
arrrghhhanyone ever used ddrescue?  i never have before, and it's been running for a few days now... the 'image' file is still 0b.01:18
arrrghhhit appears to be doing something however... it just doesn't seem like anything fruitful.01:18
SpamapSarrrghhh: whats it supposed to do?01:22
SlybootsNot sure what I've misconfigured hrere but..01:28
arrrghhhSpamapS, rebuild a complete disk image i would assume?01:28
SlybootsSetup dnsmasq and dhcp3 server on my network.. working fine01:28
SlybootsBut if I ping a local machine.. it seems to be routing it via the *external* interface01:28
Slybootsso if I poing the fileserver.. its pining my external ip instead of the internal01:28
SpamapSarrrghhh: rebuild from what?01:29
The_TickI have a 10.4 box I did an upgrade on, and now I have a few packages which seem to be in limbo01:29
SpamapSSlyboots: ping it from where?01:29
Slyboots... wait somethings really fucked up here01:29
The_TickI've tried clearing the cache, dpkg removing and then apt-get -f installing01:29
Slybootsif I ping *anywhere* like   DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
Slyboots  DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
SpamapSThe_Tick: define "in limbo" ?01:30
SlybootsC:\Users\Shinything>ping orange01:30
SlybootsPinging orange.slyboots.lan [] with 32 bytes of data:01:30
SlybootsReply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=5301:30
SlybootsI dont have a machine called orange01:30
SpamapSSlyboots: please do NOT paste01:30
SpamapSSlyboots: http://paste.ubuntu.com01:30
SlybootsSorry; my bad01:30
arrrghhhSpamapS, dead hard drive?   isn't that what ddresuce is for?!?01:30
The_TickSpamapS: sec I'll get you a paste :)01:30
SpamapSarrrghhh: ok so its rebuilding from a hard drive that has lots of errors?01:30
arrrghhhSpamapS, can't mount the disk.01:30
SlybootsPining real hosts like google.com work; but anything thats not a fully formed domain pings that IP address01:31
SpamapSSlyboots: right, so dnsmasq is mapping everything to your external IP01:31
arrrghhhit's pretty hosed.  ddrescue seemed to be a last resort attempt.  i can't exactly go down to the platters...01:31
SlybootsIm not even sure who is..01:31
SlybootsThats *not* my ip address01:31
The_TickSpamapS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538513/01:31
SpamapSarrrghhh: right, so ddrescue is going to go through and repeat reads over and over, taking the most commonly returned bytes. But if the disk isn't working, it might not even be able to get anything.01:31
arrrghhhSpamapS, that seems to be the case, but how can i tell?  it  looks like it's doing something productive, but the output file is 0b.01:32
The_Tickdoes fdisk -l even work?01:32
SlybootsAnyone idea what the heck I've done o.O01:32
The_Tickarrrghhh: any way you can get it fsck'd?01:33
The_Tickor is that out of style since 2002?01:33
arrrghhhi have no clue if i can fsck it01:33
The_TickSpamapS: it's been a while since I used an apt based system, but I'm pretty sure I'm just doing something wrong here01:33
The_Tickarrrghhh: is it a box next to you, or remote?01:33
arrrghhhThe_Tick, it's in the other room :P  my box, a buddy's hdd.  obviously not the boot disk here.01:34
SpamapSSlyboots: are you sure dnsmasq is answering queries for slyboots.lan authoritatively?01:34
The_Tickoh that's good01:34
SlybootsOkay' its only machines that arnt fully formed domains..01:34
The_Tickarrrghhh: so back in 02 we'd just reboot in the dc and fsck the disks01:34
The_Tickto see if there were file system errors01:34
Slybootsping google routes to that IP address01:34
Slybootsping google. doesnt01:35
arrrghhhwell i'm pretty sure it was an ntfs drive01:35
Slybootsand .com pings.. well google01:35
The_Tickdo you care about the data on it?01:35
arrrghhhThe_Tick, yes... trying to recover data is the only goal at this point.01:35
SpamapSSlyboots: that means your DNS search path isn't working right tho01:35
arrrghhhrecovering the hard disk itself would be nice, but i think that ship has sailed.01:35
Slybootswould that be dnsmasq or dhcpd?01:35
The_Tickarrrghhh: spindle based disk right?01:36
arrrghhhSlyboots, sounds like that winpoop client you're using :P01:36
arrrghhhThe_Tick, yes... what other kind is there, ssd?01:36
arrrghhhyea... definitely spindle based :P01:36
The_Tickdoes it click? :P01:36
arrrghhhwell that's the odd thing... kind of is my best answer.01:36
The_Tickturn it off01:36
The_Tickput it in a ziplock01:36
arrrghhhbeen there.01:37
The_Tickput it in the freezer for 30 minutes01:37
arrrghhhthis isn't my first rodeo.01:37
euphoria1how to go to usb key in ubuntu-server01:37
The_Tickya, figured01:37
arrrghhhit doesn't click like normal tho.01:37
arrrghhhby normal i mean almost constant.01:37
The_Tickeuphoria1: check if it's mounted with df -h -T01:37
SpamapShonestly, haven't you guys learned to use "the cloud" yet for your data? ;)01:37
The_Tickif it is, just cd to the thing under "Mounted on" on the right01:37
arrrghhhit clicks once when it spools down.  like it'll spin up, i'll try to access it... CLICK, then the disk spins down, waits a sec and spins back up.01:37
euphoria1isnt mountet01:38
The_Tickeuphoria1: then you need to figure out how to mount it :)01:38
euphoria1how to mount01:38
arrrghhhSpamapS, not mah data :P01:38
The_Tickeuphoria1: I don't know01:38
arrrghhhi told this dude to backup his pics... didn't listen to me.01:38
* Slyboots hrms01:38
The_Tickarrrghhh: this is going to sound odd01:38
SpamapSIf my laptop dies today, I'll slap a new HDD in it, install maverick again, and U1+IMAP+Launchpad+Google will have all my data01:38
The_Tickarrrghhh: go to #windows05 on dalnet01:38
euphoria1how to mount usb key01:38
The_Tickask in there01:38
The_Tickthey sometimes have good ideas01:38
arrrghhhlol really?01:38
The_Tickthey don't just use windows01:39
arrrghhhman.  i've thrown all my guns at it.  even hiren's boot cd.01:39
The_Tickbut just talk about how the disk is screwed01:39
The_Ticknot about how it's on linux01:39
arrrghhhnever had to use something like ddrescue.01:39
arrrghhhhrm ok.01:39
The_Tickhave a mac?01:39
SlybootsSo. rather confused what the solution might be01:39
The_TickI had one disk that just wouldn't go01:39
arrrghhhi don't really care how i fix it, i just want to fix it.  no, too cheap/not trendy enough to own a mac :P01:39
The_Tickdisk rescue 2 got it01:39
arrrghhhdisk rescue 2?01:39
The_Ticksome app01:39
euphoria1how to mount usb key01:39
arrrghhhoh.  mac stuff.01:40
The_Tickeuphoria1: put that into google, see if it brings up anything01:40
The_TickSpamapS: any ideas on the problem in my paste?01:40
qman__euphoria1, mkdir /media/usb; sudo mound /dev/sdb1 /media/usb01:40
qman__replace sdb1 with whatever your USB key is01:40
arrrghhhand mound with mount :P01:41
The_Tickqman__: he can just use fdisk -l to see it right?01:41
qman__yes, or dmesg01:41
qman__when you plug it in it usually pops on screen01:41
The_Tickok, so not any different, thought it was01:41
arrrghhhthere's 10 ways, ls -lah /dev/disk/by-uuid01:41
arrrghhhqman__, -server? :P01:41
The_Tickarrrghhh: heh01:41
The_Tickarrrghhh: any ideas on http://paste.ubuntu.com/538513/01:42
The_Tickor qman__ ? :)01:42
qman__arrrghhh, by pops on, I meant the messages, new device sdb on USB blah blah blah01:42
arrrghhhtaking too long to load, losing interest01:42
arrrghhhqman__, haha fair enough;.01:42
arrrghhhman failed to load at all01:43
SlybootsAnyone any idea?01:43
SlybootsBeyond "Dns search path" not working01:43
The_Tickarrrghhh: the paste did?01:43
arrrghhhSlyboots, didn't you read what i said?01:43
arrrghhhThe_Tick, yes...01:43
The_Tickwell let me solve that :)01:43
arrrghhhporn&irc work, so it's your link :P01:43
Slybootsarrrghhh: What? other than "your client sucks"01:43
arrrghhhSlyboots, lol no you need to fix your client.01:43
SlybootsIts Windows 7 o.O01:44
arrrghhhbut yes, your client sucks.01:44
Slyboots... Yea thats really helpful01:44
qman__The_Tick, I can't get to your link, not sure if it's down or what01:44
SlybootsYes.. Im running the DNS/DHCP on ubuntu-server01:44
qman__that one works01:44
SlybootsWindows 7 is my client01:44
The_Ticknew paste website, I choose you01:44
The_Tickooh, they even have fancy bash color coding01:44
SpamapSThe_Tick: looking now01:45
The_Tickthanks guys01:45
* Slyboots rubs his eyes01:45
Slybootsthis is stressful01:45
The_TickSlyboots: dns problems?01:45
qman__The_Tick, well, something is wrong with procps, but what that is isn't clear01:45
The_Tickqman__: agreed01:45
qman__try clearing out your apport reports so it makes one01:45
arrrghhhThe_Tick, looks like you've got two issues.  the upstart issue with procps, and the dependency issue with initramfs-tools01:45
The_Tickthat's where I'm lost01:45
SpamapSThe_Tick: I think you might need to do a force on the procps configure01:46
arrrghhh"package udev is not configured yet"01:46
arrrghhh^^ initramfs-tools problem01:46
uvirtbotarrrghhh: Error: "^" is not a valid command.01:46
arrrghhhsorry bot... :S01:46
arrrghhhdidn't mean to give you heartburn.01:46
qman__yeah, ^ was a very poor choice of command character01:47
SlybootsThe_Tick: Moved my DHCP server onto my ubuntu box01:47
The_TickSlyboots: is the old one still up?01:47
SlybootsBut now if I ping anything thats not a fully formed domain name; it pings $host.slyboots.co.ul01:47
SlybootsBut some random IP01:47
The_Tickgo get that one back up01:47
SpamapStho, I'm a little confused as to what jobs procps starts01:47
The_Tickthen change the scope on the new one to another internal network01:47
