mdg2 | hello! | 01:34 |
mdg2 | In Lubuntu, I had to modprobe a sound card in an old, old laptop to get it work. What do I need to do make sound config permanent? What files and where? Any help greatly appreciated :) | 01:35 |
phillw | mdg2: I'd love to help, but it is not an area I'm familiar with :( | 01:38 |
mdg2 | phillw: thanks for replying :) | 01:39 |
mdg2 | phillw: how long you been using lubuntu? | 01:39 |
phillw | mdg2: since 10.04, but everything works 'out of the box' for me. | 01:40 |
mdg2 | phillw: I'm guessing not so many people are using it on much older boxes? | 01:40 |
phillw | mdg2: you can try the mailing list, I'm sure one of the guys will have an answer. | 01:41 |
phillw | mdg2: oh, believe you me, they are doing so :) | 01:41 |
mdg2 | phillw: okay. I will. What things do you like about lubuntu? | 01:42 |
phillw | mdg2: everything, it's a low resource desktop system that is completely up to date yet uses little resources. | 01:43 |
mdg2 | I have a sister version of lubuntu on a 1 GHz desktop (only problem for the user has been remembering how to change wallpaper, but that's now old hat for that person). | 01:44 |
phillw | mdg2: you have an invite for offtopic | 01:44 |
mdg2 | phillw: I'm trying to help a new friend setup his lappy with sister version and havingt a terrible time with the sound card. | 01:44 |
mdg2 | oh | 01:44 |
mdg2 | okay... | 01:45 |
head_victim | mdg2: hang on I'll get a link for you | 02:06 |
head_victim | mdg2: you just need to add whatever module it is called into the /etc/modules file | 02:09 |
mdg2 | head_victim: thanks | 02:10 |
head_victim | mdg2: no worries, I was going to give you a link to instructions but then it turned out easier than I remembered it. | 02:10 |
mdg2 | head_victim: been confused what all I need to do - found info I needed to make a file in /ect/modprobe.d - so confused :) | 02:10 |
head_victim | Ah nah I'd just add it to the /etc/modules so much easier | 02:11 |
mdg2 | head_victim: just the module name or more info than that? | 02:11 |
head_victim | Should just be the module name | 02:12 |
mdg2 | head_victim: the person I am helping with this must be doing other stuff to his lappy | 02:13 |
head_victim | Oh, why's that? | 02:13 |
mdg2 | he says sometimes sound works and sometimes it doesn't | 02:14 |
head_victim | That is odd, if it's old there is always the possibility of hardware issues. If it needs to be probed semi-regularly to make it work I'd suggest just setting up a panel application that will modprobe the required module when clicked. | 02:15 |
mdg2 | head_victim: sounds hard | 02:15 |
head_victim | Nah not really. | 02:16 |
head_victim | I have to go though, I'm meant to be painting | 02:16 |
mdg2 | head_victim: you mean like a script? | 02:16 |
head_victim | Yeah you should be able to add an icon that when clicked runs your modprobe so it's at least easier. But that's only if it needs to be done regularly. Weird that it's intermittant. | 02:17 |
mdg2 | head_victim: that's like the *.desktop thing with a script like "sudo modprobe ...." | 02:18 |
head_victim | I think so, I'd help more but my Lubuntu PC is in pieces so hard to test out for you but I'm sure someone here could help or you could try the mailing list. But like I said, try the /etc/modules first and if it's still causing problems and needs to be done regularly then look into that. | 02:19 |
mdg2 | head_victim: will do! Thanks for the great help - I feel much more assured now. | 02:21 |
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leszek | hi | 10:10 |
bioterror | hi | 10:10 |
leszek | oh I noticed that its a sin to activate shared paging in vbox, uses 100% cpu power and pc becomes unusable xD | 10:12 |
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: The topic for #lubuntu is: There is a meeting in this room at 17:00GMT 1st December || 10.10 for Lubuntu has been released, please use the torrent at Documentation can be found at | ||
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: ChanServ has changed the topic to: The topic for #lubuntu is: There is a meeting in this room on December 1st at 17:00 UTC (|| 10.10 for Lubuntu has been released, please use the torrent at Documentation can be found at | ||
