
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
kim0Hi everyone13:39
kim0Got an interesting question on the cloud forums .. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163572813:39
kim0basically does UEC utilize multiple ethernet channel in any special way ..13:39
kim0can it have a separate network for "storage" "management" "internet" ...etc13:40
kim0would bonding them all be a good idea13:40
kim0Daviey: o/ :)13:42
smoserkim0, uec does not do anything special with multiple ethernet channels14:52
smoserDaviey, you can tell me i'm full of it if you'd like, but i'm 98% sure of that14:53
Davieykiall: o/15:00
Davieysmoser: you are full of it15:00
Davieysmoser: but this is a feature I haven't heard of, so i painfully, have to agree on this instance :)15:00
smoserthanks for taking the opportunity to say that15:01
kim0Daviey: smoser hehee :)15:14
kim0so just bonding all eths is the way to go huh15:14
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
smoserhggdh, ping17:04
smoserhave you done any UEC testing for Natty ?17:05
hggdhsmoser: tried, but complete failure to *install* Natty so far on the test rig17:11
hggdhsmoser: latest one is bug 68430417:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 684304 in linux "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68430417:11
smoserhggdh, ok. so we should at least try to test the natty images17:14
smoseryou have a way to do that ?17:14
smoserive taken down my lucid/maverick  cloud17:14
hggdhsmoser: I can run the natty images on the Maverick ISOs/UEC. Is this enough?17:17
smoserif you want to give me access, i can do it for you17:19
hggdhsmoser: no prob, I am starting a maverick UEC install now17:20
hggdhsmoser: you *should* have access to the test rig17:23
smoseryeah, i probably do17:23
smoserjust let me know when its up17:23
hggdhsmoser: will do17:24
hggdhsmoser: and then we need to talk about the EC2 tests pass-over17:24
smoserwe sure do !17:24
* smoser does a jig17:24
leonardopireshello ubuntu friend'S!17:48
leonardopireswhere i can get a list of certified hardware for ubuntu cloud?17:48
hggdhsmoser: I use the uec.images.u.c/natty/current, correct?18:30
smoseruse 2010113018:30
smoserthats what is [already] going to be released18:30
hggdhoh, OK18:31
hggdhsmoser: loading the thingy now18:31
hggdhsmoser: 500 instances (mix of i386/amd64) is OK?18:36
smoserreally you just need to test 118:36
smoserideally, running through18:36
smoserfor both amd64 and i38618:37
hggdhsmoser: except for the metadata (which I will do manually right now) I am doing it for 10 different keys/groups18:38
smosers/metadata/userdata/ ?18:41
hggdhuserdata, darn it!18:44
hggdhsmoser: I will, normally, run tests on (i386|amd64) for all instances types, for Lucid, Maverick and Natty18:45
hggdhsmoser: done, passed19:04
smoseryou regster them in the iso tracker ?19:04
smoserskaet_, ^19:04
skaet_hggdh, smoser,  Thanks!19:05
hggdhskaet_: I had forgotten to update the i386 UEC tests, just did it19:06
skaet_heh., was just double checking and going to come back and ask.  :)19:06
skaet_smoser, you may as well go ahead and start pushing out the working images then now.  :)19:07
smoseroh. we're public19:08
skaet_good-o,  rest will be following.  you're first this time.  ;)19:10
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk

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