The_Tickand only allow for 2 clients so you can troubleshoot01:48
The_Tickthat way you're less stressed01:48
SlybootsWell I know it works fine if I take the other DHCP server up01:48
SpamapSahh a task01:48
SlybootsIts not a *huge* deal; normal DNS resolution to say "google.com" is fine01:48
SpamapSThe_Tick: check /var/log/daemon.log01:48
SlybootsIts oonly non-valid domains like "testbox" or whatever; resolve to that random IP address01:49
The_Tickgrep for "error" or anything else?01:49
The_TickSlyboots: try going to testbox.01:49
The_Tickadd the period01:49
arrrghhhit seems like your issue is client side Slyboots.  the dns append thing on your network connections01:49
SlybootsYea; adding the peroid stops it pining "No such host"01:49
SlybootsWhich is.. correct behavior01:50
The_TickSlyboots: it has to do with dns01:50
The_Ticknot really the dhcp01:50
The_TickSpamapS: nothing really there01:50
The_Tickqman__: so how do I clear that?01:50
The_TickI'm googling but if you know off hand01:50
SlybootsThis was working fine for weeks before I moved the DHCP server01:51
arrrghhhSlyboots, this happens on all your client pcs?01:51
The_Tickarrrghhh: ya, I see that, but I'm not sure why it's not going through whenever I play the cleanup the package game01:51
arrrghhhThe_Tick, did you try forcing it?01:51
qman__The_Tick, I don't know, I was searching too01:52
SpamapSThe_Tick: ok, well its probably failing trying to run the commands in /etc/init/procps.conf01:52
SlybootsSame behavoir01:52
arrrghhhSlyboots, so you don't have anything in the append dns suffix section?01:52
Slybootsin dnsmasq?01:52
The_Tickarrrghhh: trying to figure out the syntax01:53
arrrghhhno on your client pcs01:53
The_TickSpamapS: now to cat that file, bwa ha01:53
arrrghhhThe_Tick, i would think just a dpkg-configure udev01:53
The_Tickoh crap01:53
The_Tickit's sysctl01:53
The_Tickarrrghhh: which fails :)01:53
Slyboots"DNS Suffix Search List: slyboots.lan"01:54
arrrghhhThe_Tick, oic.  odd.01:54
arrrghhhSlyboots, ....01:54
SlybootsIs that wrong o.O?01:54
SlybootsI thought that was just like a local network name01:54
arrrghhhthat appends that suffix on anything that it considers local.01:54
qman__nothing wrong with it, but that's where it's looking01:54
arrrghhhSlyboots, told you it was your client :P01:54
SlybootsActually no01:55
SlybootsIt was the server01:55
The_Tickoh man, this looks like stupid firewall crap01:55
Slybootsdhpd3 has an optional "domain name"01:55
arrrghhhoh you had the server specify that value in the dhcp option?01:55
SlybootsJust commented it out and.. well now its working01:55
arrrghhhthat's only if you're in a domain.01:55
qman__Slyboots, that is a correct configuration for a local zone, but you have to actually have the zone configured01:56
qman__that's how I have mine set up01:56
qman__but I have a DNS zone with my local addresses and names01:56
SlybootsAh; well since Im not 100% what it does.. and disabling fixes it01:56
SlybootsI'll just leave it disabled :)01:56
arrrghhhyea i try not to enable something unless i know what it does.01:56
arrrghhhi hate configuring things on our cisco call manager servers lol01:57
SlybootsAh its all good pratice :)01:57
SlybootsIts a leanring experiance01:57
Slyboots"Hmm.. turning this on causes me to catch fire.. think I'll leave it off"01:57
arrrghhhwell gotta learn how to troubleshoot dude :P01:57
arrrghhhif you put your feet aflame, gotta know how to put 'em out ;)01:57
SpamapSoh wonderful.. looks like a bunch of canonical's properties are suffering right now.. :p01:58
SpamapSarrrghhh: launchpad, ubuntu one.. things Canonical owns.01:59
arrrghhhoh, ok.01:59
arrrghhhmeh.  shuttleworth can just pump more monies into the engine.02:00
The_Tickoh crap02:00
The_Tickthat was it02:00
SpamapSThe_Tick: that might be a legitimate bug02:01
The_TickSpamapS: could be02:01
SpamapSThe_Tick: or did you just put bad stuff in sysctl.d ? ;)02:02
The_TickI didn't, but I'm sure there might be other junk that was02:02
The_Tickanyhow, commented out things that it errored about02:02
SpamapSThe_Tick: either way, thats why we need console logged back. ;)02:02
* SpamapS is working on it02:02
Slybootswoo' thats local DNS and DHCP working02:04
SlybootsFun times!02:05
The_TickSpamapS: if the package didn't mess with it, I can get you the files that I had to comment things out on02:05
The_Tickif that'll help02:05
The_Tickin fact, I can just paste it all02:06
SlybootsRight'; next fun thing to get going is.. network boot02:14
arrrghhhSlyboots, pxe booting to image machines or for lstp?02:18
arrrghhhor ltsp, whatever it is lol02:18
Slybootsimage machines02:18
arrrghhhnice.  do you use clonezilla?02:19
SlybootsI use XBMC and I'm playing with the idea of pushing the OS over NFS :)02:19
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SlybootsI'vfe not even tested it yet; just playing with the idea02:19
The_TickI don't think I'd go that far with a video setup02:19
arrrghhhyea i figured out how to pxe boot and drop linux images real easy.02:19
The_Tickyou want it to work and forget about it02:19
* Slyboots nods02:19
SlybootsIt doenst look terribly complicated02:20
The_Tickjust get it to connect to the nets02:20
arrrghhhi'd like to figure out how to just throw iso's at a pxe server and image machines at will.02:20
arrrghhhhaven't figured that out yet.02:20
The_Tickarrrghhh: vmware esxi :P02:20
The_Tickor rather, the citrix vm software02:20
The_Tickyou can build templates02:20
The_Tickand it reads iso's02:20
arrrghhhyea i guess our network crap was all prebuild images...02:20
arrrghhhsince all the hardware is pretty similar they just baked in the drivers.  bah.02:21
arrrghhhwhat i really want probably isn't possible.  just me dreamin :P02:21
The_Ticksure it is02:21
qman__I recently had to get a pxe DOS image working to install windows XP on a laptop02:21
arrrghhhbeing able to drop linux images via the network is very nice.02:21
qman__which had a dead DVD drive and could not boot from USB02:21
The_Tickqman__: I might have to find the old debian netboot install to get linux onto a libretto 50ct02:21
arrrghhhqman__, sounds like fun :P02:21
qman__linux images should be a lot easier02:21
arrrghhhqman__, they are pretty easy.02:22
arrrghhhi was able to set it up pretty easily, i was surprised.02:22
arrrghhhthe most difficult part was probably setting up dhcp on the server instead of my router.02:22
arrrghhhand that wasn't too difficult :P02:22
qman__one of those "eventually" things02:22
qman__I'd like to get a basic PXE image going on my main DHCP server02:23
qman__as someone who works on computers, it'd be nice to not have to burn and swap CDs to test hardware and install operating systems02:25
arrrghhhqman__, well when you do, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer <--- all i needed.02:25
arrrghhhyep, that's why i did it.02:26
arrrghhhmuch easier to image machines thru pxe.  just wish i could drop windoze images as easily haha02:26
qman__yeah, not so simple there02:26
arrrghhhassuming their machine is licensed for the version of windows i'm installing, and i use their key i assume that's legit... but not really a topic for this room.02:26
arrrghhhi guess the pxe linux server that drops windows images is.02:27
qman__I speculate one could get a windows XP ready-to-install image, but then you still have to convert to ntfs and wait on the install02:27
arrrghhhI'm sure with BartPE it'd be doable.02:27
arrrghhhif not... dare i say easy?02:27
qman__the only other way is to install XP and set it up for imaging02:27
arrrghhhi should look into it.02:27
qman__which is possible but you still run into problems sometimes02:27
arrrghhhyea, driver-related mosly.02:27
qman__for vista and newer I have no idea02:27
arrrghhhfor 7... that probably isn't such an issue.02:28
qman__trouble is though, you'd need a different image for each type of license key02:28
qman__different editions, OEM or retail, and even different OEM images02:29
arrrghhhdamn windows.  yea, i guess pxe should stick to linux.02:29
qman__certain HP and Dell licenses won't work with generic OEM discs02:29
arrrghhhuntil recently microsoft didn't even have their own imaging system.02:29
qman__you need an HP/Dell specific version02:29
qman__fortunately they mostly did away with that mess with vista02:29
qman__a lot less discs02:30
qman__but it's still a mess of licenses, one of the best benefits of linux02:30
qman__it's a bit off topic, but did you know windows 7 home premium can't backup to a network share?02:31
arrrghhhno, and fail.02:31
arrrghhheven third party software?02:32
qman__a misfeature, disabled intentionally to make you pay more02:32
qman__no, the built in tools02:32
patdk-lapheh, I didn't think home editions could do any networking stuff02:32
arrrghhhlol they can't even network.02:32
arrrghhhno internets, must buy ultimate edition for that...02:32
qman__it's the same tool as the professional version02:32
qman__just disabled02:33
patdk-lapI finally hit the ipv6 issues in windows, that we have had in some linux things for awhile now02:33
qman__gotta have a USB disk or use DVDs02:33
patdk-lapas programs start to use ipv6 in windows02:33
patdk-lapwhat makes me really upset, is you have to have ultimate edition, if you want to use a language other than english :(02:34
arrrghhhpatdk-lap, really?  what about that stupid starter edition, that they don't even sell in the US?02:35
patdk-lapwell, I'm english native02:35
SlybootsI've seen a few netbooks with STarter edition on it02:35
