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uvirtbotNew bug: #683955 in tftp-hpa (main) "Please upgrade tftpd-hpa in lucid to at least 5.0-14" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68395502:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #683957 in qemu-kvm (main) "guest ata controller becomes unresponsive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68395702:07
queso_If I write a bash script to be run at startup as root, where is that standard location for the script to be placed and how do I make sure it starts at boot?02:20
zulSpamapS: around?02:28
toddninecan anyone get to mirrors.ibilio.org?  It appears to be down04:11
shaunoConnecting to mirrors.ibiblio.org||:80... failed: Connection refused.04:13
toddninethanks for checking, wasn't sure if it was a local issues04:14
lifelesshttp://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/mirrors.ibiblio.org :)04:14
toddninelifeless: There's a site for everything!04:33
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icekI have ubuntu-desktop, how do i change it to ubuntu-server?04:44
qman__swap kernels and purge a lot of packages04:45
Billy_D_Kiddits easy reinstall then04:47
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GaduI have a ruby script that I want to run on my server (it's an IRC bot).05:27
GaduI tried starting it via SSH and tried setting it to start in /etc/rc.local to no avail.05:27
Gaduif I close out of my SSH session the script stops05:27
Gaduis there anyway to run it short of plugging a monitor and keyboard in?05:28
_mud_what command do you have in /etc/rc.local?  are you running the bot as root, some services will not allow root@ to connect via irc05:29
demonsporkI am using rsync via ssh and it is taking forever between two servers I know get insanely high bandwidth between them (both in data centers) and is still refuses to move quickly05:29
_mud_Gadu: look into running a cron for the bot?05:30
Gadu"cd /home/username/folder && ruby script.rb" is what I have (it ran successfully with "sudo /etc/rc.local"05:31
Gadubut it still closes when I close the ssh session05:31
_mud_Gadu, or 'man screen' - would not suggest running it as root btw.05:31
GaduI wouldn't run it as root either, but I'll take anything that makes it stay up lol05:32
_mud_easy way run it in a screen and detach it05:32
_mud_see: man screen05:33
demonsporkGadu, screen is a fantastic way to run things like that05:33
GaduI've looked into screen for another use but was unsuccessful, I'll give another try to screen lol05:33
demonsporkctrl A and then press D will disconnect from the screen05:33
demonsporkscreen -x to reconnect to it05:33
Gaduand if I want, say, 3 separate screen sessions?05:33
_mud_type:  screen - then run your app - cnt+a and cnt+d = detaches it05:33
_mud_screen -r pid#05:34
demonsporkscreen -x [id]05:34
demonsporkor you can name the screens with -S05:34
_mud_hmm -x?  what the diff from -r ?05:34
demonsporkscreen -S myserver05:34
demonspork-x allows you to connect multiple times05:34
demonspork-r will only connect to a detached screen05:34
_mud_been using it for 15 years never knew05:35
Gaduscreen -S alpha > CTRL+A > CTRL+D > ?05:35
demonsporkGadu, yes05:35
Gaduwhat to recall alpha?05:35
demonsporkthat disconnects you from the screen05:35
demonsporkwell, it if is the only screen, screen -x will reconnect you05:35
demonsporkbut if you want to name it specifically05:35
demonsporkscreen -S alpha -x05:35
demonsporkwill reconnect to existing screen named alpha05:35
GaduI seriously love you guys right now05:36
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demonsporkI learned a lot of advanced stuff recently so that I could use a screen session to inject commands into a minecraft server console05:37
Gaduthat game worth buying? I've seen some gameplay but don't know much05:37
Gaduerm, that's probably off topic. continue in PM?05:38
demonsporkit is worth buying05:38
demonsporkI run a minecraft server and it is forcing me to learn web development05:39
demonsporkthis is what is currently running (my issue earlier with rsync moving deathly slow)05:39
demonsporkI am about to stop this, archive the entire thing and move it05:39
_mud_rsync full ?  or differential ?05:40
demonsporkwell, first tried a differential05:40
demonsporkand then I remembered that every single file that I was moving was going to be different from the files of the same name on the destination05:41
demonsporkso I jsut deleted everything and started from scratch on the destination05:41
demonsporkstill, same slow transfer rate05:41
_mud_yep yep ;)  server maps?  they ploting ubuntu servers now?05:42
demonsporkplotting ubuntu servers?05:42
_mud_in the channel topic, sorry I jumped05:42
_mud_never been on openprojects for years05:43
_mud_errr freenode now05:43
Gaduok, now is there a way I could have what I start in my 3 screen session when the computer boots?05:43
demonsporkGadu, crontab05:45
demonsporkuse "man crontab" for more information05:45
Gaduthis will allow me to start this stuff when it boots with user priviledges?05:45
Gaduman this is exciting05:46
demonspork@reboot is the special flag for starting at reboot05:46
demonspork@weekly for weekly05:46
demonsporkstuff like that05:46
_mud_or as a user use "crontab -e" but look up formatting05:46
demonsporkor you can get more advanced and do the full minute hour day week month configuration05:46
Gaduat startup is great =P05:47
Gadudo I have to login for crontab to begin? or will it startup with the user's privileges without the user logging in?05:52
demonsporkGadu, crontab is not session dependendant at all05:54
demonsporkis is executed by the cron daemon which runs as a system service05:54
demonsporkand each user's crontab is run with thier username05:54
Gaduagain, I love you05:56
demonsporkwhere can I do a speedtest on my server?05:56
demonsporkbecause these 2 servers only seem to be getting 4mb/s between each other05:56
