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ryehi, you may receive a bogus oops-tools summary sent from buffaloberry, please ignore that, I ran the wrong script :(10:17
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=== matsubara changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: -- | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
allenapI seem to be subscribed to several private PPAs that I have no recollection of. Is that normal? How can I unsubscribe?12:07
wgrantallenap: You've probably inherited them through team memberships.12:07
wgrantSubscriptions just grant you access -- they don't give you additional notifications.12:08
allenapwgrant: Okay. I just ignore them then?12:08
wgrantallenap: Indeed.12:08
allenapwgrant: Cheers :)12:08
shadeslayercan someone edit the VCS imports of https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/ktorrent/trunk12:09
shadeslayerthe new git urls are : git://git.kde.org/libktorrent12:10
shadeslayerand git://git.kde.org/ktorrent12:10
jelmershadeslayer: hi12:10
shadeslayerjelmer: heya :D12:10
jelmershadeslayer: you need to add a new import, we can change lp:ktorrent to point at that new branch.12:11
shadeslayerah ok12:11
shadeslayerhold on then :)12:11
shadeslayerjelmer: https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/ktorrent/trunk12:12
shadeslayerseems i need a new project for libktorrent12:13
jelmerthere's a difference between ktorrent and libktorrent?12:14
jelmershadeslayer: I've fixed lp:ktorrent12:14
shadeslayerah thanks12:15
shadeslayerand yeah12:15
shadeslayerthey split out the ktorrent shared libraries12:15
shadeslayershould i just register libktorrent under the same project or just give it a different branch name?12:15
shadeslayerjelmer: ^^12:17
jelmershadeslayer: That's a good question, I guess a different project is appropriate.12:17
shadeslayerjelmer: can you move https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/libktorrent/trunk to launchpad.net/libktorrent12:25
jelmershadeslayer: done12:26
* jelmer wonders who is CHR today12:26
shadeslayerthanks! :)12:26
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patdk-wkhow often does the repository for a ppa add new packages?13:59
patdk-wkwondering if it's dynamic or like a 30min fixed loop or something, so I have an idea how often not to check it :)13:59
bigjoolspatdk-wk: it depends mostly on the load of the system, it can vary between 5 minutes and 40 minutes14:00
patdk-wkheh, mine seem to always be up near 40min, so I thought it might be a timed thing, instead of load based14:00
bigjoolsthere's a lot of load lately, I'm working on a fix to speed it up as well14:04
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patdk-wkstrange, it was working last night, but no longer :(14:40
patdk-wkW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/patricidk/general-lucid/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404  Not Found14:40
patdk-wkoh, seems add-apt doesn't do any good checking14:42
patdk-wkeven though it told me it failed, it added the broken ppa anyways14:42
bigjoolspatdk-wk: you've spelled "patrickdk" wrong ...14:45
patdk-wkI noticed14:45
patdk-wkbut add-apt added it anyways :( even though it didn't exist14:45
patdk-wkit yelled at me, so I didn't think it would have added it14:46
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: jcsackett | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
leonardrsinzui, i'm trying to understand something jml said and gary says you'll be able to explain it15:06
leonardror, if jml is still around, he can do it (sorry, jml, i keep forgetting you're in england)15:06
sinzuiWow. that was hard to understand. I hope the question is easier15:07
leonardrjml, what do you mean by "project Foo and all of its downstreams"? what are the downstreams and how is that relationship represented in launchpad?15:07
jmlleonardr: oh right. a Product and its linked source packages in various distros.15:08
jmlleonardr: with our current data set, I believe that would be Ubuntu, but as the derived archive work progresses it could involve other distros as well15:08
leonardrok, processing...15:08
jmlto pick a bad example, Banshee is an upstream Product, people file bugs there and on the ubuntu/+source/banshee source package15:09
jmlbut then for reasons unknown to mankind, Banshee becomes an integral part of Linaro, which is (will be) modelled as a derivative of Ubuntu15:10
