
czajkowskiEvil snow07:36
cjohnstonIt's finally in the 40's at night here for a couple days!07:42
dholbachgood morning!07:55
kim0Morning o/07:55
dholbachhey kim007:55
kim0hey there07:55
dholbachgreetings from snowy winterland07:55
kim0people are begging winter to come here07:55
kim0someone was just tweeting "If winter doesn't come in a week .. I'll make him pay for my expensive winter clothes" :)07:56
dholbach10cm of snow, -8°C07:56
popey\o/ snow http://popey.com/webcam/08:19
kim0OMG lovely08:21
dholbachsame here :)08:21
* kim0 looks at the bright shining Sun .. sigh :)08:22
dpmmorning all08:59
kim0dpm: morning man :)09:02
dpmhey kim0 :)09:03
dholbachhola dpm09:15
dpmmorgen dholbach09:16
duanedesignmorning all09:58
dholbachhi duanedesign, daker, randa10:07
randahi all10:10
dakerhello dholbach randa duanedesign ツ10:16
randahey :) good morning daker10:17
* jussi sighs tiredly. cant wait for the week to be over10:45
kim0jussi: it can't be that bad :)11:01
jussikim0: nah, but I am tired.11:02
dpmrestarting, brb11:06
dholbachnigelb, how's the loco/dev script coming along?11:21
dholbachdpm, so the text for "Introduction to Ubuntu Development" is going to be part of the new packaging guide anyway, so I guess it makes sense to just translate it as part of that project - I don't know if there's plans to make ubuntu.com translatable at all, so I guess ubuntu.com/developer (which will have that text) will just be plain English11:25
dholbachdpm, for the presentations (.odp I guess) there's probably no clever way to translate them, right?11:25
dholbachwe could make them .pdf, somehow I guess11:26
dpmdholbach, I don't know of any easy way to translate them, other than just modifying the docs. But perhaps some people would like to do that. I think we'll have to figure out where to host the translated version if people want to do that11:29
dpm(.odp, I meant)11:30
dholbachdpm, we could set up a branch for that or just use a wiki page and people would subscribe to changes there11:31
dholbachdpm, but the rest sounded sane to you?11:32
dholbachI mean … relatively speaking :-P11:32
dpmdholbach, I'm not expecting anything sane from you :-P Anyway could you repeat which things are you considering for translation. I just wnt to make sure I get it right: a) "Introduction to Ubuntu Development" b) presentations11:33
dpmok, re-reading I can ignore a), as it's going to be part of the packaging guide11:34
dpmand written in sphinx11:34
dholbach"Introduction to Ubuntu Development" is content that will live on ubuntu.com/developer, in the packaging guide and in a different form in presentations11:34
dpmok, gotcha11:35
dholbachI hope it's going to be sphinx - the discussion has not started yet :)11:35
dholbachthanks dpm11:38
dholbachanother work item done11:38
dpmdholbach, ok, so yeah, just to confirm what you just said a) in ubuntu.com/developer the text will be English-only (u.c is Drupal, can be multilingual, but there are no immediate plans for a multilingual u.c) b) Yeah, I also think it makes sense to translate "Introduction to..." as part of the packaging guide and take advantage of the translated output from the doc format the guide ends up using c) I don't know any way of producing translated o11:41
dpmdp output, so PDF would be an option, although then you cannot use Impress for the presentations. You could try beamer, but you'd need to use Latex as a doc format (and I'm sure you'd not be looking forward to that) - http://www.uncg.edu/cmp/reu/presentations/Charles%20Batts%20-%20Beamer%20Tutorial.pdf (the output looks good, though)11:41
dholbachdpm, as sphinx does something with ReSt→Latex→PDF there might be a way to do that - I'll have a look at it closer to the time11:43
dholbachif it's .odp in the end, I assume there's not going to be that much text, so it won't be wasted days of work11:43
dpmah, nice11:43
dpmsounds good11:43
jcastroman this is weird14:24
jcastrosomeone called me a celebrity on #omg!ubuntu!14:24
nigelbthat isn't really weird :p14:24
jcastroI've never been as popular as popey before14:25
