
traubisodaif you have any ideas for the awn problem that would be much more appreciated :D00:00
traubisodaRioting_Pacifist: thanks!00:00
Rioting_Pacifistmoetunes: I'd check if those are the default permisions becuase thats a royal SNAFU if it is, the entire point of /etc/shadow is to prevent your password hashes being world readable and subject to rainbow table attacks, not too bad on a desktop but if it's the same on servers it's nearly as bad as the debian snafu00:06
traubisodaI've checked fany-tasks and smooth tasks. those are not quite what i'm looking for. with OSX like i meant: powerful and looking good (i could have said a kde alternative for awn)00:07
moetunesRioting_Pacifist:  have done and 600 is the correct perm so I've changed it - dunno how it got that way tho...00:07
Rioting_Pacifistmoetunes: im pretty sure it should be root shadow 640 , i think 600 means only root can login00:08
moetunesRioting_Pacifist:  ohh - I'll check again00:09
traubisodai also tried daisy plasmoid. that was almost it but there are some strange things like i can't change the order of the icons and it doesn't group programs00:09
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Guest94808alguien que hable español00:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:09
Guest94808muchas gracias00:10
traubisodai have another question(i hope i'm not not annoying): if i try to run an application with gksu under kde it won't accept the root password. is that a bug or a feature?:D00:15
moetunesRioting_Pacifist:  nope perms for it are 60000:15
bill_Ah, there we go. :-)00:36
bill_(Ahem) I mean - hello! :-)00:37
bill_Hi roxy00:37
bill_Are you an admin here?00:37
bill_Just looking for help, then?00:38
roxypretty much. im usely have this up just in case if i need any help. :)00:39
traubisodai think you should just ask, that's how it works :)00:39
bill_Oh, okay. :-)00:39
bill_So, anyone here experienced in using Gdebi?00:39
bill_Hi egaudet.00:40
bill_So anyway, I'm trying to install either Helix or Real Player from the website.00:43
bill_When I click on the download link for either (for the Debian package), I select the option to open with Gdebi.00:43
bill_The package downloads, Gdebi opens, asks for the authorization and begins the installation process.00:43
bill_At a certain point, a box pops up saying "Media Change".  I click okay, the box pops up again.00:44
bill_Anyone know what's going on?00:44
bill_Anyone..? :-(00:45
bill_Anyone here?00:49
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bill_Kim, you still here?00:56
andrewh192i got a question for you.. i recently changed i guess a few things on my desktop and have since noticed that some of my desktop widgets have become transparent backgrounded. I was wondering where I might be able to change the preferences of the windows of my widgets so that the backgrounds aren't transparent, because it makes for some difficult reading on some of them.00:56
* crack05 is away (Gone)00:57
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bill_What are your options when you right-click on a widget?00:57
andrewh192RSSNOW settings00:57
andrewh192and desktop settings00:58
bill_Try desktop settings.00:58
andrewh192and Remove this RSSNOW00:58
bill_Are the transparent widgets maybe a different type than the widgets that aren't transparent?00:58
andrewh192well, not sure on that one00:59
andrewh192what do u mean different type00:59
bill_Are you using Ubuntu, or Kubuntu?00:59
bill_Not sure, just guessing.00:59
andrewh192the rest of my widgets i have on right now is a analog clock a little pastbin app for uploading stuff to the pastbin online00:59
bill_Same as me, then.01:00
andrewh192and it wasn'tt like this b401:00
andrewh192not sure what i changed to make it this waya01:00
bill_Hmm, are all the affected widgets to do with RSS feeds?01:01
andrewh192yeah.. well that's the only widget that is transparent01:01
andrewh192that i have running on my desktop right now01:01
andrewh192is there a theme setting somewhere that might dictate how windows appear on the desktop01:01
bill_And do they link to programs, or files (maybe transparent means the widget refers to a location that no longer exists?).01:03
andrewh192u reminded me of something01:05
andrewh192tryin to remember where i saw some setting about showing independant sets of stuff01:06
andrewh192there was two options01:06
andrewh192that was one of them01:06
andrewh192can't remember where that was01:07
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chemtailRunning 10.10 - Audio skipping (VLC, Amarok, whatever) since some of the latest updates.  Anyone else have it or know what gives?01:41
chemtailI'm guessing it's pulse, as usual.01:41
chemtaili've tried what's shown in this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9998952 -- and much as the user there, this merely made it a _lot_ worse.01:50
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deusrsomeone online?05:36
webinatorCan someone give me a hand? I bought a computer from a friend a Dell Inspiron 1526 and installed Ubuntu 64 bit on it, after the login page it just has the background and nothing.05:52
daddyhey what is process for running dvd on 9.10 upgrade06:16
daddyi know it was a sudo command before06:16
daddyanyone know the full command for this.06:16
daddymy 9.10 upgrade now will not allow me to play dvd's anymore.06:17
daddyanyone know the sudo command ?06:17
andrewh192i do06:51
andrewh192what about it06:51
andrewh192sudo apt-get install <wanted program>06:51
andrewh192oh, guess he isn't in here anymore06:51
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CQhello, where can I change the video HW aceleration settings? I can't find it in the system settings... Intel GMA X4500HD video08:05
moetunesCQ:  I would check the X log to see if anything is not being set up first - you might get some benefit from using the proprietry drivers depending on the vid card08:09
EagleScreen_KDE 4.5.4 is being uploaded09:13
