
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
hernejjHello :) I'm testing Natty daily build 20101130 and I'm not seeing any panels/Unity.01:07
hernejjThis bug #683403 appears to address this problem, but comment 1 states it is "not as a bug report."01:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 683403 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "natty 20101130.1 without panel (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68340301:08
hernejjCan anyone shed any light on this situation?01:08
charlie-tcaAre you on hardware or VM01:08
RAOFAnd do you actually have 3D working in VirtualBox?01:10
charlie-tcathe fallback is not in the alpha1 images. It won't happen until alpha2. If you choose classic desktop session at login, it will give you panels.01:10
charlie-tcaIt just doesn't happen automatically01:10
hernejjI know I enabled 3d acceleration in my VM options, but I've not done anything else to configure it.01:10
RAOFYou also need support in the guest; the (pastebinned) output of glxinfo would be instructive01:11
hernejjSo the problem is that I apparently do not have proper 3d acceleration therefore Unity is failing to start. ?01:11
RAOFCurrently, the failure mode of unity is a blank desktop.01:12
hernejjI see.  I'll use classic mode to install guest additions and then try again.  Thank you both for the helpful information:) Happy bug hunting!01:13
RAOFFun fact: gnome-do loads successfully in the Unity fallback mode, meaning you can still have a useful launcher :)01:17
kenvandinerobert_ancell, DUDE!  You ARE my hero!01:55
kenvandinejust got a new wifi all-in-one printer... i launched simple-scan and it just worked!01:55
kenvandineno config at all!01:55
robert_ancellkenvandine, ?01:56
robert_ancelloh simple-scan - you're welcome!01:56
kenvandinehalf of the manual is dedicated to how to make the scanner work from windows :)01:56
TheMusokenvandine: That makes it all the sweeter. :)02:11
kenvandinesetting up the printer was pretty damn simple...02:11
kenvandinebut simple-scan was even better02:11
kenvandineit just worked :)02:11
TheMusoHrm launchpad being down may be a good sign that I shoudl have a break. Back soon02:21
pittiGood morning05:59
pittibryceh: ah, thanks for the heads-up06:00
robert_ancellpitti, hey, could you let yelp-xsl (gnome-doc-utils replacement) and lightdm (...) out of the NEW queue?06:07
pittirobert_ancell: will do in a minute06:10
robert_ancellpitti, cheers06:10
bilalakhtarrobert_ancell: Why valac-0.10 for shotwell? Why not 0.12?06:19
robert_ancellbilalakhtar, it doesn't compile with 0.12 and the patch would be non-trivial.  I believe they want to stick with 0.10 for now so they can backport to lucid06:20
bilalakhtarrobert_ancell: okay06:20
robert_ancell(a lot of GTK common symbols changed name)06:20
robert_ancellcommon GTK06:20
pittirobert_ancell: thanks for fixing the shotwell crash!06:43
pittiargh compiz pain06:48
robert_ancellpitti, you felt it from there (my compiz just crashed)06:52
robert_ancellbye all06:59
pittirobert_ancell: good night!06:59
pittirobert_ancell: that was a short night!06:59
brycehpitti, yeah in fact I think that bug just "inherited" its natty nomination because it had a maverick nomination07:25
brycehI'm not certain anyone actually tested it on natty and took an action to target it to natty07:26
brycehstill, worth getting it cleaned up07:26
pittiif it was fixed by a kernel point release, it sohld also be in .3707:27
brycehtheoretically, yeah07:27
brycehpitti, btw at the eastern meeting we ended up talking a bit about http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg07:28
brycehpitti, particularly around the workflow of focusing on bugs that are tagged $release07:28
brycehpitti, I know ubuntu-bug adds 'natty' tags for xorg (thanks!) but I wanted to ask if apport-collect does this as well, and if not, whether it should?07:29
pittiubuntu-bug adds natty tags for any bug report07:30
pittiI'm not that sure about collect, as people might run it on different releases07:30
pittimy gut feeling is that we only want to know for the original reporter07:30
brycehyeah I was gonna suggest the same07:30
pittibut of course if the bug doesn't have a release tag at all (i. e. was reported without apport) it might07:30
brycehI think as long as it's limited to the original reporter, it does make sense to add the tags for other releases07:31
brycehthere's no problem (from my perspective) for a bug to be tagged for multiple releases07:31
brycehin fact it might come to be a good way to mechanically measure how long the bug has been a problem or something07:31
pittithe retracer gets confused by this, but usually it shold get to the initial report quickly07:31
didrocksgood morning07:33
pittihey didrocks07:34
didrockshey pitti, how are you?07:34
pittimuch better than my current natty desktop, anyway :)07:34
didrockspitti: oh?07:34
pittibit tired (still getting used to getting up early), but fine07:34
pittididrocks: compiz and panel applet/indicator crash-o-rama07:34
pittiI just switched to metacity, to be able to start mumble07:35
didrocksit's just for that week that you get up early, isn't it?07:35
didrocksis it unity or compiz crashing?07:35
pittididrocks: get up> yes07:36
pittididrocks: compiz; it also crashes with classic07:36
didrocksok, did you post some stactrace?07:36
didrockspitti: there is a fix in trunk for OOo, not sure if it can help you07:36
jasoncwarnerdidrocks: did you do the fix for OOo?07:37
pittididrocks: the crash dump is 55 MB07:37
didrockspitti: I just didn't take it because I have to take a lot of others things in trunk for the patch to apply07:37
didrocksjasoncwarner: ^^07:37
pittididrocks: so I didn't upload it yet, as it would make my internet link unusable for about an hour07:37
didrockspitti: ok :)07:37
pittididrocks: I can upload it over lunch07:37
pittididrocks: but I guess it's already reported; it crashes like 10 times a day07:37
didrocksfrom my experience, "make dist" in compiz trunk is alwas fun :)07:37
didrockspitti: well, I have rarely one to 2 crash a day here…07:38
didrockseven on mumble07:38
didrocksseems to be a race issue07:38
pitti"apport-crash natty" -> plenty :)07:40
didrockspitti: hum? I think I don't know how to use advanced search in launchpad then :)07:55
didrocks(I'm looking on compiz)07:55
didrocksand looking at the tags07:56
pittididrocks: well, "3", but bug 677906  has some dupes07:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 677906 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in GLTexture::bindPixmapToTexture() (affects: 8) (dups: 4) (heat: 42)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67790607:57
didrockspitti: I think this one is the OOo one which is fixed in trunk07:58
didrocksbut as said, I'm not confident breaking everything for alpha1 :)07:58
didrocksoh no, it's not07:59
didrocksit's an old one07:59
didrockswell, it should be invalid, not sure why david set it07:59
didrocksthe eventloop is totally different in natty07:59
pittijasoncwarner: hang on, push-to-talk button broken; fixing08:00
didrockspitti: do you have an handy link to the Release note?08:05
didrocksI'll document the "no panel" cases08:05
pittididrocks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview08:06
pittididrocks: merci08:07
didrockspitti: thanks :)08:07
didrocksok, should be descriptive enough08:14
pittididrocks: thanks!08:30
pittimvo: good morning!08:31
pittimvo: can we make another attempt at defer, or do you want me to do that?08:31
didrockspitti: Bitte Schön (got it correctly this time? :))08:31
pittididrocks: de rien :) (was correct, except for the capitalization)08:32
didrocksargh! ;)08:32
* didrocks will add a tomboy note "how to answer to pitti" :)08:32
mvopitti: sure, I can do it in a bit, I had hoped that glatzor would comment, but I guess its not a big deal08:34
* pitti tries to hammer gir-repository to build again08:35
didrocksit's reluctant it seems :)08:35
pittiseems that seb128 threw out the dbus bindings, but they are still needed08:38
pittihey rodrigo_09:05
rodrigo_hi pitti09:05
mvopitti: I pushed a updated debian/copyright to https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/python-defer/ubuntu-natty but I can not commit a COPYRIGHT.MIT (or similar) to trunk, what do you think how this should be handled?09:05
pittimvo: the MIT/BSD license is already fully included in the source code headers09:07
pittiso a separate copy isn't needed09:07
mvopitti: ok, then I think its ready for re-uploading09:11
* pitti hugs mvo09:11
* mvo hugs pitti09:13
pittimvo: btw, did you hear about the python/gnome hackfest? http://live.gnome.org/Hackfests/Python201109:22
pittimvo: is that something you'd be interested in?09:22
pittiI'd really like to go09:22
mvopitti: let me have a look09:23
mvois it known that a upgrade with non 3d (kvm) gives you desktop with nothing (no panel, no nothing) after the upgrade to natty?09:23
pittijasoncwarner: ^ I'll reply to Barry's email about the python hackfest; I just got pinged by one of the initiators, they'd like me to join09:25
mvobug #683531 - pretty unusable09:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 683531 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "panel not there after maverick -> natty upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68353109:26
mvopitti: hm, server is not responding, odd09:27
didrocksmvo: look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview09:27
didrocksno 3D or "none effect" selected?09:28
didrockshey seb12809:28
pittimvo: hm, indeed, dropped out for me as well09:28
seb128sorry I'm a bit late this week09:28
seb128having a start of a cold so I overslept a bit09:28
pittihey seb12809:28
mvodidrocks: aha, ok. well, default09:28
pittioh, hope you feel better soon!09:29
seb128thanks ;-)09:29
pittimvo: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/hackfest.html09:29
pitti^ temporary copy09:29
seb128it's already a bit better after some extra hours in bed09:29
didrockstare care seb128 :)09:29
seb128just my head hurting a bit now09:29
mvodidrocks: hmmmm, could we at least show a zenity dialog?09:30
mvoseb128: oh? cold?09:30
seb128mvo, not sure, feeling a bit dizy and head hurting a bit09:30
mvoget well seb12809:30
seb128pitti, why do you have that copied on your people site?09:31
didrocksmvo: we discussed that with seb128 and was thinking it's good enough for alpha1…09:31
seb128mvo, thanks ;-)09:31
didrocksbut seems that a lot of people is starting whinning about it :)09:32
mvowell, I disagree with that, a lot of people will try it in a VM09:32
mvobut *shrug*, not my call09:32
seb128what is the issue?09:32
didrocksseb128: the fact the gnome-panel isn't started if you are in metacity09:32
mvoupgrading/running without 3d09:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 683531 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "panel not there after maverick -> natty upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New]09:33
pittiseb128: server currently doesn't respond09:33
pittimvo, seb128: ah, seems it's back up now09:33
