring kazade09:29
kazadeit's almost snowing!09:29
j0nrpopey: think ive tried that before. solved it a while ago (10,10)  unless its worth running thru it again.09:29
kazadedid anyone give my game a go? got any feedback?09:29
popeykazade: oops, forgot09:30
kazadeok no worries, I need to figure out how to package the thing :/09:30
popeyj0nr: well, the thing is that a kernel update can undo hand-compiled modules09:30
popeyj0nr: which is why its best to look for a ppa or a system based on dkms09:31
j0nrpopey: right. so redo'ing it may help?09:31
dutchiehttp://twitpic.com/3bjumy :D09:34
danfishdutchie: is that the view out of your bedroom window?09:43
dutchiedanfish: half of it09:51
dutchiethere is an equally nice one the other way09:51
popeynice view09:51
danfishdutchie: the dreaming spires...... :)09:52
screen-xdutchie: That is a great view, especially in comparison to most universities' drab accommodation blocks.09:55
danfishyeah - danfish has a flight home this afternoon :)09:57
DJonesUgh, how can a adsl providers system failure wipe the settings in a customers router10:03
popeyi guess some (like BT) will auto check an ISP page for updates10:03
popeylike other software auto updates10:03
danfishDJones: can you install a 3rd party firmware eg DD-WRT etc?10:04
DJonespopey: Its happened to both my dad & my father in law, both with the same provider which had a network failure on saturday, bith have different routers, neither provided by the provider10:05
DJonesdanfish: I've fixed one, just restored the settings from the router backup10:05
DJonesprobably have to do the other one later today10:05
screen-xDJones: odd10:07
DJonesscreen-x: Yep, very odd10:07
DJonesAt least I know what the problem is now10:08
screen-xDJones: do you know which settings were changed?10:09
DJonesscreen-x: I've not physically seen the router to check, all I've been told is that settings had been wiped, all of the login details had been erased & it wasn't picking up any ip address10:13
screen-xDJones: power cut?10:21
DJonesscreen-x: Not that we know of, its affected two different people in two different towns, different routers, different phone exchanges, the only constant is the same ISP who had a "core network failure" on saturday.  Its just Odd with a capital D :)10:23
* kazade realizes he's almost built an Ubuntu game development kit!10:25
screen-xkazade: could be a games template for quickly?10:25
kazadenah it's all C/C++ libraries10:26
kazadeisn't quickly Python?10:26
screen-xquickly doesn't have to be python..10:26
kazadeoh right, then maybe!10:26
kazadegonna set up a PPA with an ubuntu-gdk meta package ;)10:26
kazadeSDL + SDL mixer + SOIL + http://blog.kazade.co.uk/p/kazmath.html and http://blog.kazade.co.uk/p/kaztext.html10:27
kazadealthough I'm thinking of writing my own simplified image loading library, SOIL does way too much10:27
popeyunigine any good?10:28
popeypretty pictures10:28
kazadehuge licensing cost apparently10:28
DJones$25K for a licence, is that typical?10:30
kazadewell, I think they should do what unity do..10:30
* popey chuckles at their specs.10:31
kazadehave a free version with a watermark10:31
gordunigine is really for big companies to buy, not for you :P10:38
ali1234i like ogre3d10:38
ali1234it only does graphics though10:38
gordits nice that they are trying to support linux game development, but if linux gaming is gonna take off its with smaller world of goo like games, games that run on every machine, not on machines that havn't been created yet ;)10:40
gordthere is a kitten outside playing in the snow :x10:41
directhex$25k? sounds like a bargain bin engine10:43
directhex6 figures is normal for an engine10:46
directhexhigh six figures10:46
diploCan anyone recommend a proxy to use outside the uk to watch iplayer ?10:47
gordthey are just starting out10:47
AlanBellit certainly is10:47
AlanBellalways wondered why games houses don't get together and do a Free Software engine with liberal licensing10:47
popeydiplo: surely you mean inside the uk?10:48
directhexAlanBell: because engine licensing is lucrative, and offers a competitive edge10:48
directhexAlanBell: Epic Games make most of their money by licensing UnrealEngine, for example10:48
diploheh, my friend is moving to Corfu but is still paying his TV license in the UK10:49
gordtoo much money in the game industry for anyone to even think about making anything free ;)10:49
popeydiplo: I suspect that's still against the terms of the license10:51
directhexsome FOSS is popular in the games industry, though10:52
directhexlibvorbis, libspeex, python, lua, mono10:52
MartijnVdSlua is insanely popular10:52
MartijnVdSI was a bit suprised by that10:53
directhexMartijnVdS: all games need a scripting engine. lua is an incredibly lightweight off-the-shelf solution10:53
directhexfor simple things... doesn't scale too well10:54
gordseen theora a few  times too, cheeper than licencing mpeg10:54
MartijnVdSdirecthex: I know now :)10:54
directhexgord: never seen theora in a commercial game10:54
gordyou aren't looking hard enough then :P10:54
kvarleyI was considering buying enemy territory quake wars as a present for a few of my friends for xmas - Are the graphics in ubuntu the same as when the game is played in windows?10:55
directhexkvarley: yes.10:55
kvarleydirecthex: Are there comparable to that of say call of duty 5 detail wise?10:56
directhexkvarley: bear in mind CoD:WAW is a year younger than QW:ET10:57
kvarleydirecthex: ah yes, what I am really asking is are the graphics better than the free games available on linux? e.g. urban terror, sauerbraten, nexuiz ?10:57
directhexkvarley: yes. it's a full-budget game made by a veretan development team10:58
kvarleyGreat stuff! Thanks for the help directhex, lets hope they make more games for linux! :P10:58
directhexthe QW:ET developers are currently working on a game called Brink, supposedly with a linux port: http://myinsidegamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/brink-e3-2009-12.jpg10:59
kvarleydirecthex: Good stuff =)11:00
nperryLove the hacking day idea AlanBell!11:57
daubersWhat did I miss?11:59
* daubers kicks OpenOffice11:59
MooDoodaubers hacking event on the new ubuntu-uk site11:59
MooDoodaubers, was a mail to the list - http://beta.ubuntu-uk.org12:00
* andylockran server rebooted 3 days ago... 12:02
popeywish i had the webcam pointing at my front door12:14
popeythen I could see when deliveries arrive :)12:14
directhexpopey: you could RFID tag all your postemn12:16
kvarleypopey can you get wireless webcams?12:17
gordczajkowski, looks like the hero uses mini usb, should be able to pick that up in pretty much any electronics store12:17
popeyyou can, but thats expensive12:17
MooDoogord i was thinking there may be a maplins down there somewhere12:18
gordpopey, you could hook up a microphone too, hours of fun12:18
daubersMooDoo: Ahhhhh, I've not got my personal email running at the moment :)12:18
screen-xkvarley: http://www.edimax.co.uk/en/produce_detail.php?pd_id=258&pl1_id=8&pl2_id=3512:18
gordone where you can speak back of course12:18
kvarleyscreen-x: Only £80 not bad12:19
popeyonly 640x480 though12:21
screen-xSpeccing up a desktop for work, using an i7-950 cpu, I can select 12GB of RAM as 3x4, or 16 as 4x4. How can you have 4x4 with triple channel memory?12:23
screen-xdirecthex: ^12:26
directhexyou can't12:26
directhexbut some motherboards have non-power-of-three slots12:26
screen-xdirecthex: motherboard has 6 sockets, could you put 4 sticks in and ignore the 3rd channel?12:29
directhexscreen-x: yup12:29
directhexbut if you're only on dual channel, you may as well save money w/ i512:29
screen-xok, so they are all valid configurations, but I need to make sure I choose X*3 to get the best speed.12:29
screen-xQuestion is... is 12GB or 3-channel better than 16GB of 2-channel..12:30
directhexscreen-x: do you often use 13 gig of ram?12:30
screen-xnope, because I have a nasty old machine..12:31
=== scottuss_ is now known as scottuss
TheOpenSourcerer6G is very comfortable... 12 would be ooodles IMHO.. :-)12:31
