
skaet_Riddell, are you going to create a https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades/Kubuntu page for alpha1?00:12
skaet_Riddell, ScottK - can you confirm that http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/natty/alpha-1/ (Kubuntu)  is where the Kubuntu images will be going tomorrow.00:15
* cjwatson remembers to disable daily CD builds, in the nick of time00:16
cjwatsonskaet_: early milestones don't go to releases00:16
cjwatsonskaet_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/natty/alpha-1/00:16
skaet_cjwatson thanks.00:16
skaet_will edit.00:16
skaet_cjwatson, my connection started acting up, and I lost part of the last hour of IRC traffic, do we have the packaged fix from desktop team?  (ie,  have the builds started?)00:19
cjwatsonthe publisher's done00:19
cjwatsonskaet_: it'd be good if you could do the CD builds though - getting kind of late heere00:20
cjwatsonI think the sequence we want is:00:20
cjwatsonbuildlive ubuntu daily-live && for-project ubuntu cron.daily-live00:20
cjwatsonfor-project ubuntu cron.daily00:20
cjwatsonbuildlive ubuntu-dvd dvd && for-project ubuntu cron.dvd00:20
cjwatsonbuildlive edubuntu-dvd dvd && for-project edubuntu cron.dvd00:20
cjwatsonand possibly, if so probably before the DVDs:00:21
cjwatsonbuildlive ubuntu-netbook daily-preinstalled && for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.daily-preinstalled00:21
skaet_understand its late, and appreciate you're staying up so far.00:22
skaet_let me get started with the first step, and then if environment's good,  I'll work through them.00:23
cjwatsonBTW, the desktop fix: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/3.2.2-0ubuntu200:23
skaet_was going to ask about that... ;)00:24
cjwatsonI'm doing a source DVD build as well, but that shouldn't interfere, can work in parallel00:24
cjwatsonI think you should assume that ubuntu-netbook preinstalled needs to be rebuilt unless you hear otherwise from #ubuntu-testing, since it does contain unity00:25
skaet_cjwatson screen session resumed from oct, ok. ubuntu daily-live started...  can you check looks ok from your point?00:31
cjwatsonit's running the right commands thus far00:33
cjwatsonnot sure that says very much, but anyway :)00:33
skaet_will bug some of the other release team members if it looks like its going in the weeds...  sleep well.00:35
skaet_ubuntu desktop i386 and amd64 are available on the iso tracker now (20101202)02:09
skaet_ubuntu alternates for i386 and amd64 are availabe on iso tracker now (20101202)02:57
skaet_ubuntu netbook preinstalled omap4 is available on the iso tracker (20101202)04:30
pittiGood morning05:50
skaet_good morning pitti06:06
skaet_ubuntu dvd for i386 and amd64 have just been posted to iso tracker.06:06
skaet_edubuntu is now building.06:07
skaet_not sure if highvoltage will want to move up to it or not though.06:07
skaet_haven't seen any bugs flagged against his 20101130 runs, but ... could be impacted by the bug fixed this afternoon.  not sure.06:08
skaet_pitti,  could you keep an eye on the builds on animony, and when the edubuntu finishes, see if highvoltage want's it uploaded to iso tracker or not?06:10
skaet_antimony even...06:10
* skaet_ is feeling like its time to zzzz...06:11
pittiskaet_: sure, will do06:13
pittiskaet_: I guess we can post it either way, and then choose to release it or not06:13
skaet_thanks pitti!06:13
pittihighvoltage: ^ does that work for you?06:13
pittihighvoltage, skaet_: ah, since the current edubuntu DVDs are fully tested already, perhaps I sholdn't post them without highvoltage's exlicit ack06:58
pittiskaet_, highvoltage: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dvd/20101202/ is ready; do you want this as a1 candidate, or the already tested 1130 one?08:11
apwskaet_, when doing iso testing which desktop option are we meant to be testing09:56
apw(as there are now two, and depending on h/w you get a different one)09:56
ograskaet_, so armel is blocked by bug 68368310:12