dholbachthere's nobody more popular than Elvis14:26
PiciThe Beatles14:26
nigelbdholbach: heh, +114:27
nigelbpaultag: I like your myth busting series14:31
popeyhaha jcastro14:32
nhandlerdholbach: re:packaging training, sorry for not replying. I've just been a bit busy lately. I'll try to reply today. In the future, feel free to give me a poke on IRC if I don't reply to something like that ;)14:54
nigelbnhandler: Odd, we were just talking about that ;)14:54
dholbachit'd be great to get this back on track again14:54
nigelbI like what duane's doing on the forums14:55
dholbachI feel we've had a bunch of great ideas14:55
nigelbI wonder if we can get askubuntu onto this...14:55
dholbachnow we just need to agree on stuff, assign months and get going14:55
nhandlernigelb: The forums are ok, but the audience they attract for the most part, tends not to do much with the info (they haven't learned that it is a myth that packaging applications is all that devs do and they aren't interested in the other work)14:57
nhandlerdholbach: I still think the hard part is finding people to lead the sessions. It feels like we always go back to the same small group of people14:57
dholbachnhandler, but I think it's a great source of questions if we just get a bunch of developers to hang out in the channel and take questions14:58
dholbachthat's a relatively easy way to get a session going, helpful content out there and people happy :)14:59
nhandlerdholbach: Q&A sessions are nice (maybe once a month). One issue with those is that they are only useful if you get a nice crowd of people to show up and ask questions (which means certain convenient times for people in Asia/US aren't that great). Maybe Q&A once a month or so?15:00
dholbachnhandler, if we don't get many questions we could fall back to answering questions from the forums for example15:01
duanedesignnigelb: while collecting suggestions from daniels blog and adding them to the wiki I came across 'A system of online workshops you could follow in your own time'15:01
dholbachnhandler, it'd be great to have sessions weekly, so if we don't get anybody to do a session at all, I'd personally prefer to have 4 Q&A sessions in that month :)15:01
dholbachwe should go through the list of all ~ubuntu-dev people and reach out to debian folks too15:02
nigelbduanedesign: I'll do that15:02
nigelbI seriously loved the ustream session15:02
nhandlerdholbach: How many useful questions are on the forum? Last I checked, I saw a lot of posts asking why my package doesn't work (when they didn't edit any dh-make files). And like I said, Q&A is nice if you can get it at the right time. i.e. me doing a Q&A would end up as me talking to myself for an hour ;)15:03
nhandlerAs for ~ubuntu-dev, that is what I've tried doing before. Maybe we should keep better data about who we contact and stuff like that. I had started a doc on google docs a while ago for that, but I never got it up-to-date15:03
dholbachI totally agree that we should reach out more and try to have as many people there as possible15:04
dholbachbut the questions you mentioned above should at least be easy to asnwer ;-)15:04
dholbachnhandler, sounds like a good idea15:04
nhandlerdholbach: Here was what I started. https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiFFoXLMT-gudEE2WDUwRmZLeE9rQy1TM0J2UlN5THc&hl=en&authkey=CLTriBg15:05
duanedesignnhandler: maybe if more people knew the forums were a place you could get good reliable information on packaging it would attract more 'useful' questions15:05
nhandlerAt the time, I was simply trying to go through Packaging/Training/Logs to get old sessions15:05
nhandlerduanedesign: The issue is, not enough developers go there, so I'm not sure how much "reliable information" you actually will get15:06
dholbachduanedesign, totally agreed - I could imagine that loads of people from the Ubuntu development facebook group would also rather use forums than anything else15:06
doctormodholbach: I wanted to confirm the images are good.15:44
