
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
bryceh@pilot out01:37
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
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* sanchaz cya02:26
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nemobryceh: hey. you moved a bug I filed, aaaand I don't see what it had to do with the area you moved it to02:48
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brycehnemo, I move many bugs, can you be more specific?02:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 661494 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Request to limit xinit writes to .xsession-errors to some reasonable value, such as 10 megs" [Undecided,New]02:58
nemodon't see what gdm has do do w/ xinit02:58
nemoand X11/Xsession02:58
brycehnemo, done03:16
nemothat was the one that caused me to file my enhancement request?03:19
nemothat bug offered no useful suggestions03:20
nemothat's why I didn't file it so much as a bug as a request for a specific action03:20
nemoa simple one at that03:20
* nemo sighs03:20
nemonow it is another dupe and disappears below the waves03:20
nemobut, hey, at least I guess that's a tacit acknowledgement the move was wrong :-p03:21
nemobut, yeah, bit of a difference between the (repeated) reports of "Ubuntu filled up my HD" and "Ubuntu, please make the following short script change"03:22
nemoor at least seems that way to me.03:22
brycehnemo, dude chill it with the attitude03:27
brycehnemo, I just put your fix in git, but you're making me regret doing so!03:27
brycehanyway, I'm well past EOD.03:27
nemohey. didn't want it to actually be applied like that03:27
nemobut. uh. great?03:27
nemoI was concerned it was a bit too hackish, that there should be a rolling appender03:28
RAOFnemo: Yeah.03:28
RAOFDo you know of one off the top of your head?03:28
nemoerm. welll. there are the various log dæmons03:28
nemodo any of 'em take arbitrary streams?03:28
* nemo looks03:28
RAOFIdeally it should be something we already ship by default.03:31
nemohmm. I wonder how hard it would be to make a rolling appender script03:31
nemomaybe something could be hacked up w/ tee and tail03:32
* nemo fiddles03:32
RAOFWe *used* to have only the first 1,000 lines or so, and that always annoyed me because what I was after was almost always after the end.03:32
nemoyeah, that's a bit too short03:32
nemogrr. can't think of anything that doesn't involve a cronjob truncating :(03:38
nemomaybe #bash has an idea03:38
Sarvattwhat I want from it has always been in the first ~200 lines or at the very end personally, would love to not have this 30MB of nm-applet spam in the rest of it at the moment :)03:39
nemoSarvatt: piping it through uniq -c first might help03:39
nemoassuming nm-applet is being repetitive03:39
nemouniq -c does seem to help with my .xsession-errors03:40
nemo  11355 Attempted to place a tile entity where there was no entity tile!03:40
nemothe most repeated line :)03:40
* RAOF agrees with Sarvatt - first ~200 lines + the rest.03:41
nemothat *could* be done with tee03:41
nemobryceh: welll. anyway, attitude aside, what about adding uniq -c into the mix?03:42
nemoseems to help with mine03:42
nemo| uniq -c | head -c 500000003:42
nemoor whatever03:42
nemodoes unfortunately add spam for the case of single lines though...03:43
nemouniq -c .xsession-errors | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*1[[:space:]]//' | head -c 500000003:44
nemothat avoids spam03:44
RAOFIt also doesn't seem to compress the xsession-errors much.03:48
nemonemo@nemo-desktop:~$ uniq -c .xsession-errors > /tmp/foo03:48
nemonemo@nemo-desktop:~$ ls -l /tmp/foo .xsession-errors03:48
nemo-rw-r--r-- 1 nemo nemo 1716081 2010-12-01 22:48 /tmp/foo03:48
nemo-rw------- 1 nemo nemo 7358369 2010-12-01 22:39 .xsession-errors03:48
nemo(this desktop has no head -c since the session hasn't been restarted in a long time :) )03:49
RAOFWheras mine are both 3.5MB both before and after the uniq filtering.03:49
nemo1583225 with the sed in place03:49
nemoRAOF: well, harmless at least03:50
nemoapart from spawning a couple more processes03:50
nemoRAOF: bet your log has a lot of timestamped error spam...03:51
nemomine is probably filled with minecraft server junk :)03:51
RAOFNo.  It's got a lot of pairs of lines repeating :)03:51
nemowell. not the server anymore, I moved that off of X03:51
nemoshame uniq can't pick up pairs of lines03:51
RAOFI think it'll be better to leave the log unfiltered, just truncate the middle.03:53
