
faganhmmmm what package do I report the new notification area thing against?00:15
rickspencer3fagan, what's the bug?00:17
faganwe talked about a few things on the ayatana mailing list a few months back and we thought it would be good to remove the vpn item from that00:17
rickspencer3fagan, I would suggest just logging it against Unity, then let them assign it to the correct package00:17
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
lifelesswhats the right place to seek assistance with a 3g modem issue00:45
faganlifeless: thats a good question00:47
faganit depends on what kind of issue it is really00:47
lifelessfagan: vodafone prepay modem, bought today, k3571-Z00:55
lifelessreports 'error code 3: no carrier' when attempting to connect00:55
lifelessdebug trace shows that its getting NO CARRIER in response to ATD*99***2# (or something like that - and that that is referencing the right APN in the APN array on the sim/modem)00:56
lifelessI don't know enough to guess if this is a provider issue, interaction-with-phone-issue, bug, or what have you.00:57
faganhmmmm well id say the best person to ask would be the maintainer of that package00:58
* fagan checks 00:58
faganBhavani Shankar maintains it in ubuntu01:00
faganhe could point you to the upstream and they can help01:01
faganwe dont maintain that list in ubuntu so I dont think anyone around here would know about it01:01
ajmitchlifeless: I think some people discussed this on the ubuntu-nz list awhile back01:02
lifelessajmitch: linky link?01:04
ajmitchlooking for it, otherwise someone in #ubuntu-nz might know better01:05
ajmitchsigh, can't find it now01:07
ajmitchbest I can find is http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/1569910 talking about needing to use usb-modeswitch01:08
lifelessajmitch: its detected01:12
lifelessmm chats with it happily01:12
lifelessfagan: do you know their irc nick?01:13
faganlifeless: on launchpad it says coolbhavi01:29
faganbut if I remember right he goes between that and bhavi01:29
faganid say the best chance is to email him bhavi@ubuntu.com01:30
james_wlifeless, cyphermox might be able to help you debug, he's one of the Ubuntu NM maintainers01:40
james_wlifeless, will likely be your AM when you are next both on though01:41
ajmitchso confusing seeing NM & AM together & not have them refer to debian01:42
faganyeah the entire thing is confusing in terms of ownership I think01:43
rickspencer3lifeless, not confusing on the desktop02:14
rickspencer3it is definetly cyphermox !02:14
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftahm, got 2 regressions after today's upgrade. 1/ when starting with metacity, there's no panel anymore. 2/ when using a launcher on the panel, the app appears on workspace 1 instead of the current workspace03:11
lifelessrickspencer3: thanks03:28
lifelesscyphermox: ping03:28
lifelesscyphermox: see backlog re: modemmanager03:29
cyphermoxlifeless, I'm afrait I don't have that backlog03:29
micahgcyphermox: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/02/%23ubuntu-desktop.html#t00:4503:30
lifelessmicahg: thanks!03:31
cyphermoxyeah, I just got to it, I'm reading03:31
micahglifeless: np03:31
cyphermoxlifeless, from the logs I assume you already ran MM in debug mode, could you point me to the logs?03:38
lifelesscyphermox: I did, I didn't save them.03:39
lifelessI'll redo.03:39
cyphermoxplease, that should give something useful to start with... do you use this with a separate sim card or the same as for your phone, if you have one?03:41
lifelessits a new prepaid sim03:42
lifelesssingle pack at the vodafone store contained modem and sim03:42
lifelessthey activated it for me03:42
lifelesshang on03:43
cyphermoxlifeless, I'm just asking because sharing a sim leads to fun issues like pin2 and stuff that might not work well with MM, at least that has been an issue in the past03:45
lifelesscyphermox: do you want me to try connecting with these debug logs open ?03:46
lifeless(I'm connected on wifi simultaneously to tal to you03:48
cyphermoxlifeless, had you been connected to wired we could have tried to stop MM and NM and pass commands to the modem manually, but I don't know what yet, I need to look at your pastes03:50
lifelesscyphermox: I can be on wired03:50
lifelesscyphermox: should I ?03:50
cyphermoxlifeless, no need for now03:50
cyphermoxvery weird04:01
cyphermoxyou bought it today?04:01
lifelessperhaps its not activated correctly; I can ring their helpdesk if that seems likely.04:02
Sarvattlifeless: Vodafone (UK) K3570-Z TopUp And Go ?04:05
Sarvattyou aren't the only one according to google if so https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=62395004:05
lifelessSarvatt: no, .au04:05
ubot2bugzilla.redhat.com bug 623950 in ModemManager "Vodafone (UK) K3570-Z TopUp And Go mobile broadband dongle won't connect" [Medium,New]04:05
lifelessSarvatt: It may be the same issue of course, I don't know what the 0->1 change means hw or s.w wise.04:10
lifelessSarvatt: it looks different04:11
lifelessthey don't get NO CARRIER04:11
cyphermoxlifeless, fwiw, I recall being told activation could take up to a few hours04:12
lifelesscyphermox: yah, let me un plug and replug.04:12
lifelessit was, uhm, 6 hours back04:12
cyphermoxI don't see why you'd be able to properly register on the network but get a no carrier error like this, unless it was that there really was low signal, but afair 13,99 is not that bad04:13
cyphermoxtrying to re-download the spec now to check ;)04:14
lifelesscyphermox: unplugged, plugged in, still no go:04:24
lifelessDec  2 17:23:43 lifeless-64 modem-manager: Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager/Modems/1: state changed (registered -> connecting)04:24
lifelessDec  2 17:23:43 lifeless-64 modem-manager: Got failure code 3: No carrier04:24
lifelessDec  2 17:23:43 lifeless-64 modem-manager: Modem /org/freedesktop/ModemManager/Modems/1: state changed (connecting -> registered)04:24
cyphermoxyeah best I can think of is wait or call their helpdesk, all I see right now looks fine to me04:26
cyphermoxunless it needs some special command magic that I'm not aware of. but then I'll have to share with dcbw to see if he knows about it04:28
cyphermoxlifeless, can you tell me the usb id for your modem so I can speak to dcbw later?04:34
lifelesssure, its not in the logs?04:35
lifelesscyphermox: they say 'definitely activated'04:37
lifelessBus 002 Device 005: ID 19d2:1010 ONDA Communication S.p.A.04:37
lifelessis betavine useful, or likely to trash my system?04:38
cyphermoxusb_modeswitch_data you may want to try. it's not hugely damageable, maybe they switch the mode slightly differently and that will allow your modem to work04:41
cyphermoxto know, check the contained files that would get installed in /etc/modeswitch.d for the usb ID04:41
lifelessbah, its not in it04:42
lifelesscovers it though04:43
cyphermoxthat was fixed some time ago04:44
cyphermoxanyway, the file in the usb_modeswitch package they have is the same we ship in maverick and natty04:45
cyphermoxI'll brb, need to reboot into a live session04:45
cyphermoxall I see is a dot, did I miss something?04:54
lifeless_cyphermox: I'm on wired now, nm killed off04:58
cyphermoxI still have no clear clue what to check though05:00
lifeless_helpdesk said *99# right number, or *99***1# / *99***2#05:00
