
RiddellScottK: but paul wants to do the testing on 4.6 because that's the bit that will need and benefit from testing00:00
ScottKRiddell: I think we should plan on packaging both and decide later which is on the CD.00:00
RiddellScottK: sure00:00
RiddellScottK: I'd expect a decision before feature freeze though00:00
Riddellso his testing is timed to be able to inform that00:01
ScottKI think that having both in the archive is a good general plan.00:02
RiddellScottK: conflicting packages?00:02
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  I don't see a use case for having them co-installable.00:03
Riddellin such a case it would be good to keep the 4.6 mobile bits co-installable with the normal 4.4 bits, then mobile can go on kubuntu-mobile without conflicting with kubuntu-desktop00:04
stefan`hey ninjas :)00:27
stefan`i was jsut upgrading using the staging repo00:27
stefan`after some fiddeling with tiny steps forward i have a problem with akonadi00:28
stefan`i wnat to install kdebase-workspace but if i try so aptitude gives the following error:00:28
stefan`libakonadiprotocolinternals1: Breaks: libakonadiprivate1 but 1.4.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed.00:29
Riddellyou want libakonadiprotocolinternals100:30
Riddellis kdepim upgraded?00:30
JontheEchidnaanybody seen this one yet? http://paste.ubuntu.com/538497/00:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: yes..00:31
yofelthat was fixed in runtime ubuntu2 I think00:31
stefan`but libakonadiprivate1 is not installed - i can install akonadi-server, though00:31
JontheEchidnahmm, I thought I had apt-get update'd00:31
stefan`which gives me the protocol internals but still the same error00:31
yofelstefan`: you want to remove libakonadiprivate100:31
Riddellstefan`: pastebin   apt-cache policy kdebase-workspace00:33
stefan`Riddel: sorry, i cannot pastebin - i have no browser, no mouse :D00:34
stefan`i try the ccommand nevertheless00:34
yofelthere's pastebinit for the command line00:35
stefan`installed says none, candidate is ppa2 4.5.80, and i have three versions in the table00:35
stefan`yofel: thanks :)00:36
stefan`Riddel: http://pastebin.com/vdruGVCp00:37
stefan`sorry, s/Riddel/Riddell00:37
Riddellstefan`: hmm, well I'm not sure why it would think libakonadiprivate1 wants to be installed00:38
Riddellstefan`: do you have kubuntu-desktop installed?00:38
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - More friendly than Frosty | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | No rest! packaging 4.5.4 https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging
stefan`no, i can't - trying to put that on pastebin. just a sec00:40
stefan`Riddell: pastebin.com/0a9ZuXdE00:42
stefan`Riddell: this is what happens when i try to install kubuntu-desktop00:42
Riddellstefan`: what command did you use for that?00:43
stefan`i might have one issue - kdepim-runtime comes from the experimental ppa - its 4.5-beta3 ppa100:44
stefan`could that be a problem?00:44
Riddellit could00:44
stefan`Riddell: for kubuntu-desktop i tried apt-get as well00:44
Riddellbut why would it want to do that?00:44
stefan`;) waht?00:44
stefan`i mean, do what?00:44
Riddellstefan`: ah, yes that's the problem00:46
stefan`Riddell: ohhhh :) removing the experimental ppa indeed helped00:46
Riddellit won't work with the pim beta in experimental 00:46
Riddellyou'll need to remove that first00:46
Riddellthe other problem is plasma-widget-quickaccess00:46
Riddellmaybe I can upload that to the PPA00:46
stefan`Riddell: wonderful. thanks for the help.00:46
Riddellstefan`: thanks for testing, let us know if it works after that00:47
stefan`Riddell: at least it installs the rest of the packages now00:50
stefan`Riddell: looks very good - i'll be back in a minute. hopefully from within kde ;)00:52
stefan`Riddell: it works. thanks a lot for the apckages to all of you00:55
Riddellstefan`: awooga, thanks again for testing00:56
claydohRiddell: t machines up and running 4.6, only had to force-overwrite kdebase-runtime 01:08
ScottKclaydoh: What specifically?01:09
* yofel does one last 4.6 maverick upgrade test before going to bed01:10
claydohScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538506/01:12
ScottKI fixed that one in Natty already.01:13
ScottKSomeone should fix the PPA.01:13
claydohboth my ancient laptop and my dual core 64bit htpc box got this01:14
yofelPPA is updated, but not built/published yet01:15
yofelerm, huh? this was me setting up a maverick chroot, installing kubuntu-desktop, kde-full and the debug packages and then adding staging ppa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538507/01:16
yofelok, kdebase-runtime comes from i386 not being built yet01:16
ScottKyofel: It's not suprising with kde-full though.01:16
ScottKThere will be things we didn't rebuild for 4.6 yet.01:17
yofelyeah, but I didn't expect it to break this bad01:17
ScottKI'm in the middle of doing a maverick -> natty upgrade in a chroot and it's going ~fine.01:17
ScottKTry it with apt-get.01:18
yofelthat indeed gives a much saner picture http://paste.ubuntu.com/538512/01:19
Riddellyofel: am testing kdevelop now, ok if I move to updates and announce if it's all good?01:20
ScottKMy advice on aptitude is just stay away.01:20
ScottKRiddell: How do you feel about another runtime upload to fix file overwrites?01:21
yofelRiddell: fine with me, should I copy them somewhere so you can copy them or do you want to re-upload?01:21
Riddellyofel: hmm, you build kdevelop against kde from updates?01:21
yofelRiddell: I did01:22
RiddellScottK: I'm all for fixing things01:22
ScottKMind if I fix hal at the same time?01:22
RiddellScottK: go ahead01:22
RiddellScottK: will you do maverick as well as natty?01:23
ScottKRiddell: Probably not.01:23
ScottKPPA uploads for Kubuntu make my head hurt.01:23
ScottKyofel: The apt-get answer looks pretty much like what you want.01:24
claydoharr everytime I see 'natty' i read 'nasty' I hope that doesn't jinx anything01:28
Riddellhmm well launchpad is down01:44
Riddellguess that means it's time for bed01:44
ScottKyofel: ~12 hours ago you reported file overwrite problems with /kdebase-runtime-dbg.  Did you report that on LP and what bug number was it?01:48
yofelScottK: I fixed that myself already01:48
ScottKyofel: Fix and uploaded to Natty?01:49
yofelyes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/683132 - but launchpad's down01:50
ScottKyofel: Do the non-debug versions of those files conflict too?01:56
* ScottK checks01:56
yofelsorry, forgot to check that02:03
yofelwell, the update on my last non-4.6 natty pc didn't give any kdebase related error though, what I did get was:02:09
yofelpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdesdk-dbg_4%3a4.5.80-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):02:09
yofel trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/okteta', which is also in package kdeutils-dbg 4:4.5.3-0ubuntu102:09
yofelwhich was the only thing that failed02:09
* yofel is off to bed02:09
ScottKAcutally it was gotten already.02:10
ScottKWe should fix that one then.02:10
ScottKyofel: You can give me a debdiff to upload one LP is back up or I'll sort it out.02:11
yofelyou sort it out or it'll have to wait, I need sleep02:11
ScottKGood night.02:14
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ScottKOhhh.  upload.ubuntu.com is either in the good data center or the bad one is fixed.02:30
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apacheloggerRiddell: ping09:23