demonsporkwhich is much slower than the 25MB/s I can move stuff back and forth between them05:56
Gaduso moving things is 200mbps, what activity is getting the 32mbps?05:58
demonsporkno, 4mbps05:58
demonsporklike slower than my DSL at home's download speed05:59
Gadu0.5MB/s then?05:59
demonsporkoh wtf05:59
Gadu4MB/s = 32mbps06:00
demonsporkeach connection is being throttled to that speed06:00
demonsporkfucking hell06:00
demonsporkcan I add workers to rsync06:00
* demonspork looks at the man page06:00
Gaduperhaps try SCP instead of rsync?06:02
demonsporkfrick, rsync doesn't seem to support using multiple workers06:03
demonsporkwell, even the apache server is only giving me the files at that max speed06:03
demonsporkbut I am downloading it straight to my house at the exact same speed06:03
fluvvellok, I've installed 64bit 10.04 with software raid on a new quad core IBM x3100 M3, its quick but the fans are running fairly hard. When on the desktop live disk (while configuring the raid1 array) things were much quieter,07:16
fluvvellquestion: What packages help control fan speeds on server?07:17
banker247i have a question as i've just setup an apache2 and mysql server07:20
banker247if someone is trying to bruteforce you won't their attemps fail if you lockout on 3 failed attemps?07:20
ttxhallyn: no -- I was standing by after https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/570944/comments/1507:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 570944 in samba "passwd : gives "Authentication token manipulation error"" [Medium,Triaged]07:28
ttxhallyn_: it's one of those things where picking the right default ("works for most") is difficult07:29
ttxhallyn_: so it probably needs to be handled by extra logic in pam-auth-update07:30
fluvvellis there a way to backup all samba users passwords, and import them to the a new machine?07:35
fluvvellttx, re banker247's  3 attempts, have you ever used fail2ban?07:36
ttxfluvvell: no07:37
fluvvellI've got it configured here for ssh login attempts - has a default 10 minute lockout of the ip address (adds an iptables entry)07:37
fluvvellI think it can be configured for a number of different servers.07:38
banker247fluvvell, no.. i mean. if i lockdown the server after 3 attemps for 3 minutes each time. then ... how can it possibly be cracked if i have a 256bit pw?07:43
banker247they can always change their ips heh07:43
fluvvellI see your point07:47
banker247so theoretically you would be impossible to be cracked however you could still be compromised if you slipped up somehow right?07:48
fluvvellthey get 1440 wrong attempts each day on a 32 character password?07:51
fluvvellIt would be nice for the administrator to be somehow alerted after a few weeks that someone was trying to get in :_)07:52
fluvvellso, does anyone know about what 64bit packages to look for to calm the cpu fan down a bit? They were quiet on the live desktop edition...08:04
fluvvellOr are they kernel modules?08:05
Guest16722Hi all. I've setup a secondary MX server running postfix amongst other things, and I've written a simple perl script to sync the relevant files over SSH, then restart the daemons over SSH when a file update occurs.  This runs every 15 minutes.  I've managed to dump most config directives unique to each host (such as mydestination, myorigin) into its own file which I can simply exclude08:39
Guest16722in rsync.  The problem is myhostname, I can't seem to find a way to remove it from the main.cf file...08:39
Guest16722This becomes an issue because I run the postconf command each time on the second MX over SSH to set myhostname to what it needs to be, but this means every 15 minutes, rsync thinks it needs to update main.cf each time, which in turn means that the mail-related services are restarted each time.  I don't like this. :-(08:40
Guest16722I'm all out of ideas...does anyone have any?08:41
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SpamapSGuest16722: sorry there aren't many people up at this hour...09:31
SpamapSGuest16722: what files are you syncing every 15 minutes?09:31
Guest16722That does seem to be the case.  I understand.09:31
Guest16722Let's see...09:31
SpamapSGuest16722: have you heard of 'puppet' ?09:31
Guest16722my @localFiles = ("/etc/postfix/",09:32
Guest16722I have not heard of puppet.09:32
SpamapSGuest16722: it will help you template the config files and will only reload postfix when the files actually change.09:32
SpamapSGuest16722: its a configuration management system.09:32
SpamapSGuest16722: we've all written rsync / ssh / etc. syncing thingies.. Puppet makes it all better. ;)09:34
SpamapSGuest16722: anyway, I have to sleep now. Good luck checking out puppet. :)09:36
* SpamapS goes zzZZZZZZzzzz...09:36
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lvhI've got a spare box and I'd like to try maverick's virtualization stuff on it10:48
lvhThe wiki appears to suggest qemu: is that a reasonable suggestion performance wise?10:49
lvhI used it in the past and it was slow as molasses10:49
lvh(not disparaging qemu per se: it was great for what I used it, performance wasn't the problem)10:49
lvhIs the packaged qemu already patched to use kvm?10:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #684084 in openssh (main) "ssh X11 forwarding does not work for KDE applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68408411:06
sstrawI'm tearing my hair out here.11:43
sstrawTrying to install some Perl CPAN modules.  Ubuntu Server 9.1011:43
sstrawStandard stuff, but an endless series of prerequisites for some things, and it's not all installing successfully.11:43
sstrawstarting with a basic "install Bundle::cpan"11:44
sstraw(er, Bundle::CPAN)11:45
sstrawproblem is that too many of the tests seem to fail in one prerequisite or another, causing them not to install, with a trickle effect.11:46
sstrawFor instance, can't get Module::Build to install successfully, and a pile of other things are dependant upon it.11:47
