
stilia-johny_ in synaptic we can see a screenshot of package! how can i add a screenshot IN my source???00:11
stilia-johny_ and when i upload it on ppa and go to synaptic search my app view the screenshot!00:11
stilia-johny_* stilia-johny_ ?00:11
* stilia-johny_ ?00:11
* stilia-johny_ any?00:17
RAOFstilia-johny_: IIUC those screenshots come from screenshot.debian.org00:21
ulyssesstilia-johny_: AFAIK those screenshots come from Debian, see http://screenshots.debian.net/00:21
stilia-johny_and how can i add my screenshot for my app?00:23
stilia-johny_and how can i add my application there??00:24
* stilia-johny_ ?00:27
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cdbsbdrung: I was just added to pkg-miltimedia06:01
cdbsI know what to do from now onwards. Thanks!06:02
cdbsbdrung: BTW, what packages come under 'audacious packages'? I think only audacious and audacious-plugins06:10
fabrice_spmicahg, fyi, I commented on dolphin-emu package06:12
fabrice_sp(in REVU)06:12
micahgfabrice_sp: cool, thanks06:14
fabrice_spyw ;-) I was going to have a look at packaging it myself, so better have a look at an existing one :-)06:15
* micahg needs to become an Admin on REVU06:16
* fabrice_sp is just a reviewer :-)06:16
micahgfabrice_sp: I thought you didn't need .install and .dirs if there was only one binary package06:24
fabrice_spmicahg, in this case, he is doing cp in the rules file06:28
fabrice_spand also a mkdir, so better to use dirs and .install files IMHO06:29
micahgfabrice_sp: and just add debian/tmp/*?06:30
fabrice_spif that would have been the case, you would have been right, but xpm in the not installed by upstream and manually copied06:31
micahgfabrice_sp: why not just patch the upstream code to install it?06:31
fabrice_spless intrusive?06:32
fabrice_spit's also a posiblity06:32
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fabrice_spanyway, desktop file is not upstream06:32
fabrice_spso it has to be installed manually06:32
micahgfabrice_sp: well, depending on how many lines you need to add to .install, it might be easier, also, there's no dh helper for .desktop files?06:33
fabrice_spnot anymore06:33
fabrice_spdh_desktop got deprecated some versions ago06:33
fabrice_spanyway, you're free to comment and disagree with me in REVU :-)06:34
micahgfabrice_sp: not at all, just trying to learn :)06:34
* micahg hasn't made anything from scratch yet06:35
fabrice_spyou already know a lot! :-)06:35
fabrice_spohh: it's harder than you think06:35
fabrice_spespcially if copyright is crazy06:35
fabrice_sp(here, it seems to be a nightmare, with a lot of 'external' software)06:36
micahgfabrice_sp: doesn't external software have to be packaged separately?06:39
fabrice_spand in this case, a lot is already in Ubuntu06:43
fabrice_spso my guess is that it will take time to have dolphin in Ubuntu06:43
fabrice_sp(package required software and then desactivate the bulding of those modules in Dolphin)06:43
cdbsHello there fabrice_sp !06:44
cdbsfabrice_sp: I am bilal akhtar06:45
fabrice_spfor a moment, I thought you would argue about me recommending dh7 in revu :-)06:45
fabrice_spyou will have a lot of false highlights!06:46
cdbsno, I myself prefer dh706:46
cdbsfabrice_sp: I know, many of the in #ubuntu-devel when someone asks : Do you use cdbs for package foo?06:46
cdbsI had the hilight installed since before I changed my nick, just for a test06:47
fabrice_spbreakfast time :-)06:49
dholbachgood morning!07:55
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cdbsbdrung: came back?08:53
bdrungnow i am here09:35
tumbleweedbdrung: landed pbuilder-dist changes, I'm happy with them.09:43
bdrungtumbleweed: great, i will look at it tonight09:52
shadeslayerhow do you deal with old packages with new names?10:04
shadeslayerdo you retain the changelog ? ...10:04
* shadeslayer looks at Debian Wiki10:05
sorenshadeslayer: That's what I'd do, yes.10:14