screen-xnext question... is 6x2 faster than 3x4?12:32
fell_Stupid xirc gnome12:53
bigcalmGood afternoon peoples :)13:03
screen-xafternoon bigcalm :)13:03
bigcalmWhat have I missed this morning?13:03
bigcalmAmazing how productive I can be with irc closed13:04
nperrySnow! :)13:04
dogmatic69what is the command, if any to see what is using which port?13:06
bigcalmnstat ?13:06
screen-xdogmatic69: netstat13:06
bigcalmThat's the one13:06
dogmatic69ok, i have installed cherokee and it says to go to http://localhost:9090/ but that wont work13:11
screen-xdogmatic69: "won't work" == ?13:11
dogmatic69there is nothing on that port so i tried telnet 9090 and it says telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused13:11
dogmatic69getting there ^13:11
bigcalmHave you started the service after installing it?13:12
screen-xdogmatic69: does cherokee have have a log file?13:12
dogmatic69http://localhost/ shows the page13:12
screen-xdogmatic69: then its probably running on port 8013:12
bigcalmWhich would make sense as it is a web server13:13
dogmatic69well this is some admin backend thing13:14
dogmatic69ah, figured it out13:17
dogmatic69you have to run some command that gives you a pw and opens the port13:17
dogmatic69thanks anyway13:17
andylockrananyone know a nntp client for ubuntu?13:23
AlanBellgetting a bit more #uksnow here13:38
popeylies http://popey.com/webcam/13:39
screen-xpopey: would be amazing if the fountain worked with snow :)13:40
TheOpenSourcerer#uksnow in GU10 about 3 or 4/10 at the moment.13:43
* DJones notes that from twitter, GU9 is 7/1013:48
popeyGU14 still 1/10 imo13:48
popeyunless my webcam broke :D13:49
TheOpenSourcererGosh, I wouldn't say 7...13:49
DJonesThe 7/10 was from #ubuntu-uk's resident chicken farmer :)13:49
popeyin fact no snow on the webcam13:49
TheOpenSourcererGU9 is just down the road from me, GU14 is quite a bit more...13:49
* popey notes that his webcam is a bit squiffy13:50
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/webcam/test.jpg vs http://popey.com/~alan/webcam/rotated.jpg13:50
popeymight have ever so slightly over-rotated it13:50
gordwe were getting plenty this morning, but now the evil sun has come out :( http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/aHAb2so2_LfuRiCKd9jtsA?feat=directlink13:53
diplopopey, what cam do you use for that and how do you do it ?13:55
diploIP camera ?13:56
diploSure I have a couple of Axis cameras at home that I keep meaning to dig out13:57
popeyplugged into my pc13:57
popeyrunning a piece of software called..13:57
popey!info webcam13:57
lubotu3webcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 37 kB, installed size 116 kB13:57
diplogot an office at the end of the garden ?13:58
Azelphurjust started snowing here again :D13:58
popeyconfig file like that13:58
popeyno, thats a garage13:58
diploah  :D13:58
diplothanks, will take a looksy13:59
gordAzelphur, same here, where are you?13:59
popeyi should blog it really13:59
Azelphurgord: margate, kent13:59
* diplo likes your little projects, wish I'd get off my arse and do stuff13:59
gordoh, just a coincidence then14:00
diploMost of the stuff i see you doing are things ive beening meaning to do for ages14:00
diplolooks like somebigger flakes for you popey  :P14:00
popeynah, just closer to the camera :)14:00
DJonespopey: Do you know if "webcam" much different to "motion"? I played with motion a couple of years back with quite good results (for a crappy webcam)14:00
popeythey are different14:00
popeyi tried motion but found webcam better14:01
popeywebcam also supports ssh uploading14:01
DJonesI'll have to have a look at it14:01
gordi keep wanting to do a webcam thing, but i just think i'll get carried away and start putting motors and servo's on it to do tracking or something14:02
DJonesI had mine set up to keep an eye on the dog during the day when nobody was in the house, trouble was, the dog was camera shy & kept avoiding the lense14:03
* jussi just says meh and goes to buy... http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2635814:03
jussiyou can even watch that bad boy from your android phone :D14:04
popeythat camera is _shit_14:04
popey0.3 megapixels :)14:05
popeyit would make my back garden look like minecraft14:05
MooDoominecraft rocks14:05
popeyi made my first functioning train track last night :)14:06
jussiyeah, but is go servos and motors and night vision :P14:06
popeyone of the stations is underwater :)14:06
popey0.3 megapixels of night vision14:06
popeyso, minecraft at night then14:06
popeythats the puppy you want :)14:07
diploMy end game project is to have a camera front and rear of the house and connect to the telly14:07
diploWife wants to see who is at the back door before opening the door14:07
popeywell, http://www.axis.com/products/video/camera/fixed/index.htm is probably what you _want_ :)14:07
screen-xpopey: too right, I would like lots of axis stuff...14:08
diploI have a Axis 210 and 2110 ( older one )14:08
screen-xdiplo: that you don't need any more and would like to donate?14:08
popeyi just wish those logitech ones could do proper HD recording over USB, but that's asking a bit much of the USB bus14:08
diploheh, first need to find where i've stored them14:08
diploI fitted 36 at my last place as our CCTV system14:09
diploLast one i fitted before i left14:10
diploi thought it was a 223m but not listed14:10
diployeah it must have been different as this one did 1600x 120014:11
DJones1600x1200 Nice, that size image would fit nicely on my laptop screen14:12
diplothereit is, was really quite good at night shots as well14:13
diploWas 800-900 quid though14:14
MooDooczajkowski, afternoon x14:23
TheOpenSourcererHmm, maybe 4 or 5 #uksnow in GU10 now.14:36
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: confusing this for twitter again?14:37
AlanBellI was a bit mis-callibrated with my 7/10 earlier14:38
TheOpenSourcererPeeps were discussing on here earlier. The hastag is good shortcut.14:38
AlanBelltwitter sucks14:38
* AlanBell heads out into the snow14:39
AlanBellI may be some time14:39
bigcalmAlanBell: tweet about it ;)14:39
DJonesShouldn't AlanBell _Cluck_ about things rather than tweet about them?14:42
DJonesMaybe using "clucker" the open source micro blogging site :)14:43
dutchieDJones: shouldn't that be Cluckr?14:47
popeyalready exists as a typo domain for clickr14:48
neurooh is it that time again?14:53
neuromakey up words time? :)14:53
* neuro decides to set up a new social network media monetised contact mobile synergised aggregator called krgysflgt14:54
neuroTheOpenSourcerer: that's girly snow14:54
bastubishullo - just got an email about the web meeting on the 10th14:55
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH
bastubiswhat time is it? I know a bit about Wordpress and can also write for the web - but if it's late in the evening, I'll have keeled over by then14:56
DJonesbastubis: 21:00 GMT14:56
neuroweb meeting?14:57
bastubiscame up on the list, a meeting to sort out the Wordpress thing14:57
neuroah, ubuntu-uk.org?14:57
* neuro isn't on the list14:57
bastubisso where am I?14:58
neuroor is he14:58
neurooh, i am14:58
* neuro looks14:58
DJonesi would guess its the irc meeting tonight will be discussing it14:58
bastubiswrong window? no - this is ubuntu-uk14:58
DJonesbastubis: Meetings are held in #ubuntu-uk-meeting14:58
neuroah, hack day on the 10th14:58
bastubisjeez, 9pm!14:58
bastubisI'm prone on the couch by then14:59
neurowhich is the point, i think :)14:59
neuro9pm != people at work14:59
neuroalthough in saying that i'm working from home today14:59
neurovpn ftw14:59
DJonesUse a laptop, then  you can be prone on the couch & take part in the meeting :)15:00
bastubishmmm, well, we'll see if I'm still capable of speech by then ;)15:00
neurobut you don't need to talk, just type :>15:00
neuroor just mash the keyboard, it's what i do15:01
bastubiswell, yeah, but if I'm going to do fiddly stuff to Wordpress, I like to be awake at the time ;)15:01
DJonesneuro: That almost sounds like a real german word15:02