patdk-lapbut I do like to type in other languages, so ultimate is required :(02:36
patdk-lapI guess I could just dualboot two copies of windows to work around it, but not fun02:36
arrrghhhSlyboots, really?  i didn't think they sold it in the states.  or was there an even more basic edition?02:36
qman__yeah, it has other language support, but it's crippled02:36
ScottKWould you all mind taking the bitching about Windows elsewhere.  It's off topic here.02:36
shaunoI'll have to be a pedant, and point out you don't need windows ultimate to use multiple languages.   every OS I have does so just fine :)02:36
arrrghhhindeed.  didn't realize you had a question... didn't think we were bothering anyone that did have a question.02:37
* patdk-lap hands out spankings to the channel02:37
arrrghhhScottK, what's your question?02:38
ScottKarrrghhh: Whether I have a question or not doesn't make bitching about Windows on topic.02:38
arrrghhhoh no it's definitely OT.02:38
ScottKSo please take it elsewhere.02:38
arrrghhhi just don't see it bothering anyone unless we are preventing people from getting support.02:39
ScottKI tend to read this channel in case people have questions.02:39
euphoria1im connecting02:40
euphoria1to my wifi through ubuntu-server02:40
euphoria1but i get no internet02:40
ScottKSo the continuing chatter causes me to keep checking.02:40
ScottKIt's annoying.02:40
arrrghhhsorry to annoy you.02:40
arrrghhheuphoria1, have you tried iwlist?02:40
yann2qman__, http://www.fsf.org/bulletin/2007/fall/antifeatures/ :)02:40
Slybootsarrrghhh: aye; seen at on a few acer netbooks at the airport02:40
arrrghhhor what is it.... iwscan or something?02:40
SlybootsI didnt think it was used at all but.. go figure02:40
arrrghhheuphoria1, can you see networks?02:41
* patdk-lap wonders what exactly conecting to my wifi through ubuntu-server means02:41
euphoria1i installed all drivers02:41
patdk-laplaptop -> ubuntu-server -> wifi?02:41
euphoria1im connecting to the wifi server02:42
euphoria1but still no internet connection on the server02:42
arrrghhhi'm assuming he has a router that is wifi, and a usb dongle or something on the server to connect to the router.02:42
arrrghhheuphoria1, am i correct in that assumption or are you trying to make the ubuntu server a wifi router?02:42
euphoria1im using usb card02:42
euphoria1i share internet with guy next door02:42
euphoria1so thats why i use wifi for server02:42
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arrrghhhso why'd you say no to my first question?02:43
arrrghhhyou weren't saying no to me perhaps.02:43
patdk-lapdoes he have an AP? or just another wifi dongle thing?02:43
arrrghhheuphoria1, let's start at square one.  what does "sudo iwlist scan" give?02:45
euphoria1my essid02:45
arrrghhhdid you configure it in /etc/network/interfaces?02:46
patdk-laparrrghh, this is what he wants, internet -> ubuntu-server+usb wifi -> internet for neighbor02:46
euphoria1arrrghhh im connecting to my essid all02:46
euphoria1but still no internet connection02:46
arrrghhhis it wpa?02:46
arrrghhhpatdk-lap, i don't think so...02:46
euphoria1wpa psk02:47
arrrghhheuphoria1, do you have wpa supplicant installed?02:47
euphoria1all of them02:47
arrrghhhall of them?02:47
euphoria1wpa suplicant02:48
euphoria1wlan tools02:48
arrrghhhyou used wpa_passphrase to convert the key to hex, put it in the interfaces file?02:48
arrrghhhcan you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces?02:48
euphoria1its on my server02:49
euphoria1cant copy paste02:49
arrrghhhyou don't have ssh?02:49
arrrghhhhow do you access the server?02:49
patdk-lappastebinit :)02:49
arrrghhhi was going to suggest ix.io :P02:50
euphoria1im on my server02:50
euphoria1right now02:50
euphoria1here im just with laptop02:50
arrrghhhyou have no LAN?02:51
arrrghhhoh right, stealing internet from your neighbor...02:51
arrrghhhwell start typin.  just put in the wireless interface stuff, you can skip the hex psk02:51
arrrghhhi think there's a manual way to connect with iwconfig.02:52
arrrghhheuphoria1, have you tried that?  connecting manually with iwconfig?  there definitely is.  i've just never had the need to put wifi on my server.02:53
arrrghhhdefinitely a way that is.  man iwconfig for the madness.02:54
Callum__hey look., there's people in here that talk03:01
Callum__good, cause I have my own issue ^_~03:01
Callum__okay, so my print server can print anything, but jobs that have Japanese characters in them.. seriously, anything thats completely in English is fine, and even Arabic and Chinese work fine03:02
Callum__but Japanese, makes my printers freeze up and the job doesn't get done03:02
Callum__I'm thinking its font related, any ideas? I have the ttf-msttcorefonts packages installed on the computers that I am printing from, and installed it on the server but to no avail03:02
arrrghhhsorry dude... i don't print in japanese i guess :P03:03
arrrghhhmaybe that'll help if you haven't seen it.  i would hope you have already tho...03:05
farandahi there...03:23
farandaI have running a hardy (ubuntu 8.04) with kernel 2.6.3603:25
farandaI have problem with apparmor03:25
farandaI build a deb package from source apparmor-2.1+107503:27
farandathe problem is in the init script03:28
farandaroot@hardy:~# /etc/init.d/apparmor start03:28
farandaLoading AppArmor profiles - failed, Do you have the correct privileges?: Failed.03:28
farandaanybody help me with apparmor in ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.36 ?03:34
farandawhen I run init script, show me the message :    Loading AppArmor profiles - failed, Do you have the correct privileges?: Failed.03:35
farandawhen I run apparmor_status, show me the message :    apparmor module is loaded.  You do not have enough privilege to read the profile set.03:36
fluvvellHi guys, I've just got a nice new quad core IBM x3100 M3, I'm going to install server 10.04 on it, but I'm not sure whether to use the onboard raid, or whether to use software raid and go throught the setup hurdles03:45
qman__faranda, sorry, but I don't know much about it, and since you're not using supported packages, most people here won't be able to help03:54
qman__best place to start looking is at where it's looking for the profiles, and the permissions/existence of them03:54
farandaqman__: ok, I check that. Thanks04:02
=== deegee_ is now known as deegee
uvirtbotNew bug: #430681 in ec2-init (main) "package ec2-init (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,Expired] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43068104:35
banker247what is the best way for a small organization to host vtigercrm on its own servers and allow outside access?04:57
farandaqman__: the problem is compatibility with apparmor 2.1 and kernel 2.6.3604:59
farandaI change the kernel to 2.6.35-23.4105:00
farandaeverything ok05:00
april__what happens if i delete '.bashrc' and '.bash_logout' from a users /home directory-05:04
UndiFineDbash shell would revert to the default set in /etc05:26
databitswhat is the irc command to open up a new server window ?05:38
banker247can you access your local host without it being on a router?05:47
qman__databits, depends on your client05:53
qman__banker247, will be accessible as soon as the network stack is loaded05:53
banker247qman__, i'm having problems connecting to it remotely..05:55
banker247i used no-ip to set everything up.. so its not just my ip i can connect locally but outside my LAN its not letting me in05:55
qman__banker247, well, do you have internet access?05:56
qman__if you do, and you're sharing that internet access, you're behind a router05:56
qman__you must configure port forwarding or DMZ in that router05:56
banker247the computer i'm trying to login to my localhost is not here its at another place05:56
qman__"localhost" means
banker247can i open something in private chat for u?05:57
qman__I don't mind05:57
databitswhat is the command to check and see what service's I have running on my server ?07:10
joschidatabits: `ps aux` for example07:11
joschidatabits: or `pstree`07:11
joschidatabits: or `service --status-all`07:11
joschidatabits: all depending on what you exactly mean by "service"07:12
databitswell I have a irc server running on my linux box, and I'm not able to connect to the server so I want to check and see if it is running07:12
databitsI have the worst memory, I'm having a hard time remember what type of irc daemon I even have running on here lol07:13
databitsI had a little network issue, where all my downstream bandwidth was being ate up.  So I shut down my server, to check and see if it was something running off my linux box07:13
databitsnow everything seems to be running but my irc d07:14
databitsah it is unreal I beleive07:14
databitswhat is the command to search the drive for a directory ?07:15
databitsUnable to connect to server (Connection refused)07:17
databitslooks like the server is blocking the request07:17
jay3hmmm I always wanted to know how to set an irc server up there databits07:18
databitsunreal is an excellent ircd.  Woudl you like me to send the Daemon over to you ?07:21
databitsjsy3 ?07:21
jay3please and thank you07:21
databitshere you are sir07:22
jay3hang on07:22
jay3gotta setup something to accept the request07:22
databitsI'm pretty new to the whole linux game, and I was able to get it setup and running in a night07:23
databitsso if you half was know what you are doing, should be no problem for you :)07:23
jay3yeah I run a new irc client so takes few to get the hang of things07:23
databitsI love this daemon because it is has so many different configurations and settings07:23