seb128pitti, oh ok, you are thinking to go there?09:33
didrocksmvo: the thing is that it will be hackish and tricky… and you can have the ubuntu classic session09:33
pittiseb128: I'd love to09:33
pittiseb128: just sent out the reply and request09:33
didrocksmvo: a workaround for alpha1 that we will remove later isn't maybe the best call, that was the conclusion09:33
seb128pitti, it's a short trip for you :-)09:34
seb128didrocks, mvo: is the concern that there is no way to logout to start a GNOME session in the 2d case?09:35
mvoyes, no way to logout plus no indication what is going on09:36
didrocksseb128: from people bug's report, there are surprized about having an "empty desktop"09:36
seb128well it's only a1...09:37
seb128you can click on the ubiquity icon on the desktop to install09:37
seb128starting the installed system will give you gdm where you can pick the classic session if you do vm testing09:38
seb128it's a bit annoying but people trying an alpha1 should be able to deal with that?09:38
mvolike I said, its not the end of the world, but I expected that we can do better. we launch compiz, right? and if that does not run then there is no way to use unity? so why not hook into that, we did that before09:39
didrocksmvo: read https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2010-November/002689.html09:40
didrocksand for alpha2, we will have a new gnome-session backport with a different mecanism09:41
seb128mvo, well the issue was raised last week for comments on the list but nobody came with a suggestion...09:41
seb128mvo, I agree it's suboptimal but it's not an easy issue09:41
seb128mvo, part of it is that fallbacking from unity to compiz is still using compiz but in different modes09:42
seb128mvo, well, fallbacking to another wm is one thing, starting other components is another one...09:42
seb128I guess we could display a "3d not supported, you need to logout"09:44
seb128with a "logout" button on the dialog09:44
mvoI'm not asking for fallback and coolness, just a zenity dialog in gnome-wm if launching compiz fails and we are in ubuntu-desktop session. is that really more than "if [ "$GDMSESSION" = "unity" ] -a [ "$WINDOW_MANAGER" = "/usr/bin/comiz" ]; then zenity --info "fail"09:46
mvo(well, fail should probably have a little bit more text ;)09:47
mvoI can hammer out a dirty proof of concept patch, I think the 30min it takes to write it is well spend, even if we throw it away later09:47
didrocksseb128: we can run gnome-panel in that case…09:47
mvoor that :)09:47
didrocksthat was part of my proposal, but doing that for removing it later…09:48
seb128mvo, that doesn't solve the case where unity doesn't work but compiz can be used09:48
mvothat is added sugar, i will be happy with just a dialog09:48
didrocksand doesn't solve last case, right09:48
mvoright, its not 100% solution, just 80%09:48
mvohow often is it that compiz works and unity dosn't? it seems the majority of people will just have no 3d at all (vm, nvidia)09:48
seb128do we still use gnome-wm?09:49
mvo(at least that is the assumption I have)09:49
didrocksmvo: gnomewm isn't called if people choose "none effect"09:49
didrocksmvo: it's directly metacity09:49
seb128we don't care about much about corner cases09:49
seb128let's just make starting the iso in a vm work09:49
mvodidrocks: hmmmmm09:49
seb128didrocks, do we still use gnome-wm by default?09:50
seb128I though you wanted to change that?09:50
didrocksseb128: yes, by default09:50
seb128mvo, go for your cheap hack ;-)09:50
didrocksthat's why I proposed the cheap hack yesterday :)09:50
mvowhat is the gdmsession name for it?09:50
didrocksmvo: gnome09:50
mvoha! my hack is even more cheap than yours ,)09:50
didrocksjust the dialog?09:51
didrocksor gnome-panel?09:51
seb128didrocks, I didn't understand that yesterday09:51
didrocksseb128: oh sorry then :)09:51
pittiargh, gir-repository is a mess09:51
seb128didrocks, I though your fallback was not as trivial as adding 2 lines to gnome-wm09:51
didrocksso, we won't handle upgrade… just new install with no 3D09:51
pittiI threw three patches at it, each of which just uncovers the next build failure09:51
seb128didrocks, I though you would be hacking sessions or compiz09:51
didrocksseb128: well, we will have to remove that then… but just keep that in mind09:51
mvozenity  --info --text "sorry, no 3d, your computer sucks, thnxbye"09:52
seb128pitti, stop wasting time on that09:52
seb128pitti, we should remove the source09:52
seb128pitti, I just didn't have time to rebuild all the things build-depending on it yet09:52
didrocksmvo: do you want to do it? I can do it if needed09:52
seb128pitti, we have nothing in the archive which needs it09:52
pittiseb128: ok, I'll rather do that then09:52
mvodidrocks: lets make a deal, i give you what I have and you make it work :) its probably jsut a couple of minutes, especially if you have the test env09:52
seb128pitti, all the gir it builds are unused09:53
didrocksmvo: tell them to switch to the gnome-classic session09:53
didrocksmvo: ok :)09:53
seb128pitti, there is only some source coming from debian which build-depends on gir-repository-dev because debian didn't build the gir from gtk itself etc09:53
seb128pitti, we just need to update those build-depends in ubuntu09:53
seb128pitti, I started last week and got half of main done09:53
pittiseb128: ok; sorry that I wasted an hour on this09:53
mvothanks seb128 and didrocks!09:54
seb128mvo, didrocks: thanks ;-)09:54
* seb128 hugs didrocks mvo pitti09:54
* didrocks hugs mvo seb128 pitti :)09:54
mvodidrocks: if you make it work by calling gnome panel or something crarzy, fine wiht me too09:54
* mvo hugs the gang didrocks pitti seb12809:54
didrocksmvo: let's call gnome-panel as well and tell "hum, you should change your session as well" :)09:55
seb128pitti, sorry I should have commented on the bug saying that09:55
pittino problem09:55
ftapitti, hi. everywhere i have calibre/natty, i see bug 669430, do you?09:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 669430 in apt-xapian-index (Ubuntu) "update-apt-xapian-index crashes with "InvalidArgumentError: Term too long (> 245): XSlibdevel" (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66943009:55
didrocks(a second, on a call)09:55
pittifta: I haven't noticed that yet; let me run it manually09:56
mvodidrocks: cool, I msged you the quick hack I did in between the irc chat10:00
njpatelmvo, update-apt-xapi takes 10minutes everyday at 100% cpu10:01
pittiseb128: I added tasks for the remaining rdepends10:02
seb128pitti, ok10:02
mvonjpatel: hm, that used to be a weekly job :/10:03
mvonjpatel: what machine are you using? slow/fast? netbook?10:04
njpatelmvo, natty, with 2.4ghz Intel core 2, 4gb ram, Intel SSD10:04
ftait's not particularly fast on a brand new quad core either10:04
mvonjpatel, fta: hm, not fast, but 10min seems excessive on my (similar speced) system its more like 1min10:05
mvonjpatel: are you using the latest apt in natty? we had a slow version in for a couple of days10:06
mvotime (on ssd): real0m56.247s10:06
mvo 10:06
mvo(for my system)10:06
njpatelmvo, not sure, let me update and then I'll let you know if it still happens tomorrow :)10:07
njpatelmvo, thanks10:07
mvonjpatel: ok, hunt me down if the latest apt does not fix it10:08
mvoeh, remind me gently I mean10:08
njpatelno, hunt you down!10:09
seb128pitti, I've assigned some of the tasks for this gir bugs, I will clean some of the others today10:10
pittiseb128: I'm also doing a few of them right now10:11
seb128pitti, ok, I will let you do those you want to do10:11
seb128pitti, I got blocked for a few last week due to build issues with the new vala gir stacks10:12
seb128pitti, I will pick later remaining ones if you let some ;-)10:12
pittihm, seems gir stuff is quite broken in current sid :(10:14
seb128pitti, the gir version is 0.6 there10:18
seb128which is ages old for gir10:18
pittiI'll just fix it in Ubuntu for now10:19
njpatelerm, should installing software-centre hang apt?10:19
seb128they don't build the gir from sources as well10:19
njpatel18214 root      20   0  268m  84m  11m R  101  2.2   2:52.34 update-software10:19
seb128so they still need to use gir-repository-dev10:19
seb128pitti, you can get fixes in experimental I guess10:19
njpateloh, wait, it works!10:19
seb128pitti, the gir stack is mostly uptodate there10:19
seb128there = experimental10:20
pittiseb128: so for libgdata I'd like to update to 0.7.0, which fixes building the GIR; it's an ABI bump, though10:24
pittiseb128: is there a reason not to do it, and instead fix the gir build locally? (it's easy to do)10:24
seb128oh please do it10:24
seb128it was on my list of upgrade we need to do10:25
seb128was -> is10:25
seb128it fixes some evolution google calendar integration issues it seems10:25
pittiok, nice10:25
pittiseb128: I'll upload it, but won't binNEW before alpha-110:25
* pitti uses lp:ubuntu/libgdata10:25
ftapitti, so, did it crash for you too?10:26
pittifta: no, apparently not10:26
ftamvo, any idea? bug 66943010:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 669430 in apt-xapian-index (Ubuntu) "update-apt-xapian-index crashes with "InvalidArgumentError: Term too long (> 245): XSlibdevel" (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66943010:27
rodrigo_hey seb12810:27
seb128rodrigo_, hey10:27
rodrigo_seb128, the version of the g-keyring package in the PPA is wrong10:27
seb128rodrigo_, how so?10:28
rodrigo_seb128, it should be 2.92.91.is....10:28
seb128gnome-keyring 2.92.92.is.2.91.2-0ubuntu2~build2 Rodrigo Moya (2010-11-22)10:28
seb128rodrigo_, ?10:28
seb128that's what I see on https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gnome3-builds10:29
rodrigo_oh, I got confused by gnome-bluetooth10:29
seb128I screwed and uploaded to natty10:29
seb128I fixed natty but I had to run after that10:29
seb128I will fix the ppa now10:29
seb128thanks for the reminder10:29
seb128I will sponsor your pending updates as well10:30
mvofta: I have a look, looks like it reading the section in some funny way10:30
rodrigo_no problem, and sorry for the confusion :)10:30
rodrigo_g-bluetooth failed building, seems it still needs gconf10:30
* rodrigo_ submits a fixed branch10:30
seb128rodrigo_, can you fix the version in the changelog as well? ;-)10:30
seb128I will review and sponsor that10:30
rodrigo_seb128, what is wrong in the version?10:31
seb128rodrigo_, <rodrigo_> seb128, it should be 2.92.91.is....10:31
rodrigo_ah, that was for gnome-keyring, sorry10:31
seb128I'm really confused now ;-)10:31
seb128which one requires gconf?10:31
seb128and g-bluetooth has the buggy version as well10:32
seb128so I was suggesting you could fix both issues while you are at it :p10:32
rodrigo_it has the buggy version?10:32
* rodrigo_ looks10:32
seb128that discussion becomes weird10:32
seb128rodrigo_, sorry let's start that discussion again10:34
seb128rodrigo_, did you have a version issue? you pinged about g-k but said you confused it with gnome-bt10:34
seb128the gnome-bt is the ppa is older than the natty one10:35