sstrawthe tests cumulatively take a long time to run as well, which makes the repeated CPAN operations that much more painful.11:51
sstrawIs there some way to download a PACKAGE of Perl+CPAN modules so that I can skip trying to get the chicken-v-egg dependancies to resolve?11:52
alvinsstraw: Are the modules you need not available through the default repositories? A lot of CPAN modules are made into .deb packages.11:54
alvinsstraw: I do not have a lot of experience with CPAN. (Only used it to install 1 module and it worked)11:55
sstrawreally irritating:  "Could not make - Unknown Error".  How useful.11:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #684110 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68411012:11
alvinsstraw: Do you have the package build-essential installed?12:14
milliganAnyone here that uses geany? If so, do you know how I can load the documentation for a library and load the api realtime ?12:43
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ScottKSpamapS: Thanks for the spamasassin SRU.13:14
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SpamapSScottK: no problem. :) I used to be a heavy, heavy SA user.. intereesting to see that not much has changed.13:32
ScottK3.3 is a bit different, but not much has.13:33
ScottKPeople seem to keep hiring Spamassassin developers and then the disappear.13:33
SpamapSI've been behind a Barracuda for about 3 years now.. pretty much kills any SA configuration I've ever tried.13:34
ScottKAFAIK that's SA plus some special sauce.13:35
SpamapSpretty much13:39
SpamapSclosely monitored and managed SA13:39
ScottKPlus a shit ton of data and an IP reputation system.13:39
SpamapSI built something similar in 2002, sold it to about 10 businesses in socal with contracts for support.. but thats right when barracuda landed and they were WAY ahead of me.13:40
SpamapSMine was also an IDS using Snort ... but nobody understood why that was useful. :-P13:40
hggdhJamesPage: got a Q for you, available?14:30
JamesPagehggdh: sure14:49
hggdhJamesPage: how do we update the tests on Hudson? I pushed an updated dns-server to bzr14:52
JamesPagehggdh: the tests are not held centrally, but on each slave so they need to be pulled to each slave individually.14:53
hggdhJamesPage: OK, then we need to update the slaves (I do not have access, I guess)14:54
JamesPagehggdh: I've been working on packaging the slave framework and dependencies today; both mercury and bowlan are running this now.14:54
hggdhJamesPage: additionally -- IPv6 localhost entry in /etc/hosts changed from Maverick to Natty. Would this be a bug?14:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #683379 in cloud-init (main) "user prompted twice on ec2 grub-pc upgrade from 1.98-1ubuntu7 to 1.98-1ubuntu8" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68337914:56
JamesPagehggdh: not sure to be honest14:57
JamesPagehggdh: interestingly the test was still working?14:57
hggdhzul: network is now working on the test rig. OTOH, we now fail to find a harddrive in partman :-(14:57
hggdhJamesPage: no, it failed -- this is why I updated it14:57
hggdhJamesPage: but now I wonder if this could be seem as a regression14:58
JamesPagehggdh: looks OK to me -
JamesPageI found and resolved a couple of core issues today whilst I was packaging14:59
JamesPage1) the preseed for all but minimal virtual was not using -generic-pae kernel.14:59
JamesPage2) minimal virtual install size test does not take into account testing overlay (25MB).15:00
JamesPagehggdh: let me merge in you update and we can re-run.15:00
pmorrisHow do I change the screen resolution on a server?15:01
hggdhJamesPage: weird. When I ran dns-server locally, it failed because on Natty IPv6 localhost is now called ip6-localhost15:03
hggdhso now I am confused :-(15:04
JamesPagehggdh: thats weird15:05
JamesPagehggdh: I've updated the package and upgraded bowlan and mercury15:05
JamesPagehggdh: and kicked off dns-server jobs for both archs15:06
JamesPagehggdh: packages are in ppa:james-page/usit15:06
JamesPagehggdh: want to get it to a place where all is working fine before we merge back into trunk15:06
hggdhJamesPage: ack, makes sense15:07
JamesPagehggdh: need to update the docs - have made a few other improvements whilst packaging15:07
JamesPagehggdh: like remove gpxe requirement - makes the install cleaner15:07
JamesPagehggdh: I've put the code branch under lp:~ubuntu-server-iso-testing-dev/ubuntu-server-iso-testing/1.0-RC115:09
JamesPagehggdh: you should be able to push changes to it as well now.15:09
hggdhJamesPage: roj15:13
MrMintanetHow is everyone this morning?15:16
MrMintanetAnyone here work in a colocation datacenter recently?15:17
MrMintanetCan someone help me with load balancing?15:27
Ninjixanyone having trouble with the two latest 2.6.32 lucid kernels running as KVM guests?15:41
cemcNinjix: trouble?15:42
smoserjdstrand, could you read https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/+bug/684110 real quick ?15:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 684110 in bind9 "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New]15:45
smoseri'm tihning its app armour related, but not smart enough to tell for sure.15:45
jdstrandsmoser: the upgrade failed because named did not start because it is trying to /var/lib/named/etc/bind/named.conf which is not in the default apparmor profile15:47
jdstrands/trying to/trying to read/15:47
jdstrandsmoser: and hi! :)15:47
smoser:) thanks.15:47
smoserso would some local configuration prior to that installation have triggered that ?15:47
smoser(i realize thats bind9 specific question. surely the default 'apt-get install bind9' on lucid is not busted)15:48
jdstrandsmoser: absolutely. /etc/bind/named.conf is the normal location for that file and is allowed read in the apparmor profile15:48
Ninjixcemc: yes, I can't get 2.6.32-25 or 2.6.32-26 to post after grub handoff15:48
