
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
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RAOFsmspillaz: What is GLTexture->priv->mipmapSupport meant to be used for?  In particular, why does the texture code generate mipmaps regardless of that value?05:33
coz_ok I am going to assume that Amber1  has booted into the live cd07:17
coz_I am off to bed07:17
smspillazRAOF: I suppose it's used to check if there is mipmapping support? although if that is false and we are generating mipmaps then it is a bug in compiz07:41
didrocksgood morning07:41
kvalodidrocks: good morning07:42
didrockshey kvalo07:42
RAOFsmspillaz: Ok, then the follow up to bug #682327 involves a bug in compiz; the TfpTexture has mipmapSupport = false and SIGSEGVs while generating a mipmap.07:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 682327 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Compiz crashes when hitting Alt-Tab - Mesa 7.9 implementation error: bad format in _mesa_format_to_type_and_comps" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68232707:43
RAOF(That particular bug is fixed-ish in mesa git - now, rather than assert(), it SIGSEGVs :))07:44
MacSlowhey folks08:18
didrocksguten morgen MacSlow08:24
didrockshey RAOF08:24
kamstrupdidrocks: I just merged https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/mmaped-icons/+merge/37634 and there is definite SRU potential there08:25
didrockskamstrup: SRU? for maverick?08:26
didrockskamstrup: if you talk about a potential issue is natty, does it put https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity/683735/+merge/42406 obselete?08:30
didrocksoupsss, not that one08:30
didrocksone sec08:30
didrockskamstrup: ^^08:30
kamstrupdidrocks: It's for M. I think Unity trunk isn't using the old pixbuf cache08:31
didrockskamstrup: oh ok :)08:31
kamstrupdidrocks: it works well here, and njpatel confirmed it as well08:32
didrockskamstrup: yeah, but we are in freeze right now dude08:33
didrockskamstrup: and tomorrow there will be a release08:33
kamstrupdidrocks: oh, it was not because I wanted to rush it in. It was just to put it on your radar if updates for M where darwing near08:34
didrockskamstrup: heh, ok, nice! I'll keep an eye on it :)08:34
kamstrupIs the workspace button in the swicther supposed to do something? Or is it just a place holder?08:54
MacSlowhey njpatel, kamstrup09:02
njpatelhey MacSlow09:03
njpatelMacSlow, how's it going with th event-dispatcher bits?09:03
MacSlownjpatel, at least it's compiling... but not ready for merge yet.09:04
njpatelMacSlow, are you expecting to merge today/tomorrow, or later?09:05
MacSlownjpatel, I try today of course (btw... it's running and showing something too)09:05
njpatelMacSlow, nice!09:06
MacSlownjpatel, but since I need to go to the doc after lunch (and don't know how long that'll take) it's 50:5009:06
MacSlownjpatel, dBusmenu critical-warning bugging me atm09:06
njpatelsmspillaz, duuuuuude09:21
smspillaznjpatel: uuuuude ?09:24
smspillaznjpatel: what's up?09:24
smspillaz(and don't say the sky since I will punch this wall next to me)09:24
njpatelsmspillaz, I could say something else but maybe not for this channel09:24
njpatelsmspillaz, aaaaaanyway09:24
njpatelsmspillaz, Compiz knows where the mouse is? Yes or No?09:25
smspillaznjpatel: yes and no09:25
njpatelsmspillaz, touché09:25
smspillaznjpatel: it only tracks MotionNotify where we have a grab otherwise pointerX and pointerY are updated on button, enter and leave events09:25
smspillaznjpatel: but for plugins which don't want to grab the screen we have a mouse polling plugin09:26
njpateloh, so you need to just do polling too09:26
smspillaz(basically tracking the mouse position == lots of useless wakeups, no need for that)09:26
njpatel(which makes sense, but I was led to believe they was magic here)09:26
dbarth__you guys know about the glib::source issue, right?09:26
smspillazdbarth__: which ones is this?09:26
njpateldidrocks, what happened about the GLib::Source issue?09:26
njpateldbarth__, we were discussing it just now09:27
didrocksnjpatel: hum? it should be fixed09:27
* smspillaz would like to know what it is!09:27
didrocksfirst, everyone ensure that you have:09:27
didrocksthen, let's rediscuss it :)09:27
dbarth__finding the bug09:27
smspillaz(you'd be so much cooler if you kompiled from source like me)09:28
dbarth__i just filed it, grrr09:28
njpatelsmspillaz, i pinged you yesterday about it, boost::function is null09:28
didrockssmspillaz: I'm compiling from source :)09:28
smspillaznjpatel: I am pretty sure I fixed that like 2 days ago09:28
njpateldidrocks, riight, there's a new compiz :)09:28
didrockssmspillaz: and I have the distro defaults + patch at least :p09:28
smspillaznjpatel: and I also tried launching g-a-p with the glibmm branch - no sigabrt09:28
