[17:23] what IRC clients are folks using? [18:16] Konversation and irssi here [19:02] I want to (in a bash script) make it sudo chown username:user-group specific-file-name-here.xls whereas it changes owner to whoever the current user is. best way to do that would be how? [19:34] Obsidian1723: i think the current user is stored in the enviornment variable LOGNAME [19:37] how do I find that? $LOGNAME ? [19:37] and what about their group? [19:39] Obsidian1723: I think according to ubuntu standard settings, user and group are both the same. For me, most of the files in my home are ripps:ripps [19:40] Obsidian1723: what exactly are you trying to do? [19:50] when my install script runs, it downloads a bunch of files which are owned by root, ansd I want them changed over to the current user. [20:01] that worked perfectly thanks [20:19] ripps thanks man... you can see what I was doing in the script... http://dl.dropbox.com/u/914191/install-script.sh