Ninjix2.6.32-24 works fine15:48
jdstrandsmoser: so the user changed location of the file, possibly trying to chroot bind (wild guess)15:49
cemcNinjix: lucid guest? 32/64 bit ? on what host?15:49
jdstrandsmoser: we do allow /var/lib/bind/**, but the user did /var/lib/named/...15:49
Ninjixlucid 64bit guest on Proxmox15:49
smoserah. ok. yeah, i see. jdstrand thank.15:50
jdstrandsmoser: bottom line, the user needs to adjust the profile. I would point him at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor15:50
Ninjixanother Proxmox user has reported the same problem with his Lucid guests running on AMD proxmox host15:51
jdstrandsmoser: which conveniently also discusses apparmor and chroot environments, in case the user was trying to do that15:51
cemcNinjix: oh, proxmox. I'm not familiar with that... I have a lucid host with KVM I could try on15:51
smoserjdstrand, awesome15:51
jdstrandsmoser: so he should be able to figure it out on his own15:51
NinjixI've been able to confirm the problem only happens on AMD cpu15:51
Ninjixmy Intel cpu based hosts/guests are fine15:51
Ninjixso I'm trying to triangulate what's changed on Proxmox + Ubuntu + AMD15:52
Ninjixbacktrack from there15:52
Ninjixfind it strange that a minor revision of Ubuntu kernel would cause such a boot problem but...15:53
cemcNinjix: proxmox uses kvm too, right?15:54
Ninjixcemc: yes15:54
Ninjixthe latest version uses Ubuntu 2.6.35 kernel with Debian 5 userland15:54
Ninjixso I'm hoping some in channel has a host running on AMD and can test a KVM ubuntu guest15:56
cemcwell I do have a host on AMD, but it's an ubuntu 10.0415:57
cemcwith KVM installed on it, and a couple of guests15:57
Ninjixand no issues with latest kernels for the guests?15:58
cemcnot sure, I have to try, hold on15:58
cemcNinjix: and that's only on 64bit lucid guests?16:01
cemcI have a 32bit lucid guest here which runs just fine with 2.6.32-25-generic16:02
Ninjixcemc: ok thanks for testing. I've only got 64-bit guests16:06
cemcNinjix: I'll install one in a minute16:07
cemcNinjix: btw, what's the error, or what happens when you try to boot with -26 kernel?16:07
Ninjixthat's the tough part. no errors or anything else is displayed even with quiet removed from grub2 config16:08
cemcNinjix: so what happens? you see the grub menu, press enter on the -26 kernel and then ?16:09
tarvidis ftp connection tracking on by default?16:11
tarvidin 9.1016:12
tarvidand what's with16:16
tarvidlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 2010-02-21 13:24 blkid.tab -> /dev/.blkid.tab16:16
tarvid /dev/.blkid.tab does not exist16:17
tarvidrun blkid once and it is there so why the symbolic link before the file is created?16:20
tarvidhow do I find which package contains blkid?16:35
ssureshotwhy is ssh listening on tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      2107/0   ?16:36
ssureshotit isn't there right after a fresh boot16:36
Picitarvid: dpkg -S `which blkid`16:37
PiciOr use apt-file in place of dpkg -S if you don't have it installed yet.16:37
Pici(its util-linux btw)16:37
Ninjixcemc: looks like it has something to do with SMP16:40
tarvidubuntu-bug doesn't like that package16:41
tarvidlibblkid1 maybe?16:42
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Picitarvid: libblkid1 also comes from the same source package.16:42
RalchevHey guys, I have a problem when I try to use SSH .. i'm getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/539042/16:44
Thund3rXHi guys, does someone know where I could find some reading about arguments why Ubuntu Server( or Debian based Linux) would fit the security hardening needs in an enterprise: each time we're dealing with the security people, they keep pointing us to Red Hat for the state of art standard hardening16:47
NinjixRalchev: looks like the SSH account doesn't have write priv on it's home directory listed in /etc/passwd16:47
NinjixThund3rX: Have you asked Canonical marketing people?16:49
NinjixI bet they have something on the shelf since they have scored some bigger customers lately16:49
RalchevNinjix, it has, it was running great this morning16:49
NinjixRalchev: same error for other accounts?16:50
RalchevNinjix, what other accounts? it is the second time im getting that error, when I reboot it is ok, but it has to be fixed. Look at this thread http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/system-went-into-read-only-mode-429779/ it seems that the guy has the same problem like me16:52
lvhhey, when configuring a bridge interface, do I actually have to set bridge_stl and friends?16:53
lvhI thought brctl just used defaults when you didn't16:53
pmatulislvh: that's right16:53
NinjixRalchev: do you have console access?16:53
lvhpmatulis: Which one is right16:53
RalchevNinjix you mean direct access?16:53
lvhpmatulis: It uses sensible defaults or you really need to set it16:53
NinjixRalchev: yes16:54
Ralchevnot rly, but I am able to find16:54
RalchevI mean16:54
Ralchevit is hard to get ;d16:54
Ralchevthe serv. is in my office16:54
pmatulislvh: the former (sensible).  you really just need to assign an interface (bridge_ports).  that said, if you have multiple bridges then you may need to set some settings, not sure16:55
lvhpmatulis: Nah I just have one16:55
lvhpmatulis: Unless, well16:56
lvhpmatulis: Unless virtualbox decides to secretly make one when I'm not looking16:56
NinjixRalchev: you could try using SFTP to copy the /var/log/syslog and /var/log/dmesg and look for clues16:56
JamesPagehggdh: Hudson is now showing a full set of correct results (aside from the samba-server test - see note on i386 version)16:59
JamesPagehggdh: I've updated the ISO test tracker with this information17:00
JamesPagehggdh: we now have three slaves up and running (two permanent) so should burn through quickly next time an ISO is published17:00
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jpdsThund3rX: SELinux by default?17:03