njpatelsmspillaz, right, you were wondering if didrocks had the patch in ubuntu or not (are you a goldfish? :)09:28
didrocksnjpatel: it's a distro-patch lovely taken from the git repo :)09:29
smspillaznjpatel: I think I was wondering that (it was at 2AM, not guarunteed to remember)09:29
njpatelsmspillaz, :)09:29
smspillaznjpatel: also I'm sammy the salmon09:29
smspillaznjpatel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVu2cX0jEYk09:29
njpatelsmspillaz, so, mouse position. Any way we can add something to Xorg to get it without it taking weeks and it being somewhat stable?09:30
smspillaznjpatel: you can do it already by registering for MotionNotify on every single window09:30
smspillaznjpatel: prepare to murder your battery life though09:30
njpatelsmspillaz, i really don't want to do that09:30
smspillaznjpatel: well you want to track the mouse position right ?09:31
smspillazthe only way to do that is to get tons of updates about the position09:31
njpatelsmspillaz, I'm saying, could we write a module for X that let's you register a area that your interested in, and only pings you when the mouse moves into that area?09:31
dbarth__crap, LP ate my bug report or what?!09:31
smspillaznjpatel: X already has that09:31
smspillaznjpatel: XSelectInput (dpy, w, EnterMask | LeaveMask);09:31
smspillaznjpatel: see xev09:32
njpatelsmspillaz, I'm saying "area on screen", not "a window"09:32
njpatelsmspillaz, so we can do proximity without screwing applications09:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 684038 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with signal 5 in Glib::exception_handlers_invoke()" [Undecided,Invalid]09:32
dbarth__ah, of course it says it's invalid, since it cannot retrace it09:32
smspillaznjpatel: you could do it like we do it in the wall plugin09:33
njpatelsmspillaz, how is that?09:33
dbarth__and yet, i had all debug packages installed, and that was from a package install, not from source...09:33
didrocksdbarth__: you don't have the latest compiz09:33
=== dbarth__ is now known as dbarth
didrocksdbarth: the one which should fix that09:33
smspillaznjpatel: compiz uses little windows on the edge of the screen -> when we enter them you get an event and then we can unmap them straight away once the user has entered09:33
dbarthah, it's really fixing that one?09:33
smspillaznjpatel: and from there poll the mouse to determine if we have left09:34
smspillaznjpatel: it's a bit of a work-a-round, but it is far better than writing a whole new X extension to handle this09:34
njpatelsmspillaz, urgh09:34
smspillaznjpatel: it's a bit workaroundish but I don't think writing new X extensions is really a good way to go09:34
didrocksdbarth: I guess so, please upgrade and keep us in touch09:35
njpatelsmspillaz, but that is clever I guess, unless the mouse is left in that area and your continuously polling09:35
njpatelsmspillaz, I'd like to figure out a clean way of doing it so it's just solved once and for all...I feel like we're going to have this problem a lot09:35
smspillaznjpatel: if it is proximity and your window is larger than something by 1px then you can be a little smarter about it09:35
dbarthdidrocks: but seriously, there is something wrong here: i had the dbg packages, and still apport couldn't retrace it09:35
smspillaznjpatel: like, you can shape the window so that it is only the "edges" of the proximity window09:36
didrocksdbarth: apport is retracing it in a chroot on launchpad09:36
smspillaznjpatel: and then while inside that proximity window poll09:36
didrocksdbarth: not related to you having the dbgsym or not09:36
dbarthdidrocks: plus, as i'll be using the dailies (as most contributors who want to help will) and so apport is also going to complain about my version of the packages or waht?09:36
njpatelsmspillaz, could you take a deeper look tomorrow to see what the cost would be for an extension, and even if it's possible?09:36
didrocksdbarth: and it can't retrace because he has a newer version than you09:36
didrocksdbarth: yes09:37
didrocksdbarth: I really think that most contributors won't use the daily09:37
njpatelsmspillaz, yeah, that's what I was thinking, but there's always a chance that the user left their mouse there while typing or something09:37
dbarthso explaining to me again why we should use it?09:37
smspillaznjpatel: I'll have a look into it when I get time (still gotta finish your decoration stuff and fix a truckload of bugs and also do jason's stacking stuff)09:37
smspillaznjpatel: also writing X extensions is hard09:37
njpatelsmspillaz, and for that time, we're just polling continuously09:37
didrocks1. you merge once a week, before the release, most of the time09:37
smspillaznjpatel: there is a very small chance of that happening09:37