nemoRAOF: and how do you propose doing that? :)03:53
nemoI can't think of any clever way to do it that does not involve a cronjob03:53
RAOFI dunno :)03:53
nemoanyway, slapping the uniq -c into mine.03:53
nemoif I had had that in place before... well, actually, since the stupid oracle process hadn't actually spewed any *lines* it wouldnt've helped03:54
nemobut the truncate would have03:54
nemoand clearly the uniq helps on my current desktop03:54
nemo80% reduction almost03:55
ionnemo: What does the third one result in on your system? wc -l .xsession-errors <(<.xsession-errors uniq -c) <(<.xsession-errors grep -v '^$' | uniq -c)03:58
ionnemo: Sorry, wc -c03:58
nemonemo@nemo-desktop:~$ wc -c .xsession-errors <(<.xsession-errors uniq -c) <(<.xsession-errors grep -v '^$' | uniq -c) | xargs03:59
nemo7372672 .xsession-errors 1729099 /dev/fd/63 1718082 /dev/fd/62 10819853 total03:59
nemosorry for pasting 4 lines before, btw03:59
nemohm. blank line removal!03:59
nemodidn't think of that one03:59
ionOk, not much of a difference on your system. On my system, there’s a great number of messages from Gtk applications that have extra newlines, making uniq unable to do its magic.04:00
nemoI wonder if -Ev '^[[:space:]]*'  would help04:00
nemoeh. might still be worth adding04:00
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nemoshell pipes are relatively cheap04:01
ionOTOH, i don’t have nearly as many messages in total. The uptime of this laptop is 10 days. My numbers: 316807 295644 23694104:01
ionSorry, that was with uniq, not uniq -c. 316807 342260 27066904:02
ion(Note how uniq -c actually makes it bigger here.)04:03
nemoion: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/661494 - added04:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 661494 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Request to limit xinit writes to .xsession-errors to some reasonable value, such as 10 megs (dup-of: 589275)" [Undecided,New]04:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 589275 in xorg (Ubuntu) "client application error messages fill up disk in .xsession-errors" [Low,Fix committed]04:04
nemoion: yeah, that's why I did the sed removal of the 1 spam04:04
nemoion: that way uniq is always smaller04:04
ionwc -c .xsession-errors <(<.xsession-errors uniq -c | sed -r 's/^ +1 +//') <(<.xsession-errors grep -v '^$' | uniq -c | sed -r 's/^ +1 +//'): 316910 297543 23923904:05
nemoion: the grep saved 7,121 bytes over here04:05
nemoion: I think the more tangible benefit of uniq is if a process is doing a *lot* of spamming and likely to overwhelm logs...04:06
nemothat's when uniq will show the best results04:06
RAOFBut only if it's spamming in a particular way.04:10
nemobut is harmless rest of time, apart from a bit of memoryu04:11
nemoI'm losing more memory to Xorg which locks up my X session on my ubuntu 10.10 + fglrx box every few days now04:12
nemooh. and that damn gnome power manager that keeps coming back after I kill it04:12
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pittiGood morning05:48
pittiebroder: I think that's already fixed in trunk and has the patch attached?05:48
pittismoser: hello05:48
pittismoser: sure, just upload it then; question is whether it's a regression or just an incomplete fix05:49
pittismoser: in the former case, we don't push the package to -updates and you need to upload with -v to include the previous -proposed upload05:49
pittismoser: in the latter case, just upload05:49
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didrocksgood morning07:41
dholbachgood morning!07:55
dholbachdidrocks, salut, ça va?08:00
didrocksdholbach: hello, ça va bien, et toi ? :)08:01
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dholbachdidrocks, ça va bien - beaucoup de neige ici :)08:02
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* dholbach hugs didrocks08:30
dholbachdidrocks rocks08:30
* didrocks hugs dholbach08:30
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mvosoren: I brought the packaging branch up-to-date for vmbuilder, if you have no objections I will upload trunk as a bzr snapshot to natty08:39
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sorenmvo: go ahead.09:13
pittimvo: sorry, I forget about python-defer yesterday; accepted now09:15
mvothanks pitti!09:16
mvothanks soren09:16
pittimvo: should I mail glatzor about a new aptdaemon release and the MP?09:17