JamesPagehallyn_: are you aware of bug 683700?17:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 683700 in qemu "tasksel 'Virtualisation Host' fails to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68370017:04
hallyn_JamesPage: no17:06
JamesPagehallyn_: thought I might bring it to your attention;17:07
hallyn_yes, thank you :)17:07
hallyn_i'm in the middle of tearing apart a vmcore, but will look at it in a bit17:07
JamesPagehallyn_: np - I think that we have missed the opportunity to fix for Alpha 1 so probably not mega urgent17:08
hggdhzul: yes, another serious issue on the test rig. Opened bug 684304 High17:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 684304 in linux "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68430417:08
hallyn_JamesPage: hm have you been talking to kees at all about it though?17:08
hallyn_(as per cjwatson's comment)17:08
hallyn_i.e. iiuc it's not a qemu-kvm depends problem, but a msr-tools one17:09
Ninjixcemc: We've got a LP bug posted now17:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 669818 in qemu-kvm "Update to 10.04 2.6.32-25 as KVM Guest no longer boot" [Medium,Invalid]17:09
hallyn_hm.  well, maybe qemu-kvm shouldn't recomment cpu-checker then, since it's also non-kvm qemu17:10
JamesPagehallyn_: guess that was my question really :-)17:10
RalchevNinjix well, i can't connect thru sftp, maybe i will have to reboot it and get syslogs17:11
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hallyn_JamesPage: i don't even know hwat cpu-checker does, lemme go look at the src :)17:11
hallyn_JamesPage: seems to me it should be perfectly safe to make it a Suggests.  woudl that suffice for what you need?17:18
hallyn_all righ ti'll just go propose that for merge and let kirkland yell at me if it's wrong17:19
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kirklandhallyn_: i think it needs to be a recommends17:20
kirklandhallyn_: why does someone want to drop it to suggests?17:20
* RoyK thinks he needs zfs on ubuntu soon17:21
hallyn_kirkland: see bug 68370017:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 683700 in qemu "tasksel 'Virtualisation Host' fails to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68370017:21
hallyn_kirkland: it's bc cpu-checker is now in universe17:22
kirklandhallyn_: ah, poke kees about that one17:22
kirklandhallyn_: it's him juggling things around ;-)17:22
kirklandkees: ^17:22
hallyn_kirkland: it just seems a bit heavyweight to basically require it, when using non-accelerated qemu is perfectly legitimate17:23
kirklandhallyn_: okay, drop it, and then hang around here and answer all the questions that come up with people asking why their kvm don't worky17:23
kirklandhallyn_: all this does is print a warning that tells people that, before they come here to ask17:24
hallyn_so if it's suggests, it won't install it by default?17:26
hallyn_i wonder if kees is out today17:27
hggdhrobbiew: ping on UEC issues for alpha117:45
robbiewhggdh: pong17:46
robbiewDaviey: kirkland: zul: who typically does the Ubuntu Server UEC ISO testing?17:49
robbiewhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ doesn't look good for us17:50
Spirits-Sightany ideas on a headless / keyless system for server to run latest LAMP / Ubuntu server)  I just want to be able to connect eithernet wire and power and install server to work with dynDNS for IP addresss control17:53
kirklandrobbiew: team effort, usually17:54
robbiewwell...we need some "effort" for http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4820 and http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4821 :)17:54
robbiewSpamapS: ^^17:55
hggdhrobbiew: usually I run it17:56
robbiewhggdh: ah...17:57
hggdhrobbiew: but the resources I have (the so-called UEC test rig) are failing to load Natty due to a kernel bug on the cciss module17:57
robbiewhggdh: doh!17:57
hggdhrobbiew: no discs are identified17:57
Spirits-Sightany advice I am in the boston USA area "any ideas on a headless / keyless system for server to run latest LAMP / Ubuntu server) I just want to be able to connect eithernet wire and power and install server to work with dynDNS for IP addresss control"17:57
hggdhrobbiew: so I am stuck -- cannot test it, don't have local hardware to do it17:58
ZacLnxNewbHow is everyone?17:59
hallyn_JamesPage: do i understand correctly that the intent is for hudson to auto-test http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ ?18:00
hallyn_(whereas up to maverick we did them by hand)?18:00
hggdhhallyn_: this is one objective, yes18:02
sleepyowlHello Everyone, are the package repositories down for intrepid? I can't run sudo apt-get update without getting multiple 404 errors.18:04
Spirits-Sightany advice I am in the boston USA area "any ideas on a headless / keyless system for server to run latest LAMP / Ubuntu server) I just want to be able to connect eithernet wire and power and install server to work with dynDNS for IP addresss control"18:08
mgolischsleepyowl: i think intrepid stuff is only on the archive servers18:09
mgolischtry old-releases.ubuntu.com18:10
patdk-wksleepyowl, intrepid eol was like a month or so ago18:10
patdk-wkso you shouldn't even get updates if you use old-releases :)18:10
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, you'll have to elaborate. That didn't make much sense.18:10
patdk-wkjo-erlend_, sounds like he wants hardware recommendations18:11
jo-erlend_yes, I got that, but the details were unclear at best.18:11
patdk-wkI didn't even see details :)18:11
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, dyndns isn't used for "IP address control", but only for name resolutions, pretty much identical to a phone book. The program ddclient is in the repositories and can be installed to update your dynamic dns provider. As to the other questions? Need more information.18:13