apacheloggerit is amazing how laggy my system gets with effects turned on10:22
Riddellapachelogger: hola10:32
apacheloggerRiddell: did someone do phonon-vlc already?10:34
apacheloggerRiddell: also 4.6 in staging wants ot remov eall sorts of stuff and install all sorts of useless stuff (e.g. synaptic)10:38
apachelogger  Removing software-properties-kde:i386 rather than change python-kde4:i38610:39
apacheloggerall very scary10:39
Riddellapachelogger: no nobody has had time to look at phonon-vlc10:40
apacheloggerRiddell: version 0.3.1 coming probably today10:40
Riddellgood thing we didn't have time then :)10:42
apacheloggerthe changes are fixing minor problems, of which none would have affected us anyway10:42
apacheloggerjust wanted to know if someone stubmled upon anything kubuntu specific ^^10:43
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, seems the staging break comes from missing bindings?10:43
RiddellI'm recompiling kdebindings now but there shouldn't be a problem with having python-kde4 installed10:45
apacheloggerRiddell: not, it removes it ;)10:46
apacheloggeralong with half my akonadi stack10:46
* apachelogger doe snot take kindly to things messing with his perfect akonadi setup :P10:46
Riddellapachelogger: libakonadiprivate1 got removed, do you have something that depends on that?10:51
hrwis it normal that nepomuk database takes over 3GB?10:52
apacheloggerhrw: depends on what indexed I suppose10:58
apacheloggermine is 421M10:58
apacheloggerRiddell: not sure, something is with libakonadiprotocolinternals1 and libakonadiprivate110:59
Riddellyes libakonadiprotocolinternals1 is the new one, libakonadiprivate1 the old one10:59
apachelogger  Holding Back libakonadiprotocolinternals1:i386 rather than change libakonadiprivate1:i38610:59
apacheloggeroh oh oh11:00
apacheloggerI know11:00
apacheloggerRiddell: kdepim4.6 beta is built with akonadiprivate111:00
Riddelloh well, there's your problem then11:00
apacheloggermaybe it should provides: libakonadiprivate1?11:00
Riddellit can't, libakonadiprivate.so is gone11:01
apacheloggerno goody I suppose11:02
* apachelogger will have to switch to kdepim trunk11:02
hrwapachelogger: one of nepomuk things to do is caching informations of files in indexed filesystems - right?11:05
* hrw needs to reboot ;(11:05
hrwit is really hard to keep 4 weeks machine working with all updates11:06
hrwnepomuk took 1GB ram, chromium another one, plasma-desktop stopped refreshing11:06
steveire_<apachelogger> steveire_: is there ever going to be a new pim beta?11:55
steveire_I don't understand. You mean 4.6?11:55
steveire_Should be with the rest of the SC11:55
Riddellbulldog98 is packaging it11:56
Riddellbut it'll go into experimental not beta11:56
apacheloggerthat solves my problem then, I suppose11:57
apacheloggerNightrose, Mamarok, markey: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/broadcast.jpg <-- apachelogger's artwork of the day12:36
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Mamarokapachelogger: lol12:36
apacheloggerwordpress in rekonq is so incredibly slow...12:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^^^^^12:41
markeyapachelogger: heh12:45
markeya masterpiece12:45
markeyNuno would be proud of you12:45
markeyapachelogger: now get that Phonon release done, chop chop, Dirty Harry!12:46
* apachelogger is wondering when kwin will get more invovled snow effects12:46
apacheloggermarkey: waiting for master jb to give me the ok12:46
markeythe master Jim Beam is not Bono from U2 :p12:47
markeyjust do it12:47
markeyyou are the boss in Phonon12:47
markeynot him12:47
apacheloggeryou said that yesterday too12:47
apacheloggerand it did not work :P12:47
markeyyeah, Jim Beam can be rather persistant 12:47
apacheloggerI can only use one backend at a time to see what is broken :P12:47
apacheloggermain reason why I am all for burning all backends other than vlc and gst12:48
markeyno wait!12:51
markeyyou got it all wrong12:51
markeylet's create 20 more backends12:51
markeyall broken in different ways12:51
markeywith obscure libraries12:51
markeyand assembler Spaghetti code12:51
markeygood plan?12:51
rgreeningmmm spaghetti12:51
markeythen we will be the heroes of KDE12:52
markeythe guys who finally borked  it all12:52
Nightroseapachelogger: beautiful! :D12:53
apacheloggermarkey: I shall write my own mm framework in asm!!!12:53
apacheloggerNCommander will then port it to arm12:54
markeyyou are teh suparstar haxx0r12:54
apacheloggeryes, I know12:54
markeyapachelogger: can you throw in TCL/TK as dependency?12:54
markeyeven if it's not used12:54
markeyand M412:54
=== apachelogger is now known as releaselogger
releaseloggermarkey: sure, why not12:55
shadeslayeranother minion12:57
shadeslayerkronos: want to become a minion?12:57
shadeslayersince your free till January etc12:57
kronosshadeslayer: whats that ??12:57
kronosshadeslayer: yeah..12:57
shadeslayerreleaselogger: explain ..... :P12:57
shadeslayerreleaselogger: its wordpress's fault :D12:58
shadeslayerkronos: and, get a *real* irc client13:00
kronosshadeslayer: k.. just got out from Hot Pursuit.. gotta restart ..13:00
kronosshadeslayer: brb13:00
releaseloggerreal irc client: darth vader13:01
shadeslayerwe need to get him into ubuntu repos13:02
kronosshadeslayer, and im back ..13:02
releaseloggerwe need more fancy animations13:02
shadeslayeralong with a "Property of Kubuntu" sticker on him13:02
releaseloggerI shall make more animations13:03
shadeslayermore QML ftw!!13:03
releaseloggerI shall be the overlord of animations13:03
releaseloggershadeslayer: that aint got nothing to do with flipping qml13:03
shadeslayerkronos: so as a minion, you work under releaselogger, who becomes your master13:03
shadeslayeralong with a master of animation ....13:03
kronosshadeslayer, hmmm ... 13:03
shadeslayerreleaselogger: yes, but QML has nice animations...13:03
releaseloggersupreme apachelogger for you13:04
shadeslayerkronos: so first up, do you have a GPG key and SSH key in  Launchpad?13:04
kronosreleaselogger, done that... 13:04
kronosshadeslayer, yeah .. have those13:04
shadeslayerkronos: next up is https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging13:05
shadeslayerso what you see there is a list of stuff that needs to be packaged13:05
kronosshadeslayer, hmmm... ok ..13:06
shadeslayerread the plan carefully... 13:06
shadeslayerkronos: err.. have you read the packaging guide?13:06
* shadeslayer remembers teaching kronos some basic packaging earlier....13:06
kronosshadeslayer, trying to recall stuff .. 13:07
kronosshadeslayer, will read it again ..13:07
shadeslayerplease do :)13:07
shadeslayerso id suggest starting with kdetoys 4.5.413:07
shadeslayerkronos: edit the wiki and put your name in there against kdetoys13:08
shadeslayerkronos: download http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kdetoys-4.5.4.tar.bz213:12
kronosshadeslayer, getting a 403 forbidden on that address13:13
shadeslayeroh my13:13
shadeslayerkronos: after you download that, download the kdetoys packaging from https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa13:15
shadeslayeruse dget on the dsc13:16
shadeslayerafter thats done, move the debian folder over to the new unpacked sources, test build using pdebuild and poke someone over here :D13:17
shadeslayer( your building for maverick ofcourse )13:17
shadeslayerdantti: lol... kde 4.6 upgrade wants to remove kpk :P13:18
kronosshadeslayer, ok..i'll get back after that..13:18
shadeslayerkronos: i haz to go .... im sure someone here will help you out if you have problems13:18
