
=== nightfro` is now known as nightfrog
ubuntu-flAnnouncement from my owner (tiemonster): ##saiku saiku13:18
mhall119!seen tiemonster13:53
ubuntu-flmhall119: tiemonster was last seen in #ubuntu-us-fl 1 week, 0 days, 21 hours, 18 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: <tiemonster> mhall119: are you around?13:53
DammitJimwhere is he?14:00
mhall119lazy bastard14:01
zoopsterwow...lot's of cruft in the user list...mootbok and mootbot-uk, ubuntulo1, ubuntulog2 and locobot_4 - what the heck14:08
mhall119we've always had locobot_4 and we've had MootBot(-uk) for a while now14:09
mhall119the ubuntulog bots are part of a new logging initiative, IIRC14:09
mhall119we probably don't need 2 each of mootbot and logbot14:09
zoopstera bit of monitoring overkill14:17
tiemonstermhall119: using SSL+SASL would provide similar protection to SOCKS5 over SSH, right?14:47
DammitJimtiemonster, is back!14:58
=== svwilliams is now known as svwilliams|lapto
=== svwilliams|lapto is now known as svwilliams|lappy
=== svwilliams|lappy is now known as svwilliams
tiemonstermhall119: everything has been transferred to the new server15:20
tiemonster!xkcd server15:20
ubuntu-fltiemonster: http://xkcd.com/278/15:20
itnet7zoopster: really only one log bot and the mootbot-uk should be here20:15
itnet7I can try kicking the others.20:15
tiemonsteritnet7: what happened?20:16
itnet7Nothing, the new ubuntulog bot was rolled out20:16
itnet7so I am not sure we need the locobot_4 or one of the ubuntulo1 20:17
itnet7I was just reading what zoopster had written earlier about monitoring overkill20:17
tiemonsterthought ubuntu-fl was misbehaving20:18
itnet7Oh, no not at all!20:19
tiemonsterI'd hate to lose our little xkcd bot20:21
itnet7tiemonster: it's great!20:22
=== itnet7 changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-fl to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Florida Local Community IRC Chat !! || Next Team Meeting: Tuesday, December 7th, 8:00 pm EST || Please add your discussion items and Ideas to our Meeting Agenda located here: http://tinyurl.com/ubuntu-fl-agenda || http://www.ubuntu-fl.org

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