seb128since I did a 2.91...is..2.32 in natty to fix the wrong upload10:35
seb128g-k should be ok10:35
seb128rodrigo_, so we need to fix gnome-bt to update the version and use gconf10:35
rodrigo_update it to what, 2.91.2.is.2.91.2?10:35
rodrigo_right, ok, now I get it, didn't see the version in natty10:37
rodrigo_so, you uploaded the PPA one to natty?10:37
seb128rodrigo_, yes10:38
rodrigo_ok, so I'll call it 2.91.2.is.2.91.2-0ubuntu110:38
seb128I was in a call and cleaning at the same time and I did dput at the wrong location10:38
seb128that had to happen :p10:38
seb128rodrigo_, g-s-d... should I wait for .1?10:43
seb128"Handle rename of org.gnome.media-handling"10:43
seb128rodrigo_, cosimoc fixed that and tagged a .110:43
rodrigo_yes, packaging it in a minute, so yeah, don't merge/upoload the branch10:44
rodrigo_seb128, the bluetooth one -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-bluetooth/add-missing-gconf/+merge/4234310:46
rodrigo_submitting the g-s-d in a bit10:47
seb128rodrigo_, thanks10:47
rodrigo_seb128, g-s-d pushed also11:07
seb128rodrigo_, ok11:07
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/2.32.2-0ubuntu1/+build/2061085 is failing because libebook1.2-dev doesn't depend on libcamel1.2-dev but its pkg-config file lists camel-1.2.  however, that dependency was missing in maverick too.  am I missing something?11:08
seb128cjwatson, libebooks Requires: libedataserver-1.2 dbus-glib-111:15
seb128cjwatson, that's the 2.30 .pc11:15
didrockspitti: for the detection fallback, it will need a new compiz upload. I can maybe sneak the OOo fix as well. Do you think it's ok11:15
seb128cjwatson, so I guess that dependency is new in 2.3211:15
cjwatsonseb128: ah, right11:16
seb128does that need to be fixed for a1?11:16
seb128ie now11:16
didrocksseb128: cjwatson ^^11:16
seb128or just in the next upload?11:16
cjwatsonso http://paste.ubuntu.com/538605/ then?11:16
didrocksin that case, I'll sneak the compiz upload as well :)11:16
cjwatsonpowerpc isn't a blocker for alpha-1, it would just be nice for me to stop getting failure mails11:16
seb128cjwatson, seems fine, feel free to commit to the vcs and upload if you want11:17
cjwatsondidrocks: what's this upload for?11:17
seb128cjwatson, ups, control.in11:17
seb128cjwatson, not control ;-)11:17
cjwatsonthere isn't a control.in11:17
didrockscjwatson: people running a fresh install without 3D acceleration got a session with metacity and no panel11:17
didrockscjwatson: this will be a temporary workaround as the correct fix with a new gnome-session will come from A211:18
cjwatsonI'm OK with that11:18
didrocksit will still not deal people upgrading with "metacity" set by default (they will have no panel in the "gnome" session)11:18
seb128cjwatson, sorry I got confused with other pkg-gnome sources11:18
pittididrocks: sure, as long as you don't introduce ABI breaks during the A1 prep time11:18
seb128cjwatson, so feel free to commit and upload if you want11:18
cjwatsonhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/59868659/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-powerpc.ubuntuone-client_1.5.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is broken too, haven't investigated yet11:18
cjwatsonseb128: ok, will do, thanks11:18
seb128cjwatson, we will probably do an upload this week anyway if you want to wait11:18
didrockspitti: the OOo fix doesn't, I checked that11:19
cjwatsonI'll upload it now, would be a bonus if powerpc started to work11:19
didrocksand my workaround is small, just building the package and testing in vb11:19
didrocks(so, just to warn again, this doesn't deal with people upgrading having a wm != gnomewm or compiz, typically those selecting "none effect" in the capplet)11:20
seb128cjwatson, let me check for the ubuntuone-client issue11:21
cjwatsonI'm test-building it on davis now11:21
cjwatsonsame issue I think11:22
cjwatsonPKG_CHECK_MODULES(NAUTILUS, [libnautilus-extension >= 2.6.0 libebook-1.2 gconf-2.0])11:22
cjwatsonif I install libcamel1.2-dev, that comes out with a proper GTK include path11:23
seb128cjwatson, I'm wondering what was bringing gtk in11:23
cjwatsonthe entire pkg-config command fails there11:23
cjwatson(if camel-1.2.pc isn't installed)11:24
cjwatsonso e.g. libnautilus-extension.pc's 'Requires: ... gtk+-2.0' didn't take effect11:25
seb128cjwatson, ok, the configure should stop on such errors11:25
seb128seems a bug in their source as well11:25
cjwatsonyeah, both that and empathy11:25
didrockslet's try to spawn a warning as well11:25
seb128cjwatson, but isn't PKG_CHECK supposed to bail out on error?11:25
cjwatsonit ought to, yes, I don't know why it isn't11:26
cjwatsonah, I think I see11:27
seb128"the default action-if-not-fault will end the execution with an error for not having found the dependency. "11:27
cjwatsonit doesn't fail if pkg-config --exists works but pkg-config --cflags fails11:27
cjwatsoni.e. the .pc is broken (from its point of view) not merely missing11:27
seb128oh, ok...11:27
seb128it's a bit confusing11:28
seb128cjwatson, thanks for investigating those issues ;-)11:28
cjwatsonno problem.  I can't fix the KDE/powerpc failures but maybe I can at least make Ubuntu work :)11:30
mptpitti, hi, how often are the burndown charts updated? Once a day?11:33
pittimpt: every two hours mostly; changes in team memberships are only updated daily, thogh11:35
mptpitti, so if one's not being updated, should I report a bug somewhere, or ask you, or something else?11:35
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cjwatsondidrocks: let me know when you've uploaded compiz, please?11:36
pittimpt: you should ping a WI tracker developer, such as me or apw11:38
mptpitti, ok. On <https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-foundations-n-ratings-and-reviews-in-software-center>, the first item has been INPROGRESS for about three days, but still shows up as "todo" on <http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-ux.html>.11:39
didrockscjwatson: sure, just 20 minutes, time to build + test11:41
didrocksthanks :)11:41
pittimpt: (will look later, I have a long phone call in a few mins)11:48
seb128chrisccoulson, did you investiage the firefox, compiz issue yet?11:49
seb128chrisccoulson, do you want a bug report about it?11:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - not just yet. yeah, please open a bug report about that11:49
seb128chrisccoulson, on firefox or compiz?11:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - on firefox for now please11:50
njpatelseb128, can you still reproduce this on latest unity? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/68276911:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 682769 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "the launcher doesn't focus minimized dialogs on empty workspaces (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]11:56
njpatelI can't seem to reproduce it at all11:57
seb128didrocks doesn't get it either11:57
njpatelon empty and non-empty workspaces11:57
njpatelseb128, but you still do?11:57
seb128not sure what is different there, I cleaned all my compiz configs11:57
seb128njpatel, yes11:57
seb128njpatel, well I didn't upgrade today yet11:58
njpatelseb128, have you got any FPS enabled?11:58
seb128but I had it yesterday11:58
seb128njpatel, fps?11:58
njpatelfocus strealing prevention11:58
seb128I've a stock compiz11:58
njpatelI'm imagining not11:58
seb128I cleaned the .compiz* and compiz* in gconf11:58
seb128so whatever comes with it11:59
njpatelseb128, ccsm -> General Options ->Focus & Raise Behaviour -> Focus Prevention Level11:59
njpatelmine is "low"11:59
seb128but as said didrocks doesn't get it either11:59
seb128it only does it on empty workspace12:00
seb128like I'm on this workspace which has IRC12:00
njpatelyeah, I tried on empty workspace12:00
seb128I do ctrl-alt-right (next workspace is empty)12:00
seb128xchat still had the "<" to indicate it has the focus12:00
njpatelhmm, no, that's not happening here at all12:01
seb128ups, I'm confusing 2 bugs now12:01
njpatelthe arrow goes away12:01
njpatelseb128, I'm going to mark this one as incomplete12:01
seb128njpatel, sorry I was speaking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/68313412:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 683134 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "the launcher doesn't bring you to the selected applications when it's focussed on a different ws (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged]12:02
seb128njpatel, which is similar12:02
seb128when I described the <12:02
seb128njpatel, do you get this one?12:02
seb128I've to run for some minutes, brb12:02
njpatelseb128, nope, I don't get that one12:03
njpatelseb128, I'll mark this as incomplete until you've had a chance to test latest unity12:04
htorqueseb128, do you have the "Desktop Wall" plugin enabled? without it there's no workspace switching to the focused application.12:09
seb128htorque, sure, it's the default ws switcher12:10
seb128njpatel, ok, though didrocks had it on the latest unity yesterday12:10
seb128njpatel, so I doubt it's fixed12:10
njpatelseb128, you said didrocks doesn't get it...12:11
mvohe dosn't get it, eh?12:14
seb128njpatel, he doesn't get the minimizing one12:15
seb128he gets the second one I pointed though12:15
njpatelI haven't got to the second one, yet12:18
htorqueseb128, is the application window completely on one workspace? i can reproduce what you're seeing if there's a tiny bit of the window on the other workspace ("<" stays, click on launcher does nothing)12:18
njpateloh, yeah, that would happen because it's spanning two12:18
njpatelhtorque, hi, btw, thanks for the testing and the bug reports :)12:19
htorqueyw :)12:19
njpatelhtorque, do you mind if I hi-jack https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/683547 for the edge-scrolling feature?12:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 683547 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Bottom launchers hard to expand with filled launcher bar (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]12:22
njpatel(I added a comment explaining why)12:22
mvodidrocks: upgraded session works fine now with the patch you suggested, thanks a lot12:23
htorquenjpatel, sure, no problem12:24
mvodidrocks: I updated the bugreport as well12:24
seb128htorque, yes it's one workspace12:24
seb128like I run gconf-editor and put in the middle of a workspace12:25
seb128assuming the left one is empty12:25
seb128then click on the launcher12:25
seb128(which still has the <)12:25
seb128that doesn't bring me to the other workspace12:25
didrocksmvo: nice12:25
didrocksmvo: I close another one in the changelog12:26
njpatelseb128, just did that and it works fine, including the arrow12:26
* njpatel wonders what's going on12:26
didrocksmvo: just adding the zenity dialog under the right env variable as well to avoid too many "I don't have unity" bug reports12:26
htorqueseb128, wfm too, sorry :(12:26
mvodidrocks: cool12:30
mvodidrocks: great work here, that make me (and a lot of users happy, I'm sure) :)12:30
