
Makerewhy I get randomly "unable to mount root filesystem" on VM's?06:58
MakereGeneral error mounting filesystems07:04
flaccidwhat VMs are these07:09
flaccidi'm off07:18
LoofQuick question, are there any tools to reset an instance (clear cloud-init locks, hostname, etc) and prep for bundling a 'clean' AMI?07:37
Ashtray777What do you fellows think about CompTIA Linux+07:39
Makerewhat's that? :P08:08
Makereanyways, anyone done ubuntu desktop installation on kvm and bundled into cloud, anything special I need to do?08:09
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Makerestuck on pending ._.12:52
kim0Makere: I just started an Ubuntu AMI and made it Ubuntu desktop. http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/11/show-off-ubuntu-desktop-on-cloud.html13:21
Makereis it possible to increase the partition inside a VM13:31
Makerekim0: I run out of space when trying to install ubuntu-desktop13:41
TeTeTMakere: you want to use a bigger instance type, like c1.medium or somesuch with 10G + \14:09
TeTeTMakere: I guess you're on 10.04? Or 10.10?14:09
Makereso hard to type lol14:10
MakereI'm running bigger instance14:10
Makerebut the filesystem partition is always just over 1.5gigs14:10
TeTeTMakere: he he, so your container should be 10G each, you can check with df -h14:10
TeTeTMakere: can you use resizefs to increase the size? Never done that actually and it is an interesting problem to encounter14:11
Makerecan't because the filesystem is in use14:11
TeTeTMakere: hmm, what if you use -f?14:13
TeTeTMakere: given that you're just testing, aren't you? and an instance is cheap anyway14:13
Makerewell I sorta gave up on14:13
Makereand now running KVM inside an instance14:13
Makeresorry my life is destroyed by could14:15
TeTeTMakere: it still is an interesting problem. Maybe smoser has an idea how to achieve that, to increase the filesystem size of / of the AMI to be big enough for Ubuntu Desktop14:23
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smoserMakere, where are you running this instance ? UEC ?14:26
smoserMakere, i'm guessing you're urunning on UEC, and that you've uploaded one of the ubuntu images.  they've got a 1.4G filesystem by default to fit into the default UEC small of 2G.14:35
smoseryou can resize that up and re-register14:36
smoserdownload tarball, then : uec-publish-tarball --resize 6G downloaed-tar-file.tar.gz my-new-bucket amd6414:36
kim0pretty simple huh :)14:37
TeTeTsmoser: awesome, great to read that uec-publish-tarball has the magic14:39
kim0#start Ubuntu Cloud Q+A gathering15:01
kim0Hi everyone15:01
kim0If you're here to attend this Q+A meeting, please say Hi15:03
kim0hmm .. slow day :)15:05
kim0well .. If anyone has any thoughts or comments that relate to Ubuntu in the cloud .. now is a good time to start a discussion15:06
orangeacmewhat gathering is this?15:12
orangeacmemy main thought is: "Ubuntu is perfect for the cloud" ;-)15:13
kim0orangeacme: hehe15:13
kim0orangeacme: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCloudMeeting15:13
kim0orangeacme: this is a weekly gathering for everyone interested in ubuntu and the cloud15:14
kim0basically to ask questions .. share experiences and connect15:14
kim0orangeacme: so how are you using ubuntu in the cloud15:14
orangeacmea few VMs in ec2. all working great as expected15:16
orangeacmei was going to bring up https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-on-ec2/+bug/67016115:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 670161 in ubuntu-on-ec2 "10GB root partition for EBS boot AMIs on EC2" [Medium,Fix committed]15:17
orangeacmebut it looks like that is underway15:17
kim0orangeacme: Yeah15:17
smoserorangeacme, expecting those probably by end of next week as released15:17
smoserremember, you can use an ami from -daily and if it happens to fit your bill, you just have to know that that ami-id might disappear in the future.15:18
smoserthat will have no ill affects on your instances that yo'uve already launched, just stop you from launching them in the future15:18
orangeacmethis is where i thank everyone for their hard work15:18
* kim0 hugs orangeacme 15:19
kim0smoser is da man :)15:19
kim0smoser so we're standardizing on 8G AMIs ?15:19
smoseryes, per amazon recommendation.15:19
smoserEBS root will be 8G, instance store will be 1015:20
kim0Landscape gets a yummy new look http://blog.landscape.canonical.com/2010/11/30/our-new-look/15:23
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Makeresmoser: oh neat, you can resize it16:05
smoserthe way ec2 and uec work is that you get a root filesystem of whatever size was uploaded.16:06
smoserour images are, by default, 1.4G for UEC consumption, so the "small" size can run there (which has 2G disk allocated)16:07
MakereI thought I'd have to whip out parted and do resizing somehow manually16:07
smoserif you register a larger root disk (ie, using --resize) it will not run in a m1.small16:07
smoserMakere, no, its just much easier than that because it is a raw partition image rather than a disk image.16:07
smoserso you can just truncate the file larger, and then call resize2fs on it16:08
smoser(which is what uec-resize-image does)16:08
Makereneat that there's a command for that16:08
LoofAre there any tools to automatically 'rebundle' Ubuntu AMIs... Specifically, to remove cloud-init locks, ssh keys, etc prior to bundling?18:10
LoofI've looked around, but I've not seen anything to actually purge the system files and make it a 'fresh' image18:11
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smoserLoof, no, there isnt anything.19:44
smoseryou should not have to remove anything for cloud-init, as its locks are instance-ids specific19:45
smoserbut... all the same. we are hoping to have something like that for 11.04, but even then, the suggested rebundle mechanism is to download images from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com and mount loopback and operate on them then register19:45
smoserthat is jsut a cleaner approach19:46
smoserthat leaves less likelyhood of your keys or private data being left in the image19:46
ramanKIs there any plan for PaaS on ubuntu ?19:53
ramanKsomething like jboss on RHEL19:55
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