pittiI didn't see him on IRC recently09:17
mvopitti: please do, I think he is busy09:17
mvopitti: but you are in the same town now ;)09:17
pittioh :)09:17
* pitti yells loudly09:17
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m4rtinhas Natty Alpha 1 been released? (interested in testing + bug reporting but unsure if I need to wait for a release or can use daily)11:44
dholbachm4rtin, no11:44
dholbachm4rtin, you'll be able to see it here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/11:45
m4rtindholbach: thank you11:46
dholbachno worries11:46
testi_I made a blueprint for a multiseat configuration tool, which i think covers more use-cases than any tool before at more ease. Where should I start discussion about this? I'm not new to Ubuntu, but the Ubuntu Community. Mailing list, Forum or IRC?11:50
dholbachcking, did you get the FTBFS mails for the last fwts upload?11:51
dholbachif not I can forward them to you11:51
testi_dholbach, are there archives of the mailing list so I can get a picture of how things are done?11:54
dholbachtesti_, it might be worth writing up the proposal, maybe in specification form (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecTemplate), but there's archives of the mailing list as well: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/11:54
dholbachcking, mailed them to you in any case11:56
ckingdholbach, no, it's new functionality that seems to have broken arm + powerpc11:57
testi_dholbach, thanks!11:57
ckingdholbach, I will fix these :-)11:57
dholbachcking, rock on!11:58
dholbachtesti_, anytime11:58
ckingdholbach,  thanks for attending to my request for fwts11:59
dholbachno worries :)11:59
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janimoslomo: hi12:55
slomojanimo: hi13:02
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__doc__I'm properly exasperated. Yesterday my 3d space navigator worked, then came a bunch of updates today, and it stopped being even listed as usb device...13:07
__doc__(I'm for now ignoring the issues that everytime there's an update for nvidia I've got to reinstall nvidia-current)13:08
__doc__I've got the issues with the 23 kernel, and I've got it with the 22 kernel13:08
__doc__can somebody tell me how I get my device back that you stole me today?13:09
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janimoslomo: do you know what may cause ghc6 to behave differently on armel causing multple ftbfs's13:19
janimoghc armel is  -funregistered that is one big difference13:20
janimoslomo: it fails to find pthread symbols at link. compilation (via gcc) works13:20
janimoI have since asked in #ghc as well13:20
janimoslomo: but you may know past histroy of the builds and whether something like this occured before on non-x86 targets13:21
sebnerdidrocks: just checked, the compiz bug of jdstrand and mine are the same13:23
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didrockssebner: can you attach to the bug report your configuration as jdstrand did?13:23
sebnerdidrocks: mine or his?13:23
sebnerbug report13:24
didrockssebner: in his bug report and mark yours as a dup, please13:24
sebnerdidrocks: tzzz, even though I have the wonderful backtrace? :P13:25
didrockssebner: can you paste your bug # here, please?13:26
didrockswill be easier to discuss :)13:26
didrockssebner: then, upstream is already pinged about the other one13:26
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didrocksso, we can keep them separated if needed13:26
sebnerdidrocks: that's mine bug #683081 and that's jdstrands bug #68368613:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683081 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Compiz segfaults on start-up" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68308113:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683686 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz segfaults with non-standard Default.ini" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68368613:27
sebnerdidrocks: ah wrong, sorry13:28
didrockssebner: well, your stacktrace is empty there :)13:28
sebnerdidrocks: bug #68329313:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683293 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompPlugin::windowInitPlugins()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68329313:30
didrockssebner: hum, the stacktrace isn't retraced either13:32
didrockssebner: can you paste the output of compiz --replace as well on the bug report?13:32