didrocks2. we see that a lot of ubuntu contributors give patch against current release version (like maverick)09:37
smspillaznjpatel: you'd basically have to be in a 1px by 1px area09:37
dbarthdidrocks: we can bring that offline; i'm complaining, but i really want to see what we need to change to make that useful; at the moment, it's not09:38
smspillaznjpatel: actually I know a way to remove the polling alltogether too09:38
* dbarth restarts with the newest unity/compiz09:38
smspillaznjpatel: I'll need to draw a diagram and scan it and send it to you09:38
didrocksdbarth: well, it is if we don't have to upload each new commit (that's why apport isn't set by default right now, things are moving too fast)09:38
njpatelsmspillaz, sounds like a plan, thanks09:38
njpatelsmspillaz, okay, I'll leave you alone now :)09:39
dbarthnjpatel: hey dude, so you have some magic tricks for the proximity effect?09:39
njpateldbarth, maybe, need to try out a couple of things and also see what's in smspillaz's head09:40
njpateldbarth, for now, though, just normal roll-over09:40
* njpatel doesn't need phoronix showing Unity with zero battery life09:40
smspillaznjpatel: just so I can get this right - what exactly are you checking proximity to?09:40
didrocksdoesn't mousepool have a bad effect on battery life?09:40
njpateldidrocks, yes, no way we're using that09:41
didrocksok, same concern about polling continuously then :)09:41
didrocksnjpatel: we already have it activated09:41
dbarthnjpatel: ;)09:41
didrocksby another plugin IIRC09:41
njpateldidrocks, urg09:42
didrocksnjpatel: ezoom09:42
njpateldidrocks, oh, but that's only when it's active (the plugin)09:42
njpateli think that's fine, it's the only way it's ever going to work09:42
* njpatel ->tea09:42
didrocksyou mean when the zoom effect is active?09:42
didrocks(I hope so :))09:42
didrocksI just hope it doesn't send signals everytime which are lost09:42
didrockssmspillaz: can you confirm? ^^09:42
smspillazdidrocks: yes, but only when ezoom asks for it09:43
smspillazdidrocks: when you are not zoomed, no polling occurrs09:44
didrockssmspillaz: ok, sounds good then :)09:44
didrockssmspillaz: I have some weird artifacts something when moving the mouse btw (or switching ws)09:44
didrockshard to describe, like if you had a magnet09:45
didrocksand the electrons would move, making the image to distort09:45
didrocks(less than 500 ms I would say)09:45
didrocksI think it's related to nvidia driver09:45
smspillazis this with ezoom actually zoomed in?09:45
smspillazsoftware cursor is notoriously broken on nvidia09:46
didrocksno, ezoom not used09:46
didrocksI didn't get that with 0.8, but it can the driver as well…09:46
didrocksit's something like twice a day09:46
didrocksI don't want to have gtkrecordmydesktop recording for a all day :)09:47
didrocksdbarth: can you add the reproduceable steps to bug #683273?10:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 683273 in compiz (Ubuntu) "launching an application set it to the wrong place" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68327310:09
didrocksdbarth: that will help smspillaz, I still got it once, but closing the wrong app and launching it again doesn't have the same behavior :/10:10
kamstrupcan't wait to try out the new Dee. It's going to be *so* much more efficient in all kinds of ways10:38
ronocgood stuff10:47
didrocksdbarth: did yo usaw my comment about getting reproduceable setps for bug #683273?11:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 683273 in compiz (Ubuntu) "launching an application set it to the wrong place" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68327311:40
kvalokamstrup: about making review through email. does lp require gpg signed mail for the commands or is it just really slow today?12:25
kvaloah, now found the error reply. yeah, it needs the gpg signature :/12:27
didrocksdbarth: did you saw my comment about getting reproduceable setps for bug #683273? (2) was disconnected, not sure you answered ;)12:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 683273 in compiz (Ubuntu) "launching an application set it to the wrong place" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68327312:28
njpatelsmspillaz, awake12:37
smspillaznjpatel: yes12:37
njpatelsmspillaz, still hasn't been merged lp:~canonical-dx-team/unity/unity.remove-io-from-pl what are we doing with it?12:37
kamstrupnjpatel: I think that merge is for me, no?12:39
njpatelsmspillaz, ignore me12:40
njpatelno, hold up12:40
smspillaznjpatel: io-from-pl is me12:40
smspillazand I bzr merged i12:40
smspillazand it said it was already merged12:40
* njpatel stops for a second and gathers his thoughts12:40
smspillaznjpatel: check unity.cpp it should have a ::getWindowPaintList function12:40
njpatelit doesn't12:41
