
=== JoeMaverickSett is now known as Guest22802
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
formula78how i can make menu and windows icons bigger???15:37
bioterrorformula78, which icons?15:42
bioterrorX _ - ?15:42
bioterror- + X15:42
formula78menu icons15:48
formula78and how i can install the control-center15:59
frankboothyou can find your menu icons inside /usr/share/applications16:04
frankboothnot sure if there's a gui tool like in gnome16:04
formula78_i didn't see your message!16:06
frankbooth[17:04:16] <frankbooth> you can find your menu icons inside /usr/share/applications16:07
frankbooth[17:04:45] <frankbooth> not sure if there's a gui tool like in gnome16:07
formula78_but i only want to see a bit bigger the icons in the menu16:09
formula78_in xfce, it's possible16:09
formula78_throw the terminal16:09
formula78_and it's fantastic16:10
formula78_pardon, THROUGH THE TERMINAL16:12
frankboothsorry for misunderstanding your question16:13
frankboothi'm not sure how to make them bigger, never done it before16:13
formula78_thanks frankbooth16:16
cyclist_2Hello, there! has anyone here had any luck installing the plugin from GMail to add audio/video capabilities to the chat? I managed to succeed on my main machine running Ubuntu 10,04, but have failed consistently on the Lubuntu 10.04 machine so far; I neither get a visual progress  of the installation with the usual confirmation afterwards nor do I get any error messages; I check the system and the damned plugin just will n16:51
bioterrorgmail and chat? what?16:52
bioterrorpidgin plugin?16:52
cyclist_2bioterror: no; GMail offer a messaging service from their own page but for audio/video chats we are required to install a plugin16:53
cyclist_2bioterror: it is done through the default web browser [Firefox, in my case on both machines]; on my Ubuntu machine, the plugin shows amongst the installed ones, but on the Lubuntu machine it does not show; it simply will not install there nor give me any indication as to why it cannot do it16:55
bioterroryou're using google services16:58
bioterrorwhy not google browser?16:58
cyclist_2bioterror: the plugin in downloaded to our PCs as a .deb file to be installed manually; I believe that both instances of Firefox are pretty much similarly configured; so why it installs in one and not in the other is my current 'mystery'...16:58
cyclist_2bioterror: you mean, Google Chrome? I could try that, but it is installed on Firefox on my Ubuntu machine, so I suspect the browser not to be the culprit in this case...; besides, according to Google/GMail, Firefox 2.0+ is compatible with the service [needless to say that the versions of Firefox on both machines are identical]17:01
bioterrordid you install that deb with dpkg -i file?17:02
cyclist_2no, I used the GUI17:02
bioterrorI would try with chromium17:03
bioterroras it's default browser in lubuntu too17:03
bioterrorbut there should be no difference between vanilla ubuntu and lubuntu what comes to firefox17:04
bioterroronly if you're using ubuntu 10.04 and lubuntu 10.10 or vice versa17:04
cyclist_2bioterror: yes, it occurred to me, but the internet conection was so slow that I chose to leave it as it was and 'fight another day' [I uninstalled Chromium at the time I installed Firefox on the Lubuntu machine...]17:05
cyclist_2bioterror: no, the version is 10.04 in both machines17:06
bioterrorI really cannot debug this for you as I havent sold my soul to G17:07
cyclist_2bioterror: strangely, I would prefer to receive an error message but not to have it proceed quietly and close as if nothing had happened...17:08
cyclist_2bioterror: I know what you mean; in fact, this functionality is for someone I know; I use Pidgin, myself17:09
bioterrorbut I gotta go put kids to bath and stuff like that17:09
cyclist_2bioterror: ok; I will try reinstalling Chromium and/or install the plugin via the CLI to see if [at least] I get some error message17:10
cyclist_2bioterror: ok; see you next time; o/17:10
ubuXubulubunters unite!!!19:14
* ubuXubu stands behind the mighty team of Technicians...19:15
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
UndiFineD<zwartetoorts> Is het al iemand opgevallen dat de klok in lxde 1 minuut achter loopt? Tenminste da's bij mijn met debian unstable lxde..... <- time lags 1 minute with lxde ?20:41
UndiFineDtime lags 1 minute with lxde ? <- can anyone confirm ?20:44
pilojo66hey guys... any idea how to download the usb version from http://lubuntu.net?22:48
bioterrorgrab the 10.10 iso and use unetbootin22:49
pilojo66i dont want to kill windows though.. i want it to run from my usb stick22:49
bioterrormy laptop is dual booting :/22:50
pilojo66i want it to run from my usb... not dualboot22:50
* pilojo66 is vety persistant22:50
Newkhi all and phillw23:01
Newki try to use nvidia original drivers but it seems glx is not working23:02
* phillw why am I not all anymore :'( I'm just a lubuntueer.23:03
Newki did set it with jockey.. but cannot configure with nvidia x driver settings23:03
bioterrorNewk, remember to use nvidia-config or what was it23:04
Newkheh, phillw, its just that you helped out a bit the other day23:04
Newkyes i did use nvidia-settings23:05
Newkbut it states that its not in use.23:05
Newklet me phrase..23:05
bioterrordo you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf?23:05
Newkwell.. if that one is there ... x wont start23:06
Newk"You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."23:07
Newki did that and it makes a xorg.conf... and then X wont start untill i rename or delete it23:07
bioterroryou should start X from the TTY to debug the error23:08
Newkno log somewhere?23:08
Newkok here it is: http://pastebin.com/WE36Wqfe23:26
Newktook me some time to figure out how to paste it from terminal23:27
Newkit ends without stating further errors.. was it still busy and i cut it off?23:28

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