jcastrodid someone say askubuntu for Q+A?15:46
jcastroI say hell yeah!15:46
doctormojcastro: Other people say: "Well since it's the way we've been told to do it" ;-)15:46
dholbachdoctormo, I like them - I'm just wondering if the branching story would be better if we changed it vertically somehow? I realise that what I did in ASCII art wasn't very clear :-D15:46
dholbachdoctormo, I can send you something small tomorrow my morning that might make it a bit clearer - illustrating (just as an example) which code goes from where to where15:47
doctormoWhat would you like to change vertically?15:48
dholbachdoctormo, but generally: good work - it would have taken me days to get there :)15:48
dholbachdoctormo, the upstream/ubuntu branch etc. story15:48
doctormoSince the diagram depends heavily on what you want to illustrate, you decide what details are to be pronounced.15:48
dholbachlike rotate it 90°15:48
dholbachmy idea was to show upstream mainline, indicate that we branched off when 1.0 was released, put that into Ubuntu, added a bugfix which went back upstream, then we got 1.1 into Ubuntu15:49
dholbachbut I didn't make that very clear in the 70x3 ASCII diagram :-P15:49
doctormohmm, why does the bugfix wait for 1.1? I thought bug fixes flowed downstream.15:50
nigelbjcastro: I wanted to ask a question to see what topics people watnt to be taken by packaging training15:50
dholbachdoctormo, we added it in Ubuntu before 1.1 was released, then it flowed back upstream15:50
dholbachthat was the idea15:50
dholbachjust to show a bit of "back and forth of ideas"15:51
jcastrohi dpm15:51
jcastroat the bottom here I have "translations"15:51
jcastrowhich was a template jono put there15:51
jcastrobut I fear I am pointing to the wrong pages15:51
jonohey all15:51
jcastrowhat should I link to?15:51
dholbachhi jono15:51
jcastrohi jono15:51
nigelbhai jono15:52
dpmjcastro, they look fine from a quick glance, but do you mind if I look at it in more detail and I come back to you in ~1h? I'm preparing the translations videocast starting in ~8 min now15:52
jcastrodpm: yep, no rush15:53
jcastrodpm: I just ran into this yesterday so it's no biggie15:53
dpmAnyway, folks, do join me and bring the popcorn:15:53
jcastroI am in!15:54
vishyay! nhandler is back …15:54
* vish reminds nhandler about the mail server.. ;)15:54
jonohey dholbach, jcastro, nigelb15:55
paultagnigelb, thanks, mang16:03
paultaghey jono, can I get a re-tweet?16:03
* nigelb hugs paultag 16:03
paultagjono, http://twitter.com/#!/paultag/status/1031990814337024016:03
paultagnigelb, How are you today?16:04
nigelbpaultag: Resting.  Eating.  Its hot here and humidity is matching.16:04
paultagnigelb, mmmhum16:04
jcastropaultag: high 5 tumblr team16:05
jcastroI like how yours looks16:05
paultagjcastro, ^5 dude16:05
paultagjcastro, thanks, man16:06
nigelbjcastro: he hacked it like crazy16:06
nigelbjcastro: I think he now writes blog post in latex16:06
paultagnigelb, I love tumblr16:06
jcastroman, ustream is SO much better with this new flash16:10
jcastroit's actually not so bad anymore16:10
dholbachok my friends, I call it a day - I'll have to see if I find some defrosting spray, so I can de-ice my bicycle lock so I won't have to walk through the snow tomorrow and get my lights fixed16:10
dholbachhave a great rest of your day16:10
dholbachsee you tomorrow!16:10
* dholbach hugs you all16:10
dholbachthanks doctormo again - I'll send something to you tomorrow16:11
doctormodholbach: please wait16:11
paultagjcastro, I've just spammed your PM16:12
dholbachdoctormo, how long? I need to head out because the shop will close soon16:12
dholbachdoctormo, can you mail something over and I'll respond later this evening?16:12
doctormo5 seconds16:12
doctormoMore like this: http://imagebin.ca/view/knylDSj.html16:12
* doctormo hits imagebin's slow upload with a wet fish16:13
dholbachdoctormo, great16:13
dholbachdoctormo, maybe we could add something saying that 1.1 goes into Ubuntu again? like another arrow from once 1.1 is released?16:13