didrocksmvo: nice, we will just have to think to remove it once the new gnome-session interesting commits backported + new configuration profile there12:31
mvodidrocks: right, we should add it to google calendar so that it can mail you ;)12:31
GunnarHjUploaded a revised version of the gdm package to my ppa, but it failed to build for Natty. https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/+archive/locale-test/+build/2071744 Someone who can look into it?12:50
didrockscjwatson: ok, sorry, my vb was really slow, I just pushed compiz with that + some crash fixes that a lot of people seems to get12:50
didrockswill change the Technical Overview as well, then12:50
seb128got it!12:56
seb128njpatel, sorry I crashed gnome-session while trying to debug it and I figured I would rather not start and stop IRC while I was doing session testing12:56
seb128njpatel, ok, it happens when nautilus is not running12:56
seb128njpatel, which happens on my box due to GNOME3 library mismatches which made nautilus crash...12:57
seb128didrocks, ^12:57
didrocksseb128: ahah! you are not running the default :p12:57
* didrocks runs…12:57
didrocksok, make sense now why I couldn't get it12:57
didrocksweird that nautilus is impacting this though12:58
njpatelseb128, you mean the arrows or raising the minimised window?12:58
seb128njpatel, both12:59
njpatelseb128, can you add that to the bug report and mark it new please, I'll take a look and assign to jason12:59
njpatelseb128, thanks12:59
seb128njpatel, thank you13:00
didrockswell, even triaged if you want me to confirm13:00
didrocks(not sure why people getting back from triaged to confirmed, for me triaged > confirmed as only triagers can set that state, not a big difference though…)13:01
seb128didrocks, can you try by unsetting the draw background?13:01
didrocksseb128: sure, one sec, finishing marking some duplicates and get back to that13:02
didrocksseb128: confirmed :)13:08
didrocksyou're not alone :)13:08
didrocksdo you have the bug # handy?13:08
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ubot2Launchpad bug 683134 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "the launcher doesn't bring you to the selected applications when it's focussed on a different ws (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged]13:14
didrocksseb128: thanks, confirming13:14
seb128didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/68276913:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 682769 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "the launcher doesn't focus minimized dialogs on empty workspaces (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]13:15
seb128as well13:15
didrocksseb128: hum? wasn't it the minimize issue?13:15
didrocksok :)13:15
didrocksfor the first one, I got it with or without nautilus drawing the desktop13:15
mvopitti: jockey-gtk crashes for me on natty? know - or should I start debugging13:18
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cyphermoxis it a known issue for compiz to segfault after a few minutes logged in?13:18
rodrigo_new gnome-keyring for the gnome3 ppa -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-keyring/2_91_3_release/+merge/4235613:19
rodrigo_seahorse coming13:20
didrockscyphermox: depends on graphic card and some software issues. You can first try to upgrade to -0ubuntu4 and report a stacktracec if it's happens13:20
didrocks(this version should be built/published soon)13:21
cyphermoxdidrocks, thanks13:21
cyphermoxI can wait.. nothing stops me from switching to a text vt and attempt to restart it ;)13:21
seb128rodrigo_, ok13:21
didrocksseb128: btw, the other kind of crash are x damage errors, from what dbarth__ told me, it's frequent on intel and ati and nvidia didn't get them13:22
didrocksseb128: I think I should start testing on intel then…13:22
didrocks(that would explain why I only get few crashes a day)13:22
seb128didrocks, xdamage errors sound like something which would end in an xerror13:22
seb128not in a segfault13:22
didrocksseb128: right, but apparently, compiz try to catch it and got confused13:23
didrocksthat's about the limited of my X protocole knowledge, don't get too high :)13:23
seb128didrocks, I don't think it's the crashes I get13:23
seb128the stacktrace has only compiz and glibmm functions13:24
seb128nothing x-ish13:24
didrocksseb128: ok, so this kind of crashes should be fixed by the new upload13:24
seb128do you have an example of stacktrace on thos xdamage errors?13:24
didrocksseb128: dbarth__ have them13:24
seb128didrocks, ok great, I will let you know how it works13:24
didrocksseb128: there is none in LP13:24
didrocksnice :)13:24
mvopitti: pushed (trivial) fix to lp:~mvo/jockey/mvo, let me know if I should just commit directly to trunk13:25
seb128mvo, that location is not valid?13:27
mvoits still crashing :) but now at a different spot13:28
seb128mvo, ok, it's there now13:29
seb128was maybe a launchpad being slown13:29
mvoor my network a bit slow13:29
dbarth__seb128: this is an example stack trace: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/538304/13:31
dbarth__seb128: and here is the one i reported this morning: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/68352313:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 683523 in compiz (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompPlugin::windowInitPlugins() (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [High,Confirmed]13:31
=== dbarth__ is now known as dbarth
seb128dbarth, thanks13:31
seb128hum, no retracing yet?13:32
seb128let me see if those crashed13:32
cjwatsondidrocks: righto, thanks13:34
didrockscjwatson: you're welcome13:35
dbarthseb128: do you have a new build with your fix?13:41
seb128didrocks, ^ I think that was for you13:42
didrocksdbarth: hum, new build for what and for which componenent? :)13:42
dbarthcompiz, sorry13:43
dbarthi thought you were talking about glibmm fixes that went in13:43
didrocksdbarth: well, there is the glibmm fix which is built and should be published soon13:44
didrocksit will be in A113:44
dbarthok, i'll wait for this one to upgrade my system and see if that does anything to my problems13:45
dbarththere is a glibmm func in the stack, but i'm not expecting it to be the culprit13:45
didrockslet's see, right13:47
didrocksweird in any case that unity/compiz is strong there for the two last weeks (since the bamf issue is fixed)13:47
mvohrm, hrm, so what is it in gnome-session that sets my screen forcefully to 800x600 on nvidia?13:56
seb128mvo, cat .config/monitors.xml?13:56
mvoseb128: what wrote that in the first place?13:57
mvoI killed it now, that helped13:57
mvothanks seb128!13:57
mvodidrocks: so how to debug if unity is not starting on a nvidia upgraded system :) ?13:57
mvonautilus is there13:57
didrocksmvo: compiz is there?13:58
pittimvo: re (sorry, long phone interview)13:58
pittimvo: no, I don't know13:58
seb128mvo, you're welcome13:58
mvopitti: I filed (two) bugs and a branch, should be trivial the crash13:58
pittimvo: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'record'"?13:59
mvonot sure about the other one13:59
seb128mvo, the display capplet13:59
nessitaseb128: hey there! question, will ubuntuone-control-panel make it to alpha1? (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=control-panel)13:59
seb128mvo, system, preferences, display13:59
mvoseb128: why did it do that? I don't think I asked for this :)13:59
seb128nessita, hey, no13:59
seb128mvo, because you runned it?13:59
seb128mvo, it's a capplet, nothing that can do anything without you opening it and changing your resolution13:59
mvodidrocks: ha! compiz was it13:59
seb128mvo, because it assumes that you want to keep your screen config between sessions13:59
pittimvo: seems you proposed a merge of the ubuntu branch into trunk, but I'll sort it out14:00
mvoseb128: but I never set it to 800x600 :)14:00
didrocksmvo: so, yeah, if you have metacity by default right now it's "no luck" until alpha2 :)14:00
mvopitti: hrm, sorry14:00
pittimvo: don't worry; thanks for the fix!14:00
seb128mvo, well what was in that .xml when you cleaned it?14:00
didrocksmvo: I posted a note in the technical overview14:00
milanbvhas somebody experienced a bug in which GDM changes users list order randomly across reboots?14:00
seb128nessita, I don't think it will, that was uploaded after the freeze14:01
pittimvo: ah, did the returned exception change recently in python-apt? I've never seen that before14:01
pittimvo: and now it seems to crash everywhere14:01
nessitaseb128: when was the freeze?14:01
seb128nessita, monday14:01
mvoseb128: 800x600 was in it I *think*14:01
mvoseb128: but that does not make sense, does it?14:02
seb128mvo, well, you must have ran gnome-display-properties some day14:02
mvodidrocks: ok, that is fine, thanks for your help14:02
pittimvo: merged and pushed, thanks! trying now14:02
seb128mvo, and played with it14:02
didrocksmvo: yw :)14:02
pittimvo: so you have another crash?14:02
mptmvo, hi, what was the original link for that remove vs. purge Brainstorm idea?14:02
mvoseb128: ok14:02
nessitaseb128: ah, ok14:02
nessitathanks for the info!14:02
seb128nessita, no problem14:02
mvopitti: that was a side effect of the earlier one. the api changed insofar that package.candidate can be None now14:03
mvompt: the original is http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/24963/14:03
pittimvo: ah, right; that explains why it's an attributeError now14:03
mvono alt-f2 anymore :/14:04
pittimvo: ctrl-alt-t for the rescue14:04
mvopitti: yeah, you could test for if package.candidate, whaever style you prefer14:04
mvopitti: dosn't work for me neither14:04
pittiAttributeError: 'Backend' object has no attribute 'handlers'14:04
pittimvo: ^ I now get this14:04
pittilooks unrelated14:04
mvoodd, I had this too14:05
pittior it's because of some local g-i hackery I've been doing, checking14:05
mvobut then a couple of minutes later it went away14:05
pittimvo: ah, of course; the old backedn was still running14:05
pitti(dbus service)14:05
mvopitti: yeah14:05
pittiall fine now14:05
* pitti hugs mvo14:05
* mvo hugs pitti14:05
mvohm, and clicking on the hud does open a nautilus window with /usr/share/applications ?14:06
mvo(the thing in the left top corner)14:06
pittimvo: oh, it does for you? clicking on the icon just unhides the launcher for me14:06
mvofocus-follow-mouse & global-menu is not a good fit :)14:07
pittimvo: bug 67413814:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 674138 in unity ""Global" appmenu breaks sloppy focus (affects: 8) (heat: 42)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67413814:08
seb128mvo, <mvo> hm, and clicking on the hud does open a nautilus window with /usr/share/applications ?14:09
seb128mvo, that's right14:09
pittimpt: ah, we usually don't consider "inprogress" different from "todo" on the charts14:09
seb128mvo, the dash is not done yet14:09
seb128that's for a214:09
pittimpt: whoever implemented this made this optional14:09
pitti(since for the point of burndowns it's irrelevant)14:10