neuromaybe it is15:02
DJonesNah, already googled :)15:02
bastubisa monty-python-german word maybe :p15:02
neuro"guten tag, ich mag eines blergenflange bitte"15:02
neurooops, "guten tag, ich mag kauf eines blergenflange bitte"15:03
neuroactually that's some awful german right there15:03
neuronot that i need to know any german15:03
neurotho i suspect new employers will want me to learn American15:03
bastubismine is about at your level15:04
bastubisare you working for an American company? Good luck!15:04
neurobastubis: i've worked directly for american companies before, but the company i work for is getting bought by Broadcom15:04
bastubisoh delightful - American and anti-FOSS15:05
neurowhich sounds fun until you realise a) you work in IT, and b) you need to get all your crap in compliance with sarbanes oxley15:05
neurowell there's that too i guess15:05
neurowon't be owt to do with me i suspect :)15:05
neuroi'm just an IT bod15:05
jpdsbastubis: Broadcom recently released open-sauce drivers for their wifi chipsets.15:06
neuroand the guys i work with design powerline stuff15:06
bastubishe jpds - well, that's only a decade of fiddling with firmware cutters blah blah - sure I'll get over it ;)15:06
neurojust think of all the fun people have had trying to faff with cutters in the mean time though!15:07
bastubisfeels like I should knock off for christmas now15:08
bastubisafter all, it *is* snowing . . .15:08
neuroactually, speaking of working for americans, i had to put on an american accent for one girl to understand me15:08
neuroadmittedly we were both drunk at the time, but still15:08
bastubisYeah, I think some acclimitisation is required for most Americans to follow British English15:09
neuroi'm scottish15:09
neurojust to compound things :)15:09
bastubisyes lol - but I can follow as long as not dense Glasweigian15:10
neurowell that's what i was doing, to be fair15:10
neuroi was in brighton, talking to an american, and i forgot to slow down15:10
neurohence the accent switch15:10
neurohave to deliberately slow my speech when i get south of gretna15:11
bastubisah! well, yes, I can just about follow glaswegian if we're both sober but I do struggle at times15:11
gordi'm pretty sure glaswegian is a different language15:12
bastubisheh, only with added alcohol ;)15:13
TheOpenSourcererSeen what someone did to their Bentley Convertible: https://twitter.com/#!/opensourcerer/statuses/962752217402982415:23
directhexthey tweeted?15:25
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: That was unexpected, I was expecting a picture of Bently having lost an argument with a lamp post or tractor/trailer carrying manure15:26
TheOpenSourcererHe paid £1800 to do that.15:26
TheOpenSourcererIt's a skin you stick over the paintwork. Looks very realistic.15:26
ubuntuuk-planet[Jamie Bennett] Careers at Linaro - http://www.linuxuk.org/2010/11/careers-at-linaro/15:28
nperryThats christmas nearly sorted all I need to do is wait for pay day to buy girlfriends last main present.15:35
* neuro larts firefox15:35
neuro959MB RAM ... le sigh15:35
nperryHow many tab is that?15:35
bigcalm2 tabs and some flash is all it takes15:35
neuroi only have 36 tabs open :P15:35
neuroi used to manage with firefox 2 with about 90 tabs15:36
neuroi blame flash being weak sauce on the mac15:36
nperrywonder how much that would take on chromium.. Good bench mark.15:36
neuroi've found chrome/chromium to be ... lacking15:36
neurohas similar leaky issues on high load ajaxy pages15:37
neurohmm, twitter seems pooched for me15:38
bigcalmGot my dad to use Chrome on his netbook instead of firefox. It's actually useable again15:38
neuroi tried putting xp back on my dell mini 915:43
neuroeventually gave up and put maverick on it15:43
neuromuch better15:43
nperryAnyone got any thoughts on this http://www.ebuyer.com/product/18083315:49
nperryMight swap it for 2x1tb drives though15:50
diplonperry, do you need the dvd burner15:54
diploMate thoroughly recommends etrayz, lot's of firmware updates and supports up to4gb of discs ( 2x 2tb )15:55
nucc1i'm trying to tie a specific LAN connection to my home router, but whenever i put in what i believe to be the mac address in NM, the connection is no longer available.15:58
brobostigonyay irssi working again, :)15:58
brobostigonafternoonings all.15:59
bigcalm"I raised the alarm at work today.  the midgets were furious"15:59
finelytunedafternoon brobostigon15:59
brobostigonhey finelytuned15:59
nucc1bigcalm, lol16:00
dutchiehi DanielRM, not seen you for a while16:00
DanielRMdutchie: hey, how are you?16:00
popeydiplo: what would you use the dvd burner for?16:00
popeywould you even ever use it?16:00
dutchieDanielRM: not too bad thanks, rather tired and looking forward to the end of term though16:00
popeydiplo: i recommend edge10 cases16:00
diploMe neverm that's why i said to go for the Etrayz16:00
DanielRMdutchie: hmmm, same, although I'm more looking forward to finally finishing my assignments.16:01
dutchieme too16:01
dutchiedoesn't help that everyone who's not doing maths keeps going on about "last essay/problem sheet done", when we have 4 left16:01
DanielRMAch. I've forgotten my password to identify.16:01
DanielRMHehe, I've got two essays due this week - 2,000 words apiece.16:02
DanielRMHanded in another one last week, thank heavens.16:02
nperrydiplo: No not really, who would though?16:08
DanielRMHow do you reset your password with NickServ?16:09
dutchieDanielRM: try asking in #freenode16:09
brobostigon /msg nickserv help16:10
diplonperry, all i can think is if you have shell access you can cron backups ?16:10
DanielRMThanks. :-)16:12
nperrydiplo: normally they are all locked down :(16:15
diployeah, thats why i like the etrayz16:15
diplolots of predefined apps ( Transmission etc16:15
nperrydiplo: Dunnon about etrayz though, seem to be alot of bad reviews on amazon.16:15
diploand shell access16:15
diploWell my friend has had his 1+ years and loves it16:15
popeyi dont like the name :)16:16
diploInormally find people don't write a review unless they don't like something16:16
diploNeither do I tbh, but it's cheap and it works16:16
popeyi left a very positive review of my printer on amazon16:16
diploBlimey, your the first person I've known to do that, everyone i speak to only leave reviews if they don't like something16:17
popeythere's loads of +ve reviews on amazon of stuff16:17
diploI know there are a lot of reviews but from the hundred + people i know who buy stuff from amazon they never review stuff unless it's bad16:18
nperryThere was +ve reviews, just didn't like the -ve16:18
diploThats as scientific as i got16:18
bigcalmHow wonderfuly nerdy16:18
nperryAs apprantly manufactor aren't contactable16:18
nperryWhich is bad..16:18
nperryscan is out of stock with no eta :(16:21
DanielRMAh, much better. Password and e-mail address reset now.16:23
bigcalmDon't eta blow things up?16:23
nperryno etas might ruin my christmas present :(16:25
exobuzzpopey, which printer ?16:32
exobuzzyou mentioned you left a positive review about a printer. so im delayed16:33
exobuzzsorry im delayed i mean16:33
popeyah, an hp one16:33
popeynote all the negative reviews, mostly are about the crappy xp drivers16:34
exobuzzcool thanks.16:34
exobuzzi bought a printer recently. a dell one (rebadged fuji xerox) i had read that the driver for the fuji xerox worked on linux so i took the risk. luckily it did..16:35
exobuzzgood to know multifunction stuff works well. 5 years ago, it was quite a different story16:35
exobuzzprinter stuff has come a long way. still dont know why we need three different types/sets of driver projects though and we cant have one that does all. seems strange. everyone wants their own project :)16:36
mfraz74the past 2 printers I've bought have been hp because of hplip which just works16:38
exobuzzmy last one was canon inkjet. it only worked via a paid for driver on linux unless you were willing to sacrifice on resolution/features.. but most of the time since i hardly print it was blocked, and i had to do about 15 clean cycles and about half a cart of wasted ink. now i got a laser printer and i dont know why i didnt just get one earlier16:39