cyphermoxI'd be tempted to get at least at+clac? to know what commands the modem accepts, and maybe at+rssi? to know the signal level05:01
lifeless_I'm on ttyUSB1 in minicom05:01
lifeless_is that suitable05:01
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
cyphermoxI was going to suggest screen, but minicom works as well05:01
cyphermoxspeed is 115200, or whatever that number is for the highest setting05:01
cyphermoxduh, i'm being dumb, that one is called different on zte modems05:04
lifeless+ZRSSI: 82,16,18005:04
cyphermoxthanks ;)05:04
lifelessso, perhaps we shouldn't be doing ATD on USB1?05:05
lifelesstheres like 4 ports05:06
cyphermoxthat's very plausible05:06
cyphermoxlet's check something -- using wvdial and plain ppp05:07
bratscheIs lp:eog the bzr import of upstream which we're using for Natty?  Does anyone know?05:07
lifelesscyphermox: ready when you are05:08
lifelesscyphermox: bingo05:10
lifelessCONNECT 360000005:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 683996 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "NO CARRIER error vodafone K3571-Z ZTE 3g modem (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]05:14
cyphermoxsorry dude, I'm doing multiple things at once and it's getting really late here :/05:15
lifelessthats ok05:15
lifelessI'm looking for the control file now to tell mm what to do05:15
cyphermoxcool, with this bug I'll be able to look at it tomorrow at worst05:15
lifelessin /lib/udev/rules.d/77-mm-zte-port-types.rules05:18
lifelesswhat are the two lines05:18
lifelessand what are the defaults?05:18
cyphermoxerr, give me 2 min to get back to a non-live session where I can actually do stuff and I' ll look in the code to know ;)05:19
lifelessI'll WAG it for now05:19
lifelessfound it I think05:27
SarvattATTRS{idProduct}=="1010", ENV{.MM_USBIFNUM}=="03", ENV{ID_MM_ZTE_PORT_TYPE_MODEM}="1"05:28
SarvattATTRS{idProduct}=="1010", ENV{.MM_USBIFNUM}=="01", ENV{ID_MM_ZTE_PORT_TYPE_AUX}="1"05:28
Sarvatt maybe?05:28
Sarvattyep there it is05:29
lifeless_cyphermox: any diagnostics you want done ?05:34
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
lifelesscyphermox: there are other models there that may need snarfing and including upstream05:37
cyphermoxcool, if you feel like it, go ahead and propose changes, we use this branch for packaging MM: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~modemmanager/modemmanager/ubuntu05:41
cyphermoxotherwise I'll do it tomorrow (it's almost 1am here)05:41
lifelesscyphermox: tomorrow is fine, I have other fish to fry!05:49
pittiGood morning05:50
lifelesscyphermox: ^ fy entertainment05:50
cyphermoxlifeless, cool :)05:51
lifelessthanks for your help, was wonderful.05:51
cyphermoxpitti, good morning ;)05:51
pittihey cyphermox05:52
lifelessSarvatt: that uk user05:58
lifelessSarvatt: I think his modem will be fixed by the same patch as mine - he has the ...0 variant05:58
* Sarvatt nods05:58
lifelessthe patch I found, and referenced has both.05:59
rickspencer3hey pitti good morning06:15
pittihey rickspencer3, how are you?06:15
rickspencer3listening to some music before I turn in06:15
rickspencer3pitti, seems the Alpha 1 image is working reasonably well06:16
pittinice to hear06:16
* pitti just rsyncing the latest one06:16
pittikvm is still acting up for me, but on real iron the live system comes up quite nicely06:16
rickspencer3for an A1, well, seems quite suitable for early feedback06:17
rickspencer3and the Unity launcher is surprisingly usable, at least for me with my Intel graphics06:17
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pittirobert_ancell: hey06:34
pittirobert_ancell: I uploaded the new glade because (1) it was going to stick in binary NEW, and (2) glade-3 isn't on our CDs, so it couldn't break the images06:35
pittirobert_ancell: apparently it got binNEWed, so indeed we need to rebuild gnome-media now; I see that you already prepared it in bzr, do you want to upload, or want me to?06:35
pittirobert_ancell: I'll respond to your second question via mail06:36
robert_ancellpitti, you can upload, I'm about to leave.  I was just waiting for A1 to be released06:37
pittirobert_ancell: ok, will do; have a good night!06:37
didrocksgood morning07:41
micahgif there's no rush, I can take the gnome-shell gir-repository-dev build-dep drop07:45
didrockshey pitti07:47
didrockspitti: robert uploaded unity it seems, I'm not sure about his patch, do you think it's in the iso?07:48
pittihey didrocks, good morning08:09
pittimicahg: thanks08:09
pittimicahg: no, it's not that urgent08:09
pittididrocks: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20101202/natty-desktop-i386.manifest08:10
pittididrocks: which version do we expect?08:10
pittididrocks: it seems to be the current one (3.2.2-0ubuntu2)08:10
didrockspitti: hey08:11
didrocksdon't know why people upload hacks without upstream review :/08:11
didrockswell… that's ok, we'll see08:11
didrockspitti: btw, it seems that apport doesn't trigger on crashes when there is no notification area. I think it's related to update-notifier, isn't it?08:13
pittididrocks: correct08:13
didrocks(it seems it tries to launch it, then stop, tries, stop…)08:13
didrocksok, I'll have a look there if you don't mind08:13
pittiwe need update-notifier for this08:13
pittiif u-n isn't running, apport crashes won't be shown08:14
didrocksthat will be better for unity :)08:14
pitti(it still catches them, though, at least in the live system)08:14
didrocksless bugs \o/08:14
pittididrocks: I figure u-n will move to an appindicator?08:14
didrockspitti: seems logical, I have to look at what's it displaying08:15
didrocksrather than having a dummy menu, maybe we can build one with "crash on app1", "crash on app2"…08:15
didrocksso that when you click on it, you only report one crash08:15
didrocks(I guess it's calling apport-bug)08:16
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didrockshey rodrigo_08:34
didrockssalut seb12808:36
seb128lut didrocks08:36
seb128didrocks, how are you?08:36
seb128didrocks, sorry about the unity upload not compliant to your rules08:37
seb128I was on a maverick box and couldn't do build and testing yesterday and we needed to get that fix out08:37
didrocksespecially in freeze and with a patch without upstream review08:37
seb128well, a1 was crashing on the livecd for everyone08:37
seb128and you were not around08:37
didrocksoh really?08:37
seb128the patch is coming from jay08:37
seb128didrocks, yes, your import code imports examples.desktop08:38
didrocksok, then :) I was afraid about the patch rather the upload :)08:38
seb128which is not an application desktop08:38
seb128the launcher go "what?"08:38
seb128and crash08:38
didrocksok, I imported that because the launcher was supposed to deal with those desktop files08:38
seb128well it doesn't08:38
seb128it was just crashing on the live session08:39
didrocksok, then, it's ok if upstream reviewed the patch :)08:39
seb128it's not reviewed08:39
didrockscan you make sure that it's in trunk as well?08:39
seb128I could get hold of anybody but jay08:39
didrockswel, jay did it08:39
seb128brb getting coffee08:39
didrocksis there an upstream bug about it?08:39
rodrigo_hi didrocks, seb12808:39
seb128the bug has the reference and the vcs from jay08:39
didrocks(still not at the end of the 50+ bugs email related to unity)08:39