ubot4`Launchpad bug 683683 in klibc (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "run-init on omap3, omap4 in natty dies with "run-init: Unknown error 17718852" (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 26)" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68368310:12
ogra(its not klibc but busybox)10:12
cjwatsonogra: why busybox?  run-init's in klibc11:31
cjwatsonoh, right, reading the bug now ...11:32
cjwatsonogra: any way I can try this under emulation?11:32
Riddellbug 684059 seems a bit of a showstopper for kubuntu, am investigating11:49
ubot4`Launchpad bug 684059 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Live Session/Installer: NameError: global name 'QWidget' is not defined in /usr/lib/ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/PartAuto.py (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68405911:49
cjwatsonRiddell: should be http://paste.ubuntu.com/538959/, right?12:18
Riddellcjwatson: yes that's right12:31
Riddellnot sure how it managed to work before12:31
RiddellCD installs fine apart from that issue12:31
Riddellcjwatson: can we do an ubiquity upload then?12:31
cjwatsonplease go ahead12:49
ogracjwatson, no idea why busybox, but replacing busybox-initramfs makes it work, i doubt you can try that in emulation easily since its in initramfs13:09
* ogra just did a build without -marm (though that shouldnt do anything) and under the maverick toolchain13:10
ogralets see if i can get it booting13:10
ogracjwatson, fyi the above boots13:24
* ogra has to find out if its -marm or the natty toolchain getting in our way here13:24
ograwill do another rebuild now13:24
cjwatsonwe only use -marm because you said something else broke beforehand :)13:25
ogra_acyes, that was thumb2 back in lucid and maverick13:26
ogra_aci guess we can drop it today13:26
ogra_acbut i really doubt it is the issue13:26
ogra_aci bet on the toolchain13:26
rsalvetiogra_ac: to drop it you should at least test the reboot -f, that didn't work without marm13:29
rsalvetiI think we should be fine with it, but would be good to test the same bug as before13:29
ogra_acfirst of all i want run.init to work though13:30
rsalvetiit's probably a combination with the new toolchain13:30
ogra_acworst case jasper can pull reboot from the system in and not use the busybox one13:30
rsalvetisure, if it makes the image usable, go for it13:31
ogra_acwell, i dont count on A1 anymore anyway13:32
cjwatsonyou could compare assembly of run-init13:32
ogra_aci didnt see assembly in it13:33
rsalvetiwould be good to build the new busybox with the older toolchain13:33
rsalvetito make sure it's related with it13:33
ogra_acthats what i did above13:34
ogra_acmaverick toolchain and dropped -marm13:34
ogra_acnow i'm doing the same with the natty toolchain13:34
rsalvetioh, ok, I thought you just dropped -marm13:34
ogra_acand we'll see if its -marm only13:34
ogra_acwhich i doubt13:34
cjwatsonogra: I mean generated assembly from the compiler13:38
cjwatsonalthough, you said that run-init didn't change, so I guess it's not that13:38
ogra_acklibc is the same as mavericks (not even rebuilt) as well as eglibc13:39
ogra_acand downgrading to mavericks busybox-initramfs makes everything work fine13:39
cjwatsonsomething to do with how it's executing subprocesses?13:41
ogra_acrun-init only calls execve() afaik13:42
ogra_acand it seems to fail in that13:42
cjwatsonor not subprocesses in this case, I hope we do 'exec run-init'13:42
cjwatsondo you have anything resembling a traceback or anything like that?13:43
ogra_acnote really and its really hard to get it from the point where run-init runs since the calling pid needs to be 113:43
ogra_aci think NCommander managed to get an strace by hacking up /init13:44
ogra_acbut he seeem to not have attached it to the bug (and isnt up yet)13:44
ograGRRRR !14:07
ograso it *IS* -marm14:07
ograboots fine when built with natty toolchain and -marm dropped14:08
cjwatsongo ahead and upload it with the -marm dropped, then14:11