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: I am wanting to buy a server that is good for running a database directory type system and also a minior website, I will run LAMP and want to have a at less two harddrives one for the database and the other for the websites and server.  I would like to be as small but allow at less another harddrive if needed18:13
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, are you going to house it yourself, or do you want to place it in a colocation center?18:14
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: true sorry I was not clear I ment for it to be the name resolutions for the two websites that will run off the system18:14
sstrawalvin (in response to a circa 6h old query): yes, build-essential, and libc6-dev packages were both installed (although not when I'd initially started, and CPAN issued no complaints about missing libs).  I'd subsequently run 'clean Bundle::CPAN' and retried the install, but no change.18:14
Spirits-Sighthouse my self as right now and for the next year or two it would be cheaper for me to have it my self18:14
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_:  ^^^18:15
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: I think it would be cheaper18:16
sstrawSpamapS: When driving around down in the valley, one can spot quite a number of Barracuda company vehicles - they do those "wrap" deals on, IIRC, PT Cruiser type minivans.18:16
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, the reason I'm asking, is that servers usually are built using a form factor similar to that of a big pizza box 1U, and taller. You'll probably need that if you want it in a colocation center, but if you're housing it yourself, then you have much more options.18:16
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, it'll probably be a lot cheaper, and you don't have to depend as much on other people, except for electricity and connection at home, of course.18:17
sleepyowlthanks for the responses guys. I was using a official ubuntu ec2 image (ami-5059be39). Does anyone know the ami id of the most recent ubuntu image by change?18:17
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, but a LAMP server really doesn't require much power, so pretty much any PC you can get your hands on will do the trick.18:18
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, but why do you need different harddrives for the documents and the database?18:19
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: its the database that I worry about as its will have over 500,000 listings and it will have to download to server and process files that will go into the database and then update every say 3 months18:19
Spirits-Sightjust from one source18:20
Spirits-SightI am looking for a small system any advice?18:20
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: headless system would be best18:21
patdk-wkSpirits-Sight, that sounds like a light database load18:21
Spirits-Sightreally?  the database (foundation) of it is a address/contact systems of entities (non-profits, agency, schools etc)18:22
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, I agree with patdk-lap. The data might seem enormous to you as a human being, but for a computer and a good database, that's nothing. And any PC can be used as a headless and keyboardless server.18:22
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patdk-wkthe biggest question when it comes, and you won't really know for sure till you have it up and running18:23
patdk-wkis how much ram you will need, to get the performance you want18:23
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: really :-) cool any advice on a very small system that would do the job18:24
patdk-wkSpirits-Sight, I would probably go with any dual core system, most likely18:24
Spirits-Sightpatdk-wk: anymake? any ideas on very small chasie?18:25
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, Lian Li PC-V354B seems like a good and small chassis for micro-atx. Then you'll need a motherboard, some ram, a processor and some disks.18:25
Makerelian li's are awesome18:26
patdk-wkok, I'm like getting into some endless loop here :(18:27
patdk-wkI install lucid in a vm, it puts in grub-pc18:27
patdk-wkI install linux-virtual, it switchs the system to grub, but doesn't update the mbr, so grub2 still boots, and no kernel updates happen, cause menu.1st is used not grub.cfg18:27
jo-erlend_patdk-lap, what kind of VM? Some details?18:27
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: OK any ideas on already built system?18:28
patdk-wkI install grub-pc, and it goes into an endless loop about I didn't select a place to install grub18:28
patdk-wkjo-erlend, esx18:28
patdk-wkthis is the 4th one I had issues with, but this was my first new isntall from scratch, I thought it was just me :)18:29
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, sorry, no I don't. I always build stuff like that myself. It really isn't difficult.18:29
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: I done that in the past I was hoping not to have to do it this time :-)18:29
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: whats is the smallest form factor made?18:30
cemcNinjix: I've updated that bugreport of yours. I've found some strange thing too, is there some way you could verify that?18:31
jo-erlend_pico-itx is fairly small, but then you'll also have a lot fewer options.18:31
patdk-wkhow can I just tell grub2 where to install to?18:32
jo-erlend_Spirits-Sight, ^^18:32
jo-erlend_patdk-lap, you've read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:33
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: why you say that? what would it limit?   also what you think about this type of system?  http://www.stealth.com/littlepc.htm?gclid=COHYlYqazqUCFUFN5QodBl8dyQ18:34
SpamapSsstraw: Yeah barracuda seems to lay the marketing on pretty thick.18:34
patdk-wkjo-erlend_, ya, that url doesn't help18:34
patdk-wkI just tested it alittle18:34