seb128hey rodrigo_08:42
seb128didrocks, so robert didn't know about bzr merging some revision to backport the fix08:43
seb128didrocks, he switched to v3 because that was easier that to add a patch system08:43
didrocksseb128: well, let's no worry about that, I'll just revert the v3 source08:43
geserdoes someone have an idea why gnome-panel doesn't autostart anymore for me (natty)?08:43
seb128I guess you only want to merge the changelog entry and backport the commit once in trunk08:43
didrocksseb128: I was just worried about the patch not being blessed by anyone :)08:43
didrocksseb128: right, I'm not sure about that commit or to add proper support08:44
seb128didrocks, it has been made by jay and confirmed to work by several people08:44
seb128it's just a workaround for a108:44
didrocksseb128: sure, it's totally fine, no worry :)08:44
seb128didrocks, the side effect is a launcher without text or icon08:47
didrocksRAOF: does emacs23.dekstop or whatever has a path to icon=/ ?08:47
didrocksseb128: yeah, for those, the nautilus icon makes sense, doesn't it?08:47
seb128well the .desktop has an Icon= line08:47
didrocks(well, if the launcher is supposed to support them)08:47
seb128the launcher code probably just fail to parse it08:48
didrocksok, I know there are some failing when Icon=/absolute/path08:48
seb128I blame it on njpatel ;-)08:48
didrocksbut it doesn't crash, you have the ?08:48
seb128didrocks, in this case it's "Icon=folder"08:48
didrockswell, it didn't08:48
didrockshum, ok :)08:48
didrocksso unknown icon08:48
seb128didrocks, it's just that the desktop type is no application08:48
seb128it's a directory08:48
didrocksyeah… I'll fix that, sounds small and easy :)08:48
RAOFdidrocks: Yeah, it does - I found the relevant unity bug and duped it against it.08:49
didrocksI have that + the other case08:49
seb128didrocks, is there any sort of tests for the launcher?08:49
didrocksRAOF: yeah, I have it with a wine app (monkey island2, special edition) :)08:49
seb128seems a case to add to the tests08:49
didrocksseb128: there are a lot08:49
didrocksseb128: not enough apparently :)08:49
didrocksbut yeah, there are08:49
didrocksnot sure about corrupted .desktop file though08:49
* didrocks adds to his TODO08:50
seb128well that one is not corrupted08:50
seb128do you want me to try to debug the issue?08:50
didrockswell, corrupted/not as expected/ :)08:50
seb128would be a nice way to get around the unity code08:50
didrocksseb128: no, it's fine, I just finish catching up on my email and then I have time for that08:50
seb128I need to find another bug08:50
didrocks"it's mine, it's mine" :)08:50
seb128I want to start getting familiat wirh unity08:50
didrocksseb128: do you want bitesize-like bug? I'm afraid the one you reported aren't easy08:51
didrocksseb128: for instance, the animation "too quick" is a workaround for the launcher not being clickable on "urgent" state08:52
seb128didrocks, right, I don't want to get close from compiz (yet)08:52
seb128like no work on focus issues08:52
seb128that launcher one seems something easy to start with08:52
seb128but I will find another one08:52
seb128don't worry ;-)08:52
seb128I'm subscribed to the unity bugs and they are supposed to build lists for people like me every week08:52
didrocksok :)08:53
seb128so we know on what we can help a bit ;-)08:53
didrocksyeah, there are another bitesize one IIRC08:53
rodrigo_seb128, looking at your comment at https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-control-center/2_91_3_release/+merge/42134 -> indeed I forgot to add some removed patches to debian/changelog, but debian/patches/01_remove_debian_default_applications.patch hasn't been deleted08:59
rodrigo_seb128, pushing my fixed changelog09:00
seb128rodrigo_, oh right, I saw only red lines for it09:00
seb128though it seemed to be code deleted rather than updated09:00
seb128rodrigo_, sorry about that ;-)09:00
seb128I guess upstream dropped the debian entry from the list?09:00
rodrigo_seb128, no problem, there's indeed code removed09:00
rodrigo_seb128, no, just the list of web browsers09:01
rodrigo_we use g_app_info_* now instead of a fixed list of browsers09:01
rodrigo_ditto for mail readers09:01
rodrigo_seb128, there's still the part of the patch which removes the debian terminal09:02
rodrigo_seb128, ok, pushed09:02
GunnarHjpitti: Good Morning! Thought I'd try to catch you before they wake up over there... Fresh patches and merge proposals, hopefully ready for a more 'sharp' review. See also comment #70, 73 and 74 at https://launchpad.net/bugs/55316209:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 553162 in language-selector (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Set $LANGUAGE if the user picks a different locale in gdm, so that language-selector and gdm stop disagreeing (affects: 30) (dups: 10) (heat: 192)" [Undecided,In progress]09:17
pittiGunnarHj: I saw the responses, thanks!09:18
seb128 sorry I compiz crashes really screwed my xorg09:18
seb128 I had to restart09:18
* seb128 does some config changes09:20
seb128let's remove IRC from my autostart softwares09:20
GunnarHjpitti: Are we close to committing?09:20
didrocksseb128: hum? still crashes with latest compiz?09:21
pittiGunnarHj: I still have to catch up with all the recent comments09:21
pittiGunnarHj: but this should certainly land by a2 if we can get to an agreement how to juggle all the files :)09:21
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, I'll be patient. Logging out now; back in a few hours.09:24
=== dbarth__ is now known as dbarth
dpmhey pitti, good morning. Have you had a chance to have a look at what happened with yesterday's maverick langpack build in the PPA?09:36
pittidpm: not yet, sorry; I'm currently drowning in emails and external requests09:37
pittibut it's high on my list, promised09:37
dpmpitti, no worries, thanks!09:37
seb128kklimonda1, hi10:02
Zdrais there a way to remove a package from a ppa?10:08
seb128yes, go in the detailled view of the ppa10:08
seb128on the right of the page you have a delete page url10:09
ZdraI've uploaded an old broken gnome-keyring which generate a libgcr0 package, now I uploaded a fix that rename it to libgcr-3... but ppa still give the broken libgcr0 and override maverick's10:09
Zdraseb128, ^10:09
seb128what ppa is that?10:10
seb128Zdra, click on "view package details"10:11
seb128in the right corner10:11
seb128then on "delete packages"10:11
seb128you should have the old gnome-keyring in the list10:11
seb128select it and delete it10:11
Zdraseb128, oh sorry, didn't realize that delete package shows more packages than the normal view10:13
Zdraseb128, thanks :D10:13
seb128you're welcome10:13
seb128it's a bit confusing indded10:13
rodrigo_Zdra, that's already available in the gnome3 ppa10:14
Zdrarodrigo_, I know, I copied your package ;)10:14
Zdrathanks :)10:14
rodrigo_Zdra, ah, ok10:15
rodrigo_Zdra, working on the telepathy stack for gtk3?10:15
Zdrawe got everything10:16
rodrigo_and are you keeping stuff in that PPA, or do you plan to put it on the gnome3 one?10:17
cassidyour telepathy-devel PPA should contain everything10:20
Zdrarodrigo_, I don't want to use gnome3 ppa, it contains too much things10:20
Zdrarodrigo_, I prefer keeping the minimum to havem empathy3 running10:20
seb128will empathy run fine on GNOME 2.32?10:21