jay3ok adding you to my dcc here07:24
databitsI run windows 7 for all my client machines, and have a linux server for all my daemons07:24
jay3yeah I run here07:24
jay3windows 7 as well07:25
jay3ok try again07:26
jay3please and thank you07:26
jay3acidmax is the client which I have to turn off two options07:27
databitswhats your email I will just shoot you an email real quick... does not seem to want to work right now07:27
jay3there ya go just sent you a private message07:28
jay3for my email07:28
jay3its mtbardal4545@hotmail.com07:30
joschijay3: do yourself a favor and don't install unreal ircd from an untrusted source07:30
databitsjoschi: it is solid... running same package myself for quite a while now07:31
databitsno issues07:31
=== Amgine is now known as Amgine_lurking
joschijay3: there are several ircds in ubuntu's package repository which you could use. they are tested and signed, in contrast to the file from databits07:31
databitsthere you go jay307:32
databitsjoschi: I did a lil research, and found that unreal was one of the best ircd's out their. Unreal is not in the repositories.  Otherwise I would have installed it from their, trust me.  kind of a headache for a noob.  I got it working though... Yay!07:33
databitsI checked out some of the other IRCd's in the repositories, and none of them had the features or config's like unreal does.07:34
banker247http://www.000webhost.com/ will this be able to run apache2 and vtigercrm?08:12
ajushi_hi everyone. I've installed UEC and got it up and running but when I create a volume and attach it to an instance it appears and disappears. and in my instance I can't seem to see it using sudo fdisk -l10:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #683548 in clamav (main) "[regression] Bytecode/JIT errors when scanning some PDFs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68354810:26
sokoOn 10.04 with Apache 2.2.14 (which has SNI) I have 2 SSL sites configured yet I still get "[warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 443, the first has precedence". I thought that with SNI one can have many SSL sites on the same IP/port. Is there anything extra I need to configure?11:42
databitswhat is the command to search for a file or folder ?12:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #683601 in puppet (main) "Class-level dependencies not honored" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68360112:12
alcyAfter installing heartbeat, there is a /etc/heartbeat directory as well as /etc/ha.d directory with same contents. the init script refers to ha.d. so...any particular significance of the heartbeat directory ?12:13
zacharynewbEveryone! :D12:20
zacharynewbHello, how are you?12:23
Psi-JackHeh fun.. Found a bug in the dovecot init.d script.13:11
Psi-JackIn fact, it's not a problem with dovecot's script itself at all, but ubuntu's lsb-init functions.13:13
databitsthere is a configuration option for postfix "sendmail_path =" I'm unsure as to what goes here.  Can someone help me out plz13:24
lucascastro /J #ubuntu-quality13:24
lamontdatabits: the default is /usr/sbin/sendmail13:24
lamontand there should be no need to change it13:24
databitswell it is empty13:25
databitsjust says = blank13:25
patdk-wkdid you use postconf to find that out?13:25
patdk-wksendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail13:25
databitsI'm using nano editor to edit the config file13:26
patdk-wkuse postconf13:26
patdk-wkpostconf shows you what postfix sees13:26
lamontthere is sometimes this thought that one should have config file with every option on the planet specified.  this nearly always leads to tears.13:26
databitshow do I go about using postconf ?13:26
lamontsendmail_path is not in the delivered main.cf, which is minimalist in nature13:27
patdk-wktype postconf :)13:27
databitsall that did is list all the config stuff their are alot of blank options13:28
databitsdoes not allow me to edit any of them13:28
patdk-wkit shows you ALL settings for postfix13:28
patdk-wkand what they are currently set to13:28
patdk-wkwhat does the sendmail setting say?13:28
databitsI can't go back up that high13:29
patdk-wkpostconf | grep sendmail13:29
lamontman postconf13:29
databitsI'm not worried about seeing what they are allready set to ... I need to set the settings so it will work13:29
patdk-wkif your changing that settings, something is probably wrong, or your doing something extreemly odd13:30
patdk-wkcause your going give yourself headaches down the road13:30
databitsIve never setup postfix before13:30
lamontthere are about 40 lines in the stock postfix/main.cf.  sendmail_path is not one of them13:30
databitstheir was not a main.cf file in the directory so I had to get a blank config and cp to the directory13:31
lamontrm /etc/postfix/main.cf; dpkg-reconfigure postfix13:31
databitsthanks lamon13:32
lamontit sounds like when you installed it, you told it "no configuration", so it did what you said. :(13:32
databitsI'm running a website, and I want to have email accounts for the site13:33
databitswhich I can receive email through php forms and what not13:33
databitsso I would choose internet site ?13:34
lamontmost likley13:34
lamontit's more a question of how you deliver mail - internet site, or internet site with relay host13:35
lamontif you have to relay mail out through some other mail server, you want the latter13:35
databitswell basicly I'm running my webserver which has the php form's on the linux server which is running the mail server13:36
databitsso I want to be able to use sendmail command to take the data in the form and send it to the smtp server on the linux server13:37
SlimGHas anyone set up DevMan (HP UPS Agent) on linux, and know what the difference between DevManRA and DevManBE is? I need one that can listen to the serialport13:37
databitsso I can access the emails which are created... also I want to be able to send email's out using my domain which I'm going to be purchasing later today13:37
lamontdatabits: with a relay host then. and that host is the linux server13:37
patdk-wkdatabits, make sure you get all your hostnames setup correctly for sending email13:38
* lamont needs to wander13:38
patdk-wkreverse dns, forward dns, mx, and helo names13:38
databitsthanks for the help so far... I will be back in just a quick few have to go pick something up real quick13:40
databitshopefully help will still be around :)13:40
* ZacLnxNewb_ loves you guys for helping him become more familiar with his linux server13:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #683650 in dovecot (main) "status_of_proc is returning incorrect error code" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68365013:56
zulsoren: yeah so really just the one apport hook is needed because you only have one configuration file for everything now and it will provide a list of the packages that are installed as well14:16
sorenzul: I understand why we only need one. I just don't understand why it only gets installed for nova-api.14:17
sorenzul: And not nova-common, for instance.14:18
zulhmm....lemme think about that14:18
zulsoren: for some reason if i do source_nova.py it wont register with apport14:22
databitsyou still around everyone for help ?14:26
databitsso I want to select internet with smarthost correct ?14:27
patdk-wkyou only want smarthost IF you are forwarding all outgoing email to another email server, that will send on your behalf14:38
patdk-wkif you are sending emails directly to gmail/yahoo/hotmail/.... then no14:39
databitsok excellent... and any emails that would be made in a form will be able to be received with no issue also correct ?14:42
patdk-wkthat doesn't have anything to do with any of that :)14:46
patdk-wkbut generally, unless you really screw something up, yes14:47
RoyKdatabits: you probably want a smarthost if you're on a public ISP, they may block SMTP to avoid spamming14:47
patdk-wkresidentual isp14:47
databitsI'm trying to remember how I had it setup before14:47
databitsI almost think I was using comcast mail server for my smarthost last time I had a mail server14:48
RoyKpatdk-wk: try to telnet zimbra.karlsbakk.net 2514:48
RoyKif you reach it, you don't need to use a relay14:48
patdk-wkwhy do I care?14:50
patdk-wkI'm already running like 30+ email server without smarthosts14:50
RoyKthen no worries14:51
databitsya I'm able to connect :)14:51
databitsshould I have it setup to only relay mail for the local host ?14:53
RoyKusually, unless your users need to use it as a relay host. if so, setup authentication for that14:54
RoyKopening up for public relay isn't very wise.....14:54
databitsI just wanna be able to connect to it using outlook to send and receive mail14:55
databitsI want people to be able to send me mail at my .com address, and I want to be able to send mail from my .com address14:55
databits127.0.0.0/8 [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128__14:56
databitsthat is what the default is14:56
RoyKthen you'll need to open for smtp from your users. if they are on a separate subnet, just open up for that. if they're on the net somewhere, you'll need to use smtp auth14:56
databitsshould I just click "ok" ?14:57
databitsRunning newaliases15:06
databitsnewaliases: warning: valid_hostname: misplaced delimiter: ubuntu.hsd1.mi.comcast.net.15:06
databitsnewaliases: fatal: file /etc/postfix/main.cf: parameter myhostname: bad parameter value: ubuntu.hsd1.mi.comcast.net.15:06