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: The topic for #lubuntu is: There is a meeting in this room on December 1st at 17:00 UTC (|| 10.10 for Lubuntu has been released, please use the torrent at Documentation can be found at | ||
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phillw | gilir: hiyas boss :) | 16:51 |
gilir | hi phillw :) | 16:52 |
gilir | everyone ready for the meeting ? :) | 17:03 |
gilir | ok, let's begin it :) | 17:05 |
gilir | #startmeeting | 17:05 |
meetingology | Meeting started Wed Dec 1 17:05:15 2010 UTC. The chair is gilir. Information about MeetBot at | 17:05 |
meetingology | Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting. | 17:05 |
gilir | hi everyone | 17:05 |
subdee | hello | 17:05 |
gilir | welcome to the 1st project meeting for Lubuntu :) | 17:05 |
phillw | hiyas | 17:05 |
gilir | you can find the agenda on | 17:06 |
Wiebelhaus | Hello | 17:06 |
gilir | #link | 17:06 |
gilir | [LINK] | 17:07 |
gilir | please say hello to appear in the logs :) | 17:07 |
phillw | hello | 17:08 |
subdee | hello | 17:08 |
gilir | ok so this meeting is mostly to discuss applications by default on Lubuntu | 17:08 |
gilir | we already have discussion on the mailing list, but you can add comments about the differents item here | 17:09 |
gilir | we have some items on the agenda, we will discuss each on them | 17:10 |
subdee | are we discussing them in order of appearance in the agenda list? | 17:10 |
gilir | if you want to add another one, we can do it after all the items | 17:10 |
gilir | subdee, yes | 17:10 |
gilir | ok let's start | 17:11 |
gilir | [TOPIC] Archiver : File-roller over Xarchiver | 17:11 |
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meetingology | TOPIC: Archiver : File-roller over Xarchiver | 17:11 |
gilir | 1st item is the archiver | 17:11 |
gilir | I propose to replace the current one (xarchiver) by file-roller, the one in Ubuntu | 17:12 |
gilir | feedbacks are good about this on the mailing answers | 17:12 |
phillw | it makes sense to use one from the repos that has support. | 17:13 |
gilir | and since it's used on Ubuntu, we should have a good support from other Ubuntu team | 17:13 |
gilir | and less works for us :) | 17:13 |
gilir | phillw, yes, it's the main argument for the switch | 17:13 |
phillw | less work for such a small team can only be an advantage, plus it allows other teams to support lubuntu more easily. | 17:14 |
gilir | if no ones have concern about it, let's do switch :) | 17:15 |
gilir | phillw, yes, it's about support, but also about testing | 17:15 |
gilir | but it applies for other items than the archiver :) | 17:16 |
phillw | as I see it, it is a win - win situation for lubuntu if we switch, the development, testing and support | 17:16 |
gilir | I think it's ok, for this item | 17:16 |
gilir | [ACTION] Set archiver to file-roller in lubuntu seed and default handler for archive in lubuntu-default-settings | 17:17 |
meetingology | ACTION: Set archiver to file-roller in lubuntu seed and default handler for archive in lubuntu-default-settings | 17:17 |
gilir | [TOPIC] Remove Cheese | 17:18 |
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meetingology | TOPIC: Remove Cheese | 17:18 |
gilir | there is 2 reasons behind the proposal of removing cheese | 17:18 |
gilir | 1. the new version will require clutter, which is not "lightweight friendly" | 17:18 |
gilir | 2. I don't think it's really essential on a default installation | 17:19 |
gilir | for me the reason 1. is enough to remove it | 17:20 |
gilir | on mailing, most of people doesn't use really cheese | 17:20 |
phillw | Agreed, if someone has webcam, cam etc; they can always add it from the repos. I'll add a note to the wiki area for those wishing such functionallity. | 17:20 |
subdee | is there an alternative? | 17:20 |
gilir | the only problem I can see if the lose of the ability to test the webcam | 17:21 |
gilir | subdee, someone mention guvcview on the mailing list | 17:21 |
subdee | for a typical desktop user, taking photos and videos instantly from his webcam is a nice feature | 17:22 |
phillw | gilir: I can easily add a section to the wiki about webcam support. | 17:22 |