njpatelsmspillaz,  I just bzr branch lp:unity; cd unity; bzr merge lp:~canonical-dx-team/unity/unity.remove-io-from-pl and it shows that it requires a merge12:41
njpatelkamstrup, stop confusing me!12:41
kamstrupnjpatel: do you want napalm with your muffins sir?12:42
smspillaznjpatel: could you merge it then? merging is a pain for me since I have to do it in dbarth's netbook due to my broken install12:42
njpatelkamstrup, heh, that's just like you ;)12:42
njpatelsmspillaz, sure12:42
smspillaznjpatel: thanks12:43
ronockamstrup, got a minute ?12:44
njpatelronoc, I approved your ayatana-dev message but it doesn't seem to have come through :(12:44
ronocnjpatel, I subscribed to the list before sending it, weird ?12:45
njpatelmaybe it takes a bit of time12:46
njpatelthis is launchpad12:46
ronocnjpatel, :)12:46
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ronocnjpatel, for now I'm going to get this working by being blatant, watch for each client that I know works, just for the short term to get this port going12:48
ronocnjpatel_, match rules are in the pipline for vala so this should only be a temporary solution13:01
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kamstrupronoc: sorry, I am already overflowing my brain capacity with this DeeModel porting13:16
kamstrupronoc: so unless it's urgent i'd rather wait13:16
ronockamstrup, nws13:18
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njpatelronoc, sounds good, but just make a bug and milestone for A2 if nothing else, so we don't forget14:10
janimojaytaoko: hi, in a LP bug report it was suggested that calling abort() would work without need for asm level hw breakpoint code. Regardless of the solution you pick if it fixes the build I am ok :)14:18
jaytaokojanimo: so abort() should do ?14:19
janimothat is what sladen said14:20
janimobut I have only checked the build and never got to running nux let alone debug it :)14:20
ronocnjpatel, will do14:30
jcastroso njpatel14:41
jcastrotell me about quicklists14:41
njpateljcastro, so you did get my ping!14:41
jcastrowait, what ping?14:42
jcastroall I heard is that you were selling me out -- continue.14:42
njpatellike last week14:42
njpateljcastro, In any case, we're thinking hard about detaching quicklists from the appindicators14:43
jcastronjpatel: I am up to speed on places now, I chatted with john for a bit14:43
njpateljcastro, and building a proper API into libunity for apps to control the launcher icon + quicklists14:43
njpateljcastro, as am I, now ;)14:43
jcastrook so what does this buy me as an app developer that I don't get with libappindicator?14:44
njpateljcastro, lets you set up your ApplicationIcon in the launcher to do things like message count/progress14:45
njpateljcastro, let's us give an API that reflects the features of the quicklists instead of allowing the clients do things at one end (submenus, custom items) and then not fulfulling at the other end (unity)14:45
njpateljcastro, and it means that we start to build a library that you can link to for most tasks in Unity (places, application-icon, message menu (future), soundmenu (future)) etc etc14:46
jcastrook, so I get more bling for my app14:46
jcastroso I can do more things14:46
njpatelyes, and the API is contract that we can actually fulfill, rather than letting you down when you create a complex gtk-menu and we can't show it14:47
jcastroIs it possible to do this and keep the appindicator bits though? Say I'm an app author, and I've already ported, but I don't need/want the bling14:47
njpateljcastro, the appindicator bits rarely work well, for instance the tomboy one has two quit items14:47
jcastrolike, you're not going to break existing appindicator quicklists things?14:47
njpateljcastro, there is only two, one in gwibber and one in tomboy14:47
jcastronjpatel: right, but what happens when we blacklist the top panel to only show system ones?14:48
njpateljcastro, we're hoping we can just make those two use libunity instead of appindicator if it's available14:48
jcastrowhere are the other apps going to go?14:48
njpateljcastro, appindicator is still there14:48
jcastrook, so let's say I write Transmission14:49
jcastrowhat changes do I need to make14:49
njpateljcastro, nothing right now, I've barely had time to think this through :)14:49
njpateljcastro, there are so many things to work out still, like fallbacks etc14:50
njpatelI'll send a mail to ayatana-dev when I have a good idea whether this is feasible or not14:50
ronocworld cup announcement coming up15:15
ronocnjpatel, ^15:15
tedgronoc, I'll bet you 10:1 that they're going to disallow touching the ball with your hands.15:17
ronoctedg, what, for goal keepers ?15:19
tedgronoc, No, I was just being silly.  I have no clue what they'd even be announcing.15:19
ronoctedg, yup for 2018 and 202215:19
ronocengland are looking likely for 201815:19