pittiI'm not too fussed either way, we can just globally enable it14:10
mptpitti, I think if that was the problem, the item would be showing up as "in progress" in the table. But it's showing up as "todo" there too.14:10
didrocksmvo: it's just a workaround for you to start apps :)14:10
pittimpt: right, that's what I mean14:10
pittimpt: I'd prefer if "in progress" wasn't even there on any of the charts/reports14:10
mvooki, thanks guys! I have a working unity & compiz now14:11
pittimpt: but *shrug*, I'll just remove the configurability and turn it on globall14:11
mptpitti, I don't really mind either way. But if "in progress" is supposed to show up identical to "todo", the chart legend shouldn't shows it with a different color.14:12
mterryTheMuso, hello!  What do I have to do to get gtk3 apps to show up in accerciser today?  I thought it would be install libatk-adaptor and at-spi2-core, but no go14:40
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rodrigo_seb128, not proposing this for merge, as there is no ubuntugtk3 branch -> https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/seahorse/2_91_2_release15:08
seb128rodrigo_, ok, I'm done with other things, catching up on GNOME15:09
seb128GNOME3 now15:09
rodrigo_seb128, or can you just create the branch from the ubuntu one?15:09
seb128sorry for the backlogging15:09
seb128rodrigo_, what do you mean?15:10
seb128rodrigo_, I will get yours and push as ubuntugtk315:10
rodrigo_ah, ok15:11
rodrigo_I just meant if you could just push lp:~u-desktop/seahorse/ubuntu to ubuntugtk3, so that I could propose this branch for merging into ubuntugtk315:11
seb128oh right15:11
seb128will do that, that's better ;-)15:11
rodrigo_but as you want15:11
bilalakhtarseb128: updates opened? Seahorse being updated?15:26
seb128bilalakhtar, what?15:26
seb128it's the gnome3 ppa15:27
seb128rodrigo_, btw I pushed it15:27
bilalakhtarseb128: Can I make packages for the PPA?15:27
rodrigo_bilalakhtar, please :)15:27
seb128if you want to15:27
bilalakhtarof course I want to :)15:27
rodrigo_seb128, to ubuntugtk3?15:27
seb128rodrigo_, yes15:27
rodrigo_seb128, ok, proposing my branch for that then15:28
rodrigo_seb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/seahorse/2_91_2_release/+merge/4237515:28
seb128rodrigo_, thanks15:29
rodrigo_bilalakhtar, then, see http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html and pick what you want :-)15:29
seb128(hate url hanging the applications in natty)15:29
bilalakhtarthanks rodrigo_15:29
rodrigo_bilalakhtar, note that most modules don't have a ubuntugtk3 branch, so ask someone to push the ubuntu one to ubuntugtk3 so that you can propose merges15:30
bilalakhtarrodrigo_: okay then15:30
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seb128rodrigo_, hum, did you build seahorse?15:47
rodrigo_running it also15:47
seb128patching file configure.in15:47
seb128Hunk #1 FAILED at 50.15:47
seb1281 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file configure.in.rej15:47
seb128I get this15:47
rodrigo_I didn't get that15:48
=== bilalakhtar is now known as cdbs
rodrigo_seb128, in 01_lpi.patch?15:49
seb128you didn't update it15:49
seb128it's still having gtk2 etc15:49
* rodrigo_ rebuilds15:49
rodrigo_hmm, patches are not being applied here, it seems15:49
cdbslpi -> LP integration?15:49
rodrigo_hmm, how so?15:50
rodrigo_cdbs, yes15:50
seb128rodrigo_, how do you build?15:50
rodrigo_bzr bd ...15:50
seb128it has a series15:51
rodrigo_not sure why they're not applied15:51
rodrigo_hmm, maybe it needs simple-patchsys include or a build dep on quilt?15:52
mterryseb128, I'm thinking I'll update anjuta and gedit in natty after alpha1, but I wanted to ask you a question about packaging re: gedit.  It now includes a private shared library, libgedit-private.so.  I've been putting it in the same package as the gedit executable.  I'm not sure yet why it's a shared library, as it (predictably) doesn't seem for outside use.  But I assume it's reasonable to stick it in the same package and not creat15:54
mterrye a libgedit-private?15:54
rodrigo_seb128, will look at it later, I need to go now for a while, so bbl15:56
seb128mterry, I would stick it in to start15:56
seb128mterry, we can still create a new binary if a need comes later on15:57
seb128rodrigo_, ok15:57
seb128rodrigo_, <rodrigo_> hmm, maybe it needs simple-patchsys include or a build dep on quilt?15:57
seb128rodrigo_, no, it's using source v315:57
seb128which does quilt by default15:57
mterryseb128, true15:57
seb128doing a bzr do there does the right thing15:57
seb128mterry, the new gedit is using gtk3 I guess?15:57
mterryseb128, right15:58
seb128mterry, is there anything which should make us be careful about it?15:58
mterryseb128, I've been using it for a while, and 2.91.2 is in the PPA for testing.  I'm about to put .3 in there.  All plugins need to be rewritten.  And we'll probably want to sort theme and a11y issues as/before it drops15:59
seb128like having it read settings in gsettings where we will probably not get the new g-c-c and g-s-d15:59
mterryseb128, my point about using it for awhile is that it is reasonably stable on its face.  So the issues are just the plugins and general gtk3 issues like theme and a11y15:59
seb128I'm rather concerned about desktop settings it might read16:00
mterryseb128, I haven't noticed any such gsettings use.  Let me do a more intensive search16:00
mterryseb128, the filebrowser plugin does use external gsettings from nautilus and from desktop-gsettings16:02
mterryseb128, but not the main exec16:02
mterryseb128, nope, I lied.  It also uses some of those16:03
seb128do we need the new gedit for the new anjuta?16:03
mterryseb128, it uses lockdown and interface schemas from desktop-gsettings16:04
mterryseb128, no.  they were just the two gtk3 apps I was mostly working on16:04
seb128mterry, I would put gedit in the ppa for now16:04
seb128I don't think locking keys are an issue16:04
pittigood night everyone16:04
seb128we don't have an editor for those anyway16:04
seb128and the value will be migrated from gconf on update16:05
seb128pitti, 'night16:05
dpmhi pitti, I'm trying to see if the new maverick language packs from yesterday's export are building ok, so that we can start testing them in -proposed. I'm looking at https:/launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=maverick and I can't see any pending a build. Is there any way to check out if they're building ok?16:05
mterryseb128, I thought we had ported the new desktop gsettings stuff.  I remember the package hitting NEW. Is it just a question of UI (gnome-control-center?)16:05
pittidpm: you can pick any of the packages in the PPA and check if they have a recent date, and built ok16:05
pittithey are all uploaded at the same time16:05
pittidpm: and I get mail if they fail to build, too (I didn't get any)16:06
seb128mterry, we have gsettings-desktop-schemas in16:06
dpmpitti, I can only see the ones from last week16:06
seb128mterry, the issue is for things which can be edited by gnome-control-center16:06
kenvandinelooking at porting gwibber from gconf to gsettings... man we have some ugly code in here for our gconf settings16:07
mterryseb128, ok, well, I'll only do anjuta for now16:08
seb128mterry, we will probably not get the ppa updates in natty proper this cycle16:08
seb128mterry, well land gedit in the ppa anyway16:08
seb128mterry, the plan for now is to get GNOME3 in the ppa16:08
seb128we will decide at the rally if we move that to natty or not16:08
mterryaw bummer16:08
pittidpm: ah, the run on Nov 27 failed16:09
pittidpm: I have the log, will investigate tomorrow morning16:09
mterryseb128, so should I bother pushing anjuta to natty, or does it not matter so much since it's universe and sorta standalone16:09
* pitti waves16:09
seb128mterry, what is bummer? not taking GNOME3 yet?16:09
seb128mterry, sorry it's not easy, but it turns out we can't take easily pieces of GNOME3 without taking everything16:10
seb128mterry, and we don't think we will be able to have great GNOME3 integration in one cycle16:10
seb128still lot of work upstream to do16:11
seb128lot of patches to port16:11
seb128things that changed and for which we need to figure what to do16:11
seb128so likely lot of work, and we are not sure we will have time for that and unity16:12
mterryseb128, yar, I wasn't depressed or anything about it, but it will probably exacerbate the tension over unity within GNOME16:12
seb128well we do what we can in the ppa and we welcome contributions16:13
dpmpitti, thanks, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Weird, according to the schedule at https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule, the build should have started today, and not on the 27th16:13
seb128if it's ready on time it will land in natty16:13
seb128mterry, you can argue that using the ppa makes work easier16:13
seb128we don't have to stop on freezes, etc16:13
seb128we can get extra contributors there16:13
mterryseb128, yar16:14
seb128mterry, about anjuta, your call, land it in the ppa if you are unsure16:14
mclasenseb128: heh, we welcome contributions too16:14
mterryseb128, it's in PPA for now, no rush really16:14
seb128mclasen, no discussion about that ;-)16:15
seb128mclasen, I was stating that it's easier to contribute to the ubuntu-desktop ppa than to land updates in Ubuntu proper16:15
seb128different acls, etc16:15
seb128it's less restrictive16:15
seb128so easier to get extra people having access16:15
seb128mclasen, that was an ubuntu organization comment, nothing against upstream or other distros16:16
mclasenI didn't take it that way, anyway16:16
seb128ok ;-)16:16
cyphermoxseb128, could you update the topic if the versions page is now under the platform user on p.c.c?16:19
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: "Welcome to #ubuntu-desktop - home of the Desktop team - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-desktop/ | If you want to help out, check out https://launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=21439 or http://people.canonical.com/~platform/versions.html | For support please join #ubuntu"
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: "Welcome to #ubuntu-desktop - home of the Desktop team - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-desktop/ | If you want to help out, check out https://launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs/+bugs?field.milestone%3Alist=21439 or http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html | For support please join #ubuntu"
cyphermoxthanks :)16:22
seb128ok, got it :p16:22
seb128cyphermox, thanks for pointing it16:22
seb128cyphermox, hey, how are you btw?16:22
cyphermoxpretty good16:22
cyphermoxjust hopefully finished discussing how to fix some issues in NM with mbiebl, going back to the thousands of session erros nm-applet spews out :/16:23
seb128great work recently, I think you made quite some people happy ;-)16:23
cyphermoxseb128, ahah, i'll only be happy when it doesn't use 1G of RAM at the end of the day :)16:23