DanielRMI bought an HP printer recently but it appears to simply be broken.16:40
DanielRMWhich is a shame because it looks like a really nice printer and I specifically searched out one which was cross-platform compatible.16:41
mfraz74which hp printer?16:41
popeyi bought an el-cheapo laser printer for 10 quid16:41
popeyand extracted the cups bits from the osx driver and used that16:42
popeyworks perfectly16:42
popey\o/ cups16:42
* popey hugs apple a *tiny* bit16:42
DanielRMOne of the Deskjet All-In-Ones.16:42
DanielRMF4580 or something similar.16:42
exobuzzno. dont to that. they only need seconds to extract your soul16:42
dauberspopey: Repackaged them for Ubuntu yet?16:42
dauberssudo apt-get install popey-drivers16:43
popeydaubers: filed a bug and attached it16:43
popeyits now in maverick16:43
popey(i was on lucid)16:43
exobuzzmy printer was dell 1320cn network colour laser, with 3 sets (4 carts each) of 1,000 print carts  (one set received after complaining that the advert suggested you got 2,000 print sets not 1,000).. £134 or something. cheap. and no toner costs for some years with my usage16:44
exobuzzworking well so far anyway.16:45
exobuzzits not small mind.16:45
dauberspopey: win \o/16:46
* daubers preps a server that's being shipped to .jp tomorrow16:47
exobuzzdaubers, that's quite a ways.16:47
daubersJust hope I can find enough packaging foam to keep it safe16:48
exobuzz"what is the output of cat /proc/asound/cards ?" "sorry i dont understand?".. i fear supporting this user is going to be hard work...16:50
exobuzzdaubers, what sort of server ?16:50
=== schwuk_ is now known as schwuk
exobuzz"Google to be investigated by EU"... and what about apple. dont forget apple!17:00
DanielRMI like Google. :-(17:00
DanielRMI can't help but feel that at some point I really should get on with my essays.17:02
DanielRMI'm just fiddling with bitlbee at the moment.17:03
DanielRMAnd chuckling at a friend stuck in snow.17:03
exobuzzirc tunnel thingy. interesting.17:03
DanielRMI also get the feeling another friend's been fraped after his political views changed from libertarian to Worker's Party of Korea.17:05
DanielRMI'm quite glad I'm avoiding any misfortunes.17:05
* DanielRM touches wood.17:06
andylockranhowdy all17:14
brobostigonhi andylockran17:14
popeyhowdy howdy howdy17:15
* popey stamps his little feet waiting for a delivery17:15
* Gary stamps popey 17:15
* popey tickles Gary 17:15
* andylockran runs away17:15
danfishbut it's snowing already popey ;)17:15
GaryI've just, in the last five minutes, watched a car drive into the back of another and just now a cyclist slide over, so funny17:16
nperryGary: All happening where you are...17:22
nperryNothing happens on popey cam17:22
Garyyou are connected to the wrong popeycam, he has a secret one :-)17:22
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Today 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Christmas party http://ubunt.eu/c2
czajkowskithere is a lot of snow near me  :s17:33
gordczajkowski, go inside then, its warmer17:34
czajkowskiI am17:35
danfishdeep, deep joy :( now in UK, but in mother of all traffic jams getting back home. What was that etherpad re winter survival popey set up?17:50
DanielRMdanfish: back in my hometown people are apparently abandoning their cars at a roundabout.17:57
danfishDanielRM :(17:59
nucc1hi guys, i upgraded to 10.10 last night and i can't find my GNote notes, anyone know where they are saved? and where i could copy them to?19:07
AlanBellrather weak effort at a winter car survival kit methinks http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8443690.stm20:00
ali1234cat litter for gritting? what is that going to do?20:06
AlanBellannoy the cat I should think20:10
ali1234most cat litter is just ground up newspaper these days, that ain't gonna do squat...20:11
ali1234it's not even good for cat litter20:12
nperryits incase the cats get cold and you let them in.20:19
=== denny- is now known as denny
* brobostigon giggles @ ipopey 20:29
AlanBellmeeting in half an hour folks, in #ubuntu-uk-meeting20:29
JamesTait-HTCEvening all! :)20:29
nucc1i miss my music-applet :(20:34
gordminecraft is hard now :(20:37
suprengris cat litter all from onee cat or do they go round collecting the stuff that several cats throw down in thew street? :/20:37
ZMoi ve server1 who auth the users by server2; how can i restrict to my server1 (by PAM) login from a certain LDAP group?20:39
ZMosorry, its late here. take two:20:41
ZMoi ve server1 who auth the users via LDAP from server2; how can i restrict to my server1 (by PAM) login from a certain LDAP group?20:41
dogmatic69how do i use a PPA?20:53
dogmatic69i would like to install this on my server https://launchpad.net/~cherokee-webserver/+archive/ppa20:53
DanielRMdogmatic69: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:cherokee-webserver/ppa20:54
dogmatic69cool thanks20:54
DanielRMdogmatic69: then apt-get update and install.20:54
dogmatic69where did you get that name?20:54
dogmatic69oh i see it20:54
DanielRMdogmatic69: hehe.20:54
DanielRMYou're welcome.20:55
dogmatic69if i have the apt-get install version should i apt-get remove first?20:55
DanielRMNo, it should just update it in that case.20:55
dogmatic69ill be back when my servers down :P20:56
DanielRMBlame the PPA holder for that, not me. :P20:56
dogmatic69udo: apt-add-repository: command not found :/20:57
DanielRMI'll assume you're not missing an s actually?20:58
DanielRMWhat version is the server running?20:59
dogmatic69no i just <tab>ed it locally20:59
dogmatic69local and server are both 10.10x6421:00
dogmatic69im on slicehost21:00
dogmatic69could be disabled maybe?21:00
dogmatic69not installed... its like a minimal install21:00
DanielRMMight be.21:01
DanielRMTrying to remember the right package to install.21:01
dogmatic69python-software-properties :)21:01
DanielRMAlternatively you could just put it in your source.list.d directory manually.21:01
dogmatic69all working21:02
DanielRMpopey's not been infected by one of the Great Evils, has he?21:06
bigcalmJust a Great Elvis21:07
DanielRMHey, don't y'all be going steppin' on my blue suede shoes.21:07
DanielRMAny HTML guru fancy sating my curiosity regarding one particular feature of my homepage?21:12
WelshDragonI know it.... but wouldn't call myself a guru i'm afraid21:12
DanielRMI do know it to an extent. I just can't see why one particular thing is happening based on the source.21:13
WelshDragonwhat's the problem?21:13
DanielRMThe header's set to link to the index, fair enough.21:13
DanielRMBut for some reason so's the space to the right of that header.21:14
DanielRMI think that's fairly nifty, I just can't see why. :P21:14
WelshDragonSo it is21:14
WelshDragonerm.... what on earth? :s21:15
DanielRMYou're as stumped as I am?21:16
WelshDragonDanielRM, make it a <p> just for a second21:18
DanielRMOne moment.21:18
WelshDragonsee if that changes anything21:18
DanielRMAnd it still does it. :-/21:19
WelshDragonDanielRM, right... i've no idea what you've done :s lo21:20
DanielRMI borked HTML. D:21:20
WelshDragonyes i do21:20
WelshDragonPut it <a> inside the paragraph. Don't surround the whole <p> in the <a>21:21
WelshDragonno <p>21:21
WelshDragonsuch a simple problem21:21
WelshDragonfooled us both21:21
DanielRMAh, nesting's incorrect?21:21
WelshDragon<p> <a = href="website.org> daniel rm</a> </p> is what it should be21:22
DanielRMAnd indeed it's fixed.21:22
WelshDragonor h1* rather..21:22
DanielRMI'm not sure if I might change it back or not, but it's nice to finally know why. :P21:22
WelshDragonlol :)21:22
WelshDragonI'd recommened not changing it back21:23
DanielRMAny particular reason?21:23
WelshDragonI like to click in blank places to refocus the window, if i brought a small window into focus. I'd hate a blank space to link me to another page.21:24
DanielRMHmm, I can see your point.21:24
DanielRMI'll keep it fixed then.21:25