shadeslayeror call me.... :P13:18
kronosshadeslayer, ya..13:18
shadeslayercya later :)13:19
kronosshadeslayer, later :)13:19
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=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellhi yofel 13:52
Riddellhmm, 7 compiles going13:57
Riddellbusy busy13:58
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1202599 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (ApplicationBackend.cpp ApplicationWindow.cpp) (log message trimmed)14:10
CIA-24Get all of our WorkerEvent signals from the ApplicationBackend. This way we can14:10
CIA-24reload only when the AppBackend says to. This prevents the reload occurring14:10
yofelouch, I just tried to test-upgrade maverick to 4.6 in a chroot and got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538657/ :S14:13
Riddellyofel: hmm, those pesky overwrite errors :(14:19
dantti_workI'm trying to install doxygen but it only shows doxygen-gui which depends on doxygen, did it change it's name?14:24
yofelsome apt-get install -f and dpkg -i/r later the upgrade finished, now let's go through the log...14:29
Riddelldantti_work: there's a doxygen package with a doxygen binary in 10.1014:31
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=== releaselogger is now known as apachelogger
yofelso in the end I got 10 different overwrites: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538672/ (I got the last one too for natty, but LP was down then)14:39
yofelRiddell: should I file bugs for them or just fix them myself? I think natty should get the replaces too14:44
apacheloggerNightrose: we could have a phonon panel discussion at fosdem? ^^14:45
yofelI'll fix them myself, the first 7 are all in kdebase-workspace..14:46
Riddellyofel: just fix them, in natty then maverick14:47
apacheloggerRiddell: do you speak autotools?14:48
NCommanderapachelogger: that's E-IVL14:48
apacheloggerNCommander: can you join #zeitgeist and tell them14:48
* apachelogger just suggested cmake, for it is also usable by people without mental condition :P14:49
NCommanderapachelogger: uhhh14:49
steveire_I upgraded my laptop to 10.10. I had to do the apparmour config change before I could start Akonadi as my development user.  Will it be possible to make that unnecessary at some stage?14:49
ScottKsteveire_: What change?15:08
steveire_ScottK: http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi_4.4/Troubleshooting#Apparmor15:10
ScottKsteveire_: That lists more than one thing.  Which one did you get?15:13
steveire_I always have to do this: sudo aa-complain mysqld15:16
steveire_sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload15:16
yofelwell yeah, since kubuntu uses mysqld-akonadi, not mysqld15:16
yofelI don't know what's the difference though...15:17
ScottKsteveire_: So the problem is that as your development user you use mysqld and not our mysqld-akonadi and the apparmor profile doesn't allow this?15:17
steveire_I don't know enough about mysql/apparmour/etc to know, but presumably, yes.15:21
steveire_This is a self complied akonadi, so presumably that's using my system mysqld instead of the mysqld-akonadi you have?15:22
steveire_What is mysqld-akonadi for?15:22
ScottKIIRC we use that instead of the regular one in order to minimize the amount of mysql that gets pulled onto desktop systems.15:26
ScottKRiddell: Do you recall?15:26
kronosapachelogger, built kdetoys 4.5.4 locally ... buildlog is at http://pastebin.com/wEP4u5iM need to upload to kubuntu-ninjas.15:27
apacheloggerkronos: you want to read https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2010-July/004549.html especially a)15:31
apacheloggerkronos: also checkout the pbuilder hooks section at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment15:32
apacheloggerkronos: currently you are missing a list-missing output, which means we cannot be sure that a new file is not packaged15:32
apacheloggeror rather15:33
apacheloggernot not packaged15:33
ScottKsteveire_: I talked with our security person that does most of the apparmor work and he doesn't see a way to make our mysqld profile work for you without leaving it too unconfined for server users (I think this is why we have the unconfined mysqld-akonadi ).15:34
ScottKSo it's a case of conflicting requirements.15:34
ScottKsteveire_: If you are interested in a slightly more general solution than you have now, you might want to join #ubuntu-hardened.  jdstrand would be glad to review your kernel logs and help you come up with a modified profile for /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.mysqld to solve it once and for all.15:39
ScottKThis could also be put on kde.org so others could avoid the problem too.15:39
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1202614 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (5 files in 2 dirs) Feedback for pressing the install/remove button. Still has some kinks to work out.15:44
dantti_workRiddell: funny this package does not show here :P15:44
kronosapachelogger, can i remove the D20icecc hook .. it is causing an error while building .15:48
apacheloggeryes we can!15:49
apacheloggeryes you can!15:49
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rbelemapachelogger, could you take a look at http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/4320/ to check if everything is ok? :-)15:53
rbelemagateau, ^ :-)15:53
Riddellsteveire_: /usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi is a copy of the /usr/sbin/mysqld binary, it is so we can give it a different more permissive apparmour profile16:00
steveire_I see. Do you patch the akonadi server to use that one instead of mysqld?16:02
steveire_There might be scope for us adding something to akonadi to make the situation better16:02
Riddellsteveire_: we build with  DEB_CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS += -DMYSQLD_EXECUTABLE=/usr/sbin/mysqld-akonadi16:04
steveire_I see.16:07
steveire_I wonder if we can make that come from a desktop file instead or something so that all akonadiis started will use the right mysqld, even self built ones16:08
Riddellwell then all akonadis would have to know to find that desktop file even if that desktop file was not in their path16:08
RiddellI guess it could be a config file in /etc/kde416:09
yofelRiddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdeartwork/4.5.80ubuntu4/+merge/42384 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdebase/4.5.80ubuntu2/+merge/42385 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdebase-workspace/4.5.80ubuntu4/+merge/4238316:10
Riddellyofel: awesomeage16:11
skfinSomebody pinged sabdfl's brains after unity and wayland, found nothing :)16:12
skfinWell, actually, I shouldn't comment on that. I havent been using ubuntu for a while16:13
skfin2 years or something16:13
yofelRiddell: ScottK did the sdk error, just didn't upload yet16:16
ScottKyofel: I think I fixed that one last night in Natty.  Didn't do Maverick.16:16
Riddellskfin: eh?16:16
yofelScottK: I see it in bzr, but not in natty-changes16:17
skfinRiddell: Don't care, I feel bit dizzy16:18
ScottKyofel: I uploaded it, but it was while LP was having problems.  Sounds like the upload got eaten.  I'll push it again.16:18
skfinRiddell: Mostly that I don't personally like the idea of unity16:19
skfinWayland is not that bad, it just needs quite much work16:19
Riddellskfin: well do try to remain respectful16:20
skfinRiddell: Yeah, as I said, I shouldn't event comment on that since I havent use gnome for a very long time16:20
