
elkyKB1JWQ, kindly kline your co-staffer kthx :P00:16
KB1JWQelky: They're building a new boardwalk by his house, unfortunately.00:17
KB1JWQ-!- niko [~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by pier00:17
* rww groans00:17
elkyrww, you take the head, i'll get the legs.00:17
* elky and rww throw KB1JWQ in to the Bad Jokes pile.00:18
elkywho is totem?01:13
* rww tries to remember the person who named themself after random applications01:15
elky4chan invented words now?01:16
elkyrww, asus guy? that was after hardware01:16
IdleOnethat is the caliber of users they have01:17
IdleOnethey invent words01:17
elkythey did not invent the word "fag".01:18
IdleOneelky: I forgot to </sarcasm>01:18
elkyor invent the usage of adding it to another word to make it a pejorative.01:18
ubottuIn #ubuntu+1, charlie-tca said: !no, final is If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Natty Narwhal and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Natty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.04:22
charlie-tcaDid I get it right? Need to change maverick to natty in !final04:23
rwwit should be !no, final is <reply> If..., but apart from that it looks fine :)04:24
nhandlercharlie-tca: I think it would still be best to have it as the latest stable release (which is a variable). People can still upgrade to maverick (but natty final isn't out yet)04:24
charlie-tcabut maverick doesn't have alpha/beta/rc anymore. Natty alpha1 is out tomorrow, thus the questions of whether or not it has to be reinstalled04:28
IdleOnecharlie-tca: if the user has to ask about how to upgrade to Alpha 1, maybe they shouldn't be running it04:29
rww. !final's generally used in #ubuntu to answer "I've been running pre-release versions of $newlyreleasedversion, do I need to reinstall?04:29
rwwthough i guess it works for alphas/betas/etc. too, except for the factoid's name04:30
IdleOneI am a firm believer that if you are not prepared to have a system that does not boot and if you don't keep a stable release cd on your desk. You should not be running +104:30
charlie-tcathat too, IdleOne04:32
charlie-tcaThis is why I only suggest factoid changes. I am happy with whatever it says in the end04:33
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.06:54
jussiHrm, is that really supposed to be $curStable ?06:56
jussi!forget ff3506:56
ubottuI'll forget that, jussi06:56
jussi!forget firefox-3.506:57
rwwjussi: in !final? yes, because we use it just after release06:57
rww... and that's why you check you put four exempts on a line before pressing enter *facepalm*07:13
rwwDid I change anything in #ubuntu other than +f that ChanServ didn't undo?07:16
cdbsrww: no07:17
jussirww: fail :P  but looks like all is ok now :)07:26
jussicdbs: it'd be nice if you just kept one recognisable nick...07:26
rwwIn case anyone was wondering, if you put too /few/ on a line, it just shows you the list of current exempts.07:26
rwwjussi: I like this one better, so hush ;P07:26
cdbsjussi: this would be my permanent one :)07:27
jussias long as he stays with it I dont care :D07:27
cdbsI know switching nicks is a tough job07:27
cdbsbut I also knew the downside of nick bilalakhtar07:27
cdbsAlmost everyone typo-ed it07:27
cdbsSome typed it bilalakthar, some bilalahktar07:28
cdbsOnly those who used tab completion typed it correctly07:28
rwwyou had the distinction of being in the short list of people I refer to as their first few letters, followed by <tab>07:28
jussirww: like cz<tab> ? :D07:29
rwwexactly :D07:29
jussi(there were people actually calling her that at UDS brussels :P )07:29
rwwAnyways, I think I fixed the floodbots banning MrUnagi. For future reference of everyone, the 'unblock' command in -ops-monitor takes a hostname as an argument (e.g. fnord-123-456-789-101-dialup.aol.com) instead of something like *!*@somehostname07:30
rwwalso, if y'all want -proxy-user banforwards removing after N days, let me know and I'll deal with them when I get bored and clean up exempts ;P07:32
cdbsWhen I remotely attended UDS sessions and put a point ot the room, ted was like: Okay, I don't have any idea how to pronounce your nick (laughs from the audience) its B I L.. Okay, so ............"07:33
cdbsjussi: and you are talking about czajkowski?07:34
