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Sp0tterdoes ubuntu run on the Kindel 3?03:27
DanaGhmm, what's a good ubuntu-supporting ARM thingy with gigabit ethernet AND sata?04:48
DanaGMarvell's old Kirkwood doesn't do armv7l.04:48
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hrwdid someone here noticed problems with latest natty amd64 kernel and ftdi_sio usb-serial dongles?09:55
ogra_ac_JamieBennett, so there is a ton of changes between maverick and natty in busybox, will take a while to identify the one at fault11:00
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JamieBennettogra_ac: indeed, I took a look earlier and came to the same conclusion11:00
ogra_acthe prob is that we only have very few merges between the changes11:01
ogra_aci still dont get why tgall_foo has it working on one board11:02
JamieBennettme neither11:03
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ndecrsalveti: ogra_ac: hi. i just entered #684165, in case it rings a bell to you...13:42
rsalvetibug 68416513:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 684165 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio FTBS on PandaBoard with -j2 (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68416513:42
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tmzt_g2rootogra_ac: what shell is used in initrd?15:11
ogra_actmzt_g2root, busybox15:12
tmzt_g2rootstatically linked or against klibc?15:13
ogra_acnothing but run-init links against klibc15:14
ogra_acliked against glibc15:14
avinashhmhi, is any one familiar with lockdep asserting bugs .. I am stuck with a deadlock bug ..i wanted to know if a single task can hold multiple mutexes ???.. error @  @ http://paste.ubuntu.com/539017/ ... any help ???15:32
GrueMasterogra_ac: Can the failing busybox be tested w/o having to run in initrd?  I.e. can it be launched in a chroot?16:28
ogra_acits exec that fails somehow16:28
ogra_acyou could try to use exec from it16:29
ogra_acbut the busybox-initramfs binary is built with different options than the normal busybox binary 8teh package does three build passes)16:29
GrueMasterI understand.  But that shouldn't mean that it can't be executed in a chroot environment after being built.16:30
GrueMasterAnd I would think you would have better control over it in that environment (i.e. not killing the system).16:31
ogra_acsure, well, its fixed now16:34
ogra_acmore important is that we test the new images16:34
GrueMasterI thought you were still going to look for the offending patch or something.16:34
GrueMasterbtw:  just got a blank email that the image failed to build.16:35
ogra_acupload happened hours agi, bug is closed16:35
ogra_accolin might have canceled it16:36
ogra_acsince he just gave me a ubiquity fix to test16:36
* ogra_ac needs to relocate and test that now16:36
ographew, damned stairs16:37
ograone day i'll put an elevator in this house16:37
rsalvetiogra: it'll probably help if you stop smoking :-)16:38
GrueMasterI keep saying the same thing, but since NCommander is upstairs, the desire for me to use it diminishes greatly.16:38
ograwell, i could put an ashtray in the elevator16:38
GrueMasterJust open a window and sit on the ledge.16:41
ograwe have -10°C here16:42
hrwabout say here16:43
ograonly ? i thought poland was colder16:44
GrueMasterAnd this bothers me...how?16:45
hrwogra: depends on part16:45
GrueMasterYou could turn a spare room into a smoking room.  The ones I have seen at the Atlanta, Georgia airport look like you are looking into a fog bank.16:48
ograwhy the heck would i do that ?16:48
GrueMasterbecause it is -10c outside?16:49
ograso you think i would sit in a single room while my GF walks smoking through the house ?16:49
GrueMasterThen why put an ashtray in the elevator?16:49
ograbecause i could smoke while going up and down ?16:49
* ogra guesses GrueMaster just didnt get the joke above16:50
ogrago and take a coffee bath ;)16:50
ogrageeez, natty looks ....16:56
ogra... well like maverick16:56
ograGrueMaster, the image failed to build because of ubiquity being out of sync (FYI)16:57
rsalvetihaha, at least for us it should look quite the same16:57
ograthe firefox icon has new text16:57
ograthats the most noticeable difference16:57
ograGrueMaster, also, if you want to test the new image, you will need this fix http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/revision/444616:59
ogra(just gets uploaded now)16:59
GrueMasterWhat new image?  I thought it was canceled or failed to build.17:00
ograright, colin just restarted the build17:01
GrueMasterBut it will still need this fix?17:01
ograhe missed the publisher on arm17:01
ograthat one only just gets uploaded now17:01
ograour image should be done by about the same time the fix hits the archive17:01
ograno way to get that into the image now17:02
ograits two lines in a python file, easy to quickly hack into the SD card17:03
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ograwith it and the fixed busybox everything looks really good over here17:03
ograworking sound OOTB \o/17:05
janimoNCommander: I did a mono build on kakadu. The make check pass fails though, it does not get to the summary of the test run. Many errors (SIGSEGV)17:30
janimowill try on beagle when I get it17:30
janimoalthough the bugs are probably the same as the ARM core is similar from what I see17:32
rsalvetiGrueMaster: ogra: just finishing the installer with the busybox and uniquity fix, seems to be working well17:33
rsalvetigood to test the linaro's kernel for omap 3 later17:33
janimorsalveti: uniquity, hmm. Are two projects merging? ;)17:35
rsalvetihaha, *ubiquity17:35
dmartpm215, markos_: here's what the first snippet should maybe look like: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/539061/17:37
GrueMasterrsalveti: I have already been doing some testing of the linaro kernel on XM.  Is there anything specific I should test?17:49
rsalvetiGrueMaster: nops, would just be good to test the 37 with natty, and see how it goes17:49
rsalvetibecause this is our target to use the linaro's kernel17:49
GrueMasterok, I'll start my image updating to natty.  Currently running maverick-proposed.17:54
ogra_aclook, more arm netbooks !18:50
rsalvetiARM 248MHz 32 Bit-CPU18:52
rsalvetiEmbedded Windows CE 5.0 Operating System18:52
rsalvetiram 64MB18:52
ogra_acwell, available in black *and* white18:53
GrueMasteramazon.com has a lot of new arm based systems, but the vast majority are arm9 or arm11.18:53
ogra_aci guess that onesis also arm918:53
ogra_ac*one is18:54
GrueMasterWindows CE 5.0?  Ancient.  (equivalent to Windows 2000).18:54
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GrueMasterI wonder if the new color Nook uses the more recent (i.e. fixed) imx51 chip, or if it is hobbled like the netwalker version.18:57
GrueMasterOh, nevermind.  It is an omap 3621.18:59
GrueMasterI.e. BeagleXM.18:59
ogra_acdoesnt that have backlight and wifi etc ?19:00
ogra_aci.e. everything i dont want on a reader :)19:01
tmztGrueMaster: omap, yeah19:20

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