tedgWhy two at the same time?15:19
ronoctedg, don't know, this is the way they usually do it, so they double up the bribes :)15:20
didrocksok, with the connect/disconnect spam, sorry if I asked a question twice :)15:20
* tedg needs to get in on that board of directors15:20
didrockssmspillaz: is there a known issue about alt + tab which can be veryyyyyyyyy slow on some system? (I get that when a ws has… let's say, more than 5 windows)15:20
didrockssmspillaz: not sure what you need for debugging15:21
didrocksnjpatel: will you release today or tomorrow, btw?15:21
ronoctedg, apparently platini is very swayable given the right whiskey15:23
smspillazdidrocks: intel?15:24
didrockssmspillaz: no, nvidia15:24
smspillazdidrocks: does the cpu usage of compiz skyrocket?15:24
didrockslet me see15:24
tedgronoc, All I know is that when going to the bar, not wise to take klattimer, or at least don't follow his lead :)15:24
didrockssmspillaz: in general, X CPU is high15:25
klattimeroi tedg!15:25
ronoctedg, advise noted, although I have been known to enjoy my poison ...15:26
ronocapparently england went out in the first round15:26
ronocshame, its been a while15:26
smspillazdidrocks: the nvidia driver is doing something stupid then15:27
smspillazX CPU skyrocketing is a definite way to tell15:28
didrockssmspillaz: I can believe you, I'll nag RAOF about that, because end user doesn't care who is doing wrong :)15:28
njpateldidrocks, later today probably15:28
njpatelronoc, was on a call, what happened?15:28
didrocksand 2 seconds here for an alt+tab is just horrible to live with15:28
ronocnjpatel, just been announced right now15:29
ronocnjpatel, http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/bidders/live/index.html15:29
didrockssmspillaz: well, alt+tab if I don't show the staticswitcher is fine, it's only when I use it15:31
njpatelronoc, sweet, thanks15:34
smspillazlets see, probably not australia15:35
smspillaznjpatel: the iron curtain rises again ;-)15:38
ronocrussians my god15:38
ronocwell they know how to pay bribes up there15:39
jaytaokoIt is russia!15:40
smspillazronoc: LOL15:40
smspillazronoc: this is exactly what I was thinking15:40
smspillazronoc: soon there will be something about this on http://uncomfortablemomentswithputin.tumblr.com/15:40
jaytaokoi think they won fairly!15:40
smspillazjaytaoko: probably15:41
njpatelronoc, and they aren't English.15:41
ronocsmspillaz, funny considering all the current wikileaks Russian stuff  and the bribery allegations within Fifa15:41
smspillazronoc: ahahaha15:41
ronocnjpatel, well there is that aswell15:41
smspillazronoc: have you read some of the diplomatic cables? they sound like gossip girl15:41
smspillaz"hey I heard that bellersconi had another affair and is too lazy to do anything about it unamed xoxo"15:42
ronocsmspillaz, just some headlines, I know it does sound like a load of gossip but still is great considering the mass the white house is giving it which in turns makes it all the more seemingly credible for the media,15:43
smspillazronoc: indeed15:43
didrocksnjpatel: "We're clever like that."… that can only be one of you comment :)15:44
njpateldidrocks, hells yes15:44
lamalexok so compiz/unity doesn't play so well with dual monitors?15:46
lamalexjaytaoko, can you fix your line endings so I can sanely review this/15:48
jaytaokolamalex: sure15:48
kenvandinetedg, are we going to need to version indicator-application-service separately for gtk3?15:48
lamalexthank you15:48
kenvandinei am assuming so....15:48
kenvandinewhich kind of sucks...15:48
njpatelkenvandine, dbus is effected by gtk3?15:48
njpatelwhat are they up to in GNOME? ;)15:49
tedgkenvandine, No, we shouldn't if we don't need a GTK2/3 version of the libapplication.so15:49
kenvandinebut it links against the lib15:49
tedgkenvandine, Which, honestly, I think we will at some point....15:49
tedgkenvandine, It doesn't link against libappindicator15:49
njpatelokay, tea15:49
kenvandineindicator_application_service_LDADD = \15:50
kenvandine        $(INDICATOR_LIBS) \15:50
kenvandine        libappindicator.la15:50
kenvandinemaybe that isn't needed15:50
kenvandinethat's a relief :)15:50
kenvandinei'll drop that15:50
tedgkenvandine, I don't think so, that's a bug I think.15:50
kenvandinewe'll find out :)15:50
tedgkenvandine, They need to share a couple of files, but I think those can just be linked in as .o files.15:51
tedg(and probably are)15:51
kenvandineok, cool it doesn't need that15:51
kenvandinehowever... of course GIR scanning breaks on natty, even for gtk2 :/15:52
kenvandineneed to tweak it, which i am pretty familiar with now :)15:52
kenvandineand for gtk3 it doesn't build... seems some api differences in GtkImage15:52
tedgkenvandine, Uhg15:54
oubiwannjohnlea: you around?16:02
