
maxolasersquadOooh, I like the Natty installer.  It asks you questions while it is partitioning the hd.13:27
maxolasersquadDammitJim: Natty Narwhal13:37
maxolasersquadaka Ubuntu 11.0413:39
mhall119maxolasersquad: Maverick does that too14:56
maxolasersquadmhall119: Cool.14:56
MichelleQ1Morning, y'all.15:11
maxolasersquadAnyone see this? http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2010/11/30/now-showing-comcast-previews-a-world-without-net-neutrality/15:55
katylThanks for the link, maxolasersquad, Just as I was debating switching to comcast.16:18
maxolasersquadThere's a chance that this is Level3 playing politics.  It is probably prudent here to let some of the dust settle before taking sides.16:22
zoopstermaxolasersquad: doubtful. This is Comcast trying to nickel and dime16:27
zoopsterComcast is as bad as verizon as it relates to greedy corporations16:27
zoopsterif everyone would not stand for this corporate greed we could manage the corporations...16:28
zoopsterfor instance...your bank will raise your rates shortly if they haven't already...don't stand for it - they use your money for free16:28
zoopsterjust moved all of my accounts away from suntrust and wachovia16:29
maxolasersquadzoopster: I've stayed on DSL for a long time for the prime reason that I don't like Comcast.16:30
maxolasersquadAnd I've been keeping my money in a Credit Union for a long time now as well.16:30
chattrfwiw, next wikileaks dump is going to be about a large US bank, per Assange interview at forbes.com16:30
zoopsteryea...I just moved back to the credit union full time16:30
chattrComcast vs. Level 3 = two elephants fighting, and there's a saying about that16:31
zoopstercomcast needs to be put in their place16:33
zoopsterthere are other options now16:33
zoopstertime to kill the franchises and let the best one win...it won't be comcast if they keep bullying.16:34
dorganwhat amount of memory should a server always have free?16:44
mhall119dorgan: free as in unused, or free as in available for use16:44
dorganthe free column when using free -m16:45
mhall119on the Mem: line, not much16:45
mhall119on the "-/+ buffers/cache" line there should be more16:46
maxolasersquadNever be bored again: http://www.linux.fm/18:13
Catsceo[EEE]anyone know why my eee keeps shutting off with no reason?  just goes off and reboots19:43
Catsceo[EEE]what logs do I need to check?19:43
mhall119try /var/log/(dmesg|kernel|syslog|message)19:45
mhall119but if it's hardware, chances are they won't show anything19:46
mhall119does it reboot by itself, or just shut down?19:46
Catsceo[EEE]shut ofgf19:49
Catsceo[EEE]then restart19:49
Catsceo[EEE]as if I rebooted19:49
mhall119could be overheating19:50

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