seb128out of the gtk3 depends10:21
Zdraseb128, yes10:22
seb128well, like will it required other GNOME3 desktop components to integrate correctly?10:22
Zdraseb128, I have it here10:22
Zdraseb128, but GTK theme does not work :(10:23
seb128right, it does, but is it going to stay this way?10:23
Zdraseb128, it also need keyring/canberra/notify10:23
seb128well I guess you don't get the nautilus-sendto integration to work for example10:23
seb128since nautilus is still on gtk210:23
Zdraseb128, that's optional at build-time10:24
Zdrabut indeed, I don't think it works10:24
=== cdbs is now known as bilalakhtar
=== bilalakhtar is now known as cdbs
seb128didrocks, dbarth: bug #68379710:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 683797 in apport "apport should work without the systray (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68379710:39
seb128could you give details?10:39
seb128I've a GNOME session without systray and it works fine there...10:39
didrocksseb128: even if you get a crash?10:41
seb128didrocks, yes10:41
didrocksseb128: ubuntu-bug works and apport-bug as well10:41
seb128I just sig11 gconf-editor to try10:41
seb128with update-notifier running on a command line10:42
seb128it notices the .crash and fire apport10:42
didrocksweird, it's not working there and pitti confirmed that update-notifier needs porting for it working10:42
didrocksit went in a loop cycle for me10:42
seb128hum, "porting"?10:42
seb128to what?10:42
didrocksseb128: to indicator, not systray10:42
seb128it's a service10:42
didrocksad the bug title infered10:42
seb128why does it need any ui to run apport?10:42
didrocksdon't ask me… I just reported what I saw yesterday10:43
didrocksbut my session was maybe broken, let me try today10:43
seb128ok, weird10:43
seb128I tried again works fine10:43
didrocksso, I started with unity, no gnome-panel10:43
didrocksI have update-notifier launched10:43
seb128but I'm running update-notifier manually on a command line to see the output10:43
seb128I cleaned /var/crash10:44
didrockshere, it was runned by the system10:44
seb128because I had issues where it didn't notice new crashes for some reason otherwise10:44
didrockslet's try to triger a segv10:44
seb128I just send a -11 to gconf-editor there to try10:44
pittididrocks: bash -c 'kill -SEGV $$'10:44
didrocks(that's what I did yesterday)10:44
pitti^ triggers an easy crash10:45
seb128checking for valid crashreport now10:45
seb128** (update-notifier:26767): DEBUG: fire up the crashreport tool10:45
seb128that's what update-notifier does10:45
didrocksok, nothing with gconf-editor10:45
seb128and I get the apport "restart" "report" "ignore"10:45
didrockslet's see with killing the current terminal10:45
didrocksnothing as well10:46
seb128ok, weird10:46
seb128I will try in an unity session later10:46
didrocksif I ps aux | grep apport10:46
didrocksI see apport is launched10:46
seb128didrocks, update-notifier doesn't print anything?10:46
didrocksstopped, launched10:46
didrocksseb128: well, I don't run it by hand, are there logs?10:46
seb128seems an apport bug then?10:46
seb128didrocks, .xsession-errors10:47
rodrigo_Zdra, right, but we still want your packages in the gnome3 ppa, so how can we do it so that it's easy for you?10:47
rodrigo_Zdra, would it work if you packaged stuff in a lp:~ubuntu-desktop/$package/ubuntugtk3 branch, as we do with other gnome3 ppa stuff?10:48
rodrigo_Zdra, that is, if you submitted merge proposals to that branch?10:48
Zdrarodrigo_, we don't have empathy3 package yet10:49
Zdrawe only collected all its dep10:49
rodrigo_Zdra, right, but we want all the deps also :)10:49
Zdraand we just copied packages from you, or from debian experimental10:49
pittidpm: currently the maverick updates run on Saturdays; is that wrong?10:49
pittidpm: lucid updates shold run today10:50
pittidpm: sorry, yesterday10:50
Zdrarodrigo_, so there is not much you can benefit from that ppa actually, it's just an help for empathy devs10:50
dpmpitti, that does not seem to be correct: https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule10:50
rodrigo_Zdra, ok, so you don't plan to be doing lots of changes in the packages, apart from copying them from our ppa and debian?10:50
didrocksseb128: nothing, let me try running update-notifier manually10:50
pittidpm: hm, seems that I got that the wrong way around then10:50
didrocksseb128: my .xsession-errors is spammed by unity warning10:51
Zdrarodrigo_, we are doing no change at all ;)10:51
dpmpitti, ah. Is that easily fixable? Is it just a matter of updating the cron tab?10:51
Zdrarodrigo_, we are not packagers, only devs ;)10:51
rodrigo_Zdra, ok then, I guess I'll copy your packages then to ubuntugtk3 branches10:51
pittidpm: sure, already done10:51
pittidpm: at least lucid ran through just fine10:52
dpmpitti, awesome, thanks. Is there a way to trigger a PPA build for maverick today and copy it to -proposed when finished, so that we can start with the testing?10:52
rodrigo_seb128, do you agree on that? (copying the packages from Zdra's ppa to ubuntugtk3 branches, with a merge proposal from me first, of course :-)10:52
pittidpm: it will run automatically10:53
seb128rodrigo_, they shouldn't have anything we don't have, but sure10:53
pittidpm: it shold run in about 3 hours10:53
rodrigo_seb128, well, they have the new telepathy, built with gtk3, right Zdra?10:53
seb128rodrigo_, telepathy doesn't use gtk10:53
pittidpm: argh, sorry; Thu today; yes, I'll run it manualy now10:53
Zdrarodrigo_, seb128: afaik the only things not coming from gnome3 ppa is telepathy-* which are in debian10:53
Zdrarodrigo_, telepathy-* packages does not depend on gtk10:54
seb128we get the telepathy updates from debian10:54
didrocksseb128: I have no log in update-notifier, even if I kill the system one and launch by hand10:54
rodrigo_ok, then we just need empathy from them, when they build it :-)10:54
pittidpm: running now, let's see how it holds up10:54
dpmpitti, ok, so maverick: manual run today and then the next run will be automatic on Wed at 14:00 UTC, right?10:54
pittidpm: correct10:54
pittidpm: well, 14:00 british time, to be precise10:54
pittii. e. an hour later in the summer10:55
and471hey mvo & mpt10:55
mptGood morning10:55
mvohey and10:55
mvogood morning10:55
and471mvo, mpt, college is closed :)10:55
seb128didrocks, ok, thanks, I will try under unity later on10:56
dpmpitti, ok, could we also activate the Natty langpacks uploads just after A1, so that we can start testing them? We're about to open translations in LP (should have done already a few days ago, it's been blocking on me)10:56
cdbsecho "hey" | all10:56
rodrigo_seb128, and when/how do we get updates from debian? (for telepathy-*)10:56
and471hey bilal10:56
seb128rodrigo_, we do syncs on debian almost daily when we are not in freeze for alpha10:56
seb128like that's the case this week10:56
pittidpm: yes, we can do that10:56
cdbsseb128: We sync daily?10:57
cdbsI thought once in 3-4 days!10:57
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, ok10:57
seb128rodrigo_, why? is there an issue?10:57
rodrigo_seb128, no, was just wondering10:57
dpmpitti, great, thanks again10:57
rodrigo_and also, where's a list of packages we get from debian? so that we don't update them?10:57
seb128rodrigo_, everything which has a revision without ubuntu in it10:58
rodrigo_ah, ok10:58