* jussi didnt think we were using proxy-users anymore 07:36
rwwcztab is pronouncible, too. It has the slight disadvantage that I don't think she likes it >.>07:36
jussiI just say Laura :P07:36
rwwjussi: people on open proxies get banforwarded there, presumably for the "there are better ways to be anonymous!" speech07:36
cdbsjussi: you attend UDS? see me at the next one :)07:37
jussirww: ahh, thats right, we changed the webchat but not the other stuf07:37
jussicdbs: lets see if I go.07:37
* jussi has been to the last 307:37
cdbsEven orlando?07:37
rwwI might go to the next USA one. depends on where it is and whether I'm doing anything Ubuntuy at the time :|07:37
cdbsHow d'you know it will be in the US?07:38
jussicdbs: they alternate EU and usa07:38
jussicdbs: I was there07:38
cdbsWhy not outside EU and US?07:38
jussicdbs: the next USA one will be in orlando07:38
cdbsthe orlando one is over :)07:39
jussino, I mean it07:39
jussithey have booked it again07:39
rwwthat good, huh?07:39
jussianyway, lets head to -offtopic for this discussion07:39
jussirww: it was the ideal venue07:39
elkyOh that's awesome.07:44
jussielky: ?07:45
elkythe orlando thing07:45
jussielky: you didnt know?07:45
elkyi've been mostly off grid the past week07:45
jussiahh, they told us at UDS07:45
* elky is in the eastern-most state ;)07:46
elkyjussi, i didn't hear it, no07:46
jussibut it was a good venue :)07:46
rwwelky: I failed to parse that use of "awesome" for sarcasm or lack of sarcasm >.>07:46
elkyi knew they were thrilled, and it was a great venue, but i didn't know they'd gone as far as booking07:46
jussiyeah, I had to guess a bit there07:46
elkyanyway, i need to clear the office before someone sets the alarms07:46
elkynobody's given me a swipe card o.O07:47
rwwI find that it's funner to do it after. Time trial!07:47
jussielky: Ive a leftover one from orlando you can have :D07:48
jussiits funny, I seem to have a collection of swipe cards from different hotels07:49
Flanneljussi: Extras come in handy when you need to use one to turn lights on in your hotel room! (I have no idea if they even do this anymore)07:51
rwwor clone credit cards07:51
rwwi mean... yes. lights.07:51
jussiFlannel: any creditcard sized card does that07:51
Flanneljussi: Right, but old door key are nice, and meaningless if you lose07:51
jussiyeah, true07:52
Flannel(and by lose, I mean forget in the room)07:52
FlannelI don't like putting my room key for *that* room in there, because then I walk outside..... and... am locked out!07:52
jussiFlannel: ++07:52
Flannelit's safer to keep on my person at all times07:52
Flannelpocket... door... pocket07:52
rwwI got into the habit of keeping them in my wallet. Now that I have an actual door key (that you put in a lock and turn), I still keep it in my wallet.07:54
Flannelrww: They have wallets with key rings in them, maybe I'll get you one for christmas.07:55
=== elky is now known as melissa
melissaoh stupid xchat08:03
=== melissa is now known as elky
macoquieted fastocr in #ubuntu for talking about bestiality...sent coc & guidelines factoids...and got a PM attempting to send me a factoid about male anatomy in response... so now he gets a ban09:57
Myrttiikonia: he's been asking questions basically how to make a respin of his own for a good hour now, he seems not to read any responses he gets09:58
ikoniasoon put a stop to it09:58
Myrttiso much for that10:06
=== cdbs is now known as bilalakhtar
=== bilalakhtar is now known as cdbs
cdbsJust to make a comment I had to change my nick10:30
cdbsjussi: I cannot login to Ubottu with this nick, though its registered to the same account10:30
ts2cdbs: I've added *!*@ubuntu/member/bilalakhtar to your user, the bot should recognise you without @login as long as you have your cloak11:02
cdbsts2: oh good11:02
cdbsin any case I am not going to let that cloak go11:03
cdbsso this is a good idea11:03
jpdsHmm, so I used cdbs to package my latest package.11:21
* Myrtti raises eyebrows at abusado11:32
jpdsMyrtti: Abused in Spanish.11:35
Myrttijpds: his ident doesn't lower my suspicions11:35
MyrttiI may just smack someone soon14:06
PiciMyrtti: so soon?14:06
PiciHow does this look?14:08
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »14:08
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (Backtrackin)14:21