leonardrjml: would it make conceptual sense to navigate from a project to a collection of its distro_source_packages?15:10
leonardr(finish your parable first)15:10
jmloh, and we're also in this future maintaining a full mirror of Debian's bugs15:10
jmlit's highly likely that someone would want to search through the banshee bugs in all of those areas: upstream, ubuntu, linaro, debian15:11
jmlmaybe when this becomes more likely we could introduce different data models, but the use case remains... it's exactly the sort of thing Launchpad should do.15:12
jmlleonardr: thinking...15:12
leonardractually, scratch that question for the moment15:12
leonardrhere's a better question15:12
leonardrthere's a bug in banshee-in-linaro15:12
leonardrhow would you navigate from the bug to the banshee product?15:13
jmlleonardr: probably with a more expanded version of the Ubuntu-specific things we have already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/banshee15:14
jml(or see https://bugs.launchpad.net/do for a project that has bugs in both the upstream & Ubuntu)15:15
leonardrjml: i'm talking about one specific bug. it would have a bug_target, right?15:16
leonardrand the bug_target would either be banshee, or it would be banshee-in-linaro15:16
jmlleonardr: oh right, sorry, I had it around the wrong way...15:16
leonardrand if it was banshee-in-linaro, then banshee-in-linaro would have some kind of link to banshee15:16
leonardrok, i can work with that, thanks15:17
jmlalthough I imagine a more common use would be simply clicking some kind of link saying "this also affects upstream", but what you describe would probably be there15:17
* leonardr thinking in terms of the data structures15:17
jmlleonardr: fwiw, banshee and banshee-in-linaro (linaro/+source/banshee) would be of two different types15:18
jmlProduct and DistributionSourcePackage15:18
leonardrgood to know15:18
jmlthey probably both implement some of the same interfaces though15:18
leonardryeah, like IBugTarget15:18
* jml retreats back to his cave15:21
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leonardrjml: i'm back16:07
leonardrlet's talk about "Ubuntu and its derivatives"16:07
nigelbI think he went back to his cave16:07
* leonardr lives in hope that jml has irc in his cave16:07
leonardrin your second example you mention bugs "in Ubuntu and its derivatives"16:08
jmlleonardr: yes.16:08
leonardra bug would be associated with Ubuntu through bug/bug_target/distribution, and only if the bug_target was a distribution source package16:09
leonardris that right?16:09
jmlleonardr: yes, that's right.16:09
leonardrsuppose instead a bug is associated with a derivative of ubuntu16:10
jmlleonardr: and, conceptually, a distribution would have a derivative_distributions collection associated with it. (I don't know how that is actually implemented in the data model)16:10
leonardrhow is that derivative related to ubuntu?16:10
leonardrso there'd be some kind of 'parent_distribution' on kubuntu16:10
jmlleonardr: probably there's a distribution.derived_from property16:10
leonardrand i imagine that can be recursive16:11
jmland probably, Linaro rather than kubuntu for an actual real-world example16:11
jmlleonardr: as in more than one layer of derivation? yes.16:11
leonardrall right16:12
jmlleonardr: anything else?16:13
leonardrjml: that should be it16:14
jmlleonardr: cool. thanks.16:14
Pegasus_RPG_hello. When we make release branches off of trunk, should we not stack them?16:25
Pegasus_RPG_Or does it matteR?16:25
yofelcould someone help me retry https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+build/2073902/+retry - it times out (Error ID: OOPS-1797K1474)16:29
AJenboHi i'm not reciving any confirmation after uploading packages to my ppa16:32
AJenboIt has been over a week16:32
jelmerAJenbo: did you receive any email confirming that your packages were accepted or rejected?16:33
jelmerbefore they were even built, I mean16:34
jelmerwere the packages signed with your GPG key as registered on Launchpad, and did they list a correct email address ?16:34
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AJenbono i did build the packages16:36
AJenbojelmer, I'm actually beginning to doubth that it was the same pgp key, as i can't seam to match the 2048R/9647A895 in LP with the keys on my machine16:38
