
iheartubuntuthanks everyone for the help!! :)00:21
jledbetterI wish I had "!help" rl03:32
aadityajtatum: no theme :(06:26
jtatumaaditya, no theme?06:26
aadityayes, all I see is white background and all relevant HTML elements, but looks like the CSS has been deleted.06:26
jtatumoh... hmm06:27
jtatumthat might be me06:27
aadityaI believe it's because it's looking for CSS under ubuntu-ca.org/06:28
aadityafirefox and chromium, on Ubuntu of course.06:28
aadityahello rbarot__06:28
jtatumaaditya, try now :)06:30
aadityajtatum: works!06:30
aadityathe text on the right side under the logo is wrapped, but that's a minor06:31
aadityaTheme looks awesome. Wow, this was quick.06:31
aadityahello rbarot_06:31
jtatumproxy is a giant pain :P too much to try to rewrite. i'm thinking editing host file may be the best way :)06:32
rbarot_hi .. I am in india now06:32
aadityarbarot_: yes, how's it going there?06:32
aadityajtatum: hm, avoiding proxy would be better. I'm not sure how Linode works, but host file solution sounds like the way to go.06:33
rbarot_its going awesome..busy with family gathering and all06:34
aadityarbarot_: that sounds fun!06:36
aadityarbarot_: I'm working with Zend to do a meetup at Y! this month. Guess you won't be back by then.06:38
rbarot_aaditya: yes it is. Howz everything else going06:38
aadityarbarot_: will you be back by the Jan meetup? I'm thinking of another Ubuntu related meetup then.06:38
rbarot_that is really good. I guess i couldnt make it this time though. of course06:41
aadityaalright, we'll continue the discussion later.06:42
aadityahave fun there!06:42
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Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects edited15:51
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/HolidayPeaceFaire edited16:15
pleia2nUboon2Age: cool, that's the event you were talking about at the ubuntu hour, right?17:01
nUboon2Agepleia2: si amiga17:17
jtatumhappy mailman day18:07
MarkDudejtatum, should we use some PC term for the chicks also?18:08
MarkDudeLike mailpeoples, or letter folks or sumthin'? :D18:08
jtatumthe first of every month is the day when mailman emails you list reminders for every list you're subscribed to :)18:09
MarkDudeMost inanimate objects are given a female persona tho. Like ships, airplanes, etc18:09
pleia2mailman is the name of the software :)18:10
MarkDudeshh pleia218:10
* MarkDude is just glad he did not call it GNU mailman 18:12

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