gilir | guvcview is in the repo, so we can at least test it to see if it's good enough for the purpose of testing | 17:23 |
Wiebelhaus | Also VLC can do it. | 17:24 |
gilir | phillw, yes, but it's quite usefull to have a test for webcam directly in the live-cd :) | 17:24 |
gilir | Wiebelhaus, yes, but we can't add vlc just for testing the webcam :) | 17:24 |
gilir | IMO, it's a small use-case | 17:25 |
Wiebelhaus | Yar , Was responding to subdee but didn't name him , my bad. | 17:25 |
phillw | gilir: has anyone tried out guvcview? | 17:25 |
Wiebelhaus | @phillw , Yes It's great. | 17:26 |
meetingology | Wiebelhaus: Error: "phillw" is not a valid command. | 17:26 |
gilir | phillw, I don't think so, it was just mentionned on the mailing list | 17:26 |
phillw | gilir: maybe worth investigating a little further, to see what resources it uses. | 17:26 |
gilir | Wiebelhaus, is it just a test for the webcam, or do you have some options ? | 17:26 |
Wiebelhaus | No options , I'd say let them pull it from repos if they need it. | 17:27 |
gilir | ok, so we can ask for testing on the mailing list, and add it to the seed later | 17:28 |
gilir | it's not critical, so we can wait a bit more on this item :) | 17:29 |
subdee | ok | 17:29 |
gilir | [ACTION] Remove cheese from the lubuntu seed | 17:30 |
meetingology | ACTION: Remove cheese from the lubuntu seed | 17:30 |
gilir | [ACTION] Call for testing for guvcview on the mailing list | 17:31 |
meetingology | ACTION: Call for testing for guvcview on the mailing list | 17:31 |
gilir | I think it's ok on this one too, let's go the next item | 17:31 |
gilir | [TOPIC] Display-manager : LightDM over LXDM | 17:32 |
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meetingology | TOPIC: Display-manager : LightDM over LXDM | 17:32 |
gilir | It's a bit similar to the archiver choise | 17:32 |
gilir | LightDM will probably be the next display manager for Ubuntu (planned for 11.10) | 17:33 |
phillw | gilir: is it as low on resource usage as LXDM? | 17:33 |
gilir | we can share some work by moving to this | 17:33 |
gilir | phillw, it's similair when I tested it | 17:34 |
gilir | it's/it was | 17:34 |
gilir | the main problem is that it's currently not ready | 17:34 |
gilir | as it's targed for 11.10, the priority is not on this | 17:35 |
gilir | for the Ubuntu teams | 17:35 |
phillw | it gets my vote, then. any thing that works and reduces the workload on you people is good for me. We can always stay with LXDM for 11.04 and re-visit it in 11.10 if you prefer. | 17:35 |
subdee | agreed | 17:35 |
gilir | phillw, yes | 17:35 |
gilir | there is still some work to do to make it useable | 17:36 |
gilir | but when it will be finished, I think we can at least test it on some alpha release | 17:36 |
gilir | release/releases | 17:37 |
gilir | I already plan to maintain LXDM, so we have a backup | 17:37 |
phillw | gilir: maybe plan it for 11.10 as ubuntu are going to do. That makes absolute sense to me to try it in the alphas of 11.10 | 17:37 |
gilir | phillw, of course yes :) | 17:38 |
gilir | but I really would like to switch earlier, because maintaining a display manager is not really easy | 17:38 |
phillw | gilir: are you confident you can have it running for 11.04? I'm only thinking of the time you will have to spend on it. | 17:39 |
gilir | that's why I propose to test the switch for this release | 17:39 |
gilir | phillw, fortunatly, I'm not alone on this :) | 17:40 |
phillw | gilir: let's go for it, you have a backup plan (I love Plan 'B's) :D | 17:40 |
phillw | if it is still having issues when we approach beta, we can switch back to LXDM? | 17:41 |
gilir | ok, so let's go to this plan | 17:41 |
gilir | phillw, yes, LXDM is more or less ready now | 17:42 |
gilir | LXDM doesn't require a lot of works now | 17:42 |
phillw | that's totally okay with me, my only concern was additional workload on you, but as you have stated it is not just you - let's give a workout :) | 17:43 |
gilir | also, there was no real objections on the mailing, just the same concerns than mine from pcman | 17:43 |
gilir | [ACTION] Set LightDM to the Lubuntu seed when it's available in Natty and majors bugs are solved | 17:44 |
meetingology | ACTION: Set LightDM to the Lubuntu seed when it's available in Natty and majors bugs are solved | 17:44 |