johnleaoubiwann; yes, but just about to go into a meeting16:02
oubiwannjohnlea: okay, this is fairly urgent... but for after your meeting :-)16:03
oubiwannjohnlea: can you respond to the request here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/utouch/+bug/67495816:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 674958 in utouch "evince-gesture: add support for select-and-copy via touch" [Medium,New]16:03
didrocksDBO_: FYI, I'm starting working on support of Type=link .desktop file. What do you prefer, keeping them as a bamf_application and don't add a new type (so reading in unity only) or hacking in bamf? (not telling that bamf will recognize it for now)16:04
johnleaoubiwann; cool, just heard that mark will be 5min late for our meeting so I'll answer it now16:04
oubiwannjohnlea: awesome, thanks!16:04
DBO_didrocks, what?16:05
didrocksDBO_: look at /etc/skel/examples.desktop for instance16:05
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didrocksDBO: this is a desktop file with Type=link, unity doesn't handle them right now (and crash… but that's another question)16:06
didrocksDBO: I was wondering if you prefer that bamf get a new type like "system/web/link"16:06
johnleaoubiwann; use case 4.5 is a shortcut to copying and pasting with touch.  The long (and more discoverable) method is 4.6 http://use-case-mapper.canonical.com/specifications/0AU5sFuLRpCpBZGZra2pqY2pfMTU3MmhwbXczcWQ1/use_cases/4_616:06
DBOI thought bamf just ignored .desktop files without an exec string16:06
DBOif it doesn't it should16:06
didrocksDBO: well, unity is crashing, not bamf16:06
DBOdidrocks, how is Unity crashing?16:06
oubiwannjohnlea: yup, understood16:07
didrocksDBO: there is no icon associated and so on16:07
johnleaoubiwann; my meeting is starting now, I'll have to update the buy afterwards16:07
didrocksDBO: the question there is to add support for them16:07
* oubiwann nods16:07
oubiwannjohnlea: thanks16:07
DBOdidrocks, I should ask16:07
DBOdidrocks, how is unity even involved with that .desktop file?16:07
didrocksDBO: njpatel agree with adding support16:07
DBOI mean as far as I can reason, Unity is goign to flat out ignore .desktop files like that16:07
didrocksDBO: my importer import every desktop file in ~/Desktop16:08
DBOas a favorite?16:08
didrockssetting the gsetting key to it16:08
DBOah yeah that might puke...16:08
didrocksI would prefer avoid reparsing the desktop file on launch :)16:08
DBOwill make it happen16:08
njpatelDBO, so what I was saying is that at some point, if we can figure out what URI nautilus is showing, we can make use of desktop files like this16:08
njpatelDBO, but that's in the future and so for now, we should ignore them16:09
njpatelotherwise it'll just sit on the launcher doing nothing16:09
didrocksnjpatel: DBO: I have some time to work on this, just tell me if you want a new bamf application type like web/system or a new class or nothing :)16:09
DBOnothing is fine16:10
DBOno need to change .desktop files for this16:10
DBOdidrocks, are we okay shipping  patch to nautilus to export URI information over dbus?16:10
didrocksDBO: you mean, I should reparse it in OpenInstance() ?16:11
didrocksDBO: hum… that will be needed for nautilus, not sure about others apps :)16:11
DBOnautilus is the bigger use case16:11
didrockslike the link can be an OOo file16:11
DBOnautilus can be a tab provider no different from chromium or firefox16:12
DBOfuck I should have started with nautilus16:12
DBOSO much easier16:12
DBOgod I am retarded16:12
njpatelyou are16:12
didrocksDBO: oh, that's how you do it for chromium and firefox? you expose the tabs over dbus?16:12
didrocksnjpatel: DBO: I really can and want to work on this if you don't mind :)16:12
didrockssounds cool and no hurry on it16:13
DBOokay so short term plan... make it not crash16:13
didrocksDBO: yeah, jaytaoko made a patch yesterday, do you want to review it?16:13
didrocksbut the icon is empty, so not the right solution16:13
didrocksone sec16:13
DBOthen nevermind16:14
DBOthe right solution is this16:14
DBOin BamfMatcher.c (for libbamf)16:14
DBOthere is a method to get a BamfApplication for a desktop file16:14
DBOyou pass true to create one if one does not exist16:14
didrocksI saw that16:14
DBOin the creation step16:14
DBOif the passed .desktop file is not valid for bamf16:14
DBO(aka the one you showed me)16:15
DBOreturn out a null16:15
DBOthen make unity do the null check and move on to the next favorite16:15
didrocksok, to just ignore it for now16:15
DBOthen as bamf learns how to handle those types of link .desktop files16:15
DBOwe can enable it16:15
didrocksok, let me have a try16:15
DBOsure :)16:15
didrocksDBO: btw, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity/fix683444/+merge/42493? it's linked to the subject :)16:16
didrocksoh wait, I didn't push the g_error_free16:16