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen_: when will kde 4.6 beta1 be available?09:18
EagleScreen_phoenix_firebrd: there are some packages already uploaded, but I think they are not still usable09:21
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen_: i forgot the webpage url, can you tell me09:21
moetunesI knew that question was coming - it is set for release in january iirc09:22
EagleScreen_phoenix_firebrd: you shouldn't use that repository09:22
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen_: ya, i know09:23
phoenix_firebrdEagleScreen_: last time someone gave me a link some like  packaging .. ninjas.. do you know something like that?09:24
jussino, please dont use staging!!!09:25
jussistaging should nbever be used.09:25
moetunesand newest is rarely best imho09:25
phoenix_firebrdjussi: i am not going to use it, just to take a look at the progress09:25
jussiwait until they get moved into one of the PPA's - as staging is just a place for them to wait untill they are all built09:26
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phoenix_firebrdthe link please09:27
phoenix_firebrdjussi: do you know the url?09:28
jussiphoenix_firebrd: for?09:28
phoenix_firebrdjussi: packaging ninjas09:28
jussiphoenix_firebrd: what about them? are you after the ppa or something else?09:29
phoenix_firebrdjussi: just to take a look09:29
jussiphoenix_firebrd: Im assuming you want: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs09:29
Guest35075cannot upgrade to 10.10, update manager says there might be non-ubuntu pkgs, or pre-release pkgs.  google chrome/earth are all i know of, and kde is backported.09:34
jhunoldthe message should state which packege is meant. I had to remove "kubuntu-desktop" yesterday to get the update started.09:37
Guest35075yes , kubuntu-desktop. remove it? sounds important09:43
phoenix_firebrdGuest35075: do you know to hanlde using bash?09:44
Guest35075pretty much.09:44
phoenix_firebrdGuest35075: then go on09:45
Guest35075going on. ty.09:45
phoenix_firebrdGuest35075: backup before update09:45
Guest35075did, thanks.09:46
Fleckanyone here with ati desktop card?10:11
Fleckcant enable desktop effects ;(10:11
valorieI have an ati10:14
valorieI don't know much about this sort of stuff, but what are you trying to do?10:14
valorieand I'll try it and see if it works for me10:15
* valorie is using kub. 10.1010:15
kaddihi, i need help with thunderbird. Firefox is set up as my default browser, however when i click on a link in thunderbird, it will open the link in konqueror. how do i fix that?10:17
valorieyou might have to set that up in Tbird too10:18
valorieI've not used it, so I don't know10:18
valorieKDE apps all listen to your KDE settings, but Tbird isn't a KDE app10:18
kaddiit's actually already set to firefox: user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/usr/bin/firefox");10:20
Fleckvalorie desktop effekts works for you?10:21
valorieFleck: let's see10:23
valorieI don't have many going, because I don't like them10:23
Flecki get distorted graphics when i enable them :D10:23
valoriebut I'm willing to test any you like10:23
valorielike, which ones?10:23
Fleckdoesnt mater, just when i enable, all desktop is messed up10:23
valorieare you using the built-in effects, or trying to use Compiz?10:24
Fleckbuilt in kde10:24
valorieand what system are you on?10:25
valoriesorry, bbiam10:26
Fleckyeah 10.10 64bit10:28
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:40
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications10:40
ubottukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu10:41
Riddell** testers needed for 4.5.4 upgrade on 10.1010:47
moetunessresu:  looking for something?10:47
sresumoetunes: Yeah10:47
moetunesRiddell:  most folk want 4.610:47
moetunessresu:  what are you chasing exactly?10:48
sresumoetunes: How to connect to server in Kubuntu?10:48
moetunessresu:  it depends on the type of sever10:48
valoriefleck, I just remembered -- if the OpenGL isn't working for you, try Xrender10:49
Riddellmoetunes: testers needed for that too10:49
valoriein the Advanced tab10:50
* valorie is also on 64 bit10:50
sresumoetunes: Well, I've some files in virtual OS which as per the usual approach should be accessed using Shared folders creation. I've had many problems in creating and accessing shaed folders, I even find it risky. So, I was thinking if I can get the ip of the guest OS and then connect to the ip address as <smb://address> using Host OS10:51
Fleckvalorie with those i cant even enable effects LD10:51
obscurant1stis there any thing like clear type from windows  in kubuntu?10:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:51
obscurant1stthe fonts are not so easy on my eyes10:51
Fleckobscurant1st anti aliasing?10:52
obscurant1stFleck: thanks. But will it be heavy for my CPU?10:53
FleckAA is enabled by default ;p10:53
obscurant1stbut my fonts are rough10:54
moetunessresu:  prob more a question for vitualbox - try /j #vbox10:54
kaddi_hi, i need help with thunderbird. Firefox is set up as my default browser, however when i click on a link in thunderbird, it will open the link in konqueror. This started happening after I upgraded to lucid last week10:55
Fleckobscurant1st did you check font settings in System Settings?10:55
obscurant1stlet me check, i think i have checked that, but dont remember10:55
Fleckkaddi_ System Settings -> Default Applications10:56
obscurant1stuse anti aliasing : system default10:56
obscurant1stforce font DPI : disabled10:56
obscurant1stFleck: ^^10:56
kaddi_Fleck: that's already set to firefox. I also added user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/usr/bin/firefox"); to the prefs.js in TB10:56
Fleckkaddi_ did you restart your session?10:57
kaddi_Fleck: yes10:57
Fleckobscurant1st dunno then, try AUTO on your LCD...10:57
Fleckkaddi_ well, where do you click on links?10:58
kaddi_Fleck: in the emails I get10:58
obscurant1stits laptop, dont have Aauto. :(10:58
Fleckthunder i mean10:58
Fleckcheck thunder settings10:58
kaddi_Fleck: yes in thunderbird10:58