gesershadeslayer: the renamed packages that I looked at till now kept the changelog entries for the old source package name (it's also part of the history of this package and it makes it easier to see when a source package got renamed)10:15
shadeslayergeser: so 1) make a dummy package for natty with all the history , 2) keep previous history for new package10:16
shadeslayerdebian wiki doesnt say anything about changelog histories tho...10:16
gesershadeslayer: why dummy package?10:17
geserwhat exactly do you want to rename?10:17
shadeslayerbecause debian wiki says i need to create a dummy package to transition from the old on10:18
geserah, that's for transitioning binary package renames10:18
shadeslayerKubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts -> kubuntu-web-shortcuts10:18
shadeslayerso i just replace and conflict the old package?10:18
geseryes, I'm not sure if Breaks is needed too, not up-to-date on this part of policy10:20
gesershadeslayer: for renaming the source package: just replace all occurances of the old name with the new name and add a new changelog entry for the new source package name too the existing debian/changelog (perhaps also mentioning the rename in the changelog entry)10:21
shadeslayerok :)10:23
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kklimonda1dholbach: hmm, what's wrong with gtkmm?12:02
kklimonda1dholbach: the update is to 2.22.0 and not to 2.20.312:03
dholbachkklimonda1, oops12:03
dholbachkklimonda1, I'll have a look at it when I'm back from lunch12:03
kklimonda1sure, no problem12:03
dholbachkklimonda1, can you mark it as 'needs review' again?12:03
kklimonda1dholbach: just so you know it won't build right now - I've requested this mege for Sebastien to keep track of it because he has to sponsor atkmm1.6 upload first.12:04
kklimonda1dholbach: will do12:04
dholbachif seb didn't get to it before I do, I'll have a look at atkmm too12:04
dholbachto repent for my sin of rejecting your merge proposal12:05
dholbachsee you later :)12:05
KNROHello, quick question: can you build Lucid packages using pbuilder while I'm using Maverick?12:13
popeyKNRO: yes12:13
KNROpopey: pbuilder will figure this out itself from the changefile or I have to manually rebuild the base package?12:14
popeyhmm, I do pbuilder-dist and specify the release12:14
popeypbuilder-dist lucid create12:15
popeypbuilder-dist lucid build foo.dsc12:15
KNROdon't have pbuilder-dist , can I use pbuilder --distrbution lucid instead?12:18
KNROok downloading now ubuntu-dev-tools12:18
popeysorry, I'm not a motu, just a pretender12:19
directhexKNRO: pbuilder-dist makes it easy... i basically emulate pbuilder-dist using environment variables12:37
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dholbachkklimonda1, do you have a url for the atkmm one?13:39
kklimonda1dholbach: bug 67281713:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 672817 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] atkmm1.6" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67281713:45
kklimonda1dholbach: there is a revu bug in the link13:46
kklimonda1dholbach: there is still one bug in atkmm packaging -- I was sick for few days and haven't uploaded the right package to revu apparently.. I though I did.13:47
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dholbachkklimonda, but you're better again now?14:29
dholbachkklimonda, my only hesitation about atkmm packaging would be the new debhelper version - if you don't use it for a specific reason (I didn't find out), I'd probably use a lower version, so you can still do backports14:29
kklimondadholbach: well, I'm well enough to use computer :)14:30
kklimondadholbach: downgrade it to 7 then?14:30
dholbachthat's at least something :)14:30
dholbachif you don't need debhelper8 for something specific I think that'd be reasonable14:31
kklimondano, I don't think I use anything specific to 814:32
dholbachkklimonda, gtkmm misses a build-depends on libatkmm-1.6-dev14:38
dholbachand gtkmm ftbfs14:39
kklimondadholbach: it doesn't miss a dependency.. no wait, it does.. wth?14:39
kklimondai have it right here..14:40