databitsI keep receiving those error's and I'm deleting the config file and running the dpkg conf without those parameters15:06
cemcdatabits: postalias maybe?15:07
lamontdrop the trailing dot.15:07
sorenzul: That doesn't make installing it just for nova-api correct :)15:07
databitsI'm not even telling it to put those15:07
zulsoren: yeah i know im working on it :)15:09
databitsawesome got it working15:10
databitsnow lets see if I can get this bad boy to really work15:10
databitsis postfix both an smtp server an pop or just smtp ?15:13
databitshow do I setup mail accounts ?15:16
JanCdatabits: postfix is an SMTP server15:26
databitsok so I need a pop or imap server to receive mail from my php form's then correct ?15:34
databitssmtp server is just for sending mail right ?15:34
databitsI need to catch some zzz's maybe my brain will be working a lil better then.   I will talk with you guys in a few hour's.  Thanks for the help15:36
zulhggdh: yay it looks like the bnx2 bug is fixed15:38
patdk-wksmtp is for receiving email15:40
patdk-wkimap/pop are used to read email out of a mailbox15:40
ZacLnxNewbDoes anyone know how to enable people to send texts to your server?15:40
patdk-wkbut smtp is used for basically everything else, as it's normally the only thing allowed to go from server to server15:41
ZacLnxNewbsend texts to, and recieve?15:41
patdk-wkZacLnxNewb, by texts you mean sms?15:41
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-wk: Yes, sir15:41
patdk-wkusing real sms or email?15:41
patdk-wkthe easy way to do sms, is to just connect a phone to the server15:42
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-wk: preferably real sms15:42
Steve[cug]ok, I have a question about UEC.  mainly is there a way to manage it almost like vmware server and the like?15:42
Steve[cug]a web ui that will let you see the console and such15:42
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-wk: however I am interested in setting up an email server too.15:42
patdk-wkthe more proper way, and more expensive is to use a sms gateway provider15:42
ZacLnxNewbpatdk-wk: Is there any way to do so without any extra expense?15:43
patdk-wkya, connect a cellphone to your server :)15:43
patdk-wkthat is really the cheapest option15:43
ZacLnxNewbalright, so scratch tht15:44
ZacLnxNewbI want to play around with email serving15:44
ZacLnxNewbwhat would you suggest?15:44
patdk-wkany email server :)15:44
smoserjiboumans, i dont know if i mentioned to you https://launchpad.net/~smoser/+archive/lucid-kernel-upgrades16:04
smoseri'm somewhat hoping that our next round of image updates will be launchable with pv-grub kernels (although probably not registered with them by default due to bug 682831)16:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 682831 in plymouth "lost console output early in boot" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68283116:05
ish_hey guys, what do you guys use for power conservation on your servers?16:10
patdk-wkthe off switch, or halt command16:10
ish_har har16:11
ish_is there a need to have a software that will lower power consumption when ur system is idle?16:12
patdk-wknot really16:13
veovis_muaddibish_: I've been looking for the same thing, I've been given a few suggestions but they're not working for me16:13
patdk-wkmost all of that is kernel toggles16:13
veovis_muaddibI'd like to be able to go into low power mode and wake up for ssh, smb, or vnc access, or cron jobs16:14
ish_lol same here16:14
patdk-wkhow do you mean low power mode?16:14
patdk-wkin order to do that you have to wake up on every network packet16:14
patdk-wkand process that packet to see if it is for one of them16:14
patdk-wkand that means well, not sleeping16:14
MrMintanetI had a question, if that's ok?16:15
patdk-wkand unless you turned off speedstep or cpu scaling in your cpu, it already goes into low power mode16:15
patdk-wkuse powertop :)16:15
ish_isnt powertop for laptops?16:15
patdk-wkwhat is different about laptops and servers?16:15
patdk-wkthey are both computers16:15
patdk-wkthey both normally have acpi16:15
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: Of course it's okay, that's what this is here for16:16
MrMintanetJust wanted to be sure I wasn't going to get directed to Google or something16:16
pmatulisMrMintanet: it depends on your question16:16
patdk-wkthat depends on the question :)16:16
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: A lot of people still will16:16
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: See?16:16
MrMintanetWell, I'm a Windows Admin16:16
MrMintanetAnd I've got a handle on Ubuntu now16:17
pmatulisMrMintanet: just ask the question16:17
* patdk-wk waits for the paragraph16:18
MrMintanetI want to setup a server that will run non-intrusive virus scans over the network.16:18
e1venCan anyone post an example of an upstart script which fires off multiple daemons? I need to fire up two different copies of a Database (mongodb) on separate ports- In an init script this is pretty straightforward, but with upstart it isn't really sure how to shut them down- stop: Unknown instance:"     I'm using start-stop-daemon to track the PIDs  (with --pidfile and --make-pidfile). Being able to look over someone else's16:18
e1venupstart script that fires multiple daemons might help16:18
MrMintanetAnd I want it to send out email notifications of it's findings16:18
MrMintanetCan anyone make any suggestions as to how I should consider approaching this "challenge"?16:19
patdk-wksounds like you want an idr with virus scanning16:19
patdk-wkids :)16:19
JanCscan what for virusses?  HTTP, shares, e-mail, ...?16:19
JanCor "everything", as patdk-wk suggests?  ☺16:20
patdk-wkit won't work for any ssl stuff16:20
MrMintaneteverything,r eally16:20
MrMintanetI want it to be able to scan .pst files too16:20
MrMintanetFor outlook email16:20
patdk-wkpst's don't go over the network16:20
patdk-wkunless your doing remote logins via smb16:20
patdk-wkand then you can't access the pst's if outlook is open16:21
ish_veovis_muaddib, i think i found it. its called wakeonlan16:21
veovis_muaddibish_: That requires a specific packet to be sent before it will work, and for some reason it's not working at all for me16:21
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
MrMintanetWell, then if we disregard the .pst part, is this something that I can do with Ubuntu Server?16:21
veovis_muaddibish_: But my friend who's helping me troubleshoot it has it working on his machine, and it's pretty cool16:22
patdk-wkmaking wakeonlan work requires bios and network card support, and sometimes also os support :)16:22
MrMintanetIf so, where do you think I shoudl start my studdying?16:22
MrMintanetstudying*  Sheesh, I can't spell today.16:22
UndiFineDbut setting up a mail server around exchange is possible to scan mail16:22
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: Yeah16:22
patdk-wkveovis_muaddib, what *computer* is it? model numbers help :)16:22
ish_veovis_muaddib, oh jeez. that sucks about sending the packet16:23
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: Custom machine, let me find the motherboad serial in my search history16:23
patdk-wkveovis_muaddib, lshw :)16:23
veovis_muaddib*model number, not serial16:23
veovis_muaddibnot sshed in, it's off16:23
patdk-wkish, depends, if it's your only machine, ya, not much fun16:23
patdk-wkbut if you have a router, you can program the router to watch for stuff attempting to use it on the network, and send the wakeonlan for you16:24
veovis_muaddibWouldn't that need something like OpenWRT?16:24
patdk-wkveovis_muaddib, basically, yep16:24
patdk-wkor any other computer, to do the watching16:24
patdk-wkdo not great for a single server usage deal16:25
ish_patdk-wk, i have about 20-30 machines. They are rarely used at night.16:25
patdk-wkish, workstations?16:25
MrMintanetWhat is an "IDR"?16:25
patdk-wkMrMintanet, I meant ids, intrusion detection system16:26
MrMintanetI have a sonicwall16:26
MrMintanetBut my users also use mobile broadband cards16:26
MrMintanetWhich completely bypass the IDS16:26
patdk-wkwell, that won't work then16:26
patdk-wkthe only thing you can is scan their drives16:26
patdk-wkpersonally, just using software on their machines would be best16:27
patdk-wksecond best option I would do is a centeral backup server, then just scan the backups16:27
MrMintanetOk, then is there an Open Source version of Symantec EndPoint?16:27
MrMintanetI use Acronis for that.16:27
patdk-wksee if there is an acronis backup mounter, that would be ideal :)16:28
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: I'm on an ASRock n68pv-gs, and using the onboard NIC.  It was meant to be a friend's desktop, but needs changed and it became a server.16:28
MrMintanetIf you install GUI on Ubuntu Server, are you pretty much a complete idiot?16:29
patdk-wkdepends on your needs16:29
ZacLnxNewbHi,  I'm connecting to my server with filezilla through SFTP, however I don't seem to have permission to view files ?16:29
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: There are ways to do it, and reasons to do it... It depends on what you need16:29
MrMintanetIm' really struggling with CLI16:29
patdk-wkveovis_muaddib, it says it supports wakeonlan16:30
MrMintanetI feel that I need to get my head around it, but don't know where to begin16:30
patdk-wkso you probably have wrong bios settings16:30
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: If you're going to install a GUI, I recommend Openbox or awesome.  Openbox is a floating wm like Windows and OS X, and awesome is a tiling wm that you'd have to see in action and play with first16:30
