Rakko | is the xubuntu community pretty small? the mailing list gets almost zero traffic | 00:15 |
charlie-tca | yes, | 00:16 |
charlie-tca | we have about 70,000 users | 00:16 |
charlie-tca | and not very many use the mailing list | 00:16 |
Rakko | 70k isn't too bad | 00:35 |
Rakko | I'm always picking relative underdogs for some reason | 00:35 |
Rakko | what I wanted to find out on the mailing list is how I can launch the *Xubuntu* session from outside of gdm | 00:35 |
Rakko | someone else asked that same question right after I joined | 00:36 |
Rakko | I can only figure out how to launch the Xfce session, which is subtly different | 00:36 |
charlie-tca | did they get an answer? | 00:36 |
Rakko | n o | 00:36 |
Rakko | no | 00:36 |
charlie-tca | um, it is hard to do, if I remember right. | 00:37 |
Rakko | I can't find it anywhere and I've grepped and googled all over | 00:38 |
Rakko | why are there both the xubuntu and xfce sessions anyway? if they're almost the same | 00:39 |
charlie-tca | you have to manually start several things. | 00:39 |
Rakko | the xfce one looks better, if anything, because its config menu has more options | 00:39 |
charlie-tca | xubuntu session has our own changes | 00:39 |
Rakko | (more means better, lol) | 00:39 |
charlie-tca | xfce session uses stock xfce settings | 00:39 |
charlie-tca | We make things prettier | 00:40 |
Rakko | are you a xubu developer? | 00:40 |
charlie-tca | No, I am not a developer. I am the QA lead and interim Project Leader | 00:40 |
Rakko | oh, cool | 00:41 |
charlie-tca | AFAIR, there is no single command to start a xubuntu session. | 00:43 |
Rakko | well how does gdm manage it? it must be in a gdm config or script somewhere | 00:46 |
Rakko | rhetorical question | 00:47 |
charlie-tca | scripts | 00:47 |
charlie-tca | used to be in /etc/gdm | 00:47 |
charlie-tca | hm, that looks right, too | 00:48 |
Rakko | I'll look when I get home... maybe I just totally missed it | 00:53 |
Rakko | I was surprised to find the directory /usr/share/xubuntu with a session script in it, but that script also invokes xfce | 00:53 |
charlie-tca | It has to invoke xfce | 00:54 |
charlie-tca | That is the desktop environment | 00:54 |
Rakko | xfce4-session, I meant | 00:55 |
Rakko | without any of the xubuntu mods | 00:56 |
charlie-tca | heh | 00:56 |
charlie-tca | that is just to confuse | 00:56 |
charlie-tca | The rest of it used to be in /etc/xdg , but I think they moved parts of it and I can't find them anymore | 00:57 |
Rakko | well thanks for looking | 01:03 |
charlie-tca | at least it is a starting place | 01:04 |
Rakko | I didn't know freedesktop.org was once known as XDG | 01:05 |
Rakko | for some reason I used to follow a few fd.o mailing lists and they always seemed like really cool folks | 01:06 |
Rakko | back when the GL-based X implementations were in their infancy | 01:06 |
Rakko | oh, back to xubuntu... I wish I knew how to report this: when I was updating last night (using update manager) my X session ended abruptly and I couldn't log back into it until I rebooted | 01:09 |
Rakko | I went to the console and watched top until all the apt* and dpkg* processes were finished before rebooting... I hope everything got applied completely :/ | 01:09 |
Rakko | does apt-get or dpkg check for consistency when you run it? I'd like to make sure the packages are in good shape | 01:10 |
charlie-tca | If you run sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and don't get an error, it finished | 01:24 |
Rakko | ok, thanks | 01:31 |
Rakko | bye and thanks | 03:03 |
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ubuXubu | Good Morning Xubuntu Techs! | 11:20 |
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walt | I am running xmonad with xubuntu. Where is the correct place to trigger a startup script? I am being very confused by googling, it seems to have changed a lot and no one seems to really know. I don't want to add it to the xmonad session entry, since I would like it to be per-uer if possible | 17:22 |
jon-the-id | Hello xunbunters | 17:44 |
jon-the-id | xubunters rather | 17:44 |
Thermi | xubuntuusers | 17:45 |
Thermi | :D | 17:45 |
jon-the-id | Thanks thermi | 17:45 |
Thermi | :p | 17:45 |
jon-the-id | I have a slight problem with xubuntu 10.10 | 17:45 |
Thermi | first thing i said in months in this channel :p | 17:45 |
jon-the-id | Anyway you may be able to help me | 17:47 |
jon-the-id | If I am lucky | 17:47 |
Thermi | describe your problem. | 17:47 |
jon-the-id | Actually my current problem is that my head hurts as I have just smashed it into the fridge door handle whilst taking my socks out of the tumble dryer | 17:49 |
jon-the-id | Ouch | 17:49 |
jon-the-id | Anyway, here's the Xubuntu prob | 17:49 |
jon-the-id | I've got 10.10 with all the updates running on a Toshiba L30 laptop | 17:50 |