* mterry looks into hacking on the unity source for the first time17:06
* jasoncwarner likes mterry looking into hacking on the unity source...wishes him luck!17:10
didrocksjasoncwarner: mterry: that's quite easy for the preferences settings :)17:13
didrocksand for the basic compiz stuff17:13
didrocksthen, came nux17:13
didrocksand that's where it becomes horrible :)17:13
seb128mterry, is the workspace switcher a workspace "switcher"?17:15
seb128or is it an expose mode where you might want to dnd things around?17:15
didrocksmterry: if I remember, left click is what you look for17:23
didrocksmterry: in any case, it's the compiz wall plugin you want hack in17:23
didrocksnot unity17:23
and471mpt, <kvalo> hi. you asked about wifi signal yesterday17:44
and471<kvalo> the values can be between 0 and 10017:44
and471<kvalo> so yes, value 100 is very well possible17:44
mptso it can't be greater than 10017:46
mptHm, I still don't think we need the background or border :-)17:47
and471mpt, if you pull my branch, I have added in the signal indicator stuff17:47
and471it needs a bit of polish but it is working17:47
and471mpt: I am just worried of a situation like http://imagebin.org/125630 where there are similar signal strengths17:56
and471mpt, without the background bar there isn't enough context in my mind17:57
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
and471whereas with it: http://imagebin.org/12563117:57
and471mpt, I know this is not a common situation but it highlights my point17:57
mptand471, do you think that the background bar makes it easier to see which of those three is strongest?17:58
and471mpt, well they are actually all the same, I rigged them :)17:58
mptThey look the same to me either way17:58
mptSo, what do you mean by context?17:58
and471mpt, what I think it does is show what they represent better17:58
and471i.e. what it could be, what is is, how good it is compared to what it could be17:59
mptYou mean, shows that they're gauges, as opposed to odd blobs?17:59
and471mpt, yes almost, but I also feel with the background it conveys more information, which I feel would eb useful for the user17:59
mptand471, http://images.google.com/images?q=equalizer18:00
mptHardly any of them show where the maximum is, but it's obvious that they're gauges, because of the ||||||||| pattern they use.18:01
and471mpt, I appreciate your point, however i feel that is different, as there is more than one bar and they are constantly changing18:01
and471the user can work out the maximum and other information due to the other bars and the change in height18:02
and471whereas our gauge is static18:02
mptHere, it's from the column width.18:02
mptbut, meh18:02
mptminor point18:02
mptI was thinking about how to present proxies18:03
mptand thinking of some extension of the current Gnome location menu in the proxy settings window18:03
and471mpt, hehe, I think we will need more input from other on this point of gauges :)18:03
and471mpt, ok18:03
mptbut not sure entirely how to do it yet18:03
and471well I have no clue either :)18:04
and471tho I don't use a proxy server18:04
mptA proxy for just one particular network is easy18:04
mptProxy for: [ This connection          :^]18:04
mptA proxy for all connections that don't have specific proxies is easy18:05
mptProxy for: [ All other connections          :^]18:05
and471mpt, yeah it is when you have those two data sources, per device and per location18:05
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
mptThe hard part is how to share a proxy across, for example, Ethernet and wi-fi connections at an office, but not other places18:05
and471it is hard to get them to combine well18:05
and471mpt, well have fun thinking about that, I have to go now :)18:07
and471mpt, see ya (I know you'll think of something good) :D18:07
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
mterryseb128, the switcher is a switcher in my mind.  But surely we can tell between a drag and a click and support both.  I just don't see the point in preferring the ability to adjust the z-order of windows to actually switching18:18
seb128mterry, you have a point, I've been confused as well by having to double click18:19
seb128I was just wondering if some of things you can do in the overview mode wouldn't work in the simple click case18:19
seb128and if we care18:19
mterryseb128, yar18:19
seb128if it activates on click release I guess you can still do dnd etc18:20
seb128so it should be fine for both usecase18:20
=== Bertrand is now known as bl8
bcurtiswxseb128, BGO bug 636232 is my nautilus crash, FYI.  it's been upped to critical, so i'm assuming they didn't know about it until today19:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 636232 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Touchpad appears as ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse (affects: 1) (heat: 49)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63623219:09
bcurtiswxgnome bug 63623219:10
ubot2Gnome bug 636232 in general "Nautilus crashes with SIGSEGV in nautilus_window_get_preferred_width" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63623219:10
bcurtiswxdid I kill seb128 again ?19:16
mterryw00t first unity patch19:42
highvoltagehi! is there a good reason for ubuntu-desktop to depend on unity?19:48
highvoltageas apposed to recommending it?19:49
highvoltageunity needs to be optional in edubuntu, and that gets tricky when edubuntu-desktop depends on ubuntu-desktop in natty19:51
mterryTheMuso, ping about at-spi for gtk319:55
ari-tczewomg... new gnome style is horrible!20:29
highvoltageari-tczew: I guess whatever you're seeing is probably just unthemed20:30
ari-tczewhighvoltage: dunno. just upgraded all packages (since a couple of days my natty was outdated). I'd like to back into 2 panels ;(20:31
ari-tczewI'm lost at the gnome20:31
bcurtiswxanyone know if not having nautilus-sendto would cause nautilus to crash ?20:33
highvoltageari-tczew: yeah there's quite a lot of transition going on atm20:34
ari-tczewhighvoltage: I hope that it will be better soon. if it's a final result, Ubuntu users could leave using linux!20:35
highvoltageari-tczew: it's a bunch of big transitions (involving compiz, gnome and unity) during an early alpha, I don't think anyone rational would expect it to be anything resembling a final product :)20:36
ari-tczewhighvoltage: I have to reconsider back to maverick.20:37
highvoltageari-tczew: I made that mistake too and re-installed last night20:37
ari-tczewhighvoltage: mistake?20:38
TheMusomterry: Just ask your question and I will respond when I am around.20:38
TheMusomterry: But I am here now, so shoot.20:38
highvoltageari-tczew: dist-upgrading before checking the state of things20:38
mterryTheMuso, I asked it this morning (my time), was just pinging (apparently uselessly :)) again.   "TheMuso, hello!  What do I have to do to get gtk3 apps to show up in accerciser today?  I thought it would be install libatk-adaptor and at-spi2-core, but no go"20:39
TheMusomterry: Sorry just saw that in my away log. Yes you need at-spi v2, and you also have to make sure at-spi v2 is the version used, by setting a gconf key. Let me grab the key you need, and things should just work once you are running the new stack.20:40
TheMusomterry: /desktop/gnome/interface/at-spi-dbus20:42
TheMusothat is the gconf key you need to set. You then need to log out and back in again.20:42
mterryTheMuso, awesome, will try.  Thanks!20:42
TheMusoWhen we move to at-spi over dbus exclusively, this will no longer be needed, but this allows both stacks to co-exist.20:43
mterryTheMuso, it seems python-pyatspi2 (which accerciser now needs) is missing a dependency on python-xlib20:51
Sarvattcan anyone tell me what should be in /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/panel for a unity session?  i'm stuck with " breaking things20:51
mterrymterry, but worked besides that.  Thanks!20:51
TheMusomterry: Hrm I thought I fixed that...20:52
james_wSarvatt, I have '' on maverick20:52
htorqueSarvatt, it's the same here20:53
htorquebut compiz/unity works for me20:53
TheMusomterry: Seems not...20:53
SarvattI get this after the latest round of updates today, compiz doesn't even try to start http://pastebin.com/m1cAUkMg20:53
TheMusomterry: mterry So install it for now and see if that helps.20:54
TheMusogah my typing si already sucking today, and its the morning.20:55
mterryTheMuso, yeah, I did install and it works20:55
TheMusoOk, will fix pyatspi then.20:55
Sarvattah maybe it was the /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager being metacity screwing it up20:55
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mterryTheMuso, I got several tracebacks from pyatspi2 though when running accerciser if you're interested.  An AttributeError and a ValueError20:56
Sarvattyep that was the problem, thanks guys20:56
htorqueSarvatt, i have windowmanager = compiz and /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list does not contain panel20:56
TheMusomterry: Upstrea would be interested.20:57
TheMusoI don't know pyatspi internals myself, so would only be forwarding straight upstream.20:57
rickspencer3hey all21:00
rickspencer3so it seems that perhaps the current image that we wanted to release tomorrow for A1 may not be working for folks21:00
rickspencer3mterry, TheMuso, bryceh, who ever is around21:00
mterryrickspencer3, hiyo21:00
rickspencer3could I ask you guys to create an image and see if it runs?21:01
rickspencer3join #ubuntu-testing and report the results21:01
mterryrickspencer3, OK21:01
vishrickspencer3: from today's iso, it seems like Bug 683840 …21:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 683840 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::ResourceData::GetResourceIndex() (affects: 3) (dups: 3) (heat: 34)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68384021:01
vishor maybe you are mentioning a whole new different bug.. :)21:02
rickspencer3vish, I dunno21:02
mterryrickspencer3, we're talking Desktop image 20101201.1 ?21:03
rickspencer3mterry, I believe so, yes21:03
* TheMuso goes and downloads.21:04
brycehrickspencer3, sorry I'm patch pilot today21:07
rickspencer3bryceh, ack21:07
rickspencer3bryceh, good call, btw21:07
rickspencer3the correct response!21:07
htorquebug 683840 looks like bug 68234521:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 683840 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::ResourceData::GetResourceIndex() (affects: 3) (dups: 3) (heat: 34)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68384021:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 682345 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "SEGSEGV in nux::ResourceData::GetResourceIndex() const () (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68234521:08
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vishhtorque: how did you identify which were the missing .desktop files?21:24
htorquevish, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59743520/console.log21:32
vishah ha!21:32