DanielRMI'm keen on pages validating correctly but I gave up when I looked through accessibility guidelines, so let that be my concession. :P21:26
WelshDragonWhere's Salford anywhoo? :s21:26
DanielRMJust next to Manchester.21:26
DanielRMIt's quite a nice area actually.21:27
WelshDragonWhat you studying there?21:27
WelshDragonNvm, just read politics21:27
WelshDragonI'm wanting to an electronics engineering course up in Aberdeen.... but the air in scotland gives me a throat infection :s lol21:28
DanielRMYou'd probably get used to the air after a while though I'd imagine?21:28
WelshDragonI hope so heh. been up there a fair few times... always ill after coming back. I'm used to the nice moist air in wales. Air in scotland is very dry heh.21:29
DanielRMMy friend's at Bangor University now. He seems to quite like Wales so far.21:30
DanielRMHe's not mentioned the air though. :P21:30
WelshDragonLol. You tend not to notice better air. You only notice it when it get's worse :P. I'm also used to living in the country side. So the whole city pollution from aberdeen is new to me aswell.21:31
DanielRMI've always lived in fairly industrial areas so I'm used to it.21:32
DanielRMI usually notice how clean the air is where my grandmother lives though.21:32
WelshDragonI'm born and bred here. Don't know any different. What's your main reason for making a website anywhoo?21:33
DanielRMI've always tried to keep some sort of online presence; now that I'm a uni student I just decided to clean my act up and make something slightly decent.21:34
WelshDragonAh :) So what you hoping to go onto after completeing ya course? or no idea yet?21:34
DanielRMI'm doing a lot of research on the side as well so I wanted somewhere to showcase it if I ever finish it.21:34
DanielRMWell, I'm hoping that by the time I finish my course I'll be a councillor, and my eventual aim's to be an MP.21:35
WelshDragonAnd for which party would you be an MP for? lol21:35
DanielRMAs if the homepage doesn't give it away. :P Labour of course.21:36
WelshDragonDon't think labour's won the seat where i am ever since i've been born :s I don't vote though, makes no difference to me21:37
DanielRMI tried to stand for the May 2011 council elections but I got beaten by a councillor who moved into our ward after there was an upset in his.21:37
WelshDragonevery party is gonna run country into the ground where i am lol21:37
WelshDragonWhat's it actually take to become an MP? what's involved?21:37
DanielRMQuite a lot. :(21:38
mfraz74i would've voted pp last time if i could21:38
WelshDragonohs :(21:38
DanielRMIn pure theory, you just need to be selected by the party and then win the actual election itself.21:39
WelshDragonWell if i'm ever on the electrel role where you are, and you're up for the vote.... i'l vote for ya21:39
DanielRMIn reality your likelihood of being selected is tiny unless you've done a ridiculous amount of work for the local party and you've managed to stay friendly with everyone.21:39
WelshDragonwho was MP before this dude who moved to where you are like?21:40
DanielRMThe MP's Hazel Blears, but I was trying to stand for council so she's still going to be MP for a while. :P21:41
ali1234"What's it actually take to become an MP? what's involved?" - £1000 and a lot of people to vote for you21:41
WelshDragonOh i've heard of her of the news lol. Oooo... so if you won you'd be on tv? lol :P21:42
DanielRMali1234: the deposit's only £500, but in reality your campaign's going to be spending a lot more. :P21:42
DanielRMIIRC the maximum spend in a general election campaign is £33,000 or so per seat, although it varies depending on population.21:42
WelshDragon£33,000 :X21:43
DanielRMThe party pays for everything thankfully, although you'll still end up out of pocket.21:43
DanielRMNot to mention back-broken from the campaigning itself.21:43
WelshDragonand then alot more work on top of that -if- you win heh21:44
DanielRMIf I get to stand for council then I intend to door-knock every house in my ward if possible, which is about 5,000 houses.21:44
DanielRMlol, indeed.21:44
DanielRMMy MP back in Grimsby had 900 cases he was working on just before the election.21:44
WelshDragon5,000 doesn't sound too bad actually21:44
ali123410 a day, it will only take you a year and a half...21:45
ali1234by which time most people will have forgotten who you are21:45
DanielRMYou only get about half a year, so you need to do about 30 per day.21:45
WelshDragonmy MP -used- to be lembit opik... then he lost the election and now he's on i'm a celebrity get me out of here :x21:45
DanielRMLembit's awesome. :P21:45
WelshDragonAnyone who pulls a cheeky girl is awesome21:46
dutchiethe PPUK leader stood in my constituency21:46
DanielRMdutchie: did you vote for them?21:46
diploevening all21:46
DanielRMdutchie: hang your head in shame if not.21:46
dutchieDanielRM: 2 months too young :(21:46
WelshDragonwho's PPUK? :s21:46
DanielRMPirate Party. \o/21:46
jacobwpirate party21:46
WelshDragonOnly people who stand in my area is lib dems or conservs.... I want a welsh party! *hrmphs*21:47
DanielRMPlaid Cymru stood against Lembit in 2010. :P21:47
jacobwi wasted my vote :(21:47
DanielRMjacobw: what did you do?21:47
WelshDragonthey did? Well there were no campaign leaflets through the door lol21:47
jacobwi voted UKIP :p21:48
DanielRMIt's just occurred to me, wasn't there supposed to be a meeting in here at 9?21:48
jacobwthat was yesterday DanielRM21:48
lubotu3Please take political discussion to ##politics-uk. Thank you!21:48
AlanBellDanielRM: meetings are in -uk-meeting21:48
dutchiethat just happened in #ubuntu-uk-meeting :)21:48
AlanBelland it was today jacobw21:48
AlanBellDanielRM: minutes will be available shortly21:49
DanielRMIs that a new thing? I thought they were always held in here.21:49
exobuzzmy mp is a right PITA.. ed vaizey .. against net neutrality and for isps being responsible for content and so on.21:49
ipopeyUsed to be21:49
exobuzzoops. ok no politics here. ok21:49
WelshDragonlol exobuzz21:49
AlanBellwe changed things about to get out of the way of general support that was happening at the same time as meetings21:49
jacobwmy MP was an expenses scandal victim21:50
WelshDragonSlightly annoys me when people get all anal about sticking to the "ubuntu" topic. If you're not disturbing anyone getting support and no one's arguing, let the conversation role on.21:50
jacobwi say victim, but that definately isn't the right word21:50
exobuzzscumbag ?21:50
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday December 16th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Christmas party http://ubunt.eu/c2
jacobwoh well, when i lived in Bradford, our MP was Eric Pickles21:51
jacobwwho is one of the most detestable people ever to walk the earth21:51
WelshDragonhow so jacobw? :s21:51
exobuzzjacobw, bradford indian takeaways must do a good business then21:51
jacobwexobuzz, he's tried to sue one recently :p21:52
exobuzzbut i agree with your sentiments.21:52
exobuzzwas he the first person ever to be refused more food at a eat as much as you like buffet ?21:52
DanielRMEric Pickles' wiki article got vandalised after the election to show Humpty Dumpty instead.21:52
DanielRMIt stayed there until something like June 15th.21:52
exobuzzi love that21:52
DanielRMI still have it screenshotted.21:53
exobuzzjust fantastic21:53
mfraz74all i have to say is yeovil and david laws!!21:53
WelshDragonis yeovil the name of a game? rings a bell..21:54
jacobwi wish i knew more about politics, but i don't have the time to keep up to date21:54
mfraz74yeovil is the town21:55
WelshDragonOh. Remembering them now. Think i went to watch em play football...against shrewsbury town21:55
WelshDragonWhen they were in conference21:55
mfraz74that was a long time ago WelshDragon, i expect we lost too21:56
WelshDragonyus it was a long time ago lol. Can't remember the result though. Not followed shrewsbury in at least two years, and they were in conference a year before that i think.21:57