gilir | ok, next topic | 17:44 |
gilir | [TOPIC] Control Center | 17:44 |
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meetingology | TOPIC: Control Center | 17:44 |
gilir | Following the disucssion on the mailing, we have 4 choices | 17:45 |
gilir | 1. Do nothing | 17:45 |
gilir | 2. Include pcmanfm control center | 17:45 |
gilir | 3. Include lubuntu-control-center | 17:46 |
gilir | 4. Include tuquito control-center | 17:46 |
subdee | tuquito looked nice but haven't used it tbh | 17:47 |
gilir | IMO, since 2. exist, and people requests a control center, 1. is a No | 17:47 |
phillw | I'd prefer to discount 1. which then leaves the choice of which we are going to use | 17:47 |
phillw | how is pcmanfm control center coming along? | 17:47 |
gilir | phillw, it's already working | 17:47 |
gilir | the only modification to do is to add it to the main menu | 17:48 |
phillw | as we use pcmanfm, maybe that would be the logical choice? | 17:48 |
gilir | phillw, IMO, it's a minimal choice | 17:48 |
subdee | according to this blog, tuquito is pretty light | 17:48 |
gilir | it's just pcmanfm launched with icons :) | 17:48 |
phillw | gilir: we are not going to get much lighter on resources and RAM than that, are we? | 17:49 |
gilir | subdee, tuquido have several advantages : it's dynamic and modular | 17:49 |
gilir | it automaticly hides and shows available applications in an organized way | 17:50 |
gilir | phillw, no, because we use something already running | 17:50 |
gilir | it's just free :) | 17:50 |
gilir | subdee, but the bad points : we need to upload to the Ubuntu repo, to maintain it there, and it problably need more tweaking (like on the theme) | 17:51 |
gilir | I also really like this control-center :) But it needs some work to make it work properly in Lubuntu | 17:52 |
gilir | in short term, we can add pcmanfm as a control-center, and keep a eye on tuquito (maybe work a bit on it if we have time and motivation :)) | 17:53 |
gilir | if we think it's good enough during the cycle, we can put it in later | 17:54 |
gilir | we can do the same for lubuntu-control-center | 17:55 |
gilir | ok, nobody seems against this :) | 17:56 |
phillw | gilir: again, it is something that be re-addressed at 11.10, if pcmanfm control center is working now, I'd go with that for the 11.04 cycle. | 17:56 |
gilir | at least, I will add pcmanfm as a control-center, l-c-c or tuquido are now ready, so we can wait more | 17:57 |
gilir | now ready / not ready | 17:57 |
gilir | phillw, yes, we can discuss this again in the next release, like any part of the seed :) | 17:58 |
phillw | get's my vote :) | 17:58 |
gilir | [ACTION] Add pcmanfm "control-center" to the menu | 17:59 |
meetingology | ACTION: Add pcmanfm "control-center" to the menu | 17:59 |
gilir | ok, now the big one :) | 17:59 |
gilir | [TOPIC] Music player | 18:00 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu to: Music player | ||
meetingology | TOPIC: Music player | 18:00 |
gilir | the problem for this one, is that no proposed candidate is really better than the others | 18:01 |
bioterror | I think we should stick with the audacious? | 18:01 |
phillw | +1 from your last email, gilir | 18:01 |
gilir | bioterror, according to my review, yes | 18:02 |
gilir | [LINK] | 18:02 |
phillw | it will keep rafael off the streets mugging grandmothers if he has to design a new skin :P | 18:02 |
gilir | I was not sure about the better candidate, so I spend some time to evaluate 3 candidate : aqualung (actual) deadbeef and audacious | 18:02 |
gilir | phillw, yes, having the possibility to use "winamp type" skins will be esaier for him I think :) | 18:03 |
bioterror | maybe deadbeef shall see 11.10 | 18:03 |
gilir | bioterror, I don't want to disucuss this topic for each release :) | 18:04 |
bioterror | for me music is everyday thing | 18:04 |
phillw | as Audacious seems better at handling large music libraries, and some of us do have large music libraries, as the RAM and CPU is similar - along with skinning I do think Audacious edges it. | 18:04 |
bioterror | and I bet for many other it is too | 18:04 |
gilir | of course, if there are improvements, we can still review it again | 18:05 |