AJenboBut when i try to insert the Fingerprint of the key LP just rejects it16:39
jelmerAJenbo: You can't upload binary packages to PPA's, only source packages.16:40
bigjoolsAJenbo, jelmer: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+faq/22716:41
jelmerbigjools: thanks16:41
AJenbojelmer, it has all the source, i don't want to upload the bin just the source, am i doing some thing wrong?*16:42
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jcsackettPegasus_RPG_: generally it's okay to make stacked branches. http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-guide/stacked.html16:44
AJenbojelmer, do i need to clean out some thing after test building before i upload?16:44
patdk-wkI just rebuild with -S16:45
jelmerAJenbo: To build just the source you need an option to whatever you're using to build (e.g. debuild -S). #ubuntu-packaging is probably more appropriate for this sort of question.16:45
AJenboHmm LP says Oops when i try to set up my PGP key16:46
AJenboError ID: OOPS-1797O149716:46
jcsackettabentley: can you help out yofel with what looks like a ppa build timeout issue, or should i ping someone else?16:46
yofeljcsackett: it seems like it builds now after refreshing the page a few times, even with the timeout error16:47
bigjoolsjcsackett: it;'s working for hgm now16:47
jcsackettyofel, bigjools: cool, glad to hear it. :-)16:48
bigjoolsyofel: there's an auto-retry for dependency-wait builds16:48
abentleyjcsackett: please see if someone from soyuz is available.  I've got a lot of Release Manager stuff to do at the moment.16:48
bigjoolsyou don't need to hit retry16:48
jcsackettabentley: issue seems to be resolved. and i forgot you were in RM mode--that trumps. :-)16:48
yofelah, well, it builds so I'm happy16:48
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AJenboOk that seamed to help, now i got an email, but17:12
AJenboUnable to find distroseries: unstable17:12
AJenboI guess that i have to change it to maverick17:12
AJenboAccepted :)17:23
AJenbothanks or the help guys17:23
RichWWhy does my branch have a funny url (lp:hypernucleus-server)? https://code.launchpad.net/~richies/hypernucleus-server/PyramidPort17:36
RichWShouldn't it have pyramidport on the end of it?17:36
RichWnvm i think i understand17:36
AJenbodoes some one know how to generate a finger print for the ppa?17:46
maxbAJenbo: I'm not sure quite what you mean, can you explain a bit more?17:51
guilhembiHello, we MySQL have an issue, a LP branch which has stopped mirroring, is there any LP admin here who could help?17:51
cody-somervillelosas: ^^17:51
AJenbosudo apt-add-repository ppa:ajenbo/id-game-ports17:51
AJenboError: can't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~ajenbo/+archive/id-game-ports17:52
AJenbomaxb, ^17:52
maxbAJenbo: A recently created PPA? The key is generated a short while after the first upload to the PPA17:52
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AJenbook, ill give it some time then :)17:52
maxbIt looks like it has happened now17:53
ahasenackis there any way to speed up the publication of a package in a ppa? LP says "published 37 minutes ago", status published, but at the same time says "Note: Some binary packages for this source are not yet published in the repository."17:56
ahasenackisn't that a lie when it says "published"?17:56
ahasenack i386 - Pending publication17:56
bigjoolsahasenack: source is published, binaries are not17:56
jcsackettguilhembi: an admin should be responding shortly, per cody-sommerville's request.17:56
ahasenackbigjools: saying "status: published" can be quite misleading then as a summary17:56
mbarnettguilhembi: what branch are you having an issue with?17:57
ahasenackbigjools: anyway, the binary is built, it's just another cron job that has to kick in to actually make it visible for apt-get?17:57
bigjoolsahasenack: see bug 65763317:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 657633 in Soyuz "PPA page says my PPA is both published and not yet published" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65763317:57
guilhembimbarnett: this one:17:57
guilhembimbarnett: and this one:17:58
bigjoolsahasenack: yes you need to wait, we've got a slow publisher at the moment because of a couple of bugs and larger load than usual17:58
bigjools40mins tops17:58
guilhembithey have "next mirror: disabled". I'd like them to be kicked off, so that they mirror again.17:58
