
jcastrodo you hear that?00:12
jcastrothat's the sound of a DYING WORK ITEM00:12
jonojcastro, jcastro :)00:22
PiciDon't say it three times!00:22
jcastrojono: have you booted into your natty/unity key today?01:09
jonojcastro, I did earlier01:22
jonocompiz kept crashing for me01:22
duanedesignjcastro: how did it work for you?  it == unity01:42
duanedesignit was launching both gnome-panel and unity for me. I edited gconf - /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list and removed panel and it works well now.01:45
duanedesigni went ahead and put it all back after i was done playing around. I figured i would let the devs fix it. Dont want my hacks causing trouble down the road. :)01:48
jcastroduanedesign: update to the lastest02:29
jcastroto like, within the last 2 hours02:29
jcastroit doesn't launch the other crap now behind the unity stuff02:29
jcastroduanedesign: make sure your mirror isn't behind02:29
jcastrojono: same advice02:29
jcastrojono: they redid the autohide to slide into the left side of the screen, quite cool02:30
jonoTechnoviking, ping?02:34
jonojcastro, oh cool will update unity02:34
jonojcastro, I thought it always slid into the left?02:34
jonoit worked for me yesterday02:34
jcastrofor 2 weeks it's been a placeholder animation that rolled up into the logo02:35
jonoodd it worked for me yesterday02:35
jcastroalso, the BFB no launches /usr/share/applications02:35
jcastrooh maybe it landed earlier than when I tried it?02:35
jcastroalso, ask me what BFB means in unity!02:35
jcastroBig Freaking Button, aka, the logo02:35
duanedesignjcastro: thank you sir02:36
jonojcastro, the BFB launches what?02:39
jcastrojono: nautilus in /usr/share/applications02:40
jcastroit's a poor man's app launcher02:40
jcastroit did the same thing early in 10.10 alphas02:40
jcastrojono: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5720/unitya1.png02:41
jcastroah bummer, my first compiz crash02:51
jonojcastro, ahhh cool02:59
jonouseful for now until the app lens lands02:59
dpmgood morning all07:11
* jussi grunts in the direction of the channel07:30
kim0Morning folks08:00
dpmheya kim008:05
kim0dpm: heya :)08:05
kim0dholbach: o/08:14
dholbachgood morning!08:18
dholbachhey kim008:18
dholbachkim0, how cold/warm is it in Cairo now? :)08:19
kim0dholbach: it's ~ 20 Celsius08:20
dholbachkim0, NICE08:20
kim0yeah .. it's perfect weather08:21
kim0loving it08:21
dholbach-10°C, feels like -20,2°C here08:23
dholbachthe canal is frozen now08:23
dholbachI said to to the Berliners already: tomorrow I could iceskate to work :-P08:24
kim0well at least that's good :)08:24
dpmhey dholbach, don't break a leg!08:38
dholbachI'll try not to :)08:39
dholbachhey dpm :)08:39
duanedesigngood morning09:14
duanedesignhey there jussi09:31
jussidholbach: around?09:43
dholbachjussi, yes, but heading out for a few mins - just let me know how I can help and I'll get back to you09:43
* popey tickles dholbach whilst he's out10:13
dholbachI'm back again :)10:13
czajkowskiPeeka booo10:33
* popey jumps out of his skin10:52
czajkowskipopey: how's the kids? enjoying the snow ?10:56
popeythey haven't been out in it11:20
popeywell, sam might have yesterday at his nannys (my mum) but I think they stayed indoors and made cakes11:20
popeyhe loves cooking11:20
popey(just like his dad11:20
czajkowskiaww nice11:22
czajkowskihas therealpopey started the new positon ?11:22
popeynot yet, but she's going in for some induction or something11:23
czajkowskigood stuff11:23
czajkowskishe all excited or nervous11:23
popeyvery excidted11:23
popeythis means that she'll be making packed lunches for her so I'll probably get them11:23
popeyalthough thinking about it, I'll probably end up making them11:23
czajkowskithat's really good news!11:24
popey(she doesn't make very good (i.e. full) sandwiches - I make awesome ones)11:24
popeyyeah, saves a bit of money on lunch too11:24
czajkowskiI got a chicken tika slice at station this morning for lunch 1.50 soo damn tasty11:25