kaddi_Fleck did that, it's set to Firefox10:58
Fleckmaybe there is default browser options10:58
Fleckwhen u run that command in ALT+F2 run windows - does ff opens?10:59
kaddi_Fleck: what command? /usr/bin/firefox? Yes10:59
Fleckthen i have no clue :/11:00
obscurant1stkaddi_: have you set your default browser as firefox?11:01
kaddi_obscurant1st: yes11:01
obscurant1stclicking on that check now button shows "Firefox is already set as your default browser." ?11:02
obscurant1stkaddi_: ^11:03
kaddi_what check button? I went to default applications and for web browser chose "in the following browser" and entered firefox.11:03
kaddi_It is also working for other kde apps, like kopete or koversation11:03
obscurant1stin firefox prefrences -> advanced-> genera11:03
obscurant1styou can check whether firefox has been set as your default browser11:04
kaddi_obscurant1st: yes when i click it says it's already default brwoser11:04
obscurant1stoh, ok. then i dont know. because i had this same problem, but doing this solved it!11:05
moetunesyou can set the default browser in .bashrc11:06
kaddi_moetunes but that would only have effect for your konsole11:06
moetunesno it works for all appps here11:06
moetunesyou need to logout/login for it to work11:07
moetunesI set midori as my default browser today11:08
valorieI've not tried that one, moetunes11:08
valoriehow is it working for you?11:09
valoriei always end up going back to FF11:09
valorieso far11:09
moetunesvalorie:  midori is way quicker but way harder to set up11:10
moetunesbookmark imports were a hassle11:10
valoriehassle is something I don't have time for11:11
moetunesall is sweet now tho11:11
valoriethat's cool11:11
moetunesI just had to backup the bookmarks to a html file then convert them to xml and then edit it so midori could access them11:12
moetunessounds simple but...11:12
valoriehow about plugins though?11:12
valorieeven Chromium hasn't caught up11:13
moetunesit uses the firfox plugins11:13
valoriethat's cool11:13
moetunesvalorie:  it is still a work in progress - it took three goes to get the plugins working11:14
valorieI'll wait until it's further along, then11:15
valorieI need a reliable browser11:15
valorieeven if it's a bit slower11:15
valoriewhich is why I use Chromium less and less11:15
valorieI liked it11:15
moetunesff took like 5 secs to load - midori takes like 2 secs once set up - it uses webkit11:15
valoriesame with Opera11:15
kaddi_is chromium still getting updated?11:15
valoriealmost daily, I believe11:16
kaddi_i thought it had been abandoned11:16
valorieI'm no longer getting the dailies11:16
valoriemade it too unstable11:16
kaddi_oh, but there's no stable release/11:16
piquadratHi! Are there any plans to release KDE SC 4.6 beta packages for Kubuntu 10.10?11:49
asraniel_hello, is there a way to download kubuntu 10.10 with all upgrades already on the cd? because on my new computer somehow the network connection does not work and i hope that some kernel updates resolved that11:54
Riddellpiquadrat: yes, testers needed if you want to help11:55
Riddellasraniel_: I'm afraid not11:55
Riddellpiquadrat: join us in #kubuntu-devel if you want to test11:56
piquadratRiddell: will do later today. Thanks for the hint!11:57
asraniel_Riddell: is there a way to somehow download the latest packages on a cd/dvd and upgrade the system from there?11:59
chris____effects are disabled when i start up, is there are way to have effects enabled by default?12:03
chris____if I press Alt+Shift+F12 effects start normally.. i'd like this to be the default option tho12:03
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HRPufnstufHow much is an Ubuntu CD?12:05
asraniel_Riddell: never mind, i found a old pci network card that seems to work :)12:07
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sougatahow to make IBUS work in kbuntu12:25
poyntzeffects are disabled when i start up, is there are way to have effects enabled by default?12:28
leandrosansilvaHello to all. After upgrade to kde 4.5.4 (from backports), the process plasma-desktop consumes 100% of one core of my processor - al the time. I'm uing maverick 32 bit12:29
Riddellleandrosansilva: where did you install 4.5.4 from?12:33
leandrosansilvaRiddell: from kubuntu backports12:33
Riddellleandrosansilva: you must be mistaken, 4.5.4 hasn't been released yet and it wouldn't be in the backports PPA12:34
leandrosansilvaBut if I use a clean kde configuration (removing ~/.kde), everything works fine12:34
leandrosansilvahum... just a second12:34
leandrosansilvaRiddell: sorry, I got kde from kubuntu updates repo12:36
leandrosansilvaand the kde 4.5.4 packages are there : https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa/+build/207194512:36
Riddellleandrosansilva: mm right, kde4libs is there12:37
leandrosansilvanot only kde4libs, but all the rest of kde12:37
Riddellleandrosansilva: well I recommend logging out and from a console moving .kde/share/config/plasma-desktoprc and .kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc out the way12:37
Riddellleandrosansilva: and if that helps it then report a bug to bugs.kde.org with those files attached12:38
leandrosansilvaRiddell: ok. I will try it. Just aone more second...12:38
BajK_How do I switch the graphics card on my notebook? I have an Intel (low power) and ATI (gaming) card inside12:45
BajK_I heard this is not as comfortable as in windows but should be possible?12:45
poyntzeffects are disabled when i start up, is there are way to have effects enabled by default?12:58
leandrosansilvaRiddell: it seems the problem is in the theme I use, bespin. This problem in plasma only happens with bespin widget theme13:05
Riddellleandrosansilva: ah hah13:07
Riddellleandrosansilva: best report a bug to them then http://cloudcity.sf.net/13:07
leandrosansilvayes, I'm doing it now. thx :-)13:08
collabrapoyntz: that's why i switched to 10.04 LTS,... I suggest you either file an official bug, or switch back to LTS for stability.13:18