DanielRMWhat's conference in the context of football?21:57
jacobwits rugby isn't it?21:57
DanielRMAll I know is party conference (the Labour one of which my girlfriend got to attend and I didn't, grrrr).21:58
WelshDragonstupid wrong button shortcut21:58
jacobwwhich party do you support DanielRM ?21:58
mfraz74Conference was the league below division 221:58
AlanBellDanielRM: jacobw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/LastMeeting21:58
DanielRMAlanBell: thanks.21:58
DanielRMjacobw: Labour.21:58
jacobwcheers AlanBell21:58
WelshDragonDanielRM, you're got the premiership league. Champtionship league. League 1. League 2. And then the conference21:59
WelshDragonbelow the conference you have: Conference North, and Conference South. I'm not sure what's below those two..21:59
DanielRMMy girlfriend's just lost the Gamecube memory card she bought me for my birthday. What bothers me is that it's not even my birthday yet.21:59
WelshDragonand it's football.21:59
WelshDragonlmao DanielRM21:59
mfraz74can you still buy gamecube memory cards?21:59
DanielRMOnline you can. :P22:00
DanielRMI was quite looking forward to playing Zelda: Windwaker again. Bah.22:00
WelshDragonHow much are they DanielRM?22:00
DanielRMNot expensive thankfully, but we're skint anyway.22:01
WelshDragonGot a pic of yous and the lovely other half?22:01
DanielRMMainly because the council and the DWP seem to be having a competition trying to outdo one another in terms of incompetence.22:01
* AlanBell observes that the next support meeting is in the past daubers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/NextMeeting22:02
DanielRMProbably somewhere.22:02
WelshDragonI'm currently receiving money from council and DWP atm so i dare not insult them.22:02
DanielRMWelshDragon: that's my issue. We're supposed to be receiving money from them. -_-22:04
ipopeyHeh. I have two game cubes22:04
ipopeyOne purple and one black22:04
DanielRMThe black one was awesome.22:04
ipopeyThats my uk one22:04
jacobwipopey, how did you register your tomtom?22:05
DanielRMThat's what I first had. Then I ran away from home and now I just have a Wii, which is backwards compatible anyway thankfully. :P22:05
ipopeyMy purple one is switchable USA/jap22:05
WelshDragonDanielRM, Ohs >.< My council can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but DWP are never an issue. I'm too ill to work atm, just get a medical check every year and dwp are happy to pay heh.22:05
ipopeyjacobw: Windows22:05
jacobwipopey, yeah, i think i'm going to have to go that route too22:05
ipopeyUsed my work pc22:06
WelshDragonIs there really a difference between black and purple game cubes? :s22:06
WelshDragonbeside the colour...22:06
DanielRMWelshDragon: my girlfriend's on Income Support as she's living with me and estranged from her parents. As it is they messed that up and stopped the claim on November 15th; we're trying to get that sorted. And as a result of that the council have suspended our Housing Benefit claim.22:06
ipopeyWell, mine, yes22:06
ipopeyBut no, not normally22:06
DanielRMWe first put in claims for both in July, immediately after moving to Salford.22:07
jacobwipopey, i tried to do that, unfortunately my work PC is seriously irritating and disallows anything other than HTTP traffic22:07
DanielRMAnd they've been messing it up every month since.22:07
ipopeyIt is http jacobw22:07
WelshDragonDanielRM, Ah, i had that once. DWP stopped stopped, and the housing benefit check themselves against DWP. So both stopped at same time heh.22:07
WelshDragonBecomes a right pain in the butt22:08
jacobwipopey, is it really? there'll be some other stupid arbitrary roadblock in my way then :(22:08
ipopeyIt probably doesn't spot the proxy22:08
jacobwthat's a good point22:08
DanielRMIt's just bothering me that we tried to get everything done as soon as possible after moving - we didn't leave anything to chance, we checked and rechecked everything multiple times even before moving - and yet it's still been utterly fouled up.22:08
ipopeyDunno if you cat set that22:09
jacobwi'll give it another go tomorrow and play about it with it some more22:09
ipopeyDid you try a vm?22:09
DanielRMIt's caused chaos for the finances. My credit card's nearly maxed and my overdraft is seeing heavy use. :(22:09
jacobwipopey, i haven't yet, i've read posts that say it won't work in a vm22:10
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
WelshDragonstuuuuuuupid BSOD =.=22:15
WelshDragonDanielRM, try to get used to the frustration though :P. Council and DWP will ask for annual updates and you can guarantee one of em will fudge it up.22:16
=== kane is now known as Guest48221
WelshDragonAt least you get the backpay once they do fudge it up and leave it late. Then it's like: "Oooooooo lots of money!" for a week lol22:18
DanielRMI'd prefer not to struggle in the meantime TBH. :(22:19
WelshDragonYou'll forget about that once it's all sorted :)22:19
DanielRMAt one point I was basically left with a budget of £30 for four weeks.22:19
WelshDragonouch -\22:20
WelshDragon=\ *22:20
DanielRMAnd that's for two people so it's even worse.22:20
WelshDragonYa parents not bail you out with a loan for that time like? I was royally screwed at one point like, dwp and council stopped over some stupid thing. Got a temp loan from grandparents like until backpay came through.22:21
DanielRMI'm not on speaking terms with my mother for various reasons and my dad's a complete skinflint.22:22
DanielRMHe refused to fill in the income assessment for my student loan application.22:22
WelshDragonOh =\22:23
DanielRMThat'd have made a difference of £3,000 per year as well. :(22:23
DanielRMLet's see.22:24
WelshDragonI moved out when i was 16, bcame totally independent. Am 20 now like, so my mam's income won't effect my loan entitlement. (nae on speaking terms with dad heh.)22:24
WelshDragonWill start college in 201122:24
DanielRMChrist. Just looked at my finances now.22:24
sum_just finished uni22:24
sum_worked two jobs to get through it22:24
DanielRMCounting only guaranteed income gives me a margin of £6 after rent's paid.22:24
WelshDragonDanielRM, that including or excluding food?22:25
DanielRMI'm trying to get overtime at the moment.22:25
DanielRMWelshDragon: excluding.22:25
DanielRMIt's assuming only rent being paid.22:25
WelshDragonWhat do you do as a job?22:25
DanielRMCashier at BrightHouse.22:25
WelshDragonand your mrs?22:25
DanielRMShe's at college.22:26
WelshDragonno part time job?22:26
DanielRMWe've not managed to find one.22:26
DanielRMI applied for a job as a customer service assistant at a bank but I didn't get through sadly.22:26
WelshDragonI'm really anxious to start working atm. Been unable to due to anxiety issues but now i try there's nothing available heh22:27
DanielRMI applied for a few other jobs in various fields - some youth work with a nearby academy, part-time support librarian and other stuff.22:27
sum_could someone give me some help with WWAN gobi drivers?22:27
jacobwi can't imagine ever being able to afford to move out22:27
WelshDragonjacobw, how old are you?22:28
jacobwi'm 19, i have a full time job22:28
jacobwi'm taking advantage of my lowish wage to get free courses on the open university at the moment22:28
DanteAshtonHello all, I know it's a bit late, but I have a question for ALL of you...would any of you be interested in helping the Ubuntu Advert Team? We need more peeps from the UK :P22:28
WelshDragonDanielRM, what's ya mrs studying?22:29
jacobwDanteAshton, yeah sure :) where do we find out more22:29
DanielRMWelshDragon: She's taking A-Levels in politics, law, philosophy and biology.22:30
WelshDragonAh, so similar interests then.22:30
DanteAshtonUmm...I would show you, but it seems our server just fell over22:30
DanteAshtonone moment22:30
DanielRMFairly similar. She mainly got her interest in politics because of me.22:30
DanteAshtontry the wiki instead :P22:30
WelshDragonDanielRM, what job is she hoping for?22:31
DanteAshtonWe're *hoping* to get this out further then YouTube22:31