ScottKRiddell: I know it's not your archive day, but would you please do the backports for Karmic/Lucid/Maverick in Bug #683710?  I'll have a newer clamav as soon as the alpha 1 freeze is over and I want to get this backported first.16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683710 in maverick-backports "Please backport clamav 0.96.4 to Maverick, Lucid, Karmic, Hardy, and Dapper." [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68371016:21
skfinBut this is ultimate-offtopic.16:21
kronosapachelogger, new build log http://pastebin.com/8p8F7mmC ...16:22
RiddellScottK: what was that?16:29
ScottKRiddell: clamav backport.16:29
ScottKJust needs the natty clamav backported to karmic/lucid/maverick using the magic script.16:29
ScottKI'll do hardy and dapper since they need uploads.16:29
Riddellok, poke me in an hour if I haven't got to it16:32
Riddellkronos: how did you get on with kdetoys?16:33
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bulldog98Riddell: I only need one file to package usr/bin/kincidenceeditor16:37
yofelRiddell: can I do kdeutils 4.5.4? Someone'll have to get me the tar though16:39
Riddellyofel: yes do16:45
Riddellyofel: what's your ssh key?16:46
bulldog98Riddell: ping16:46
Riddellhi bulldog98 16:47
yofelRiddell: take the first one https://launchpad.net/~yofel/+sshkeys16:47
kronosapachelogger, what should be done about the list-missing output ?16:47
bulldog98hi Riddell, I am doing a test build and if that has no errors, I’ll commit the code to a branch16:48
Riddellbulldog98: great16:49
Riddellyofel: ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org16:49
bulldog98Riddell: but I have to warn you, I added some packages and you have to check my spelling and the contence of the description ^^16:50
yofelRiddell: thanks16:51
rgreeningis it just my system or did latest updates take kwin compositing for a dump down slow lane?16:56
yofelrgreening: if you want to say that kwin 4.5.80 is slow as hell then I agree16:56
rgreeningwobbly windows don't wobble16:57
rgreeningand my load avg is >216:57
rgreeningsomething is terribly rong16:57
ScottKIt's a beta ....16:58
rgreeninghmmm... how many instances of mepomuk should be running?16:58
ScottKNone IMO.16:58
rgreeninglol. if one has it enabled, how many16:58
rgreeningI see many16:58
yofelI have 3 instances of nepomukservicestup, with nepomuk on, strigi off16:59
ScottKRiddell: Looks like there's a chance we may be able to do away with mysqld-akonadi.  jdstrand and steveire_ are going to look into it.16:59
yofelor more accurate:http://paste.ubuntu.com/538715/16:59
rgreeningok, it's not nepomuk related. kwin was behaving fine (apparantly) last night, but today, updates seem to have caused load issue and lag in compositing. Maybe kernel related as there was a kernel update. not sure though. 17:02
Riddellkronos: looks like you got kdetoys building fine17:06
Riddellkronos: can you send me the source package files?17:06
kronosRiddell, yeah.. how do i send them ?17:07
Riddellkronos: do you have a web server you can put them on?  if not I can give you access to a server if you have an ssh key17:07
kronosRiddell, i have an ssh key .. no web server ..17:08
kronosRiddell, can we use the one on my launchpad profile https://launchpad.net/~bhargav17:08
Riddellkronos: scp <files> ubuntu@ec2-67-202-29-176.compute-1.amazonaws.com:17:12
kronosRiddell, should i upload all the files in the pbuilder/result folder ?17:13
maconot the debs17:13
macojust need the src, orig, and diff/debian.gz17:14
apacheloggerkronos: with the hooks you should get that automagically17:14
kronosRiddell, copied ..17:19
Riddelllovely, thanks kronos 17:21
ScottKRiddell: Thanks for the backports.17:22
kronosRiddell, ty .. :)17:22
shadeslayerRiddell: is 4.6 ready in staging ppa?17:25
shadeslayerlike... is it good to install?17:25
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1202629 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationBackend.cpp The worker state is populated when a transaction successfully begins. This meant that the failed transaction would not be removed from the queue if the first transaction done failed.17:26
yofelshadeslayer: not really, I got 10 overwrite errors on my last upgrade test17:27
shadeslayeryofel: apart from those :P17:28
yofelRiddell: can you look at my merges or can I upload to staging anyway?17:28
Riddellshadeslayer: there's some overwrite errors still and kdebindings being done17:28
yofelshadeslayer: apart from those it was fine I think17:28
Riddellkronos: kdetoys uploaded, many thanks17:28
Riddellyofel: you need to give me the URLs again17:29
shadeslayeryofel: Riddell  i have http://pastebin.ca/200785417:29
yofelRiddell: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdeartwork/4.5.80ubuntu4/+merge/42384 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdebase/4.5.80ubuntu2/+merge/42385 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdebase-workspace/4.5.80ubuntu4/+merge/4238317:29
Riddellshadeslayer: do you have kdepim 4.6 beta installed?17:29
shadeslayerhmm.. i dont remember...17:29
shadeslayerah.. thats why it wants to remove them17:30
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1202630 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (4 files in 3 dirs) Install/remove button feedback improvements in the App Details Widget too.17:33
apacheloggerkronos: the hooks take care of that17:33
apacheloggerfrom your last log...17:33
apachelogger# list-missing files result:17:34
apacheloggerI: user script /var/cache/pbuilder/build//19221/tmp/hooks/B10list-missing finished17:34
apacheloggerhowever manpages yield false positives, so all files are installed :)17:34
kronosapachelogger, hmm.. Riddell saw that .. i sent him the source files..17:34
kronosapachelogger, mission accomplished.. :)17:35
* shadeslayer so hates man pages after UDS-N17:35
yofelshadeslayer: huh?17:35
shadeslayeryofel: dont ask....17:35
apacheloggerand now for something completely different... a man with a manpage up his nose17:36
Riddellyofel: merges all look good17:37
Riddellyofel: go ahead and upload to staging17:38
Riddellyofel: I've merged in your overwrites changes to bzr packaging branches for natty, can't upload due to alpha 1 freeze, remind me to upload after17:54
yofelwill do17:55
kronosapachelogger, anything else i could do ..17:56
Riddellkronos: review the current status of builds in kubuntu-ppa/staging and kubuntu-ninjas17:57
Riddellshadeslayer: kde pim 4.6 beta won't work with our kde sc 4.6 beta packages17:58
bulldog98Riddell: why?17:58
Riddellyou'll need to downgrade or not install 4.6 beta (you could try 4.5.4 testing instead)17:58
Riddellbulldog98: I mean the old old kde pim 4.6 beta packages17:59
ScottKRiddell: Could that be solved by rebuilding the pim packages against the new akonadi/pimlibs?18:00
RiddellScottK: we have rebuild the 4.4 pim packages against the new akonadi but that doesn't help people who have 4.6-beta which is a larger version number18:01
Riddellthey'll need to wait for bulldog98's new kde pim 4.6 beta packages18:01
Riddellor downgrade18:01
ScottKI see.18:01
* bulldog98 is uploading the kdepim-packaging diff18:01
bulldog98Riddell: ^^18:02
Riddellbulldog98: uploading to where?18:03
bulldog98a new branch18:03
bulldog98Riddell: https://code.launchpad.net/~bulldog98/kdepim/ubuntu-4.618:03
* bulldog98 now needs to go to bed and will finish that stuff tomorrow evening or afternoon18:04
Riddellthanks bulldog98 18:04
* bulldog98 forgot to commit18:05
