
cdbsDid you people get a mail from Belinda?10:36
cdbsI didn't10:36
cassidyjamescdbs, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/01/%23ubuntu-manual.html10:42
cdbsbut it didn't come on the list...10:44
cdbsand I didn't get it10:44
cassidyjamesLooks like it was direct to ChrisWoollard.10:44
cassidyjamesAnd maybe others.10:44
thorwilgodbyk: you got that mail from dinda?10:49
dakerthorwil, cdbs it's about the ubuntu dev manual not the desktop manual10:52
thorwilah, ok10:53
dakerthorwil, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-developer-manual/msg00047.html10:53
nisshhdaker, why is it sad?11:06
nisshhdaker, do you think its bad because a canonical employee is being paid to work on the dev manual?11:12
dakernisshh, no ツ11:13
nisshhdaker, so why is it sad? (sorry, i just dont understand why you said that)11:13
dakeri have this feeling ツ11:14
dakerjust because the project is going from worse to worst11:15
nisshhdaker, dont be like that, the project will not die :)11:15
dakeri hope11:15
nisshhwe have the people working on it who dont want it to die ;)11:15
dakerhaving people to work on something doesn't mean this thing will be done ツ11:19
nisshhdaker, true, but i think we will get things going well again soon :)11:19
dakerok i'll trust you11:20
nisshhdaker, dont put your trust in me, put it in the whole manual team :)11:20
hanniegodbyk, ping15:15
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hannieGodbyk, ping17:06
hannieHi Chris17:18
hannieDo you know if Kevin is on holiday?17:18
nisshhhannie, he isnt, i was talking to him yesterday17:18
ChrisWoollardHe was around yesterday.17:19
hannieok, then he is just too busy to answer my emais17:19
ChrisWoollardI think yesterday he got home from work at approx 23:15 UTC17:20
hannieThat is crazy17:20
hannieI will just have to be patient17:20
ChrisWoollardbut he is about 5/6 hours behind17:20
hannie7 to be precise17:20
hannieI wanted to know of the Dutch pdf is about to be published17:21
ChrisWoollardI haven't heard anything about how fare he has got with that.17:22
ChrisWoollardIf i see him later, I'll remind him to mail you.17:22
hannieThank you, Chris17:23
hannieI do not want to put any pressure on him17:23
hannieDo we have a new leader?17:23
nisshhhannie, its ok, godbyk loves it :)17:24
nisshhhannie, i think c7p was taking charge at one point, im no sure now ;)17:24
ChrisWoollardI am note sure about a leader17:24
hannieHe certainly stirred up things17:25
hannieI hope the project will continue17:25
ChrisWoollardthanks nisshh17:25
ChrisWoollardI know i don't want it to die.17:26
hannieSee you, guys17:26
ChrisWoollardtot ziens17:26
ChrisWoollardnisshh, I will do my best to go to that meeting tomorrow.17:27
nisshhChrisWoollard, sure, but dont stress out if you miss it, its not super duper important tha everyone comes :)17:28
ChrisWoollardi know.17:28
ChrisWoollardbut it does help to know what is going on17:28
ChrisWoollardThat is also why I said I will try my best, rather than saying I will come or i promise to come :)17:29
nisshhyeah, fair enough17:30
ChrisWoollardanyway. back later. I have to go to one of my childrens parents evening.17:30
nisshhok, cya17:31
ChrisWoollardevening all18:36
nisshhdinda, feel free to ping me if you have any more questions, im just watching a movie here18:44
dindanisshh: thanks, just going through the style guide right now18:56
ChrisWoollarddinda: Are you going to have tomorrows meeting here?19:01
dindaChrisWoollard: #quickly  most likely19:02
ChrisWoollardThanks. I assume there will me an e-mail to confirm.19:06
godbyk[Time to catch up..]19:12
godbykthorwil: Yeah, I got the email from dinda.19:12
godbykLooks like hannie's offline now, but I haven't done anything with the Dutch manual yet.19:12
godbykHey, dinda. If you're referring to the style guide mentioned in the topic for this channel, it consists primarily of techie stuff at the moment.19:13
godbykI wrote it to get folks up to speed on the formatting commands we're using for the Ubuntu manual.19:13