and471mpt, do you get in on the train?10:58
mptand471, no, I walk10:58
and471mpt, trains were very delayed today...10:58
didrocksseb128: ok, if I clean /var/crash/ it's working with or without systray… It seems that I had something in /var/crash now spawning it (and dbarth too)10:58
Zdrarodrigo_, tbh we are waiting for you/debian to package empathy10:58
Zdrarodrigo_, as I said, we are not packagers ;)10:59
seb128didrocks, ok, what I said before10:59
didrocksseb128: well, to be confirmed, I relaunch update-notifier manually10:59
seb128I cleaned /var/crash10:59
seb128because I had issues where it didn't notice new crashes for some reason otherwise10:59
seb128didrocks, ^10:59
didrocksseb128: so, the ping is rather that there are invalid /var/crash or some logic there preventing to present new crashes?10:59
seb128that was like 10 minutes ago10:59
rodrigo_Zdra, ok, I'll try empathy packaging, as soon as I finish a couple other packages I'm working on10:59
seb128didrocks, I didn't debug that so not sure11:00
seb128rodrigo_, btw before going for new packages could you try sorting the patches you commented11:00
didrocksI'll update the bug report, in any case, we need indicator support for that11:00
rodrigo_seb128, yes11:00
seb128you did comment a bunch in different sources IIRC11:00
Zdrarodrigo_, cool thanks :D11:00
seb128didrocks, why?11:00
seb128didrocks, we don't use the systray for like 2 years?11:00
rodrigo_seb128, yes, I'm waiting for the upstream code to stabilize a bit, to not have to be rebasing the patches all the time11:01
didrocksseb128: apport is showing in the systray to report bugs, isn't it?11:01
rodrigo_seb128, but yes, sure, I'll try rebasing some11:01
seb128didrocks, not for 2 years11:01
didrocksseb128: ? why do I get an icon there?11:01
seb128didrocks, we autospawn the apport dialog11:01
didrocksthe ?11:01
seb128didrocks, because you tweaked the gconf key back then?11:01
didrockshum, my config isn't so old IIRC, but maybe…11:01
seb128didrocks, /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch11:02
didrocksseb128: true11:02
seb128so dunno why you get the systray icon11:02
didrocksand yes, it's launching automatically (apart with the previous bug)11:02
seb128I've not seen it on any of my boxes for years11:02
didrocksbut I get the systray icon as well11:02
dbarthdidrocks: so the bug is invalid then?11:02
didrocksdbarth: well, it seems there were some crash file confusing apport, do you still have your /var/crash?11:03
seb128dbarth, there is a bug but it's not due to the systray11:03
didrocksbut still, let me see in a clean box11:03
* didrocks update-iso11:03
didrocksI don't remember to have tweaked anything for the icon11:04
didrocksand my config is recent11:04
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seb128didrocks, you get a systray icon on crash?11:05
didrocksseb128: right11:05
seb128that's different11:05
didrocksyou told it doesn't use the systray, there is no icon11:05
seb128<didrocks> /apps/update-notifier/hide_reboot_notification11:05
seb128that's different from the systray11:05
dbarthdidrocks: i cleaned it, but i do have a new gvfsd crash that was present yesterday; it may be the cause of the issue; i'll retest in a moment11:05
seb128I think11:05
didrocksseb128: oh yeah, sorry, didn't look close enough11:06
didrockstrying to see if there is a key for that11:06
didrocks/apps/update-notifier/show_apport_crashes ?11:06
didrocks(that's the right paste)11:06
didrocksseems to be that from the description11:06
didrocksseb128: after unsetting the key, I still have true11:07
didrocksseems that *you* tweaked it :)11:07
rodrigo_so, any idea why patches might not be being applied when building a package?11:07
rodrigo_I've been looking, but really can't find why they're not applied11:07
seb128$ gconftool-2 --get /apps/update-notifier/show_apport_crashes11:08
seb128didrocks, ^11:08
didrocksand you don't get the icon?11:08
didrockswaow :)11:08
seb128        <long>If this is disabled, the user will not be notified about pending apport crash reports.</long>11:08
didrocksright "pending crash" == icon notification for me?11:09
didrocksas when you click on it, you process all previous crashes in /var/crash11:09
didrocksor do I understand that wrongly?11:09
seb128well, I get the apport dialog and no systray icon there11:10
seb128which I think is the intend11:10
didrocksI've always seen the systray icon, still downloading the iso, I'll keep you posted11:10
seb128mvo, ^11:10
didrocksthen, we can refine if we need the port to indicator or not11:10
kklimonda1seb128: hi, sorry for disappearing - I got a flu or something similar and spent last few days in my bed.11:10
didrocks(still think that reporting easily previous crash is needed)11:11
mvoseb128: that is still there for crashes that happend for root, we don't want to throw a gksu widnow into the face of people11:11
mvoseb128: its apport really11:11
didrocksmvo: so, the icon showing for me in the systray is intended?11:11
seb128mvo, oh ok11:12
seb128didrocks, so it seems it's only when you get non user crashes11:12
seb128that's why I don't get it when crashing my gconf-editor11:12
didrocksyeah… seems that I have a lot of couchdb process crashing (not desktopcouch)11:12
didrocksso maybe that's why I took it for normal11:13
didrockslet me still have a test in a clean livecd11:13
rodrigo_hey kklimonda111:13
rodrigo_kklimonda1, feeling better now?11:13
kklimonda1rodrigo_: yes, still not not fully recovered but at least I can focus on my computer again ;)11:14
kklimonda1at least for a while - looks like I'm getting a headache already. and the weather is getting better and better..11:15
kklimonda1seb128: I can push gtkmm packaging once I recall how to do that.. ;)11:15
mvoseb128, didrocks: yep, happy to discuss about improving that at some point. its a bit of a corner case I guess11:16
seb128kklimonda1, hey, ok, no hurry11:17
seb128kklimonda1, get better!11:18
seb128mvo, well in any case no systray support in unity11:18
seb128mvo, I will port if to appindicator11:18
seb128didrocks, do you still work on bug #656325?11:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 656325 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "should use gsettings rather than gconf (affects: 1) (heat: 67)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65632511:19
didrocksseb128: well, it was my "free week hacking day", I wanted to tackle that today or tomorrow11:19
seb128stop stealing all the fun tasks :p11:20
didrocksseb128: do it then, I've done enough gsettings porting :)11:20
seb128ok, thanks11:20
seb128I've done none yet11:20
didrocksthanks to you :)11:20
seb128I want to do one at least11:20
didrocksseb128: it's fun and easy!11:20
* seb128 hugs didrocks11:20
* didrocks hugs seb12811:20
pittiis anyone here on current natty i386?11:28
seb128pitti, sort of11:28
seb128I'm missing some updates but it's mostly "current"11:29
seb128I can updates missing bits if required ;-)11:29
pittiseb128: can you please run this:11:29
didrockssome here, apart from grub11:29
pittipython2.7 -c 'from gi.repository import Gdk, Gtk; Gtk.require_version("3.0"); print type(Gdk.WMFunction.MOVE), type(Gdk.WMFunction.MOVE|Gdk.WMFunction.RESIZE)'11:29
pittiseb128: and give me the output?11:29
seb128<class 'gi.repository.Gdk.Enum'> <type 'int'>11:29
pittiseb128: thanks11:29