CIA-24[muon] jmthomas * 1202638 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (6 files in 2 dirs) Switch the progressbar back to the action button when a transaction is cancelled via not authorizing/canceling at the authorization screen18:05
crysknifeapachelogger: I'm currently packaging the phonon-backend-vlc-0.3.1 from the git tag and I see that there is still the version number 0.2.0 in ../vlc/vlc.desktop 18:05
crysknifeany plans to change this upstream?18:06
Riddellkronos: there's also plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets needing done, it's an interesting package18:10
Riddellcrysknife: packaging for Kubuntu?18:10
crysknifeRiddel: my maverick PPA18:11
Riddellcrysknife: it would be good to have it in the main kubuntu archive too18:12
kronosRiddell, where can i get the source tarball for plasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets ?18:14
apacheloggercrysknife: thy shall not package from git18:15
Riddellkronos: it's made by running a rule in  debian/rules  in the packaging18:15
Riddellit's made from part of another package18:15
crysknifeRiddel: indeed :)  any volunteers ... I'm just starting packaging18:16
Riddellcrysknife: well if you're packaging it for your PPA then it just needs testing to check it builds in natty too18:17
Riddellcrysknife: if you want the packaging reviewed we'd be very happy to do that18:17
apacheloggerMamarok: what does one have to do to get a new version entry for phonon on bugs.kde.org?18:17
crysknifeapachelogger: what's your suggestion?18:18
apacheloggerusing the tarball18:19
apacheloggeralso it is not much of a suggestion but an upstream that you can call it 0.3.118:19
crysknifewhere to find?18:19
apacheloggers/upstream/upstream requirement18:19
apacheloggercrysknife: ftp.kde.org18:19
kronosRiddell, the debian/rules tries to export it from the anonsvn.kde.org server .. im getting a url does not exist.18:21
Riddellkronos: so you can't checkout anything from anonsvn.kde.org ?18:22
kronosnever tried..18:22
Mamarokapachelogger: tell me what version you want, I can change it18:23
apacheloggerMamarok: 4.4.318:23
crysknifeapachelogger: found it, that makes things easier18:23
Mamarokbut you can only add versions for phonon, not for backends18:23
MamarokOK, will change now18:23
apacheloggeryeah, that is silly on its own, but better 4.4.3 than 4.4.2 :)18:24
apacheloggersilly bugzilla -.-18:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: ping18:24
kronosRiddell, can it be because of the migration to git thingy ..18:26
apacheloggerkronos: what you trying to do?18:28
Riddellkronos: no I think some anonsvn servers are flakey18:28
Mamarokapachelogger: done18:28
kronosapachelogger, plasma-scriptingengine-googlegadgets18:28
apacheloggerMamarok: merci beaucoup18:28
kronos*scriptengine .18:29
apacheloggerkronos: oh, for maverick?18:29
kronosapachelogger, yup18:29
Mamarokapachelogger: what will be the next version after 4.4.3, 4.4.4 or 4.5?18:30
apacheloggerdunno yet18:31
apacheloggerpreferrably 4.5 with loads of features to kill qtmm dead18:31
Mamarokyep, that would be great18:31
apacheloggerkronos: make -f debian/rules get-orig-source works fine here?18:31
kronosapachelogger, that worked .. 18:33
apacheloggerkronos: what did you try to do?18:33
apacheloggeror how?18:34
kronosapachelogger, i tried running the rules script... pretty lame ..18:34
apacheloggerkronos: read the make manual :P18:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: you too :P18:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: pongly18:35
shadeslayeryeah i read a bit of it on the flight18:35
shadeslayernot all of it tho18:36
apacheloggermy point exactly18:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: also I am getting complaints that you are being lazy... why is that?18:38
shadeslayernot lazy... blame it on exams18:38
apacheloggeryou have exams like 90% of the year :P18:38
apacheloggerat some point that excuse is not gonna work no more18:39
shadeslayerno seriously :P18:39
apacheloggeralso you did not read the make manual, so you cannot even appear as if you wre not lazy18:39
apacheloggerif I learned one thing from the manual, it is how to be busy while being lazy18:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: when do exams end?18:42
shadeslayer6th Jan18:42
apacheloggerthat is rather longish18:42
shadeslayeri know ...18:42
shadeslayertry telling that to the uni :D18:42
* apachelogger promotes kronos to supreme minion18:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: you now report to kronos18:43
shadeslayerlol :P18:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: he has college etc from 3rd Jan 18:43
apacheloggerright now one is packaging and one is not18:44
* apachelogger is only reflecting this in the rank18:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill try and get some work done ... but im not sure when ill be available .... ill be free during the weekend probably18:47
kronosshadeslayer, i think is the htc thats not letting u package ... :P18:47
shadeslayerkronos: nah... i switched it off18:47
* shadeslayer was looking up capacitor values18:47
apacheloggera phone that is turned off so no one call18:48
apacheloggerwise investement :P18:48
shadeslayera phone that is turned off so no one call and disturb you ....18:48
apacheloggerfor that you turn it to mute18:48
apacheloggeralso that does not make much sense if one can distrub you via irc :P18:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: ill keep checking it every now and then ....18:49
* apachelogger will announce phonon-vlc 0.3.1 supposedly18:49
shadeslayerthats why i turn it off18:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: turn off irc18:49
shadeslayeryou just announced 0.3 yesterday ....18:49
apacheloggeryou know how it is18:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: where does freenode have its off switch :P18:49
apacheloggerwhile I am at the code I might as well make it good18:49
shadeslayeroftc as well...18:49
apacheloggerchanged 740 sloc :P18:50
shadeslayerin one day? :O18:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: also, i was hunting for minions at a Open Source Camp...18:53
shadeslayerso id say that is some work :D18:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: where are they?18:55
=== arpan_ is now known as arpan
shadeslayerapachelogger: kronos and aakshay 18:55
apacheloggerseems you were too successful since kronos is now supreme minion :P18:55
ScottKNew minions are something.18:55
apacheloggerone really should not look for people who are better than oneself ^^18:55
shadeslayereveryone else wanted to hack on android and drupal18:55
ScottKHe should get credit for that.18:55
* steveire_ still has a lot to do before grantlee 0.1.818:55
* apachelogger pets shadeslayer18:55
* steveire_ steveire_18:55
=== steveire_ is now known as steveire
apacheloggershadeslayer: they will feel silly 18:56
apacheloggeronce I have rolled out my animations18:56
apacheloggeranimations everywhere18:56
shadeslayerlol :P18:56
apacheloggerI will animate mouse movement18:56
shadeslayeruh... no more bouncing icons please18:56
apacheloggerit will fade out at one point and fade in at another point18:56
apacheloggerand then blink and stuff18:56
ScottKOf course dumping them in here for a master like Riddell to have to teach and be distracted from his other important work is not so great.18:56
apacheloggerand then probably starts rotating or something18:56
apacheloggerScottK: well, better him than us I'd think ;)18:57