cjwatsonah yes :)14:11
cjwatsonare you going to shoot for revalidating this in time for an alpha 1 release?14:11
ograwhen is ETA for A1 ?14:11
ograthen just skip it, i think i saw an oem-config crash too when testing (but didnt pay much attention to that one since i was only validating initrd)14:12
cjwatsonRiddell: I assume you want a Kubuntu desktop rebuild as soon as this publisher run has finished?14:12
ograso its inlikely it will survive14:12
cjwatsonogra: OK, presumably might as well do a test run to catch as much as possible now?14:12
ograyes, but i'm not tied to release A1 if this one doesnt work14:13
ograi know there were some ubiquity fixes (skaet said so) and i was testing yesterdays image14:14
ograso it might well be fixed already14:14
Riddellcjwatson: yes please (assuming ubiquity is in it)14:17
highvoltagepitti: the already tested 1130 one, please14:17
pittihighvoltage: ok, thanks14:17
pittiskaet_: ^ FYI14:18
* highvoltage needs to get up earlier on alpha days :)14:18
highvoltageskaet_: I added Edubuntu to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview - ideally I would've liked to be more terse, but pretty much all I added there is important14:24
cjwatsonRiddell: it is, except for armel14:26
Riddellarmel is our for alpha 1 for kubuntu for sure14:27
cjwatsonso can't build the preinstalled ones yet, but I assume that those suffer from the same issue as ogra's14:27
ogra_acheh, yeah14:27
cjwatsonoh yes of course, KDE is hosed there14:27
cjwatsonsorry, should have known that14:27
ogra_acno QT, no KDE14:27
ogra_acnah, its enough if Riddell and i know ;)14:27
cjwatsonRiddell: rebuilding now14:35
cjwatsonogra: will you take care / have you taken care of letting management know that alpha-1 is toast on arm?14:40
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
ogra_accjwatson, i will, if skaet_ is up, david is aware that we likely wont make it14:47
* skaet_ waves, with cup of coffee in hand.14:48
ogra_acdont wave with a cup if there is coffee in it !!!!14:48
* skaet_ ...I've spared the keyboard this time 14:48
pittihey skaet_, good morning14:53
skaet_good afternon, pitti :)14:53
skaet_pitti,   thanks for taking care of the Edubuntu last night.  :)15:17
skaet_highvoltage,  ack - we'll release with the 20101130 ones.15:17
pittiskaet_: well, I didn't really do anything :)15:17
skaet_pitti,  it was sorted out when I woke up - that is something!!  :)15:18
dokoskaet_: if you do the release announcement, would it be possible that to add that the archive will become a bit uninstallable after the alpha for a day or two, because we update the python default to 2.7?15:49
skaet_doko,  ack.   seems reasonable to add a warning.  (and good to get the python default change debugged)   might be a good idea to wait a day or two, rather than tackling it immediately on friday, since others are still trying to get their images into basic working condition.   We can talk about at release meeting tomorrow?15:51
cjwatsonare there any images that expect to release late, rather than just slipping to alpha-2?15:52
dokohmm, ok, although I'd like to use the buildds on the weekend, so friday night would be good ...15:52
skaet_cjwatson, just thinking it might be nice to get a workable arm image available, before everything breaks again.15:53
cjwatsonheh, somebody beat me to posting kubuntu desktop15:53
cjwatson(got distracted)15:54
cjwatsonwell, we can try to build one now with the fixed busybox15:54
cjwatsonbut ogra expected other things to be broken15:54
skaet_doko, if everyone agrees tomorrow - I'm cool with using the weekend build reseources.15:54
* cjwatson runs buildlive ubuntu-netbook daily-preinstalled && for-project ubuntu-netbook cron.daily-preinstalled15:54
rsalvetibut the good thing is that the arm image will at least boot now15:54
ogra_acwell, we could test at least15:55
ogra_accjwatson, skaet_ ^^^15:55
skaet_ogra_ac,  ack.15:55
cjwatsonyou should have a build in, er, however long it takes15:55