jon-the-id | My main soundcard is working fine | 17:50 |
jon-the-id | I also have a 'usb headphone set' external soundcard that I like to use for certain things (listening to music quietly, Skype etc) | 17:51 |
jon-the-id | Both these have drivers installed fine, and I can access their properties from the mixer in the tray | 17:52 |
jon-the-id | However I can't see any way of setting which soundcard does what. | 17:52 |
jon-the-id | Also I can't find anyway of enabling system sounds | 17:52 |
jon-the-id | In Ubuntu this is easy as you just go to system - settings - sounds | 17:53 |
jon-the-id | But this option doesn't exist in Xubuntu, the only sound control seems to be the mixer | 17:54 |
dr4c4n | nope | 17:54 |
dr4c4n | pavucontrol | 17:54 |
dr4c4n | if that doesn't work : try ubuntu-bug audio | 17:54 |
dr4c4n | :D | 17:54 |
charlie-tca | nope | 17:55 |
dr4c4n | apt-get install pavucontrol | 17:55 |
jon-the-id | doing it now, thanks! | 17:55 |
stygian | any idea why gpointing-device-settings fails across reboots? ive disabled my touchpad, cause i hate it and use a mouse anyway. every time i reboot the touchpad is reactivated (although it is still marked as disabled) | 17:55 |
charlie-tca | for system sounds, you set them through Xfce4 settings manager, | 17:55 |
stygian | or is there a more proper way to deactivate the touchpad? | 17:56 |
dr4c4n | charlie-tca: my problem was only solved using pavucontrol, I tried the Xfce4 settings manager many times. The correction I found was trying the ubuntu-bug audio script - which led me to pavucontrol | 17:56 |
charlie-tca | jon-the-id, appearance, settings, check in system sounds? | 17:56 |
charlie-tca | If you don't check the box, they won't play no matter what you try, will they? | 17:56 |
Sysi | charlie-tca: do you know if there's reason why pavucontrol isn't installed by default? | 17:57 |
jon-the-id | pavucontrol looks good! Let me try it out a bit | 17:57 |
Sysi | pulseaudio is quite useless without configuring | 17:57 |
dr4c4n | charlie-tca: there's no "sounds" menu option in my Xfce- settings manager | 17:57 |
jon-the-id | Charlie-tca - in Xubuntu there is no "sounds" menu | 17:58 |
dr4c4n | +1 jon-the-id | 17:58 |
dr4c4n | :) | 17:58 |
jon-the-id | I reckon this should be installed by default . . but am no expert | 17:58 |
charlie-tca | settings tab in Appearance | 17:58 |
charlie-tca | bottom line in the settings tab. | 17:58 |
charlie-tca | and, no, system sounds are not enabled by default in Xubuntu | 17:59 |
dr4c4n | which is greyed out unless you enable it in something like pavucontrol - command line or gui interface | 17:59 |
jon-the-id | Ahhh! Got it now | 17:59 |
dr4c4n | for enable input feedback sounds | 17:59 |
jon-the-id | I wasn't really that bothered about the system sounds, but it definitely seemed like something was missing | 18:00 |
jon-the-id | Well, I'm getting there. Now with pavucontrol I can switch the output stream of exaile to my usb headset thing. | 18:11 |
jon-the-id | But I can't hear anything yet . . . | 18:11 |
dr4c4n | jon-the-id: did you enable / unmute everything w/ mixer? | 18:12 |
jon-the-id | doh! | 18:13 |
jon-the-id | Working a treat, sounds brilliant | 18:13 |
jon-the-id | Thanks so much for your help | 18:14 |
dr4c4n | jon-the-id: I am not sure who you are thanking, but I'm glad you got things going :) | 18:17 |
jon-the-id | Er, you dr4c4n | 18:19 |
jon-the-id | And Charlie | 18:19 |
dr4c4n | jon-the-id: no problem, glad to help | 18:20 |
jon-the-id | Still can't get system sounds working I'm afraid | 18:33 |
jon-the-id | I've installed the freedesktop sound theme | 18:34 |
jon-the-id | Enabled system sounds in appearance - settings | 18:34 |
jon-the-id | There doesn't seem to be anywhere to choose which theme to use for system sounds | 18:35 |
jon-the-id | Anybody know the answer to this one please? | 18:40 |
dr4c4n | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=853173 ? it's saying no support for event sounds other than log out or login, but i'm not sure about this, at least you know your sounds are coming out now though :) pavucontrol is excellent for that | 18:45 |
dr4c4n | another reference: perhaps documentations reside here somewhere: http://xfce-look.org/ | 18:46 |
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jon-the-id | Yep I saw that one on ubuntuforums, seems a bit strange though to have an option to enable system sounds/ feedback sounds from within xfce4 | 18:47 |
jon-the-id | Anyway, the main prob is sorted, can't have everything eh? | 18:47 |
dr4c4n | guess not, there's so many great things about xubuntu.. I never even noticed that a startup sound doesn't play lol | 18:48 |