collabrapoyntz: i haven't found 10.10 to be bug-free... LTS isn't the latest and greatest,.. but components wont be broken til fixed.13:19
collabrapoyntz: 10.04 is intended for Long Term Service,...meant for standards of stability and support...EOF...lol13:22
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joro_join plovdiv13:37
joro_#join plovdiv13:37
amichairis the upgrade to 4.5.4 from the ppa recommended?13:41
amichairi.e., does it have any known issues?13:42
amichairhmmm I don't see it in the kde announcements page (only 4.5.3 and 4.6 beta) - is it official?13:43
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ffr76bom dia14:03
geekosopheramichair: I got the updates half an hour ago.... didn't see anything on the announcements, so didn't know it was updating to 4.5.4 But everything is working fine :)14:05
amichairgeekosopher: well that's a start :-)14:06
geekosopherSurprising that there was no announcement either on kde.org or kubuntu.org14:06
=== lucidfox[away] is now known as lucidfox
geekosopheramichair: just lucky? ;)14:07
poyntzcollabra: thanks for the info14:15
fprunierhas anyone managed to get the qt raster graphic system to work with openoffice kde integration ? It's crashing for me at the moment14:19
morticumdoes anyone know how to install flash 10.2 beta? i downloaded it from adobe (just the file libflashplayer.so) and put it in the folder /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/, but it doesn't appear to have done anything14:25
morticumDo I need to execute the installer somehow?14:25
morticumE.g. do I need to set it as executable as root?14:26
morticumalso, will it take affect in Rekonq?14:26
morticum(I'm not using Firefox)14:26
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: hi14:27
fpruniermorticum: if you use the installer it should work14:28
morticumhi phoenix14:28
morticumfprunier: how do you use the installer?14:28
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: i think this is the location that firefox uses  /usr/share/ubufox/plugins/libflashplayer.so, the konqueror and rekonq share the same location i think14:29
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: can you check that and confirm14:29
morticumyeah, that is a symlink which points to /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so14:30
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: have you replcaed tge file14:30
morticumi did14:31
morticumand restarted rekonq14:31
morticummaybe i should try rekonq14:31
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: I am checking on that now14:31
morticumI see that"about:plugins" works in konqueror14:32
morticumbut not in rekonq...14:32
amichairi have a general q: is it always safe to upgrade packages, which may or may not require restart (of system or app), if I don't intend on performing said restart right afterwards? or will the system enter some undefined flaky state until I do?14:32
morticumit shows in konqueror that shockwave flash 10.2 d151 version is installed14:32
fpruniermorticum: sorry i though the flash lib would come with the installer14:32
fpruniermorticum: is QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH set ?14:33
morticumwhere would that be set?14:33
fprunierif not if you set it to your flash plugin location that should make it work14:33
fprunierif you sue the env command14:33
fprunierand grep for it14:33
morticumgrep for env?14:33
fprunierlike 'env | grep QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH'14:33
fprunierlet me know the output of that command14:34
morticumnothing appeared to happen when doing that14:34
fprunierthen try 'export QTWEBKIT_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer'14:34
fprunierand then start rekonq from the same command line14:34
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: didnt the flash version change after the patch14:34
morticumyeah in konqueror, but how do I check which version of the flash plugin is being used in Rekonq?14:35
morticumthere's no convenient "about:plugins" page14:35
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: did you find any install notes in the adobe website?14:36
morticumlet me check more thoroughly14:36
phoenix_firebrddoes rekonq come bundled with flash player like google chrome?14:43
morticumno it doesn't14:46
morticumI just played a flash 720p in konqueror and it was much slower than in chrome dev, which is using an earlier 10.1 version14:46
morticumkonqueror is showing 10.2 installed14:46
morticumI wonder when the chrome daily builds will have 10.2 beta14:47
morticumI see the problem: Konqueror is using flashplugin-alternative.so which may be installed in one of many places14:51
morticumI guess I'll have to manually change ALL of them, unless one knows how to determine precisely the path of the plugin used in konqueror14:52
gribouilleI want to install kubuntu 10.10. when I boot from the cd, the menu doesn't offer to install the system14:54
morticumgribouille: load the livecd into kubuntu and then install from there14:55
gribouillemorticum, you mean I have to choose "start kubuntu" ?14:56
morticumthere may be an easier way, but I don't know it14:56
gribouillemorticum, I did it, but I got a login screen. What id and password do I have to enter ?14:56
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: installed flash 10.02 beta, works fine in rekonq14:58
morticumphoenix_firebrd: how did you install it?14:58
morticumgribouille:there shouldn't be one...did you try no password or username?14:59
gribouillemorticum, yes14:59
gribouillemorticum, you mean I should get the kde desktopn directly ?14:59
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: simply replaced the file /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so15:00
phoenix_firebrdmorticum: the hardware acceleration is very good15:00
morticumyeah, that's what I did....I think it's installed. but why the awful performance? how's yours? what graphics chipset are you using?15:00
morticumgribouille: yes15:01
gribouillemorticum, ok, let me try again15:01