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: Can you mail Hannie and tell him you haven't done anything yet.19:15
godbykChrisWoollard: Re: The ubuntu-manual.org site: I'm currently hosting it. But the new version that daker has written requires Django and I'm having a tough time getting it running on my host.19:15
godbykChrisWoollard: Yep, I'll get in touch with hannie.19:15
ChrisWoollardSo should we be looking for another host for it then?19:15
godbykAt one point I think dutchie offered to host the Django site. I'm not sure if that offer's still on the table or not.19:16
godbykI offered to continue to host the static files (PDFs, images, etc.) since I have ostensibly unlimited bandwidth.19:16
godbykI may also create a separate user account on my host and give Django another shot there.  But that won't happen until this weekend at least.19:17
ChrisWoollardWhat kind of bandwidth do we use?19:17
ChrisWoollardAnd how big is the site?19:17
godbykMy hosting provider gives me essentially unlimited bandwidth and disk space (under certain conditions, of course), but they like to kill processor-intensive processes, so I don't know how well a Django site would fare.19:18
godbykLet me look.19:18
ChrisWoollardI guess we should check with dutchie.19:18
ChrisWoollardabout django bit19:18
ChrisWoollardbut it doesn't hurt to have the numbers, just in case19:19
dindagodbyk:  do you know if ubuntu still includes the 2007 Tex version?  do I still need to 2009 manually?19:20
ChrisWoollard10.10 has 200919:20
godbykfiles.ubuntu-manual.org (which hosts the PDFs of the manuals) used 84,336 MB of bandwidth during the month of November 2010.19:20
godbykThe current ubuntu-manual.org site itself used 5269 MB during the same period.19:20
godbykdinda: Ubuntu 10.10 does have TeX Live 2009, but it's missing a few LaTeX packages (and has some outdated versions of others).19:21
godbykYou're welcome to give it a try (I haven't in quite a while, so I don't know if it's up to par or not).  But I've found it's easier to just install TeX Live from upstream.19:22
dindagodbyk: I'm assuming (hoping) that for writing, formatting, etc followed the regular documentation team style guide?19:22
godbyk(For what it's worth, upstream is up to TeX Live 2010 now. They released it a couple months ago.)19:23
godbykdinda: I don't know that anyone's followed any particular style guide with regard to language use, etc.19:23
ChrisWoollardi think for the developer manual they got it working with texlive from the package tree.19:23
godbykdinda: I've been meaning to incorporate a lot of that into our style guide but haven't had the time.19:24
godbykThe GNOME documentation team has a great style guide as well.19:24
godbyk(I've found it to be more helpful than the Ubuntu doc team's style guide, frankly.)19:24
godbykChrisWoollard: Did they? Great!19:24
ChrisWoollardI think they striped out some of manuals additional bits19:25
ChrisWoollardthere is a script in the branch to install all what is needed19:25
godbykChrisWoollard: As I recall, the primary issues were that required a newer version of XeTeX so that polyglossia would work properly (for translations), and that the ccicons package was missing (which just provided the Creative Commons icons used on the copyright page).19:25
ChrisWoollardi know they removed the refs to ccicons19:26
godbykAh, I see that now.19:26
ChrisWoollardI am not sure what was gone with polyglossia19:27
godbykI think polyglossia required a newer version of XeTeX.  I'm sure the TL2009 packages have that.19:28
ChrisWoollardI haven't tested there install script. I am using texlive 201019:28
ChrisWoollardI did update it the other day to include the currect fonts19:29
godbykWriting the English version is easy. It's the translations that add a lot of the complexity. :)19:32
ChrisWoollarddinda: Is there any plan to do international versions of the dev manual?19:34
dindaChrisWoollard: all the work is CC-by-SA so anyone can do that bit if they like.  .19:35
dindabut it can't be a blocker to get the first edition out19:35
dindaChrisWoollard: do you recommend the 2010 version?19:38
