
Ddorda‎good morning05:51
YoBoYgood morning06:28
YoBoYhey Ddorda :) how are you ?06:29
Ddorda‎YoBoY: all good, sorry i disappeared last night, had to go...06:41
YoBoYno problem, i was going to to disappear to sleep also ;)06:42
Ddorda‎YoBoY: you helped a lot, i'll check out if it is possible to us to use paypal too. i hope we do.06:42
Ddorda‎YoBoY: oh, so i guess i had good timing06:42
YoBoYyes :)06:42
cjohnstonoh hush07:37
dholbachgood morning!07:55
cjohnstonmornin dholbach 07:58
dholbachheya cjohnston07:58
=== elky is now known as melissa
cjohnstonhow goes?08:06
dholbachgood good - how are you?08:08
cjohnstonehh.. its 0300.. I can't sleep :-/  and im at work08:08
czajkowskievil snow 08:12
leoquantSwiftly the blizzard stretched a frozen arm08:13
leoquantFrom out the hollow night-08:13
leoquantStripping the world of all her scarlet pomp,08:13
leoquantAnd muffling her in white.08:14
=== melissa is now known as elky
cjohnstondholbach: I'm about to drop kick loco-directory09:51
dholbachgo outside, walk around the block, start breathing again, take it easy, relax09:52
cjohnstonI'm in over my head but its too late to get out09:55
cjohnstonI think the migration i created isnt working right09:56
cjohnstondholbach, if you get some time, could you take a look at what I have and see if maybe you can figure it out?10:05
dholbachsure, push the branch and I'll check it out10:07
cjohnstondholbach: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/+junk/meeting-feature   I have it in my junk for now..10:08
cjohnstonthe error im getting is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538932/10:09
cjohnstonits highly possible that im doing it all wrong which is why im doing it in junk for now10:09
dholbachcjohnston, go back to where you were first (remove meetings/migrations/) and do:10:16
dholbach./manage.py schemamigration --initial meetings meetings_initial10:16
dholbachyou have a database in a broken state right now10:16
dholbachoh no10:16
dholbachhang on10:16
dholbachwe're stuck with django 0.610:16
dholbachjust a sec10:17
cjohnstoni think thats what i did10:17
cjohnstonthis is the exact line I ran: ./manage.py startmigration meetings add_meetings --initial10:17
dholbachhang on, I was using south 0.710:17
cjohnstonim using 6.210:17
dholbach6.2 what?10:18
dholbachthat version does not exist :)10:18
dholbachah ok10:18
cjohnstonstupid 0.. lol10:18
YoBoYwhat appens with the users ? Oo', 233 openiduser now, and i can't find two of my team contacts.10:19
cjohnstonwe are waiting on django_open_auth to be fixed10:20
YoBoYok, i'll wait ^^"10:21
cjohnstonnothin we can do.. the merge has been requested.. waiting on review and merg10:21
dholbachcjohnston, " ./manage.py startmigration meetings add_meetings --initial" with the old south does not work for me10:28
dholbachit gives me "django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: App with label meetings could not be found"10:28
cjohnstonI didn't get an error when I ran the command.. hmm10:29
cjohnstonany idea what to do to fix?10:32
dholbachI've run into this before, let me see what I can do10:33
czajkowskicjohnston: go to bed 10:39
dholbachcjohnston, sorry, I'm of no help - no idea what's going on here10:43
dholbachcjohnston, you might have to wait for mhall119, or maybe Daviey knows something10:43
Davieycjohnston: fixed in 0.710:45
Davieycjohnston: http://south.aeracode.org/ticket/33810:46
dholbachDaviey, we don't have that on cranberry10:46
Davieydholbach: worthy of an SRU? :)10:47
dholbachDaviey, I would have to ask a server team member about that10:47
cjohnstonI didn't get that error when I did my startmigration, which is odd..10:48
* Daviey looks left, looks right10:48
* cjohnston spies a server team member10:48
* cjohnston points at Daviey 10:48
Davieygah, why aren't all people using deb src 3 yet :/10:50
Davieycjohnston: hmm11:00
Davieyare you sure it didn't work? :)11:00
Davieycjohnston: need a full traceback i think11:02
cjohnstonDaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/538946/11:04
cjohnstonthats what I get when I run it11:04
Davieywhat about django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured11:06
Davieycjohnston: ^^11:07
cjohnstonwhere is that?11:08
Daviey<dholbach> +it gives me "django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: App with label meetings could not be found"11:09
cjohnstonI dont see that11:10
cjohnstondholbach: does11:10
dholbachcan you try to be a bit more clear? :)11:10
dholbachah, yes - I see that problem in a lucid chroot11:11
cjohnstonme be more clear?11:12
* cjohnston is confused..11:12
dholbachwhen you said "dholbach: does", I thought you'd say "does" to me11:12
dholbachwhich didn't make sense11:12
dholbachno worries :)11:13
cjohnstonI've been up for 24 hours now.. :-/11:14
cjohnstonDaviey: so since I'm not having that error, but a different error, any idea on what I can do to fix the problem I'm having?11:20
czajkowskicjohnston: besides sleep11:22
cjohnstonthat too.. i gotta wait till I get off work tho11:22
Davieycjohnston: i'll have to investigate, but yours looked liked it worked :/11:26
Davieyjust a warning11:26
dholbachbut his doesn't work as the resulting database doesn't have the tables11:26
Davieyi see11:26
Davieycjohnston: can you push your broken branch somewhere?11:27
dholbachDaviey, ^11:27
Davieygreat... i'll poke later :)11:27
Davieythanks dholbach 11:27
dholbachde nada11:27
cjohnstonthanks Daviey dholbach 11:28
* cjohnston is off.. bbl11:34
mhall119cjohnston: startmigration worked for me on your branch12:40
mhall119using old south12:40
cjohnstonmhall119: same here.. but I get a DB error.. did you get the db error?13:19
mhall119haven't run it yet13:27
cjohnstonwhen you get a chance, that'd be great13:28
mhall119yup, I get an error13:29
cjohnstonsame one as mine? no teams_teammeeting_teams or something like that13:29
mhall119no, different13:29
mhall119pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError: table "meetings_basemeeting" already exists13:30
mhall119which is wierd, it should be using sqlite13:30
cjohnstonI guess I'm messing something up good.. lol13:30
mhall119nope, my fault13:32
mhall119I had old tables in my database13:32
mhall119after deleting them, the migration went fine13:33
cjohnstonwhat about when you go /teams/$team/meetings13:33
mhall119dangit, chromium keeps segfalting on me13:38
mhall119there I get a template error13:39
mhall119Caught OperationalError while rendering: no such table: meetings_teammeeting_teams13:39
cjohnstonthats the issue im having13:39
cjohnstonthat i need help with13:40
mhall119looks like south isn't creating your manytomany tables13:42
cjohnstonThat's what I Was thinking, cause it is doing it for the events_teamevent_teams13:42
cjohnstonbut im beyond what I know how to do :-/13:42
mhall119okay, I dropped the tables, deleted the entries in south-migrationhistory, and re-ran the startmigration --initial command, and it made the correct tables13:46
cjohnstonok.. ill try that in a bit13:47
cjohnstonmhall119:  how do I delete the entries in south-migrationhistory15:03
cjohnstonmhall119: even on a brand new branch pull and new setup, new db it still didnt work.15:22
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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