patdk-wkMrMintanet, your still thinking like a windows admin :)16:30
patdk-wkin windows they sell *solutions*16:30
MrMintanetI know16:30
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: I have boot on lan enabled, that's all I've found in the BIOS16:30
patdk-wkgenerally in opensource and stuff16:30
MrMintanetI am trying to break free of those chains16:30
patdk-wkyou have to build it, by layers16:30
MrMintanetI am interviewing for a job in a 100% open source shop16:31
patdk-wkso you have to think of what is required to get the result you want16:31
ZacLnxNewbMrMintanet: Linux is indeed scary because you can't entirely visually see all the pretty colors...16:31
ZacLnxNewbMrMintanet:  But linux is still very beautiful in it's use. ;)16:31
MrMintanetI agree16:31
MrMintanetThe most difficult time I have is with CLI16:31
ZacLnxNewbI don't seem to have permissions with my SFTP to view all my files on my server16:32
MrMintanetAny suggestions on where to speed learn CLI, by chance?16:32
MrMintanetMaybe a little song that will help me remember things?16:32
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: Diving into Arch Linux is either terrifying or amazing fun.  Diving into Ubuntu Server, is pretty different, but not scary16:32
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: Well, true16:32
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: On a personal machine, get Arch Linux running16:32
MrMintanetArch Linux?16:33
veovis_muaddibIt's a build your own system distro16:33
veovis_muaddibLFS takes more time, but it teaches you more as well16:33
veovis_muaddibeither one is great for learning16:33
ZacLnxNewbso, could someone perhaps help me?16:34
MrMintanetForgive my ignorance, but isn't that what Ubuntu Server is?16:34
patdk-wkveovis_muaddib, so far looks like probably, pci devices power on, needs to be on probably16:34
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: I'm not good at configuring ftp.  I always leave it very insecure because it's a pain16:35
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: ACtually16:35
patdk-wkveovis_muaddib, I don't see anything else in there, but if there is any type of, low power mode, make sure it's off16:35
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib:  SFTP is basically already set up server side16:36
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: I seriously didn't have to configure ANYTHING to connect with SFTP16:36
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: Ubuntu server is quite configured.  Like RedHat/CentOS, it does a lot for you.  Arch Linux and LFS throw you in and make you configure everything yourself16:36
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: I can tell you how I did it if you'd like to see16:36
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: Trust me, very VERY easy16:36
MrMintanetIt sounds painful16:36
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: It was incredibly painful in windows16:37
patdk-wkpainful is good, it causes you to learn16:37
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: I've played with some of the settings in power, and I'm pretty sure everything is off like that....16:37
patdk-wkthe bad is, you make lots of security mistakes :)16:37
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: so I avoided it because I thought it was hard16:37
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: but it's actually very simple on linux16:37
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: If you think it sounds painful, then it's not for you.  I think it sounds awesome, so I love it16:37
MrMintanetWhat is a quick and easy virt. app I can use on Ubuntu-Desktop?16:37
veovis_muaddibMrMintanet: Virtualization?16:38
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: Just a recommendation on which server you used would be nice16:38
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: You don't need a server. :D16:38
veovis_muaddibVirtualbox was developed by Sun before they were eaten, it's a pretty good one MrMintanet16:38
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: I mean which ftp daemon...16:39
MrMintanetOk, here's a question16:39
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib:  SSH on the server acts as the SFTP serveR16:39
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: Oh16:39
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: You don't have to install ANYthing16:39
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: Seriously, it's already there. :D16:39
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: Okay, I'll have to play with that, I forgot about that16:39
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: Just install filezilla client on your windows pc16:39
MrMintanetIf I'm using CLI on a server, and have no idea what the correct command is to install an app, how would I go about finding out if all I had was CLI?16:39
veovis_muaddibI barely use ssh for tunneling, let alone sftp16:39
patdk-wksftp is part of ssh16:39
patdk-wkftps is ftp over ssl16:39
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: Goto "file" -> "Site manager"  and choose SFTP, and enter your login info that you use to access the server from putty, and VOILA!! Connected with SFTP !16:40
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: Don't have Windows atm, kind of annoying when I want to play games.  I'm stuck with TF2 and L4D2 on Mac, and that's about it16:40
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: Trust me though, I'm SO HAPPY,16:40
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: because I gave up on configuring it on windows16:40
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: No doubt.16:40
ZacLnxNewband on linux16:40
ZacLnxNewbIt's SOO EASY. :D16:41
ZacLnxNewbI like, broke out in happy tears!16:41
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: lol16:41
ZacLnxNewbit's so elegant!16:41
MrMintanetIf I'm using CLI on a server, and have no idea what the correct command is to install an app, how would I go about finding out if all I had was CLI?16:41
UndiFineDman <command>16:41
ish_veovis_muaddib, have you been able to play starcraft 2 on ubuntu?16:41
veovis_muaddibI have a question on the topic of filesharing:  I run OS X, Linux, Windows, and an Xbox on my home network.  I run XBMC on each of these, and I stream videos through SMB on my server.  Is there a better way?16:41
ish_veovis_muaddib, damn wine wont work for me on it for some reason16:42
patdk-wkveovis_muaddib, nfs?16:42
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: stream videos via Samba?16:42
ish_veovis_muaddib, try ushare16:42
veovis_muaddibish_: I gave up on configuring WINE myself, and only use other people's wrappers now.  Plus, on the OS X side, I have SC II, so I haven't tried in Linux16:43
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: Yeah, it's as unpleasant as it sounds16:43
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: ish_: I'll look those up, thanks16:43
patdk-wkwell, windows isn't really going do nfs16:43
coleveo: playing SC II right now with wine...works perfectly16:44
patdk-wkbut I stream videos over smb all the time16:44
ish_CIFS/SMB for windows16:44
patdk-wkbut normally use nfs, cause it's mythbuntu to mythbuntu16:44
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: Probably will have to keep the SMB open for the xbox anyway, so I can use it in Windows16:44
patdk-wkwhat about just supporting dlna?16:44
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib:  patdk-wk    So what should I use for my PS3 and Xbox360 for video streaming?16:45
ish_cole, did it work the first time for you? I try installing it from my cd and it says error16:45
veovis_muaddibpatdk-wk: But with 720p, smb feels like RealPlayer16:45
patdk-wkmust be your smb  or server :)16:45
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: Different software for each :P16:45
ish_veovis_muaddib, ushare works awesomely16:45
coleish_: log into battle.net and use the installer that you download16:45
ish_cole, oh darn i should have thought of that. I will give it a go tonight16:46
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: what would you suggest for each?16:46
coleish_: wine caused a kernel panic twice during the download but the install wass flawless16:46
ish_cole, lol16:46
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: I think I have a bookmark for 360, I don't have a PS3, I can hear Ratchet calling for me, but haven't had the cash to pick one up16:46
veovis_muaddibZacLnxNewb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=794489 Is in my todo folder.  I can't vouch for it working, I haven't even read the whole thread16:48
veovis_muaddibOkay, it's 9:48 am here and I stayed up all night...  I'm going to go watch "Terminator: The Summer Glau is Hot Chronicles" to keep myself up and get on a better schedule.  I don't process the neurotransmitter that makes you feel tired properly...16:51
ZacLnxNewbveovis_muaddib: take care16:51
MrMintanetInstalling NBR on Virtualbox while I wait for download16:55
MrMintanetIncredibly simple16:55
MrMintanetThanks for the suggestion16:55
UndiFineDMrMintanet, I am glad you like it16:55
MrMintanetI've used VMWare Workstation, and it was very easy, but I really do find Virtualbox to be much easier to use.16:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #683743 in mysql-5.1 (main) "Please investigate adjusting the mysql apparmor profile to support akonadi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68374317:01