czajkowskigave up wating for lunch was starving11:25
czajkowskireally need to eat a breakie in the morning11:25
popey\o/ marmite on toast11:26
popeybreakfast of kings11:26
czajkowskimarmite is evil11:26
dakerkim0, what should i put on the menu "Screencasts" or "Tutorials" ?11:45
AlanBellmarmite > maple syrup on bacon11:49
dholbachI can't find the quote right now, but there was some US senator who once said "if immigration was about culinary aspects, I'd probably let everybody in but not the English" :-P11:52
kim0daker: I think Screencasts .. coz that's what they are11:53
dakerkim0, ok11:53
popey\o/ excellent11:53
duanedesign<.< >.>11:54
dakerkim0, want pictures ? http://imgur.com/OfD0P.png12:04
dakerkim0, http://imgur.com/Np2Od.png12:04
kim0daker: hmm looks yummy :)12:04
kim0daker: Awesome work man12:04
kim0daker: that's pure django right12:05
dakerpure pure12:05
dholbachduanedesign, you rock!13:03
czajkowskidholbach: whenn is your next video cast?13:03
dholbachnext week13:03
nhandlerGah, looks like we'll probably have another flop and have to cancel that LoCo Day. Too bad :(13:04
duanedesigndholbach: uh oh, what did i do? :)13:06
czajkowskinhandler: sorry dude13:06
dholbachduanedesign, you offered to do a screencast about signing the CoC13:06
dholbachand more generally: you rock :)13:07
czajkowskiduanedesign: oh nice idea13:07
duanedesignyeah. Someone with an accesebility issue had a real tough time yesterday signing the CoC13:10
duanedesigni think the screencst would help with some of those issues.13:11
czajkowskiduanedesign: when you get that done can you give me a shout please13:17
duanedesignczajkowski: absolutely13:19
czajkowskiduanedesign: thank you13:25
dholbachkim0, ubuntucloud has 1313 tweets?13:27
dholbachholy cow13:27
dinda /join #quickly13:37
* dinda hates it when I make public mistakes, argh13:37
* dholbach hugs dinda13:37
* czajkowski hugs dinda 13:39
czajkowskidinda: if that';s the worst mistake you make, trust me you're fine!13:40
czajkowskicould be a lot worse!13:40
dindathanks czajkowski - I haven't had my first sip of coffee yet, that's my excuse13:40
dindathere should be a rule against IRC-ing b4 proper caffeine13:41
JanCit's worse if you do that with commands that include passwords  ;)13:41
PiciHrm.  Looks like the rss link on planet.ubuntu.com is typoed.  Should I file a bug in ubuntu-website, or is there a better place to mention it?13:41
dindaPici: file a bug so it can be tracked easily13:42
duanedesignpopey: ping13:43
popeyduanedesign: pong13:45
duanedesigngood day popey. I was working on upgrading the screencast site and i had a couple questions i wanted to see if you cpou;d help with?13:46
jussiyou know something funny :D "Nätti" in Finnish means "pretty" ... so you could almost say that natty should be pretty :)13:51
kim0dholbach: how do I see that13:55
dholbachkim0, twitter.com/ubuntucloud13:56
kim0dholbach: is 1313 good or bad :)13:56
kim0bad omen squared :)13:57
dholbachmuch, not good or bad :)13:57
kim0hehe, that account existed before me btw13:57
dholbachstill you're tweeting like a madman :)13:59
paultagjussi, hiyya :)15:03
paultagjussi, you're looking quite Natti today15:03
jonohey all15:47
dholbachhey jono15:48
jonohey dholbach15:49
kim0howdy o/15:49
jcastro10 minutes?15:50
dholbachjcastro, yep, and I think we should all boycott skype this time (hello Jono!) :-P15:54
kim0but feeling dirty is good sometimes15:54
dholbachwhat is this channel coming down to...?15:55
dholbachdpm, jono, kim0, jcastro: ready? :)16:01
jcastroI am ready!16:01
jcastroI am always ready!16:01
jonoone sec, seeing if I can make mumble work better16:01
jonolol, won't even run now and crashes mutter16:02
jonosorry dholbach16:02
jonoskype it is16:02
jonokim0, jcastro, dholbach, dpm let's roll16:02
jcastrocan you guys hear me?16:04
jcastroone sec16:04
dholbachjcastro, muted your mic?16:04
jcastroone sec16:05