dholbacha small one? :)16:13
doctormoyes ok, I'll mail you it16:14
doctormotalk tomorrow, :-)16:14
dholbachdoctormo, excellent work!16:14
* dholbach hugs doctormo16:14
dholbachrock on everybody - see you tomorrow :)16:14
doctormoAll done, these kinds of images are fairly easy16:19
doctormoConsidering that I watched my artist friend vectorize this http://doctormo.deviantart.com/#/d33wox9 and it took 4 hours.16:21
doctormoI'm going to have to pay him extra.16:21
nigelbdoctormo: Wow, that's beautiful!16:35
doctormonigelb: It is good work :-) it'll be great when it's finally all together into the poster.16:36
nigelboh, wow http://scayris.deviantart.com/#/d2b5xvm16:37
nigelbDr. House <316:37
doctormonigelb: Er no, that's Hugh "hit by a" Lorrie, the actor who plays the prince regent in Black Adder the Third, the comic genious who teamed up with Stephen Fry in their show "a bit of fry a Lorrie". I have never seen something called house ;-)16:42
nigelbdoctormo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_House16:44
nigelbdoctormo: That's a TV series, of couse played by High Lorrie ;)16:44
* doctormo mutters something about American culture as poisons.16:45
nigelbI remember him best from Stuart Little16:45
doctormoRemember Jeeves and Wooster?16:46
nigelbNope, I watch more "American TV" than "British TV"16:46
popeynigelb: :(16:47
popeywhich is why American English is so pervasive16:47
doctormopopey: It's why not-english-at-all is so pervasive, even Ubuntu made by a UK company is set to not-English USA by default. :-/16:48
nigelbpopey: heh16:48
popeyyeah, i see pages on the wiki getting "corrected" from en_GB to en_US spelling :(16:49
doctormoThis is why I was so sad to see many of my thai friends so confused when they watched Wallace and Grommet. They just couldn't get the fact that there was an English culture that wasn't American.16:49
popeyand :(16:49
nigelbAlso, British English means I have to strain to make out words16:49
popeythats just lack of familiarity16:50
nigelbheh, I *knew* he'd do that16:50
nigelbYeah, I should listen to UUPC more often16:50
doctormonigelb: Unlike American English which is practically a fully clarified interpretation *roll eyes*16:50
popeyaaanyway :)16:52
doctormopopey: How are you, not heard from you in a while.16:52
popeynot bad, head down at work16:52
popeyshould come up for air soon :)16:52
doctormoHope that grinding stone isn't taking off too much flesh.16:53
doctormoAre you going to the protests?16:53
nigelbProtest for snow?16:54
popeythe student protests?16:54
doctormopopey: Sure, student protests now, half the country sometimes next week. Or so the news would have you believe.16:55
* kim0 calls it a day16:55
kim0ciao fellows16:55
popeyo/ kim016:55
kim0ta-ra :)16:55
nigelblater kim016:56
doctormopopey: From what I could tell, this seemed to be the news back there: "Oh no snow!!, Oh no students! Oh no wikileaks"16:57
dpmjust finished the first ever Ubuntu translations videocast, lots of questions and participation, it was fun!17:05
nigelbgosh, missed it17:05
nigelbI shall watch video tomorrow17:05
nigelbdpm: Did you have a dog barking? :p17:05
dpmnigelb, no, my comedy moment wasn't that exciting, but I had to turn on the light at some point, as it was getting dark and people couldn't see me on the video :)17:06
jonojcastro, call?17:17
jonodpm, nice work!17:17
jonodpm, I missed it, was on a UDS call17:17
jonodid you get a recording?17:17
paultagjono, can I get a retweet on the myths busted #2? -- http://twitter.com/#!/paultag/status/1031990814337024017:20
paultagjono, it's RE being a coder to contribute to Ubuntu17:21
popeypaultag: nice idea17:21
paultagpopey, :)17:22
popeypaultag: how about linking QA to the testing team page on the wiki, and same for UBT?17:22
paultagdone popey :)17:22
jcastro^^^ everything about that article is awesome17:22
popeysame for the others actually :)17:22
paultagpopey, they all have links inline, there are like 30 - 40 :)17:22
paultagpopey, my hrefs don't come up different colors. I'm working on fixing that soon17:22