sebnerdidrocks: it's the same output as jdstrand has13:33
didrocksif it says Backend: ini -> tar ~/.config/compiz-1 and post it in the bug report13:33
didrockssebner: well… there are so many plugin config that it can be totally different13:33
didrockssebner: is the Backend : ini or gconf?13:33
didrocks(I would assume ini if you say the output is the same)13:33
slomojanimo: no idea, sorry13:35
janimoslomo: ok, thanks13:35
sebnerdidrocks: done13:40
didrockssebner: nice, thanks :)13:40
didrockssebner: now, you can remove ~/.config/compiz-1 to start it13:40
sebnerdidrocks: .yeah, it works then.. without effects .. but it works13:41
sebnerdidrocks: and still .. we have two times the same bug report more or less13:42
didrockssebner: let's see, did you diff the configuration from the tar, is it exactly the same? not sure13:49
didrockslet's keep them separated for now13:49
didrocksor help debugging them :)13:49
sebnerdidrocks: At the weekend maybe but today math is much more importent ¬_¬13:49
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didrockssebner: hehe, good luck! :)13:52
sebnerdidrocks: heh, thanks. :)13:53
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diwichmm, I have troubles getting debug symbols into a program I'm debugging; any debugging wizard here?14:12
seb128diwic, you should just explain your problem14:12
seb128not sure about debugging wizard but we probably have people who can have ideas on the issue14:13
diwicseb128, I'm debugging pulseaudio with gdb and it crashes in libjack.so14:13
diwicseb128, I've installed the debug package from ddebs.ubuntu.com14:13
seb128which ones?14:13
diwicseb128, libjack-jackd2-0-dbgsym14:14
diwicseb128, and the important rows in the backtrace points to /usr/lib/libjack.so.014:15
seb128can you pastebin the gdb log?14:16
diwicseb128, the entire log is quite big, but here's the backtrace: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/53898614:17
linuxfreakerWhen will 11.04 Natty ISO be availabe?14:17
seb128diwic, hum, seems the jack dbg are buggy14:19
diwicseb128, it might be that the library is dynamically loaded, if that matters14:19
seb128you can try to load-symbol /usr/lib/debug/...14:20
seb128symbol-file /usr/lib/debug...14:20
linuxfreakerWhen will 11.04 Natty ISO be availabe?14:20
seb128linuxfreaker, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule14:21
linuxfreakerI already went through link14:21
linuxfreakerbut dont know when it gonna release?14:21
linuxfreakerHow many hours left for announcement14:22
linuxfreakerI am eager to try out the NAtty14:22
pittilinuxfreaker: in the order of 3600 hours14:22
seb128linuxfreaker, do you ask about alpha1?14:22
ogra_actoday ;)14:23
diwicseb128, it loaded the symbol-file, but still no difference in the bt14:23
linuxfreakerThis time Ubuntu guys are little late14:23
seb128diwic, seems the dbgsym is buggy then14:23
ogra_aclinuxfreaker, depends from where you look at it, its early on the morning in portland oregon ;)14:23
linuxfreakerahh..might be.. here in India its already late night14:24
ogra_acand even earlier in ancorage alaska ;)14:25
smoserpitti, i would call it incomplete fix (responding to your message like 9 hours ago)14:26
smoserpitti, so i just upload to -proposed with a newer revision ?14:27
pittismoser: so, the cleaner method would be to apply the fix, add a new rev, and build the source with -v0.5.10-0ubuntu1.314:27
pittismoser: so that the source.changes includes the previous SRU as well (as this hasn't been released yet)14:27
smoserpitti, ok. so new version that i upload will just be 0.5.10-0ubuntu1.3 (0.5.10-0ubuntu1.4 is in -proposed now)14:29
smoserer... new version will be 0.5.10-0ubuntu1.614:29
smoserer... new version will be 0.5.10-0ubuntu1.514:29
pittismoser: no, the new version will be 1.514:29
smosertypo mania there.  sorry.14:30
pittismoser: but you need to build with above -v to include the previous two changelogs14:30
diwicseb128, ok, thanks anyway14:30
cjwatsonlinuxfreaker: we're not late.  we have never advertised what time of day the alpha would be released.  (and I think I said this yesterday)14:30
smoserpitti, thank you.14:30
pittismoser: no worries14:30
barry@pilot in14:39
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: barry
* dholbach hugs barry14:42
* barry waves back!14:43
ScottKpitti: In our testing of a HALless KDE, the only issue we've run into so far is a lack of suspend/resume options.  Is there something other than udisks/upower we need to bring in?  Does that ring any bells from the Gnome transition?14:43