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jon-the-id | I really like it believe me! I've tried loads of low-overhead linux distros and it is the only one that has lasted more than 4 days or so on my lappy | 18:49 |
jon-the-id | gotta go, thanks | 19:02 |
drpfenderson | I was wondering if there might be someone here that could help me get a python script that works in Ubuntu to work in Xubuntu. | 19:02 |
drpfenderson | It's this simple Upload to Imgur script: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=125851 | 19:02 |
drpfenderson | The whole things works, except for copying the URL to the clipboard | 19:03 |
drpfenderson | and I cannot figure out why that function doesn't work. | 19:03 |
drpfenderson | The code is here: http://pastie.org/1339144 | 19:03 |
drpfenderson | It's a tiny script, and I cannot understand why it won't copy | 19:04 |
drpfenderson | I even sought help from the author of the script, and he's stumped as to why it works in GNOME, but not XFCE | 19:04 |
drpfenderson | Although, this may not be the best room to ask for help with this in - if so, any recommendations on where to go to ask for help? | 19:05 |
dr4c4n | drpfenderson: perhaps a #python room? | 19:08 |
drpfenderson | Sounds good - I'll poke around there. I just thought the Xubuntu-specific question merited asking here | 19:08 |
drpfenderson | Thanks | 19:08 |
dr4c4n | drpfenderson: you could also try to modify the script to the | 19:08 |
dr4c4n | drpfenderson: xfce4 specific clipboard functionality | 19:09 |
dr4c4n | drpfenderson: I would google query something like this: python xubuntu clipboard integration code snippet or the like | 19:09 |
dr4c4n | w/out the or the like | 19:09 |
drpfenderson | Thank you very much, dr4c4n | 19:11 |
drpfenderson | Just for future reference, I guess XFCE just uses the gtk.clipboard function - so there's not really any reason I can tell that this isn't work | 19:13 |
drpfenderson | *working | 19:13 |
drpfenderson | I guess I shall give up on this for now and hope that it works in the future - thanks everyone. :) | 19:13 |
herra | hey, I'm having a problem with xubuntu 10.04 wifi. When I'm connected to a wireless network it works fine but drops me off and connects back few times in an hour. With win7 this does not happen. Any ideas how to fix this? | 19:36 |
herra2 | =herra | 19:58 |
Sysi | restricted driver? | 19:59 |
Sysi | what wireless card model? | 19:59 |
herra2 | 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03) | 20:02 |
herra2 | 03:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8172 (rev 10) | 20:02 |
herra2 | 802.11bgn Nickname:"rtl8191SEVA2" | 20:02 |
herra2 | i'm new to linux, so is this the right info? | 20:03 |
Sysi | i guess | 20:06 |
francisco | how i can put the menu icons bigger? | 21:19 |
drpfenderson | francisco: How do you mean? | 21:20 |
drpfenderson | Like, in the Application enu? | 21:20 |
drpfenderson | *menu | 21:20 |
francisco | yes | 21:21 |
TheSheep | francisco: create a file in your home called .gtkrc-2.0 and put this line in it: gtk-icon-sizes = "gtk-menu=22,16" | 21:22 |
francisco | and how i can create a file??? | 21:23 |
TheSheep | open a text editor, write that line in it and save it as that file | 21:23 |
francisco | ah, ok | 21:23 |
TheSheep | you need to switch your ui theme to make it work | 21:24 |
TheSheep | siwth to something and back with settings->appearance | 21:24 |
TheSheep | switch* | 21:24 |
francisco | ok, i did it! | 21:25 |
TheSheep | weird, it doesn't work anymore | 21:29 |
TheSheep | sorry, it used to work, it doesn't, no idea how to do it now | 21:29 |
francisco | and what else i have to do? | 21:29 |
francisco | TheSheep | 21:32 |
francisco | switch your ui theme??? | 21:32 |
TheSheep | francisco: found it, it's in a different place | 21:44 |
TheSheep | francisco: you have to open settings->settings editor | 21:44 |
TheSheep | francisco: select 'xsettings' | 21:44 |
TheSheep | francisco: then under 'gtk' find 'IconSizes' | 21:45 |
TheSheep | francisco: select it, click on 'edit' in the toolbar | 21:45 |
TheSheep | francisco: then put 'gtk-menu=22,22' as the value | 21:45 |
TheSheep | http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=4676 | 21:48 |
francisco | TheSheep | 22:15 |
francisco | xfconf-query -c xsettings -p '/Gtk/IconSizes' -s 'gtk-menu=24,24' | 22:15 |
francisco | i have to put this in terminal | 22:15 |
francisco | an close de session | 22:16 |
TheSheep | it doesn't work with the submenus though | 22:16 |
TheSheep | just the main menu | 22:16 |
francisco | no | 22:17 |
francisco | it runs very well | 22:17 |
TheSheep | great | 22:18 |
francisco | what's the difference between openoffice and libreoffice? | 22:20 |
francisco | it's libreoffice better? | 22:20 |
TheSheep | one is owned by oracle | 22:21 |
francisco | ok | 22:21 |
Thermi | gn8 | 23:13 |
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