patdk-wkcan someone point me to the right channel or howto: I want to build my package for hardy and lucid, 32bit and 64bit, and what the best method is, or is using 4 vm's the best?17:03
SpamapSpatdk-wk: I use sbuild17:05
SpamapSpatdk-wk: basically, install mk-sbuild, and run 'mk-sbuild --arch=i386 hardy' and that will create a hardy-i386 schroot which you can use for compiling source packages with 'sbuild -A -d hardy-i386 file.dsc'17:06
patdk-wkfile.dsc? I normally do a dpkg-build... currently17:06
patdk-wkand it makes that stuff17:06
SpamapSpatdk-wk: debuild source in the source dir will create the .dsc17:07
SpamapSdebuild -S17:07
* patdk-wk goes to create a vm to try it on :)17:08
SpamapSpatdk-wk: you don't really need a vm for this ;)17:08
patdk-wkwell, I figure having a build vm, with all the sources of crap I want, will keep things cleaner17:08
patdk-wkand I can move that vm around whereever I want to17:08
patdk-wklike, a reinstall of my system, or server, won't affect it :)17:08
MrMintanetOk, just installed Ubuntu on Virtualbox, and it's being dumb17:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #683640 in spamassassin (main) "status_of_proc is returning incorrect error code" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68364017:22
Psi-Jackhey.. I'm trying to gather a list of lsb-init init.d scripts that call "status_of_proc -p", other than bind9, dovecot, openbsd-inetd, rsync, spamassassin, and ssh, and would like to request if people could do this and pastebin any results they get: grep "status_of_proc -p" /etc/init.d/* | grep -v -E 'bind9|dovecot|openbsd-inetd|rsync|spamassassin|ssh'17:22
MrMintanet"No required driver detected for unity."17:22
MrMintanetI only get that problem when loading NBR17:23
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=== NG_ is now known as ng_
timoPsi-Jack: openvpn17:28
Psi-JackAhh, one I hadn't seen, thanks will check it out.17:28
timoPsi-Jack: do you need the paste?17:28
Psi-JackIf just that one, nah. ;)17:29
timoPsi-Jack: just that one on my box17:29
Psi-JackMaking a bug report and adding what it effects when fixed.17:29
Psi-JackAnd yep. Definitely effected.17:29
Psi-Jackbasically there's a major flaw in lsb-init's init-functions that causes pid-file determination to completely fail everything if said service is /not/ started, no matter what, which is completely wrong.17:31
ish_whats a good channel for hacking17:32
Psi-Jackish_: ##php, #python, #java, #c, #ruby, etc.17:32
Psi-JackOh, excuse me, not #c, but ##c17:32
ish_i meant white-hat hacking17:32
Psi-Jackish_: Hacking == Programming17:32
ish_eh most of the world uses that word for network breaching17:33
Psi-JackThat's exploitation, security penetration, defacing, phracking, etc.17:34
Piciish_: ##security17:34
ish_Pici, tried it says invite only17:34
Piciish_: register/identify then17:34
ish_Pici, hmm so no need to get an invite then?17:34
Piciish_: correct.17:34
ish_Pici, sry for silly question. Where do i go to register?17:35
Pici!register | ish_17:35
ubottuish_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:35
MrMintanetDo I install Virtualbox-Extras on the host or client computer?17:39
b0gatyrMrMintanet: client computer.17:39
=== ish_ is now known as ish10
b0gatyrbetter yet "guest" machine17:41
ish10sweet im in now17:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #683769 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96.3 dfsg-2ubuntu1. failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68376917:42
ish10how do u guys hide join msgs by default in xchat every time you start17:42
Psi-Jackish10: #xchat17:44
RoyKseems zfs is getting into debian http://robertmh.wordpress.com/2010/11/27/about-zfs-in-squeeze-2/17:50
air^RoyK: :O17:50
air^RoyK: so, this will be zfs + linux kernel? wasn't there some license issues related to that?17:53
RoyKthere is - zfs is licensed under a BSD-like license17:53
air^RoyK: but it's allowed to still link it directly from the installer?17:56
air^or is this now a gray zone.17:56
RoyKseems it's with kFreeBSD17:56
RoyKso no linux there17:56
air^ah, fsck.17:56
air^we'll just wait for btrfs then :P17:56
RoyKI have stopped waiting for btrfs17:57
RoyKsetting up 250TB on OpenIndiana these days17:57
air^with ZFS? or ext4?17:58
air^so, bsd ?17:58
air^"Licensing: coming soon..." ?17:59
RoyKair^: licensing will be BSD-like18:00
RoyKair^: /j #opensolaris18:00
RoyKair^: /j #openindiana18:00
=== BadTypoDog is now known as Amgine
pmatulisanyone here have much success in using 'apt-cdrom add' on a loopback mounted ISO?  it seems completely broken on 10.0418:38
SlybootsMm.. well now that I have ubuntu sort of going and the LVM in place..18:44
SlybootsGot to think about power-managment.. spinning down drives and whatnot when tis not in use18:44
Slyboots(But in a way that wont murder the RAID)18:44
=== FireCrotch is now known as nickmoeck
patdk-wkSpamapS, ok, I have sbuild installed and kindof working19:00
patdk-wkbut it keeps bitching about known filesystem aufs19:01
SpamapSpatdk-wk: paste.ubuntu.com maybe?19:02
SpamapSSlyboots: drives use a really, really tiny amount of power when compared to CPU's ;)19:03
SpamapSpatdk-wk: are you running a custom kernel?19:08
SpamapSpatdk-wk: grep aufs /proc/filesystems19:08
=== ihCiFriS is now known as SirFiChi
patdk-wknot in there19:08
zulsmoser: is the stuff in lp:cloud-init current?19:08
SpamapSpatdk-wk: ahh! maybe its not enabled in virtual kernels19:08
patdk-wkguess I'll uninstall the vm kernel :(19:09
SpamapSpatdk-wk: or use lvm19:10
SpamapSpatdk-wk: or btrfs19:10
smoserzul, yes, i think so19:10
patdk-wkya, I was thinking I should probably do lvm, but that was after the fact I found out about it :)19:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #683801 in rrdtool (main) "rrdtool1.3.8 in Lucid needs an update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68380119:12
patdk-wkheh, kernel change fixed :(19:15
patdk-wknow some odd build errors with apt19:15
patdk-wkheh, it helped to install ia32-libs :)19:23
SlybootsWhat sort of measures do you have to take to get power managment working in Ubuntu server?19:25
SlybootsIm thinking primarlly of speed-stepping and perhaps having the HD's sleep when not in use? (But in a way that wont damage the RAID array)19:26
SlybootsDo I not need to.. like install something or?19:27
patdk-wkif you want to adjust the harddrive sleep, use hdparm to do so19:28
patdk-wkbut really, harddrives generally don't sleep19:28
patdk-wktoo much log writting and stuff going on19:28
syn-ackThat's why those WD green drive die so quickly. :/19:29
patdk-wkeven on my laptop, the best I can do, to maximize power usage, and cut from 18watts to 15watts19:29
patdk-wkif you do that on a server, your talking about well, a few percent if that19:29
patdk-wkI get more powersavings from dumping the drive completely and using ssd, than sleep mode on a rotating disk19:30
patdk-wkand really the biggest power draw is a monitor :)19:30
patdk-wkafter cpu and video cards :)19:30
SlybootsWell its a file-server :P19:30
patdk-wkgo about underclocking your cpu and video card :)19:31
SlybootsDont have a videocard19:31
patdk-wkunless you have >10 drives, it's not really worth powering down the harddrives19:31
patdk-wkand even then, I wouldn't19:31
Slybootswell what about speed-stepping19:31
patdk-wkenable it in your bios19:31
patdk-wkif your cpu supports it19:31
SpamapSSlyboots: the speed step stuff I think you just need to install pm-utils19:35
SpamapSkirkland: ping ^^ Slyboots wants to reduce power usage on his server.19:35
patdk-wkah, pm-utils is installed on all my systems19:36
patdk-wkso I never noticed19:36
patdk-wkhmm, everything works except hardy i38619:46
patdk-wkgpgv won't run19:46
=== SirFiChi is now known as ihCiFriS
T3CHKOMMIEhey guys, im a little confused as to why i have 3 virtual hosts on one server working and resolving correctly, i added a 4th virtual host pointed to a new document root but that new subdomain cannot resolve to the new virtual hosts docuemt root. any ideas do i need to refresh /flush something?20:04
SpamapSjcastro: dude.. http://askubuntu.com/tags/ubuntu-server/faq     *nice*20:14
SpamapST3CHKOMMIE: you should only need to reload the apache service (service apache2 reload)20:14
T3CHKOMMIEya, it looks like the DNS didnt refresh as fast as i had like.20:15
T3CHKOMMIEi gave it about 10 min and its working just fine now.20:15
T3CHKOMMIEthanks for the help120:15
SpamapSjcastro: btw.. I am evil today  http://askubuntu.com/users/813/spamaps20:16
SpamapSreputation: 666 ;)20:17
zulSpamapS: looks like debian already has 5.1.53 packaged soon20:19
jcastroSpamapS: heh, awesome20:21
SpamapSzul: in unstable?20:23
zullooks like it20:23
jcastroSpamapS: you're my hero of the day, I've never even heard of debi before20:25
jcastroSpamapS: yeah that FAQ generator is awesome, feel free to link it from a team page or something20:26
SpamapSjcastro: debi is awesome if you're building packages. :)20:27
ptingwhat parameters do i add in my fstab for sshfs to perform a sudo -i upon connecting?20:32
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remix_tjpting: what? sudo -i while connecting?20:35
remix_tjwhat command do you use by hand?20:35
ptingremix_tj, i want to switch to root upon connecting with a different user for the mount20:35
remix_tjthere's no way to do it20:36
ptingremix_tj, i see, i'll just connect as root then, thanks20:36
remix_tjonly connecting as root can allow you to operate like root20:36