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ari-tczewwrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, kadu doesn't work on latest gnome21:42
htorquevish, i see this in those apport bugs: ** (<unknown>:3469): WARNING **: Unable to load GDesktopAppInfo for 'ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk.desktop'21:45
htorqueso this would cause the segfault in the live cd, once installed you'd probably see the same with this entry and i guess also ubiquity-gtkui.desktop21:46
vishhtorque: where did you add the files?21:46
Sarvattoddly I have no segfault with those two warnings http://pastebin.com/t9CdZspX21:47
htorquevish, i did not add them, i removed them from the launcher's favorites list (using gsettings)21:48
htorquevish, 'gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites' to get the current list21:52
htorquevish, 'gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites "['a', 'b', 'c']"' to write21:52
vishyea.. just having a look at it..21:52
seb128htorque, does that fix it?21:52
htorqueit fixes it on my installation, not sure about the iso21:53
htorquealex launi confirmed it in bug 68234521:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 682345 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "SEGSEGV in nux::ResourceData::GetResourceIndex() const () (affects: 5) (dups: 4) (heat: 48)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68234521:54
vishthat's lamalex21:54
seb128htorque, ok, thanks21:54
htorquevish, thanks :)21:54
htorquebut it's odd that Sarvatt doesn't get the crash with those messages :-/21:55
Sarvatt['ubiquity-gtkui.desktop', 'nautilus.desktop', 'firefox.desktop', 'ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk.desktop', 'tomboy.desktop', 'gnome-terminal.desktop', 'evolution.desktop', 'cheese.desktop', 'pidgin.desktop', 'yelp.desktop']21:56
vishnope.. removing them does *not* fix the issue..21:57
vishi removed the 2 mentioned in the bug..21:58
Sarvattturns out its the '/home/ubuntu/Desktop/examples.desktop' on the livecd for vish22:02
Sarvatt(sorry, discussion was split between two channels)22:02
seb128Sarvatt, other people on #ubuntu-testing get it fixed by removing the 'ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk.desktop' entry22:03
Sarvattwould it matter that his examples entry didn't have a space in front of it? <vish>  ['ubiquity-gtkui.desktop', 'nautilus.desktop', 'firefox.desktop', 'ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk.desktop', 'tomboy.desktop','/home/ubuntu/Desktop/examples.desktop']22:07
* Sarvatt is clueless about it22:07
vishSarvatt: i typed it in xchat.. so i might have missed a space :)22:08
vishthe AOA is a separate lappy..22:08
Amaranthwell dang22:16
Amaranthunity and nux crash bugs are going to go to compiz22:16
seb128easy to fix22:18
seb128we can make a "if crash is in unity.so report on unity"22:18
seb128tweak apport to be clever on the stacktrace22:18
seb128we do that for nautilus for example22:18
seb128if it crashes in something in /usr/lib/nautilus it assign to the corresponding source22:19
AmaranthAlthough with the current setup the unity folks have to look through compiz bugs so it's not all bad22:19
seb128we can still do better with apport22:20
Amaranthwow, 12MB of stacktrace22:20
Amaranthmy browser is crying22:20
Amaranthnux seems to be carrying static color data around everywhere, that seems bad22:20
AmaranthIndianRed, Salmon, etc22:21
AmaranthEither that or gdb isn't reading things correctly22:21
Amaranthconsidering the message about stack corruption that seems likely22:22
vish! yay.. nm applet's been ported to indicator!22:22
ubot2vish: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:22
vishsilly stupid bot's been bothering me all day today.. :/22:23
SarvattRAOF: did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdrm/+bug/683361 ? not sure if you were hitting that on r60022:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 683361 in mesa (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in radeon_bo_get_tiling() (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Triaged]22:28
RAOFSarvatt: No, that's not what I'm hitting.22:28
RAOFI'm hitting a SIGSEGV in the mipmapping bug on edgers (because I'm testing on cedar)22:29
RAOFBut that bug also happens on edgers on r700, so...22:29
Sarvattthere is also http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/?h=7.9&id=773e8fadc8b19aaba5d13f75ac5810badb3968c422:29
Sarvattah on edgers too? gotcha22:29
* Amaranth throws random things at launchpad22:32
RAOFBecause we'll be switching to mesa 7.10, I might as well test it and fix what I can there :)22:32
SarvattRAOF: are you getting [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl] *ERROR* Invalid command stream ! in dmesg when it happens?22:34
RAOFIt's trying to dereference a null pointer.22:34
AmaranthI've now spent 10 minutes trying to get launchpad to let me do what should be a 30 second process22:35
seb128which is?22:36
seb128robert_ancell, hey22:36
robert_ancellseb128, hello22:36
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?22:36
AmaranthIt finally let me sign in!22:36
robert_ancellseb128, good22:36
AmaranthI was trying to mark a bug as a dupe22:36
AmaranthWe got a bit flooded with compiz bugs today :/22:37
seb128that's only the start with unity using it ;-)22:37
seb128robert_ancell, I noticed you changed shotwell to use vala 0.10...22:38
robert_ancellseb128, yes22:38
seb128robert_ancell, is that a temporary hack?22:38
seb128robert_ancell, you are abusing a soyuz bug there in some way :p22:38
robert_ancellseb128, well, it didn't build anymore, and the patch required to make it work with 0.12 is non-trivial22:38
seb128I was wondering if replace vala-0.10 with the new one was the best thing to do22:39
seb128rather than adding a new source22:39
robert_ancellbut it's something I'll need to take up with upstream, as we can't keep using 0.10 indefinitely22:39
seb128since the 2 versions can be installed together22:39
seb1280.10 binaries should not be available in the archive since nothing build those22:39
robert_ancellyes, we should have two source, I didn't think of that at the time22:39
seb128I will check with slomo what he does for debian22:39
robert_ancellthough, the issue is the other libraries, as they only install one .vapi file - so they're all installing them into 0.12 atm22:40
seb128so we can maybe get back on sync with sources naming22:40
robert_ancellIdeally we'd just like to drop 0.10 and forget about it...22:40
seb128robert_ancell, if any source does that it should be fixed22:40
Amaranth"Application error.  Unauthenticated user POSTing to page that requires authentication."22:40
AmaranthScrew you Launchpad. Go die in a fire.22:40
seb128robert_ancell, vapi should be installed in the non versioned dir22:40
robert_ancellseb128, but what is the correct behaviour?  Libraries are not going to support two versions of vala22:40
* Amaranth gives up on it22:41
robert_ancellseb128, and what if they use a feature that's not available in the old version?22:41
seb128robert_ancell, ok, in this case they should be in the new version22:41
seb128but we don't have many in this case now22:41
seb128do we have any out of vala itself?22:41
AmaranthThis would be much simpler if libraries shipped their own vapi22:41
robert_ancellAmaranth, they do, but they're built using vapigen normally.  So they may be dependant on a certain version of vala22:43
robert_ancellseb128, hmm, I see gexiv2 and lightdm on my system22:43
robert_ancellI think there's something else - where is the policy that says they should be in the unversioned location?22:43
seb128robert_ancell, ok, one is for shotwell and the other one is yours ;-)22:43
seb128robert_ancell, dunno if there is a policy22:43
robert_ancellseb128, I have a feeling there are some others (which I would have done), but I can't remember22:44
seb128we had the discussion on the IRC channel when they did the versioning last cycle22:44
seb128robert_ancell, we did undo a bunch of those you moved22:44
seb128like dee22:44
robert_ancellAmaranth, but yes, it would be nice to get rid of the ones that valac provides22:44
seb128on the upstream #vala channel I mean22:44
robert_ancellseb128, ah, that would be it - you should have told me off!22:44
seb128upstream said that everything should be in the non versioned dir if there is not a strong reason to version it22:44
robert_ancellok, I'll fix my stuff22:44
seb128robert_ancell, sorry, one of those things that slept through because we don't overlap much22:45
seb128robert_ancell, like I wanted to tell you off for dropping a symbol from gtk .symbol and uploading ;-)22:45
seb128robert_ancell, never drop a symbol, it's an abi break ;-)22:46
robert_ancellseb128, oh, that's ok with gtk+3 right though?22:47
robert_ancellyeah, my bad with gtk2 (or was it glib?)22:47
seb128robert_ancell, gtk 2.2322:48
seb128the buggy version which was rolled from a wrong git22:48
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
robert_ancellyay, I can finally remove stuff from the unity dock (or whatever it's called)22:49
seb128robert_ancell, can you backport http://paste.ubuntu.com/538831/?22:49
seb128bug #68234522:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 682345 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "SEGSEGV in nux::ResourceData::GetResourceIndex() const () (affects: 8) (dups: 4) (heat: 60)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68234522:50
seb128robert_ancell, ^22:50
seb128the fix I mentioned there22:50
seb128robert_ancell, I'm on a maverick laptop and can't do the update22:51
* robert_ancell reading22:51
seb128robert_ancell, it's just the current revision to merge and upload22:51
seb128it's a fix for an a1 crasher22:51
seb128the unity code import the examples .desktop from nautilus22:51
robert_ancellseb128, so this is just a standard "apply patch and make a new release for natty"?22:52
seb128robert_ancell, apply and upload22:52
seb128we can sort if with didrocks tomorrow22:52
seb128if ->it22:52
seb128the vcs part22:52
seb128or merge in lp:~unity-team/unity/packaging22:52
seb128if you want to do it properly22:52
seb128though I guess you are not in the team for that22:52
seb128cyphermox, wb22:52
seb128cyphermox, robert_ancell is handling the update since he's around and has upload rights22:53
robert_ancelllooks pretty safe22:53
skaet_and lets us know in #ubuntu-release that its ready to have a buuild started...22:53
seb128robert_ancell, cyphermox confirmed the fix22:53
seb128skaet_, will do22:53
cyphermoxseb128, cool22:53
robert_ancellseb128, is unity packaging in bzr somewhere?22:53
TheMusoyes it is.22:53
seb128robert_ancell, cf what I just wrote22:53
skaet_seb128, robert_ancell - thanks!22:54
TheMuso...or not22:54
TheMusodebcheckout doesn't show anything.22:54
robert_ancellseb128, oh, they have no Vcs-Bzr link, I'll fix that too22:54
seb128robert_ancell, don't22:54
seb128robert_ancell, it's pending being move to lp:ubuntu/unity22:55
seb128it's just a matter of having didrocks to catch james_w about it22:55
robert_ancellthen they can update the link when they do that...22:55