czajkowskirobbiew is a brilliant chair of meetings, like his idea of a lightning round. people give what seems to be a one liner on what they've done16:09
dholbachalright my friends - I'm calling it a day16:28
dholbachhave a great rest of your day16:28
dholbachand I'll walk back home through the biting cold - see you!16:28
czajkowskidholbach: toodles16:29
paultagSo, I'm thinking of doing a new blog series where I debunk Ubuntu myths16:30
paultaganyone have some popular misconceptions?16:30
dholbach"Is it true that Jono and Jorge have been arguing about which Metallica album has been the best for 3 hours?"16:31
czajkowskiyou';re not grumpy at all16:31
dholbach... oh wait16:31
paultagdholbach, :)16:31
dholbachsee you :)16:32
paultagdholbach, Tscuss :)16:32
* dholbach hugs you all16:32
jonopaultag, sounds like a great series :)16:34
paultagjono, I stopped going to reddit because they had this twisted view of what was going on. I'll let you know if any of the posts turn out worthwhile :)16:35
paultagI'm just asking fluxboxers why they hate Ubuntu, I'll get a few pages of dirt to go through16:35
jonothanks paultag16:39
jonoa few myths could include:16:39
jono * Ubuntu has ditched GNOME16:40
jono * You have to be a programmer to participate in Ubuntu16:40
paultagjono, great, thanks :)16:40
jono * The Ubuntu/Debian relationship is tense16:40
paultagjono, I have Ubuntu / Canonical in there right now as well ( @ubuntu == @canonical )16:41
paultagjono, as well as "n00buntu"16:41
paultagjono, if you have anything you'd like me to include ( already added the 3 above ), let me know16:42
jonothanks, pal! :)16:42
jonopaultag, and keep up the great work, you are rocking :-)16:42
paultagjono, cheers, thanks :)16:43
czajkowskipaultag: you shown jono locolint?16:43
JanCpaultag: popular myth: "Ubuntu is only for noobs and not for serious linux users"  ;)16:43
paultagczajkowski, nope. It's still a bit buggy :)16:43
paultagJanC, Yes! :)16:43
jonoJanC, oooh good one16:44
jcastropaultag: I love myths!16:45
paultagjcastro, I could so photoshop you as adam and jono as jamie16:46
czajkowskipaultag: aww you should16:46
jonopaultag, haha16:46
jonowould be awesome16:46
jonoand disturbing16:46
jcastroI heard someone call Unity "lock in" the other day because other distros don't have it16:46
jonowhich is always the best16:46
jonoman, this wikileaks shit is bonkers16:47
paultagjcastro, rock on, good to review f/oss every once in a while16:47
nisshhoh man, the weather here is at that screwed up point right before summer, where the days are 35C or more and the nights a darn cold :|16:51
JanCjcastro: I don't know about public Unity releases, but in some cases we could do better with making stuff available to other distros though (I'm thinking about the murrine window decoration engine for example, which wasn't properly released for a long time, and Ubuntu used an VCS checkout)16:53
jcastroall the ayatana bits come out as tarballs16:54
nisshhjono, you dont strike me as someone who would read wikileaks :)16:54
jcastrothe murrine thing, poke Cimi I guess to do it right?16:54
JanCjcastro: there was a release not long ago, but it was a long time before that, and lots of peopel complained about the "secret changes" needed to use themes designed on/for ubuntu in other distros16:55
nisshhpaultag, oh, i have one "you need to know how to use the terminal in order to use Ubuntu"16:57
dakerkim0, http://i.imgur.com/UgxxL.png16:58
paultagnisshh, mmmhum! cheers!16:58
jononisshh, I don't read wikileaks, just facinated by the story16:58
jonoand now interpol have an arrest warrent out for assange16:58
nisshhjono, ah, ok16:58
duanedesignjono: oh yeah i just heard that16:58
nisshhpaultag, although that one is more of a generic linux myth i guess :)16:58
paultagnisshh, :)16:59
JanCit's still a good one to debunk17:05
duanedesignyeah i am suprised at how many people I hear say that. 'Oh Linux has a GUI now?'17:12