didrocksone sec16:16
didrockswaow, bzr push stucked16:17
didrocksthanks :)16:17
DBOyeah forgot to free the error but everything else looks good16:18
didrocksis the additional commit :)16:18
didrocks(I added it to your function as well)16:18
didrocksthanks to you :)16:24
njpateldidrocks, I thought it's time to introduce DBO  to Ubuntu Starter Edition https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/683623 :)16:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 683623 in Unity "Starting a launcher only works four times" [Critical,Triaged]16:34
didrocksoh yeah, DBO didn't know that :)16:34
didrocksDBO: this week release, you planned to add a "donate to DBO to unblock that feature" :)16:35
didrocksexactly :)16:35
DBOokay I know what caused this16:35
DBObamf has very complex logic for ref/unref with sticky16:36
DBOits got a bug it seems16:36
didrocksI just can't believe it when confirming the bug :)16:36
DBOthat it only works 4 times16:36
DBOthis isn't the first time I have seen this16:37
didrocksfirst time I noticed it :)16:37
njpatelsame here16:37
DBOits due to changes in libbamf for pin/unpin16:37
DBOim looking at it16:37
DBOI actually have an even better16:39
DBOand rarer bug16:39
DBOseems that if you wait long enough16:39
njpatelDBO, there are some move here https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/3.2.4. Basically try and nail as many as possible, so we can get them into this weeks release16:39
DBOthe launchers will randomly switch to launching a different application16:39
DBOI know what causes this too16:39
DBObut its just awesome16:39
didrocksoh, that's an easter egg :)16:40
DBOits about as rare16:40
DBOI got it to happen one time16:40
DBOsuddenly clicking devhelp summoned gnome do16:40
htorqueDBO, i thought that's part of that bug (added it to the bug information)16:40
htorqueDBO, for me it suddenly launched gnome-screenshot which i previously started via a terminal (don't have it in my launcher)16:41
DBOhtorque, only if you are lucky16:41
DBOyou are getting a name collision over dbus16:41
DBOits a 1/1000 chance for every newly opened application16:41
htorquetime to win the lottery! \o/16:42
DBOalso its probably lower16:42
DBOrand () is not perfect16:42
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lamalexis it possible to merge chunks?16:51
jaytaokolamalex: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-dx-team/unity/unity.quicklist-introspection/+merge/4249416:53
lamalexjaytaoko, thanks :)16:53
jaytaokolamalex: let me know if it is ok to merge16:54
lamalexjaytaoko, looks good, just add tooltip text/quicklist item text to props16:57
jaytaokolamalex: ok doing it now...16:57
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jaytaokolamalex: I made the correction... I will merge with trunk if it is ok with you17:08
lamalexgo for it17:09
vishtedg: hi.. there was once a discussion here regarding adding a delay before opening the adjacent indicator-menu, similar to the gtk-menu.. was that fixed?17:15
vishi cant seem to find the bug..17:15
lamalexdbarth, we have introspection17:16
dbarthlamalex: awesome! thanks for taking care of that17:26
dbarthalt-tabbing furiously here, and the mipmap tip seems to work17:28
tedgvish, Yeah, we talked about it -- but I think we decided that was a GTK issue.  I don't believe that anyone fixed it.17:36
vishtedg: do you happen to remember the bug# ?17:36
vishor the bug title..17:37
tedgvish, No, I can't remember if it was a bug or not.17:37
vishtedg: np.. there was a bug , thats why it was discussed..  i just forgot where it got transferred  :p17:38
johnleaoubiwann; I've updated the bug, Cody is looking at it now17:42
johnleabtw, thx for the blueprint updates ;-)17:42
oubiwannjohnlea: thanks!17:53
oubiwannjohnlea: and you're welcome :-)17:53
oubiwannjohnlea: I only updated the ones where I actually got info back from folks17:53
oubiwannjohnlea: there were a few where stuff is pending (e.g. details on work items)17:54
johnleaoubiwann; when you have a moment cast your eyes over the launcher prototype attached to bug #67657917:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 676579 in Unity "Launcher - Develop launcher touch interactions" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67657917:54
njpatelReeevvvviiiiewww https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/installation-instructions/+merge/4251117:55
seb128njpatel, "Dependancies"?17:57
seb128njpatel, typo there17:58
seb128njpatel,  do you still need libgconf2-dev?17:58
njpatelseb128, fixed17:59
njpatelseb128, erm, no17:59
lamalexwhat the heck does  mean?17:59
DBOhtorque, thank you for the bug report, it is fixed in rev 365 of bamf17:59
htorqueDBO, great, thanks!17:59
didrocksno more starter edition :/18:08