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pittiScottK: upower provides these, so if that's present and running, and KDE talks to it, it sohld be working14:45
hallyn_pitti: so bug 595438 has pretty much been verified to death, do i need to add some tag, or is all set for the patch to be moved out of -proposed?14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595438 in KVM "KVM segmentation fault, using SCSI+writeback and linux 2.4 guest" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59543814:45
ScottKpitti: Thanks.14:45
pittiScottK: does upower --dump show "can-suspend:     yes"?14:45
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^14:45
* ScottK hasn't got the test system ....14:46
ScottKyofel: ^^^14:46
ScottKSo that sound like it's a KDE solid problem then.14:47
JontheEchidnaI'll assume it's some KDE/Solid integration issue14:47
pittihallyn_: "to death" seems a little exaggerated (it shold also be tested with other images, not just with one particular CD), but I marked it as verified14:47
ScottKJontheEchidna: Could you report that to b.k.o.14:47
yofelit does here too14:48
pittiJontheEchidna: does shutdown/reboot work? that should be ConsoleKit14:48
JontheEchidnapitti: yeah, that all works fine14:48
pittiJontheEchidna: ok, so it doesn't sound like a polkit issue then14:48
hallyn_pitti: thanks14:48
pittiJontheEchidna: can you run dbus-monitor --system, then try to suspend, and check what it tries to ask upower?14:49
JontheEchidnapitti: the issue is, that the buttons to do so are not showing up in the KDE menu14:49
JontheEchidnaKDE thinks it can't, most likely due to the upower Solid backend being new14:49
pittiJontheEchidna: ok, this needs source debugging then, I'm afraid14:50
JontheEchidnayes, I'm filing a bug report with KDE as we speak14:50
pittiJontheEchidna: I suppose it asks upower whether suspend is available, and thinks that it's false somehow14:50
JontheEchidnaScottK, pitti: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25840014:51
ubottuKDE bug 258400 in powermanagement "[powerdevil] suspend / hibernate not avaliable without hal in KDE 4 6beta1" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:51
JontheEchidnamore specifically, comment #5. Should be fixed in beta214:52
ScottKpitti: Could I trouble you to run the backports script for clamav for karmic, lucid, and maverick (see Bug #684212).  I'm uploading a new upstream release right after Alpha 1 is out and I'd like to get the backport done first.15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 684212 in maverick-backports "Please backport clamav 0.96.4+dfsg-1ubuntu2 from natty to all active releases" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68421215:14
pittiScottK: sure, doing15:17
SEJeff_workIn Ubuntu 10.10, is it expected that the default python, python-dev, and python2.6-dev do not ship with a python.pc file?15:17
ScottKpitti: Thanks.15:17
SEJeff_workSo pkg-config thinks python headers aren't installed when they most certainly are?15:17
ScottKdoko: ^^^15:18
pittiScottK: so, not for dapper?15:18
SEJeff_workThis is on Maverick15:18
ScottKpitti: dapper and hardy need source uploads.  I'll do those.15:18
pittiah, ok15:18
SEJeff_workpython2.7-dev has the .pc file, but not 2.6. This breaks the build of some applications15:19
dokoSEJeff_work: indeed, should be fixed15:21
SEJeff_workdoko, Do you want me to file a bug, or will you take care of it?15:22
dokoSEJeff_work, ScottK: hmm, not found upstream, so I doubt it's a good idea to backport15:22
pittiScottK: hm, it seems that running backports is currently totally busted :/15:26
pitti"Not allowed to execute commands on this server." -- ???15:26
ScottKRiddell did it for me yesterday, so breakage is recent.15:27
ScottKI can upload them if need be.  I'll look into it later if it's not sorted.15:27
pittihang on15:27
james_wpitti, connection to port 22 rather than the new one?15:27
pittiah, nevermind, got it15:28
pittiI need to set $UBUNTU_ARCHIVE_HOST15:28
pittithat's what you get from a non-regular AA :)15:28
Riddellpitti: it changes from edge to non-edge recently15:28
pittiit was the cocoplum ssh access that didn't work for me15:29
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ari-tczewdholbach: I didn't subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to xdm merge bug. It's a bryceh's bot?15:39