morticumgribouille: did you download the livecd iso?15:01
morticumphoenix: phenomenal. I restarted and now HD flash is playing smoothly in fullscreen on my 1.06ghz core solo with integrated intel 945gm15:11
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RastaManPowerhello all16:14
RastaManPowercan someone help me out16:14
kaddihi, i need help with thunderbird. Firefox is set up as my default browser, however when i click on a link in thunderbird, it will open the link in konqueror. This started happening after I upgraded to lucid last week. Firefox is set as default browser and kde apps such as kopete and konversation open it correctly16:35
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catkinhello folks16:42
gribouillewhere does kde 4 store the settings ?16:43
Agent001Hi, after I installed kubuntu, i could no longer change my universal system font16:43
Agent001I can not reset it either16:43
phoenix_firebrdkaddi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=72470316:53
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: are you there16:55
RastaManPoweryes i am16:55
RastaManPowertrying to figure out my problem16:56
catkinI thought this was a linux room, but I see no talks about lesbians...16:56
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: i think is a problem with mono, not only fspot fails but also any program that is built using mono fails in kubuntu 10.10 and i think its also in 10.0416:56
kaddi_gah, back... my internet >.<16:56
kaddi_phoenix_firebrd: that no longer works. This is what I used to have16:57
RastaManPowerso i cant get it to work?16:57
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kaddi_phoenix_firebrd: but i managed to fix it using this command: sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox16:57
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: why do you need fspot. if you want speed then use "image viewer" its fast16:58
RastaManPowercause i have a huge picture library all in different folders16:58
phoenix_firebrdkaddi_: so your problem solved?16:58
kaddi_phoenix_firebrd: yes :)16:58
phoenix_firebrdkaddi_: good16:59
RastaManPowerand as far a i know that is the only program that will scan the directory and let me browse all the images by jsut pressing left and right key16:59
RastaManPowerwithout having to open folders one by one16:59
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: have you tried google's picasa?16:59
RastaManPoweri tryed it on gnome but its very bad. reminds me of that ugly windows17:00
RastaManPoweri want to run away from that junk17:00
RastaManPowernow i removed f-spot from kpackagekit but did it delete all the packages that came with it?17:01
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: you can user "sudo apt-get autoremove" to remove all the unwanted packages17:02
RastaManPowerand sudo apt-get autoclean ??17:02
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: ya sorry17:02
RastaManPowerother than picasa?17:03
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: no what i told is correct17:03
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: its autoremove only17:03
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BajK_huh? KDE 4.5.4 is out for Kubuntu but not officially released on kde.org?17:20
Agent001Does anyone have problem with kde not viewing videos on fullscreen17:21
kaddi_BajK_: where do you see that kde 4.5.4 is out for kubuntu?17:22
amichairBajK_: yep, that seems to be the case17:22
phoenix_firebrdAgent001: is desktop effects disabled?17:22
BajK_kaddi_: kubuntu.org says that it is available for 10 minute oir so17:23
Agent001I did not know that would affect viewing online videos on fullscreen17:23
phoenix_firebrdAgent001: i think fullscreen wont work if compositing is turned off, i am not sure about that, you check that out17:23
amichairI stand corrected - didn't see the update17:23
Agent001Ok, I'll experiment with that17:24
phoenix_firebrdBajK_: the packaging work is not complete17:24
BajK_soo.. *installing 11.04 for tsting* :)17:24
amichairalthough the changlog link points to the 4.5.3 changelog...17:25
kaddi_http://kde.org/announcements/announce-4.5.4.php/ there's a link for 4.5.4 on kde... it looks like it's just been updated17:26
Agent001That did not work17:26
kaddi_and it's a ppa for kubuntu.. normal kubuntu 10.10 still has 4.5.1 i believe17:27
sayakbhi! how do i get java applets working with chrome (on kubuntu 10.10)? it appears that the java site doesnt have debian packages. is there some place i can get a debian package?17:41
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.17:42
sayakbamichair: thanks17:43
amichairsayakb: :-)17:45
sysop1how do I replace dolphin with krusader?17:48
sysop1I dont want to get rid of dolphon I just want it to open of krusder by default.17:49
sysop1I want kde to use krusader by default.17:49
gribouillemy monitor supports the resolution, 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz, but it is not an option in ths system settings17:52
gribouillemy monitor supports the resolution, 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz, but it is not an option in ths system settings. what should I do ?17:55
sysop1I think you can add it by hand in the xorg17:55
sysop1you dont need an xorg.conf anymore but you can still put stuff there you need. to do by hand17:56
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: what is your graphics card?17:56
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 If [Radeon 9000] (rev 01)17:57
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: how you installed the drivers?17:57
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I didn't install any drivers17:57
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, what package should I install ?17:58
sysop1I  thought radeon was bult into the kernel, but I dont know I run all nvidia.17:58
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: try using the additional drivers in kmenu-->system and install the drivers. after that use the ati config tool17:58