dholbachkklimonda, BUILD-depends14:40
dholbachI just commented on the merge proposal14:40
kklimondadholbach: yes, I see.. but it's here.. I have two branches - one for packaging only and another for the whole package :/14:40
dholbachhang on14:42
dholbachsearch for 'libatkmm-1.6-dev'14:42
dholbachkklimonda, ^14:42
kklimondadholbach: yes, I can see it14:42
dholbacham I blind?14:43
dholbachI still can't see it there14:43
kklimondadholbach: no, I see it in my local branch :)14:43
kklimondaand I can see that it's missing from the branch that I pushed14:43
dholbachif I could see it in your local branch you'd have a problem :)14:43
* dholbach hugs kklimonda14:43
dholbachand gtkmm ftbfs for me, I added the log snippet to the merge proposal14:44
kklimondayes, I can see that.. that's weird14:45
dholbachmaybe seb128 has an idea?14:46
kklimondaI'll ask him and see if I can make it fail here. I did build it, you know? ;)14:48
kklimondaI did it a week ago, maybe something changed in natty since then?14:49
dholbachkklimonda, I believe you - don't worry :)14:50
dholbachyeah, things are pretty much in flux right now14:50
kklimondaI don't really worry, I'm just a bit surprised :)14:52
kklimondadholbach: hmm, it doesn't fail in my pbuilder..15:00
kklimondadholbach: I login into pbuilder chroot, install all build-deps, atkmm debs and run debuild15:00
kklimondaI've pushed it to PPA and see if I can reproduce failure there15:01
dholbachkklimonda, thanks!15:02
jetienneofftopic: when upgrading from one release to the next, this is downloading in 5min here. but then i got 2h of disk+cpu before it is completed. can someone explain to me how come this is so long ?15:16
directhexprobably more of apt's fsync() stuff slowing it down15:26
jetiennei was thinking that all is install in sequence... this is likely quite suboptimal too15:31
AJenboHi, i made a ppa, and build a package on my local machine, but after uploading about a week ago the package still dosn't appear in my ppa16:14
AJenboWhat might i be doing wrong?16:14
ari-tczewAJenbo: did you receive a confirmation e-mail?16:16
AJenbodput ppa:ajenbo/id-game-ports ../ioquake3_1.36_i386.changes16:16
AJenboari-tczew, no16:16
AJenboit uploades the compressed source and changes, but after that nothing happens16:17
ari-tczewAJenbo: you should receive an e-mail about accept or reject16:17
ari-tczewAJenbo: did you try to upload again?16:17
AJenboyes, i also uploaeded from my 64bit machine16:18
AJenboIf i try again i get16:19
AJenboPackage has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net16:19
AJenboNothing more to do for ../ioquake_1.36_i386.changes16:19
ari-tczewAJenbo: delete file *upload16:22
SpamapSAJenbo: is the GPG key you used to sign the package attached to your launchpad account?16:26
SpamapSAJenbo: also you can only upload source packages16:26
SpamapSAJenbo: you should have gotten a rejection email telling you that16:26
AJenboSpamapS, isn't what i have a source package?16:30
AJenboit contains all the source code16:30
ari-tczewAJenbo: you should receive a confirmation email. please go on #launchpad and ask there.16:31
AJenboI did not get any mails from the system16:31
AJenboari-tczew, ok thanks16:31
jetienneif i kill metacity, is it relaunch automatically ?16:31
jetiennearg bad channel sorry16:32
SpamapSAJenbo: that also included the binary package though16:54
SpamapSAJenbo: use 'debuild -S' to produce a source-only changes file16:54
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AJenboSpamapS, thanks17:05
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bdrungtumbleweed: around?22:06
bdrungtumbleweed: i searched for remaining bugs for pbuilder-dist and found bug #37122122:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371221 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[pbuilder-dist] Use packages from ~/pbuilder/dist_result to satisfy deps" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37122122:18

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