dholbachari-tczew, I have no idea who subscribed the team15:39
dholbachyou might want to check out the activity log15:40
ari-tczewdholbach: I did a look and it seems to bryceh activity. Looking on sponsors overview, bryceh subscribes ubuntu-sponsors even if debdiff is not correct. I'd like to start discuss about this case.15:43
dholbachari-tczew, you better talk to him about him - I have no idea why he might have wanted to subscribe the sponsors team15:43
pittiScottK: (all done, BTW)15:47
ScottKpitti: Thanks.15:47
cjwatsonari-tczew: I fixed merges.ubuntu.com the other day, BTW15:49
ari-tczewcjwatson: I noticed, thanks :)15:52
dholbachdidrocks, do you know if a bug for the grub thing (nvidia, etc.) was filed?15:55
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didrocksdholbach: I didn't have the time to do proper debug, so I'm not sure15:56
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barrymvo: hi. in order to build a source package for update-manager, it runs the tests, but the tests appear to be dependent on an external proxy being set up manually first.  i think i've seen this before but i can't remember how to set up that proxy.  w/o this test_url_downloadable fails.  any hints?16:00
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barrymvo: heh, i remember now how i dealt with this before.  i disabled the pre-build line in .bzr-builddeb/default.conf ;)16:03
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barrymvo: bug 633036 is ready for upload imo16:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633036 in Ubuntu Translations "Escaping of UTF characters in a translatable string needs fixing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63303616:15
dnivrahello. I am trying to compile apt from source and i get the error "checking for curl_easy_init in -lcurl... no configure: error: failed: I need CURL due https support". But I do have curl installed-checked it using "dpkg -s curl". so what is missing piece?16:32
cjwatsonsudo apt-get build-dep apt16:32
cjwatsonyou're missing the development libraries.  that command will install them.16:33
cjwatson(and, in general, will install all the build-dependencies of apt.)16:33
dnivradoes this work with any package i want to build-specifying the option build-dep?16:33
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dnivraI did run the command "sudo apt-get build-dep apt" and I get this error "Err http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/main libldap2-dev amd64 2.4.23-0ubuntu3.3  404  Not Found". So, where can I find the package?16:37
cjwatsonsudo apt-get update16:38
cjwatsonand repeat16:38
cjwatsonyes, it works with any package16:38
dnivracjwatson, thank you.16:38
cjwatsonfor further questions like this, #ubuntu would be better16:38
dnivracjwatson, oh! okay. well I was actually going to work on a few apt bugs so that is why I ended up here. will keep this in mind.16:39
cjwatsonok, fair enough16:39
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testi_Hmm, i'm not notified myself if i post to the mailing list?16:47
nemoSo, over years of ubuntu use, Evolution has been repeatedly frustrating.  Sucking up huge amounts of memory, locking up, completely failing at MAPI (both old and new exchange servers), disconnecting silently, corrupting accounts...16:54
nemoThe last straw for me was losing all access to IMAP over the last week because Evolution had gotten confused enough internally that it was sure that davmail (which I had not changed), was sending message contents as IMAP commands.16:55
nemoRepeated resets of davmail did nothing, neither did updating it.  So, gave up, switched to Thunderbird, and now life is awesome16:56
nemoMail works great, never disconnects, uses little memory, has those nice little notifications, pretty interface...16:56
SpamapScjwatson: I'm about to dive into a little project the server team is working on regarding preseed fetching over HTTP. Before I head into the code, can you see any barriers to adding a header to the HTTP request that fetches a preseed file containing the default route if's MAC address?16:56
nemoAnd I can even point it at a thunderbird profile on a windows share for shared mail.16:56
nemoSo. Yeah.  I think Thunderbird makes for a better default Ubuntu mail client, based on my personal experience :)16:56
SpamapSlast time I used Thunderbird it was pretty janky. That was maybe 5 years ago though.16:57
cjwatsonSpamapS: somebody else on your team already asked me that :)16:57