DanielRMShe wants to be a barrister eventually.22:31
WelshDragonOoo... Very rich in the long run then22:31
DanielRMNot going to be fun trying to finance it in the short-term.22:31
DanielRMIt's 10k to take a course with the Bar after you've done your degree.22:32
DanielRMNo student loan or anything either. And I can't recall whether you have to pay up-front. >_<22:32
DanielRMThankfully we've got about five years to go for that anyway.22:33
WelshDragonMind, put your own course and wellfare first. Granted, she's ya mrs but without trying to sound too pessimistic, you've no idea how long it'll last. So try keep own money for self.22:33
DanielRMIt was our second anniversary on the 17th.22:33
DanielRMWe couldn't celebrate properly because of the financial issue. XD22:34
WelshDragonShe'll get some sort of student loan...22:34
DanielRMFor uni she will.22:34
WelshDragonIf not... England is worse than i thought it was22:34
DanielRMObviously not for college, and I don't believe there to be one for the Bar course as I said.22:34
WelshDragonCollege's offer Bursaries22:35
DanielRMShe's started getting EMA now but that's being scrapped from next academic year.22:35
DanielRMI did an FOI request about that actually.22:35
DanteAshton.....wait a mo....EMA is getting scrapped? O.o22:35
WelshDragonAnd even for a college, you should at at the very least get a maintenance loan.22:35
DanielRMThey're tripling the budget of the discretionary support funds and scrapping EMA, but that amounts to a 90% cut.22:35
DanielRMWelshDragon: nope, no maintenance loan for college.22:36
DanteAshtonOh god...22:36
DanielRMDanteAshton: you in college?22:36
WelshDragonDanielRM, I'm entitled to a maintenance loan if i go to aberdeen college :s22:36
DanteAshtonYes I am, most of my friends NEED EMA to get to College in the first place...22:36
sam_010203anyone here???  im having trouble with pidgin and empathy.  for some reason they wont connect. saying unable to validate certificate.    any ideas?22:36
DanielRMDanteAshton: what year are you in?22:36
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.22:37
DanteAshtonIsn't a case of years, really. I'm doing what they call a 'National Extended Diploma'22:37
sam_010203nos da brobostigon22:37
DanielRMDanteAshton: ah.22:37
brobostigonnos da sam_01020322:37
jacobwsam_010203, this is a known bug22:37
sam_010203sws os gwelwch yn dda cariad22:37
DanteAshtonDanielRM: Are you quite sure EMA is going down then?22:37
WelshDragonDanteAshton, national extended? :s How many years does it take to complete at least? :s22:37
sam_010203jacobw,   so what can i do to fix it.22:37
DanielRMDanteAshton: basically EMA for this academic year's still in place. From next year onwards it's scrapped.22:37
DanteAshton2, though it used to take 6. They've crunched it down22:38
DanteAshtonGod knows I get about two to four hours sleep per night, with my duties to the Ubuntu team on top of that22:38
DanielRMI remember walking down the street next to the local college after reading it'd been scrapped.22:39
jacobwyou need more sleep than that DanteAshton22:39
WelshDragonDanteAshton, Ah. National Extended Diploma is new to me. I'll be doing a National Certificate and then a Higher National Diploma in college.22:39
DanteAshtonWhich reminds me...can anyone recommend a good22:39
DanielRMI was so angry and depressed at the same time. I don't get it now since I'm in uni, but I relied on it through sixth form and I feel furious on behalf of people currently in college.22:39
DanteAshton....return key <.<22:39
sam_010203WelshDragon,   where in wales are you?22:40
DanteAshtonIt WAS National Diploma...but I think they took the rack to it...22:40
WelshDragonsam_010203, County name is Powys. It's Mid Wales. A small-ish town called Newtown.22:40
sam_010203tin siarad cymraeg?22:40
WelshDragonsam_010203, I understand a little bit of it. But i can't hold a conversation in welsh.22:41
sam_010203WelshDragon,   ok ehehe22:41
DanteAshtonAs I was going to say before my keyboard interuppted me...can anyone recommend a good Linux/Ubuntu-based course of whatever description? I'd like to get some Linux certs. in my CV...as that is kind of my preferred job when I leave College.22:41
WelshDragonsam_010203, where are you from?22:41
AlanBellthere are LPI courses DanteAshton22:42
AlanBellhowever if I was interviewing I would rather see a commit log than a certificate!22:42
sam_010203WelshDragon,   originally from RAF Valley, then moved to South22:42
DanteAshtonTrue...*sigh* oh I don't know.22:43
WelshDragonsam_010203, Ah. Only been to anglesey once for a wedding. Everyone here speaks english. Wish i knew the welsh language though.22:43
diploI always employed people on experience and not qualifications22:43
sam_010203welsh, then learn it lol22:43
WelshDragonsam_010203, it's hard! lol22:43
diploAnd i have no qualifications but found a job easily with my past experience22:44
WelshDragonsam_010203, like i said i know a little bit from trying to learn it. But then it got too complicated :s22:44
sam_010203lol  it is hard   i cant write very welsh   but i can speak it.  i went to welsh school from age 2 - 1822:44
DanteAshtonWell....if I'm honest, I'm in a difficult position, I'd really love to get a job centred around Linux, but my history has always been one of technician, not programmer22:45
WelshDragonsam_010203, Where i was born and brought up -used- to be England in olden times. So the english lanuage and stuck and no welsh people really live here. So i never got to learn it properly :s22:45
jacobwsam_010203, have you tried using the version of pidgin from the pidgin developers ppa, https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-developers/+archive/ppa/22:45
diploSysadmin roles, just start playing with stuff you want to do DanteAshton and get comfortable with it22:45
diploknow enough scripting rather than programming to get you by22:46
TheOpenSourcererDanteAshton: You do not have to commit "code". There are lots of other aspects required...22:46
sam_010203jacobw,   im looking at it now...22:46
diplothat's all i ever did and it's done me well22:46
sam_010203jacobw,  seems there is a few problems with it22:46
sam_010203gonna run an update after i installed it22:46
DanteAshtonbtw, if this LoCo ever needs a technical writer/graphics artist :P22:46
DanteAshtonsysadmin is preferred, as it meshes together both aspects...but I'm really lost on where to begin with that22:47
TheOpenSourcererDanteAshton: Here's a great example that was sent to the Inkscape mailing list today: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=AANLkTi%3Dt3m%2BMN8pi2BoKAitGDjfHxyXraRbNUY%2BQ2bEE%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=inkscape-devel22:47
jacobwgoodnight all22:47
TheOpenSourcererYou need to scroll down, sourceforge is rather crap at mailing lists...22:47
DanteAshtonI have done...and I do find that very interesting22:47
DanteAshtonLove the name, by the way22:48
TheOpenSourcererConjured on a stroll *to* my local.22:48
TheOpenSourcererI am "old" BTW > 4022:48
WelshDragon TheOpenSourcerer you age is?22:48
DanteAshtonand I am what some call young: 20.22:49
TheOpenSourcerer45 currently22:49
sam_010203im only a lad too... ;)22:49
DanteAshtonThough, I already have a wheelchair and a walking stick, so I look a lot older :P22:49
AlanBellDanteAshton: funnily enough we have a hack day on the new website where technical writers and graphics artists might be able to display their skills22:49
JamesTaitTheOpenSourcerer: Looking well for it though. :)22:49
WelshDragonTheOpenSourcerer, ah. Not -that- old then heh. I tend to get on with young women and old men. And argue with old women and young men heh.22:49
DanteAshtonAlan, that sounds just like my cup of tea...where do I sign up?22:49
AlanBellDanteAshton: and there is another interesting project in the -accessibilty team which might be right up your street22:50
TheOpenSourcererJamesTait: I thank you sir! Please tell Mrs TheOpenSourcerer22:50
DanteAshtonWelshDragon, how do you get along with transvestites, then? :P22:50