phoenix_firebrdi dont know if this is true, can a proprietary driver be built into a kernel?18:00
sysop1phoenix_firebrd, when you put it that way I guess not.18:00
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I already have xserver-xorg-video-ati18:01
sysop1phoenix_firebrd, so do you know how to change the default file manager from dophing to krusafer?18:01
phoenix_firebrdsysop1: nope sorry buddy18:01
sysop1thanks. but yea II remeber someone saying thats why radeon was better, no extra driver crap.  but they were prolly lying.18:02
gribouillethere is no driver to install18:03
gribouillehow does the system know the resolution of the monitor ?18:03
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: you can edit the xorg.conf file to get the resolution18:04
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, where is it ?18:04
sysop1yea the extra driver you to install for nvidia can be a pain. kernel upgrade before last it needed a new version of the module so x wouldnt run till used links to download the newest driver and isntall it18:04
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: but if that fails will be able to operate in command mode to recover the os?18:05
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, ok, where is the file ?18:05
sysop1but the last one I saw it download the new one automatically. it was pretty cool.18:05
gribouilleI can't find it in /etc/X11/18:05
phoenix_firebrdsysop1: i had that problem in earlier version of kubuntu , but now its solved18:05
gribouillethere is no xorg.conf18:06
sysop1yea this last kernel upgrade it worked flawlessly.18:06
sysop1but all I am saying is its one more thing to go wrong. but I have to admit I like the nvidia settings utility.18:06
gribouillecan someone tell me where the xorg.conf file is normally ?18:06
phoenix_firebrdany one here know if fglrx is a open souce or a proprietary driver for ati cards ?18:07
sysop1dexconf used to fix a lot of issues, but it doesnt seem to work like it usedto.18:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:07
sysop1but backup your conf if before you run it.18:07
gribouilleis it normal that there is no xorg.conf file after a fresh install ?18:09
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phoenix_firebrdgribouille: try this "sudo apt-get install fglrx"18:09
sysop1you dont need one anymore18:09
sysop1but you can put one there if you want to overrive stuff18:10
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, what does it do ?18:10
sysop1I think dexconf will create you one18:10
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: installs the ati driver18:10
gribouillesysop1, so, where is the configuration of X ?18:11
sysop1I have to use one to my dual screen on boot.18:11
sysop1dont know exactly i hear its in 3 files now but cant remmeber which ones18:11
phoenix_firebrdsysop1: where to replace dolphin18:12
sysop1as the default file manager with krusader18:12
phoenix_firebrdone min18:13
sysop1I know I have seen some where to do that. but in a previous version It didnt work then, and now I cant find it, I was hoping it was fixed.18:13
sysop1but thanks for the help..18:14
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, ok, I've installed fglrx. what should I do now ?18:14
sysop1hey you know about glxgears?18:14
sysop1its a good way to test to see if you have 3d acceleration working.18:15
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: restart the xserver or restart the system18:15
sysop1its in mesa-utils I think18:15
phoenix_firebrdsysop1: ya i know18:15
sysop1I know you know phoenix_firebrd I was telling gribouille18:15
phoenix_firebrdsysop1: oh18:16
gribouilleok, let me restart X18:16
phoenix_firebrdi am having problwm with bluedevil , can anyone help me18:20
sysop1I had it disapper on me toaday but I started in konsole and it came back.18:20
sysop1but other than that I wouldnt be much help.18:20
phoenix_firebrdsysop1: send and browsing files not working. blueman works18:21
sysop1yea I havent got that to work yet either, I thought it was just me.18:22
phoenix_firebrdmay be its because of the partially updated syste18:22
phoenix_firebrdmay be its because of the partially updated system18:22
sysop1it wasnt high on my pripties so I havent compalined about it yet.18:22
gribouilleok, I've restarted X, but there doesn't seem to have any effect18:22
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: now try chaning the screen resolution18:22
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I did iy, but the resolution I want isn't an option18:23
sysop1can you use arandr with radeon cards?18:23
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: can you try it after restarting your computer ?18:24
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, what does it change ?18:24
gribouilleto reboot ?18:24
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: may be the drivers are not loaded and it may load after the restart . correct me if i am wrong18:25
gribouilleok, le me reboot18:25
gribouillehi again18:31
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: hi18:31
gribouilleafter a reboot, I have the resolution 1152x864, but not 1280x102418:31
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: are you able to change it?18:32
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, yes, but I can't have a higher resolution18:32
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: search in kmenu for any ati configuation utility that may be installed with the driver18:33
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, do you mean ati catalyst control center ?18:36
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: ya18:36
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: is it present?18:36
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, yes, but I can't launch it18:36
gribouillewhen I launch it, nothing happens18:37
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: thats where you configure the xorg to use the correct screen resolution18:37
