
ojwbanyone from catalyst - which level is the "boardroom" on?00:13
ibeardsleeLevel 600:22
ibeardsleewith reception00:22
ojwbibeardslee: thanks00:30
ojwbthat'll cut down the amount of ventilation duct I need to crawl through00:30
ibeardsleeojwb: ?01:04
* ojwb holds up his "joke" sign01:05
ibeardsleeoh .. right01:10
* ibeardslee is still working in slightly slow mode after the ZooDoo last night01:11
ajmitchibeardslee: you obviously need it to be friday afternoon01:11
ibeardsleeajmitch: it sort of is, I have tomorrow off to head up to Auckland to shoot people01:11
ajmitchmore paintball fun?01:12
ajmitchwant to swap?01:12
ibeardsleeajmitch: depends .. what do you have to swap with?01:13
ajmitcha fun-filled afternoon in an office?01:13
ibeardsleeoh ... /me could have been interested if to was lying a yacht, attended by several scantily clad women serving cocktails and caviar01:14
ajmitchlying on a yacht in dunedin? it'd have to be a rather hot day for that to happen01:15
ibeardsleeyeah hmm ummm not a very convincing reason to swap ;)01:17
ajmitchit was worth a try01:20
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