shadeslayerScottK: im also teaching both of them over the phone too 18:58
ScottKTrue, but surely shadeslayer has absorbed some basic information he could have imparted without burdening someone like Riddell.18:58
RiddellI don't mind being burdened with some teaching, it's something everyone should do18:58
apacheloggerminus points for that18:58
apacheloggerScottK: but you see, shadeslayer is busy with exams, or so he claims :P18:58
* apachelogger needs to stop being cynical and announce phonon-vlc18:59
ScottKRight.  I've heard this excuse before.18:59
Riddellhow can shadeslayer be busy with exams?  all the schools are closed because of the snow18:59
Riddelluniversities and colleges are all shut down19:00
shadeslayernot here they arent19:00
apacheloggeror so you say...19:00
shadeslayerbtw ... where is Lex ...19:03
shadeslayernot deflecting the topic or anything... but i havent seen him for a long time19:03
Riddellno, worrying19:04
Riddellshadeslayer: want to e-mail him and check he's ok?19:04
shadeslayerlast time i did, he replied he was on a break...19:04
Riddellbut they was months ago19:04
shadeslayerbut that was like about... 5 months ago19:04
Riddellok kdebindings uploaded to staging with suppport packages19:05
Riddellkdebindings also just entered the archive so hopefully we'll get CD images sometime to test for alpha 119:05
* Riddell out for food19:05
* shadeslayer finally understands capacitance codes19:06
* apachelogger hates rekonq so much it hurts his brain19:07
apacheloggerscrew it19:08
* apachelogger switches to firefox19:08
apacheloggerenough of that crap19:08
apacheloggerkronos: once you are done with packaging foo please ping me, I have awesome research tasks19:08
apacheloggerloads and loads of things to learn about our ISO building process19:09
kronosapachelogger, as u say ... master .. :P19:09
apacheloggerkronos: it is ubermaster! :P19:10
rgreeningkmail is no longer asking for passphrase to sign e-mails under 4.619:10
rgreeningworked up till now19:10
shadeslayerrgreening: does it sign the mail ? because the passphrase is unlocked for some time .... 19:11
rgreeningI was always prompted for my passphrase, now I am not and it complains about "Bad Passphrase" shadeslayer19:12
shadeslayerotoh it could be because of pinentry-qt419:12
rgreeningand no, it cannot sign 19:12
shadeslayerno idea apart from that ...19:14
rgreeningshadeslayer: you using natty?19:15
shadeslayernope... maverick... and kmail wants to be removed on the 4.6 upgrade19:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: also, in order to change project name, we need to file a launchpad question, im not sure who has to file it tho, you or me ... since i have never touched that project etc... 19:18
apacheloggeryou file it 19:19
* shadeslayer read that a few mins ago19:19
apacheloggerI post "ack"19:19
apacheloggerthe do it19:19
shadeslayerah ok19:19
* shadeslayer files question19:19
* apachelogger pings Nightrose19:22
* Nightrose pongs apachelogger19:22
apacheloggerNightrose: could you RT my phonon vlc dent?19:22
Nightroseprobably :D19:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/13625019:24
apacheloggerNightrose: :*19:25
shadeslayernow someone needs to add LOSA's as a assignee19:25
shadeslayercya later....19:26
shadeslayerkronos: have fun ... :D19:26
* apachelogger dances with Nightrose to flogging molly's devil's dance floor19:29
apacheloggernow shadeslayer is playing with his phone again19:30
apacheloggeroh right, someone should tell aakshay that I barely am around at 3:11am19:31
apacheloggerand if I were I probably would not be of much use ^^19:31
kronosapachelogger, correct me if i am wrong... .. for the plasma-----... i first did a dget on an older package ... took the debian folder to a new place .. updated changelog ... got the orig.tar.gz..extracted it and a pdebuild..19:34
apacheloggersounds about right19:34
apacheloggerkronos: for natty the workflow would be different19:35
apacheloggerkronos: did anyone tell you about bzr packaging yet?19:35
kronosapachelogger, nah.. not yet..19:35
apacheloggerit is a more flexiable way of packaging we use for core KDE, you surely will come across it not too far in the future ^^19:36
apacheloggeranyhow, with bzr packaging doing a new plasma-scriptengine-gg release is: edit changelog - build source - upload ;)19:36
apacheloggerjust in case you wondered why it is so complicated ;)19:36
kronoshmmm... 19:37
* apachelogger is done with phonon-vlc release and starts analyzing data structures19:39
rgreeningshadeslayer: I think its a gpg option changed issue19:39
* apachelogger beings to think that jussi wants us to kill kubotu19:40
jussiapachelogger: come again?19:40
apacheloggerwhy else would he repeatedly shoot him19:40
jussiapachelogger: your autostart script is broken or doesnt exisit19:40
apacheloggerfirst you loose my beautiful init script to start kubotu and then you restart it all the time :(19:40
apacheloggerjussi: well, did you backup /etc?19:41
* apachelogger is pretty sure it would work if only it were there19:41
jussiapachelogger: I think so... 19:41
apacheloggerwhats worst about it is that I do not even remember how exactly that thing worked19:41
* apachelogger probably wrote it after 3 glasses of captain19:41
apacheloggerkubotu: order tea19:42
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice hot cup of tea.19:42
kronosapachelogger, buildlog http://pastebin.com/Me2CxaXq 19:42
apacheloggerkubotu: order tea, earl grey, hot for Nightrose19:42
* kubotu is replicating a hot cup of earl grey for captain Nightrose.19:42
apacheloggerkronos: splenedid, can you send me the source?19:43
kronosapachelogger, how ? no webserver ..19:43
kronosroger 19:44
apacheloggerkronos: you should hurry up with becoming a kubuntu member, so you get free web space ;)19:44
kronosapachelogger, im working on that .... and i am on fire today ... :P19:44
kronosapachelogger, sent mail ..19:49
crysknifeapachelogger: I've downloaded the orig tarball of the phonon-vlc backend but if when I run debuild -S in the extracted directory the .changes file doesn't include the tarball anymore. So upload fails. Any idea?19:58
apacheloggercrysknife: you need to make sure that the tarball is named $name_$upstreamversion.orig.tar{gz,bz2}19:59
apacheloggerhold on19:59
* apachelogger reads again19:59
crysknifeit is19:59
apacheloggercrysknife: debuild -S -sa19:59
apacheloggeralso make sure you revision is appropriate20:00
crysknifeI'll try that20:00
apachelogger-S only should leave the tar.gz out of the changes if the revision is >120:00
kronosapachelogger, anything for me ..20:00
apacheloggertrying to download20:01
apacheloggersilly kmail convers the file names -.-20:01
apacheloggerkronos: do you need a new task?20:01
crysknifeapachelogger: you are right - thanks20:02
kronosapachelogger, hmmm.... anything that wont take more than an hour ..20:02
apacheloggerseems 4.5.4 is all done :)20:03
apacheloggerkronos: you could just do some reading20:03
apacheloggeror call it a day and have some proper fun ;)20:04
kronosapachelogger, hmm... that sounds good.. will have some fifa before going to bed..20:04
apacheloggerkronos: or you could read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/About <-- that is theory of the bzr packaging I was talking about20:04
apacheloggervery well20:05
apacheloggerkronos: have fun :)20:05
apacheloggergood work today20:05
kronosapachelogger, ty :) .. 20:05
kronoscya ..20:05
apacheloggerplasma-scriptengine-googlegadgets 4.5.4 in ninjas20:09