gilir | bioterror, yes :) | 18:05 |
bioterror | (i've solved my problem with MOC ;) | 18:05 |
phillw | I don't think deadbeef is quite ready yet, although it does show a lot of promise. | 18:06 |
bioterror | should the player be mainted? like in a real repository? not ppa | 18:06 |
gilir | phillw, the package is more or less ready, so I can at least upload it to Ubuntu, so people have the choice | 18:07 |
gilir | bioterror, ^^ | 18:07 |
gilir | also a good point for me, audacious is well maintained by other people :) | 18:09 |
phillw | for the reasons I gave above, I think Audacious does edge it as the lead contender. If it is also well maintained that is another plus for choosing it. | 18:10 |
gilir | I also didn't have objections on my review | 18:11 |
gilir | so, we can consider it as a go :) | 18:11 |
phillw | +1 from me | 18:12 |
gilir | [ACTION] Replace aqualung with audacious and audacious-plugins in lubuntu seed and default applications | 18:12 |
meetingology | ACTION: Replace aqualung with audacious and audacious-plugins in lubuntu seed and default applications | 18:12 |
gilir | ok I finished my items | 18:13 |
bioterror | +1 for audacious, it has almost same interface as deadbeef | 18:13 |
gilir | [TOPIC] 10.04.1 (two bugs) | 18:13 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu to: 10.04.1 (two bugs) | ||
meetingology | TOPIC: 10.04.1 (two bugs) | 18:13 |
gilir | phillw, ^^ :) | 18:13 |
phillw | gilir: I know you've been real busy, but do you have a realistic time scale for 10.10.1 (sorry I got the issue version wrong)? | 18:14 |
gilir | phillw, yes :) | 18:15 |
phillw | gilir: I don't suppose you'd like to share it? :D | 18:15 |
gilir | I would like to test the fix I made for the os-prober issue with the natty alpha 1 | 18:16 |
gilir | if it's good, we can start to work on the 10.10.1 | 18:16 |
gilir | I have in fact 4 bugs that I want to fix in 10.10.1 | 18:16 |
phillw | okies, it's just we were running on "a couple of weeks after UDS-N" | 18:16 |
gilir | phillw, yes, sorry one of the fix was a bit too long | 18:17 |
phillw | sounds like a nice point fix release, then :) | 18:17 |
* gilir is searching the list of bugs | 18:18 | |
phillw | It is only so I can let others know. | 18:18 |
gilir | 1. os-prober issue : | 18:18 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 665530 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "[lubuntu 10.10] grub2 cannot detect Windows 7" [Undecided,In progress] | 18:18 |
phillw | there are two re-occuring ones on the release notes. | 18:19 |
gilir | this one need a test with natty alpha 1 | 18:19 |
gilir | 2. wrong pdf viewer : | 18:20 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 657335 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu Maverick) "Wrong pdf viewer set by default on Lubuntu settings" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 18:20 |
gilir | already fixed in natty | 18:20 |
gilir | 3. support for samba etc ... | 18:21 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 675212 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Maverick) "Add gvfs-backends to lubuntu-desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:21 |
gilir | easy to fix, should be fix shortly in natty | 18:21 |
gilir | 4. lxdm not able to run with encrypted home : | 18:22 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 554583 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "lubuntu cannot start programs if home-folder encryption is active" [Medium,Fix released] | 18:22 |
gilir | this one need an additional fix, but it should be ok on natty shortly also | 18:22 |
phillw | gilir 1 and 3 are the ones that create the most 'chatter' on support. | 18:23 |
gilir | except the os-prober fix, all is ready | 18:23 |
phillw | great :) | 18:23 |
gilir | phillw, yes :-/ but 4 is also critical, because 10.04 works with encryted home | 18:23 |
phillw | quite so, and it will bork someone's system | 18:24 |
gilir | yes :( | 18:24 |
gilir | phillw, do you want to add anything else ? | 18:25 |
phillw | nope, all done. Thanks for the update. | 18:25 |
gilir | [TOPIC] New Wiki Area | 18:25 |
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meetingology | TOPIC: New Wiki Area | 18:25 |