pittiso it's not an arch specific bug11:30
didrocksseb128: ok, so I triggered a crash on today's livecd. in unity session: you get an additional launcher item corresponding to the apport window.11:46
seb128didrocks, great11:46
didrocksseb128: but in the gnome-classic session, I have an empty /var/crash, send a segv to bash as a user, and I can the systray icon11:47
didrocksso, it seems to not be only for "root" apps, it's the general rule11:47
seb128weird, I can't confirm that here11:47
seb128ls /var/crash?11:47
didrocks_bin_bash.999.crash and .lock11:47
didrocksmvo: ^^11:47
seb128where 999 is your user?11:48
didrocksyeah, the ubuntu user in the live session11:48
pitti999 is the ubuntu live system user, FTR11:48
didrocksso, I think there is a check id < 100011:48
seb128could be11:49
mvoiirc that is the case, it checks for system users11:49
seb128in any case I will port to the indicator11:49
didrocksok, make sense then :)11:49
didrocksseb128: you never have couchdb crashing for the last release to not have seen the icon? :)11:50
seb128but I don't have an u1 account11:50
seb128well I don't use u1 rather11:50
seb128I share nothing and sync nothing11:51
didrocksmake sense then :)11:51
didrocksthanks for the confirmation seb128 and mvo!11:52
seb128didrocks, thank you for investigating and helping to figure what's going on ;-)11:52
seb128there is still a bug where it doesn't notice new .crashes though11:52
didrocksmaybe we should < 999 then for the live session11:52
seb128but at least it's not buggy in the default install11:52
didrocksseb128: right, next time, I'll back up my /var/crash11:52
didrocksand remove one by one11:52
seb128so unity crashes should be notified11:52
pittiah, our gtk+3.0 gir is broken; /me debugs11:56
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seb128mvo, do we still need restart notification is update-notifier?13:52
seb128since indicator-session and update-manager handle those nowadays13:52
mvoseb128: please keep it for now, its useful for e.g. xfce and similar derivates13:54
mvoseb128: but ideally the old u-n would just get forked and a new one based on just a bunch of scrips created, the goal was to have a session upstart instead of update-notifier13:54
mvoseb128: not sure how the future looks like here13:54
seb128mvo, well, one thing at the time, the current issue is that unity has no systray support13:57
mvosure :)13:57
seb128mvo, ideally we would drop notification icon use for restart, or buggy apt state13:57
mvoI was just outlining what I would like to see in the far future13:57
mvobasicly old update-notifier without autolaunch for projects that want it13:58
seb128the only case where I can see useful now is for apport bugs which are not from the current user13:58
mvoand a new session-daemon that does all the autolaunching13:58
mvoin our current model it does not make that much sense13:58
pittiwe also currnetly abuse it to launch jockey on missing firmware13:58
seb128I'm not sure what to do now13:58
pittibut I agree that neither the apport nor jockey case are truly fitting into u-n13:59
seb128things like the broken update status icon don't fit in the indicator13:59
seb128or the restart icon13:59
seb128I'm pondering not bothering and let those this way13:59
seb128they will just not show up on unity13:59
mvoI had a plan about this last cycle14:00
seb128which was?14:00
mvobut then the idea to use upstart in session mode came up14:00
seb128or is? ;-)14:00
mvoto split update-notifier into the old notification icon stuff14:00
pittimvo: does that already work?14:00
mvoand a new one14:00
mvopitti: no, I talked to scott and he said its striaghtforward14:01
seb128pitti, did upstart change last cycle?14:01
mvoand he has some ideas14:01
pittiseb128: not really14:01
seb128pitti, so I guess "no"14:01
seb128that was discuss in brussels but nothing happened14:01
pittiseb128: yeah, I meant "in that secret branch that Keybuk mentioned", or "newer version" or so14:01
mvowell …14:01
seb128pitti, I would like Keybuk to reply to your email for that14:01
mvoanyway, I decided not to waste time working on it on the basis that upstart would replace my work anyway14:02
pittimvo: but upstart also doesn't have file based triggers yet, AFAIK14:02
mvobut in the current circumstance I may reconsider14:02
seb128mvo, ok, so what do you want me to do14:02
pittii. e. we cannot run an action if /var/crash or /var/run/reboot-required changes, etc.14:02
seb128I was going to port it to appindicator14:02
seb128but it doesn't really fit for some of the things14:03
mvoseb128: maybe just auto-launch a dialog ?14:03
mvoso that there is no "give me your password" in your face dialog14:03
seb128but we don't want that on Ubuntu though14:03
seb128mvo, well I can port the apport case to appindicator14:03
seb128I'm just not sure what to do with the warning about apt being in a weird state14:04
seb128or the restart case14:04
mvodon't worry about those14:04
mvothe restart one is handled inline anyway14:04
seb128well they can't be easily ported to appindicator14:04
mvoand the "apt is odd" we should handle via autolaunch14:04
seb128you don't want to drop those because if xubuntu14:04
seb128if -> og14:04
mvowell, they will just not appear :)14:04
seb128so you wan to have both a status icon and an indicator?14:04
mvoactually, let me just sit down and look at the code and I may actually just FDI, all I need is a bunch of inotiy hooks and some scripts14:05
mvo(famous last word ;)14:05
seb128I didn't want to get you to do it14:06
mvo*arg* worst bug in unity evah! my clock is showing 3:05 instead of 15:0514:06
seb128seems texans and european can't agree on time format14:07
mvoright, that is fine, there LC_TIME for tihs14:07
seb128(there is a bug with discussion with pitti ted and some others about the issue)14:07
seb128well ted seems to think that's an hackish way to deal with it14:07
mvoI'm puzzled what there is to discuss "honor LC_TIME, kthnxbye"14:08
seb128I think the format is in the translations at the moment14:08
pitti(as if that wasn't a hack :) )14:08
seb128well the discussion is on how to do it so it doesn't rely on translators14:08
pittiunfortunately there is no truly clean way to ask the locale "do you use 24 or 12 hours?"14:08
pittiseb128: we already figured that out14:08
seb128pitti, so what was stopping proper support?14:08
seb128like asking the locale?14:08
seb128rather than using a translation14:09
pittiseb128: just that ted doesn't like the solution14:09
seb128distro patch it? :-)14:09
mvoisn't strftime() doing the right thing on its own?14:09
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* mvo looks at the manpage14:09
seb128mvo, well the issue comes when you want options to display seconds or not14:09
pittimvo: only with seconds14:09
seb128mvo, or days or not14:09
seb128if that was just the time it would be fine14:10
seb128but some people want the day displayed, some don't want the seconds, etc14:10
seb128then you don't have an easy api to tell me "give the time in 24 hours format without the seconds"14:10
mvogeh, so what is gnome-panel doing then? it seems to be jsut fine14:10
seb128they use translations as well14:11
mvo bää14:11
pittimvo: bug 652976  FYI14:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 652976 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Time format not taken from LC_TIME (affects: 2) (heat: 67)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65297614:11