ogra_acbut i saw an error popping up with the old oem-config/ubiquity which i didnt pay attention to (due to being busy with initrd issues)15:55
ogra_acbut the image was a day old15:56
cjwatsondon't suppose anyone has a traceback?15:56
ogra_aci can check if there is a log on the SD, gimme a sec15:57
jibelskaet_, bug 684059 is a showstopper for kubuntu, any chance to fix it today ?16:06
ogra_accjwatson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/539026/16:06
ubot4`Launchpad bug 684059 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Live Session/Installer: NameError: global name 'QWidget' is not defined in /usr/lib/ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/PartAuto.py (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68405916:06
jibelRiddell, ^ ?16:06
Riddelljibel: it's fixed16:06
cjwatsonjibel: 2010120216:08
jibelcjwatson, Riddell, ok thanks.16:09
* cjwatson wonders why Riddell's upload didn't close the bug16:09
cjwatsonRiddell: ... you know, it's nice if you upload the same thing as is in bzr. :-)16:10
cjwatsonarchive logs say:16:10
cjwatson2010-12-02 13:10:35 DEBUG     * Automatic update of included source packages: partman-auto16:10
cjwatson2010-12-02 13:10:35 DEBUG       93ubuntu2.16:10
cjwatsonbzr says:16:10
cjwatson  * ubiquity/frontend/kde_components/PartAuto.py fix namespace on QWidget16:10
cjwatson    LP: #68405916:10
cjwatsonthe upload has the fix, it's just the changelog that's wrong16:11
* cjwatson closes the bug by hand16:11
* ogra_ac wonders what /var/lib/ubiquity/apt-install-direct is16:12
cjwatsonI'm fixing that bug16:14
cjwatsonnotice that it fails trying to *create* that file - ergo the directory doesn't exist16:14
cjwatsonfixed in bzr.  want me to upload?16:15
ogra_acand i was grepping myself to death :)16:15
cjwatsonI don't know if that's the only thing16:15
ogra_acwell, at least iots one down16:15
cjwatsonperhaps if you try applying that fix by hand?16:15
cjwatsonr4446 in ubiquity16:15
* ogra_ac checks16:16
ogra_acgrrr, need to bzr upgrade first16:16
ogra_acsigh ... slooow16:20
ogra_acah, finlly16:26
pittigood night everyone16:37
skaet_good night pitti.16:39
cjwatsonsigh, arm build failed because ubiquity wasn't in sync16:39
* cjwatson restarts :-/16:40
ograyeah, just noticed that too16:40
ogratest install running btw16:40
ogracjwatson, happily looking at a 2D netbook screen here, seems the fix is good to upload16:56
cjwatsonok, good, will do16:57
ograbeyond that natty seems to run really great16:58
lamontI wonder if ppc will catch up before alpha117:21
ogra_acwe could try building it on arm ;)17:21
ogra_acseems to be faster17:22
lamontubiquity was what crabapple was building when it died17:22
rsalvetiogra_ac: cjwatson: I can also confirm that the arm image worked fine after porting the busybox and ubiquity fixes18:01
rsalvetirunning normal desktop now18:01
ogra_acah, good to know18:02
marjo_ogra_ac: are you testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/486518:29
ogra_acmarjo_, wont work without manually applying a ubiquity fix18:30
marjo_ogra_ac: ack18:30
ogra_acthe build before was tested, fixes for both bugs we identified were uploaded18:31
marjo_ogra_ac: ack18:31
ogra_acgiven that we dont want to hold up A1 by re-rolling and re-testing another image we will skip A1 beyond what was tested and fixed18:32
marjo_ogra_ac: makes sense at this time18:32
ogra_acwe know that the dailies will work from now on, thats enough as a stop gap18:33
ogra_acGrueMaster, do you plan to test the above image ?18:34
ogra_ac(with the manual ubiquity fix)18:35
GrueMasterDoes this image have the busybox fix?18:36
ogra_acyes, buut not the ubiquity one18:38
GrueMasterok, pulling now.  I had thought it was built before the busybox fix was uploaded (based on earlier discussions on the other channel).18:39
GrueMasterOtherwise I would have tested it already.18:39
ogra_aclet me check, but i think its the new one18:41
Riddellskaet_, cjwatson: I'm off out for the evening, kubuntu images look good to release, I don't think we'll have any kubuntu release page done for alpha 118:41