Technovikingjono: belated pong17:12
jonoTechnoviking, ahhh I am good, unping17:13
jonojcastro, try unity.ubuntu.com now17:13
jonoyou should have full access17:13
Technovikingsorry was in Oracle hell the last week days17:13
jcastrojono: ALRIGHT!17:22
jcastroI am in!17:22
vishJanC: there are no secret changes for themes, if someone knows how to write a theme they can just check out the xml and figure it out.. only when they dont know they spread such rumours just because the theme dint work in their application ;)17:28
vishJanC: if they are starting to learn to write themes, then murrine is bad :)17:29
JanCvish: no, the themes didn't work with the last reelased version of murrine17:29
JanConly with the version packaged in Ubuntu or when you compiled it yourself from git17:30
JanCthere was a release of murrine in late September though17:30
vishJanC: yea, changes were made and the new options are mentioned in the light-themes..  where murrine is bad is, its poorly documented.. but thats the way it has always been, :)17:30
vishCimi was lazy even before he worked for Canonical ;p17:30
JanCso it's not an issue anymore17:30
JanCwell, he should release at least once every 6 months17:31
jonojcastro, :)17:32
vishJanC: if someone is having trouble with murrine , ask them to have a look at : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Murrine  … its not complete, but folks are trying to fill it there..17:32
jcastrojono: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/67325717:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 673257 in unity (Ubuntu) "Please consider renaming the Unity desktop to avoid naming conflict with Unity Linux (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Triaged]17:37
jcastrojono: I found a spot on the about page to put that link17:37
jcastrowhat do you recommend as text?17:37
jcastrosomething like "this is about unity the desktop, for information about Unity Linux go here"17:38
jcastrobut something that sounds better17:38
vishi wonder who came up with the name 'Unity'  ;)17:40
vishthat bug is odd!! bug was filed on 2010-11-10  but the first comment is on 2010-11-09 !!!17:43
PiciIts one of the connecting modules on the ISS.17:43
vishPici: nah, was wondering who named ours as 'Unity'17:45
jcastrocjohnston: thanks for all the unity bug reports, they were very useful17:53
jcastroI've now fixed them all except one17:53
jcastrosense: ok so they started filing bitesize unity bugs18:34
sensejcastro: Good!18:34
jcastroif you want to do one as an example that would be <318:35
sensejcastro: I would love to, but until next week I am not available at all.18:35
jcastrono rush18:35
senseok :)18:35
jcastroI suspect this list won't be too awesome for another week18:35
senseyeah, it needs to grow a bit18:35
senseI'll keep an eye on it.18:35
sensejcastro: We weren't accepting paper cuts for Unity, right?18:35
senseOr are we?18:35
jcastroI am not sure, I assume so?18:36
senseI was wondering how much of this can be added to the One Hundred Paper Cuts project.18:36
jcastrowell, papercuts are bitesize18:36
senseUnity wasn't our main focus, but we don't have a policy of rejecting Unity-related cuts.18:36
jcastroso yeah, why not?18:36
senseMight be a nice way to inflate our paper cut statistics! :P18:37
senseI'll see how much of those bugs will qualify as a paper cut.18:37
sensejcastro: When will quicklists come back to Unity?18:38
senseI think I might give adding quicklists to Transmission a try. Would be a nice showcase.18:38
jcastrosense: do an update. :)18:38
jcastrothe tomboy ones are working for me18:38
senseGwibber is not.18:39
jcastrosense: you don't need to add them to transmission, the menu from the appindicator just becomes the quicklist18:39
senseTomboy is working.18:39
sensejcastro: Then I can take a look at the menu to see if it is looking fine, and maybe extend it a bit.18:40
senseGotiens: http://wiki.ubuntu-nl.org/community/Meetings/Meeting20101210 Ik heb vier punten toegevoegd aan de agenda.20:06