zulSpamapS: experimental20:38
SpamapSzul: well thats something. :)20:42
SpamapSzul: I'll hold off on the merge then20:42
patdk-wkspamaps, I found it to be useless :)20:44
patdk-wkas I was going upload it to a ppa and didn't know it compiled them :)20:45
patdk-wkbut it does take me to another question, I have the source I want compiled to be available for hardy and lucid, but I can't see a way to upload to a ppa for both, and if I attempt to upload twice one for each, it complains20:46
SpamapSpatdk-wk: oh hahaha20:46
patdk-wkbut atleast that did solve my, compile it if I want to :)20:47
SpamapS /win 2720:47
sorenSpamapS: Yeah, nothing interesting in /win 27.20:49
SpamapSsoren: all the good stuff is in /win 320:50
sorenSpamapS: /win 3 is ok. /win 61 is where all the cool kids are, though.20:55
Pici /win 3 is actually this channel on my client.20:56
SpamapSPici: ^5 for /win 320:56
RoAkSoAxlol /win 3 is also this channel for me20:59
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
hallyn_ScottK: on bug 673654, i'm not clear on next step - do we ask kees to take a look, or were you just going to apply the patches, or someone else?21:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 673654 in clamav "Upcoming clamav release with security fixes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67365421:16
nertilnertil@Maverick:~/psybnc$ uptime21:20
nertil-bash: /usr/bin/uptime: Input/output error21:20
nertilsudo: unable to execute /sbin/reboot: Input/output error21:20
nertilcant doo any commands21:21
hallyn_ttx: hey, i'm looking at bugs 681598 and 570944 - was anything ever decided about what to do about pam_winbind and use_authtok?21:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 681598 in samba "passwd doesn't work with pam_winbind" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68159821:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570944 in samba "passwd : gives "Authentication token manipulation error"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57094421:22
hallyn_(I'd ask slangosek but don't see him on)21:22
hallyn_nertil: i think you have disk errors21:22
nertilhard disk?21:23
sorennertil: dmesg might give a few hints.21:23
hallyn_where do /usr/bin and /sbin sit?  on local disk?  or is this nfs?21:24
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hallyn_nertil: so as soren suggested, does dmesg give you any hints?  What about output of df and mount?21:36
ScottKhallyn_: I've already talked to the security team about it.21:47
sorenRyan_Lane|food: It depends on your packaging, really.21:48
Ryan_Lane|foodsoren: yeah, would be good to get opendj packaged. I'm sure forgerock would be appreciative21:48
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sorenRyan_Lane: How are you building the packages now?21:49
sorenOk, good.21:49
sorenRyan_Lane: Do you have the source packages published anywhere?21:49
Ryan_Laneyeah. in wikimedia's repository21:49
Ryan_Lanewhich is: deb-src http://apt.wikimedia.org/wikimedia hardy-wikimedia main universe21:50
hallyn_ScottK: ok, and they're taking it and runnig with it?21:50
ScottKhallyn_: I believe so.21:50
hallyn_ok, thx.21:50
Ryan_LaneI should make a small change before getting it added21:51
sorenRyan_Lane: It's a native package?21:51
Ryan_Lanewhat do you mean by native?21:52
sorenIt only has a single tarball in it, with both upstream code and the packaging stuff.21:52
Ryan_Laneoh. yes.21:53
* soren shrieks as he realises this is Java stuff21:53
sorenOk, your major obstable is going to be not using the jars shipped in the tarball, but rather the ones in the Ubuntu repository.21:54
Ryan_Lanewhich jars?21:55
Ryan_Laneah. in lib?21:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #683890 in cloud-init (main) "config-grub does not run" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68389021:56
sorenRyan_Lane: In ext/, lib/ and resource/21:56
sorenRyan_Lane: There's 51 of them.21:56
sorenSorry, 59.21:56
Ryan_LaneI don't see that many on install21:57
sorenRyan_Lane: Great!21:57
Ryan_Lanethere's like 1421:57
sorenRyan_Lane: That makes your job way easier.21:57
Ryan_Laneand most of them are specific to opendj21:57
sorenRyan_Lane: If they're built form the source package, that's fine.21:58
Ryan_Laneactivation, mail, and je are likely the only non-opendj ones21:58
sorenRyan_Lane: Step 1 is to enumerate the ones it needs at runtime that aren't built, but just bundled.21:58
sorenRyan_Lane: ...and find out if they're packaged in Ubuntu.21:58
sorenRyan_Lane: Does that distinction make sense to you?21:59
Ryan_Laneyeah, shared libs should come from other packages21:59
Ryan_Lanemy concern is how this will affect upgrades22:00
Ryan_LaneI also don't know how upgrades should be handled22:00
Ryan_Lanethere isn't anyone to backport fixes for this22:01
Ryan_Lanesoren: I was going to simply keep the package up to date with the upstream stable releases22:02
sorenRyan_Lane: Yeah. Maybe getting it in shape for Ubuntu proper isn't worth the effort.22:06
Ryan_Laneit doesn't matter much for me, as I'm maintaining it anyway :)22:07
Ryan_Lanebut it's a much better server than openldap, and others could benefit22:07
Mip5_Hi - ubuntu 10.04.1, ltsp, raid1. After updates yesterday (that got interrupted), I restarted, ran dpkg --configure -a, and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. It appeared to work okay, got an ncurses notice about grub, and installed it to all 3 disks in teh array, but now I get dropped into the initramfs shell22:09
Mip5_The error I get is that disk-by-uuid/ xxx can't be found . I have been able to boot into an older kernel, and am in that way now. I'm not sure how to fix this. Folks from ubuntu-ltsp recommended I try here. Here's a link to postbin with info on blkid, /etc/fstab, and grub.cfg:22:11
smoserkirkland, zul ping22:12
smosereither of you know what i should do if i found a bug in a package i have in -proposed at the moment ?22:12
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I believe if it has not yet been released as an update, you can just prevent that from happening or ask someone to decline the package22:16
ScottKhallyn_: I put the diff for the clamav security fix in the bug.  If you were to make debdiffs for each release, that would certainly speed the security team's work.22:18
smoserScottK, ^ you probably know for sure above22:18
smoserI'm asking specifically about bug 671103, and the missed fix described in bug 68389022:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 671103 in cloud-init "backport grub-legacy-ec2 from maverick to lucid" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67110322:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 683890 in cloud-init "config-grub does not run" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68389022:19
ScottKsmoser: Is it a new bug to the proposed package or does it exist in the released package too?22:19
ScottKIf it's just in proposed, comment in the bug and tag it "verification-failed".22:20
smoserwell, its not really a regression.22:20
smoserpart of the fix just wont run22:20
smoserwhich would then, not really fix the problem22:20
ScottKThat still qualifies as verification failed.22:21
smoserso i tagged verification failed22:21
jdstrandhallyn_: it absolutely would speed up the process. please follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures#Preparing%20an%20update22:21
ScottKWe don't want to give people updates that don't fix the problem.22:21
smoserand in the other, regression-proposed22:21
jdstrandhallyn_: it would also help with core-dev cred22:21
smoserso what happens from here ? someone drops the -proposed package, and i can upload a new one ?22:22
smoserok. i have to run, please, if anyone here can help push those along, or tell me what i need to do to do so, i would really appreciate it. i'll check back in later.22:23
hallyn_ScottK: jdstrand: np, i'll do that tonight or tomorrow.  thanks22:55
jdstrandsbeattie: fyi ^22:56
jdstrandhallyn_: thanks!22:56
tomsdaleI just updated my ubuntu 10.04 server with lvm partitions and grub cannot remember where it previously was installed. It asks me to  choose between sda and sda1 (ext2 not lvm)23:24
tomsdaleis it ok to install on sda or can this lead to problems because of lvm?23:25
Patrickdkis it the only os on that computer?23:25
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PatrickdkI would go with sda :)23:26
Patrickdkor, I always go with sda :)23:26
tomsdaleMe too - but I'm confused because it should have been on there already - so why does it forget. it's a remote vm - so lets hope it comes up :-)23:27
Patrickdkdepend on how long ago it was you updated it23:27
Patrickdkthere was a change a few months back23:28
tomsdaleinstall is 3 month old.23:28
Patrickdkthat made a file in grub so it knew where it should go, before that it did a good guess23:28
Patrickdkso you might of not had it23:28
Patrickdkand when you update it, it gets that, notices it doesn't know, and asks you to basically confirm what it thinks23:28
tomsdaleok, makes sense - let's see whether it comes up :-)23:29
tomsdalePatrickdk: it came up fine - thx a lot23:32
quizmei normally use Ubuntu at home and for my personal web server, but at work they're running fedora.  So, I'm thinking for my work computer to be on Fedora.  Do you think that's a good idea?  (They said most programmers use Mac though...)23:37
=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ

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