seb128they have the strftime options in a string14:11
pittithat explains how to detect this14:11
bcurtiswx_nautilus crash cured in 2.91.3 woo14:15
bcurtiswx_now im seeing nautilus works, but when I try to double click my desktop from /home/bcurtis it temp crashes it14:17
bcurtiswx_also my ubuntu one shared/syncd folder14:18
bcurtiswx_oh nautilus, why must you hate me14:19
seb128it's likely because those still use gtk2 and install a .so for nautilus14:22
seb128which is on gtk314:22
seb128there is a reason this work is in a ppa and not in natty ;-)14:22
bcurtiswx_ah OK, granted it would be a lot more frustrating if i didn't know how to navigate linux through a terminal...14:22
bcurtiswx_yeah, i was fully aware of the "fun" i'd have by using the PPA..14:23
bcurtiswx_autoremove has dkms, i would imagine removing this to be a no no14:28
pittibcurtiswx_: why? if you don't have any nvidia/fglrx/wl drivers installed, you don't need it?14:29
bcurtiswx_pitti, ah since i'm using the open source versions i don't.. good point..14:29
bcurtiswx_safe assumption if i use them dkms will install itself14:30
pittidependencies FTW :)14:30
bcurtiswx_survey says.. :) thx14:30
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rodrigo_ugh, after updating gtk3, all my apps crash14:56
pittirodrigo_: oh, are you preparing a new gtk+3.0 upload?14:59
rodrigo_pitti, no14:59
rodrigo_pitti, just updated this afternoon the package that was in natty14:59
pittihm, works here14:59
rodrigo_but I guess we might need a new GTK?14:59
rodrigo_g-c-c crashes on size_request calls15:00
pittibut I have been tracking down why the Gdk gir is broken for the last 3 hours15:00
pittiand I'd like to fix that in the next upload15:00
rodrigo_well, gtk_widget_size_allocate15:00
rodrigo_oh, is it broken?15:00
pittiyes, it's missing all the glib:type-name attributes15:01
pittignome bug  63604315:01
ubot2Gnome bug 636043 in introspection "Combining multiple Gdk.WMFunction flags gives TypeError" [Minor,Resolved: invalid] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63604315:01
pittiand it's a PITA to debug15:01
pittiit works if I unpack the orig.tar.gz, configure, make15:01
pittibut is broken when I build the package15:02
pitti(i. e. same pygobject, gi, etc.)15:02
pitti\o/ I finally got it, and it only took 4 hours16:14
* ari-tczew has leaved gnome for kde.16:15
mterrypitti, yay!16:15
rodrigo_pitti, the gir thing?16:30
pittirodrigo_: right; fixes pushed to bzr now16:32
pittiwill upload after a116:32
rodrigo_pitti, so, what was it?16:32
pittirodrigo_: I followed up in gnome bug 63604316:32
ubot2Gnome bug 636043 in general "When using a separate build tree, GIR has incomplete type information" [Minor,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63604316:32
pittiapparently it's using the wrong gdkenumtypes.h16:32
pittiI still don't understand it fully16:33
pittiat least now I know where the root cause is, but not yet why16:33
pittibut I got half of the fix attached to the upstream bug16:33
pittiand a workaround in bzr now16:33
seb128it's likely due to build out of srcdir16:34
seb128(I didn't read the bug)16:34
pittiseb128: that was half of the problem, yes16:35
pittiwhich I attached a patch for16:35
pittiok, good night everyone!16:35
seb128'night pitti16:36
seb128pitti, you can probably upload, I guess we will not respin isos now16:36
seb128so it builds over night?16:36
seb128pitti, btw I've a day off tomorrow so don't worry if I'm not around16:36
pittiseb128: ok, sure16:36
pittiseb128: hm, well, I'll have another look at this tomorrow16:37
pittiI'd really like to figure out the root cause16:37
pittiotherwise this could hit us with other packages as well16:37
pittibut my brain is steaming now16:38
pitti(and my wife returned from work, too :) )16:38
seb128pitti, enjoy your evening!16:38
pittiseb128: and you!16:38
pittiseb128: enjoy your holiday16:38
* chrisccoulson really needs to book some holiday too16:39
didrockshave a good evening pitti16:39
rodrigo_bye pitti16:39
rodrigo_seb128, national holiday tomorrow, or just a day off?16:39
seb128rodrigo_, day off, I've quite some to take still before end of the year16:40
rodrigo_ah, right, you told me16:41
rodrigo_I'm off also tomorrow, and Monday, for national holidays :)16:41
rodrigo_I was wondering if France had the same # of national holidays as Spain, but I see you are still a productive country :-D16:42
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seb128rodrigo_, enjoy your days off then ;-)16:43
rodrigo_I will, yes :)16:43
geserwhat I'm missing that my gnome-panel doesn't get started anymore in natty?16:45
seb128it's not supposed to since unity has its own bar16:45
seb128bar and launcher16:46
seb128you can pick the GNOME classic session in gdm if you want a GNOME session16:46
geserwhat will auto-login pick?16:46
seb128whatever you selected in gdmsetup16:46
seb128default is unity16:46
seb128did you desactive unity in ccsm?16:46
geserI've no compiz or unity installed (I'm using the free radeon driver)16:47
seb128you are uptodate with compiz?16:47
seb128oh, it's not installed16:48
seb128hum, I guess that's a bug then16:48
seb128not sure we considered the case where it's not installed16:48
didrockswhat unity with no compiz?16:48
seb128it does the fallbacking correctly when installed16:48
* didrocks checks the package16:48
seb128didrocks, no, he doesn't have unity or compiz16:48
didrocksoh "or"16:48
geserwould compiz or unity work without the non-free ATI driver?16:49
didrocksok, yeah, that's written that won't work for A116:49
didrocksin the TechnicalOverview16:49
seb128geser, they should16:49
didrockswill get fixed for A216:49
Sarvattgeser: as long as you don't have a HD 6xxx series it would yeah16:49
geserthen I'll try it out; I've an older HD 387016:50
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lifelesscyphermox: hi17:27
lifelessSarvatt: and hi - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/modemmanager/+bug/683996 - sometimes it finds the right port, sometimes it doesn't : I've put a log showing the different probe activity in the bug.17:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 683996 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "NO CARRIER error vodafone K3571-Z ZTE 3g modem (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:27
lifelesssometimes is clearly better than never though :)17:27
cyphermoxlifeless, thanks. I'll get to the fixes you need soon, right now I'm tackling some other issues in NM17:34
cyphermoxdefinitely something I want to commit to the packaging branch today :)17:35
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cyphermoxif it's not always working there is probably another rule somewhere that break the detection17:37
cyphermoxlifeless, ^17:37
cyphermoxthough it could be something straight in the zte / option plugin in MM code17:37
lifelessthe port != -1 assertion seems an interesting thing to poke into17:40
pittidpm: seems there wasn't actually a maverick export since a week -- https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+language-packs has the most recent export on 1124, which is in the PPA already18:00
* pitti -> off again (just a quick drive-by)18:00