MyrttiI've ran out of alphabet blocks, crayons and modelling clay14:27
Myrttijijojohn :-<14:27
Myrttibets taken in on will he ask how to join that channel14:29
blockcoldsorry for behavior in ubuntu cahnnle14:57
blockcoldikonia: banned me there for trolling14:57
blockcoldi accept my apology plz unbanned me in ubuntu :)14:58
LjLuhm, even if you're unbanned, i don't think you can join ubuntu from bshellz14:58
blockcoldok but plz forgotmy trolling there14:58
blockcoldi never do trolling agian :)14:59
Piciblockcold: We have been through this so many times that I've lost count.14:59
blockcoldPici: sorry i don't come there but at least i have apology15:00
charlie-tcaThis probably reflects also:15:00
charlie-tca* blockcold (blockcold@gateway/shell/bshellz.net/x-syztvnybarwkkbjw) has joined #xubuntu15:00
charlie-tca<blockcold> bazhang: :P15:00
charlie-tca* blockcold (blockcold@gateway/shell/bshellz.net/x-syztvnybarwkkbjw) has left #xubuntu15:00
Picicharlie-tca: thank you.15:00
blockcoldplz i never do troll agian but at least give the pass to ubuntu channles15:01
blockcoldatleat i can see ppls problem and the remedy by ubuntu experts15:01
blockcoldgive me last chace SIR15:01
blockcoldcharlie-tca: ok i was there :)15:02
blockcoldguys plz :)15:02
Piciblockcold: You've already been given multiple chances.  And you've messed up every single time.  And this little bit of annoyingness in #xubuntu tells me that you haven't changed.15:02
blockcoldi don't write any word at there but plz i want to see the questions :)15:03
Piciblockcold: You can read our logs then.15:03
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:03
blockcold:( ok but i can come here in ubuntu butnot chat there ?15:03
Piciblockcold: 'here' as in #ubuntu-ops ?15:04
blockcoldlove u guys give me one chance15:04
blockcoldnope ubuntu only and ubuntu-in15:04
blockcoldplzzz pici15:04
Piciblockcold: You've already gotten your chances.15:04
blockcoldpici pice plz i never write a single word there but i want to see ppls problems :)15:05
Piciblockcold: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ There you go.15:05
blockcoldok bye :P15:07
blockcoldbut i am not going i come here with another identity15:07
LjLban evading is against freenode policy15:07
LjLi recommend you do not do that15:07
blockcoldheheheh change ip then no body know me15:07
* LjL shrugs15:08
blockcoldshould i leave ?15:08
popeychances of getting unbanned diminishing towards zero now.15:08
LjLyes if you have nothing else to ask please leave here15:08
blockcoldPici: plz unbanned me15:08
blockcoldi don't want to that :(15:08
Myrttimay I?15:09
LjLblockcold, Pici has clearly made up his mind15:09
LjLit's no use insisting more15:09
blockcoldPici: sorry :)15:09
blockcoldsorry guys:)15:09
blockcoldok i nevercome there15:09
Pici@mark blockcold15:10
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:10
LjLPici: is it right that bshellz is banned? and without a forward to -proxy-users at that15:10
LjLPici: they actually seem to have identd running15:10
PiciLjL: Its something that we're working on identifying the best way to deal with them.15:10
PiciAlso, that was jungli, who has had more chances than I'd care to mention.15:11
LjLanyway i think the ban should really be to -proxy-users in the meanwhile, why puzzle people who try to join?15:12
PiciAnd regarding letting him sit there muted, I don't really want him harrasing our users.15:12
* Myrtti raises an eyebrow at router_mapper 15:47
ubottuAlanBell called the ops in #ubuntu-women ()15:52
Myrttioh gosh, I've forgotten how to search stuff from the bantracker15:52
Myrttiso much for the promises16:56
ikoniakeep an eye out for
ikoniathat's jungli's current uncloaked ip17:10
guest101010what if i got banned on a efnet channel?17:31
ts2what about it?17:32
ikoniasorry, thats not something we can help with17:32
Myrttithen you'd discuss the ban with the relevant operators of the channel you were banned in17:32
guest101010they don't reply ofcourse17:33
guest101010the ban was really unfair17:33
ikoniasorry, but it's not something we can deal with17:33
ts2in any case, we can't help with that17:33
guest101010no, i see17:33
guest101010thanks anyway17:34
Myrttiguest101010: anything else we can help you with?17:37
guest101010bye :p17:38

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