
* micahg just discovered MOTU has upload rights for the xubuntu package set05:33
micahgcody-somerville: mr_pouit ^^05:35
* micahg wonders if that's because all the packages in the packageset are in universe05:38
mr_pouityeah, I think it was demoted to universe before these packageset were set up06:36
micahgmr_pouit: right, but why would MOTU have upload rights to the pacakgeset?06:40
mr_pouitmicahg: I don't think I care about archive reorg and package sets as the wiki page still has a big "THIS IS AN UNAPPROVED DRAFT. EXPECT SUBSTANTIAL CHANGES." at the top09:05
micahgmr_pouit: ok, well, I guess it's kinda moot at the moment anyways09:06
micahgI was just curious09:06
micahgmr_pouit: one of the things discussed at UDS was to have MOTU be able to upload what's not in any packageset09:07
mr_pouitwell, I thought that ~ubuntu-dev should be able to upload in anything, even if it's in a package set09:11
mr_pouitbut it probably changed again09:11
micahgmr_pouit: ~ubuntu-dev is anyone with any type of upload rights09:11
micahg~ubuntu-core-dev would be able to upload anywhere09:11
micahgwhile ~ubuntu-motu who's main focus should be the unmaintained part of the archive would get whatever is left09:12
mr_pouit"Most noticeably, it is expected that the ubuntu-core-dev and motu teams will effectively be collapsed into a single team, provisionally entitled simply "Ubuntu Developers". Members of this team will have upload rights to all packages in Ubuntu, with the possible exception of a small number of "restricted package sets" determined to require greater experience."09:13
mr_pouitso maybe they changed again :)09:13
micahgyeah, that's been revised :)09:13
mr_pouitok, so I'll look into it when they think it's worth taking the time to explain what changed to people who don't go to UDSs... which will probably be after they implemented everything, unfortunately :(09:17
micahgmr_pouit: well, I'm happy to pass along what I learn, I guess my question is do you want them to be able to upload after the archive reorg (I can add the appropriate topic for the next UDS), BTW it's also some of the other pacakgesets as well, not just xubuntu09:18
mr_pouitmicahg: I think it's safer, because I'm the only active dev with upload rights in xubuntu currently... cody is totally inactive since one year or more, so if I decide to leave, or if I don't have time, then xubuntu is stuck =]09:22
mr_pouitso, it's either "have more devs in ~xubuntu-dev", or "allow motus to upload as well" :)09:22
micahgmr_pouit: I hope to join xubuntu-dev at the end of the cycle :)09:22
mr_pouityay, more active people :p09:22
micahgbut that's a good point, hmm, it'll be worth at least a hallway discussion at some point if not a whole session, thanks for the input09:23
charlie-tcaGood morning12:53
charlie-tcaMaking friends and infuencing people... I broke natty alpha1 bad21:43
charlie-tca(and it is ubuntu, not xubuntu)21:43

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