
spiv_habnabit: qlog/vis are nicer than the dot output, I think :)00:02
_habnabitIt's still churning away at making the dot output.00:02
spiv_habnabit: churning away in the graph-ancestry command, or in dot?00:03
spivI wouldn't expect graph-ancestry to need much time, but I would expect dot could be challenged by a large graph.00:05
_habnabitdot was being slow.00:05
_habnabitI'm also building python at the same time.00:06
poolie\o spiv00:06
_habnabitAlso this dot output is pretty sweet00:09
_habnabitIt really just shows merges, which is what I wanted00:09
_habnabitI don't care about individual revisions00:09
pooliemaxb: you legend00:11
maxbI'm not sure I deserve that just for deleting some cruft :-)00:11
maxbHmm, we need to define an actual policy for when to promote things to the stable ppa00:12
maxbbut for now, I think I shall just go ahead and promote bzr 2.2.2 since I've just noticed we haven't ye00:12
spivpoolie: heh00:30
spivpoolie: o/00:30
maxbpoolie: You did review=approve on my hydrazine mp - I take it you also mean merge=approve?00:34
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spivHooray, tests passing again.  Now all I need to do is split up the new work into the appropriate prerequisite branches...03:06
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* spiv idly wonders how many tests he's run today... hundreds of thousands I suppose.05:58
lifelessparallel much?06:00
spivlifeless: always06:01
spivWell, mostly :)06:02
spivbzr alias pselftest='selftest --parallel=fork'06:02
lifelessspiv: nice06:05
lifelessI'm glad its getting loved :)06:06
vilahello all !07:03
vilamaxb: I was waiting for bzr-explorer to be upgraded to 1.1.2 before promoting07:04
vilamaxb: but that could come later anyway07:04
Tirielwhat are some good tools to model the structure of a VCS?09:59
Glenjaminhi guys, i'm getting an error trying to access a branch over https from a location served with loggerhead - the error i get is bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith'")10:08
Glenjaminbut I can't seem to see anything in log files on the server end to get a trace10:08
vilaGlenjamin: wow, this is even more obscure for me :) Are you using the most recent version of bzr/loggerhead on the server ?10:09
Glenjamini think i'm using the apt version10:10
Glenjaminone sec10:10
vilaGlenjamin: Also, IIRC loggerhead can be configured in various ways, including having some sort of private apache instance or something, did you check the apache logs too ? (Or is it a case where logs are lost when used with some web server app framework..)10:11
Glenjaminin this case i'm proxying through to serve-branches10:11
vilaI think you want to retry later with mkanat (he doesn't appear to be online right now)10:12
Glenjaminthere appears to be a stable 1.18, any idea if there's a PPA?10:13
vilahmm, they may be several even... let me check10:13
vilaGlenjamin: running lucid or maverick ?10:14
vilastable bzr ppa carries only 1.1710:14
vilasame for proposed :-/10:16
vilaand beta10:16
vilaGlenjamin: and the loggerhead project on lp mentions only the source tarball, that's all I know about it, sorry10:17
Glenjaminno probs, thanks for looking at it10:18
vilaTiriel: what structure are you referring too ? bzr internals ? history of a given branch ? relationships between branches ?10:18
GlenjaminI could get it to work by proxying smart server requests to bazaar on wsgi instead of loggerhead, but its not that important on that server - was just going to try and get simple http reading for when we dont have ssh10:19
Tirielrelationships between branches, and maybe branch history as well10:19
vilaTiriel: try 'bzr qlog branch1' and 'bzr qlog branch1 branch2 ... branchn' from the qbzr plugin10:20
Glenjaminthe branch-ancestry command does something like that from bzrtools iirc10:20
TirielYeah, well, I was lookin for something more like UML modeling for version control systems10:23
TirielI don't have a deployed system at the moment10:23
Glenjaminthere's graph-ancestry - that outputs something in dot10:23
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pfarrellhi, I have a quick question: when I check out an svn repository with bzr-svn, it starts building a cache in ~/.cache/bazaar/svn. I don't want it to put it in $HOME, as that's on the network and really slow. Can I tell bzr-svn to put it somewhere else?10:55
jelmerpfarrell: you should be able to make that directory a symlink to somewhere else10:56
pfarrelltrue, yep10:57
pfarrellthanks for the suggestion10:57
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alf_Hi, I am trying to merge a branch containing only one revision and then throw away the changes and replace them with my own. However, when I bzr revert after "bzr merge . -r:tag" the merge is forgotten too.13:11
alf_I thought I had to use "--forget-merges" to make bzr bzr forget the pending merge.13:12
alf_is this the expected behaviour?13:13