* yofel runs another 4.6 maverick update test20:10
steveireHas there been any reports of the computer locking while compiling?20:17
steveireWhen compiling something big like kdelibs or kdebase My coputer is freezing, but I can still move the mouse20:17
yofelcould be too much swap or memory I/O if you compile with too many jobs, but maverick worked fine for me20:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: project renamed, if you would be so kind as to mark the question solved20:18
* yofel gets overwrite errors again AAARGH...20:18
apacheloggersteveire: it is not frozen if you can move the mouse.... ;)20:19
yofelkdelibs stuff this time...20:19
apacheloggersteveire: with compositing on?20:19
* apachelogger thinks this sounds more window managy than anything else20:19
steveireYeah. I think so. I get annoying animations20:19
steveireI have to do a hard reset to recover20:19
apacheloggerI would turn off the effects and try without them20:20
steveireDone, thanks20:20
apacheloggerand poke mgraesslin about it, if it improves performance ;)20:21
steveireWill do.20:23
* steveire goes home to implement tee20:23
* Quintasan can't make his computer to work20:23
yofelQuintasan: what did you do?20:24
Quintasanyofel: nothing, same thing, after some time the damn machine becomes unresponsive until I do alt+sysrq+{RSEIB}20:24
yofelhurray, I'm down from 10 overwrite errors to 6 -.-20:25
* yofel goes fixing20:25
* rgreening thinks it's because Quintasan forgets to U in the RSEIUB line :)20:32
yofeland I ususally use REISUB, not RSEIUB20:33
rgreeningyofel: Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Bizzare (Order should probably matter)20:33
yofelRaising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring is how I learned it20:34
rgreeningS is Sync, and should be early (IMO)20:34
yofelwell, it probably doesn't matter much if you kill processes before or after sync20:34
* apachelogger wonders what everyone is talking about20:35
rgreeningthough, Sync early means better chance your stuff makes it to disk before you finish executing the rest of the commands20:35
rgreeningone doesn't necessarily wait for the other 20:35
yofelapachelogger: how to break Quintasans PC not as bad as he does himself20:35
apacheloggerI see20:35
rgreeningyah, he forgets unmount :)20:35
danttishadeslayer: well probably kpk would need a recompile for 4.6:P20:39
crysknifeapachelogger: phonon-backend-vlc package has been successfully built but several mediaplayer (e.g. dragon, amarok)  still crash on exit.21:08
crysknifeapachelogger: do you know such problems?21:09
crysknifeapachelogger: Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault)21:10
apacheloggerit is in pulseaudio21:11
apacheloggercrysknife: do you want to fix it21:12
apachelogger(requires a SRU)21:12
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:12
yofelRiddell: I fear packaging needs some more fixup https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdelibs/4.5.80ubuntu3/+merge/42416 https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdebase-workspace/4.5.80ubuntu4_2/+merge/42419 https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kdeartwork/4.5.80ubuntu4_2/+merge/4242021:14
* rbelem is building latest plasma-mobile snapshot21:42
apacheloggerrbelem: n900 instructions...21:47
rbelemjust one min21:48
ScottKRiddell, et al: New Kubuntu images need testing for Alpha 1.21:49
ScottKapachelogger: I'm pretty sure you meant world peace, not world piece.22:09
_Groo_hi/2 all22:10
_Groo_apachelogger: are you there?22:10
apacheloggerI am always somewhere22:10
apacheloggerScottK: true, where did I write this?22:10
ScottKapachelogger: Your phonon + VLC blog post.22:11
_Groo_ScottK: smae thing22:11
apacheloggerScottK: ah, cheers22:11
_Groo_apachelogger: how could you say vlc is stable? is crashing on exit like always22:11
_Groo_apachelogger: this will piss a lot of ppl :D22:11
ScottK_Groo_: Just clearing up the mess apachelogger left behind in his rush to be somewhere.22:11
* apachelogger recently has a lot of cases of writing things like that... wonder why that is22:11
apachelogger_Groo_: no22:11
apacheloggerpulse is22:11
apacheloggergo fix it 22:11
apacheloggerthere patch22:12
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates22:12
apacheloggergo for it22:12
_Groo_apachelogger: so with alsa it works just fine, but crash on exit with pulse?22:12
_Groo_apachelogger: isnt pulse shipped in 10.10 by default?22:12
apacheloggercause pulse is a thread mess22:12
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah im not disagreing with you22:12
apacheloggerdespite being not old enough to have an excuse for bad threading22:12
_Groo_apachelogger: ehehehe touche :D22:13
* apachelogger sees _Groo_ make an SRU for it and is happy22:13
* apachelogger rushes somewhere22:13
_Groo_apachelogger: i can apply that patch and upload to a ppa with new pulse and vlc included?22:13
_Groo_apachelogger: is it abi compatible with the one in 10.10?22:13
* _Groo_ doesnt know what a sru is22:14
apacheloggerit only fixes the internal logic22:14
apacheloggeror rather the non-logic22:14
ScottKapachelogger: Did you discuss this SRU with crimsun?22:14
apacheloggerbot hates me22:14
apacheloggerScottK: no, but with the colin, IIRC he even tried to get it done before 10.10, did not quite work out22:15
_Groo_apachelogger: i hear you did some nasty things to the poor bot22:15
apacheloggerScottK: Riddell knows all about it AFAIK22:15
apachelogger_Groo_: no, just see the sru link from above22:15
yofel_Groo_: that was the other bot22:15
_Groo_yofel: :D22:15
apacheloggerand jussi did nasty things to that bot...22:15
apacheloggerjussi: any luck with the init script?22:15
* _Groo_ wonders why kubuntu devs sexually abuse all the poor bots that work in this channel22:16
* _Groo_ thinks this could make him a good class suit money :D22:16
* _Groo_ just needs to find an abused bot that is willing to talk22:16
apacheloggerkubotu: config list 22:17
kubotumodules: translator, factoids, lastfm, server, http, remote, twitter, irclog, send, irc, rejoin, greet, nickserv, salut, rss, markov, keyword, plugins, core, poll, google, encoding, auth, log, debug, seen, wheelfortune, host, autoop, wikipedia, chanserv, ri22:17
apacheloggerkubotu: config list markov22:17
kubotumarkov.readonly, markov.delay, markov.max_words, markov.answer_addressed, markov.enabled, markov.ignore, markov.learn_delay, markov.ignore_patterns, markov.probability22:17
_Groo_apachelogger: gonna check this patch to the current pulse, it it upstream?22:17
apacheloggerkubotu: config get markov.enabled22:17
kubotumarkov.enabled: false22:17
apacheloggerkubotu: config set markov.enabled to true22:17
kubotufailed to set markov.enabled: to true does not match either 'true' or 'false', and it's not an integer either22:17
apacheloggerkubotu: config set markov.enabled true22:17
rbelemapachelogger, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/n90022:17
apacheloggerkubotu: config get markov.probability22:18
kubotumarkov.probability: 9922:18
rbelemapachelogger, i'm still writing22:18
apacheloggerrbelem: thank you22:18
kubotuthat's why i'm still figuring out the debs get populated all at once22:18
kubotuyour debugging Windows Vista?22:18
rbelemit is not complete22:18
kubotunot complete yet though. Some are missing22:18
apacheloggerkubotu: how can you tell?22:18
apacheloggerkubotu: config set markov.probability 2522:18
apachelogger_Groo_: here you have a talking bot22:18
apachelogger_Groo_: sort of22:18