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: you have to find the executable name to run in command line to see the error message18:38
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: i can tell you how, will you follow?18:38
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, yes, but I don't which package contains the executable18:39
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I'll try18:39
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: is the ati ..center present in kmenu-> applications-> sytem18:40
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I've found it : amdcccle18:41
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: what is that18:41
RastaManPowerhow do i make a custom launcher on desktop?18:41
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, ati catalyst control center18:41
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: run it in konsole and see for any error messages18:42
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: got any app suited for you?18:42
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, it tells me that no driver is installed or that the driver doesn't work correctly18:43
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: ok wait18:43
RastaManPowerpicasa.. lol18:43
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gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I think the easiest way is to copy my old xorg.conf file18:44
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: try running this command "aticonfig"18:45
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: ha ha18:45
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, aticonfig: No supported adapters detected18:45
RastaManPowerhow do i make a launcher on desktop18:46
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: you have to edit the xorg.conf to activate the driver18:47
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, ok, I'll copy my old xorg.conf file18:48
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: can you paste the xorg.conf  file18:49
phoenix_firebrdRastaManPower: can you see the icon of the app in kmenu?18:50
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I had a crash18:54
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I have lost the whole panel on the bottom18:54
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: the old one didnt work?18:54
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I don't know yet18:55
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, what is the name of the progam that displays the taskbar ?18:55
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: taskmanager?18:56
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: system tray?18:56
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, it was just the screen that was too small ;-)18:57
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: i cant understand what you mean18:58
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I have the right resolution now18:58
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, the problem was that only part of the desktop was visible18:59
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, thanks a lot for your help19:00
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: you got your required resolution ?19:00
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, yes19:00
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: how19:00
gribouillephoenix_firebrd, I copied my old xorg.conf file19:01
phoenix_firebrdgribouille: good the backup helped. enjoy19:01
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nerdy_kidfinally some decent gtk integration!  http://yfrog.com/0rgtkoxygenp19:32
kaddi__ever since i upgraded to lucid/kde 4.5 kopete is showing an incredible amount of popups, mostly "user is writing a message" over and over and over again. It didn't use to do that.19:39
Tm_Tkaddi__: check your notification settings19:40
kaddi__Is there a way to disable the "typing a message" popups but keep the "incoming message" ones19:40
kaddi__k :) In kopete or generla kde ones?19:40
Tm_Tkaddi__: in kopete, although it's the same19:41
kaddi__Tm_T thanks... I just figured out why I didn't find it looking by myself.. >.> I overlokked the "configure notification" and checked only under "configure"19:42
kaddi__quick and painless! AWESOME! :)19:42
albinhi here19:42
moetuneshi there19:43
Tm_Tkaddi__: np (:19:43
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kaddithere, that's better :D19:44
akR4I just installed Kubuntu on my laptop (HP Probook 4525s)... then I upgdrade the installation and then I install the graphic card proprietary driver... and now, the "boot screen" is really  ugly...19:48
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* crack05 is away (Gone)19:57
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nerdy_kidakR4 are you using NVIDIA?19:58
akR4nerdy_kid: non, it's an ATI card19:59
nerdy_kidakR4: how does it look ugly?  is it just huge and oversized?19:59
nerdy_kidI have an NVidia and thus know how to fix the huge and oversized problem, for nvidia at least20:00
akR4not "just" ! it's oversized, but I don't have the sexy style :p the points are stars (*) and I seems to be a verbose mode20:00
nerdy_kidakR4 well I dont know if this will work for you or not, but give this a try: open up synaptic20:02
nerdy_kidin the quick search look for plymouth-theme-kubuntu20:02
nerdy_kidmake sure that plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo is installed and that plymouth-theme-kubuntu-text is uninistalled20:03
nerdy_kidlet me know how that goes20:03
akR4both was installed, so I uninstalled "text" version ;)20:04
nerdy_kidgood, now run "kdesudo kate /etc/default/grub"20:05
nerdy_kideh, I am going to pastebin my config file one sec20:06
nerdy_kidakR4: http://pastebin.com/zwJasNAR20:07
nerdy_kidmake sure that lines 10, 17 and 18 are in the file that kate is editing.20:07