DanteAshtonDo tell, Alan...22:50
lubotu3Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.22:50
DanteAshtonOooh....a bot.22:51
TheOpenSourcererNot what I was intending...22:51
AlanBellDanteAshton: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2010-November/027677.html22:51
WelshDragonDanteAshton, i've never met one lmao. The welsh are normal. We don't have transvestities :p22:51
DanteAshtonThat, my dear boy, is exactly why the rest of the world think the Welsh are mad :P22:51
sam_010203Welsh. not in the north we dont. but in the south.  we have tons of trannies.  actually one of my good friends is a tranny.22:51
WelshDragon!Ooo la la22:51
lubotu3Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:51
sam_010203WelshDragon,    dont listen to them.  we are not strange.  best place in the world is wales. we have our own language, our own culture and a love for sheep that only therapy can fix.22:52
WelshDragonsam_010203, yus!22:52
AlanBellthere is a #ubuntu-cym channel for our friends from the other side of Offas Dyke22:52
DanteAshtonEveryone, I have been tired, cold, wet and misrible...and I come in here for the first time and suddenly I feel like I've got a hot cuppa and a good laugh, thank you! :D22:53
* TheOpenSourcerer has set up numerous phone calls tomorrow. As he won't be driving very far...22:53
sam_010203where is offas dyke?22:53
* TheOpenSourcerer has also just got back from a very nice evening at his local hostelry.22:53
AlanBellleft hand side of England22:53
WelshDragonAlanBell, but if we kept to that channel, we'd not be able to spread the great welshness across the uk :P22:53
AlanBellwe dug a little ditch to keep the welsh out, and a 3ft wall at the top to keep back the scots22:54
sam_010203AlanBell,   never been to England. never felt the need to go there.22:54
AlanBellWelshDragon: oh, you are most welcome here as well22:54
bigcalmsam_010203: not missing much :)22:54
WelshDragonAlanBell, uh huh... that's why you dug a ditch... lol22:54
DanielRMI hate it when you can't save a PDF.22:54
sam_010203<3 wales too much.  lol  love calling my bank in welsh, calling the water company in welsh, and calling into the post office and speaking welsh to them too.  lol   annoys all the english immigrants here.22:55
DanielRMI don't want to read it through their rubbish webpage.22:55
WelshDragonAlanBell, you forget well live amongst the mountains. A little ditch isn't going to stop us ;)22:55
DanielRMMaybe I can find the paper somewhere on JSTOR.22:55
sam_010203lol AlanBell   not exactly the great wall is it ~ hehe22:56
AlanBellwe don't do things by halves22:56
DanteAshtonAlanBell: Whats this accessabilty thing you were going on about then?22:56
WelshDragonDanielRM, doesn't OO edit  PDF's?22:56
AlanBellDanteAshton: join #ubuntu-accessibility22:56
TheOpenSourcererDanteAshton: Here is another example of not needing software development skills: Bug 40662622:56
lubotu3Launchpad bug 406626 in Gnome Documentation "Deleted Items Folder inconsistently named in en_GB localisation" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40662622:56
DanielRMHmmm, JSTOR won't have it actually. So I'm probably screwed.22:57
DanielRMWelshDragon: it's a PDF embedded in a page.22:57
DanteAshtonI really do like that bot...22:57
DanielRMWelshDragon: can't save it and can't print it.22:57
WelshDragon DanielRM, ah.... Can you nae find the link if you view the source?22:58
DanielRMI'm having a look through at the moment.22:58
TheOpenSourcererNews: Motorola splitting into two companies: http://www.bgr.com/2010/11/30/motorola-to-finally-split-on-january-4th/22:59
WelshDragonAlanBell... Just out of interest, is Offa's dyke the only thing you know about Wales?22:59
AzelphurSomething wicked happened resolving 'ppa.launchpad.net:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)23:00
Azelphuranyone know what causes that? :S23:00
Azelphurwhen doing an update23:00
DanielRMAnd it redirects to the login page.23:00
TheOpenSourcererI have heard it rains a lot in Wales too. (It did when I tried camping in Brecon...)23:00
WelshDragonTheOpenSourcerer, it's been snowing alot more recently. The town where i lived was the coldest place in the UK two days ago \o/ ...... which froze the pipes and broke my boiler =.=23:01
AlanBellWelshDragon: I am full of useful facts about Wales, such as: Welsh has 56 words for rain23:01
=== sam__ is now known as kernix
WelshDragonAlanBell, No we don't lol23:02
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Is a pseudo bot.23:02
DanielRMI can't even remember what essay I'm writing now.23:02
WelshDragonlol DanielRM I would say retrace your steps but all you've been doing is sitting in a seat :s23:03
DanielRMAh, that was it.23:03
DanielRMI was torn between two.23:04
DanielRM?Social exclusion? means the same as ?relative poverty? (discuss)23:04
DanielRMHow useful is the concept of 'social class' in explaining stratification in UK society?23:04
WelshDragonBoth of them are too deep for me.23:04
DanielRMI'd decided on the first but since that's leading me to horrible repositories for my sources I think I'll shift to the other.23:04
TheOpenSourcererWikileaks says that the DDoS attack this morning was pummelling its servers at 10 gigabits per second... : http://is.gd/i0Tm523:06
DanielRMI'm considering this one for my international history module:23:06
DanielRM3. ?The Bolshevik victory in the 1917 Russian Revolution can be attributed to one over-riding factor: success in manipulating the social, economic and political chaos left behind by the fall of the Tsarist regime?. Discuss.23:06
WelshDragonThey should just start calling em DoS attacks. As nobody does -just- a DoS attack anymore.23:07
DanielRMI like saying DDoS though.23:07
DanteAshtonBit pointless really...23:07
DanteAshtonIt's kind of like driving a nail home....into a mile high giant23:07
TheOpenSourcererYou need to know about "The Alans" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alans :-D23:08
bigcalmSmall pebble is what I remember from QI23:09
TheOpenSourcererAnyone have a __GOOD__ link to how to set up OpenLDAP for SSO on Ubuntu? I'm wanting to do just email to start with. All I have read is out-of-date or just wrong.23:15
diploTheOpenSourcerer, I was going to ask the same Q tomorrow at work, let me know if you find anything good :)23:16
TheOpenSourcererI built a VM, got do far then it all went *badly* wrong when it got to SASL...23:17
DanielRMOK, I'm not reading the paper I just found.23:18
DanielRMThe abstract alone makes me consider dropping out of uni and spending the rest of my life asking if people want fries with that.23:18
andylockranEvening guys23:24
TheOpenSourcerer"This blocking pattern means the cold weather could stay for up to two weeks, say BBC meteorologists." http://news.bbc.co.uk/weather/hi/news/newsid_9223000/9223841.stm23:26
andylockranhow's things?23:26
bigcalmCold and white23:26
bigcalmAaaaaaaaaand it's just started snowing again23:27
TheOpenSourcererOooh - on a completely different and far more interesting note... http://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/23:28
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: sweet23:30
DanteAshtonIt's just icy here...23:30
bigcalmBookmarked for later enjoyment23:31
sam_010203Im having problems with Pidgin, can anyone help....  wont seem to connect~ emesene and empathy are all the same...  :(23:31
TheOpenSourcerersam_010203: I'm using Pidgin right now23:34
sam_010203TheOpenSourcerer,   yeah. thanks. not really help ~! LOL   i dont know why mine aint working....23:34
TheOpenSourcererThis message was bought to you by the app "pidgin" and the OS Ubuntu 10.10 :-D23:34
TheOpenSourcererOoops - Me thinks He's in some deep doodoos: http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/30/wikileaks-julian-assange/23:36
DanteAshtonWhere did all that rape nonsense come from, anyway?23:37
TheOpenSourcererA rather upset Government I should think.23:38
DanteAshtonNight, all...23:40

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