patdk-wkdpkg-reconfigure grub-pc goes into loop on vm18:34
patdk-wkbut on my real desktop and laptop it gives me a harddrive list18:35
patdk-wkah, no device.map file18:36
patdk-wknope, making device.map didn't help :(18:36
DavieyScottK: Hmm.... clamav update.... i'm pretty sure my configs were working before upgrade...18:37
DavieySetting up clamav-daemon (0.96.4+dfsg-1ubuntu1~lucid1) ...18:37
Daviey * Starting ClamAV daemon clamd18:37
DavieyERROR: Incorrect argument format for option BytecodeSecurity18:37
DavieyERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /etc/clamav/clamd.conf18:37
Daviey   ...fail!18:37
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: would you go with SDD or standrad type drive?18:38
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_: should I say can Ubuntu handle either also?18:39
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
uvirtbotNew bug: #684367 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68436719:06
Spirits-Sightjo-erlend_:  you there?19:18
ZacLnxNewbhey guys19:49
ikoniaubuntu server support is up19:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #684398 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "mysqld crashes on certain ALTER TABLE queries (MySQL Bug #31145)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68439820:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #684399 in samba (main) "package winbind 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68439920:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #684418 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96.4 dfsg-1ubuntu1~lucid1 failed to install/upgrade: subproces installed post-installation script gaf een foutwaarde 1 terug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68441820:42
air^got an ubuntu-server running, pretty basic headless server.20:53
air^it's gonna have ssh open to extranet. what's the recommended precautions to take?20:53
ikoniainstall ssh20:53
air^got ssh installed.20:53
ikoniait's that simple20:53
air^and that's the only port I got open in my fw (apple timecapsule)20:54
air^I was considering something like fail2ban, or similar, to ban any script kiddies, etc.20:55
ikoniaon your extranet ?20:55
air^er. s/extranet/internet20:55
ikoniawell you can use tools such as fail2ban, no problems with that20:55
air^maybe I could simply deny all except a few known hosts.20:56
air^that should make things pretty simple.20:56
ikoniayou could do that with iptables or tcp_Wrappers20:56
air^or just by using hosts.deny / hosts.allow ?20:57
ikoniathat is tcp wrappers20:57
air^ah. ok. :)20:57
guntbertair^: set up key based login20:59
air^so, basically, I'll put ALL: ALL in hosts.deny, then allow the ip's I want in hosts.allow?21:00
air^guntbert: I do in fact use keys already, so maybe I should disable passwd login21:00
guntbertair^: that was my point21:01
air^ok, checking sshd_config21:01
air^PremitRootLogin should probably be set to no.21:01
resnohello all21:03
elasticdogdoes UEC not use the front-end machine's /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf file to configure the available IP address pool?21:05
resnoi was checking my "messages" log and say a repeating error msg about my drive. "hard restting link" http://dpaste.com/282363/21:06
air^guntbert: ok. password set to no, and confirmed working. :)21:07
resnohey air^21:07
elasticdoghttp://pastie.org/1342671 is what I put in there (and the VNET_DNS), but even with restarting everything, available IPs don't seem to change21:08
air^resno: not that I know anything about your issue, but first google result points to disable some write cache to fix it.21:09
guntbertair^: just don't worry about brute force attempts...21:09
air^guntbert: ok. sure. maybe it's good enough to simply not allow password logins.21:10
guntbertair^: on the servers I manage it is...21:10
resnoair^: what did you you google? im havne tbeen getting much of anything useful21:10
air^resno: http://www.google.fi/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ata+hard+resetting+link21:10
resnoair^: thanks :)21:11
air^np :)21:11
air^resno: another of those says issue was a faulty power supply.. might you be overloading your?21:11
jcastrokirkland: so they descoped Places a bit and ideas for byobu Places do not make sense anymore.21:12
resnoair^: heh, i just read that. and i hope not causes its new and fairly large21:12
air^guntbert: ok, thanks. It will probably do just good for me as well :)21:12
jcastrokirkland: however, I think a manpages.u.c Place would  be totally awesome21:12
resnoair^: well, i routed out the psu. this error occured way ebfore i got the new one....21:18
air^resno: which version of ubuntu? what hw?21:19
resnoair^: 10.04 lts. and i believe the error refers to my WD green drive21:19
air^oh. teh green ones.21:19
resnohow can i check which drive is ata4?21:20
resnoair^: you no likey?21:20
air^try " cat /proc/scsi/scsi "21:20
air^at least my drives show up there :)21:21
resnothat listed the drive... but i dont see an ata 4 anywhere21:22
resnoi dont even see a 4 anywhere21:22
resnothe hosts are scsi321:22
resnoair^: let me mention one other thing, i am running this through a pci to sata card21:23
resnowhich could entirely be the problem21:23
air^yeah, might be.21:23
resnowhen im doing heavy hdd stuff, the io jumps and i dont like the setup at all.21:24
resnosoonish ill need to move to something better21:25
resnoha, i couldnt figure out why everything on google was in a different language air^21:25
resnosilly me21:26
=== unreal_ is now known as unreal
kirklandjcastro: okay;  go for it21:50
eriksson26Hi, anyone it that is good at mdadm. I created my second array, but it didnt get added in the mdadm.conf so when I rebooted the computer it isnt there. Hod do I reactivate it?21:52
patdk-lapnormally just pick any drive and tell mdadm to activate it21:52
patdk-lapand it should find the other drives21:52