ogra_acGrueMaster, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-preinstalled/20101202.1/ should have the fixed busybox18:41
skaet_Riddell, ok, I'll remove the refs from techoverview for the alpha1 for now.18:42
GrueMasterOk.  The test on iso.qa points to 2010120218:42
GrueMasterand I just finished pulling it down.18:42
ogra_acyeah, just seeing that18:42
GrueMasterWill restart zsync...again.18:43
ogra_acwell, zsync to the new one should be fast18:43
ogra_aconly a few byte have changed18:43
DavieyCan the A1 image of Mythbuntu be canned... there is unlikely to be any testing, and the non platform delta with Maverick is none.19:01
cjwatsonDaviey: yes, superm1 communicated that to us19:02
cjwatsonwe'll skip publishing it19:03
Davieyahh perfect, i missed that19:03
skaet_Daviey, have gone ahead and disabled it in the tracker as well to make it clear.19:04
Davieyskaet_: awesome.19:05
GrueMasterCan someone update iso.qa with the correct ubuntu netbook armel image?  It is 201011202.1 not 20101202.  I don't want to enter data then have someone kill my data because of it being updated.19:23
cjwatsonI thought that that one was going to fail too, due to the lack of ubiquity 2.5.5?19:26
cjwatsonbut I can certainly update it - doing so now19:26
GrueMasterogra_ac asked me to test it after manually modifying the image with the ubiquity patch.  It seems to be working.  BTW:  Is there a bug filed for that patch?  Need it for tracker.19:31
ogra_acGrueMaster, just add a note about it, there was no bug since it was found and fixed immediately19:37
GrueMasterI can't pass the image as is.  System doesn't work that way.19:38
ogra_acsure, mark it failed then, just so we have a datapoint for it19:38
GrueMasterI need a bug number for that.19:38
cjwatsonfile one if you have to19:40
ogra_acjust check the "failed" radiobutton and leave a note19:40
cjwatsonthough the fix is already uploaded so it's just pushing paper ...19:41
GrueMasterI understand that it is all paperwork at this point.  I didn't design the system.  But I can't mark it as passed as the image fails without the fix, and I can't mark it as failed without a bug number.19:43
GrueMasterSo, I will install ubiquity and file a proper bug report.19:43
* ogra_ac tries 19:43
cjwatsonyou don't need to install ubiquity19:43
cjwatsonthis doesn't need logs, it can just be a placeholder bug19:43
ogra_acthats bad19:43
ogra_acGrueMaster, i understand what you mean19:43
GrueMasterBug filed and updated as Fix Committed.  iso.qa updated.  I'm breakig for lunch.  bbl.19:52
highvoltageis it out yet?19:53
* highvoltage ducks19:53
ogra_acGrueMaster, thanks a lot19:53
cjwatsonGrueMaster: Fix Released19:53
cjwatson(ubiquity 2.5.5)19:53
ogra_acGrueMaster, i will not ask you such stuff again but just strike it from the tracker in the future, that was silly (i didnt know the tracker is so bad in this regard)19:54
cjwatsonnever mind, I've closed it now19:56
GrueMasterogra_ac: This is one of many issues I have with the tracker.  The biggest issue is that if we were to respin for any issue that is non-related to any test results previously posted, I can't pull them up and confirm that the status hasn't changed.19:59
ogra_acyeah, i remember you saying that before20:00
ogra_acdo we have a project we can file bugs against ?20:00
ogra_acwould be great if there could be a link in the tracker itself to file bugs against it20:01
cjwatsonubuntu-qa-website, I think?20:01
cjwatsonthough best check with somebody in QA20:01
marjo_ogra_ac, cjwatson, GrueMaster: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-website/+filebug20:03
ogra_acGrueMaster, Bug 684404 and bug 684409 (if you want to subscribe to them)20:22
ubot4`Launchpad bug 684404 in ubuntu-qa-website "the isotracker should have a "file bug against this tool" link i its menu (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68440420:22