gilir | phillw, ^^ this one is for you also :) | 18:27 |
phillw | As part of the switch over to 'standard' wiki "rules" several of us are in the process of transferring over the support documentation to where it "should" live. We're just awaiting clearance on another page before we do do the mass transfer | 18:27 |
phillw | Auto re-drirects will be set up from the existing area, we are not being idle but really do not want have to this excercise twice :) | 18:28 |
phillw | *to do this* | 18:28 |
phillw | there is also some discussions going on about accessibillity on the format, so things are little confused at the moment. | 18:29 |
gilir | phillw, on which page there is a problem for the tranfer ? | 18:31 |
phillw | gilir: there is no problem, Jared (head_victim) had the 1st page approved, he has now done a 2nd one; we are just awaiting confirmation that the formatting is okay as when we transfer the pages over we have to manually reformat each one. We'd rather only have to do that once :) | 18:33 |
gilir | phillw, ok :) | 18:33 |
gilir | just keep us inform when you do the big move :) | 18:34 |
phillw | gilir: I chose the most picky person to validate them, if they pass him, they will pass any inspection :D | 18:34 |
gilir | great :) | 18:35 |
phillw | gilir: once they're all transferred, we will simply set up auto diverts from the exisiting area, so any one who has bookmarked stuff will be taken straight over to the new area. | 18:35 |
phillw | I know that was a concern, but it can be done. | 18:36 |
gilir | phillw, it's important that it can be done, it's annoying to bookmark a documentation and loose it when the location change | 18:37 |
phillw | I've seen it in action, it works perfectly. | 18:37 |
gilir | I think I also see it on some of my old bookmark on some ubuntu wiki pages :) | 18:38 |
phillw | it is another reason why we are not rushing things. It really is a massive undertaking and we want to get it right first time :) | 18:38 |
gilir | phillw, so only documentation and stuff about developement and coordination for the project will stay on ? | 18:39 |
phillw | yes, the support stuff moves over to the new area, with diverts from the existing area. | 18:41 |
phillw | | 18:41 |
gilir | ok :) | 18:42 |
gilir | phillw, anything to add ? | 18:42 |
phillw | My list of thank you's for this will be a long one :) | 18:42 |
phillw | that's me done :D | 18:42 |
gilir | [TOPIC] Other topics | 18:43 |
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meetingology | TOPIC: Other topics | 18:43 |
phillw | date time of next meeting? | 18:43 |
gilir | anyone have anything to add ? | 18:43 |
gilir | next project meeting is on December, 19 | 18:44 |
phillw | meeting room is free all day, pick a time :D | 18:44 |
gilir | and on December, 10, there is the first Bug day | 18:44 |
gilir | phillw, we just need to set a time for this :) | 18:45 |
phillw | only 16:00-17:00 UTC booked on that day. | 18:45 |
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gilir | phillw, last time we done it on 15 UTC | 18:47 |
gilir | I'll propose it on the mailing list | 18:47 |
phillw | for bug day, or project? Yeah, if you can. then just head over to and get the room booked. (Saves me getting nagged) | 18:48 |
=== Guest27431 is now known as MichealH | ||
gilir | [ACTION] Propose a time for the next project meeting | 18:48 |
meetingology | ACTION: Propose a time for the next project meeting | 18:48 |
gilir | phillw, only the project meeting, bug day will be special :) | 18:49 |
gilir | I don't think there will be a real meeting, just a 24h support and help on the chan for bug reports :) | 18:49 |
phillw | gilir: bug day is lubuntu specific, so holding it on here is okay. But it has been 'hinted' that our project meetings be help on the meeting room :P | 18:50 |
phillw | /help/held | 18:50 |
gilir | phillw, it's ok for next project meeting :) | 18:50 |
gilir | Anything else ? | 18:51 |
phillw | you can book 2 hours if you wish. | 18:51 |
EG_linux | hey lads! :D | 18:51 |
gilir | I hope it will be shorter :) | 18:51 |
phillw | it should be, we've got the apps out of the way :) | 18:52 |
* phillw proposes #endmeeting | 18:52 | |