popeythats broken :)17:22
paultagpopey, sure is! :)17:23
jono<jono> jcastro, call?17:23
* JFo bluffs jono17:24
jcastrojono: yep, one sec.17:24
JFoI raise17:25
jonoJFo, lol17:25
* popey takes his shirt off17:25
popeyoh, wrong game.17:25
* JFo folds a dolla lengthwise17:25
jcastrojono: all set17:26
jcastroon the skypes17:26
duanedesignwow jono that Drupal real time contributions map is pretty awesome17:28
dpmjono, yeah, here's the recording: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/1120984017:29
paultagpopey, fixed the css :)17:29
* popey hugs paultag 17:29
paultagpopey, you got me off my lazy back-half17:29
* paultag hugs popey 17:29
popeyThat's good, I don't like tweeting links to broken pages ;)17:30
paultagpopey, I saw the re-tweet, thanks! :)17:30
duanedesignI had never seen http://www.ubuntustats.com/17:31
jcastroduanedesign: wow that's still up?19:09
jcastroI remember that from years ago19:09
duanedesignjcastro: how are you liking IRC Cloud?19:33
jcastroduanedesign:  love it, I will likely subscribe19:38
duanedesignjcastro: good to hear. Seems like a great idea. I signed up for an invite.20:03
sensegood evening20:04
duanedesignsense: did you get any snow where you are?20:06
jcastro<-- caffeine refill20:36
senseduanedesign: yes20:44
senseduanedesign: The damn snow is ruining our ice!20:45
senseIt has been freezing for a few days, which was good, but then this snow comes along and ruins it!20:45
duanedesignsense: we have not gotten our snow yet here. We usually get one to two good snows each winter20:47
sensewe usually just once, but not always a lot20:48
* JanC thinks sense wants an "Elfstedentocht" ;)21:26
JanCthe famous "eleven cities skating race"21:26
Technovikingjcastro: I posted something on the staff forum seeing if anyone could help the compiz forums21:35
PendulumJanC: was that the race all over the canals in the Netherlands?21:50
JanCPendulum: yes, the canals between 11 cities in Friesland (northern province, where sense lives)21:51
JanChttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elfstedentocht  ☺21:52
JanCseems like the last one was in 199721:52
JanCso you can imagine they are eager for good ice by now  ;)21:57
JanCI think it didn't freeze for long enough yet anyway, but of course the snow makes the ice unusable21:57
doctormojono: Got a second?22:12
jonodoctormo, can't chat now, will be back soon22:12
jonodoctormo, or drop me a mail22:12
jonoback soon22:12
doctormoWow that was quick, will email.22:12
doctormopleia2: Are you here?22:19
pleia2doctormo: yep22:21
doctormoYou've been to uds before, your thoughts: http://imagebin.ca/view/0pJwdCZh.html22:21
pleia2I think it's fairly accurate22:24
doctormothanks pleia2, time to get myself to the bunny meetup.22:25
AlanBelldoctormo: "Corperate"22:25
doctormoI was on TV yesterday, Chronical on channel 5 and 9 at least here in Boston. To do with SteamPunk.22:26
pleia2doctormo: cool :)22:26
doctormoAlanBell: It's too late, my email is sent and my dyslexia apparent.22:27
AlanBellI have no idea what dialectic consensus is22:29
AlanBellhowever, other than that, it totally rocks \o/22:29
doctormoAlanBell: No, it's Cutomerisation23:06
doctormoThe rest are spelling mistakes. ;-)23:06
doctormodialectic consensus is when you get 5 people in a room who all want to achieve slightly different aims and have different considerations and users in mind. They use the power of discussion to effect the ideas in the other people's heads until everyone's ideas are almost exactly the same.23:07
doctormoCutomerisation = Turning users into customers :-P23:08
AlanBellok, that makes sense23:10
* czajkowski hugs jono before going off to sleep 23:10
jonohey czajkowski :-)23:10
jonoczajkowski, see my blog post?23:10
jonodoctormo, back now23:10
czajkowskihad a great afternnon in canonical.23:10
czajkowskijono: I did.. interesting comments on it, will reply tomorrow ehn I'm a lot more awake23:11
jonothanks czajkowski23:11
jonojcastro, still around?23:16

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