rbelemhey kubotu 22:18
kuboture, rbelem22:18
kubotuI sort of goof I made crimsun sponsor all of his first package :)22:18
rwwI for one welcome our newly verbose robotic overlords.22:19
kubotuI for one :P22:19
apachelogger_Groo_: you'd have to talk to coling in #kde-devel22:19
* apachelogger smacks kubotu22:19
_Groo_apachelogger: you said in the blog post youve been using it for weeks, are you using alsa, or pulse? and if its pulse, do you have some debs/ppa i can pull to test on my system?22:20
kubotumaybe i can upgrade my system in order to test22:20
apacheloggerI did not say no such thing22:23
* apachelogger is using gstreamer22:23
_Groo_apachelogger: oh sorry it was mark that said it22:24
* _Groo_ gonna smack mark :D22:24
kubotumark) icon" [Low,Assigned]22:24
* _Groo_ thinks kubotu is losing its marbles22:25
kubotukubotu is back up ~/.kde ~/.local and ~/.confg22:25
_Groo_i just updated to pulse 0.9.23~git-g51cb-0ubuntu1~maverick122:25
_Groo_and still crashed :P22:27
_Groo_apachelogger: the patch wasnt applied upstream?22:27
kubotuI think we should open it up for the patch was removed22:27
apacheloggerit is in the stable-queue22:29
apacheloggerwhatever that means22:29
kubotui mentioned this earlier in the disabled case so people know that this is going to update packages, and to end, and got the debdiff between the 4 of us thought we were able to start playing along dangit! I am bad at guessing ETAs22:29
kubotuguess that means someone needs to use as build-dep22:29
apacheloggerkubotu: config set markov.probability 522:29
_Groo_apachelogger: ok, so im downloading the git repo right now, then i need to cherrypick from the stable-quee branch? or i can just make a deb from the stable-branch?22:32
apacheloggeryes. no.22:32
apacheloggerit wouldnt be much sru worthy if you take the whole branch22:32
_Groo_apachelogger: arrrrgh i hate doing cherrypicking from git22:32
_Groo_apachelogger: )(*@#*&@#@(#*&@*(&#22:32
_Groo_apachelogger: im already getting the latest git anyway!22:33
_Groo_i mean 0.9.2322:33
kubotuI had when i run it on my last non-4.6 natty pc didn't give any kdebase related error though, what i mean there was a bug22:33
apachelogger_Groo_: 01101110 01101111 00100000 01110011 01101001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110100 01100001 01101100 0110101122:33
_Groo_can someone pls shut that bot up!22:33
apacheloggeryou asked for it!22:34
_Groo_apachelogger: he doesnt give me any useful thing i can use in court!22:34
apacheloggerno one who could would22:34
apacheloggerthey are all brain demaged from too much drugs22:35
_Groo_apachelogger: you are alienating the poor bot! hes coherced not to talk!22:35
yofelkubotu: shut up22:37
kubotuUpdate Manager support jaunty yet?22:37
_Groo_latest git has the patch applied... creating debs for personal consumption22:38
* yofel thinks that some of those drugs found their way to kubotu...22:38
kubotuthink of those are our mobile devices? :P22:38
ScottKAnyone around running Natty that can do a little test for me?22:41
_Groo_ScottK: does it involve explosions and mayhem?22:42
ScottK_Groo_: Unlikely.22:42
ScottKWorst case is rebooting and adding/removing some packages I think.22:42
_Groo_ScottK: boring.. then no :D22:43
_Groo_ScottK: im not in natty, was just joking22:43
ScottK_Groo_: Got 4.6?22:43
ScottKI think that would work.22:43
ScottKIn any case, if someone could try adding upower and udisks and removing hal (this will also remove kubuntu-desktop, but don't panic), restart their system and see how solid works, that would be a big help.22:44
ScottKIn the event of failure, reinstalling hal and removing udisks/upower should get things back.22:44
* yofel goes trying22:45
_Groo_ScottK: not 4.6 yet.. i helped with the packaging but i lack the courage to try it this week :D22:46
yofelI can't remove libhal1 though, too much depends on that22:46
* apachelogger ponders not handing in the data structure assignment22:47
ScottKyofel: Not libhal1, just hal.22:48
yofelScottK: 'hal' removed, rebooting22:48
ScottKI need to run out for a bit,  I'll check in when I get back.22:49
_Groo_guys when i get this error, whats exactly is going on? make: *** [debian/stamp-makefile-install] Error 222:50
yofel_Groo_: can you pastebin a bit more of that...22:58
yofelScottK: nothing that's apparently broken so far22:58
yofelbut nepomukfilewatch taking a lot hdd I/O on every login makes logging in painfully slow :(22:59
* yofel wonders if the KDE folks want to increase SSD manufactures revenue :/23:00
_Groo_yofel: nvm its was a -j racing condition23:01
_Groo_yofel: gnome packages dont like to be done in pararel23:01
_Groo_yofel: i usually disable him23:01
_Groo_yofel: its common to all file watchers, recoll has the same problem23:01
ScottKyofel: Does power management work?23:05
yofelmore or less, powerdevil seems to be running, but I don't have any suspend or hibernate options anymore23:07
yofelbattery and AC connectivity are recognised fine though23:08
yofelScottK: it might break your plasma-netbook/desktop autodetection, since you have lshal in startkde line 23723:12
kubotubreak your system better now?23:12
kubotulol - well shows I'm losing my mind cant take it that's a good cartton23:12
ScottKyofel: Thanks.23:12
yofelwas checking .xsession-errors and that had '/usr/bin/startkde: 244: lshal: not found'23:13
ScottKyofel: Do you have a cdrom or usb stick to check and see if they still work?23:15
yofelnot at hand, and won't have time to create one today23:16
ScottKThanks for testing.23:17
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ looks like a little startkde fiddling will be needed as well.  man udisks seems to indicate this should be doable.23:22
yofelgood night23:32
* apachelogger transforms into a butterfly23:36
* rbelem grabs a mosquito abatement23:39
rbelemping apachelogger 23:40
* apachelogger dances hula23:40
* rbelem hits apachelogger with the mosquito abatement23:41
apacheloggercomputer says no23:41
rbelemapachelogger, i added more instructions there23:42
rbelema brain dump23:42
* ScottK hopes it didn't hurt.23:43
apacheloggerrbelem: now I only need to get the n90023:43
* apachelogger thinks there is a good chance it will arrive tomorrow23:43
rbelemapachelogger, tomorrow i will finish the kernel part and then organize the page :-)23:43
rbelemScottK, there is smoke over my head :-)23:44
apacheloggerstop smoking then23:44
=== mueslix is now known as muesli
apacheloggerit is unhealthy, dont you know23:44
rbelemeheheheh :-D23:44
* rbelem is waiting for his microsd 16gb class 10 that he bought on hong kong via ebay23:45
rbelemapachelogger, do you have a fast microsd?23:46
apacheloggerrbelem: no23:52
apacheloggerrbelem: should I get one?23:52
rbelemapachelogger, yup23:52
rbelemapachelogger, you will need23:52
apacheloggerall them requirements23:52
rbelemapachelogger, same spec that said above23:53
apacheloggeroh right23:53
apacheloggerat the top23:53
apacheloggerhow unnoticable ^^23:53
rbelemapachelogger, and a good brand23:53
rbelemkingstone, sandisk are the best afaik23:54
apachelogger"This is to inform you that you have won a prize money £250,000.00 pounds in Yahoo/windows live Lottery"23:55
apachelogger250,000 quid, that is like 300000000 euros23:55
apacheloggerholy smokes23:55
apacheloggeryou got to be kidding me23:55
apacheloggermarkey: do the gst people always spam around like that?23:55
apacheloggercouldnt they write one mail?23:56
rbelemehehehehe :-D23:58

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