ubot4`Launchpad bug 684409 in ubuntu-qa-website "there should be a way to mark an iso test as failed even without a bug (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68440920:22
highvoltagew/win 2620:27
ogra_acdoes the first w stand for "whash" ?20:27
highvoltageI go through channels quite fast, so I guess it must be 'warp'20:31
stgraberogra_ac: that's a new "feature" :) I didn't implement that in the tracker, with my code you could mark a failed without a bug number20:54
ogra_acstgraber, heh20:55
marjo_stgraber, ogra_ac: the reason we put that feature in is to be able to track "failed tests with a bug number" i would prefer we don't go backwards!20:55
ogra_acwell, for this case it cuased extra work for three people20:56
ogra_acbut i understand that its a corner case20:56
marjo_ogra_ac: understood20:57
marjo_ogra_ac "most" of the time, when a tester claims a test failure, we want to track it20:57
ogra_acas i said to tobin above, in the future i will just wipe the image from the tracker20:58
ogra_acjust felt more accurate to mark it properly failed with a comment20:58
marjo_ogra_ac: ack20:59
cjwatsonsmoser: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-1/ says "Daily Build"21:36
smoseryeah. i know.21:37
smoseri'll see why21:37
cjwatsonok, hadn't seen it on this channel21:37
bjfskaet_, release schedule shows 10.04.2 as Jan 27th, is that still correct?22:05
skaet_bjf,  hmm have missed an update or two.  :)22:06
skaet_should be in Feb22:06
smosercjwatson, fixed now. http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/releases/natty/alpha-1/22:06
bjfskaet_, maybe i'm looking at the wrong schedule? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule22:07
skaet_That's Lucid's...22:08
bjfskaet_, and lucid is the 10.04 LTS22:08
charlie-tcabjf, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule shows Feb 1722:08
skaet_I'll go in and update Lucid's if that's where folks will look22:09
* skaet_ figured I'd missed a couple.22:09
bjfskaet_, it's also on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule/LTStoLTS22:09
skaet_bjf,  cool.  willl take care of them all right now.22:09
ScottKdoko: Where did we agree to switch to Python 2.7 as default right after Alpha 1?22:21
cjwatsonfoundations meeting yesterday22:24
cjwatsonthough skaet_ asked that we wait until after the release meeting tomorrow22:24
ScottKI thought we agreed for him to do an archive rebuild test.22:26
ScottKThe plan all along has to been to get 2.7 supported first.22:27
ScottKWe don't even have Main done yet.22:27
cjwatsonoh, I missed "as default", sorry22:35
cjwatsonhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/01/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt:[16:41] <doko> in that case, I would like to make the test rebuild with 2.7 as the default, so we know immediately what needs to be fixed22:36
cjwatsonhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/01/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt:[16:41] <barry> doko: do it22:36
cjwatsonI find that ambiguous22:36
cjwatsonat the time, I understood that to mean "switch the default, and immediately do a test rebuild so that we know what we need to plough through"22:37
dokocjwatson: yes, the latter is what I meant23:11
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
ScottKNot what I understood at all.23:44
ScottKI thought that meant do a test rebuild so we'd know what needed to be done before we were ready to switch.23:45
ScottKdoko, cjwatson ^^^23:45
* ScottK doesn't understand the rush to break the archive?23:45
cjwatsonI don't mind, as long as we're not so leisurely that 2.7 misses natty23:48
dokothere is no rush. and I'll be surprised to learn how you'll avoid breakage for a short amount of time23:53
ScottKdoko: Until you've done the rebuild test and we've at least got 2.7 support in packages that will support both, how do you know it will be short?23:56
dokoyes, this is what was missed until now, but afaiu barry, the rebuild test was done23:57

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