cjwatsonand I said sure, file a bug on preseed16:57
SpamapScjwatson: OH haha.. we're coming at you from all angles. :)16:57
SpamapScjwatson: well thanks, and we'll mind the echo. ;)16:58
cjwatsonI'm unlikely to have time to do it and would prefer it if you guys did.  Please run it past debian-boot at lists.debian.org though, as this is effectively a new piece of interface.16:58
barrynemo, SpamapS: claws-mail ftw16:58
SpamapSbarry: I'm not all that unhappy with evolution. My only gripe is that in threaded mode, it sorts by the first message date, instead of the latest, so you end up missing new emails to old threads.16:59
nemobarry: hm. might check it out, anyway, thunderbird is behaving well for me.17:00
nemobarry: after years of fail, is such a relief to have e-mail that just works17:00
nemooh. didn't finish my list of Evolution fail :)17:00
barryi gave up on evolution after 1.4, when they added all that non-email related crap :)17:00
nemojunk mail that reappeared in inbox, failure to refresh folders, unable to *open* inbox by clicking on the inbox icon - was like my directory tree couldn't expand...17:00
nemoduplicate inbox and junk mail and sent folders appearing in tree :)17:01
barrybut i'm also a firm believer in using whatever works for you!17:01
didrocks? did you try imapx/imap+?17:01
nemoI went so far as to wipe every evolution setting I could find, created a new profile, reimported all my old e-mail17:01
nemostill blew up17:01
nemodidrocks: yep17:01
nemodidrocks: imap,imap+,mapi,webdav (while we were on old server)  none of 'em were reliable :)17:02
didrocksnemo: working fine here, with huge email account and on a netbook17:02
didrocksbut well… not the place to troll :)17:02
* barry -> lunch17:02
nemodidrocks: eh. just saying, Evolution seems flakey, and always has been for me, wasn't meaning to troll, just suggest maybe it should be given up on :-p17:03
hyperairoh evolution is flaky alright =p17:03
nemodidrocks: could be due to massive amounts of e-mail, and gigantic address books and, oh, perhaps exchange server flakiness.17:03
hyperairlinux lacks a good mail client that doesn't eat up a crapload of memory17:03
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hyperair*and* doesn't hang on bad networks17:03
nemohyperair: thunderbird seems to be satisfying both criteria for me17:04
nemomemory usage is like 10% of what evolution's was, and isn't crapping out17:04
hyperairit's wonderful that most developers have such wonderful internet connections that evolution never hangs for them, but for people with crap networks.. well..17:04
nemoand had that very clever autodetect feature17:04
SpamapSnemo: the real issue is IMAP interoperability.. which Thunderbird has always done better, I assume because it has a more diverse ecosystem to support.17:04
hyperairnemo: i like thunderbird. i use it. but back when i had only 2G of RAM in my notebook, i could only choose to open one: firefox, or thunderbird.17:04
SpamapSI admit, I miss OS X's mail app17:04
hyperairnemo: only one or the other. opening both would send the machine into swapping hell17:05
SpamapSsuper simple17:05
SpamapScrazy fast17:05
hyperairclaws is awesome, but it hangs on network17:05
hyperairor rather, it doesn't hang, but more like gets paralyzed17:05
hyperairit'll just show that stupid progress bar for ages and ages17:05
SpamapShyperair: meaning, if the network goes away, it fails?17:05
hyperairSpamapS: no, if network was a nice switch that went from on to off without bouncing, it'd be awesome.17:06
hyperairSpamapS: but the networks i'm on blink on and off and have fluctuating latencies. by a very high margin17:06
SpamapShyperair: ahh, evo seems to handle that alright17:06
hyperairtwo years ago it didn't17:06
hyperairi had a very bad experience with that17:06
hyperairmy panel would hang until i killed evolution17:07
hyperairsee, the clock wants to access evolution-data-server17:07
hyperairbut evolution likes polling the servers on startup17:07
hyperairand when the servers don't reply, it will hang for ever and ever >_>17:07
nemohyperair: hm. odd. I use seamonkey on my P133 with 96MiB of memory17:08
hyperairyeah, so i decided i had enough of that stress and went to thunderbird.17:08
nemohyperair: no problem with both email and web open - admittedly, not *large* amounts of e-mail - maybe a few thousand messages17:08
hyperairnemo: try getting a gmail inbox that's 45% full.17:08
