
=== iflema is now known as tremmons
head_victimblahdeblah: still having issues? Is it related to the dirc proxy you set up, just checking because that was on my "to do" list and if it's causing problems I might put it on the backburner01:33
=== tremmons is now known as iflema
blahdeblahhead_victim: Dunno - am i still dropping in & out?  :-)01:33
elkyfreenode is tripping up a few proxies. i needed to swap back to the karmic version of bip to get a stable proxy with that.01:44
head_victimblahdeblah: 0730 - 0900 you dropped out 5 or so times again.01:46
blahdeblahhead_victim: Since then OK?01:46
head_victimblahdeblah: yep, last login was 0914.01:46
blahdeblahI think i've got it sorted then01:47
head_victimelky: ah ok I had noticed a couple of others doing it as well01:47
blahdeblahI had to add a few throttling settings and add a connect password to freenode01:47
head_victimblahdeblah: so when I get around to setting it up I'll hassle you 01:48
blahdeblahhead_victim: prompt me sometime after tonight and i'll add the extra things in my config to my wiki01:48
blahdeblahhead_victim: On second thoughts, tonight might work.  I have to go to my son's school awards night, which is 3 hours of mind-numbing boredome.  If i have wifi access, i could get something useful done...  ;-)01:51
blahdeblahNever got to regex a regex before... ;-)01:52
head_victimYou're meant to be excited about things like awards nights.02:01
DKG779what are you laughing at head_victim, get back to painting LOL02:01
blahdeblahhead_victim: Spoken like someone who's never been to one.  :-P02:05
head_victimblahdeblah: only as a participant :D 02:05
blahdeblahhead_victim: Awards nights are the teacher's revenge for all the hours of kid time that we parents inflict on them throughout the year.02:41
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=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
=== elky is now known as melissa
=== melissa is now known as elky
kaushali have list of files and directories under /home/ 11:39
kaushalI need to find it and rsync all the files and directories to a separate server11:45
firtvid20Anyone know an alternative to Adobe After Effects?12:31
nisshhfirtvid20, Blender (google it)12:31
firtvid20nisshh: Oh yeah, I forgot about Blender.12:32
firtvid20Cool, just realised everything in this channel is logged12:35
kaushalany easy way oy/quit13:41

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