dpmpitti, bummer - thanks for the heads up!, I'll talk to the Launchpad guys tomorrow18:01
dpmI'll request a full export18:03
geserdoes compiz work on a dual-screen setup (with fglrx)?18:17
dobeygeser: youtube would suggest so, but i have a hard time getting it to work right on one screen right now :(18:20
geserthat would match my expierence: I've been using the free radeon driver till now and wanted to try unity (with fglrx) but without much success; I'm back to the radeon driver for now18:30
dobeygeser: i think compiz itself is having issues atm in narwhal. at least, it is simply segfaulting on me when i try to run it now. not sure if it's compiz or the drivers, but it is pain. i'm on nvidia though18:46
cyphermoxlifeless, did you end up installing that bcm package from betavine?18:46
geserdobey: it segfaults for me too18:48
lifelesscyphermox: no18:52
lifelesscyphermox: hell no18:52
lifelesscyphermox: I just poked around at the code18:52
cyphermoxhehe ;)18:52
lifelesscyphermox: there's other stuff in rev 60818:52
cyphermoxalright, and when you added the udev rules, did you use MM_ZTE_PORT_TYPE or just MM_PORT_TYPE?18:52
lifelessI just copied their lines18:53
lifelessas I put in the bug description18:53
cyphermoxah, I misread then18:53
lifeless# K3570-Z18:53
lifelessATTRS{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1008", ENV{.MM_USBIFNUM}=="03", ENV{ID_MM_PORT_TYPE_MODEM}="1"18:53
lifelessATTRS{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1008", ENV{.MM_USBIFNUM}=="01", ENV{ID_MM_PORT_TYPE_AUX}="1"18:53
lifeless# K3571-Z18:53
lifelessATTRS{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1010", ENV{.MM_USBIFNUM}=="03", ENV{ID_MM_PORT_TYPE_MODEM}="1"18:53
lifelessATTRS{idVendor}=="19d2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1010", ENV{.MM_USBIFNUM}=="01", ENV{ID_MM_PORT_TYPE_AUX}="1"18:53
lifelessoh, I see - we have a tweaked name18:54
lifelessthat worked18:57
lifelessI've noted that in the bug description - thanks.18:58
cyphermoxlifeless, seems all good for now?18:58
lifelessyeah it didn't do all the crazy probing18:59
lifelessits still not perfect18:59
lifelessbit that may be mm in general18:59
cyphermoxok. I'll start to prepare these changes19:01
lifelessI've added a log with the _ZTE in the rules so you can see if there is anything odd remaining19:01
cyphermoxok, great19:02
kiwinotemvo: thanks for the merge - I pushed another fix a few seconds ago - it *should* work nicely, but it would be great if you could test it19:47
mvokiwinote: thanks, will do19:56
dobeygeser: hrmm, after latest updates to narwhal, compiz is back, though my settings got smashed AGAIN :-/19:57
mvokiwinote: it looks fine20:00
mvokiwinote: thanks :)20:00
kiwinotemvo: sweet, thanks :)20:00
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bcurtiswx_i have a diff error of expected [ +-] at start of line 150 of diff20:05
bcurtiswx_what should I be looking for to fix that?20:05
bcurtiswx_patch: **** malformed patch at line 150: @@ -26,6 +28,7 @@20:08
bcurtiswx_that @@ section looks like the rest of them (as far as characters being in the right places20:08
micahgbcurtiswx_: are you manually editing the diff?20:09
bcurtiswx_micahg, ^^20:11
micahgbcurtiswx_: don't do that :P20:11
micahgbcurtiswx_: check to make sure the offsets add up including what's above the patch20:12
bcurtiswx_micahg, that confuses me20:12
micahgbcurtiswx_: if you have multiple patches for the same file (not in the same file), you need to make sure the later patches are offset based on changes you make in earlier patches20:13
geserbcurtiswx_: be carefull when editing patches, especially when adding or removing lines20:14
bcurtiswx_is there a better way to go about editing them.. it's just been adding and removing lines that are or aren't there anymore so far..20:14
micahgbcurtiswx_: edit-patch20:15
micahgif it's quilt based, use the quilt tools20:15
geserbcurtiswx_: removing whole chunks is safe; if you add or remove lines don't forget to also update the numbers in the @@ line for that chunk20:16
bcurtiswx_geser, the quilt push -f shows offsets and aftee i've fixed lines i refresh the patch20:16
bcurtiswx_i am using quilt20:17
bcurtiswx_thats how seb128 has taught me so far.. lol20:17
geserthat the better way than manually editing patch files20:17
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bcurtiswx_i quilt push -f until one fails.. go in and edit (add remove lines) until its fixed.. then refresh the patch20:18
bcurtiswx_are there more tools past that , that I should be using ?20:18
hallyn_I like the screen consolidation of having the terminal menubar up top.  However, with the new unity floating desktop, that can make it hard to get up to the terminal menubar, bc if the cursor goes over say a firefox on the way to the top of the screen, you lose the menubar at top.20:22
hallyn_just curious, has that been discussed?20:22
bcurtiswx_geser, so like @@ -26,6 +28,7 @@  what do each of those stand for20:22
bcurtiswx_26 is the line number of where the patch _should_ start20:23
bcurtiswx_the ,6 i don't know20:23
bcurtiswx_column number?20:23
geserno, the chunk spans 6 lines (in the "original" file)20:25
geserand in the "patched" file the chunk starts at line 28 and covers 7 lines20:25
bcurtiswx_geser, much more understood now.. thx :)20:26
bcurtiswx_seb128, i can't install nautilus-sendto and i need it for the new empathy20:34
bcurtiswx_whats the command line call to bring up sound preferences.. the GUI isn't working20:44
cyphermoxhallyn_, do you use mouse-over focus?20:47
hallyn_hm, yes i do20:47
hallyn_(though it mostly doesn't seem to work right now - i still have to click a window befor i can click its button)20:47
cyphermoxhallyn_, that's probably why you're having issues, I don't think that has use case has been thought about so much.20:48
cyphermoxhallyn_, please, open a bug about it, I'm sure there is some way to work around that20:48
hallyn_cyphermox: against what project?20:50
cyphermoxhallyn_, I'd say unity. not too sure :/20:50
KwikkSilvahey all21:39
KwikkSilvaI managed to get the ASUS N13 Wirless N adapter working on my machine - it only works at 54g though... any ideas? I'v ebeen al through the forums21:40
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cyphermoxKwikkSilva, you should ask on #ubuntu. that said, I suspect the driver may not support N yet.21:44
KwikkSilvathats what i thought.. is there any N-capable card you could recommend?21:44
cyphermoxI don't have enough experience with N hardware to recommend any21:46
jcastrodo we have a page that outlines the GNOME SRU process?22:17
jcastroor does the generic SRU page cover it?22:17
robert_ancelljcastro, I've never found a document that explicitly says it22:21
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anderskoddentity points out in bug 336932 that you can reveal the contents of any Ubuntu user’s locked screen just by plugging in a USB memory stick.23:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 336932 in compiz (Ubuntu) "New windows cause panels to be raised above fullscreen applications (e.g. screensaver) (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 22)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33693223:57
anderskThis seems like a very serious privacy breach.23:57

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