htorqueDBO, should it work when only updating bamf? i'm now getting a compiz crash when closing an application18:27
DBOhtorque, how are you closing the application?18:27
htorque"x" button18:28
DBOhtorque, please get a backtrace18:28
DBObut you should update compiz18:28
DBOI gotta run out now18:28
DBOdentis appointment18:28
DBOhtorque, if you get a backtrace for me18:28
DBOemail it to jason.smith@canonical.com18:28
DBOas well as making a bug18:28
htorquewill try, good luck ;)18:29
DBOI meant to say update unity18:29
DBOI put a small crash fix in18:29
DBObut it should be unrelated18:29
htorqueok, will do18:29
kenvandinetedg, didn't you have a indicator-datetime ready to release?19:45
tedgkenvandine, Uhm, I never pulled all the tarball together.19:46
tedgkenvandine, But there's no reason it couldn't be.19:47
kenvandinealso... is that bug where it doesn't change the date fixed?19:47
tedgkenvandine, Can we do that tomorrow when the archive opens?19:47
tedgI believe it is fixed.19:47
tedgAre you still seeing it?19:47
kenvandinemine has been telling me it was the 1st19:47
kenvandinei was just schooled by my wife about what day it really is19:48
tedgOh no!  A wife bug!19:48
tedgHmm, it's working for me.19:48
kenvandinei shouldn't have insisted it was the first19:48
kenvandinethat's what i get for trusting software written by tedg :-D19:49
tedgkenvandine, You're the one that insisted the username thing was broken too.... hmm, I think it's all your fault!19:49
kenvandinemy name was not ted!19:49
tedgImplying it is now?19:50
kenvandinemaybe this is a different bug19:50
kenvandineif i click on a date it gets selected19:50
kenvandinelet the calendar close19:50
kenvandineand open it again19:50
kenvandinethe date i previously selected is still selected19:50
kenvandineso maybe this morning i had accidentally clicked on the 1st19:51
kenvandinetedg,  so that should reset the selected date to the current one right?19:53
tedgkenvandine, That was the design in Mavrick.  There's a TODO item in the new spec for designing a way to go back to the current date.  A "home" button or some such.19:53
tedgkenvandine, Is the date in the desensitized menu item correct?19:54
kenvandineyes it is19:54
kenvandinebut of course you can't see it19:54
tedgkenvandine, Ah, okay.  That's all I have control over ;)19:54
kenvandinelove that about our theme.... hehe19:54
tedgI just put the date on the panel... that works as well.19:55
kenvandinetedg, these gir changes between maverick and natty are a real pita19:57
kenvandinegetting a bunch of <type name="" c:type="AppIndicator*">19:57
tedgkenvandine, Yeah -- hopefully they'll be worth it to drop all the bindings next release :-/19:58
lamalexoh wow I didn't even notice that desensitized label in the clock19:58
kenvandinelamalex, love that about our theme :-D19:58
kenvandinetedg, this is all in the metadata that wasn't even generated in the maverick version19:59
* kenvandine finds something else to hack on for 30m or so to clear his head 19:59
tedgkenvandine, Yeah, I worry about some of that stuff, as there seems to be no good way to debug if it's right or not as well :-/20:00
tedgI think we're going to end up with leaks20:00
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kenvandinetedg, i just can't see what it is doing to cause that, it seems to be getting everything else right20:02
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kenvandinebut all instances of AppIndicator as a c:type is not getting the type name20:03
* dbarth is making the nick dance to try to be noticed by lamalex ;)20:03
lamalexthe pm never said you were back :P20:03
tedgkenvandine, Perhaps it's a namespace issue?20:04
tedgkenvandine, It can't find the types?20:04
kenvandinethat was my thought20:04
kenvandinebut i can't see why20:04
kenvandineunless it doesn't like that the gir namespace is the same as the object name in c20:05
kenvandinebut i can't imagine that is uncommon20:05
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tedgkenvandine, Yeah, but AppIndicator is funny in the case that it doesn't really have a namespace.20:08
kenvandinemaybe that is the problem20:09
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jcastrotedg: when do you plan to go Natty?21:09
jcastrotedg: there are a few scrubbing issues with indicators21:09
tedgjcastro, Hmm, I don't have a specific plan for switching -- but most of the scrubbing issues would be in Unity.21:17
tedgjcastro, For the record, installing test drive, none of my Natty installs today worked. :-/21:19
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ztefnis this C# example supposed to work? i don't see anything showing in the indicator applet (using MonoDevelop on Ubuntu 10.04): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators#C#%20Example22:48

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