ahasenackbigjools: ok, thanks17:58
mbarnettguilhembi: i see that mirroring is disabled.  let me see if i can figure out why.17:58
bigjoolsahasenack: it should speed up considerably next time we release, I just fixed a nice bug17:59
guilhembimbarnett: for mysql-trunk, I think it's because we renamed the branch on our side, but I updated that in  LP ~8 hours ago,17:59
guilhembiand it hasn't woken up since then.17:59
AJenbomaxb, the command is still complaning, guess it has a stupid cache some where17:59
guilhembimbarnett: for trunk-bugfixing, I don't know the reason.17:59
maxbAJenbo: hmm, let me try it....17:59
ahasenackbigjools: \o/17:59
maxbAJenbo: fails here too. I am confused.18:00
AJenbomaxb, removing it and then adding it solved it18:00
maxbAJenbo: removing what?18:00
AJenbosudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:ajenbo/id-game-ports18:01
AJenbomaxb, but the ppa makes software center crash x(18:04
AJenboapt-add-repro added "src http://ppa....." instead of "deb http://ppa....." x(18:09
yofelme again, this time I have a build that's stuck uploading.. https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/+build/207390318:35
jcsackettStevenK: are you available to help out yofel with a build issue?18:37
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jfiHello, is there a way to check a package before uploading it into ppa? to check that it will not be rejected for trivial reasons19:34
AJenbowhen i install packages from my PPA i get rejected with a message about them beeing a non trusted source19:45
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maxbAJenbo: An annoyance with the new PPA process is that the PPA key generation will only be initiated after the first publication of a package, and the PPA will only be signed by the key when some other event causes republication of the PPA19:56
maxbIf you upload another package, or a new version of an existing package, the problem should resolve itself19:56
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AJenbomaxb, ok stupid, but ill give it a go :)20:30
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maxbAJenbo: Yes, it is stupid. It's bug 374395. One day.... :-)21:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 374395 in Soyuz "New PPAs can be published unsigned" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37439521:24
bjfi'm getting a "Code Update In Progress" when attempting to access the staging server, any guess on when this will be available?21:32
jcsackettbjf: it can depend on what happens during the update, but in my experience not too long.21:35
bjfjcsackett, thanks, i'll give it some more time21:36
lifelessbjf: we're doing a full restore.22:12
lifelessbjf: be 24 hours or so22:12
bjflifeless, ouch22:12
lifelessbjf: you could use qastaging22:12
bjflifeless, ok, will try that22:12
bjflifeless, Service Temporarily Unavailable   (qastaging)22:13
maxbHow come jaunty is not present under PPA supported series at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas, but it still accepts uploads?22:34
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achianglamont: hi, are the buildds ... cranky right now?23:30
wgrantachiang: What's up?23:32
wgrantThey look OK to me.23:32
achiangwgrant: hm, i uploaded a package to a PPA (private, OEM) about 30 minutes ago, and haven't received mail that it was accepted yet23:33
wgrantachiang: That's well before it gets near the buildds.23:33
wgrantSo it's well before it enters lamont's domain.23:33
achiangwgrant: ok, sorry for the noise then23:33
wgrantLet's see..23:33
wgrantUploads are being processed OK at the moment. Are you sure you signed it properly and everything?23:34
achiangwgrant: pretty sure. i have something set in my dput.cf that won't let me upload unless it's signed23:35
achiangwgrant: some things are moving again. this is probably an oem specific thing, please don't waste any more time on me. :)23:36
achiangwgrant: although maybe you could help answer me another question -- in a debian/control file, i have Architecture: all which means it is architecture independent. i currently see it building in launchpad with a little i386 icon. is that just the default for an "all" build?23:38
wgrantachiang: Right, Architecture: all is built on i386 at the moment.23:42
achiangwgrant: ok, thanks23:42

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