drazzensalve a tutti20:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:08
nerdy_kidif you are not dual booting, then you could actually just replace your version with mine.20:08
nerdy_kidakR4: ^20:08
nerdy_kidyou do need to replace "1280x800" with the screen resolution you want.20:09
rethus1since some days, shutdown didn't work anymore on my kubuntu 10.04.20:10
rethus1is this a known bug?20:10
akR4nerdy_kid: just one line is missing ;) And I'm dual booting :p but not a problem, i'll find how to do ;) just to know, how can I know the best resolution for my boot ??20:10
akR4and/or can I put a sexy graphical interface for my grub ? ^^ (like in Mandriva for example ;))20:10
nerdy_kidakR4: what line was it?  I used the native resolution for my monitor, I don't know what yours is.20:11
akR4nerdy_kid: this is this line : GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=1280x80020:12
nerdy_kidyou can modify and theme the bootloader, I would check out this:http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/get-animated-themed-icon-only-grub-menu-using-burg-now-simple-to-use/20:12
RastaManPowerbash: ./configure: No such file or directory20:13
RastaManPoweranyone know why i am getting this20:13
RastaManPoweri have build-essentials and make package installed20:13
nerdy_kidakR4: ok, make sure that all the other lines are not commented out (they can not begin with #) and replace the resolutions with the one you want.20:13
akR4nerdy_kid: done ;)20:15
nerdy_kidakR4: ok, now run "sudo update-grub" without quotes.20:16
nerdy_kid^after you save the file20:16
akR4ok ;) this is good20:17
nerdy_kidnow reboot, and you do have another pc right?  cause if it isn't configured right grub might not boot.20:18
nerdy_kidor a livecd20:18
akR4nerdy_kid: that will be ok ;) I have some pc ! I come back in a few time ^^20:23
darthanubisanyone with a ssd?20:24
darthanubismy bad20:24
Lars_GOne question20:26
Lars_Gplasma-netbook is std kde right? and not Kubuntu's exclusive imp?20:26
moetunesit's shown on kde.org so yep20:27
Lars_Gis there any good ppa for the 4.6b1 out there?20:30
moetunesnot yet20:30
Lars_Gok, thanks20:30
akR4nerdy_kid: that's ok \o/ i have a sexy boot :p20:55
akR4*boot screen20:55
RastaManPowercans omone help me out20:58
RastaManPowerNo package 'gnome-keyring-sharp-1.0' found20:59
moetunes!find gnome-keyring-sharp21:00
ubottuFile gnome-keyring-sharp found in libgnome-keyring1.0-cil, libgnome-keyring1.0-cil-dev21:00
RastaManPowernot found21:01
moetunesit's not a package - you need libgnome-keyring1.0-cil to get it21:02
RastaManPowerok got it21:02
RastaManPowertakeing me hours to compile this21:02
RastaManPowerNo package 'libgnome-2.0' found21:03
RastaManPowerNo package 'libgnomeui-2.0' found21:03
RastaManPowerNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found21:03
RastaManPowerNo package 'cairo' found21:03
RastaManPowerNo package 'mono-addins' found21:03
FloodBotK1RastaManPower: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:03
FloodBotK2RastaManPower: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:03
RastaManPowerNo package 'mono-addins-gui' found21:03
RastaManPowercan somone pm me21:04
RastaManPoweri need help pls21:04
moetuneswhat are you tying to do?21:04
RastaManPowerchecking for F... no21:05
RastaManPowerinstall f-spot21:05
RastaManPowerfrom source21:05
moetunesI have to ask why from source?21:05
RastaManPowergiving problems21:05
RastaManPowerfrom deb21:05
RastaManPowerchecking for F... no21:05
RastaManPowerthats what i miss21:05
RastaManPoweri dont understand21:06
moetunes!info fspot21:06
ubottuPackage fspot does not exist in maverick21:06
moetunes!find fspot21:06
ubottuFile fspot found in f-spot21:06
moetunes!info f-spot21:06
ubottuf-spot (source: f-spot): personal photo management application. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (maverick), package size 3055 kB, installed size 9872 kB21:06
RastaManPowerdnt work21:06
RastaManPowerevent not found21:06
moetunesso sudo apt-get install f-spot21:06
harleeni am having trouble with dvd styler can someone who knows this program message me21:06
RastaManPoweri am trying from source21:07
moetunesfinding all the dependencies for it is a hard job21:08
moetunesit's so much easier to use the repository21:08
moetuneswhy do you want to do it from source? - is a there a new feature you need?21:08
RastaManPowerchek the pastebin21:09
RastaManPowerline 94321:09
harleencan someone tell me which software I can use to copy an avi pr mp4 file to play in my dvd player21:10
RastaManPoweris where it starts giving me isses21:10
moetunesas I said finding the dependencies is hard work - try searching for libgnome-dev type packages21:14
rats__harleen: you could try devede21:14
harleenrats i was not sure how to use it21:15
rats__harleen:  here is a link http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2010072001235MMSW21:17
harleenthanks rats21:17
rats__your welcome21:17
RastaManPowerautogen.sh: 10: Syntax error: "(" unexpected21:18
rats__harleen: here is another link for DEVEDE http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/devede.html21:26
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sysop1hey how do I create a audo device for a bluetooth audo sink? I have my blooth headphones hooked up and they work great for kde apps ilke dragon but not for vlc, and when I go into vlc I dont see an entry or it. now I could go into pulse audio and create a device thats puts ulse audio out all device but that seems like overkill21:49
sysop1is there a chnnel for bluedevil?22:03
Lars_Ga devil!22:04
sysop1#a devil?22:04
sysop1I didnt thing you could have spaces in channel names22:04
sysop1but seriously who can help me with a bluedevil issue?22:05
sysop1well not really an issue, it generally works great.22:05
sysop1its the best bluetooth anyt for linux ever.22:05
sysop1but I need to know how to create an audio device from a audio sink22:06
sysop1maybe the guys in pulse audio will know.22:07
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