cyphermoxrobert_ancell, if you need testing once it's uploaded I'll be happy to help, but i may be offline for a few hours soon.22:57
seb128let's get testing with the iso once it's uploaded22:57
seb128there is also mterry who said he would be back and can test22:58
robert_ancellcyphermox, cheers, should be uploaded soon22:58
cyphermoxseb128, yeah, I meant I'd get back to the iso I have burned, then upgrade22:58
seb128cyphermox, ok22:59
* robert_ancell building...23:01
chrisccoulsonhmmm, my washing machine has just died!23:02
TheMusochrisccoulson: that sucks.23:02
chrisccoulsonit went bang a couple of times and then popped the 15A breaker under the stairs23:02
chrisccoulsonmade me jump!23:03
TheMusoI'll bet.23:03
jcastrohey, did you guys notice shotwell also has an eog-esque picture viewer?23:04
robert_ancelljcastro, yup23:05
* robert_ancell logs out to check new unity....23:06
rickspencer3seb128, so it seems you guys got Alpha 1 all in order23:07
* rickspencer3 knocks wood23:07
seb128rickspencer3, well let's hope23:07
seb128the patch is a workaround but that will do23:07
rickspencer3what's the hope factor?23:07
seb128well the crash issue is fixed23:07
seb128not sure what other issues unity has23:07
rickspencer3you patched Unity to work around a compiz crasher?23:08
seb128but it should be enough to get it as stable as it is for people running it23:08
seb128rickspencer3, no, it's an unity crasher23:08
* rickspencer3 crosses fingers23:08
seb128rickspencer3, it has migration code to import favorite launchers23:08
seb128rickspencer3, it does import the examples.desktop icon from the livecd23:08
rickspencer3so it's livecd only23:08
seb128but it doesn't like it since it's not a software23:08
seb128seems nobody tested added a non application desktop before ;-)23:09
seb128rickspencer3, yes23:09
rickspencer3I'll be happy to test the live cd later tonight23:09
seb128ok great23:09
seb128I will be to bed before livecd respins are done23:09
cyphermoxI'm not certain it's livecd only...23:09
* rickspencer3 join #ubuntu-release23:10
seb128cyphermox, why?23:10
cyphermoxanybody who didn't remove examples.desktop would get it, no?23:10
robert_ancellseems to work...23:10
seb128cyphermox, examples.desktop is not in the default list23:10
seb128cyphermox, it's just imported from the livecd user23:10
robert_ancellseb128, cyphermox, any special testing I should do before uploading?23:10
cyphermoxheh, I thought it was always installed after install23:10
seb128unity imports the .desktop from the user config to build the launcher23:10
cyphermox(or used to be)23:10
seb128on the desktop?23:11
seb128or in the user dir?23:11
seb128I though it was in the user dir23:11
cyphermoxI can't recall23:11
seb128robert_ancell, no23:11
cyphermoxI always remove it ;)23:11
seb128robert_ancell, it's a trivial fix, just upload ;-)23:11
robert_ancellfamous last words :)23:11
rickspencer3oh man, how many times have I heard that!23:11
* rickspencer3 cries23:11
seb128robert_ancell, well if you want to test the bug add a .desktop which is not a software to your launcher23:12
robert_ancellthe +junk in the url for lp bzr branches makes my software feel useless :(23:13
seb128robert_ancell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/538831/?23:13
seb128robert_ancell, you can try to add that to the launcher23:13
cyphermoxseb128, you are right, it would be in the user's directory, not on the desktop, from what I can tell from /etc/skel/23:13
seb128the list of launchers is in gsettings23:13
seb128just create a .desktop with it23:13
seb128cyphermox, ok, great, in any case the fix should work on the installed system as well23:13
robert_ancellseb128, how do I add to the launcher?23:14
htorqueseb128, i'm still not sure how i fixed it on my installation by removing the missing .desktop entries from the launcher list - that alone doesn't seem to be a problem (eg. i removed the examples.desktop in the live session and it worked fine)23:14
cyphermoxrobert_ancell, btw, you can test it by putting the file from /etc/skel  on the desktop23:14
seb128robert_ancell, com.canonical.Unity.Launcher23:14
seb128robert_ancell, in gsettings23:14
seb128there is a launcher list23:15
cyphermoxgsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites whatever23:15
seb128just add the /tmp/examples.desktop or something23:15
seb128htorque, no sure but we can investigate that tomorrow with the unity guys23:16
robert_ancellcyphermox, then restart?23:16
cyphermoxhuh yeah, it seems unity knows about favorites but doesn't apply the changes ;)23:16
cyphermoxrestart compiz23:16
seb128don't copy the .desktop only23:16
seb128the migration happens only once23:17
seb128or import23:17
seb128you need to add it manually in the list23:17
seb128robert_ancell, compiz --replace23:17
seb128robert_ancell, that should give you an empty launcher (no icon or text in it)23:18
seb128but not crash23:18
robert_ancellI get ** (<unknown>:2507): WARNING **: Unable to load GDesktopAppInfo for 'examples.desktop'23:19
robert_ancellbut no crash23:19
seb128what did you add to the list?23:19
seb128you need to path23:19
seb128or it needs to be in the xdg data dir23:19
seb128like /tmp/examples.desktop23:19
robert_ancellexamples.desktop but it doesn't exist23:20
seb128it seems it just doesn't find the desktop in your case23:20
seb128create a examples.desktop with the pastebin from before23:20
robert_ancell/tmp is a data dir?23:20
seb128no, but either you specify the path23:20
seb128or you put it in xdg_data_dir23:20
seb128your choice23:21
seb128I would just create a /tmp/examples.desktop23:21
seb128then add '/tmp/examples.desktop' to the gsettings list23:21
robert_ancellok did that - black icon, no crash23:21
seb128ok great23:22
seb128it was crashing before the update ;-)23:22
seb128you can install --reinstall unity/natty23:22
seb128if you want to confirm the crash23:22
seb128but confirming the fix should be enough23:22
seb128let's upload23:22
seb128so release people can start handling the build and iso respin23:23
robert_ancellit's uploaded23:23
robert_ancellhmm, lp doesn't allow me to do a merge request into that branch though23:23
cyphermoxok, I'll boot back into live and wait for it to be built23:24
htorqueseb128, ah, i know - it seems the migration thing has been run on my system as the 'favorite-migration' value was set - that probably added a non-app .desktop which i later overwrote by setting a new launcher list23:24
seb128robert_ancell, which one?23:24
cyphermoxwow, already done23:24
seb128  * debian/source:23:24
seb128    - Use source version 3.023:24
seb128robert_ancell, didrocks will kill you :p23:24
robert_ancellseb128, I did a bzr pull on lp:~unity-team/unity/packaging, pushed to +junk, then tried to merge request from lp23:25
seb128robert_ancell, you can push to ~user/unity/fix23:25
robert_ancellseb128, heh, it didn't have a patch system, and I didn't want to muck around with debian/rules23:25
seb128robert_ancell, you should have applied it inline23:25
seb128robert_ancell, well the way they do is to bzr merge -c <revision>23:26
htorqueseb128, yep that's it, I re-ran the migration script and compiz crashes again (with a link type .desktop file from my home dir in the list) - case closed :)23:26
seb128robert_ancell, so it's transparent23:26
seb128robert_ancell, bzr will know the fix is a merged revision and just handle it at the next update23:26
seb128htorque, ok, great23:26
htorquesorry for the noise23:26
seb128no worry23:26
seb128thanks for helping getting it fixed23:26
seb128robert_ancell, sourve v3 doesn't play nice with source in a vcs23:27
robert_ancellseb128, oh, really?23:27
seb128robert_ancell, but no worry, I was joking, I'm just sure didrocks will drop it23:27
seb128robert_ancell, yeah because it applies the patches when unpacking23:28
seb128robert_ancell, which the vcs doesn't like23:28
robert_ancelloh, that makes sense23:28
seb128so the normal way for unity is23:29
seb128bzr pull23:29
seb128bzr merge -c23:29
seb128and be done23:29
seb128robert_ancell, what error do you get when you try doing a merge request?23:29
robert_ancellwhat's the arg to -c23:29
seb128it's to merge one revision23:29
seb128or -r if you want to merge trunk up to a revision23:30
robert_ancellit was something about the branch not being compatible, I suspect it wasn't stacking23:30
seb128well usually then23:30
seb128bzr pull lp:~unity-team/unity/packaging23:30
seb128cd packaging23:30
seb128bzr merge lp:~user/unity/yourfix (-c rev)23:31
seb128or lp:unity if it's from trunk23:31
seb128commit, be done23:31
seb128the next merge-upstream from a tarball will just know it was a trunk revision and not even ask about it23:31
seb128no patch to add or remove23:31
robert_ancellseb128, oh, so they will pull my changes in?23:32
seb128robert_ancell, "they"?23:34
robert_ancellthe unity team23:34
seb128no, I explained how usually didrocks would backport a fix23:34
seb128without using source v3 or patch systems23:34
seb128I guess didrocks will manually import you changelog entry, ignore the source v3 and patches and do merge the upstream commit23:35
robert_ancellWe're talking about two merges here - one pulling from the unity-team packaging branch a change from another branch, the other, requesting the released changes (i.e. the debian/changelog) are pushed back to that branch23:35
robert_ancellright, I get you now23:36
seb128well ideally you would request a merge request from lp:~robert-ancell/unity/bugfix to lp:~unity-team/unity/packaging23:36
seb128but if you say launchpad doesn't like it don't bother much23:36
seb128either drop an email to didrocks or catch him on IRC tomorrow23:36
seb128I think he starts early enough that you guys overlap a bit23:36
cyphermoxthings are looking good from my end -- downloaded and installed the .debs directly.23:37
bcurtiswxmore going into desktop PPA ?23:42
seb128bcurtiswx, what?23:43
seb128robert_ancell, ok, thanks for helping on the unity upload23:43
seb128time to go to bed here23:43
* cyphermox logs off for a while23:43
cyphermoxciao seb12823:44
bcurtiswxseb128, j/w if there were changes going to the desktop gnome 3 ppa right now.. just anxious to get nautilus not crashing.. upstream made my bug report critical, im assuming its not known yet23:44
bcurtiswxgood night seb128 :)23:44
seb128dunno about upstream nautilus23:44
seb128it's the setting status they give to crash issues23:44
seb128you can try to check on #nautilus on irc.gnome.org23:45
bcurtiswxah, well.  i've seen people using nautilus on unity23:45
seb128though now is probably not the perfect time for that23:45
seb128you can probably go back to the natty version23:45
seb128rather than the ppa one23:45
seb128that should work23:45
bcurtiswxwell, i type sudo apt-get install nautilus/natty, and it doesn't change anything23:46
seb128you need to downgrade the library as well23:46
seb128but I'm off for today23:46
bcurtiswxeasy way to go about that?23:46
seb128use synaptic?23:46
bcurtiswxyuppers, nite seb12823:46

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