eriksson26patdk-lap> How do you meen? I have it md1 added in fstab. How do I activate md1?21:54
eriksson26I have two md arrays, and I only want to activate md1, not md021:54
patdk-lapmdadm --assemble --scan --verbose /dev/md1 /dev/sd? /dev/sd? ....21:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #684451 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68445121:56
ikoniamdadm --build ?21:57
patdk-lapthat is for very very old arrays21:58
ikoniavery old ? it's just for arrays that you don't want to use existing meta data for21:59
eriksson26I jsut have to find what disk was in the array...21:59
patdk-lapikonia, Build a legacy array without superblocks.21:59
patdk-lapall the arrays I have made for several years now have superblocks21:59
patdk-laperiksson26, try blkid22:00
patdk-lapit might help22:00
eriksson26Its just that I got 18 disks, devided up in two arrays, and the last one I created but its information didnt get included in the .config22:01
eriksson26But I will sort it out, its ok.22:01
fluvvellwhat network interface is a virbr0  ?22:06
jiboumanswhat tool can i use in a script to partition a drive on a vanilla ubuntu server ec2 install? i basically want to take a device (say /dev/sdf) and put one partition on it, which i'll subsequently format as ext3. fdisk only seems to let me do this menu based, so it's not easily scriptable. thoughts?22:07
patdk-laperiksson26, try mdadm -Ebsc partitions22:07
patdk-lapit will scan all drives and tell you what they where setup for22:07
patdk-lapjiboumans, use parted22:08
jiboumanspatdk-lap: taking a look, thanks22:09
eriksson26patdk-lap I got two arrays, with number of devices and uuid.22:09
eriksson26Running the --assemble I just got not identified in config file for all /dev/xxx22:09
eriksson26Oki, got it half way. added the string, from mdadm -Ebsc partitions, to the mdadm.config22:15
eriksson26But then I got problem, it got assebled with only 4 out of 5 disks.22:16
ScottKDaviey: Please file a bug with your config details.  I didn't see that in testing.22:17
eriksson26When I rin, cat /proc/mdstat the missing disk is under its own md_d1 that I have never created.22:20
eriksson26Anyone recognice this problem?22:21
osmosisi just installed the latest kernel using apt-get, but its not in my /boot/grub/menu.lst.  update-grub isnt helping either.  why isnt it being detected?22:27
osmosiswhen i run update-grub, it shows the new kernel, but it still doesnt end up in the /boot/grub/menu.lst22:27
patdk-laposmosis, probably cause your using grub.cfg22:28
osmosispatdk-lap, its 8.04.4, grub 0.97 ...but good guess.22:29
jiboumanspatdk-lap: for future reference, parted doesn't work on ebs volumes as they're not real scsi devices and xen is doing 'funny business' with them. looking into sfdisk now22:30
patdk-lapjiboumans, ah heh :)22:30
patdk-lapI am not sure I ever used parted on a xen system22:30
fluvvellIs it possible to backup samba users/password tables and restore during a bare-metal recovery?22:30
fluvvelleriksson26, Ive seen it22:31
patdk-laposmosis, not sure :(22:31
osmosispatdk-lap, i killed the existing menu.lst  and replaced it with a default. then ran update-grub, fixed.22:31
patdk-lapprobably a bad edit or something in the file22:32
osmosispatdk-lap, i would think it would have thrown an error then.  might have something to do with "package maintainer has a new version of menu.lst" msg.22:32
fluvvelleriksson26, I got around it by setting up the raid partitions using a live distro with mdadm installed , then activating the raid array during the install later.22:34
fluvvelleriksson26, I created the partitions with fdisk.22:34
fluvvelleriksson26, I think it means your /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file is not set up22:34
eriksson26mm, I found something about it googeling, Think I fixed it but wount know untill tomorrow. when the owner reboots it. I am doing it over remote desktop22:37
fluvvelleriksson26, well it happened to me last time I built a 10.04 server from scratch, I discovered the install process is broken for making raid arrays. This time, I created the partitions seperately and then assembled them during the install22:38
eriksson26mm, I had it working perfectly, then I rebooted the server but the info wasent in the .config so I got this problem trying to do it manualy. But I will just reboot it with a corect .config and I hope it works beter.22:41
osmosispatdk-lap, argh..oops, now my grub is broke22:51
baggar11eriksson26: I just went though this stuff with mdadm22:52
baggar11eriksson26: looks like you need to --stop /dev/md_d1 to get that missing disk back into the other assembled array22:52
eriksson26baggar11, I did that and fixed the .config file. Did you need a reboot or could you activate it manualy?22:56
baggar11activate as in assemble the missing peice?22:57
baggar11of your array?22:57
baggar11once I released that md_d1 disk from that [md device], then I could use it in another array with no problems22:58
baggar11for rebooting, you'll want to run mdadm --scan --devices >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf23:02
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lvhVMBuilder.exception.VMBuilderUserError: Invalid suite: "maverick". Valid suites are: dapper gutsy hardy intrepid jaunty karmic lucid23:46
lvhWait, is that normal?23:46
lvhI'm running maverick23:46
lvhsays --suite maverick is fine23:46
lvhaha, okay23:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 654656 in ubuntu-vm-builder "ubuntu-vm-builder in maverick does not build maverick VMs" [Undecided,New]23:47
ZAHERwhich kernel model I need to run iptables under openVS23:55
lvhcreating a new VM doesn't actually work23:56
lvhE: Failed getting release file http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release23:56
lvhDoesn't appear to have an internet connection23:56
lvhbut no idea why23:56

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