maxbalf_: The way it works is as follows:13:41
maxb'bzr revert' reverts tree content and pending merge tips13:41
maxb'bzr revert <paths>' reverts the tree content specified13:41
maxb'bzr revert --forget-merges' reverts only pending merge tips13:42
alf_maxb: yes, that makes sense, thanks!13:42
vilamaxb: regarding ppa promotion, I was waiting for bzr-explorer-1.1.2 before using lp-promote-ppa for the first time ! (You broke my toy :-)14:31
vilamaxb: not a problem anyway, it's good to have 2.2.2 deployed14:32
UnhappyVssUserHello! We use VSS here with more or less success. Well, now our team gets bigger and the VSS data-file errors more. I want to go to a DVCS. Well, I checked their features and ma happy with them. But!!!! No shared files?? can it be possible? We have all over the place shared files. I think that because I read it in the VSS2Git documentation. So I hope Bazaar can do that.15:10
piranhahi all. Is there any examples of how can I do a merge programmatically from Python? I found bzrlib.merge.merge_inner(), but it does seem to only add changes and not revisions. Should I just something like what is done in bzrlib.builtins.cmd_merge?15:19
vilapiranha: builtins is the best source of knowledge when it comes to bzrlib uses. 'merge' in particular does a lot there15:21
jelmerUnhappyVssUser: Hi15:21
piranhavila: yeah, it seems so... Ok, thank you, will continue to dig.15:21
jelmerUnhappyVssUser: What do you mean by shared files?15:21
vilajam: hello !15:22
jammorning vila15:22
vilajam: I'm freezing 2.3b4, what can you tell me about bug #602614 and bug #680763, should I just remove the milestone ?15:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 602614 in Bazaar "Out of memory error on auto repacking" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60261415:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 680763 in Launchpad Bazaar Integration "bzr to launchpad is slower than to devpad" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68076315:24
jamvila: can you just retarget it? poolie asked me to keep them on milestones so we see them easily as work items15:25
vilahmm, so I'll retarget them to 2.3.0 then15:25
vilajam: done15:26
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vilaamazing... I manage to make a typo ending in a line containing 'torturer'... caught by make check-dist-tarball...15:47
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=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: jam | 2.3b4 is frozen, installers build time ! (rm vila)
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cody-somervilleIf I have a checkout, what is the shorthand to reference it (ie. parent is to :parent as checkout is to....)?17:47
cody-somervillelike the remote branch, not the local one17:47
guilhembiHello. If some branch has stopped mirroring from our internal host to launchpad (for some unknown reason), who should I contact?17:47
guilhembiany lp admin here?17:47
guilhembijam: hello! do you know? ^17:48
cody-somervilleguilhembi, #launchpad would be the better place to ask17:49
cody-somervilleguilhembi, whats the branch?17:49
guilhembicody-somerville: ok, I'll go ask there17:49
guilhembithe branch is17:49
maxbcody-somerville: It might be :bound17:49
guilhembi"next mirror: disabled".17:49
jamcody-somerville: "bzr help location-alias"17:50
maxbcody-somerville: bzr help location-alias17:50
PengOoh, I didn't know about that help page! I was just digging in the source code.17:50
* guilhembi goes to #launchpad17:50
cody-somervilleguilhembi, Yea. It looks like you'll need to ask a launchpad admin for help.17:51
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serviliohi all! I am trying to install setuptools_bzr in a Python 2.4 environment, but it fails with "AttributeError: 'KnitPackRepository' object has no attribute 'get_revision_inventory'"18:42
servilioalready tried with bzr 2.2 and 2.3b418:43
servilioany ideas why this is happening?18:43
Pengservilio: Repository.get_revision_inventory() was deprecated and then removed in 2.2.18:44
Pengservilio: FWIW you should use Repository.get_inventory() AFAIK, though this doesn't help you too much if the problem is in setuptools_bzr.18:45
servilioPeng: thanks! I suspected something like was happening, but I haven't kept track of the bzr internals18:47
servilioI tried to install bzr 2.1, but there is no downloadable tarball in pypi looks like18:48
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peitschiemornin everybody :)21:31
jelmer_'morning peitschie, thumper21:37
thumperjelmer_: hey21:37
thumperjelmer_: I'd love some comment on my email to the bzr list :)21:38
peitschiemornin jelmer_21:38
peitschiemornin thumper :)21:39
pooliehi all22:36
peitschiemornin poolie22:44
spivMorning poolie, peitschie.22:46
spiv(plus plenty other people...)22:47
pooliehi there22:47
peitschiehiya spiv22:47

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