EG_linux | i've just started to use lubuntu! :) and i wonder, can i access shared network files that i have shared out on my windooze machine? :) | 18:52 |
gilir | #endmeeting | 18:52 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #lubuntu to: The topic for #lubuntu is: There is a meeting in this room on December 1st at 17:00 UTC (|| 10.10 for Lubuntu has been released, please use the torrent at Documentation can be found at | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Wed Dec 1 18:52:48 2010 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 18:52 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 18:52 |
gilir | oops I forget ... | 18:53 |
phillw | EG_linux: yeas you can, it was something that fell off the lubuntu iso, give me one moment. | 18:53 |
gilir | thanks everyone for this meeting :) | 18:53 |
phillw | EG_linux: | 18:54 |
phillw | gilir: thank you for your time, I know you are really busy and it is good of you to take time out and let us all know where the project is heading. | 18:54 |
EG_linux | oh btw. if you want to geek around and have a random shit chatter channel you can visit my channel here on freenode :) if you want. the name is #electricguy. have live stream, speechbot and stuff too :) so you know, just in case you are bored sometime :) | 18:55 |
EG_linux | tnx phillw gonna check that link! :) | 18:55 |
gilir | phillw, it's important to have regular meetings :) | 18:55 |
phillw | it's been a while since the last one :P | 18:55 |
gilir | thanks the bot, the logs / summary /details of teh meeting is already done ! | 18:56 |
phillw | gilir: that's what it is here for :) | 18:57 |
phillw | gilir: AlanBell: is one of those other 'very nice' people :) | 18:57 |
gilir | AlanBell, this bot is just great, thanks a lot :) | 18:58 |
Newk | hi.. since an update of linux kernel i can not start X. it states "no screens found" did more people suffered from this? can i fix this without reinstalling all of Lubuntu again? | 18:58 |
Wiebelhaus | xorg.conf is shot , you can remove it via cli or safe start and reconfig. | 18:59 |
Wiebelhaus | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 18:59 |
Newk | i think i looked there and there was no xorg.conf | 19:00 |
Newk | how to reconfig? | 19:00 |
Wiebelhaus | Choose from grub recovery and you'll have options to reconfigure X | 19:00 |
Newk | failsafeX ? | 19:01 |
Wiebelhaus | yessir | 19:01 |
Newk | i did without succes | 19:01 |
EG_linux | ok, thakns for the little help guys and gals! :) might visit you some other time in the future! see ya all! :) | 19:02 |
EG_linux | thanks* | 19:02 |
Newk | i have to say that i used some nvidia hack that enabled GLX again for my Geforce4 | 19:02 |
Wiebelhaus | Did you use some third party GUI to install nv drivers? | 19:03 |
Newk | i tried reinstalling xorg drivers from aptitude.. it did not seem to help | 19:04 |
Wiebelhaus | If so , Reinstall , There's no telling what happened. | 19:04 |
Newk | i did used some command line procedure to install a hacked driver i think... | 19:05 |
Newk | oh bummer to reinstall all of lubuntu... can anyone confirm that there is now hardware acceleration for legacy (geforce4) nvidia in propriarity drivers? | 19:06 |
Newk | (i think i misspelled that) | 19:07 |
Newk | otherwise i wont install 10.10 but 10.04 again | 19:08 |
phillw | Newk: you'd be better checking on If it has been dropped, stay with 10.04, as the team have promised to support 10.04 beta as if it were an LTS | 19:13 |
Wiebelhaus | Yep , But in any case always use driver jockey to obtain your drivers | 19:13 |
Wiebelhaus | Lubuntu Preferences>Additional Drivers | 19:14 |
Newk | okay thanx Wiebelhaus and phillw !! | 19:14 |
Wiebelhaus | No worries. | 19:14 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: There is a Hug a Bug day, all day on 10th December for lubuntu|| 10.10 for Lubuntu has been released, please use the torrent at Documentation can be found at | ||
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #lubuntu to: 10.10 for Lubuntu has been released, please use the torrent at Documentation can be found at || There is a Hug a Bug day, all day on 10 th December for Lubuntu, bring along your bugs :) | ||
kaemo | | 21:25 |
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