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
czajkowskijono: ready when you are21:59
jonoczajkowski, wrapping a call21:59
czajkowskilovely jubbly21:59
czajkowskijust buzz when ready my dear21:59
jonowill do :)21:59
JFooh sorry22:00
JFohe wasn't ready22:00
czajkowskiJFo: ello, you all better?22:01
JFoyes and no22:01
JFoit seems I am getting a cold now22:01
JFobut much much better than I was22:02
czajkowskiI read that as getting old22:02
czajkowskibut getting a cold is far worse22:02
JFoand the cold is due to my heat being broken22:02
JFothat too22:02
czajkowskiwhats up with the heating...22:02
czajkowskiI could hug Charlie from IS, he makes things sooo flipping simple!22:03
JFofan motor decided it didn't need those bearings after all22:03
JFovery old system22:03
JFoso the part has to be ordered22:03
JFoand once it gets here I'll be all set22:03
JFothis house is well insulated22:03
jcastrofan for what?22:04
JFoit was freezing in here yesterday and it was steaming outside22:04
JFojcastro, fan for my heater22:04
JFoI was worried at the sound it was making22:05
JFoit is a gas system after all22:05
jcastro. o O (Glad I rent )22:05
JFoso do I :-D22:05
JFooh landlord!22:05
JFobut I have put that on my list of items to consider when considering the purchase of this house22:06
macowell now itll be fixed *before* you buy :D22:07
JFothe fan will, but the old system will still be there :-/22:07
JFoso that would be about $2K to replace if I buy22:07
jcastroI am getting antsy and want a house22:08
JFoon an unrelated note... have I mentioned lately how much I looooove cron?22:08
jcastroso I can do cool projects22:08
JFoyou will et over that jcastro :)22:08
JFoI remember when I used to want to do cool projects on my house22:09
JFoI miss owning my home22:09
JFoalmost said "owning my hope" made me lol22:09
jcastroLike for example, I got a boxee, and like, this place has no ethernet wiring22:10
jcastroif I had my own place I could have rocking drops in every room, etc.22:10
JFoyeah, I really was looking forward to rewiring my house for network22:10
JFomy friend has the best setup22:11
JFohe bought a huge roll of this bundled wire22:11
JFohas 4 ethernet 2 phone and 2 fiber22:11
JFoin a big wire22:11
jcastroah, they call that something22:11
JFohe did drops to all his rooms, even the bathrooms22:11
jcastroah dude22:12
jcastrosiamese cable22:12
jcastroI was looking at that22:13
JFooh, tv coax was the other22:13
jcastro4 drops, but that's one honking cable22:13
JFoyea, his was huge22:13
vishyay fun times in -testing :D22:13
JFoluckily he put the stuff in while they were building his house22:13
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
jcastrohey paultag23:22
jcastromyth #3: Ohio is a great place to live23:22
paultagyo j23:22
paultagerm, jcastro23:22
paultagjcastro, OSU Michigan what?23:22
jcastrodude I went to MSU, we won this weekend23:23
jcastronormally I cheer for OSU during that game, but I needed UM to show up if we had any chance at a Rose Bowl23:23
jcastroand as always U-M didn't fail to deliver failure.23:23
paultagjcastro, as usual, in the "great" "state" of Michigan23:24
paultagjcastro, dude, zach@debian commented on my blog23:25
paultagjcastro, that was pretty awesome23:25
paultagjcastro, I did the first post in the myths series ( and just wrote up #2 ) -- http://twitter.com/#!/paultag/status/1011353174776217623:31
jcastroI saw23:34
jcastrogood job23:34
paultagI feel like it came off a bit anti-canonical23:43
paultagwhich I did not intend23:43
pleia2paultag: fwiw, it didn't sound anti-canonical to me23:47
paultagpleia2, thanks :)23:47
paultagpleia2, How are you?23:47
pleia2I have a cold :(23:52
paultagshucks, bbl. work time23:52
paultagpleia2, oh no :(23:52
paultagpleia2, get better!23:52
pleia2thanks :)23:52
paultagpleia2, be back in 3 hours or so23:52

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