nemohyperair: anyway, they've clearly made a lot of progress in the past few years on the memory front17:08
hyperairnemo: who, thunderbird, or evo?17:09
hyperairnemo: i haven't used evo seriously for 2 years.17:09
hyperairnemo: on the other hand, i use thunderbird on a daily basis17:09
hyperairbecause nothing else works as well17:09
nemoThunderbird has17:10
nemoevolution. ick17:10
nemolike I said, I struggled with it way too much17:10
nemoincluding hanging out in #evolution and applying bleeding edge developer patches17:10
nemomaintaining my own local sources for mapi :)17:10
nemoI just hope ubuntu noobs aren't experiencing the same thing is all :)17:11
* ssj6akshat raises his hand17:11
linuxfreakerIs Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha 1 announced yet?17:16
linuxfreakerAny update about Alpha 117:17
cjwatsonno, and please don't ask17:18
cjwatsonthe announcement will be posted to the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list - you can subscribe to that17:18
nemohey guys, user in #ubuntu has odd request, he wants to see what the default value for for the key /apps/nautilus/desktop-metadata/directory/nautilus-icon-view-keep-aligned is in ubuntu, online.  Is there a world viewable ubuntu repo online somewhere?17:20
nemoeh. n/m. he's just running into a weird bug I think17:23
nemoand approaching it in an odd way :)17:23
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apwcjwatson, has natty grub changed to turn off the screen or similar ?17:52
cjwatsonno, but I reinstated the gfxpayload change17:52
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cjwatsonor rather ebroder did and I merged it17:52
cjwatsonif you have a problem ... congratulations!  you get to debug it. :-)17:53
mterrymvo, ping?  can you join #ubuntu-app-devel for a sec?17:58
apwcjwatson, ahh18:02
mterrymvo, nm18:02
ebrodercjwatson: By the way, did we figure out who's going to maintain the blacklist/whitelist? We should probably start collecting information for the whitelist around now18:02
cjwatsonebroder: not really, I think it was going to default to me18:04
apwcjwatson, remind me how i turn that off again, so i can confirm if this is the isue18:04
cjwatsonapw: GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text in /etc/default/grub; sudo update-gurb18:04
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apwcjwatson, thanks ... testing now18:06
apwcjwatson, ok confirmed, my intel box herre is foobard by that being on18:17
cjwatsonapw: right.  you're perfectly placed to sort out kernel issues, then18:42
apwcjwatson, heh thanks i love you too18:43
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barrySpamapS: \o/19:08
SpamapSbarry: M-C-A19:14
mvohey barry - thanks for your update-manager branch - I will merge it today, but the upload will have to wait for after a119:15
barrymvo: ack, but i'm just the patch pilot today (wasn't my branch :)19:29
mvobarry: aha, happy piloting then :)19:30
mvoI need to pay gaborkelemen a beer for all his i18n fixes19:30
mvoor multiple ones19:30
smoserpitti, i just uploaded the 0.5.10-0ubuntu1.5 of cloud-init, so acceptance into -proposed would be nice19:49
apwcjwatson, what package contains the install welcome text ... the slidable panels while doing an install19:54
cjwatsonapw: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu.  (if you mean the way it says 10.10, that's filed)19:54
ogra_acapw, ubiquity-slideshow19:55
ogra_acah, -ubuntu indeed :)19:55
apwcjwatson, ok :)19:55
hallyn_hm, so i did an apt-get update in a lucid schroot, then an sbuild of multipath-tools.  it bails on a sysvinit dependency.19:56
hallyn_adding lucid-updates to sources.conf and retrying, but i wouldn't think a system without lucid-updates should break?19:57
hallyn_hm, fails the same way anyway19:57
hallyn_maybe i'd best create a fresh schroot19:57
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barrySpamapS: is https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/maverick/rrdtool/maverick-libdbi-soname-change/+merge/35607 still relevant?20:05
SpamapSbarry: Its on hold until 0.8.4 arrives20:07
barrySpamapS: k20:12
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barry@patch out22:19
udevbotError: "patch" is not a valid command.22:19
barry@pilot out22:19
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Natty Alpha 1 released! | Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
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