cassidyjamesHey everyone, I updated the article on Muktware from yesterday to better clarify things. Sorry for the mis-interpretation! And thanks for pointing it out, popey. :)19:42
godbykdinda: If you do decide to install TL2010 from upstream, be sure to go into the options menu and enable the creation of symbolic links (symlinks) during installation.19:43
dindagodbyk: I think I'm going to start with the 2009 version and see if it works for what I need19:45
dindagodbyk: are you still working on updating the manual style guide?19:46
godbykdinda: Sounds like a plan.  Please let me know if you encounter any problems using the stock 2009 packages.19:47
godbykdinda: I haven't for quite a while, but it really does need to be updated considerably.19:47
godbykThe style guide grew out of a 'how to use LaTeX' tutorial for our authors.19:47
godbykBut it should really encompass usage, spelling, a discussion of common grammatical errors, etc., too.19:48
godbykEspecially with regard to the words used in describing parts of the Ubuntu/GNOME desktop.19:48
dindagodbyk: other than the bits about How 2 for authors - why not just reference the GNOME SG?19:48
nisshhgodbyk, there are specific things to do with the dev manual too, (programming terminology, etc)19:49
nisshhjenkins, hey dude, why are you using the freenode web interface?19:50
godbykdinda: I will probably do that. I need to review the Ubuntu docs and GNOME style guides to see if there's anything we disagree on, but they're otherwise great sources.19:50
ChrisWoollardnisshh: there is nothing wrong with 2009, it works for everything we need.19:51
jenkinshey all, nisshh my laptop is still broken :(19:52
ChrisWoollardit is just that instuctions on the ubuntu-manual site now download 2010 instead of 200919:52
nisshhChrisWoollard, i was talking about the style guide, not tex live :)19:52
nisshhjenkins, ah ok19:52
nisshhjenkins, need to talk to you about your dev manual chapters sometime too19:52
ChrisWoollardsorry, it think dinda asked that question.19:52
nisshhChrisWoollard, hehe19:53
dindaChrisWoollard: yip, twas me, thanks19:53
jenkinsyea nisshh I don't have an ubuntu box at the moment this is my work laptop19:53
nisshhjenkins, yeah, thats fine, whenever your all sorted out, im just letting you know19:53
jenkinsIt may be a while, depends on what i decide to get.19:55
nisshhjenkins, ok, if you dont think you will be able to get a draft of all your chapters done in the next month or two, please let me know so i can get others to work on them :)19:57
jenkinsI don't think i will a am afraid19:57
jenkinsthe only other scout leader has left and that is taking up loads of my time19:58
dindanisshh: which version of English was the manual written to?20:00
godbykdinda: I know that the Ubuntu manual and the Ubuntu docs are written in US English.20:03
godbykdinda: Not sure about the dev guide, though.20:03
dindagodbyk: that's good enough for me;  US English is fine20:05
godbykdinda: In the Ubuntu manual project, I think that, as an American, I'm outnumbered, though.20:06
godbyk(Yay, commas!)20:07
dindagodbyk: yeah, I'm so used to writing UK English that I have to remember to reset my dictionaries to US English all the time (I'm from Texas)20:08
godbykFor some reason Empathy is stuck on UK English.20:09
godbykIts spell-checker has a host of other issues, too, though.20:09
godbykBut it still causes me to question my sanity upon occasion.20:09
ChrisWoollardI love UK English.20:12
ChrisWoollardI may be slightly biased20:12
godbykChrisWoollard: It has its charm. ;-)20:14
ChrisWoollardI am sure it has some annoyances also20:14
ChrisWoollardgodbyk: my nice new Latex book should arrive tomorrow20:15
ChrisWoollardas per your suggestion20:15
godbykChrisWoollard: Ah, cool.  That'll keep you busy for a while!20:15
ChrisWoollardmore than likely20:19
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dutchiethe offer of hosting is still on the table, but university is leaving me with no time to sort it22:48
dutchieterm finishes this saturday though22:48

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